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FEDERAL Jddffi IS IMPEACHED by the HOUSE GMERAL ASSEMBLY :(€AMilfled Advertliliif OB p ^ -1 4 ); T G Q R ^ ^ ^ y o u U L , NO. 125. «$>- FEDERAL JDDffi WAR FEVER Of COEOSmiA IS IMPEACHED BY THE HOUSE nre (inalw r: After Hear- ❖ HaroU Londerback, of Cali­ Long Phimei Ofepuire Be- fornia, Censored For Ap­ Some Salient Facts fins— Attadiiig On TiW pointing hcompetent Re­ O f Jehol Campaign Frents^-ReaTy Smnir b ftoedM udniria. e f e r s . By ASSOCIATED PBESS. ^Masayemon Sakamoto and General Chang Hai-Pe% (Manchurian). Bott Sectors Japanese str^igth—60,000 troops. Omeva, Feb; a4.-r(AP) — The Base—Tungliao, Manchuria. Chinese strength—150,000 troops. Today’s objective—Kailu, 40 mUes WaahingtOB, Fob. 84.— (A P )— Jiqiintee delegatibh walked out of Mardi of Troops. The Houae of Represontatlvea this southwest, of Tiingliab. ^ A^mUy of the League of Na- Ultimate objective—rUnannounced; afternoon voted Impeachment of Japanese high command: ilate toitey after adoption of toe re- apparently Jehol City, 240 miles (By the Associated Frees.) Federal Judge Harold Louderback General N obi^ sh i Muto, com- southwest of Kailu. p^sHindcnmlng Japanese policy in mander-in-chief, and Ueut-Gen. of California. Opposition—^Mainly Chinese volun­ Manchuria and inglng continuation KunlaU Koiso, chief of staff. Head­ teers; Advancing from toe north.- across The case now goes before the Pf ndn-rbec^mtion' of toe Japanbse- quarters, Changchun, Manchuria. toe Manchurian frontier'towSrd Je­ Senate for trial. Spptaapted State o f Manchukuo. Chinese commanders: Southern Japanese dfensive: hol City, toe combined armies of A two-thirds majority of that The del^tetion annoimced that it Marshal Chang Hsiao-Uang (Reg­ Present leader —. Lieut.-General Japan and Manchukuo have begun branch Is required to convict can qo'‘lba8s>? cooperate with toe ular Army; headquarters, Pdping. Yoshlmichi Suzuki. toe offensive by which Japan intends Action came after two hours of Leagnei on toe Siho-Jaiiinese qoes- General 'Tang Yu-Lin (Jehol, State Base—Chinchow. Manchuria. debate. The House accepted five tlofi. ■■'. j _ Army); headquarters, Jehol City (or Today’s objective—Chaoyang, 50 to wrest toe province of Jehol from articles of impeachment presented Siam alone abstained'from-voting. Chengtefu). "Various chiefs -of vol- nfiles'northwest pf.Cbihchow. , China. , by a judiciary committee minority. Portywtrtfo voted ‘*yea.^’ omteers. , Ultimate opjective-^ehol City, Chang Hai-Peng, commanding The m ajorl^ had recommended T h e absentees were Oiten, Salvi^ 130 miles southwest of Chaoyang. toe army Of Manchukuo, entered the only censure of the Jurist. The ml' dopr, racaragua, Ptou, BteUdii, Para­ Northern Japanese offensive: O pp^tfoh — Chinese' regulars, border city df Kailu and swept on nority report was pushed relent- guay ancLGUle. ^ Present Leaders — lieuti-Gen. state and volunteer troops. towards-toe southwest.. Oh his heels lessly by Representative LaGuar- ' T p ^ n Mateuoka, head of the came a Japanese colunin under Gen­ dla, (R., N. Y ) Jajbanead delegation, 4bld toe Assem­ eral Kennosuke Mogi which entered The vote for Impeachment was Stirred: by news of a Colombian victory in the military cam pai^ wito Pera'at Lptiifia, thousands of Oolr bly, howler,-that Japan-would co­ Kailu at noon. 183 to 142. _ ^ oTnMftTiw are shown massed in front of a newspaper office in Bogota to read war bulletins. Thxes have fae^ operate with the League as far as Farther to toe south toe invaders, In the more than two hours de­ increased heavily to defray costs of the military campaign. ctreumstanefes permitted. EDITOR ADVANCES APPOINTS BINGHAM having taken toe raflroad towns of bate that preceded the vote, the ; When tbp Japanese delegaUon Nanling and Peipiao, struck for chairman of the Judiciary commit­ walked out,'.Paul • Hymans, of Bel­ Chaoyang, second largest city in the tee, Representative Sumners, (D., gium, toe chainnan, without any pro-vince. In both sectors heavy Tex.), who agreed with the recom­ exiaesBion of regret,- said toe Assem­ DEPRESSION CURE ENVOY TO BRITAIN snow hindered the advance. ’ mendations o f the m lnori^ for bly would reconvene at 5 p. m today. Meantime at Geneva toe League Louderback*s lihpeachment had GMERAL ASSEMBLY ACTS He then dismissed I t of Nations Aarembly adopted its said the Judge appointed 'Incompe­ Confused SitimtfoB report condemning Japan’s policy, Euid toe Japanese delegation walk^ tent receivers," among them "a While toe situation was left J. Dayid Stern Claims Cen- President-Beet Names News­ man who was Just a telegraph op­ out There is to be one more meet­ ON somewhat confused, it,Was clear that ing of toe Assembly, after which W. erator." ^ ^ for toe present Japan hiss not wi^- Man Incompetent snmers Should Receive paper Pobfisher To hnpor- W. Yen, toe Chinese delegates, is drawn from toe League. Neither going to Moscow, according to an an­ course ho *was Incompetent did M. Matsuoka assert that Japan and the Judge knew ho was incom­ Dead W hoi M a i^ e nouncement at Nanking. B«tt Heines Agree On BiD would withdraw from toe League. Credit, Not the Producers. tantPost. petent when he put him there," m his final remarks to toe Assem- Sumners said. Ifly he had'aaid: JEHOL CAMPAIGN STARTS "When a Federal Judge n ow s he . Is n is - - - His C w n w Japanese .govenunpnt ^ now Cbangchim, Manchuria, Feb. ‘24. is more Interested in nmebody T « .^ p p t (lominission Washington, Feb. 24.— (A P )— A Louisville, Ky.» Feb. 24.—(AP)-— —'(AP)—Japan has officially stert- gtetehitaelf compelled to coudude Robert W. Bingham, who wiU/sui;^ gettlnk smnething than In preserv­ 'teat Ji^an and other members ojf campaign against the depression "as ed its m ilit^ campaign to aqne^ ing the tntegrlty of tht Judidaty .tee League entertain different views we fought the war” -was urged up<m ceed Andrew. W. Mellon .as. .'Udted toe rich Chines* Province of^^ebql in the interests of the people, be is '<m tee. manner in whic^ peace in States ambassador to Great Brit­ to toe Japanese-fostered atiite a t guilty of high crimes and misde­ ‘ h..Senate finance committee today Manchukua San B«ito, Tex-., Feb. M.r^fAiP) tee Ear East is to be achieved, and ain, is a wealthy Louisville pub- meanors. HajoritF Leader In Sente ;tee JMqianese government is obliged by J. Da-vid Stern, editor and pub-^ ' ’The most powerful Ji|»nere "We go back to the peopls evoy airplane ' a p ^ the llteer of toe Itoiladelphla , Record’ Mber whore indqienddit neWs- force massed in Manchutte since to fe ii that it has now reaehad the. paptfs, toe Courier-JoUnml and two years. We elect a Ft^do^ ground, "ite^ pilot d ^ ; frpm . ^ Mmlf .of its endeavors to copperate slid toe Camden, N. J., Cburtieiv hostilities with the- CbinsM' began every four yeazK There Is only one SMtford, Feb. 24-^(AP) — A t SaisfleW iM alte "Seine B tet ■ Times, supported Franklin D. Boose- 17 months ago was belBg. poured rear cocj^j^ * ,l^to toe League of Nafimui to rel- vdt_. throughout toe presidential way we can get at this Federal tover without gard to Sinp-Japaneae diflerencae.' > ' Appearing in-the committee’s sur- into Kastqrn Jehol today jalChg two Jidire—that is throngh yon. t«rb a ^ : E few ysailn^JuQied^.s TO^thlm- ca m ^ gn . rotftei, a t ^ t }50..mtiea apjtirt aetioo^^ Serl'rf.R ii^’’ / yty {g .H ^npn^ poadltlpos. Stoim. "Are you galqg to m ve on tbe cwed'TOA'Shld-aatoargo as Uiuil£[y Democratic in poiitite. A modoniasd ^lupaneae ariny. ksneh a man ndbo^riofm trw|tt i ^ p ^ te thefi d n ^ e ffm d te ^ toe Wprhf War. Mr^Jtepitealli dected GltcuJ* -with 'ttfifa. pkuMB and 3tf'-to‘'dfficer8-aiiilf-In" Judge herb yeararago on toe Repub­ armored cBriT, hritevki to;>4qtal.69,-, Hartford, Feb. 24—(A P>^ ice.,fhd and fw pidcmtetoisldn <ff credit to lican tiikw;;^ bewsiteperA and write a Mgh standi^ for the adjoiuiaed. today vfith- 4nfy brief i^nm- 6 t 'itobilize iha dcrilar at lower lev^a ftps, is ^ipected'td radiite te* Jifia- #1 Federal Judiciary^’ tor EYank S-^dieiiinr naajdity^i^a- though more bfimi sUj^rtiz^ hese flag in Jehol pity, or Cfireagi^ exciting sefiloias.? deaths to'Lehman-N< ^ .. with o to e r^ w e n . ' “ The Mmr time procedurp of gold DeibDcratic. eandidktea^ ‘ have a t After tte vote was ai^unced,:. Botii'' Houses-: adopted in . concur- et^ -aeUd be'.'planned today to .n ^ e embuTgo and tempoiaty suqxiqsion fIcL'the movtecial xapital, in any- Sutnners asked If a resolution to afid htoGaill stin "I need hardly add that toe JapSx times , endorsed \ Re|>iibUctms br roice a' bill' to Appoint- a ; commission “sdSie'sort of a repl^’ ‘to a .'letter 'late • ybsterd^y, ■ nese goveriunent' ptfsiste iii Its der of gold payment is pr^erable to re­ w h ^ from a ' wedi to' a. monto* appoint managers on the part of critidied candidates of boih' piartire. .Ppprelqg this are 150,000 •of seven- meioiglter8> dvn to be ap­ from: ’Thpinas J.'-. Spellaoy:asking him eju^tohafiQD.vIw'' and sirP to cohtiihute to human wdfaro duction Of toe gold content of toe Mr. Bingham was prominent in the House to a i§ ^ e the case in the pointed b y the -goviernor, one by-the poorly ,equipped. Chkiese under, sev- Senate woido be in order at any to repeat outside toe Senate a '-l^yiaiclites'' showed - Irelaim :had-'been and will cbntilnite its policy o f co^ ddUar,?’ Stern said, explaining this sponsoring lop^eaf tteiacco co­ Speaker of the House and one by m ot to ' the'back , to''tee; head. Mc- operating in All ' sincerity in .
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