

A.E., 46 Asquith, Herbert H., 36, 54, 103 Abercrombie, Lascelles, 14 Asquith, Margot, see Lady Oxford Abingdon, Lady, 139 Assisi, 15 Abraham, Karl, 108 Athens, 10, 147 Adams, Henry, 53 Aubry, Jean, 111 Aeschylus, 3, 10, 11, 37, 71, 72 Auden, W. H., 127, 141, 148, 166, Ainger, Canon, 8 169, 170, 176, 182, 189, 193, 194 Ainslie, Douglas, 96 Austen, Jane, 59, 69, 86, 114, 152, Aksakoff, Serge, 40, 62 153, 158, 168, 183, 188, 211 Aldington, Richard, 74, 85 Alexander, Horace, 104 Bach, J. S., 46, 56, 141 Alfieri, Vittorio, 174 Bacon, Sir Francis, 3 Allingham, William, 13 Badenhausen,Ingeborg, 146 Allinson, Francesca, 190, 195 Bagenal, Nicholas, 36 Allott, Kenneth, 202 Bagley Wood, 21 Anderson, Sherwood, 218 Bagnold, Enid (Lady Jones), 42, 163, Andreev, Leonid, 66, 169 167, 170, 174, 202 Andrews, Henry, 157 Bagot, Roger, 11 Annette, Mary (Countess von Baily, John, 52 Arnim), 11 Baily, S. H., 172 Anrep, Boris, 153 Bakewell, Jean, 165 Anrep, H., 97, 121, 169, 196 Balderston, John, 115 Anrep, Igor, 180 Baldwin, Stanley, 122, 177, 180, 184, Apostles, 84, 88, 158 199 Aquinas, Thomas, 212 Balfour, Lady Frances, 127 Aristophanes, 19, 80, 182 Ballinger, W. G., 165 Aristotle, 167 Balniel, Lord, 82 Arlen, Michael, 161 Balston, Thomas, 130 Arliss, George, 114 Balzac, Honore de, 11, 119, 169, Arnold, Matthew, 80, 199, 217 192, 213 Arnold, Percy, 203 Baring, Maurice, 98, 100, 109, 114, Arnold, Thomas, 2 130, 139, 146, 166, 186, 196 Arnold-Forster, A., 123 Baring-Gould, S., 87 Arnold-Forster, K., 70, 102, 198 Barker, George, 166, 174 Arnold-Forster, Mervyn, 104 Barlow, Jane, 2, 6 Arnold-Forster, W., 96, 102 Barnes, Djuna, 189 Arnot-Robinson, E., 158 Barnes, George, 187 Asham House, 23, 28 Barnes, Leonard, 151, 184 Ashcroft, 180, 197, 203 Barnett, Henrietta, 48 Ashcroft, Peggy, 130 Barrie, Sir James, 44 Ashton, Frederick, 145, 154 Barrington, Gates, 92 Ashton, Leigh, 95, 181 Barton, Margaret, 173 Asquith, A., 148 Bateman, Donald, 213 Asquith, Anthony, 76, 148 Baudelaire, Charles, 146

221 222 Index

Bax, Clifford, 83 Berlin, Isaiah, 162, 176 Bax, Ernest, 44 Bernard, Lord Coleridge, 87 Baynes, Keith, 148 Berners, Lord, 79, 94, 163 Bayreuth, Germany, 18 Bernhardt, Sarah, 16 Bazin, Rene, 15, 19 Bernstein, Herman, 89 Beach, Joseph Warren, 47 Besier, Rudolph, 139 Beatrice, Lady, 55 Bessborough, Lady, 213 Beecham, Sir Thomas, 139, 175 Bevan, Aneurin, 143 Beerbohm, Max, 21, 52, 60, 87, 118, Bevin, Earnest, 178 120, 156, 166, 202 Bibesco, Elizabeth, 52, 79, 161, 171 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 54, 63 Bibesco, Prince Antoine, 52 Behn, Aphra, 107 Binyon, Lawrence, 157 Bekassy, Ferenc, 88 Birkhead, Edith, 63, 133 Bell, Angelica, 47, 116, 127, 144, Birkinshaw, Mary, 179 153, 192, 200 Birrell, Augustine, 58, 77, 123, 161 Bell, Clive (CB), xii, 3, 5, 11, 13, 14, Birrell, Francis, 89, 94, 102, 110, 122, 17, 29, 30, 41, 48, 50, 66, 67, 74, 133, 144, 161, 166, 170, 171 78, 79, 103, 109, 118, 143, 184, Blackwell, Basil, 108 202, 205, 220 Blake, Mrs Warrenne, 16 Bell, Julian, 13, 108, 116, 132, 146, Blanchard, Maria, 75 161,176,188,190,191,192,194, Blanche, Jacques Emile, 208 203 Bleriot, Louis, 16 Bell, Mary, 123 Bloch, Jean-Richard, 43 Bell, Quentin, 20, 79, 104, 131, 161, , 5, 108,112,146, 186, 203 170, 174, 186, 192, 214 Bell, Vanessa (VB), xii, 10, 13, 22, Blunden, Edmund, 80, 121, 123, 194, 202 134, 164 and VW, 35, 37, 40, 67, 104, 114, Blunt, Wilfred, 186 163, 181, 190 Bohr, Niels, 26 work, 40, 44, 55, 70, 97, 113, 117, Bojer, Johan, 25 148, 154, 152 Bolitho, Hector, 148, 167 Benda, Julien, 66 Bonham, Violet, 103 Benedict, Libby, 197, 198 Booth, George, 55 Benedict, Ruth, 214 Booth, Margaret, 7 Benedicta, Hon. Vera (Mrs Frank Borges, Jorge Luis, 185 Birch), 74 Borrow, George, 67, 182, 197 Benkard, Ernst, 123 Bosanquet, Theodora, 78, 80, 85, Bennett, Arnold, 13, 19, 25, 30, 33, 155 38, 59, 77, 79, 81, 84, 101, 106, Boswell, James, 17, 70, 77, 92, 123, 113, 118, 133, 136, 137, 183 128, 169 Benson, A. C., 81 Bottomley, Gordon, 61 Benson, E. F., 128, 134, 149, 216 Boulanger, Nadia, 188 Benson, Stella, 135, 149, 153, 162, Boult, Adrian, 138 178, 206 Bowen, Elizabeth, 148, 149, 158, Benson, Wilfred, 128, 132 165, 176, 178, 201 Bentley, Richard, 71 Bowen, Marjorie, 11 Beresford, J. D., 55, 60, 80 Bowes-Lyon, Lilian, 147 Bergson, Henri, 66, 102 Bowker, B., 112 Berkeley, Bishop, 56 Bowra, Maurice, 193 Index 223

Boxall, Nelly, 33, 122, 123, 132, 133, Bullock,Shan,7 164 Bunin, Ivan, 68, 155, 173 Brace, Donald, 103, 193 Bunyan, John, 83 Bradbook, Muriel, 147 Burgin, G. B., 7 Bradley, A. C., 46 Burke, Edmund, 210, 211 Brahms, J., 81 Bume-Jones, Edward, 5, 113, 158 Brailsford, Henry, 149 Burney, Fanny, 116,120 Braithwaite, R. B., 104 Burtt, Joseph, 101 Braithwaite, Richard, 120 Bury, Lady Charlotte, 14 Brecht, Bertolt, 218 Bussy, Dorothy, 64, 156, 165, 179 Brenan, Gerald, 68, 73, 75, 89, 97, Bussy, Jane, 114 100, 118, 124, 160 Bussy, Simon, 157 Breton, Andre, 47 Butcher, Lady, 53 Brett, Dorothy, 40, 66, 158 Butler, Constance, 169 Brett, Virginia, 190 Butler, Lady Eleanor, 185 Breughel, 104 Butler, Samuel, 35, 50, 135 Brewster, Henry, 128, 136, 185 Butts, Anthony, 146, 193 Brewster, Ralph, 179 Butts, Mary, 72 Bridges, John, 55 Buxton, Anthony, 19 Bridges, Monica, 180 Buxton, Charles, 124, 139, 160 Bridges, Robert, 41, 98, 180 Byron, Lord, 16, 45, 67, 128, 139, Briggs, Hedley, 117 181 British Psycho-Analytical Society, 82 Cabot, Ella, 149 British Society for the Study of Sex Cabot, Richard, 148 and Psychology, 42 Calder-Marshall, Arthur, 178 Brittain, Vera, 159, 210 Cameron, Alan, 176 Brock, A. Clutton, 117 Cameron, Aunt Julia, 48, 98, 101 Bronte, Anne, 69 Campbell, Douglas, 160 Bronte, Branwell, 149 Campbell, James Dyke, 2 Bronte, Charlotte, 2, 4, 34, 41, 69, Campbell, Mary, 109 152, 184 Campbell, Mrs Patrick, 125 Bronte, Emily, 4, 34, 45, 69, 152, 175 Campbell, Roy, 109, 129 Brooke, Rupert, 21, 23, 30, 41, 45, Campbell-Douglas, Leopold, 159 53 Cannan, Gilbert, 36, 47, 145 Brooke, Stopford, 40 Cape, Jonathan, 117,155 Brookes, Edgar, 112 Carlyle, Jane, 3, 17 Brown, Vincent, 9 Carlyle, Thomas, 2, 17, 33, 111, 137 Browne, Sir Thomas, 12, 51, 76 Carr, Mrs Comys, 95 Browning, Oscar, 105 Carrington, Dora, 35, 36, 38, 58, 60, Brummell, Beau, 119 63, 146 Brussof, Valery, 46 Carrington, Noel, 72 Buchan, John, 125, 176, 200 Carroll, Lewis, 208 Buchan, Susan, 171, 176, 179, 199 Carswell, Catherine, 153 Buchanan, Merial, 47 Carter, R. C., 212 Buck, Pearl, 133, 134, 196 Cartwright, Mrs, 90 Buckminster, Lord, 127 Case, Janet, 3, 4, 27, 31, 91, 99, 136, Bulley, Margaret, 97 191, 194 Bullock, George, 211 Cassis, France, 87, 105 224 Index

Castlerosse, Viscount, 163 Cole, G. D. H., 125, 203 Cavendish, Lady Frederick, 200 Cole, Horace, 19 Cavendish, Lady Harriet, 214 Cole, Revd William, 145, 205 Cecil, Lady Eleanor, 58 Colefax, Lady Sybil, 52, 103, 180, Cecil, Lady Gwendolen, 67, 134, 187 155 Colefax, Sir Arthur, 102, 134 Cecil, Lady Robert, 3, 13, 52 Coleridge, Ernest Hartley, 55 Cecil, Lord David, 129, 148, 150, Coleridge, Mary, 14 170, 183, 204 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 42, 59, Cecil, Lord Robert, 188 60, 150, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216 Cervantes, M., 57 Coleridge, Sara, 216 Cezanne, Paul, 8, 75, 88, 109, 214 Coleridge, Stephen, 36 Chamberlain, Neville, 196, 201 Colet, Louise, 69 Chambers, Jessie, 177 Colette, 185, 186, 190, 201, 202, 206 Chambrun, Jacques, 194, 208 Comite de Vigilance, 182 Chaplin, Charlie, 219 Compton-Burnett, Ivy, 119, 124, 159 Chaplin, Edith (Lady - Congreve, William, 62, 92, 178, 193 derry), 127 Connolly, Cyril, 165, 202 Chapman, Doris, 148 Conrad, Joseph, 11, 21, 24, 28, 30, Chapman, R. W., 188 32, 38, 39, 43, 47, 53, 57, 61, 73, Charles VII, 138 111, 210 Charleston, xii, 34 Constant, Benjamin, 74 Charques, R. D., 150 Conyers, Dorothea, 55 Charteris, Evan, 139 Cooke, Sidney, 115 Chateaubriand, 172, 173, 195 Cooling Galleries, 139 Chaucer, G., 71, 118, 202, 203, 204, Cooper, Duff, 193 205, 206 Cooper, Gary, 174 Chekhov, Anton, 43, 51, 57, 59, 64, Cooper, Lady Diana, 193, 205 66, 77, 100, 160, 169, 190, 197 Corelli, Marie, 211 Chesterfield, Lord, 110 Corinth, 10, 147 Chesterton, G. K., 13, 69, 96, 181, Cornford, Frances, 23, 113 187, 212 Cornford, Francis, 23, 74 Chevalley, Abel, 101 Cornford, John, 190 Churchill, Lord Ivor, 95, 163 Costelloe, Karin, 22 Churchill, Winston, 9, 21, 90, 215 Costelloe, Rachel, see Rachel Cicero, 172 Strachey Clair, Rene, 138 Courtald, Elizabeth, 125, 143 Clarendon, Edward, Earl of, 191 Coward, Noel, 112, 163, 169, 218 Clark lectures, 145, 146 Cowper, William, 103, 122, 129, 178 Clark, Kenneth, 169, 208 Cox, Katherine, 22, 23, 28; see also Clarkson, Willy, 182 K. Arnold-Forster Clifford, Lady, 219 Crabbe, George, 91, 159 Clifford, Lucy, 54, 120 Craig, Dr Maurice, 29, 36, 42 Clifford's Inn, 26 Cranborne, Lord, 52 Cloud, Yvonne, 144 Crashaw, Richard, 166 Clutton-Brock, Arthur, 58 Creevey, Thomas, 156 Cobham, Sir Alan, 158 Creighton, Mandell, 1 Cock Club, 61 Cremer-Ketton, R. W., 213 Cocteau, Jean, 162 Crichton, Browne, Sir James, 103 Index 225

Crippen, H. H., 204 de Quincey, Thomas, 98-100, 110, Croly, Herbert, 113 148, 184 Cromwell, Oliver, 2, 200 de Rothschild, James, 129 Cropheads, 42 de Sales La Terriere, B., 82 Cross, Felix, 54 de Selincourt, Basil, 117, 191, 199 Cross, Wilbur, 18 de Selincourt, Ernest, 9, 163 Crossman, R. H. S., 193 de Sevigne, Madame, 200, 201, 202, Crotch, Walter, 49 203, 204, 215 Cubism, 11 de Tocqueville, Alexis, 150 cummings, e. e., 135 de Vigny, Alfred, 168, 214 Cunard, Lady, 116 de Vlaminck, Maurice, 121 Cunard, Nancy, 83, 86, 88 Dearmer, Geoffrey, 44 Curry, William, 219 Debenham, Mary, 7 Cust, Mrs Henry, 17 Defoe, Daniel, 49, 134 Cuthell, Edith, 8 Dekker, Thomas, 141 Delacroix, Eugene, 204 Delafield, E. M., 175, 180, 193 Dada, 53 Delane, John Thaddeus, 14, 16 Daglish, Doris, 93 Delattre, Floris, 146 Dante, 131, 132, 134, 135, 167, 170- Delius, Peter, 189 4 DeMorgan, William, 14 Darwin, Charles, 211 Dempster, C. L. H., 55 Darwin, Elinor, 22 Derwent, Lord, 136 Darwin, George, 19 Deutsch, Dr Helene, 153 Darwin, Margaret, 206 Devraine, Claude, 94 Daudet, Alphonse, 182, 186 Diaghilev Ballet, 47 Davidson, Angus, 85, 101, 103, 108, di Rienzo, Cola, 203 198 Dicey, A. V., 6 Davidson, John, 39 Dickens, Charles, 2, 49, 86, 89, 91, Davies, Charles, 109 95, 114, 172, 182, 204-6, 209, Davies, Emily, 105, 116 211 Davies, Margaret Llewelyn, 27, 30, Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes, 39, 86, 116, 130, 137 59, 88, 144, 149, 155 Davis, Rupert Hart, 134 Dickinson, Violet, 3, 4, 10, 12, 16, Davison, Ivy, 163 23, 34, 52, 53, 67, 72, 189 Dawson, A. J., 6 Dilke, Lady, 104 de Broke, Lord Willoughby, 83 Dillon, Arthur, 8 deBussy, Compte, 215 Dimnet, Abbe, 177 de Ia Fayette, Madame, 18, 67, 206 Disraeli, Benjamin, 77, 107, 142 de Ia Mare, Walter, 24, 44, 53, 67, Diver, Maud, 186 95, 133, 187 Dobb,Maurice, 132,147 De La Pasture, Edmee (pseud.), see Dobree, Bonamy, 90, 101, 142, 150, E. M. Delafield 168, 212 de Ia Valliere, 16 Dodd, Francis, 12, 14 de Laclos, Pierre Choderlos, 22 Dodge, Mary, 145 de Mandeville, Bernard, 198 Donne, John, 67, 140, 141, 145, 148 de Noailles, Anna, 185 Doran, George H., 52 de Polignac, Princesse (Winnaretta Dos Passos, John, 86, 189 Singer), 188, 204 Dostoevsky, Aimee, 66 226 Index

Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 25, 30, 32, 37, works, 36, 50, 53, 58, 59, 63, 66, 39, 52, 65, 66, 68, 72 69, 80, 86, 110, 116, 119, 127, Douglas, F. C. R., 185 129, 138, 153, 161, 165, 169, Douglas, Lord Alfred, 121 170, 184, 203, 205, 208, 212, Douglas, Millard, 187 216, 219 Douglas, Norman, 36, 38, 67, 104 Eliot, Vivienne, 54, 150 Doyle, John, 93 Elliot, W. G., 90 Drake, Arthur, 176 Ellis, Clough, 117 Draper, Ruth, 109 Ellis, H. Havelock, 211 , 173, 214, 215 Ellis, Stewart, 87 Dreiser, Theodore, 51, 86 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 20 Drinkwater, John, 41, 46 Emile-Blanche, Jacques, 107 Dryden, John, 65, 68, 144, 177, 178 Empson, William, 127, 128, 179 Duckworth, George, 1-4, 128, 140 Enfield, D. E., 107, 112 Duckworth, Gerald, 1, 4, 184 Epstein, Jacob, 173 Duckworth, Herbert, 1 Erasmus, 209 Duckworth, Stella, 1, 2, 206, 207, Esher, Viscount, 190 213 Euripides, 3, 83, 88 Dugdale, Blanche, 218 Evans, Edith, 180, 210 Dukas, Paul, 192 Evans, Ifor, 215 Duncan-Jones, Arthur, 64 Evelyn, John, 59 Dunkirk, 212 Dunsterville, L. C., 112 Faber, Geoffrey, 158 Dutt, G. S., 122 Fabian Society, 27, 31, 156, 169 Dutt, R. Palme, 202 Farrer, Reginald, 8 Faulkner, Fritz, 187 Eagle, Solomon, see J. C. Squire Faulkner, William, 119, 127, 134, Earp, Thomas, 40 144 Easdale, Joan, 127, 136, 139, 147 Fauvism, 5 Easdale, Mrs, 141, 178 Fay, Mrs Eliza, 89 Eastman, Max, 147, 173 Ferdinand, Archduke, 29 Edward VII, 3, 19, 146 Ferenczi, Sandor, 103 Edward VIII, 188, 189 Fergusson, Dr D. J., 67, 69 Edward, Lord Herbert of Cherburg, Fielding Hall, H., 17 79 Fielding, Henry, 61 Edwards, A. Trystan, 64 Fisher, Aunt Mary, 4 Edwards, Mary, 101 Fisher, H. A. L., 13, 46, 162, 212 Einstein, Albert, 5, 26, 30, 198 Fisher, Lettice, 13 Eliot, George, 2, 48, 62, 100, 142, Fisher, Mary, 180 168 Fitzgerald, Edward, 67, 197 Eliot, T. S. (TSE), xii Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 86, 162, 210 fund for, 69, 71, 72, 74, 85, 102, Fitzpatrick, Kathleen, 78 104 Fitzurse, R., 113 friendship with VW, 48, 58, 59, Haubert, Gustave, 9, 162 62, 65, 68, 74, 77, 91, 92, 178, Flecker, James, 73 186 Flugel, J. C., 133 on writers, 47, 64, 65, 71, 159, Follett, Mary, 148 171, 211, 218 Forbes-Robertson, Sir Johnston, 88 publishing, 67, 75, 89, 91, 92, 204 Ford, Ford Madox, 13, 30, 142, 203 Index 227

Ford, John, 178 Gentilis, Alberico, 145 Forster, E. M. (EMF), xiii, 5, 13, 15, George II, 211 19, 32, 49, 61, 65, 67, 71, 73, 79, George V, 19 93, 102, 104, 108, 115, 131, 142, George, Lloyd, 36 155, 164, 174, 175, 181, 183, 184, George, W. L., 44 192, 194, 197, 200, 201, 216 Gerard, Dorothea, 9 Fox, R. M., 112, 132, 191 Gerhardt, Elena, 81 France, Anatole, 60, 65, 81 Gertler, Mark, 26, 36, 40, 44, 50, Franco, Francisco, 204 206, 207 Fraser, L. M., 141 Gibbon, Edward, 70, 111, 188, 189, Freeman, Edward, 6 192 Freud, Anna, 195, 204 Gide, Andre, 16, 93, 102, 167, 168, Freud, Martin, 199,204 207, 209, 214, 218 Freud, Sigmund, 26, 29, 36, 72, 73, Gielgud, John, 130, 171, 180, 197 82, 85, 103, 114, 131, 146, 181, Gillet, Louis, 170 188,196,203,204,208,209,213 Gillies, William, 159 Freund, Gisele, 207 Giradoux, Jean, 83 Frost, Robert, 135, 181 Girton College, 116 Froude, J. A., 1, 47 Gissing, A. C., 155, 187 Fry, Julian, 190 Gissing, George, 11, 24, 76, 117, 155 Fry, Margery, 63, 147, 176 Glastonbury, 15 Fry, Roger (RF), xiii, 22, 33, 43, 66, Gleichen, Helena, 211 155, 167 Glenconner, Pamela, 52 books, articles and exhibitions, Gloag, John, 90 19, 21, 53, 54, 5fr8, 60, 63, Glover, Dr James, 82 66, 84, 85, 102, 103, 105, 109, Glyndebourne Festival, 165, 175 145, 154, 157, 161, 175, 188 Goering, Hermann, 175 Furniss, Harry, 95 Goldenveizer, A. B., 76, 211 Furse, Dame Katharine, 148, 215 Golding, Louis, 151 Fyvie, John, 7 Goldsmith, Oliver, 156, 157, 162, 164 Gage, Lord, 115 Gollancz, Victor, 170 Gaige, Crosby, 113 Gooch, G. P., 179 Galsworthy, John, 8, 39, 53, 66, 84, Goode, Eslanda, 146 97, 118, 119, 144, 153, 154, 159 Gordon, Mary, 185 Garnett, Constance, 30, 34, 37, 39, Gordon, Seton, 104 43, 51, 66 Gore, Charles, 179 Garnett, David, 34, 36, 68, 71, 72, Gorky, Maxim, 56, 57, 66, 162, 169, 81, 91, 92, 103, 153, 160, 199, 181 203 Gosse, Edmund, 11, 51, 64, 94, 100, Garnett, Edward, 34, 39 113, 135, 139, 143 Garratt, G. T., 145 Gosse, Mrs, 61 Garrick Club, 133 Gottschalk, Laura Riding, 101, 106, Garsington Manor, 27, 76, 82, 98 109 Gascoye-Cecil, Lord David, 76 Cozzi, Carlo, 35 Gaskell, Elizabeth, 20, 32, 77, 153 Graham, Harry, 15 Gauguin, Paul, 22 Graham, John L., 167, 168 Gaussen, Alice, 9 Graham, John W., 130 Gay, John, 59 Graham, Mrs Henry, 7 228 Index

Graham, Stewart, 82 Harris, Lilian, 35, 54 Graham-Harrison, Sir William, 194 Harrison, Frederick, 50 Grant, Alistair, 147 Harrison, Jane, 75, 85, 92, 112 Grant, Duncan (DG), xiii, 19, 23, 34, Harrod, Roy, 161 36, 40, 54, 80, 110, 117, 139, Hart-Davis, Rupert, 212 146, 148, 152 Harvey, Gabriel, 126, 143 Granville-Barker, Harley, 16 Harwick, J. C., 151 Graves, Elizabeth (Sally), 180, 181, Havens, Allen, 141 186, 190 Haw-Haw, Lord, 213 Graves, Ida, 120 Hawthorne, Elwin, 164 Graves, Robert, 70, 77, 82, 87, 92, Hawthorne, Julian, 115, 117 99, 105, 119, 126, 180, 203 Hawtrey, C., 82 Gray, Thomas, 179 Hawtrey, Ralph, 5 Greaves, H. R. G., 155 Hay, Marie, 9 Green, A. S., 6 Haydon, Eleanor, 6 Green, Minna, 63, 68, 69 Hayward, Arthur, 95 Greene, Graham, 196, 199, 210 Hayward, John, 88, 111 Greene, Henry, 173 Hazlitt, William, 112, 129, 131 Greville, Fulke, 12, 140 Head, Dr Henry, 27, 28 Gribble, Francis, 22 Headlam, Walter, 4, 6, 10, 14 Grierson, H. J. C., 118 Heard, Gerald, 143, 144, 209 Griggs, E., 216 Hemingway, Ernest, 79, 93, 102, Grigson, Geoffrey, 160, 182 107, 108, 119, 126, 144, 189, 210 Gruber, Ruth, 140, 175, 179 Henderson, Faith, 41 Henderson, H., 121 Henderson, M. Sturge, 8 Haberton, Viscount, 39 Henley, William Ernest, 61 Hake, Thomas, 43 Herbert, George, 179, 199 Hakluyt, Richard, 47, 85 Hergesheimer, Joseph, 47, 50, 53, Haldane, Mary Elizabeth, 94 57, 60 Halifax, Lord, 189 Hervey, Lord, 211 Hall, Fielding H., 13 Hesse, Hermann, 66, 102 Hall, Radclyffe, 110, 115, 117 Heuffer, Ford Madox, see Ford Ham Spray, Hungerford, 84 Madox Ford Hamill, Dr Philip, 69 Hewitt, Thomas J., 125 Hamilton, Clayton, 49 Hewlett, Maurice, 45 Hamilton, Cosmo, 82 Hiles, Barbara, 36, 40 Hamilton, Mary, 60, 128, 159 Hill, Constance, 19, 56 Hancock, F. R., 174 Hill Ralph, 125 Hardy, Florence, 89, 94, 118 Hills, Jack, 2, 203, 213 Hardy, Thomas, 26, 30, 47, 64, 75, Hinden, Dr Rita, 211 78, 89, 98, 110, 111, 118, 181, Hitchener, Elizabeth, 13 197 Hitler, Adolph, 73, 151, 153, 156, Hare, Augustus, 214 162,166,167,174,181,183,189, Harraden, Beatrice, 8 196, 200-3, 206, 214, 215 Harris, H. Wilson, 112 Hobhouse, Emily, 72 Harris, Henry, 109, 127 Hobson, Coralie, 82 Harris, Dr I., 192 Hobson, John Atkinson, 30, 151 Harris, John, 35 Hogarth House, 30 Index 229

Hogarth broadsheet, 128 Hutchinson, Mary, 48, 58, 105, 106, Hogarth Living Poets, 107 158 Hogarth Miscellany, 110 Hutchinson, St John, 48, 119, 145, , 34, 38, 40, 65, 132, 157 160, 219 Huxley, Aldous, 38, 40, 46, 54, 60, assistants to, 40, 58, 67, 72, 82, 73, 98, 110, 118, 136, 138, 144, 86, 89, 90, 108, 113, 134, 135, 151, 166, 170, 171, 172, 179, 180, 150, 154, 197 181, 183, 187, 188, 209 VW works at, 55, 57, 59, 65, 74, Huxley, Julia, 164 75, 85, 94, 129, 130, 140, 141, Huxley, Julian, 143, 180 156, 168, 202 Hyndman, Tony, 190 Hogben, Lancelot, 41 Holinshed, 3 Ibbetson, Peter, 108, 109 Holland, Elizabeth Lady, 16 Ibsen, Henrik, 143, 164, 183 Holliday, Terence, 195 IIbert, Olive, 20 Holmes, C. J., 172 Inchbold, A. C., 7 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 18 Innes, Kathleen, 88, 96, 105, 126, Holtby, Winifred, 137, 150, 151, 154, 185 178, 210, 211 Intellectual Liberty group, 83 Home, Dennis, 83 International Brigade, 190 Homer, 71 International Congress of Writers in Hood, Thomas, 13 Defence of Culture, 173 Hookham, Paul, 8 Ireland, Denis, 141 Hope, Anthony, 2, 111, 178 Irvine, Lyn, 120, 124, 126, 150, 163 Hope, Lottie, 33 Irving, Washington, 49 Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 41, 50, Isham, Virginia, 153 53, 98, 116 Isherwood, Christopher, 146, 174, Horner, Lady, 113 176, 190, 196, 197 Housman, A. E., 95, 181, 184 Houssaye, Arsene, 158 Jacks, L. P., 40, 42, 66 Howard, Brian, 126 Jackson, F. J. Foakes, 36 Howe, Beatrice, 148 Jaeger, Benita, 137 Hoyland, John, 132 Jaeger, M., 96, 108 Hua-Su, 205 James, Alice, 168 Hudson, Anna, 107 James, C. L. R., 156 Hudson, N., 153 James, Henry, 12, 32, 33, 39, 40, 47, Hudson, W. H., 36, 46 49, 53, 55, 64, 65, 78, 121, 156, Hughes, Richard, 68, 148, 200 167, 205 Huizinga, J., 196 James, William, 11 Hull, Robert, 109, 112 Jeans, James, 134, 194 Hulme, T. E., 36 Jebb, R., 71 Hume, David, 111 Jenkins, E., 125, 137, 143 Hunt, Holman, 187 Jenkins, Elizabeth, 111 Hunt, Leigh, 64 Jerningham, Edward, 50 Hunt, Violet, 95, 137 Jerome, Jerome K., 100 Husserl, Edmund, 26 Jerrold, Walter, 13 Hussey, Doris, 54, 69, 107, 112 Jewsbury, Geraldine, 117, 120 Hutchinson, Barbara, 137 Joad, Cyril, 72, 86, 137, 170 Hutchinson, Colonel, 83 Joad, Marjorie, 83 230 Index

John, Augustus, 120 Klein, Melanie, 148, 152, 196 John, Katherine, 175 Knight, William, 14 Johnson, Donald, 51 Knoblock, Edward, 112 Johnson, R. Brimley, 46 Koestler, Arthur, 210 Johnson, S., 132 Koteliansky, S. S., 44, 56, 66, 68, Johnson, Scott, 154 69, 72, 212 Johnstone, George (Baron Derwent), 148 La Fontaine, 123, 125 Jones, E. B. C., 46 La Rochefoucauld, 205 Jones, Ernest, 78 Labour Party, 151, 159, 178 Jonson, Ben, 75 Laforgue, Dr Rene, 146, 199 Jopling-Rowe, Louise, 92 Lair, J., 16 Jouve, Pierre-Jean, 33 Lamb, Caroline, 204 Jowitt, William, 123 Lamb, Charles, 164 Joyce, James, 28, 33, 38, 43, 47, 58, Lamb, Walter, 5, 14, 17, 22, 23 62, 66, 68, 70, 110, 203, 218 Lancely, W., 93 , 1 Landor, W. S., 8, 14, 52 Jung, Carl, 24, 36 Lane, Elinor, 6 Lansbury, George, 178 Kafka, Franz, 79,93 Lardner, Ring, 87 Kahn, Richard, 141, 167 Larkins, William, 96 Kapp, Edmund K., 53 Lascelles, Lord, 109 Kapp, Mrs, 144 Laski, Harold, 97, 146, 172 Keats, John, 10, 98, 137 Lavery, Lady, 130 Kellett, E. E., 121,124 Law, Alice, 149 Kelly, Gerald, 4 Lawrence, D. H., 21, 25, 26, 30, 33, Kemble, Fanny, 31 59, 60, 64, 66, 73, 93, 104, 110, Kennedy, Margaret, 102 114,118,119,127,128, 138,139,, Kennedy, Richard, 113 144, 151, 153, 154, 156, 175, 177' Kenny, Louise, 7 Lawrence, Susan, 155 Kenyon, Frederic, 8 Lawrence, T. E., 93, 175, 203 Keppel, Alice, 146 LeBlond, Mrs Aubrey, 114 Kernahan, Coulson, 38, 53, 202 Le Gallienne, Richard, 98 Keun, Odette, 176 Leach, Henry, 114 Keynes, Dr Geoffrey, 28, 184, 206 Leacock, Stephen, 44 Keynes, John Maynard (JMK), 23, Leaf, Walter, 96, 192 31, 36, 47, 50, 51, 56, 58, 61, 74, Lean, Tangye, 205 75, 78, 90, 91, 93, 99, 121, 131, Lear, Edward, 198 137, 140, 143, 167, 171, 176, 183, Leavis, Q. D., 200 192, 201, 203, 210 Ledwidge, Francis, 43 Kilbracken, Lord, 150 Lee, Christopher, 191 Kilmer, Joyce, 52 Lee, Sidney, 3, 23 Kilvert, Revd Francis, 200, 207, 215 Lee, Vernon, 13, 18, 99 King-Hall, Stephen, 104, 109 Lees, Vernon, 185 Kipling, Rudyard, 8, 11, 57, 181, Leeson, Sergeant B., 167 182 Left Book Club, 170, 194 Kitchin, C. H. B., 88, 109, 124, 137, Lehmann, J., 135, 141, 144, 147, 149, 169 150, 164, 168, 184, 187, 196, 198, Kitton, Frederick, 6 199, 209 Index 231

Lehmann, Rosamond, 131,142,171, Lynd, Marie, 162 181 Lynd,Robert,42,64 Leishmann, J. B., 164, 175, 187, 199 Lynd, Sylvia (writer), 61 Lenin, Nikolai, 79 Lyons, Neil, 159, 190 Leon, Derrick, 145, 155, 161, 162 Leontineff, Leonie, 206 Lessore, Therese, 95, 162 Maartens, Maarten, 12 Lester, W. R., 176 Macaulay, Rose, 57, 94, 95, 101, 117, Lewis, C. Day, 125, 141, 155, 173, 139, 144, 197 179, 180, 183, 206 Macaulay, Thomas Babbington, 2, Lewis, Lady, 2, 136 44, 111, 185 Lewis, Sinclair, 53, 66, 127 MacCarthy, Dermod, 205 Lewis, Wyndham, 28, 47, 110, 127, MacCarthy, Desmond, 5, 9, 42, 43, 132, 168, 195 54, 55, 63, 88, 98, 102, 104, 112, Leys, Norman, 85, 88, 143 115,138,141,143,160,192,214, Lilly, William, 15 218 Limebeer, Ena, 83 MacCarthy, Mary, 34, 84, 132 Lincoln, Abraham, 46 MacColl, D. S., 207 Lindburgh, Anne, 177 Macdonald, Ramsay, 39, 119, 122, Lindburgh, Charles, 102 127, 140 Lindsay, David (Lord Balniel), 148 MacKail, J. W., 3 Lindsay, Nicholas, 54 MacKenna, Stephen, 189 Linton, Elizabeth Lynn, 186 Mackenzie, Compton, 45, 48, 190 Lloyd, C. M., 146 Maclagan, Sir Eric, 181 Locker-Lampson, Frederick, 58 Macleod, Norman, 132 Lockhart, John, 2 Macmillan, Hugh, 125 London Group of artists, 76, 80 Macnaghten, Lady, 165 London Library, 157, 174, 216 MacNeice, Louis, 194 Londonderry, Lady, 127 Madach, Imre, 160 Longueville, Thomas, 22 Maitland, F. W., 4, 6, 10 Lopokova, Lydia, 47, 68, 78, 83, 88, Maitland, Henry, 76 90, 117, 145, 148, 159, 164, 183, Maitland, Mrs Fuller, 8 184, 191 Marlborough, 30 Lorca, Federico Garcia, 181 Mallarme, Stephane, 57 Lorimer, Adam, 9 Mallett, Sir Charles, 178 Lovelace, Lord, 68 Malraux, Andre, 173 Lowe, Adolf, 191 Mann, F. 0., 108, 128 Lowell, James Russell, 2 Mann, Thomas, 26, 79, 119 Lowther, Alice, 78 Manning-Sanders, Ruth, 68, 94, 99 Lubbock, Alan, 90 Mansfield, Katherine, 21, 35, 38-40, Lubbock, Percy, 8, 55, 60, 67, 68, 43, 44, 46, 47, 49, 53, 55-60, 63, 69, 73, 114 65-7,74,107,108,114,116,139, Lucas, E. V., 13, 36 175 Lucas, F. L., 95, 101, 106, 111, 120, March-Phillips, L. and Bertram 133, 142, 188, 207, 215 Christian, 41 Lucas, StJohn, 16 Marie, Queen of Roumania, 170 Luce, Gordon, 66, 80 Markham, Violet, 174 Lucretius, 11 Marlowe, Christopher, 77 Lyle, Marius, 96 Marryat, Florence, 177 232 Index

Marsh, Edward, 41 Metchim, D. Bridgman, 48 Marshall, Archibald, 157 Mew, Charlotte, 54 Marshall, Frances, 150 Meynell, Alice, 40, 123, 137 Martin, E. M., 41 Meynell, Francis, 82 Martin, Kingsley, 101, 148, 174, 187, Meynell, Viola, 33, 34, 43, 124, 137 201 Michelet, Jules, 18, 30, 31, 111, 204, Martineau, Harriet, 176 215 Marvell, Andrew, 116 Miles, Susan, 167 Mason, J. H., 68 Militsina, E., 47 Massingham, H., 61 Mill, John Stuart, 209, 210, 211 Masson, Andre, 158 Miller, Margaret, 160 Masters, Edgar Lee, 38 Milne, A. A., 171 Matheson, Hilda, 120, 125, 132, 150 Milner, Lord, Secretary of State for Matisse, Henri, 5, 193 War, 46 Matthaei, Louise, 61 Milton, 45, 117, 132 Maugham, Somerset, 6, 18, 30, 133, Mirlees, Hope, 48, 50, 51, 56, 59, 138, 202 75, 83, 85 Maupassant, Guy de, 167, 168 Mirsky, Prince D. S., 85, 148, 173 Maurois, Andre, 81, 107, 113, 128 Mitchell, Margaret, 181 Mauron, Charles, 105, 121, 170, 175, Mitchison, Naomi, 148, 175, 180, 188 193 Mauron, Marie, 202 Mitford, Mary Russell, 56, 87 Maxse, Kitty, 2, 15 Mockerie, Parmena Githendu, 164 Maxwell, Donald, 90 Moir, D. M., 7 May, James, 81 Moliere, 190, 191 Mayor, B., 68, 103 Molmenti, Pompeo, 17 Mayor, Flora, 80 Money-Kyrle, R., 130 Mayor, Robin, 5 Monk, J. H., 71 McAfee, Helen, 114 Montaigne, Michel de, 3, 126, 138, McKenna, Stephen, 51 141 McLaren, Christabel, 117, 118, 125, Moore, G. E., 15, 35, 56, 74, 212 137, 139 Moore, George, 52, 57, 79, 95, 118, McTaggart, John, 182 121, 123 Meinertzhagen, Elizabeth, 61 Moore, Henry, 172 Melba, Nellis, 92 Moore, Marianne, 174 Melville, Herman, 67, 115 Moore, Spencer, 8 Melville, Lewis, 6 Moore, Sturge T., 161 Memoir Club, 55, 56, 59, 61, 63, 69, Mordaunt, Elinor, 35, 37 164, 199, 201, 205 Morgan, Charles, 145, 172, 173, 187 Menai, Huw, 120 Morgan, Evan, 40 Mendel, V., 82 Morgan, Louise, 146 Mere, Charles, 79 Morley, Frank, 207 Meredith, B., 53 Morra, Conte Umberto, 140 Meredith, Edgar, 157 Morrell, Lady Ottoline, 17, 27, 38, Meredith, George, 16, 18, 48, 69, 39, 54, 64, 69, 70, 89, 95, 111, 110, 111, 191 114,118,125,133,139,144,152, Meredith, H. 0., 25 177, 196 Merimee, Prosper, 10, 166 Morrell, Phillip, 17, 49, 90, 107, 118 Merrick, Leonard, 44, 46 Morris, William, 31, 214 Index 233

Mortimer, Raymond, 77, 81, 103, Nicolson, Harold, 77, 80, 85, 98, 122, 144, 180 106, 108, 109, 111, 119, 120, 140, Mosley, Lady Cynthia, 156 141, 147, 150, 151, 152, 181 Mosley, Sir Oswald, 140, 162 Nielson, Elizabeth, 198 Motimer, R., 89 Nightingale, Florence, 19, 34 Moynihan, Berkeley, 213 1917 Club, 39, 41, 53 Mozart, 54, 127, 175 Noble, Cynthia, 103 Muir, Edwin, 88, 92, 99, 101, 106, Noel-Baker, Irene, 55 118 Noel-Baker, Philip, 96, 109, 114 Muir, Willa, 92 Norman, Sylva, 114, 124 Mumby, Frank, 19 Norris, W. E., 2, 6, 7, 49, 55, 61 Munro, C. K., 79 Norton, H. T. J., 20, 22, 74 Munthe, Axel, 153 Norton, Jane, 74 Murasaki, Lady, 90 Norton, Thomas, 109 Murphy, Bernadette,86,89,90 Nott, K., 194, 199, 202 Murray, Gilbert, 31 Murray, John, 67 O'Brien, R. Barry, 154 Murry, John Middleton, 35, 44, 45, O'Casey,Sean,93, 110 47, 48, 50, 56, 61, 64, 65, 69, 74, O'Faolin, Sean, 204 80, 83, 118, 125, 138, 147, 154, O'Neill, Eugene, 60, 135, 156, 181, 176, 184 210, 211 Murry, Rosalind, 40, 122 Ocampo, VIctoria, 170, 185, 207 Mussolini, Benito, 160, 162, 177, Odets, Clifford, 170, 189 178, 201, 205 Ogle, Charlotte, 56 Myers, L. H., 174 Olivier, Brynhild, 25 Myers, Leo, 176 Olivier, Laurence, 180 Olivier, Lord Sydney, 25, 105, 106, 121, 156, 161 Nansen, Fridtjof, 106 Olyesha, Yuri, 187 Nash, John, 174 Omega Workshops, 35,40 National Council for Civil Liberties, Onions, Oliver, 45 169 Origo, Iris, 176, 179, 182, 203 National Joint Committee for Span- Ormsby-Gore, Hon. W., 55 ish Relief, 193 Orwell, George, 153, 189 National Peace Council, 179 Osborne, Dorothy, 115, 116 Nazi Party Congress, 20 Otway, Thomas, 88 Neale, J. E., 163 Owen, Asford, 56 Nef, Elizabeth, 158 Owen, Wilfred, 41 Nef, John, 158 Oxford, Lady, 58, 88, 136, 147, 151, Nevill, Lady Dorothy, 16, 53 152, 153, 154, 159, 183, 217 Nevill, Ralph, 53 Nevinson, Henry, 155 New Peace Movement, 195 Paethick-Lawrence, Frederick, 160 Newman, John Henry, 158 Paget, Stephen, 36 Newnham College, 88, 184, 192 Palmer, H. Edward, 109, 140 Newton, Lady, 37 Palmer, Herbert, 92, 132 Nichols, Robert, 180 Panikkar, K. M., 161, 175 Nicoll, Allardyce, 111 Pankhurst, Emmeline, 153, 157, 158 Nicolson, Benedict, 199, 206, 214 Parnell, Charles Stewart, 154 234 Index

Partridge, Ralph, 58, 59, 60, 63, 67, Potocki, 'Count' Geoffrey, 145, 146 72, 75 Potter, B., 68 Pascal, 207 Pound, Ezra, 21, 28, 41, 47, 53, 74, Pater, Clara, 2 93, 162 Pater, Walter, 207 Poussin, 75 Patmore, Coventry, 42, 63 Power, Eileen, 89 Paton, W. R., 38 Powers, E., 217 Peacock, Thomas Love, 67, 115 Powys, J. Cowper, 168 Pearson, Hesketh, 184 Prestige, G. L., 179 Peck, W. E., 109 Prewett, Frank, 58 Peel, Lady, 55 Priestley, J. B., 84, 151, 155, 176, Pekin, L. B., 146, 164, 193 189, 206, 214 PEN International, 101, 176 Prophett, A., 155 Pennell, Elizabeth Robins, 35 Prothero, George, 12, 14 Pepys, Samuel, 2, 43 Proust, Marcel, 26, 41, 43, 52, 53, Perrault, Charles, 75 57, 60, 71, 73, 86, 87, 93, 102, Petroff, Peter and Irma, 167 104, 114, 115, 121, 165, 169 Phare, Elsi, 116 Purcell, Henry, 136 Philipps, R., 161 Puttenham, George, 126 Philipps, W., 161 Philipps, Wogan, 153, 164 Quennell, Mrs Peter, 148 Picasso, Pablo, 11, 50, 189 Quennell, Peter, 151 Pierard, Louis, 88 Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur, 111 Pilkington, Laetitia, 73 Pirandello, Luigi, 60, 90, 162, 175, 181 Racine, Louis, 125, 132 Planck, Max, 26 Radcliffe, Ann, 107 Plato, 3, 59, 83, 209 Radiquet, Raymond, 83 Play Reading Society, 16, 17, 30 Radnor, Lady, 153 Playfair, Edward, 177, 199 Raine, Kathleen, 161 Pless, Princess Daisy of, 139 Raleigh, Sir Walter, 10, 37 Plomer, William, 87, 96, 108, 112, Ramsay, Frank, 74 120,121,123,126,135,141,148, Ramsay, Lady Patricia, 155 149, 167, 188, 200, 207 Ramsay, Lettice, 146 Pole, D. Graham, 151 Ranee of Sarawak, Her Highness Pollard, Francis, 114 the (Sylvia Leonora), 168 Pollock, Jack, 5 Ransley, Canon, 34 Pollock, Sir Frederick, 165 Ransom, John Crowe, 85 Ponder, Winifred, 114 Ratcliffe, S. K., 166 Ponsonby, Arthur, 41, 152 Raverat, Gwen, 60, 93, 94 Ponsonby, Hon. Elizabeth, 118 Raverat, Jacques, 22, 84, 86, 87, 93, Ponsonby, Lady, 173 94 Ponsonby,Sarah, 185 Rawnsley, Revd H. D., 9 Pope, Alexander, 30, 31 Ray, Man, 170 Porter, John, 55 Read, Elizabeth, 158 Portland, Duke of, 196 Read, Herbert, 71, 74, 76, 92, 118, Post-Impressionism, 19, 21, 22, 29, 216, 217 201 Redgrave, Michael, 203 Postgate, Raymond, 169, 178 Reik, T., 187 Index 235

Renan, Ernest, 10, 171 Ruskin, John, 110 Rendel, Dr Elinor, 119, 136, 151, 185 Russell, Bertrand, 19, 26, 36, 80, Reynolds, Mrs Fred, 7 102, 144, 186, 187, 191 Reynolds, Stephen, 72, 76 Russell, Patricia, 191 Rhondda, Lady,64, 112,133,155 Rutari, Von. A., 14 Rhys, Ernest, 72 Rutherford, Ernest, 21, 41 Rhys, Grace, 19 Rylands, George, 77, 82, 85, 93, 110, Richardson, Dorothy, 48, 49, 61, 76 114, 116, 117, 140, 143, 146, 164, Richardson, Samuel, 83, 99 182, 209 Richmond, Bruce, 3, 6, 66, 74, 91, 110, 181 Richmond, Elena, 54, 91, 181 Sackville, Lord, 82 Rickett, Arthur Compton, 43 Sackville, Thomas, 109 Rickman, John, 119, 187 Sackville-West, Edward, 76, 105, Ridge, W. Pett, 5 114, 116, 136, 142, 152, 168, 184 Ridley, Guy, 19 Sackville-West, Vita (VSW), xiv, 220 Rilke, Rainer Maria, 19, 73, 137, 142, friendship with VW, 73, 75, 79, 164, 175, 187 83, 89, 91, 93, 95, 98, 102, Rimbaud, Arthur, 75 109, 112, 115, 123, 130, 173, Ritchie, A., 129, 144, 150, 182 213 Ritchie, Alice, 114 travels, 93, 102, 111, 118, 155 Ritchie, Anne Thackeray, 80 works, 73, 84, 85, 97, 99, 101, 107, Ritchie, Lady, 16, 48 109, 112, 124, 125, 135, 139, Ritchie, Philip, 81, 85, 107 142, 148--51, 161, 167-9, 185, Riviere, J., 196 186, 193-5, 209, 219 Roberts, Ellis, 174, 176 Sadleir, T. U., 58 Roberts, Richard, 206 Sadler, Sir Michael, 151 Robeson, Paul, 130, 146, 156, 193 Sadlier, Michael, 108 Robins, Elizabeth, 6, 56, 116, 183, Sainsbury, Dr Harrington, 67, 70 189, 207 St Aubyn, Gwendolyn, 160 Robinson, Edward Arlington, 129 St Michel-de-Montaigne, 138 Robson, William, 159, 178 St Simon, 15, 167, 168 Rodin, Auguste, 4 Salisbury, Lord, 34 Rodmell Labour Party, 190, 211 Salter, Dr, 177 Rogers, Claude, 205 Salter, Sir Arthur, 189 Rogers, Elsie, 205 Saltikov, M., 47 Roheim, Geza, 169 Samuel, H. B., 130 Roosevelt, Theodore, 16, 56, 172 Sand, George, 9, 192, 194 Rosebery, Countess of, 136 Sandars, Mary, 33, 133 Rosinski, Herbert, 201 Sanders, Wm Stephen, 108 Rossetti, Christina, 10, 16, 132, 133, Sands, Ethel, 79, 95, 103, 107, 116, 134, 138 118, 127, 133, 153, 181 Roth, Cecil, 204 Sanger, Charles, 34, 54, 60, 99, 117, Rothstein, Sir W., 136, 199, 209 127 Roundell, Mrs Charles, 19 Santayana, George, 22, 179, 217 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 147 Sargant-Florence, Alix, 34 Rowse, A. L., 169 Sargant-Florence, Mary, 147 Ruck, Berta, 88 Sarton, May, 193 Runciman, Sir Walter, 82 Sartre, J. P., 189 236 Index

Sassoon, Siegfried, 37, 38, 44, 45, Sitwell, Osbert, 46, 89, 100, 137, 58, 79, 93, 201 145, 166, 173 Sassoon, Sir Philip, 120, 122 Sitwell, Sacheverell, 46, 100, 121 Savage, Dr George, 4, 5, 20, 24, 27 Skelton, John, 141 Sayers, A. M., 208 Smith, H. Maynard, 59 Schiff, Sydney, 57 Smith, Logan Pearsall, 44, 54, 60, Schnitzler, Arthur, 142 109, 138 Schoefield, Thayer, 77 Smith, Royde, 64 Scott, Geoffrey, 82, 89, 123 Smith, Sydney, 212 Scott, Sir Walter, 25, 30, 31, 63, 64, Smyth, Ethel, 52, 62, 63, 128, 130- 67, 107, 115, 129, 141, 150, 161, 2, 136-8, 142, 152, 155, 157, 158, 199, 200, 210 161,164,172,173,175,185,196, Scott-Moncrieff, C. K., 57, 74 213 Sedgwick, Henry, 37 Smythe, Frank, 211 Senhouse, Roger, 85 Snaith, Stanley, 101, 114 Sermoneta, Duchess of, 130 Snell, Reginald, 164 Shakespeare, William, 129, 167, 176, Snowden, Margaret, 3, 128 184, 210, 217; plays are listed Society for Sexual Information and separately under titles Progress, 166 Shanks, Edward, 61, 70 Society of Heretics, 81 Sharp, Evelyn, 155 Somerville, Edith, 202 Sharp, Thomas, 172 Sophocles, 16, 45, 48, 54, 73, 74, 169 Sharpe, Ella Freeman, 196 Sorley, Charles, 51 Shaw, George Bernard, 5, 33, 34, Soulie, George, 27 47, 60, 66, 79, 86, 126, 127, 148, Southey, Robert, 191 156, 167, 208, 217 Southey, William, 62 Shawe-Taylor, Desmond, 192 Soviet Writers' Congress, 162 Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 10, 13, 81, Spanish Civil War, 181, 187-9, 203 108, 109, 156, 204, 212, 213 Sparrow, John, 148, 163 Sheppard, J. T., 46, 74, 88, 150 Spaull, Hebe, 155 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 19 Spearing, E. M., 38 Shove,Fredegond,32,41,68 Spencer, Stanley, 165 Shove, Gerald, 32 Spender, Stephen, 13, 141, 168, 169, Sichel, Edith, 6, 46 173, 174, 176, 181, 188, 190, 197, Sichel, Walter, 19 211 Sickert, Walter, 48, 95, 161-3, 169 Spengler, Oswald, 121 Sidney, Sir Philip, 12, 140, 143, 145 Spenser, Edmund, 171, 187 Sidney-Turner, S., 18 Spinoza, 207 Siepmann, Charles, 150 Springarn, J. E., 38 Sigerson, Dora, 45 Sprott, W., 74 Simon, Lady, 183, 192 Squire, J. C., 37, 44, 47, 58, 65, 70, Simpson, John Hampson, 136, 145, 75, 116 154 Stanford, Charles Villiers, 173 Simpson, Mrs Wallis, see Wallis­ Starr, Mark, 125 Simpson Steegmuller, Francis, 208 Sitwell, Edith, 46, 76, 92, 104, 177, Steen, Marguerite, 160 182 Stein, Gertrude, 13, 30, 91, 97, 101, Sitwell, Florence, 218 153 Sitwell, Georgiana, 218 Steinbeck, John, 171, 189, 203 Index 237

Stendhal, 25, 82, 169, 175 Strachey, Rachel, 26, 89, 187, 214 Stephen, Adrian, 1, 3, 7, 10, 12, 13, Strauss, George, 143 14, 23, 179, 182, 188 Stravinsky, Igor, 26, 117 Stephen, Ann, 27, 137, 155, 174 Strindberg, August, 11, 24 Stephen, Aunt Caroline, 4, 14, 17 Strong, L.A. G., 144, 150 Stephen, Harry, 183 Strutt, W. 11., 33 Stephen, James, 111 Stuart, D. 11., 134 Stephen, Sir James, 2 Stuart, 11uriel, 46 Stephen, Judith, 121, 156 Su-Hua, Ling, 197 Stephen, Julia, 11 Summerson, John, 174 Stephen, K., 80, 84 Surtees, Robert Smith, 82 Stephen, Laura, 1 Sutherland, James, 164 Stephen, Leslie, 1, 3, 4, 31, 82, 151, Svevo, ltalo, 125, 133 182, 183, 192, 213, 216 Swan, Annie, 174 Stephen, Thoby, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, Swift, Johnathan, 10, 48, 90, 169 215, 216 Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 16, Stephens, James, 43 43 Stephens, John, 123 Swinnerton, Frank, 46, 51, 173 Stern, G. B., 101, 125 Sydney-Turner, Saxon, 3, 5, 13, 14, Sterne, Laurence, 18, 101, 114 23, 36, 39, 131, 167 Stevenson, R. L., 91, 208 Symonds, 11argaret, 87 Stewart, Jean, 139 Symons, Arthur, 36 Stocks, 11ary, 155 Synge, John 11illington, 5, 11, 16, Stokes, Adrian, 104 21, 24 Stone, Grace, 134 Synge, 11rs Hamilton, 8 Stoop, Frank, 155 Stopes, Dr 11arie, 204 Tagore, Rabindranath, 122 Storrs, Sir Ronald, 130, 188, 195 Tatlock, Robert, 148 Strachey, Alix, 64, 65, 108, 147, 148, Taylor, Cecil, 104 175, 188 Taylor, Jeremy, 206 Strachey, E.]., 143 Taylor, Una, 87 Strachey, James, 34, 64, 88, 142, Taylor, V., 118 147, 181 Taylor, Valerie, 115 Strachey, Julia, 107, 145, 150 Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyich, 158 Strachey, Lady, 42, 118 Temple, Charles, 75 Strachey, Lytton (LS), 3, 5, 13, 17, Temple, William, 116 18, 34, 41, 42, 44, 49, 58, 62, 63, Tennant, Edward Wyndham, 52 65, 70, 74, 92, 110, 120, 126, Tennant, Stephen, 125 131, 134, 143, 144, 149 Tennyson, Alfred L., 8 works: 13, 15, 17, 28, 30, 40, 41, Tennyson, Frederick, 132 44, 56, 58, 60, 62, 69, 90, 94, Terry, Ellen, 217 103, 111, 117, 118, 120, 122, Thackeray, Harriet, 1 134, 135, 138 Thackeray, William 11akepeace, 2, Strachey, 11arjorie, 20, 22, 53, 118, 25, 42, 163 154, 193 Theophrastus, 208 Strachey, Oliver, 56, 89, 144 Thirlmere, Rowland, 6 Strachey, Pernel, 35, 88, 116, 137, Thomas, Dylan, 181, 182 143, 219 Thomas, Edward, 36, 37, 39 Strachey, Philippa, 54, 60, 64 Thomas, 11argaret, 116, 136 238 Index

Thomas, Nurse Jean, 20 Vachell, Horace, 8 Thompson, Edward, 81, 92, 112 Valery, Paul, 84, 85, 155 Thompson, James, 29, 83, 168 Vander Post, Laurens, 164 Thomson, Marjorie, 72, 74, 82 van Doren, Carl, 49 Thorndike, Sibyl, 130 van Druten, John, 111 Thrale, Mrs, 1 Van Gogh, Vincent, 88 Thring, Katherine, 144 Vansittart, Sir Robert, 127 Ticknor, Caroline, 38, 80 Vaughan, Emma, 3, 39 Tidmarsh, 41 Vaughan, Janet, 172 Tillotson, Geoffrey, 176 Vaughan,Madge,4,8,9,63, 92 Todd, Dorothy, 96, 111, 113 Vaughan, Will, 4 Tolstoy, Countess, 69, 94, 190 Venn, Henry, 166 Tolstoy, Leo, 19, 37, 56, 57, 75, 76, Verinder, Frederick, 178 95, 119, 169, 184, 190 Victoria, Queen, 2, 3 Tomlin, Stephen, 85, 107, 139, 155, Villard, Leonie, 55 163, 189 Villiers, Elizabeth, 94 Tonks, Henry, 172, 189 Villiers, George, 90 Toogood, Miss, 87 Villon, Fran~_;ois, 109 Torr, Cecil, 67 Vines, Sherard, 128 Towne, Charles, 89 Voltaire, 62, 217 Townley, Elizabeth Marie, 82 von Herder, Alexandra, 8 Toynbee, Arnold, 40 von Hindenburg, Paul, 179 Toynbee, Mrs Paget, 51, 135, 179 von Nostitz-Wallwitz, Baroness Toynbee, Rosalind, 40, 66 Helene, 179 Travers, Rosalind, 8 Trechmann, E. J., 126 Tree, Sir H. Beerbohm, 96 Waddington, Mary King, 16 Tree, Viola, 96, 97, 102, 195, 202 Wagner, 14 Trefusis, Violet, 108, 146, 151 Waley, Arthur, 89, 90, 125 Trevelyan, G. M., 134, 216 Waley, Hubert, 96 Trevelyan, George, 44 Walker, Ethel, 155, 172 Trevelyan, Hilda, 93 Walkley, Arthur, 55 Trevelyan, Janet Penrose, 78 Wallace, Edgar, 126 Trevelyan, R. C., 33, 54, 59, 96, 105, Wallis-Simpson, Mrs, 189 139, 148, 179, 207, 217 Walpole, Horace, 51, 135, 205, 213 Trollope, Anthony, 2, 107, 119, 142 Walpole, Hugh, 42, 84, 113, 124, Trotsky, Leon, 210 133, 141, 149, 150, 153, 159, 160, Troubridge, Lady, 90, 117 172, 192, 211 Trouton, Rupert, 137 Walter, Bruno, 156 Turgenev, Ivan, 65, 66, 105, 156, Walter, Fran~_;ois, 179 158, 159, 160, 162 Walton, William, 76, 145 Turner, W. J., 54, 102, 103 Ward, Edward, 191 Twain, Mark, 19 Ward, Mrs Humphry, 9, 40, 47, 55, 78, 145 Unwin, Stanley, 108, 179 Warner, Sylvia, 89 Unwin, T. F., 1 Warr, Dr, 2 Upson, Arthur, 8 Waterlow, Alice, 20 Upward, Edward, 197 Waterlow, Sidney, 20, 23, 60, 140 Utley, Freda, 164 Watson, Foster, 85 Index 239

Watson, Gilbert, 7 Williamson, llenry, 215 Watson, W. F., 165 Willis, Irene Cooper, 184 Watt, Mary Fraser, 48 Wills, J. W., 189 Watts, George Frederic, 48 Wilson, F., 115 Waugh, Evelyn, 110 Wilson, Florence, 114 Weaver, llarriet, 43 Wilson, llarriette, 89 Webb, Beatrice and Sidney, 26, 27, Wilson, Mona, 85 45, 61, 96, 102, 137, 159, 170 Wilson, Romer, 63, 76 Webbe, William, 126 Wise, Marjorie, 142 Webling,Peggy,85 Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 66, 121 Wedgwood, Josiah, 41 Wolfe, llumbert, 125, 210 Weiss, Bianca, 154 Wolfe, Thomas, 119, 171, 196, 210 Wellesley, Lady Dorothy, 82, 99, Wolff, Dr Charlotte, 180 114, 115, 133, 141, 148, 213 Wollstonecraft, M., 123 Wells, G. P., 143 Wolseley, Viscountess, 93 Wells, II. G., 5, 16, 33, 45, 98, 99, Women's Co-operative Guild, 29, 103, 105, 113, 122, 128, 143-5, 35, 37, 54, 69, 72, 157 168, 188, 204 Women's Institute, 214, 217, 219 Welsh, Jane, 17 Women's Service Club, 154 West, Margaret, 154 Woodforde, James, 107 West, Rebecca, 70, 113, 116, 158, Woolbridge Manor, 78 160, 171 Woolf, C. N. Sydney, 47 Weston, Jessie, 53 Woolf, llerbert, 95 Wethered, Joyce, 130 Woolf, Leonard (LW), xiv, 3-5, 22- Wharton, Edith, 5, 7, 53, 165 6, 29, 34, 37, 130, 190, 212 Whistler, Rex, 148 political and editorial work, 26, White, Antonia, 158 29, 40, 45, 62, 72, 74, 75, 97, White, Eric, 117 100, 106, 119, 145, 182, 183, White, Gilbert, 191 195 Whitehead, Alfred North, 19, 26 books and articles, 25, 28, 38, 51, Whitman, Walt, 191 56, 59, 66, 90, 105, 106, 112, Whymper, Edward, 211 139, 142, 143, 169, 175, 184, Whyte, Anna, 174, 179, 187 189,195,197,202-5,212,219, Wicher, George, 33 220 Wigram, Ralph, 174 Woolf, Mrs, 114, 115, 132, 142, 158, Wilberforce, Dr Octavia, 189, 217- 160, 166, 207 20 Woolf, Philip, 60, 129 Wilcox, Ella, 51 Woolf, Virginia (VW) Wilde, Oscar, 5, 61, 130, 210 residences, 4, 11, 21, 23, 32, SO, Wilder, Thornton, 196 208, 215 Wilkins, Mary, 7 Diversions and Travel: Wilkinson, Prudence, 159 art exhibitions, 39, 48, 55, 56, 63, Wilkinson, Tate, 98 104, 145, 157, 172, 195 Willard, Frances, 26 plays, 18, 19, 55, 59, 61, 62, 68, Williams, llarold, 46 74, 88, 90, 100, 109, 117, 126, Williams-Ellis, Amabel, 173 130, 146, 156, 159, 164, 180, Williams-Ellis, Clough, 173 182, 183, 191, 192, 197, 205 Williamson, E., 147, 178, 206 operas, concerts, 3, 6, 14, 22, 23, Williamson, Elizabeth, 145 37, 44, 46, 47, 54-6, 76, 92, 240 Index

Woolf, Virginia (VW)- continued (MD), 56, 63, 68, 71, Diversions and Travel-continued 72, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 127, 139, 141, 148, 155, 164- 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 89, 90, 92, 6, 172, 175, 200 94, 99, 124, 141 political meetings, 19, 27, 30, 44, (MT), 55, 61, 63, 169, 173, 178, 179, 186, 62, 64 190, 193, 194 Night and Day (N&D), 35, 37, 40, travel, France, 4, 11, 15, 25, 104, 43, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 112, 122, 175, 192, 206; Ger­ 52, 53, 54, 58, 63, 64, 120, many, 18, 119, 175; Greece, 197 10, 147; Holland, 175; Ire­ Orlando (0), 102, 108, 109, 110, land, 165; Italy, 4, 15, 104, 111, 112, 113, 114, 116, 117, 147, 156, 175; Scotland, 199; 118, 119, 120 Spain, 75; Turkey, 10, 22, Roger Fry (RF), 181, 187, 197, 198, 147; Yugoslavia, 147 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, other (see also Memoir Club), 25, 205, 206, 207, 208, 210, 211, 76,94, 117,121,142,146,157, 212, 213, 214, 217 179, 212 The Common Reader (CR), 63, 65, Illness: 70, 71, 75, 77, 78, 80, 81, 83, physical, 20, 26-7, 58-9, 67, 69- 85-9, 94, 122, 124, 213 70, 74, 86, 90-3, 119, 131, , 50 134-5, 138-9, 150-1, 163, 165, The Second Common Reader (CR n), 184 126, 141, 143, 144, 146-51 mental, 1, 4, 5, 20, 22, 24, 27-8, (VO), 14-17, 25- 31, 36, 42, 97, 98, 100, 136, 7, 30, 31, 52, 54, 58, 120, 124 185, 219, 220 (W), 100-3, 105-7, 114, Literary activities (see separate lis­ 115, 117-19, 122-9, 131-3, ting under Hogarth Press): 153, 190 lectures, S-6, 12, 13, 35, 54-5, 59, (Y), 154-6, 159-68, 176, 105, 106, 116, 145, 176, 189, 177, 181-4, 187, 188, 190, 191 205, 214, 215 (3G), 139, 141, 145, diary and sketches, 2-4, 8, 9, 12, 154, 172, 177, 178, 181, 184, 30, 31, 39, 85, 87-9, 92, 107, 186, 188, 190, 193-200 122, 149, 171 (TL), 84, 88, 90, languages, 2-4, 33, 56, 61, 90, 104 93-103, 105, 113, 125, 129, Books: 195 A Room of One's Own (Room), 116, Woolsey, Gamel, 145, 176 119, 122, 123, 125, 154, 177, Wordsworth, Dorothy, 62, 163 185 Wordsworth, William, 22, 123, 187, (BA), 171,195, 199, 208, 212, 213 199-201,203-5,207,212,216, Workers' Educational Association, 217, 219 182, 210, 212 Flush (F), 149, 150, 152, 153, 154, Wright, Arnold, 73 156, 159, 160, 170 Wright, Dr Maurice, 24, 28 , 48, 171 Wright, Elizabeth, 149 Jacob's Room UR), 5S-62, 63, 65, Wright, Joseph, 149 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 83, 89, 94, Wright, Ralph, 172 124, 178, 197 Wright, Thomas, 182 Kew Gardens, 49, 50 Wylie, Elinor, 98 Index 241

Yarmolinsky, Avrahm, 105 Young, Emily Hilda, 25, 177 Yates, Arthur, 80 Young, George, 45 Yates, May, 75 Young, Hilton, 5, 18, 20, 45 Yeats, W. B., 11, 37, 49, 53, 66, 73, Young, M., 56 86, 101, 110, 113, 119, 133, 144, Yourcenar, Marguerite, 190 169, 188, 203, 204 Yonge, Charlotte, 25, 171 Young, Arthur, 163 Zimmem, Alfred, 23, 71 Young, E. H., 197 Zuckerman, Solly, 147 Index of Titles

Essays and Poems 'Am I a Snob?', 101, 189 'America Which I Have Never 'A Character Sketch', 58 Seen', 198 'A Belle of the Fifties', 5 'American Fiction', 87, 91 'A Book of Essays', 42 'Among the Poets', 36 'A Born Writer', 57 'An American Poet', 54 'A Brilliant Englishwoman .. .', 91 'An Andalusian Inn', 6 'A Cambridge V. A. D.', 38 'An Essay in Criticism', 108 'A Conversation about Art', 161, 'An Imperfect Lady', 56 166, 168 'An Impression of Gissing', 76 'A Cookery Book', 19 'An Interview with ', 'A Description of the Desert', 7 107 'A Disillusioned Romantic', 57 'An Old Novel', 56 'A Flying Lesson', 60 'An Unwritten Novel', 55, 57 'A Friend ofJohnson', 18 'Anon.', 202, 215, 217 'A Giant with Very Small Thumbs', 'Appreciations', 84 105 'Art and Life', 18 'A Glance at Turgenev', 66 'Ash Wednesday', 116 'A Good Daughter', 56 'Aurora Leigh', 139 'A Letter to a Young Poet', 141, 149 'Augustine Birrell', 130 'A Man with a View', 35 'Awakening of the Muses', 153 'A Minor Dostoevsky', 39 'A Nineteenth-Century Critic', 8 'Bad Writers', 47 'A Positivist', 50 'Beau Brummell', 120, 125 'A Practical Utopia', 45 'Behind the Bars', 53 'A Prince of Prose', 61 'Bloomsbury Bar', 100 'A Priory Church', 6 'Body and Brain', 56 'A Real American', 51 'Byron and Mr Briggs', 67 'A Scribbling Dame', 33 'A Sentimental Journey', 115 '', 206 'Cardinal Manning', 30 'A Talk about Memoirs', 55 'Caroline Emilia Stephen', 17 'A Talker', 38 'Caution and Criticism', 46 'A Terribly Sensitive Mind', 108 'Character in Fiction', 80, 81, 83 'A Victorian Socialist', 44 'Charles Lamb', 125 'A View of the Russian Revolution', 'Charlotte Bronte', 34, 41 47 'Chateau and Country Life', 16 'A Vision of Greece', 9 'Chinese Stories', 27 'Abraham Lincoln', 46 'Cinema', 96, 98 'Across the Border', 42 'Cleverness and Youth', 54 'Adventurers All', 46 'Coleridge as Critic', 42 'Aesthetically speaking .. .', 81 'Coming back to London . . .', 87 'All about Books', 135, 136 'Congreve', 62, 92, 194

242 Index of Titles 243

Essays and Poems - continued 'Georgiana and Florence', 216 'Congreve's Comedies: Speed, 'Geraldine and Jane', 117, 120 Stillness, and Meaning', 194 'Gipsy, the Mongrel', 208 'Cowper and Lady Austen', 120, 'Gissing' s "By the Ionian Sea"', 156 124 'Gorky on Tolstoi', 57 'Crabbe', 159 'Gothic Romance', 63 'Craftsmanship', 187, 191, 192 'Great Men's Houses', 147 'Creative Criticism', 38 'Gypsy or Governess?', 88

'David Copperfield', 89, 91, 147 'Half of Thomas Hardy', 118 'De Quincey's Autobiography', 147 'Harriette Wilson', 89 'Delta', 7 'Heard on the Downs: the Genesis 'Dickens by a Disciple', 49 of Myth', 35 'Donne after Three Centuries', 141, 'Henley's Criticism', 61 145 'Henry James' Ghost Stories', 66 'Dorothy Osborne's Letters', 116 'Herman Melville', 51 'Dorothy Wordsworth', 120, 125 'Honest Fiction', 46 'Dostoevsky in Cranford', 52 'Horace Walpole', 51 'Dostoyevsky the Father', 66 'Hours in a Library', 36 'Dr Burney's Evening Party', 113, 'Houses of the Great', 137 123, 147 'How Should One Read a Book', 93, 'Dreams and Realities', 44 97

'Editions-de-Luxe', 83 'I am Christina Rossetti', 133, 149 'Eliza and Sterne', 73 'I was given the opportunity to see 'Ellen Terry', 218 a demonstration ...', 81 'Emerson's Journals', 20 'Imitative Essays', 44 'English Prose', 54 'Impassioned Prose', 100 'Ethel Smyth', 63 'Impressions at Bayreuth', 18 'Evelina's Step Sister', 130 'In a Library', 36 'Everyman's Library', 8 'In any family save the Darwins ... ', 92 'Fanny Burney's Half-Sister', 131 'In the Orchard', 70, 75 'Fantasy', 66 'Inaccurate Memories', 133 'First Catch Your Hare', 80 'Indiscretions', 85 'Fishing', 189 'Inside the Queen Mary: a Business 'Fighting Nineties', 35 Man's Dream', 184 'Florence Nightingale', 30 'Is Fiction an Art?', 108 'Flumina Amen Silvasque', 39 'Is This Poetry?', 50 'Forgotten Benefactors', 50 'It is Strange as One Enters the '', 26 Mansard Gallery ...', 84 'Freudian Fiction', 55 'From Alpha to Omega', 85 'Jane Austen and the Geese', 59 'Jane Austen at Sixty', 78 'Gas at Abbotsford', 210 'Jane Austen Practising', 69 'Genius', 102 'John Addington Symonds', 87 'George Eliot', 52, 62, 100 'John Davidson', 39 'George Gissing', 103 'John Delane', 16 'George Moore', 90 'John Evelyn', 59 244 Index of Titles

Essays and Poems - continued 'Modem Fiction', 84 'Jones and Wilkinson', 98 'Modem Novels', 49 'Joseph Addison', 50 'Moments of Vision', 44 'Joseph Conrad', 83 'Money and Love', 55 'J oumeys in Spain', 6 'Montaigne', 79 'More Carlyle Letters', 17 'More Dostoevsky', 'Lady Fanshawe's Memoirs', 12 37 'Lady Ritchie', 48 'Mr Conrad's Crisis', 43 'Lady Strachey', 118 'Mr Symons's Essays', 36 'Mr Bennett 'Laetitia Pilkington', 76 and Mrs Brown', 78, 80 'Landor in Little', 52 'Mr Benson's Memories', 81 'Mr Conrad: 'Lappin and Lapinova', 202, 203, a Conversation', 77 206 'Mr Conrad's Youth', 39 'Mr 'Laughter and Tears', 100 Galsworthy's Novel', 39 'Mr Gladstone's ', The Philosopher at Daughter', 40 'Mr Home: A Daughter's Memories', Gosse and His Friends', 51 152 'Mr Henry James's Latest Novel', 5 'Mr Howells 'Letter to a Young Poet', 142, 149 on Form', 46 'Mr Hudson's 'Letters of Christina Rossetti', 16 Childhood', 46 'Lewis Carroll', 209 'Mr Kipling's Notebook', 57 'Mr 'Life and the Novelist', 101 Merrick's Novels', 44 'Life Itself', 107 'Mr Norris's Method', 55 'Mr Norris's 'Lives ofthe Obscure', 65, 73, 115 Standard', 61 'Lockhart's Criticism', 138 'Mr Sassoon' s Poems', 38 'London Squares', 157 'Mrs Dalloway in Bond Street', 69, 'Loud Laughter', 44 71, 76 'Literary Geography', 6 'Mrs Gaskell', 20 'Luriana Lurilee', 129 'Mrs Thrale', 219 'Mummery', 47 'My Early Beliefs', 201 'Madame de Sevigne', 200 'Madeleine', 51 'Maria Edgeworth and her Circle' 'Neo-Pagans', 23 19 ' 'Not One of Us', 109 'Mary Wollstonecraft', 120 'Not the least pitiable victims of the 'Maturity and Immaturity', 52 deplorable summer . . .', 84 'Melba', 92 'Notes on an Elizabethan Play', 86 'Melodious Meditations', 37 'Melymbrosia', 12 'Old and Young, 36 'Memoirs of a Novelist', 18 'Old Mrs Grey', 108, 150 'Memories of a Working Women's 'Olive Schreiner', 87 Guild', 132 'Oliver Goldsmith', 157, 164 'Memories', 117 'On a Faithful Friend', 5 'Men and Women', 55 '', 94 'Middlebrow', 151 'On Not Knowing French', 113, 120 'Miss Janet Case: Classical Scholar 'On Re-reading Meredith', 45 and Teacher', 194 'On Re-reading Novels', 69 'Miss Ormerod', 69, 86 'On Some of the Old Actors', 50 'Modem Essays', 72 'Oxford Street Tide', 144 Index of Titles 245

Essays and Poems - continued 'Shelley and Elizabeth Hitchener', 'Papers on Pepys', 43 13 'Parodies', 37 'Sheridan', 19 'Pastels of Morocco and Zoo Stu- 'Sir Thomas Browne', 76 dies', 157 'Sir Walter Raleigh', 37 'Patmore's Criticism', 63 'Slater's Pins Have No Points', 99, 'Pattledom', 90 106, 111 'Phases of Fiction', 92, 99, 115, 121, 'Small Talk About Meredith', 48 168 'Social Life in England', 36 'Philip Sidney', 12 'Solid Objects', 59 'Philosophy in Fiction', 42 'Stendhal', 82 'Phyllis and Rosamond', 9 'Sterne, 18 'Pictures and Portraits', 53 'Sterne's Ghost', 92 'Pictures', 88 'Stopford Brooke', 40 'Plays and Pictures', 117 'Street Haunting: a London Adven- 'Pleasant Stories', 60 ture', 107 'Poetry in Fiction', 135 'Street Music', 7 'Poetry, Fiction and the Future', 105 'Sunset Reflections', 41 'Poets' Letters', 8 'Suspiria de Profundis', 98 'Pope as a Moralist', 31 'Sweetness - Long Drawn Out', 9 'Postscript or Prelude', 59 'Swift's Journal to Stella', 90 'Preference of Four Critics: Virginia 'Swinburne Letters', 43 Woolf', 112 'Professions for Women', 135 Talks with Tolstoi', 75 'Pure English', 57 'Tchehov's Questions', 43 'The Tunnel', 48 'Queen Adelaide', 33 'The "Censorship" of Books', 120 'The "Movie" Novel', 45 'Rachel', 22 'The American Language', 121 'Reading at Random', 195, 215 'The Anatomy of Fiction', 49 'Reading', 215, 219 'The Antiquary', 85 'Real Letters', 52 'The Art of Biography', 202 'Reflections at Sheffield Place', 192 'The Art of Fiction', 109 'Reviewers', 209 'The Bluest of the Blue', 9 'Robinson Crusoe', 94 '"The Book of Beauty": A Protest', 'Romance and the 'Nineties', 98 133 'Romance and the Heart', 76 'The Burning Cactus', 181 'Romance', 37 'The Captain's Death Bed', 177 'Royalty', 169 'The cheapening of motor cars . . . ', 'Rupert Brooke', 45 84 'Ruskin Looks Back on Life, "Praet­ 'The Cherry Orchard', 57 erita" ', 110 'The Chinese Shoe', 78 'The Claim of the Living', 44 'Saint Samuel of Fleet Street', 92 'The Compromise', 78 'Scenes in the Life of Mrs Bell', 79 'The Cook', 142 'Scott's Character', 63 'The Cosmos', 100 'Scottish Women', 15 'The Countess of Pembroke's Arca­ 'September Journal', 211 dia', 143 'Shag', 5 'The Decay of Essay-Writing', 5 246 Index of Titles

Essays and Poems - continued 'The New Censorship', 115 The Docks of London', 137 The New Crusade', 41 'The Dreadnought Hoax', 19 The New Dress', 90, 105 The Dream', 211 'The Niece of an Earl', 116 The Duchess and the Jeweller', 194 'The Novels of Defoe', 49 The Duke and Duchess of The Novels of E. M. Forster', 106, Newcastle-upon-Tyne', 22 109 The Dunciad' (life of DG), 86 'The Novels of George Gissing', 24 The Eccentrics', 49 'The Novels of George Meredith', The Enchanted Organ', 80 111 The End of an Epoch', 170 The Novels of Thomas Hardy', 149 'The Faery Queen', 171 The Novels of Turgenev', 162 The Genius of Boswell', 17 The Old Man', 86 The Higher Court', 56 'The Old Order', 40 The Historian and "The Gibbon" ', 'The Opera', 18 192 The Pargiters: an Essay', 151 'The House of Lyme', 37 The Patron and the Crocus', 81 The Intellectual Imagination', 53 'The Perfect Language', 38 The Intellectual Status of Women', 'The Pilgrims of Hope', 31 59 'The Plumage Bill', 57 The Interruption', 86 'The Poetic Drama', 8 The Inward Light', 13 The Prime Minister', 71 The Jessamy Brides', 104 The Private View of the Royal Aca­ 'The Journal of Mistress Joan demy .. .', 81 Martyn', 10 '"The Private Papers of Henry 'The Lady in the Looking Glass: a Ryecroft" by Henry Gissing', 11 Reflection', 124 The Professor', 86 The Leaning Tower', 210, 217 The Protection of Privacy', 160 'The Legacy', 216, 218 The Pursuit of Beauty', 57 'The Letters of Jane Welsh Carlyle', 'The Reader', 202, 215 7 The Rev. John Skinner', 134 The Life of John Mytton', 96 The Rev. William Cole: a Letter', The Limits of Perfection', 52 145 : The Docks of 'The Rights of Youth', 45 London', 137; '"This is the House 'The Royal Academy', 51 of Commons" ', 151; 'Abbeys and 'The Russian Background', 51 Cathedrals', 148; 'Great Men's The Russian View', 47 Houses', 147; 'Oxford Street 'The Schoolroom Floor', 84 Tide', 144; 'Portrait of a Lon­ The Searchlight', 133, 204 doner', 153 The Shooting Party', 194, 197 The Man at the Gate', 216 The Sister of Frederic the Great', 8 The Mark on the Wall', 38 'The Soul of an Archbishop', 49 The Memoirs of Lady Dorothy 'The Strange Elizabethans', 126, 143 Nevill', 16 The Stranger in London', 14 The Memoirs of Sarah Bernhardt', ', 55 16 The Sun and the Fish', 111 'The Mysterious Case of Miss V.', 'The Tale of Genji', 90 10 'The Telescope Story', 204 The New Biography', 108 'The Two Samuel Butlers', 87 Index of Titles 247

Essays and Poems - continued 'Women and Leisure', 125 The Value of Laughter', 7 'Women Must Weep', 199 The War from the Street', 48 'Women Novelists', 46 The Waterfall', 150 'Words Fail Me', 192 The Weekend', 82 'Wordsworth and the Lakes', 9 The Wheel', 38 'Wordsworth Letters', 14 The Wrong Way of Reading', 56 Their Passing Hour', 7 Thomas Hardy's Novels', 110 Thomas Hood', 13 Books Thoreau', 38 'Thoughts on Peace in an Air Raid', A Backward Glance, 165 216 A Belle of the Fifties, 5 Three Jews', 38 A Broadcast Anthology of Modern Three Pictures', 107 Poetry, 133 'Thunder at Wembley', 82 A Childhood, 190, 195 Thursday Evenings', 15 A Collection of Poems (Written between To Read or Not to Read', 39 the Ages of 14 and 17), 136 To Spain', 75 A Dark Lantern, 6 Tolstoy's the Cossacks', 37 A Day-Book of Landor, 52 'Trafficks and Discoveries', 10, 47 A Deplorable Affair, 2 Turning the Page', 215 A Derelict Area, 172 'Two Antiquaries: Walpole and A Discourse of English Poetrie, 126 Cole', 205 A Doll's House, 164, 183 Two Irish Novels', 7 A Farewell to Arms, 119 Two Irish Poets', 43 A Final Burning of Boats, 131 'Two Soldier Poets', 44 A Flame in the Sunlight . . . , 184 'Two Women', 105 A Flood Tide, 7 A Florentine Tragedy, 61 'Valery Brussof', 46 A Flying Scroll, 114 'Visits to Walt Whitman', 41 A Further Range, 181 A Garden Revisited and Other Poems, 'War in the Village', 45 141 'Washington Irving', 49 A General Selection from the Works of 'Watts-Dunton's Dilemma', 53 Sigmund Freud, 196 'Waxworks at the Abbey', 112 A German Pompadour, 9 'What is a Novel?', 104 A Group of Scottish Women, 15 'What the bloods of the nineties A Guided Tour, 186 .. .', 88 A High Wind in Jamaica, 60, 148 'White's Selboume', 208 A History of Socialism, 181 'Why Art To-day Follows Politics', A Lady of the Salons, 69 189 A l'ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs, 41, 'Why?', 165 52 'Wilcoxiana', 51 A Ia Recherche du Temps Perdu, 52, 'William Allingham', 13 102 'Winged Phrases', 52 A Last Chance in Kenya, 143 'Within the Rim', 49 A Lecture on Lectures, 111 'Wm. Hazlitt the Man', 131 A Letter from a Black Sheep, 144 'Women and Fiction', 116, 119, 121 A Letter to Adolf Hitler, 151 248 Index of Titles

Books - continued A Writer's Diary, 220 A Letter to a Grandfather, 155 A Writer's Recollections, 47 A Letter to a Modern Novelist, 149 Aaron's Rod, 66, 175 A Letter to a Young Poet, 149 ABC of Reading, 162 A Letter to an M.P. on Disarmament, Abinger Harvest, 181, 183 143, 150 Abraham Lincoln: A Play, 46 A Letter to an Archbishop, 151 Ad Familiares, 41 A Letter to Madam Blanchard, 142 Adamastor, 129 A Letter to Mrs Virginia Woolf, 151 Adriactica and Other Poems, 88 A Letter toW. B. Yeats, 144, 150 Adventure and Other Papers, 106 A Life of Sir Kenelm Digby, 22 Adventures in Investing by 'Securitas', A Literary Pilgrim in England, 39 186 A Lost Love, 56 Aesthetics and Psychology, 175 A Lover's Complaint, 117 After His Kind, 8 A Man in the Zoo, 81 After Many a Summer, 209 A Midsummer Night's Dream, 83, 192 After Strange Gods: A Primer of A Modern Utopia, 5 Modern Heresy, 165 A Naturalist's Voyage Round the After the Deluge, 139, 142, 143, 189, World, 211 203, 204 A Nineteenth-Century Childhood, 84 Afterthoughts, 138 A Note in Music, 131 Agamemnon, 10, 73 A Novelist on Novels, 44 Ajax, 16 A Passage to India, 32, 52, 79, 80, 82, Alanna Autumnal, 166 93, 94, 106 Albert the Good: a Life of the Prince A Pier and a Band, 34 Consort, 148 A Player under Three Reigns, 88 Albertine disparue, 86 A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Alice Meynell: A Memoir, 123 Man, 38 Alice in Wonderland, 127 A Quiet Corner in a Library, 36 Alice James: Her Brothers - Her Jour- A Room of One's Own, 119 nal, 168 A Room with a View, 13, 15 Alice Meynell: A Memoir, 137 A Russian Schoolboy, 40 All God's Chillun Got Wings, 156 A Short History of English Literature, All for Love, 68 215 All Men Are Ghosts, 42 A Short View of Russia, 93 All Passion Spent, 135, 139 A Supreme Moment, 8 All Summer in a Day, 100 A Swan and her Friends, 13 Allegra, 176, 179 A Tale of Two Cities, 2 A/mayer's Folly and Tales of Unrest, A Time to Dance and Other Poems, 174 78 A Treasury of English Prose, 54 Alone, 67 A Vanished Generation, 16 Among My Books, 2 A Victorian Peep-Show, 134 Among the Idolmakers, 42 A Vision, 86 An Account of Corsica, 77 A Week in the White House with An Account of French Painting, 143 Theodore Roosevelt, 14, 16 An African Speaks for his People, 164 A Woman of India: Being the Life of An American Tragedy, 86 Saroj Nalini, 122 An Anatomie of the World, 145 A Woman of Wit and Wisdom, 9 An Apology for Old Maids, 37 A World of Light, 138 An Autobiographical Study, 181 Index of Titles 249

Books - continued Autobiography and Correspondence of An Evening in my Library Among Eleanor Ormerod, 86 English Poets, 36 Avowels, 52 An Honest Thief and Other Stories, Avvakum: The Life of the Archpriest 52 Avvakum by Himself, 85 An Imperfect Mother, 55 An Irish Peer on the Continent, 1801- Babbitt, 66 1803, 58 Back to Methuselah, 60 An Outcast of the Islands, 78 Barbarians at the Gate, 203, 205 An Outline of Musical History, 125 Barchester Towers, 2 Anatole France, the Man and his Work, Barham of Beltana, 6 81 Beecham and Pharoah, 175 Ancient Melodies, 198 Beelzebub and Other Poems, 179 And Even Now, 60 Before Midnight, 37 And No Man's Wit, 213 Before the Bombardment, 100 Andre Gide's Journal, 1885-1939, 207 Before the Mast- And After, 82 Androcles and the Lion, 33 Beggar's Opera, 59 Anna Karenina, 95, 119 Behind the Brass Plate, 113 Anna Livia Plurabelle, 110 Behind the Scenes with Cyril Maude, Annals of Innocence and Experience, 113 216 Belchamber, 175 Anonymity: An Enquiry, 93 Beneath the Whitewash, 130 Another Future of Poetry, 99 Berkeley Moynihan, 213 Anthony Hope and His Books, 178 Bermondsey Book, 98 Antic Hay, 73 Bernard Shaw, 148 Antigone, 3, 48, 169 Between Two Worlds, 176 Antony and Cleopatra, 164 Beyond, 39 Aphra Behn, 109 Beyond the Pleasure Principle, 72 Aphrodite in Aulis, 118 Beyond the Mexique Bay, 165 April Morning, 101 Biographia Literaria, 213 Ariadne, 142 Bitter Tea, 134 Ariane et Barbebleue, 192 Blackstick Papers, 16 Ariel, 81 Blanche Esmead, 8 Arms or Arbitration?, 112 Blast, 28 Art and Commerce, 102 Blasting and Bombardiering, 195 Arthur Yates: An Autobiography, 80 Blenheim, 134 Artists in Uniform, 173 Blind Men Crossing a Bridge, 167 As I Lay Dying, 127 Bliss, 45, 53, 58, 60 As Time Went On, 173, 185 Blithe Spirit, 218 As You Were, 132 Books and the Public, 108 Ash Wednesday, 127, 129 Books and Persons, 38 Aspects of Literature, 60 Books and the People, 202 Aspects of the Novel, 102, 108, 109 Books in General, 47 Astarte, 68 Books on the Table, 64 Aurelian, 8 Boswell's Life of Johnson, 92 Autobiography of Christopher Kirkland, Both Sides of the Curtain, 207 186 Brave New World, 144 Autobiographies, 101 Brighton, 173 Autobiography, 58, 168, 187, 210, 220 Brighton Rock, 196 250 Index of Titles

Books - continued Chorus of the Newly Dead, 99 Britain & America, 130 Chosen Poems, 96 Brothers and Sisters, 119, 124 Christian Morals, 12 By Beach and Bogland, 6 Christina Rossetti, 134 By the Ionian Sea, 155 Christina Rossetti and her Poetry, 133 Byron, 128 Christmas Formula, 153 Byron: The Last Journey, 80 Civilisation and its Discontents, 131, 209 Caesar and Cleopatra, 87 Civilisation: An Essay, 109, 113 Cahiers de Jeunesse, 10 Clara Butt, 114 Cakes and Ale, 133 Clarissa, 83, 99 Cambridge Poetry, 120 Clayhanger, 19 Cambridge Poetry 1930, 130 Clemence and Clare, 147 Cambridge Women's Verse, 136 Clinical Aspects of Psycho-Analysis, Can I Help You? Your Manners - 199 Menus . .. , 195 Clown's Houses, 46 Can Lloyd George Do It?, 121 Co-operation and the Future of Candide, 62 Industry, 27 Canzoni, 21 Coal: A Challenge to the National Carlyle, 1 Conscience, 105 Carmen, 166 Cock Robin's Decease: An Irregular Caste and Democracy, 161 Inquest, 112 Castles in the Air, 96 Coleridge Fille: A Biography of Sara Cat's Cradle, 100 Coleridge, 216 Catchwords and Claptrap, 101 Coleridge the Talker, 216 Catherine de Medici and the French Colour Coordination, 147 Reformation, 6 Columbine, 33 Cavender's House, 129 Comedies of William Congreve, 92 Cawdor, 125 Comfortless Memory, 114 Cezanne, 109 Comite de Vigilance, 182 Celebrities of Our Times, 89 Commonplace Book, 126, 191 Challenge to Schools, 178 Composition as Explanation, 91, 97, Chance, 28 101 Change Your Sky, 174, 179 Comus, 117 Chants for Socialists, 214 Confessions of a Keeper and Other Characteristics of French Art, 154 Papers, 207 Charles Lamb, 164 Coniston, 9 Charleston Bulletin, 79 Conrad in Quest of his Youth, 44 Charlotte Bronte, 149 Contacts and Contrasts, 211 Charlotte Bronte: A Centenary Memo­ Contemporary Music, 109 rial, 41 Contemporary Techniques of Poetry, 92 Chase of the Wild Goose . .. , 185 Conversation Piece, 163 Chateau and Country Life in France, Coriolanus, 166 16 Cornhill, 15 Cheerful Weather for the Wedding, 145, Correspondence (1830-80), 185 150 Correspondence of Thomas Gray, 179 Cheiron, 105 Counter Attack and Other Poems, 44, Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, 128 45 Choephori, 11 Country Notes, 209 Index of Titles 251

Books - continued Dictionary of National Biography, 1 Courage in Politics and Other Essays, Die Sprache Virginia Woolfs, 146 63 Diet and High Blood Pressure, 192 Craft of Fiction, 68 Different Days, 113 Creative Criticism: Essays on the Unity Disarmament, 96, 152 of Genius and Taste, 38 Disarmament and the Coolidge Confer- Crime and Punishment, 25 ence, 109 Crime at Christmas, 169 Dodo, 128 Crochet Castle, 67 Don Giovanni, 44, 154 Crome Yellow, 60, 144 Don Juan, 45, 139 Cromwell, 2 Don Quixote, 57 Cymbeline, 168 Dorothea Beale of Cheltenham, 15 Dorothy Wordsworth, 163 D. H. lAwrence: A Personal Record, Down and Out in Paris and London, 177 153 Dan the Dollar, 7 Dr Salter . . . , 178 Danger Zones of Europe, 123 Drama, 218 Dante, 119 Drapier' s Letters, 169 Daphne Adeane, 100 Dream Analysis, 196 Darkness at Noon, 210 Drifting Men, 132 Darwin, 193 DuCote de chez Swann, 26, 43 David Copperfield, 172, 182 Dubliners, 28 Dawn on Mount Blanc, 128 Duino Elegies, 73, 142 Day In, Day Out, 114 Duncan Grant, 80 Daybreak, 68 Duo, 206 Days that are Gone, 82 Duree et simultaneite, 66 De Profundis, 5 De Rerum Natura, 11 Earlham, 73 Deadlock, 61 Early Socialist Days, 108 Dear Judas and Other Poems, 133 Early Victorian Novelists, 170 Death in the Afternoon, 144 East Coker, 212, 216 Death in Venice, 26 Economic Policies and Peace, 189 Death of my Aunt, 124 Edward Jerningham and his Friends, Decline and Fall, 110 50 Decline of the West, 121 Edward Lear, lAndscape Painter & Deirdre, 11 Nonsense Poet, 198 Deirdre of the Sorrows, 21 Edward Wyndham Tennant: A Delius, 112 Memoir, 52 Democracy Under Revision, 103, 105 Edwardians, 130 Denzil Quarrier, 24 Electra, 45 Deputy Was King, 101 Elizabeth and Essex, 94, 110, 117, 118, Des Imagistes, 28 120, 122, 202 Deserted House: A Poem-Sequence, 133 Elizabeth and Her German Garden, 11 Desire Under the Elms, 211 Elizabeth Barrett Browning in her Let­ Deux Livres des Memoirs d' outre ters, 8 Tombe, 195 Elle et Lui, 192 Devotions, 148 Ellen Terry and Bernard Shaw: A Cor­ Diary Without Dates, 42 respondence, 148, 217 Dictionary of Madame de Sevigne, 197 Ellen Terry and her Secret Self, 217 252 Index of Titles

Books - continued Felix Holt, 2 Emily Davies and Girton College, 105 Female Pipings in Eden, 147, 150, 157, Emily Jane Bronte and the Authorship 158 ofWuthering Heights', 149 Fenwick's Career, 9 Eminent Victorians, 30, 34, 40, 41, 44 Fifty Poems, 136, 148 Empire and Commerce in Africa, 51, Fighting Fitzgerald and other Papers, 53 132 Enemies of Promise, or How to Live Fighting the Waves, 169 Another Ten Years, 202 Figures in Modern Literature, 84 English Dialect Dictionary, 149 Figures of Several Centuries, 36 English Voyages of the Sixteenth Cen­ Final Edition, an Informal Autobiog- tury, 10 raphy, 216 English Literature and Society in the Financial Democracy, 160 Eighteenth Century, 4 Finnegans Wake, 203 English Review, 13 First Childhood, 163 English Seamen in the Sixteenth Cen- First Poems, 88 tury, 47 First Voyage, 12 English Village Schools, 142 Flaubert and Mme Bovary, 208 Envy, 187 Folios of New Writing, 219 Epicoene, or the Silent Woman, 75 For Intellectual Liberty, 182 Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot, 31 For Lancelot Andrewes, 110 Ermyntrude and Esmeralda, 28 For Whom the Bell Tolls, 210 Essay on Criticism, 31 Forsyte Saga, 159 Essays by William Ernest Henley, 61 Four Stages of Greek Religion, 31 Essays in Applied Psycho-Analysis, Fragments of an Agon, 107 78 Frances Willard: Her Life and Work, Essays in Biography, 192 26 Essays in Ecclesiastical Biography, 2 Fraulein Schmidt and Mr Anstruther, Essays of Montaigne, 79 11 Essays on Literature, History, Politics, Frederick Locker-Lampson: A Character etc., 106 Sketch, 58 Esther Waters, 57 Free and Other Stories, 51 Et Cie, 43 French Revolution, 2 Eupalinos ou l'Architecte, 84 Frenzied Fiction, 44 Euphrosyne, 7 From Capitalism to Socialism, 151 Eve's Ransom, 24 From My Private Diary, 139 Exiles, 41 From a Great-Grandmother's Arm­ Experiment in Autobiography, 168 chair, 153 Eyeless in Gaza, 180, 181, 187 From Cambridge to Camiers under the Red Cross, 38 From Feathers to Iron, 141 Fa~ade, 76, 145 From Hall-Boy to House-Steward, 93 Faery Queen, 171 From Moscow to Samarkand, 164 Family History, 148, 151 From Ritual to Romance, 53 Family Homespun, 218 From the Human End, 42 Fantasia of the Unconscious, 66 Frost in May, 158 Far Away and Long Ago, 46 Fugitive Pieces, 105, 106 Father and Son, 11 Funeral March of a Marionette, 171, Fear and Politics, 90 179 Index of Titles 253

Books - continued Hamlet, 91, 171 Further Adventures of Robinson Hans Frost, 124 Crusoe, 94 Hard Liberty, 122 Further Contributions to . . . Psycho­ Hard Times, 86 Analysis, 103 Harriet Hume, 124 Further Reminiscences 1864-1894, 87 Hary-0: The Letters of Lady Harriet Fyodor Dostoyevsky, 66 Cavendish, 214 Hassan, 73 Gammer Gurton's Needle, 57, 200 He and His, 212 Gaudier-Brzeska: A Memoir, 41 Heartbreak House, 47, 60, 66, 126 General Theory of Relativity, 26, 30 Hearts and Pomegranates ... , 215 General Enters into Hearts of Controversy, 40 Heaven . .. , 54 Hedda Gabler, 183 Genesis, 99 Henry Chaplin: A Memoir, 127 Genji, 89 Henry James at Work, 78, 85 Gentleman Errant, 17 Henry the Fourth, 157 George Frederic Watts, The Annals Herries Chronicle, 159 ... , 48 Hester Lynch Piozzi, 218, 219 George Gissing: An Impression, 75, 76 Histoire de France, 30, 31, 204 George Meredith ... Works and Per­ Histoire de ma vie, 194 sonality, 45 History as Direction, 132 George Meredith: His Life and Friends History of England, 216 ... , 48 History of Rome, 2 Georgian Poetry, 24, 73 History of the Norman Conquest of German Lyric Poetry, 132 England, 6 Giuseppe Baretti and his Friends, 18 History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars Gli Indifferenti, 175 in England, 191 Glimpses of Authors, 80 Histriophone: A Dialogue on Dramatic Go She Must!, 103 Diction, 90 God: an Introduction to the Science of Hogarth Miscellany, 110 Metabiology, 125 Holman Hunt, 187 Goha le Simple, 57 Homage to John Dryden . .. , 85 Gold and Iron, 53 Homo Ludens, 196 Golden Boy, 189 Honoria Lawrence: A Fragment of Gone With the Wind, 181 Indian History, 186 Good Merchant, 167, 168 Horace Walpole, 213 Good Morning and Good Night, 168 Hours in a Library, 213 Goodbye to All That, 119 How the League of Nations Works . .. , Goodbye to Berlin, 196 96 Goodbye West Country, 215 How the World is Governed, Gorboduc, 109 155 Grace After Meat, 85 How to Lengthen our Ears, 39 Grammar of Love, 173 How to Make a Revolution, 169 Great Expectations, 204 How to Pay for the War, 210 Group Psychology, 209 Howard's End, 19 Group Psychology and the Analysis of Hugh Selwyn Mauberley, 53 the Ego, 73 Hugh Walpole, 160 Guests and Memories: Annals of a Human Odds and Ends, 24 Seaside Villa, 87 Hunting the Highbrow, 105 254 Index of Titles

Books - continued John Keats ... , 42 I Speak of Africa, 108 John Nash, Architect to King George I Sometimes Think: Essays for the IV, 174 Young People, 36 John Porter of Kingsclere, 55 Ibsen and the Actress, 113, 116, 183 Johnson Over Jordan, 206 If the Germans Conquered England Journal d'un poete, 214 ... , 42 Journal de Eugene Delacroix, 204 If We Want Peace, 149 Journal Intime, 74 Illyria, Lady, 169 Journals of Ralph Waldo Emerson, 20 Impenetrability or The Proper Habit of Journey to the Border, 197 English, 105 Joyce Kilmer, 52 Imperialism and Civilization, 112 Judith Paris, 141 Impressions that Remain, 52 Julian Bell: Essays, Poems and Letters, In a German Pension, 21 194, 203 In a Province, 164 Jupiter and the Nun, 148 In Good Company, 38 Justice Among Nations, 104 In Hazard, 200 In My Anecdotage, 90 In Our Time, 79 Kangaroo, 73 In Our Town, 82 Karn, 68 In Retreat, 92 Kenya, 85 In the Year oflubilee, 24 Kew Gardens, 44, 46, 49, 50 Index Psychoanalyticus 1893-1926, Kilvert's Diary, 200, 207 119 King John, 83 India in Transition, 151 King Lear, 80 Inferno, 134 King Lear's Wife, 61 Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety, King William I, 8 188 King's Daughter, 124, 125 Inordinate(?) Affection, 185 Knole and the Sackvilles, 73 Interludes and Poems, 14 International Review, 45 Interpretation of Dreams, 29 L. E. L., A Mystery of the Thirties, 107, Introduction to Astrology, 15 112 Introduction to Psychology, 36 L'Ame et la danse, 84 Invitation to the Waltz, 142, 144 L'Histoire de France, 30, 111 It as Not Jones, 114 La Revolution surrealiste, 79 Ivanhoe, 141 La terre qui meurt, 19 La Bal du Comte d'Orgel, 83 Jack Robinson, 160 La Comedie humaine, 213 Jane Austen's Letters, 152 La Divina Commedia, 172 Java Head, 50 La femme anglaise au XXIXe Siecle Jeanne de Heaut, 85 ... , 55 Joan and Peter, 45 La Finta Giardiniera, 127 Joan of Arc, 193 La Machine infernale, 162 John Baily, 1864-1931, Letters and La Nausee, 189 Diaries, 178 La Porte Etroite, 218 John Bull's Other Island, 11 La Princesse de Cleves, 18, 67 John Davidson . . . , 39 La prisonniere, 73 John Halifax, Gentleman, 2 Labby: The Life of H. Labouchere, 184 Index of Titles 255

Books - continued Letters of James Boswell to the Rev. Ladies and Gentlemen in Victorian Fic­ W. J. Temple, 17 tion, 193 Letters of Lady Augusta Stanley, 105 Lady Henry Somerset, 78 Letters of Peter Plymley, 212 Lady Bessborough and her Family Letters of the Wordsworth Family from Circle, 213 1787 to 1855, 14 Lady Chatterley's Lover, 110, 118 Letters of Travel, 1892-1913, 57 Lady Hester Stanhope, 19 Letters on Poetry from W. B. Yeats to Lady into Fox, 72, 81 Dorothy Wellesley, 213 Lancashire under the Hammer, 112 Letters to a Friend, 210 Land and Freedom, 178 Letters to Frederick Tennyson, 132 Land-Value Rating, 185 Letters to his Nephew, 183 Last Songs, 43 Lettres a une Inconnue, 10 Later Poems, 66, 199 Lettres de Ia Marquise du Deffand a Laurus Nobilis, 18 Horace Walpole, 135 Law and Justice in Soviet Russia, 172 Lettres deMon Moulin, 182 Lawrence and Brett: A Friendship, Lies and Hate in Education, 125 158 Life and Letters of Stopford Brooke, 40 Le Bergsonisme . . . , 66 Life as We Have Known It, 130, 137 Le cote de Guermantes, 53 Life of Charles Dickens, 182 Le Livre de Goha le Simple, 57 Life of Frederick York Powell, 10 Le Million, 138 Life of John Sterling, 2 Le Misanthrope, 190 Life of Milton Together with Obser­ Le Quartier Mortisson, 202 vations on 'Paradise Lost', 132 Le Roman psychologique de Virginia Life of Robert, Marquess of Salisbury, Woolf, 146 67 Le Rouge et LeNoir, 25, 82 Life of Shakespeare, 3 Leaves of Grass, 191 Life of Sir Walter Scott, 2 Lectures on the Relations between Law Light Arising: Thoughts on the Central ... , 6 Radiance, 14 Legends of Smokeover, 66 Light in August, 144 Leisured Women, 112 Lights Are Bright, 187 Leonardo da Vinci . .. , 208 Limbo, 54 Les Faux-monnayers, 93 Linda Condon, 57 Les grands ecrivains de Ia France, 200 Lions and Shadows, 197 Les Liaisons dangereuses, 22 Literary Review of the New York Even- Les Oberle, 15 ing Post, 78 Les Presages, 158 Litterature, 47 Letter Book (1573-1580), 126 Little Dorrit, 209, 211 Letters from Iceland, 194 Little Innocents, 152 Letters and Diaries of Henry, Tenth Lives of a Bengal Lancer, 174 Earl of Pembroke, 210 Living Painters- Duncan Grant, 83 Letters and Journals of Anne Chalmers, Livingstones: A Novel of Contemporary 80 Life, 145, 155 Letters from Catalonia, 6 Lockhart's Literary Criticism, 138 Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to London Revisited, 36 Elizabeth Hitchener, 13 London: A Poem/ and/ The Vanity of Letters of Horace Walpole to the Rev. Human Wishes, 132 William Cole, 205 Londoner Skizzenbuch, 14 256 Index of Titles

Books - continued Medea, 83 Londres com me je I'ai vu . . ., 14 Medieval People, 217 Lone Marie, 7 Mein K11mpf, 203 Long Day's Journey into Night, 210 Meleager, 105 Look Homeward Angel, 119 Melymbrosia, 12 Lord Bateman, 9 Memoirs of Mrs. Clay of Alabama, 5 Lord Byron's Correspondence, 67 Memoirs of the Life of Colonel Hutchin- Lord Jim, 38, 78 son, 45, 83 Lord Ormont and His Aminta, 191 Memoirs of the Life of John Mytton Lost London: The Memoirs of an East Esq., 96 End Detective, 167 Memoirs of the Reign of George II, 211 Louise de la Valliere, 15, 16 Memorials of Edward Burne-fones, 200 Love and Friendship, 69 Memories and Friends, 81 Love and Liberty, 68 Memories and Melodies, 92 Love for Love, 62, 178, 193 Memories and Notes, 111 Love Poems and Others, 33 Memories of a Militant, 85 Love, Hate and Reparation, 196 Memories of George Meredith, 53 Lyrical Poetry from Blake to Hardy, Men and Memories, 136, 199 118 Men of Europe, 33 Lysistrata, 165 Men Without Women, 102, 108 Men Without Art, 168 M. Proust, An English Tribute, 74 Men, Women, and Things, 196 Macbeth, 165 Mendel, 36 Madeleine, One of Love's Jansenists, 51 Mes Apprentisages, 186, 190 Magic Flute, 175 Michael Robartes and the Dancer, 53 Main Street, 53 Middle Age: 1855-1932, 178 Mainly Victorian, 87 Middlemarch, 142 Major Barbara, 5 Mile End, 194, 199, 202 Manhattan Transfer, 86 Mirror of the Sea, 8 Mansfield Park, 86 Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Maria Edgeworth and her Circle ... , Goldsmith, 156 19 Miss Eden's Letters, 34, 52 Marie Corelli ... , 211 Miss Mole, 177 Marie Elizabeth Townley, 82 Miss Weeton: Journal of a Governess, Marlborough and Other Poems, 51 1807-, 11, 188 Martha Wish-You-Ill, 94,99 Moby Dick, 67, 115 Mary Chomondeley, A Sketch from Mock Beggar Hall, 82 Memory, 114 Modern Art and Revolution, 151 Mary Elizabeth Haldane, 94 Modern English Writers, 46 Mary Russell Mitford and her Sur­ Modern English Essays, 72 roundings, 56 Modern Prose Style, 168 Materials and Methods of Fiction, 49 Modes and Manners of the Nineteenth Maternity: Letters from Working Century, 19 Women,30 Moll Flanders, 49 Matrix, 114 Monday or Tuesday, 60 Maurice, 32 Months at the Lakes, 9 Maurice Baring, 196 Moses and Monotheism, 207 Mazzini, Garibaldi & Cavour, 193 Mother Courage and Her Children, 218 Memoires d'outre tombe, 172 Motley and Other Poems, 44 Index of Titles 257

Books - continued North to the Orient, 177 Mourning Becomes Electra, 135 Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard, 43 Mr. Norris Changes Trains, 174 Notes for Poems, 112 Mr. Balcony, 109 Notes on English Verse Satire, 125 Mr. Baldwin Explains and Other Notes on Life and Letters, 61, 77 Dream Interviews, 109 Nouvelle Revue fran~ise, 16 Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown, 81 Mr. Britling Sees It Through, 33 0 Providence, 145 Mr. Roosevelt's Experiments, 172 Obiter Scripta, 1918, 50 Mrs. Gaskell: Haunts, Homes and Occasional Papers . . . , 43 Stories, 20 Occupied Territory, 129 Mrs. Grundy's Crucifix, 9 Oedipus Coloneus, 3 Mrs. Lynn Linton, 186 Oedipus Tyrannus, 74 Mummery, 47 Of Human Bondage, 30 Mundos, 178 Of Mice and Men, 189 Murder in the Cathedral, 170, 173, Of Time and the River, 171 176, 180 Old Friends: Personal Recollections, Mutations of the Phoenix, 74, 76 220 My Sporting Life, 189 Old Mortality, 67 My Study Windows, 2 Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats, My Apprenticeship, 96 208 My Diaries, 186 Old Wives' Tale, 25, 77 My Life, 174, 211 Oliver Cromwell, 200 My Life and Times, 100 Oliver Wendell Holmes, 18 My Old World, 177 On Liberty, 209 On Marxism To-Day, 147 Nancy Stair, 6 On Socialism, 184 Narcissus, 34 On the Stage: An Autobiography, 114 National Velvet, 167, 170, 174, 202 On the Edge, 133 Nature Has No Tune, 114, 124 On the Nightmare, 142 Nature in English Literature, 123 One Way of Love, 145 Ne Obliviscaris: Dinna Forget, 127 One Immortality, 17 Near East Educational Survey, 115 Ordinary Families, 158 New and Old, 46 Orientations, 195 New Country . .. , 155 Original Letters from India (1779- New Introductory Lectures on Psycho­ 1815), 89 Analysis, 162 Othello, 113, 130 New Signatures: Poems by Several Our Freedom and its Results by Five Hands, 146 Women, 187 New Writing, 184, 203, 209 Our Mutual Friend, 206 Next-Door Neighbours, 5 Our Own History of the War from a Nicholas Nickleby, 205 South London View, 48 Night and Day, 47 Our Partnership, 137 Nightmare Abbey, 67 Our Town, 196 Nights, 35 Out and About, Random Remi- Nightwood, 189 niscences, 157 No More Music, 171 Out of the Past, 87 Noah and the Waters, 183 Oxford Book of French Verse, 16 Nobody Asked You, 144 Oxford Book of Modern Verse, 211 258 Index of Titles

Books - continued Poetry: A Magazine of Verse, 24 Pages de Journal, 1929-32, 167 Point Counter Point, 110, 118, 170, Pain, Sex and Time, 209 171 Pansies, 119 Politics and Literature, 125 Paper Houses, 120 Politics and Morals, 179 Paradise in Piccadilly, 95 Pomona, 154 Paradise Lost, 45 Portrait of a Lady, 167 Parallax, 83, 86, 88 Portrait of Stella Benson, 206 Paris: a Poem, 50, 54, 55, 56 Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Parnassus to Let . . . Rhythm in the 33,43 Films, 117 Portrait of Zelide, 89 Passenger to Tehran, 97, 99, 101 Portraits, 138, 143 Past and Present, 33 Portraits in Miniature and other Past and Present at the English Lakes, Essays, 134, 135, 138 34 Posterity, 109 Patterns of Culture, 214 Potboilers, 43 Paul Valery, 155 Potterism: A tragi-farcical tract, 57 Paxton and the Bachelor Duke, 174 Poverty, 21 Peace With Honour, 171 Poverty and Plenty: The True National Peggy: The Story of One Score Years Dividend, 176 and Ten, 85 Praeterita, 110 Penny Foolish ... , 166 Pragmatism, 11 People and Things, 141 Prefaces, 167 Pepita, 186, 194, 195 Prelude, 22, 40, 44, 45, 123 Pericles, 166, 168 Price of Love, 30 Pericles and Aspasia, 8 Principia Ethica, 15 Personae, 93 Principia Mathematica, 19, 26 Personal Aspects of Jane Austen, 59 Principia Politica, 220 Personalities: 24 Drawings, 53 Principles of Biography, 23 Persuasion, 183, 188 Principles of Social Reconstruction, 36 Peter Pan, 93 Progress, 79 Petrograd: The City of Trouble, 1914-- Progressive Schools, 164 1918, 47 Prose Papers, 41 Pharos and Pharillon, 73, 74, 76 Protection and Free Trade, 141 Phases of English Poetry, 118 Proust, 118 Phenomenology, 26 Prufrock and Other Observations, 36 Philosophers in Trouble, 42 Psycho-analysis of the Neuroses, 153 Pilgrim's Progress, 83 Psychology of the Unconscious, 36 Pilgrimage, 49 Psychopathology of Everyday Life, 29 Places and Persons, 89 Public Schools, 146 Playboy of the Western World, 11 Puck of Pook's Hill, 8 Pocahontas or The Nonpareil of Vir- Pugs and Peacocks, 145 ginia, 153 Punch & Judy and other Essays, 100 Poe's Helen, 38 Purgatorio, 40, 172, 174 Poems and Fables, 88 Puss in Boots, 74, 127 Poems by C. N. Sydney Woolf, 47 Pygmalion, 33 Poems of Twenty Years, 208 Poetry & Criticism, 92 Quack! Quack!, 175 Poetry in France and England, 139 Quarterly Review, 14 Index of Titles 259

Books - continued Romance: Two Lectures, 37 Queen Elizabeth, 2, 163 Rome, Naples et Florence, 175 Queen Victoria, 56, 58, 60, 62 Romeo and Juliet, 16, 82, 180 Queen Alexandra the Well-Beloved, 94 Rose of Lone Farm, 6 Roxana, 49 Rilce and Economics in South Africa, Rupert Brooke and the Intellectual 165 Imagination: A Lecture, 53 Rachel: Her Stage Life and her Real Russet and Taffeta, 93 Life, 22 Russia To-Day and To-Morrow, 132 Raymond and I, 189 Russian Notes, 146 Rebels and Reformers, 41 Rustic Elegies, 104 Recollections of Lady Peel, 55 Reflections on the Revolution in France, S. T. Coleridge's Unpublished Letters, 210 149 Regales Disputationes Tres, 210 Sacre du Printemps, 26 Regales Disputationes Tres, 145 Sado, 135, 141 Reincarnations, 43 Saint Joan, 83 Religio Medici, 76 Saint Joan of Arc, 185, 195 Reminiscences . . . of a Mid and Late Sally Bowles, 196 Victorian, 44 Samuel Butler . . . the Man and his Reminiscences of Tolstoy, Chekhov and Work, 35 Andreev, 169 Sanctuary, 134 Reminiscences of a Student's Life, 92 Satire & Fiction, 132 Reminiscences of D. H. Lawrence, 154 Satires of Circumstance, 30 Reminiscences of Leo Nicolayevitch Saturday Night at the Greyhound, 137 Tolstoi, 56, 57 Second Marriage, 43 Reminiscences of Lord Kilbracken, 150 Seducers in Ecuador, 84, 85 Reminiscences of Mrs. Comys Carr, 95 Select Epigrams from the Greek Antho- Remnants, 43 logy, 3 Reprinted Pieces and Christmas Stories, Selected Papers of Karl Abraham, 108 91 Selections from Modern Poets, 65 Requiem and Other Poems, 175 Self-Portrait ... of Charles Ri, 209 Retrospect ofWestern Travel, 176 Senlin: A Biography, 90 Rev. Canon S. A. Barnett, 48 Sense and Sensibility, 211 Revolution, 60 Sense and Poetry, 163 Revolution in Writing, 179 September, 51 Revolving Lights, 76 Serious Reflections of Robinson Crusoe, Riceyman Steps, 81 94 Richard Hakluyt, 85 Seven Types of Ambiguity, 127, 128 Richard the Second, 83 Seven Men, 52 Riders to the Sea, 5 Seven Pillars ofWisdom, 93 Rimeless Numbers, 148 Shakespeare, 176, 184 Ring, 23 Shapes That Pass, 115, 117 Roan Stallion, Tamar and Other Poems, Shelley, 109 116 Shirley, 2 Robert Browning and Alfred Domett, 8 Shops and Houses, 46 Robert Smith Surtees 1803-1864, 82 Si le grain ne meurt, 102, 209 Rochester . .. , 101 Siddharta, 66 Romance, 78 Sidney and Beatrice Webb, 159 260 Index of Titles

Books - continued Sporting Reminiscences, 55 Sido, 201, 202 St. James's Park and other poems, 128 Silas Marner, 2 St. Joan, 79 Simpson, 136 St. Martin's Summer, 150 Sir Fulke Greville's Life of Sir Philip St. Paul, 171 Sidney, 12 Stiidtische Oper, 156 Sir Thomas More, 8 Stalky's Reminiscences, 112 Sir Walter Raleigh: Selections, 37 Stavrogin's Confession, 68, 72 Sir Walter Scott's Journal, 210 Steeple-Jacks and Steeplejacking, 96 Sissinghurst, 133, 140 Stendhal: Journal, 82 Six Characters in Search of an Author, Steppenwolf, 102 60 Sterne's Eliza, 73 Small Talk at Wreyland, 67 Stories from the Old Testament ... , Smoke, 159 55, 60 Smoke Rings and Roundelays, 85 Stories of the Orient, 59 Smoky Crusade, 191 Stories of the East, 56 Social Life in England, 1750-1850, 36 Story of the Siren, 55 Socrates, 193 Strange Stories from the Lodge of Sodome et Gomorrhe, 60, 165 Leisures, 27 Solitude, 202, 203 Streaks of Life, 62, 63 Some Diversions of a Man of Letters, Streamers Waving, 88 51 Studies in Classic American Literature, Some Early Impressions, 82 73 Some Famous Women of Wit and Studies in Hand-Reading, 180 Beauty, 7 Studies in Shakespeare, 111 Some Hawarden Letters, 1878-1913, Studio Plays, 83 40 Supplement to the Letters of Horace Some of the Smaller Manor Houses of Walpole, 51 Sussex, 93 Suzanne et le Pacifique, 83 Some People, 106, 109 Sweeney Agonistes, 169 Some Religious Elements in English Swinburne and Baudelaire, 141 Literature, 139 Swinburne as I Knew Him, 53 Some Versions of Pastoral, 179 Sylvia and Michael, 48 Somehow Good, 14 Sylvia's Lovers, 32 Son ofWoman, 138 Symposium, 59 Songs for Sale: An Anthology of Recent Poetry, 46 Tale of Terror: A Study of the Gothic Songs of Salvation, Sin & Satire, 92 Romance, 63 Sonia Married, 51 Tales of Washington Irving, 49 Sonnets to Orpheus, 73, 187 Tales of Unrest, 78 Sons and Lovers, 26, 138, 151 Talks with Tolstoi, 75, 76, 100, 211 South Riding, 211 Tancred, 77 South Wind, 36, 38 Tandem, 151 Soviet Communism: A New Tant Alie of Transvall: Her Diary, Civilization?, 170 1880-1902, 72 Soviet Education, 150 Tantivy Towers, 137 Sparkenbroke, 187 Temptation, 11 Special Providence, 128 Ten Letter-Writers, 150 Speed the Plough and other Stories, 72 Tender Buttons, 30 Index of Titles 261

Books - continued The Blecheley Diary of Rev. William Tender is the Night, 162 Cole, 145 Tennyson, 98 The Book of Catherine Wells, 113 Tennyson: Aspects . .. , 77 The Bride of Lammermoor, 64, 150 Tess, 78 The British Public and the General Testament of Friendship, 210 Strike, 101 Testament of Youth, 159 The Bronti!s, 180 The Abbot, 31 The Bronti!s: Lives and Letters, 34 The Actor Manager, 46 The Bronti!s: Their Lives . .. , 175 The Agamemnon of Aeschylus, 14 The Brown House and Cordelia, 7 The Age of Innocence, 53 The Calender, 126 The Ages of Man, 210 The Candle of Vision, 46 The Ambassadors, 53 The Case for Federal Union, 219 The Amberley Papers, 186, 187, 191 The Case for West-Indian Self The American Scene, 12 Government, 156 The Anatomy of African Misery, 105 The Case is Altered, 126, 149 The Antiquary, 25, 150 The Castle, 93 The Apes of God, 127, 132 The Chapbook, 63 The Apology of Arthur Rimbaud: A The Character of John Dryden, 90 Dialogue, 105 The Characters of Lord Chesterfield, 112 The Apostles, 171 The Cherry Orchard, 57, 160 The Apple Cart, 127 The Childermass, 110 The Apple Tree, 153 The China Cupboard and Other Poems, The Architecture of Humanism, 123 120 The Armed Muse: Poems, 132 The China of To-Day, 104 The Arrow of Gold, 47 The Circle, 138 The Art of Dying: An Anthology, 133 The Citizen of the World and The Bee, The Arte of English Poesie, 126 164 The Ascent ofF.6, 189, 190 The City, 8 The Author's Progress, 9 The Close Chaplet, 101 The Authorship ofWuthering Heights, The Co-operative Movement To-day and 184 To-morrow, 187 The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, The Cockatoo's Holiday, 68 153 The Cockpit of Idols, 46 The Autobiography . . . of Benjamin The Collected Essays ... of Augustine Haydon, 102 Birrell, 130 The Autobiography of Archibald Hamil­ The Collected Poems of Rupert Brooke ton Rowan, 134 ... , 45 The Autobiography of Countess Sophie The Common Sense of World Peace, Tolstoi, 69 122 The Autobiography of Leigh Hunt, 64 The Complete Works of Lewis Carroll, The Autobiography of Lord Alfred 209 Douglas, 121 The Complete Works of William Haz- The Backward Son, 211 litt, 131 The Bankers of London, 203 The Compromise, 9 The Barretts ofWimpole Street, 139 The Constant Nymph, 102 The Bear Dances, 142 The Cookery Book of Lady Clark of The Birds, 80 Tillypronie, 19 The Bishop and Other Stories, 51 The Cornish Miner, 111 262 Index of Titles

Books - continued The Economic Consequences of Mr. The Cossacks and Other Tales of the Churchill, 90, 141 Caucasus, 37 The Economic Consequences of the The Counterfeits, 53 Peace, 47, 51 The Counterplot, 83 The Education of a Young Man, 96 The Country Air, 42 The Education of Henry Adams, 53 The Country of the Blind and Other The Edwardians, 112, 130, 139, 158 Stories, 204 The Ego and the Id, 103 The Course of English Classicism ... , The Ego and the Mechanisms of 128 Defence, 195 The Craft of Fiction, 60, 67, 69 The Egoist, 28 The Creevey Papers, 156 The Emancipated, 24 The Crisis and the Constitution, 146 The Emergence of Man, 143 The Critic in Judgement, 47, 50 The Emperor Jones, 60 The Dark, 66 The Empire Builder, 106 The Dark Island, 168, 169 The Enchanted Grove, 146 The Days of Dickens, 95 The End of Laissez-Faire, 99 The Death of Noble Godavary, 149 The Enjoyment of Music, 117 The Death of Society, 63 The Enormous Room, 135 The Death of the Heart, 202 The Espalier, 89 The Debtor, 7 The Eternal Husband and Other Stories, The Decline and Fall of the Romantic 37 Ideal, 188 The Explorer, 18 The Defeat of Baudelaire, 146 The Fable of the Bees, 198 The Defeat of Youth and Other Poems, The Face of Clay, 8 46 The Faery Queen, 136, 172, 173, 176 The Deluge and Other Poems, 96 The Family Letters of Christina Ros- The Destructive Element, 174, 176 setti, 16 The Development of English Biography, The Family Reunion, 203, 205 111 The Farmer's Bride, 54 The Devil's Due, 7 The Feather Bed, 77 The Diaries of Mary, Countess of The Final Struggle, 190 Meath, 115 The First Duke and Duchess of The Diary of a Country Parson, 107 Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 22 The Diary of a Lady in Waiting, 14 The Fivefold Screen, 135, 148 The Diary of Lady Frederick Cavendish, The Flame, 79 200 The Flurried Years, 95 The Diary of Montaigne' s Journey to The Foreigner in the Family, 123 Italy, 126 The Fortunes of Farthings, 6 The Dickens Country, 6 The Fountain, 145 The Dog Beneath the Skin, 170, 176 The French Pictures, 144 The Dreadnought Hoax, 19, 188 The Frogs, 182 The Dry Salvages, 219 The Future of an Illusion, 114, 209 The Early Life ... of Sylvia Scarlett, The Future of Colonies, 184 45 The Gambler and Other Stories, 39 The Early Life ... of John Evelyn, 59 The Garden of Cyprus, 76 The Early Life of Thomas Hardy, 117, The Garden Party and Other Stories, 118 66, 67 Index of Titles 263

Books - continued The Idea of a Christian Society, 205 The General Theory of Employment The Idiot, 30 ... , 171 The Immortal Isles, 104 The Gentleman from San Francisco, 68 The Importance of Being Earnest, 130, The Georgian Literary Scene, 173 210 The Ghost Sonata, 11 The Insulted and the Injured, 32 The Girl in the City, 68 The Intelligentsia of Great Britain, 173 The Girlhood of Queen Elizabeth, 19 The Intimate Life of Sir Walter Scott, The Glass Mender and other Stories, 63 100 The Invaders, 167 The Glen o'Weeping, 11 The Inward Light, 13 The Gold Tree, 44 The Journal of Elizabeth Lady Holland, The Golden Bowl, 5 16 The Good Earth, 134, 144 The Journal of a Somerset Rector, 134 The Good Soldier, 30 The Journal of Katherine Mansfield, The Gothick North, 121 1914-1922, 108 The Grand Tour, 76 The Journals of Thomas James Cobden- The Grapes of Wrath, 203 Sanderson, 100 The Great Dictator, 219 The Judge, 70 The Great Gatsby, 86 The Judgment of Francois Villon, 109 The Great Valley, 38 The Land, 95, 106, 150 The Greek Anthology, 38 The Land of the Blessed Virgin, 6 The Greek Commonwealth, 23, 71 The Larke, 176 The Green Hat, 161 The Last Puritan, 179 The Green Mirror, 42 The Last September, 165 The Gunroom, 173 The Leading Note, 40 The Hakluyts' Voyages ... , 47 The League and Abyssinia, 184 The Half Sisters, 120 The League of Nations and the World's The Hamwood Papers of the Ladies of Workers, 105 Llangollen, 132 The League of Nations: The complete The Happy End, 60 story ... , 185 The Happy Fields, 41 The Leaning Tower, 218 The Harsh Voice, 171 The Legend of Monte della Sibilla, 79 The Heart of Princess Osra, 2 The Letter Killeth, 7 The Heir, 70 The Letters of Algernon Swinburne, 43 The Heir of Redclyffe, 25, 171 The Letters of Anne Thackeray Ritchie, The Higher Court, 55, 56 80 The Hind and the Panther, 177 The Letters of D. H. Lawrence, 151 The Hoax, 125 The Letters of Dorothy Osborne, 116 The Hogarth Letters, 155 The Letters of Edward John Trelawny, The Holland House Circle, 16 21 The Horrors of the Countryside, 137 The Letters of George Eliot, 100 The Hotel, 197, 202 The Letters of George Gissing to Mem- The House in Paris, 178 bers of his Family, 103 The House of Lyme, 37 The Letters of Henry James, 55 The House of Mirth, 5, 7 The Letters of Katherine Mansfield, 175 The House of Shadows, 8 The Letters of Mary Russell Milford, The Hypochondriak, 123 87 The Idea of a World Encyclopedia, 188 The Letters of Olive Schreiner, 87 264 Index of Titles

Books - continued The Love Letters of Thomas Carlyle, 17 The Letters of Queen Victoria, 134 The Lover's Melancholy, 178 The Letters of Sir Walter Raleigh, 1879- The Machinery of Socialist Planning, 1922, 96 203 The Letters of Walter Raleigh, 97 The Magic Flute, 44 The Life and Romances of Mrs. Eliza The Magic Mountain, 79 Haywood, 33 The Magnetic Mountain, 155 The Life of Samuel Johnson, 92 The Magnificent Rothschilds, 204 The Life and Letters of William Thom­ The Making of an Immortal, 122 son, 49 The Making of Michael, 7 The Life and Adventures of Robinson The Man of Property, 8 Crusoe, 94 The Man Who Died, 139 The Life and Last Words of Wilfrid The Man Who Missed the Bus, 135 Ewart, 82 The Man Who Was Thursday, 13 The Life and Letters of Dr. Samuel The Man with Six Senses, 108 Butler, 87 The Manners of my Time, 55 The Life and Letters of Lady Dorothy The Marionette, 106 Nevill, 53 The Marmosite's Miscellany, 93 The Life and Letters ofCaptain Marryat, The Master Builder, 143, 183 177 The Matriarch, 125 The Life and Letters of John Thadeus The Meaning of Sacrifice, 130 Delane, 14, 16 The Meaning of Right and Wrong, 149 The Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay, The Medium of Poetry, 164 44 The Memoirs of Ann Lady Fanshawe, The Life and Letters of Sir Edmund 12 Gosse, 139 The Memoirs of Harriette Wilson, 89 The Life and Times of Queen Adelaide, The Memorial, 146 33 The Method of Henry James, 47 The Life and Times of Laurence Sterne, The Middle Years, 40 18 The Military Training of Youth, 193 The Life of Augustin Daly, 50 The Mill on the Floss, 168 The Life of Christina Rossetti, 133 The Mills of the Gods, 56 The Life of Thomas Coutts, Banker, 55 The Misanthrope, 191 The Life of Charles Stewart Parnell, 154 The Mugwumps and the Labour Party, The Life of Coleridge, 2 145 The Life o!Joseph Wright, 149 The Mysteries of Udolpho, 107 The Life of Mansie Wauch, 7 The Mysterious Universe, 134, 194 The Life of Mrs. Humphry Ward, 78 The Myth of Governor Eyre, 156, 161 The Life of Richard Bentley, 71 The Natural History and Antiquities of The Life of Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Selborne, 191 19 The Nature of Beauty in Art and Litera- The Life of Samuel Johnson, 92 ture, 105 The Listeners and Other Poems, 24 The New Boer War, 151 The Little Mermaid, 8 The Newcomes, 2 The London Spy, 191 The New Moon, 45 The Lonely Lady of Dulwich, 166 The New Religion, 12 The Long Week-End, 203 The Nice Old Man and the Pretty Girl, The Longest Journey, 11 133 The Lost Girl, 59, 64 The Nigger of the Narcissus, 78 Index of Titles 265

Books - continued The Prelude, 187 The Noise of History, 164, 168 The Price of Liberty, 191 The Northern Saga, 124 The Prison, 128, 136, 139 The Notebook of Malte Laurids Brigge, The Private Letter-Books of Sir Walter 19, 137 Scott, 129 The Notebooks of Anton Tchekhov, 64, The Private Life of Henry Maitland, 76 66 The Prospects of Literature, 109 The Notebooks of Samuel Butler, 123 The Psycho-Analysis of Children, 148, The Novels of Charlotte, Emily and 152 Anne Bronte, 69 The Psychology of Clothes, 133 The Novels of Jane Austen, 69 The Puppet Show of Memory, 146 The Obstinate Lady, 49 The Question Mark, 96 The Odd Women, 24 The Question of the House of Lords, The Odyssey, 71 169 The Old Huntsman and Other Poems, The Race Problem in Africa, 139 38 The Rainbow, 30 The Old Century, 201 The Rape of the Lock, 30 The Old Curiosity Shap, 2 The Raven Miscellany, 161 The Old Huntsman, 37 The Rector's Daughter, 80, 82 The Old Ladies, 84 The Red Haired Woman: Her Autobio- The Old Wives' Tale, 13 graphy, 7 The Open Conspiracy, 128 The Refugees, 197, 198 The Orators, 148 The Rehearsal, 90 The Origins of the League Covenant, The Reign of Law, 126 114 The Reminiscences of a Musical The Orphan, 88 Amateur, 33 The Other Side of the Medal, 92 The Republic of the Southern Cross, 46 The Outsider, 197 The Rescue, 53, 57 The Oxford Book of Greek Verse in The Return of the Native, 26 Translation, 199 The Revival of Aesthetics, 96, 97 The Oxford Book of Modern Verse, 188 The Riddle of the Sphinx or Human The Park Wall, 35 Origins, 169 The Passing of Guto and Other Poems, The Rise of the British Coal Industry, 12{) 158 The Peacemakers, 114 The River Flows, 101 The People of Ararat, 101 The Road to Wigan Pier, 189 The Playboy of the Western World, 24 The Rock, 161, 166 The Plough and the Stars, 93 The Romantic Nineties, 98 The Plumed Serpent, 93 The Root and the Flower, 174 The Poems of Edward, Lord Herbert, The Roots of Violence, 166 79 The Roots ofWar, 182 The Poet's Eye, 99 The Rover, 73 The Political and Social Doctrine of The Rule and Exercises of Holy Dying, Fascism, 161 206 The Political and Social Doctrine of The Rule and Exercises of Holy Living, Communism, 202 206 The Portrait of Zelide, 123 The Sacred Fount, 156 The Post-Victorians, 158 The Sacred Wood, 53, 59 The Power and the Glory, 210 The Sad Years, 45 266 Index of Titles

Books - continued The Tale of the Genji, 89, 90 The Sailor's Return, 91 The Taming. of the Shrew, 168 The Savage Pilgrimage, 153 The Task, 103 The Scholar's Daughter, 8 The Tempest, 93 The Science of Life, 143, 144 The Temple, or Sacred Poems . .. , 179 The Seasons, 83, 168 The Thackeray Country, 6 The Secret Agent, 11 The Theory of Psychoanalysis, 24 The Secret of Dickens, 49 The Things We Are, 69 The Secret of Hitler's Victory, 167 The Things Which Are Seen, 64 The Sense of the Past, 39 The Third Route, 122 The Sensitive One, 137 The Thirty-Nine Steps, 125 The Sentimental Traveller, 13 The Three Black Pennys, 47 The Shadow of the Glen, 5 The Three Sisters, 100, 197 The Shadow-Line, 38 The Times, 14 The Shropshire Lad, 184 The Tower, 110, 113 The Silver Tassie, 110 The Tower of Siloam, 7 The Single Hound, 193 The Tragedy of Man, 160 The Sisters and Other Tales in Verse, The Tragic Life of Vincent Van Gogh, 108 88 The 6,000 Beards of Athas, 179 The Trap, 141 The Skin Game, 53 The Trespassers, 25 The Social Life of Monkeys and Apes, The Triumphant Machine, 112 147 The Triumphs of Sara, 55 The Son of Heaven, 90 The Truth at Last, 82 The Son of Royal Langbrith, 5 The Truth Tellers, 166 The Sound and the Fury, 119 The Tunnel, 48 The Spanish Constitution, 155 The Twilight Age, 155 The Sport of Our Ancestors, 83 The Two Friends and Other Stories, 66 The Squire, 202 The Unclassed, 24 The State of Religious Belief, 104 The Uncommercial Traveller, 91 The Story of my Life, 170, 214 The Universe Around US, 134 The Story of San Michele, 153 The Unknown Murderer, 187 The Story of the League of Nations, 88 The Use of Poetry and the Use of The Story of the Siren, 57 Criticism, 153, 161 The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. The Victory of Reason, 96 Hyde, 208 The Village in the Jungle, 25, 142 The Strange Life of Willy Clarkson, 182 The Village Priest and Other Stories, The Stricken Deer, 129 47 The Structure of the Novel, 118 The Village Wife's Lament, 45 The Structure of Wuthering Heights, The Virgin Unmasked, 61 99 The Virgin and the Gypsy, 127 The Successful Teacher, 179 The Voice of the South, 7 The Sun Also Rises, 93 The Voysey Inheritance, 16 The Sun in Capricorn, 168 The Wainwrights, 157 The Supernatural in Modern English The War for Peace, 212, 220 Fiction, 42 The Wasps, 19 The Table Talk and Omniana of The Waste Land, 66, 76, 77, 78, 91, Coleridge, 42 94, 173 The Tale of a Soldier, 117 The Waverley Pageant, 150 Index of Titles 267

Books - continued Thus to Revisit, 142 The Way of All Flesh, 50 Time and Memory, 120 The Weather in the Streets, 181, 187 Time and Tide, 64 The Week End Book, 82 Time and Chance Poems, 101 The Well of Loneliness, 110, 115 Time, Taste and Furniture, 90 The Well of Days, 155 Titus Andronicus, 166 The Whirligig of Taste, 121 To Have and Have Not, 189 The Whirlpool, 24 To a Proud Phantom, 83 The White Peacock, 21 To the North, 149 The Wife and Other Stories, 43 Tobit Transplanted, 149 The Wife of Rossetti, 138 Tolstoy's Love Letters, 75, 76 The Wild Swans at Coole, 37, 49 Tono Bungay, 16 The Winding Stair, 119 Tony the Exceptional, 61 The Wings of the Dove, 64, 65 Tortilla Flat, 171 The Winters, 143 Totem and Taboo, 26 The Wise Virgins, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31 Tour Through the Whole Island ofGreat The Witch and Other Stories, 43 Britain, 134 The Woman Who Rode Away, 110 Tournant dangereux: Souvenirs de rna The Women Novelists, 46 Vie, 121 The Work, Wealth and Happiness of Town Life in the Fifteenth Century, Mankind, 145 6 The Worker and Wage Incentives, 165 Trachiniae, 3 The Worker's Point of View: A Sym- Tract on Monetary Reform, 78 posium, 160 Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 66 The Works of George Meredith, 69 Tragedy in Relation to Aristotle's The Works o!Jane Austen, 78 'Poetics', 106, 111 The World of Light, 138 Transition: Essays on Contemporary The World ofWilliam Clissold, 98, 99 Literature, 101 The Worlds and I, 51 Translations from Horace, etc., 217 The Wreckers, 142 Trial of a Judge, 197 The Writings of E. M. Forster, 197 Tribune of Rome: A Biography of Cola The Young Melbourne, 204 di Rienzo, 203 The Zincali, 197 Tricks of the Trade, 37 Theodore Roosevelt, 56 Triolus and Criseyde, 118 Therese Desqueyroux, 93 Triple Fugue, 145 These Twain, 33 Tristram Shandy, 101 These Were Muses, 85 Triumphs of Caesar, 33 They Were Defeated, 144 Trivia, 44 Thirty Minutes in a Street, 68 Troilus and Cressida, 168, 201 Thirty Preliminary Poems, 166 Turbott Wolfe, 87, 96 This for Remembrance, 87 Turgenev: The Man, his Art and his Thomas Aquinas, 212 Age, 105 Thomas Hood, 13 Twelfth Night, 159, 203 Thoughts after Lambeth, 138 Twelve Days, 117 Three Generations of English Women, Twelve Men, 51 1 Twelve Original Woodcuts, 66 Three Lives, 13 Twenty Years of My Life, 92 Three Plays: Sulla, Fand, The Pearl­ 'Twixt Land and Sea, 24 Tree, 139 Two Arcadias, 8 268 Index of Titles

Books - continued Walter Scott, 200 Two Generations, 216, 218 Walter Sickert: A Conversation, 161 Typhoon, 78 War and Human Values, 114 War and Peace, 32 U.S.A., 189 Warmongers, 202 Ulster To-Day and To-Morrow ... , We Did Not Fight, 179 141 We Have Been Warned, 175 Ulysses, 43, 58, 64, 65, 66, 68, 70, Well of Loneliness, 117 218 Welshman's Way, 109 Uncle Vanya, 190 What Happened Next, 213 Under the Terror, 207 What I Believe, 201 Under Western Eyes, 21 What is Wrong with the League of Undying Faces, 123 Nations, 112 Une Vie, 167 What Is a Book, 181 Unemployment: Its Causes and Their What to do with the B. B.C., 178 Remedies, 137 What We Saw in Russia, 143 Unholy: Memories of the Holy Land, When it was June, 78 129 Where Angels Fear to Tread, 5 Unknown Essex, 90 Which Way to Peace, 187 Unpublished Letters of Matthew While Paris Laughed, 44 Arnold, 80 Whitaker's Almanac, 196 Unwritten History, 82 White Capital & Coloured Labour, 121 Urn Burial, 76 Wild Wales, 182 Wilderness, 162 Vanessa, 159 Wilhelmina Margravine of Baireuth, 8 Venetian Glass Nephew, 98 William, 197 Venice, 17 William Allingham: A Diary, 13 Victoria of England, 177 Windless Sky, 187 Victoria the Widow and Her Son, 167 Winter Movement, 132 Victorian Jottings, 103 Within the Rim, 49 Victorian Photographs, 98, 101 Wives and Daughters, 77 Victorian Recollections, 55 Women: An Inquiry, 92 Victory, 30, 32 Women in Love, 60, 64, 144 Vie de Rossini, 82 Women in White, 189 Vienna, 169, 173 Words and Poetry, 114 Virginia Water, 111, 125 Wordsworth's Guide to the Lakes, 9 Virginia Woolf, 137, 151 Work for the Winter and other poems, Virginia Woolf & Lytton Strachey: 184 Letters, 220 Works and Days ... , 161 Virginia Woolf: a Study, 175 Writings by L. P. Jacks: Mad Vision and Design, 53, 60 Shepherds, 42 Visits to Walt Whitman in 1890-91, Wuthering Heights, 149 41 Voltaire: A Biographical Fantasy, 106, Yonder, 25 109 You Can't Go Home Again, 210 Vous etes Hommes, 33 Young Woodley, 111 Youth, 39, 78 Waiting for Lefty, 171 Walking Shadows, 143 Zoe, 120 Walter Leaf, 1852-1927, 192 Zuleika Dobson, 21