An X-Ray Microscopic Study of the Vasa Vasorum of Normal Human Pulmonary Arteries JOHN A

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An X-Ray Microscopic Study of the Vasa Vasorum of Normal Human Pulmonary Arteries JOHN A Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.19.6.561 on 1 November 1964. Downloaded from Thorax (1964), 19, 561. An x-ray microscopic study of the vasa vasorum of normal human pulmonary arteries JOHN A. CLARKE From the Department of Anatomy, University of Glasgow The first description of the distribution of the monary arteries originated from terminal branches bronchial arteries in injected specimens is attri- of the bronchial arteries. buted to Ruysch in 1721 (von Hayek, 1960). It was found that the adventitial arteriolar Robertson (1929), while injecting the vasa plexus was formed by arteries, 120 to 150 ,. in vasorum in the ascending aorta of dogs and lambs diameter, which approached the wall of the pul- with coloured cellulose, described, withoutillustra- monary artery obliquely, to divide and distribute tion, an anastomosis between the bronchial and longitudinal, coiled arterioles, 60 to 100 ,u in coronary arteries through the vasa of the pul- diameter, in the outer layers of the adventitia monary trunk, thus confirming the observations (Fig. 1, A-D). of Cruveilhier (1842) and Gross (1921). The arterial vasa in the adventitia of lobar and In their monographs on the lung, Miller (1947) segmental branches of the pulmonary arterv and von Hayek (1960) state, without further showed a characteristic sinuosity, which dimin- amplification, that the vasa vasorum to the pul- ished and finally disappeared, leaving parallel, monary arteries arise from the bronchial arteries. straight, adventitial arterioles, 30 to 50 ,u in dia- copyright. Studies on human cadaveric and necropsy pul- meter, in the walls of branches less than 1 cm. monary arteries, using routine histological and in diameter (Fig. 2, A-D). injection techniques, led Tobin (1960) to conclude It was clear from the micrographs that, that the mural vessels were confined to the outer although arterioles 40 to 50 ju in diameter pene- third of the media, that the vasa on the pulmonary trated the deep layers of the adventitia to bifurcate veins were richer, and that venous vasa drained and form a secondary plexus of vessels, 10 to 20 ,u into the lumen of the pulmonary vein. in diameter, in the outer third of the media in the This work is concerned with a study of the vasa extra-hilar part of the pulmonary arteries, the vasorum of human pulmonary arteries, using the arterial network was confined to the adventitia in Coslett Nixon x-ray projection microscope. the remainder of the pulmonary arterial tree (Fig. 3, A-D). MATERIAL AND METHODS The venous vasa, arising in the deep, adventitial layers of the intra-hilar branches of the pulmonary Twenty-five pairs of normal, post-mortem pul- 25 30 p. monary arteries and their principal branches were artery as vessels to in diameter, and at examined, within eight hours of death, from hearts the junction of the outer and middle thirds of the in the age group 15-80 years. media in the extra-hilar arteries (Fig. 3, E and F), on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected The microcirculation of the pulmonary artery wall traversed the pulmonary wall to form a dense net- was demonstrated by injecting micropaque within work of adventitial veins, 60 to 100 pu in diameter, physiological pressures, the arterial side through the and become tributaries of the bronchial veins bronchial arteries and the venous side via the (Fig. 4, B-D). bronchial veins. X-ray projection micrographs of full thickness DISCUSSION pulmonary artery wall and 1 mm. thick sections were taken on Ilford Contrasty Plates with an exposure The aim of this study was to demonstrate the time of six minutes. The microscope was operated at mural vessels in the pulmonary arteries and their 15 kV and 40 mA, with a copper target providing branches. the x-radiation. Examination of the vascular patterns in the OBSERVATIONS adventitia and media showed that the venous and arterial sides of the microcirculation could be From an examination of the micrographs it was differentiated in vessels with a diameter greater concluded that the arterial distribution to the pul- than 20 pu. 56! Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.19.6.561 on 1 November 1964. Downloaded from a, L: copyright. on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected FIG. 1 For explanation of Figs. 1 to 4, see p. 566. Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.19.6.561 on 1 November 1964. Downloaded from *b I ft I. (A) (B) copyright. on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected V .011( (C) (D) FIG. 2 Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.19.6.561 on 1 November 1964. Downloaded from m :I v m B copyright. V rn D) on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected *: XI V a-v mr2 F FIG. 3 Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.19.6.561 on 1 November 1964. Downloaded from (Al (B) copyright. on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected (C) (D) FIG. 4 Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.19.6.561 on 1 November 1964. Downloaded from 566 John A. Clarke 1 to 4 All micrographs except Fig. 3, A-F, are offull thickness media (m), x 50; (C) 1 mm. longitudinal section of intra- pulmonary artery. hilar branch of right pulmonary artery. Note terminal arteriolar distribution (a) in adventitia (v), and avascular FIG. 1. Micrographs of (A) ilight pulmonary artery outer third media (m), x 50; (D) 1 mm. longitudinal section showing arteriole (a) approaching pulmonary wall to ofintra-hilar branch ofright pulmonary artery. Note reduc- divide and distribute adventitial arterioles (v), x 30; tion in arteriolar distribution (a) to adventitia (v) and (B) right pulmonary artery, showing longitudinal, coiled, avascular media (m), x 50; (E) 1 mm. longitudinal section adventitial arterioles (a), x 45; (C) left pulmonary artery, ofintra-hilar branch ofleftpulmonary artery. Note venous aged 65 yearv. Note coiling of adventitial arterioles tributaries (t) originating in adventitia (v) to drain into (a), x 45; (D) extra-hilar branch of left pulmonary longitudinal venous channels (c), and arteriovenous artery. Note parallel adventitial arterioles with coiling anastomoses (a-v), x 80; (F) right pulmonary artery, 1 mm. (a), x 30. longitudinal section. Note arteriovenous anastomoses (a-v) at junction of outer and middle third of media (min: FIG. 2. Micrographs of (A) large intra-hilar branch of M2), and venous tributaries (t) traversing the adventitia (v), rightpulmonary artery. Note coiling ofadventitialarterioles x50. still present (a), x 60; (B) segmental branch of left pul- monary artery. Note reduction in vasculature and dimin- ished coiling of adventitial arterioles (a), x 60; (C) small FIG. 4. Micrographs of (A) left pulmonary artery 1 cm. intra-hilar branch of left pulmonary artery. Note sinuous lateral to pulmonary bifurcation. Note adventitial arterioles adventilial arterioles (a), x 50; (D) terminal intra-hilar from pulmonary trunk (a,), and pulmonary artery (a2) branch of right pulmonary artery. Note straight, uncoiled approaching and arborizing (b). x 20; (B) right pulmonary adventitial arterioles (a), x 50. artery showing adventitial network of veins (v) draining into longitudinal tributaries (t) of bronchial veins, x 40; FIG. 3. Micrographs of (A) 1 mm. longitudinal section of (C) left pulmonary artery, showing adventitial network of right pulmonary artery. Note arteriole (a) penetrating veins (v) draining into longitudinal tributaries (t) of adventitia (v) to supply outer third of media, x 50; bronchial veins, x 45; (D) intra-hilar branch of left (B) 1 mm. longitudinal section of left pulmonary artery. pulmonary artery, showing adventitial veins (v) draining copyright. Note terminal arteriolar distribution (a) in outer third of into longitudinal venous trunks (t), x 50. The coiling and sinuosity of the adventitial In this work the intima and remainder of the arterioles in the pulmonary arteries and their seg- media was found to be avascular. mental branches was interpreted as a defence From studies on the blood supply to the heart, mechanism against vasal stretch during systole. Gross (1921) concluded that an anastomosis It was clear from the micrographs that mural existed between the coronary and bronchial vessels were absent from branches of the pul- arteries near the pulmonary bifurcation. The monary artery with a diameter less than 1 mm., terminal distribution of the arterial vasa to the nourishment of the wall being completely luminal. pulmonary trunk has been shown to occur 1 cm. Particular attention was paid to the arterio- lateral to the pulmonary bifurcation (Clarke, venous anastomoses. It was evident from the 1964). In this series it was concluded that the micrographs that vessels 25 to 30 ,u in diameter arterial vasa from the coronary and bronchial lay at the junction of the outer and middle thirds arteries arborized closely but did not anastomose on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected of the media in the extra-hilar parts of the pul- on the proximal 1 cm. of the pulmonary artery monary arteries, and in the deep adventitial layers (Fig. 4A). in the remainder of the pulmonary arterial tree. With age, while there was no evidence of in- These vessels were only found after the venous creased vascularity, an increased coiling and side of the microzirculation had been injected. tortuosity of the arterial vasa could be demon- Since an arteriolar plexus could be demonstrated strated (Fig. IC). in the outer third of the media of the pulmonary SUMMARY artery, and superficially in the adventitia of arteries within the lung, it was concluded that the The arterial and venous sides of the microcircula- arteriovenous anastomoses in the extra-hilar part tion in normal pulmonary arteries and their of the pulmonary artery was at the junction of the branches have been demonstrated.
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