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EXTENSIONS of REMARKS February 6, 1986 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS 2018 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 6, 1986 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS WASHINGTON HOTEL KICKS Committee Richard Sullivan; WRC T.V.'s "I LoVE NEW YORK FESTIVAL" LAUNCHING OFF I LOVE NEW YORK FESTI­ Mac McGarry; and WGMS' Paul Anthony. LUNCHEON VAL The Festival, which continues through <By Representative Mario Biaggi) March 31, features exhibits, displays and other materials which capture the spirit of I am delighted to be here today to help of­ HON. MARIO BIAGGI the cultural, historical, recreational and en­ ficially kick off the "I Love New York Festi­ OF NEW YORK tertainment heritage of the Empire State. A val," sponsored by the Omni Shoreham IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES photo exhibit will depict the creation and Hotel. I wish to pay a special tribute to Paul placement of the Statue of Liberty and im­ J. Sacco, vice-president and managing direc­ Thursday, February 6, 1986 migrants arriving at Ellis Island. The Tiffa­ tor of this hotel. His outstanding efforts on Mr. BIAGGI. Mr. Speaker, on Tuesday it ny glass panel from the original Nathan's behalf of this festival guarantee this will be was a special honor for me to participate in Coney Island Hot Dog Stand dramatizes the a special occasion between now and the end popular Nathan's hot dogs being served. the official launching of the "I Love New York of March. Omni Shoreham Vice President and Man­ It is a pleasure to be among such distin­ Festival" sponsored by the Omni Shoreham aging Director Paul J. Sacco is presenting guished guests as: the Secretary of Housing Hotel in Washington. The highlight of the day the "I Love New York" Festival in response and Urban Development, Samuel Pierce-a was the unveiling of a 36-foot, 50-ton ice carv­ to the growing interest in what is taking transplanted New Yorker: also my two dis­ ing of the Statue of Liberty which adorns the place in the State and New York City. tinguished colleagues from New York­ front of the Omni-Shoreham and weather per­ People are attracted by New York's histori­ Charlie Rangel and Ben Gilman; also Chair­ mitting will for the duration of the festival cal cities, and the beauty of its countryside man Jim Emery of the St. Lawrence Seaway which is to end at the end of March. and seashore. New York City, of course, has Development Commission; and last but not its famed skyline, popular restaurants, As an individual who has had the benefit of least, another transplanted New Yorker, sightseeing, shopping, theater, culture and from my area in the Bronx-Dick Sullivan, living in both Washington and New York, I architecture. The Festival in Washington, commend the management and staff of the he hopes, will establish a bond and end the chief counsel of the House Public Works Omni Shoreham for this festival. It will certain­ rivalry now existing between the two great Committee. ly serve to foster a sense of improved fraterni­ cities. Washington, he feels, is the "pulse of We are all here for one central reason-we all love New York. I always enjoy participat­ ty between these two powerful and important the nation." He depicted New York as the "pulse of the people.'' ing in those occasions which allow New cities. As Paul Sacco, vice president and man­ York to be showcased for the marvelous aging director of the hotel said: The Omni Shoreham will make available to any resident of New York during the Fes­ place it is. I am proud to say that I am a It is my hope that events such as these tival a one night package, including a deluxe lifelong native son of New York City. I have will establish a bond between our two great room, dinner with a bottle of champagne in lived in the worst of times in New York and cities and eliminate the rivalry that has Monique and a full American breakfast and I have lived in the best of times as well. somehow existed in the past. Because of its a discount for "Forbidden Broadway", the For most of my adult life, I have been function as the Federal City, Washington is hit musical revue in the Marquee Lounge, proud to serve the people of the city of New the "pulse of the Nation." New York with for $34.95 per person, per night, double oc­ York. First as a letter carrier-then for 23 its tremendous population, farms, rivers, cupancy. years as a police officer-and for the past 17 lakes, streams, historical landmarks, culture An additional link with New York State years in the House of Representatives. I and entertainment is the "pulse of the will be a contest with a grand prize of a have always maintained that the greatness people. seven-day roundtrip New York Air flight of New York lies in its people. They have a At this point in the RECORD I would like to with accommodations for two for three days spirit like nowhere else in this Nation, be­ insert a news release from the Omni Shore­ at Berkshire Place in New York and three cause they live in a place which is like no ham about Tuesday's kickoff and the entire I days at the Sagamore Resort Hotel in Lake other place in the Nation, or in the world, Love New York Festival; in addition, my re­ George, plus use of a Hertz car. During the for that matter. Festival, hundreds of balloons with compli­ marks at the luncheon: What makes today's event even more im­ mentary dinner coupons will be sent sky­ portant is that it is being held here in "I LoVE NEW YORK" FESTIVAL AT 0MNI ward from the front of the hotel entitling Washington. It may serve to dispel the oft SHOREHAM finders to have a New York food experience held notion that there is some kind of bitter The unveiling of a 36-foot, 50-ton ice carv­ at the Omni Shoreham. rivalry between the cities of Washington ing of the Statue of Liberty, with the re­ Typical of the New York food to be served and New York. In my mind, there needs to lease of 1,000 balloons by Congressmen during the Festival is the menu for the be no such rivalry. I solved the problem Mario Biaggi and Benjamin A. Gilman; New luncheon which launched the event: many years ago. I live in both cities. York 1986 Cherry Blossom Princess Kim­ Hors d'oeuvres-Nathan's Famous Hot berly Sullivan and a host of other celebrities Dogs; Brochette of Buffalo Beef; Broiled It is also nice to be associated with an launched the Omni Shoreham Hotel's "I Bay Scallop Skewered with Bacon; Clams on event where Washington is doing something Love New York" Festival at noon today. A the Half Shell. for New York-instead of doing something Nathan's Famous Hot Dog Stand next to Menu-New York Oyster Stew, Waldorf to it. the huge carving provided free franks to on­ Salad, Roast Long Island Duckling, Apricot­ I commend the Omni Shoreham for their lookers. The cast of the musical revue, "For­ Rice Stuffing, Cauliflower with Buttered sponsorship of this unique festival. I also bidden Broadway," colorfully dressed as Crumbs, Croquette of Chestnut, Poached compliment the management and staff for Carol Channing, Anthony Quinn, Liza Min­ Apple in New York Port Wine. the outstanding and complete restoration nelli, Mary Martin, Ethel Merman and Wine-Taylor County Chablis, Bully Hill they have accomplished. The Shoreham was Kevin Kline added to the carnival atmos­ Chelois Noir. always a fine, even grand, hotel. The Omni phere. Omni Shoreham Hotel Executive The Omni Shoreham, which adjoins Rock Shoreham does the impossible- it makes Chef Rupert Froehloch, assisted by Chefs Creek Park amidst one of Washington's this hotel even better. May I also note that Daniel O'Neill, Greg Scott and Dan Schroe­ finest residential areas, is within easy reach Monique's Restaurant is rapdily becoming der, sculpted the massive statue. of every federal building, the business dis­ the rage among diners in this fickle town. Following the opening ceremonies, the trict, Kennedy Center and the Capitol. The Again I appreciate the opportunity to be guests attended a luncheon in the hotel's hotel is operated by Omni International here today to promote my home- the city Minique Cafe et Brasserie Restaurant with Hotels, a rapidly expanding group of distinc­ and State of New York. The "I Love New such other New Yorkers as St. Lawrence tive hotels located in major metropolitan York Festival" will certainly enhance the Seaway Administrator James L. Emery; New areas and resort destinations. Omni Interna­ spirit of fraternity between Washington and York State Society President Gerry She­ tional is a division of Dunfey Hotels Corpo­ New York, which can only benefit both flett; Chief Counsel House Public Works ration. places. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. February 6, 1986 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 2019 [From The New York Times, Jan. 28, 19861 us the ability to put the evil side of the nuclear peace initiatives had raised the hope that HoTDOG! genie back in the bottle. the nation's public order situation might fi­ nally be calmed after nearly 40 years of New York and Washington have always To do that will require research and more expenditures than we appropriated last year.

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