•^^^^•1 mmmmmmmmmm ' DQNT BLAME CAflmER FOR LATE OCUVERY, Livonia school board endorsements. Opinion, A14 To*/iH*il**«*yfcnclN fcAotyMrOtMft«re«Tf«. ' 0u« M IttfirU dMMjM, «M «w«,unabi« to 9« r* wmfawt a* en &T* Homelbwn t :()Mm.sn :«vrjuSw ••vu. T*W»»*K* Putting you In touch Thursday with your world June 3,1999 Serving the Westland Community for 34 years votuME 34 NUMBER 104 WESTLAND. MICHIGAN • 74 PAGtS • http: observercccehtric.com SfVf_NTV f-IVF ClNT<, 0 19M HomeTown Communication* Network, Inc. « .» Remembering Voters ^¾.^^ Observer readers are asked to likely submit pictures of themselves and their petfs) for an upcoming special section, ^«opU and ttftr Ptrtt." .'MAIL PICTURES TO; Special Prqject$ Editor to stay Ralph REchtinaw 36251 Schoolcraft Livonia, m 48150 ' I Please include a self addressed, stamped envelope if you'd like your picture returned. ' home I Be sure to tell us who's who in • Low turnout,- below 3 per your picture. A 50-word or less cent, is anticipated for the v writeup on your pet is optional. Monday, June 14, school I Submissions must be election of theAVayhe-Wegt- postmarked by i«M 30. The Observer will publish as many land district. Officials say as possible. the low turnout reflects voter apathy at other levels of government. BY DARRELL CLEM • STAFF WRITER - IN THE PAPER
[email protected] • STAJT PHOTOS BY SHARON LEMIUTJ Fewer than 3 percent of Wayne- Friendly greeting: Daisy Miranda Jansen of Wayne's Hoover Elementary waves to the crowd Westland school district voters are during the Wayne-Westland Memorial Day Parade Sunday.