DISTRIBUTION, POPULATION DYNAMICS, HABITAT ASSOCIATIONS, AND THE INFLUENCE OF FOREST MANAGEMENT ON MOUNTAIN BEAVERS Project # R2003-0123 Annual Report: March 31st, 2003 to Principal Investigator: Douglas B. Ransome, Ph.D. DBR Forestry-Wildlife Integrated Management 33477 1st Avenue Mission, B.C. Canada, V2V 1H1 Phone: (604) 814-2690 Email:
[email protected] FII Project # R2003-0123: Distribution, Population Dynamics, … Mountain Beavers. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 2 2.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 3.0 INTRODUCTION 5 4.0 METHODS 7 4.1 Overall Distribution of Aplodontia rufa 7 4.2 Demarcating the Zone of Integration Between Subspecies 9 5.0 RESULTS and DISCUSSION 11 5.1 Overall Distribution of Aplodontia rufa 11 5.1.1 Reliability of the Survey 14 5.1.2 Limits of Presence/Not Detected Surveys 15 5.2 Demarcating the Zone of Integration Between Subspecies 17 5.2.1 Subspecies Classification 17 5.2.2 Zone of Integration 18 6.0 PROJECT EVALUATION & COMPLETION IN 2003 19 6.1 Project Evaluation 19 6.2 Project Continuation in 2003/2004 21 7.0 LITURATURE CITED 22 8.0 TABLES 26 9.0 FIGURES 27 10.0 APPENDIX 1 34 11.0 APPENDIX 2 40 DBR FORESTRY-WILDLIFE INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT Researching and Integrating Wildlife- and Forest-Management Practices FII Project # R2003-0123: Distribution, Population Dynamics, … Mountain Beavers. 2 1.O ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank the Forestry Innovation Investment (FII) Program for financial support, through FII’s Forest Research Program, and Cattermole Timber for additional financial support. We thank International Forests Products Ltd.; Ministry of Forests, Chilliwack Forest District; Cattermole Timber; Darly Kelleher; Keystone Wildlife Research; Kari Nelson (MWLAP), and Les Gyug for their valuable input and access to data bases, maps, and GIS support.