Barron Papers Donated to CSC

W.W. Barron, Governor of West at Mrs. Fair's home during the thir­ Hardman, Barrons's press secretary, Virginia 1961-1965, today announced teen years sinoe Barron left offioe in but Mr. White did not feel that many tha t he was donating the flies, 1965. Other itmes will be added at a were involved He did request that plaque~ photographs, newspaper clip­ later date. any person having letters, papers or pings, and other such items associated The collection contains seven vol­ items relating to the f~rmer governor with the governor's offioe to Glen­ umes of photographs taken during who would like to have them plaoed ville State College Alumni Founda­ the four year period, four volumes of in the collc~tion contact him or Mr. tion Inc. The collection will be orga­ newspaper clippings, several Doxes of GiIIespie at the college. Those making nized and displayed by the college wall plaques, movies, slides, and contributions will receive recognition library staff. The nrst transfer of framed presentations. The office files for the gift. Members of the family items took plaoe on July 12, 1978 were intact as they were. in 1965, have already volunteered some items. when the former governor met with according to Mr. White, whom the Mr. White said he had conferred with John V. White, Secretary of the former governor charged with screen­ Mrs. Jackie Shock and Mr. Curtis Foundation and David Gillespie, U· ing the files prior to their being plaoed Trent, both of Charleston, who will brarian of the college, at the home of on pu hlic display. Mr. White said that be helping with plans for the formal Mr. David Gillespie, and Mr. John White I)!view materials received fronl his neice, Mrs. Jane Fair in Elkins. some personal papers would be re­ presentation. Mrs. Shock was the gov­ former state governor, W.W. Most of the materials had been stored moved from the flies and plaoed in ernor's executive secretary and Mr. safe-keeping for a period of time. Trent was his administrative assistant. Plans for a formal presentation The Governor and Mrs. Barron, some time this fall or next spring are who now live in Florida, were visiting in the ear Iy stages and will be re- in West Virginia at the time of the leased as soon as the ma terials can be transfer. The Barrons have three The Glenville Mercury organized and made ready. The photo­ daughters. Mary, (Mrs. Terry Penn), graph albums have been cleaned, lives in Charleston; Nancy, (Mrs. Ron­ Number 3 Glenville S tate College, Glenville, W. Va. Friday, Sept. 15,1978 bu t th~ newspaper clippings will need ald Smith), lives in Decatur, Georgia; Found: Two girls rings found in the a great deal of work, as will some of and Janie, (Mrs. Jane Stroup) lives in Media Center of the library. lnquire 2 Musicians the plaques and other items. Charleston. Mary and Jane will also MissW est Named at front desk. Some of the papers were lost in aid Mr. White with the plans'for the Give Recital a fire which took the life of Mr. Con formal presentation. Miss Virginia West, professor of Jeff Hudkins and Tony Barnett English, has been named acting chair­ 'Trapezoid' Slated will give a seniC'I recital Sunday, Sept. person of the Language DiviSIOn re­ 24 at 8 :00 p. iTI. in the Auditorium. Drop Deadline Set placing Dr. Lowell E. rredin who re­ This is reC'lIired for completion of a signed this past spung. Miss West came For September 22 deorce in Music Educatio(l. The Office of Ac.ademic Affairs to Glenville State College in 1955 as Trapezoid, a very popular music Tony plays trombone. He will play advises all students who intend to an English and journalism instructor group from Elkins, WV, will appear thre~ pieoes. One each for the Barogue, drop a course to do so prior to and served as adviser for the Glenville in the ~C Amphitheater on Fri­ R .L1atltic, and Modem Period. He Thursday, October 5, 1978. That Mercurt until 1964. Before Joining day, Sept. 22 at 7 p. m. will be accompanied on piano by Dr. date represents fIve (5) weeks from the Glenville faculty, she had been a This group has appeared at nearly Edward Graham, Piano and Theory the fust day of class and current high-school English and journalism every college in West Virginia dur­ teacher at GSc. academic policy allows a student to teacher and a school librarian. ing the past few years and are a Jeff plays baritone horn. He will withdraw without penalty during Miss West is a cum laude gradua te popular attraction at fairs and festi­ play three pieoes. One from the that time period of Glenville State College, a graduate vals all over the east. Trapezoid is Classic Period, and two from the Ro­ During recent years, several stu­ of West Virginia University, and has well-known for Irish music, string­ mantic Period. He will be accom­ dents have withdrawn after the fIve additional graduate studies at the band tunes, and their hammer dul­ panied on piano by Twyla Wallaoe, a week period and have reoeived a Ohio State University, George Wash­ cimers. They play nearly all music Music Educ.ation Major. WP (withdraw passing) which is also ington University, and lndiana Uni­ that can be played on unamplified Jeff is a 1975 Graduate of Rich­ a non-punitive grade. However, be­ versity. stringed instruments and each mem­ wood High School He plans to grad­ ginning this fall, the Academic Dean She is a member of the National ber is an accomplished musician in ua te from GSC in the Spring of 1979 and the Dean of Records and Ad­ Council of Teachers of English, the his own right with a Music Education degree and missions will not approve a drop from Dr_ Frank Jenio West Virginia college English Tea­ They will perform for approxi­ become a band director. Jeff is a a class after October 5 except for chers, and the West Virginia Library rna tely one hour and a half in the member and a past president of the medical reasons substantiated by a Dr. Jenio Speaks Association. She is a charter member amphitheater. Admission isfree as the Music Educators National Conferenoe. report from a doctor. of the GSC Chapter of Kappa Delta program is being sponsored by the (MENC) anel Lambda Chi Alpha fra- Signs have been posted all around Pi, a member of Alpha Zeta Chap­ ,Cultural 6J'fairs Committee. Sep­ ternity. campus indicating that October 5 At Virginia Tech ter of Delta Kappa Gamma, andan tember 22 and 23 is a home foot­ Tony is a 1974 Graduate of Rich- is the final day to drop classes. alumna of Delta Zeta. She is a past ball weekend and there should be wood High. He plans to graduate in The Office of Academic Affairs be­ A Glenville State College instruc­ president of the Faculty-Administra­ several students on campus. The pro­ Deoember 1978 from GSC with a de- Iieves that students should be able tor has been invited to speak a t the tive Organization. Miss West is a International Symposium on Ground­ gram is scheduled for early evening gree in Music Educaiton. He, too, to determine whether or not that member of the Trinity United Metho­ so there will be plenty of time for plans to be a band director. Tony they are going to be sucoessful in a water Biology, co-sponsored by Old dist Church in Glenville. Dominion University and Virginia pre-game parties after the program. also is an active member of MENC. class within a fIve week period. Polytechnic lnstitute and State Uni­ Bulletin: Glenville State College .4- versity in Blacksburg, Va., this week. lumni Fooncbtion has purchased the Dr. Frank Jenio, associate pro­ Admissions Tests Scheduled top of Tank Hill lX!hind Clark Hall. fessor of biology for the Department Mr. john HhitE; T{f!(JSI.Jrer of the of Scienoe at Glenville State College, Those planning to take one or (LSAT) September 14, 1978 Fooncbtiqn, disclosed that the pur­ will speak on the life cycle and ecol­ more of the admission tests re­ Graduate Management Admission chase, made on I1ednescby, includes ogy of "Gammarus Troglophilus,' a quired by graduate and professional Test (GMAT) ,September 21, 1978 !X)fTIe tfree and one-half acres ofland genus of Swimming amphipod crus­ schools are advised to register for Graduate Record EXamination, Mich formerly lX!lorr;ed to Mrs. taoeans. :he tests immediately. A disruption (GRE) September 28, 1978 Frorces HathaWlY ofGrarrtsvi/le. Te~ Dr. Jenio completed his disserta­ in mail service could present tho~e Those interested in applYing for ative plans call for a road and park­ tion for his doctora te on "The Ecolo­ who delay from being registered for the above exams see Mr. Kinder in ing lot constructia7. gy of Gammarus" (commonly known the early fall administra tion. Regular the Guidanoe OffIoe' or phone ext. as a crayfIsh)from the University of Registration Deadlines for the exam­ 297. Late Registration Deadlines gen­ Three members of the newspaper Sou them Illinois in 1971 inations are: erally are one week later than the staff are attending a professional con­ Dr. Jenio, a native of Clarksburg Medical College Admission Test, Regular Registration Deadlines. ference at FSC. Saturday, to heat who now resides at 13 Millbrook Col. Savage on "Yearbooking" and (MCAT) September 1, 1978 "Beginning in October, the fee is R.oad, Bridgeport, with hil wife, P~ Dental Admission Test (DAn $ 20 per CLEP test - General or Dr_ Arnold on-.Design_ The .M~~_'Y_ tricia, and their two sons, Frank E. September 11, 1978. Subject Examination. The declining will be judged in competition wi th 7, and Garrett M, 4, began at GSC Miss Virginia West Law School Admissions Test cost for CLEP is no longer in effect. other state newspapers. in I97L (cont. on page 5) Page Two THE GLENVILLE MERCURY Friday, September 15, 1978 Editorially Spea ~ng.' .. We would like to take thIS opportunIty to tnform you of Off The Wall Cultu rally Speaking by TIm Brady • • • even ts happening both on and off campus. by Michael Farber A disco dancing mini-course, instructed by Terrye Evans and I was sitting in one of my many This Tuesday evening Jean-Luc Godard's Breathless will be shown on Beth Meredith, is being offeted every Tuesday night from 8- exciting classes a half fortnight ago campus,and as it will be this year's first European film presented by the 9:00 p.m. in the Scott Wing Lounge of Pickens Hall r attended when I was suddenly awakened by a Cultural Affairs Committee, it makes one wonder what response it will the first session, where we learned two types of hustle, and boisterous clamor. It seems that my receive here. My own Just impreSSion IWS to question whether it IWS thought it was very enjoyable. Our congratulations, and thanks, classmates were engaged in a rather subtitled, and undoubtedly there would be a similiar reaction from the women, for taking the time and initiative to give disco lessons heated discussion with the instructor. majority of students if a survey were conducted Has this language bar­ to the students. Their argument centered around the rier erected such a reputation for these films, or is it simply that the Dancing is very good exercise, it gives you a chance to use good, evil, or indifference of tele­ reading requirement has caused the usual exit door exodus? that extra energy which comes from anxiety att acks over vision. After a series of threats, ·coun­ Certainly the lack of foreign languages in our high school and college studies which must be done immediately. These lessons will ter threats, promises, dirty wQrds, and curriculums has something to do with our "let's get out of here" atti­ also enable you to appear on Saturday Night Fever II. Only a Jim Bowie knife were exchanged tude, but from a sociological or historical point of view the situation joking . .. we sincetely do appreciate new and fun things to do between the combatants, a quasi­ seems far more complicated At presen t, it appears as if we are ap­ with our ex tra hours. agreement was reached. Television was proaching an academic level where English itself has become a foreign GSC's first home football game is this Saturday. I urge all O.K. they said, when it wasn't taken lallguage! students to leave those suitcases where the\' are and stay for the to extremes. Whoopee! Personally, I With Godard 's Breathless though. I feel we have an opportunity to game. Home-game moral support provides the team an extra in­ could care less about television pro­ delay this trend td~ lingual isolation if we can arouse our pa­ centive to do their best for their ole alma mater. grams. What I do like about televi sion ience to sit still long enough The film 's story is a French adaption pf the We would like to thank each and everyone of you for the are the commercials. classic Holly wood gangster film. It was produced in 1960, and was won great response to the "Letters to the Editor" section. We received Commercials are great because labeled by film critics as being one of the most important films to come absolutely zero letters. So we do not wish to hear any griping they are so funny. Where else can you out of the "New Wave " movement that was sweeping through the Euro­ about the news supplied to you. You had your chance to voice see some middle aged, balding man pean theaters. Breathless literally rewrote the grammar of film and es­ your opinion. Of course, thete is still plenty of time. I seriously going around telling people not to tablish ed that th e manner ill which a story is told can be more impor­ can't believe no one took the time for constructive feedback. squeeze toilet paper. Great, huh? tallt thall the story itself. Jean-Paul Belmol/do's first major role; a par­ I did get a few, notice and I repeat, a few verbal comments. To The one thing wrong with commer­ ody of lIumphrey Bogart's anarchic gangster. made him famous. those who did respond, I thank you! cials is that they take up (00 much 71l e story involves a y oung gangster. Michel. who upon returning to Don't forget about the Women's Festival to be held Sept. 27 time. If it was up to me I would Paris ill a stolel/ car. casually kills a policeman on the highway. Arriving at WYU. The Latest co!!nt for the bus reservations is 35. consolidate a group of related com­ in Paris without money and wanted by the police, he seeks refuge with Very good! mercials into one big commercial so his American girlfrielld. Patricia. He tries to persuade her to go to *********** people would have more time to Rome but she betrays him to th e police. . Now for this week's complaint. .. this gripe is not something watch the crummy stuff that TV E:en though the ending is dramatically overplayed as one might ex­ new, but perhaps you have been thinking about it. Students, executives call entertainment I'll give pect ill a Holly wood production, this film in uniquely French and I have you ever felt stifled?· The stifled feeling I am referring to you a 'for instance. strol/gly recommend it. concerns grades. For many of us, the job markets we are striving You have seen the woman with Mr. Farber will be reviewing all forthcoming Cultural Affairs ftlms and will for are very tight And unless we know very influential people or the stopped-up drain who is having shate his praises and-or criticisms with THE MERCURY readers. can get in on our merits alone, which is extremely difficult to do, a dinner party and simply has to have our next method is grades. And in order to obtain the good her drain unclogged. In pops Jose­ The Weston Business and Pro­ grades we have to do as the instructor wishes. This is easy to do phine, the plumber, and VIOLA, the lessional Women's Club is offering but what if you have an instructor who asks you to regurgitate drain is unclogged. Under my plan, Group Discussion three (3) $300.00 scholarships for word for word what you write in your notes? It is easy to not only would the drain be clogged dIe coming year to Lewis County memorize, but do you find yourself forgetting everything once up, but also the hostess. In pops residents. Intetested students shlluld you walk out of the door after an exam is over? And we don't Josephine with the Drano and the Held at Clinic con tact the Office of Financial Aid have a chance to decide how the material relates to a situation Ex-Lax and VIOLA, everything is There is a group discussion being for information. other than the instructor's lesson plans. Personally, I like essay cleared up. But wait, there is more. held every other Friday night a t the exams because you have a chance to show what you have learned Following close behind Josephine is Mental Health Clinic located on Min­ in your own words. Aunt Zelda who is famous for run­ eral Road. The facilitators of the dis­ In " fill in the blank" or true and false exams I feel as if I am ning through the house yelling, "I cussions are John Sutton, coordinato~ Joint Rush Slated a robot pushing buttgns for the correct output and then the pro­ can 't believe it's toilet pa :)ar." Now, for the clinic and Ellen Rapaport, Joint Rush will be held Sept 24 gram bums and I am left with a burnt out transmitter. But face not only is everything cleared up, psychologist. The function of this in the old cafeteria. The requirements it, for many of us our destinies rest in grade books. Of course, it's cleaned up. group is to provide a means of ex­ to attend are : 12 semester hours, a this depends on the interviewer and the job situation. But it is Another good amalgamation of pressing problems both within the per­ 20 average and $\. All women who very difficult to sit through a class where the instructor insults commercials would be easy if you son and within the community. The meet these requirements are welcome the intelligence or is patronizing. When it takes fifteen minutes took a I'air of tight fitting Levi Jeans, people have a chance to meet other to attend. to explain the attendance policy, I feel like leaving the classroom. put them on an overweight lady who people, exchange new ideas, and have But when the class is required for graduation, what can you do? follows the Weight Watchers diet feedback. All students are welcome for such groups. ' This group, now I don't know. College is a place of higher education but some­ plan, and for coup de grace, introduce to jOin. Sutton and Rapaport are in­ established, does not deal with thera­ a can of Mobil axel grease just in case times I feel as if I am still in high school and that is a peculiar terested in beginning other groups py or psychoanalysis, but one could feeling after four years. the fat lady has trou ble getting out and would like students to give them be arranged if enough people are of the pants. I realize that some classes can only be taught by following a call at 462-5716 concerning ideas interested. the text book, but some extra references would be great. A~ I There it is fans, another master­ said before, this is a personal gripe but perhaps someone out piece. there feels the same? Or am I only attempting to open PandQra's \/nllhrr oj,he box? Nevertheless, many class situations are extremely stifling. THE GLENVILLE MERCURY Tile Student Newspaper d~~OClareD p. kay nottingham COl l P Gtdre WGSC Airs Soon Published weekly and entered as se('ond class editor PRPSSBl WGSC wonld like to announce mail at the Post Office at Glenville. West Vir· ginia 16351. Subscriptions $5.00 a rear. tha t it will begin its broadcast year Phone: 462 - 7361 ,Ex t 252 on Sunday, September 17. Broad­ Editor ...... ' ...... P. Kay Nottingham cast hours will be from 2 p.m. until Assistant Editor ...... • Susan McCart, · ~y 11 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Photographer .. _ ...... Mike Dol'Ss r;:::==::.. We hope you will listen to your Advertising Manager ...... Debbie Vance campus station, located at 640 on S;.>orts Etlitors .• - ...... Cheryl Cline and Tim Brady the AM band. IBM Operators ...... Lisa Joneli, Debbie 'Wildman, and Barbara Dietz Typists ...... Pam Laign and Tammy Gunnoe Circulation Managers ...... Michele Bruce and Debbie Vance File Clerk ...... _ ... Peggy Kessler Cartoonist ...... •...... _ ...... Tim Miller Reporters ...... ' ...... • ....•...... _ . June Nohe Tim Miller time basis last year (~2 hours or more), Rebecca Triplett Michele Bruce are entitled to a yearbook upon pr& Michael Maloney Raymond Hanks. sentation of I.Do's at the Information Peggy Kessler Center from 9 a.m. - 4 Il-m. Friday, September 15,1978 THE GLENVILLE MERCURY Page Three

LAMBDA CHI ALPHA Festival's Keynote Speakers PrlifHed

The Brothers of Beta Beta Zeta The program highlights for the Judith Lichtman, an executive 00- held their weekly meeting, Monday Women's Festival to be held Wednes- ector for the Women's Legal Defense night in Clark HalL Opening the meet­ day Sept 27 at WVU are as follows: Fund, will be speaking on "Women's ing with congratulations to our fust Ruth Bader Ginsbury, appointed lives and the Law"at 3:15 - 5:00 four Assoicate Members this fall. in 1972 as the fust woman law pro- p.rn. She is the past president of the They are: Joe ~ickman, Greg Martin, fessor at Columbia Law School, will Washington Council of lawyers and is Perry Coe and Rob Wheeler. Our fust be the Keynote Speaker. Ginsbury now Chairperson of American Civil' smoker, held Tuesday night, could will be speaking at 8:15 - 9:30 p.m. on Liberties Union Task Force on Wo­ only be termed a complete success; "Women's Right to Fun Partnership men's Rights. thanks to those who attended and the in Shaping Society's Course: An There will be three films given brothers. Alan Farnsworth did a great Evolving Constitutional Precept" Gins- thrQughout the course of the day. job putting it together. bury has had numerous publications At 9:00 - 10:45 a.m. the Other Half· Reminders for the Brothers: concerning the legal aspects of sex of theSky: A china Memoir and Mag­ equality. In addition, she has had gie Kuhn; Wrinkled Radical, will be 1. Thursday - Shirt day. wide litigation experience involving shown in the little theater. The Other 2. Chapter Consultant will arrive sex-based discrimination incJuidng Half of the Sky: a china Memoir is at GSC next week. eight successful cases before the U.S. a documentary featuring Shirley Mac­ The Brothers have chosen three Supreme Court. laine during the fust women's del&- girls to sponsor for the Homecoming Along with Ginsbury, there will be galion from the U.S. to visit China. festivities. They are: Mary Ann Ma­ six main speakers. Mary Dumlap, au- This film was nominated' for an Aca- lon&-Junior Princess; Diana Coon­ thor of, Sex Discrimination in Em­ demy Award for Best Featured Doo­ Sophomore Princess; Wendy Elliot­ ployment, will be speaking from 9 - umentary. Freshman Princess. Pictured above are the 1978 Fall Semester Officers of the Delta Alpha 10:45 a.m. in the Collegiate Room. Maggie Kuhn: Wrinkled Radical, Awards for this week are: AH­ Chapter of Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority (from L to R) President _ Janet Kay Her public address pertai •.•. _ __ focuses in the 69-year old woman who Chuck Case, Pig- Chuck '''cockroach'' James, Vice-President - Sue Baisden, Secretary - Pame Laign, Membership Questions and Answers. Dunlap has organized the Gray Panthers. These Case, Wino-Bruce Wendelken, KCUF­ Director - Debbie Wildman, Education Director - Ann Johnston, Assistant a vast amount of experience in teach- two films will be repeated at 1:30 - Don Whalen "nice guy". Membership Director - Beth Meredith. (peggy Bauman- Treasurer and ing, writing, and speaki!1g on the sub- 3:15 p.m. The Brothers also want to assure Assistant Treasurer - Linda Collins are Not Pictured) the Pioneers that we will be ou t in ject of ERA and women's legal rights. Chris and Bernie: A Film about fun force to support a victory Sat. Speaking on New Family Rela- Single Mothers: Place is in the House night. We. also encourage all GSC LADIES Scholarship Recipients tionships, also at 9 - 10:45 a.m. is will be shown at 10:45 - 12:30 p.m. students to back the Pioneers! Marilou Burnett, an associate profes- Chris and Bernie is a documentary The Ladies 0 f the White Rose Selected by Committee sor at Sangamon State 'University. about two young women, both work­ held their fust meeting of the year Anyone interestetl in bowling John Shaw Scholarships have She is the President of KWEN In- ing with young children. Tuesday evening in Pickens Hall. All C. On the college bowling team, meet been awarded to: stitute. 51% is a dramatic documentary on Wednesday, September 20, in the Ladies congratulate our new Angel J. Baker, Danita K. Britton, The topic, Women's Studies, will which exposes the prevailing opinions Rm. 209 PE at 4: 14 p.m. associate members: Rob Wheeler, Jennifer Chisler, Elizabeth Fran­ be featured at 10:45 - 12:30 p.m. in regarding women in most private com­ Greg Martin, Perry Coe, and Joe K. the Collegiate Room. The speaker, ' panies. Reading copies of the WI pro­ Hickman. We'll be looking forward cene Davis. Lori J, Furr, Kimberly L. Gar­ Florence Howe, is a Visiting Pro- A Women's Place is in the House is duction, 'Send Me No Flowers' ale to many grcat times together in the fessor at Oberlin College and is the a portrait of Elain Noble who is a available on reserve in the library, future. litz, June A. Grant, Mary H, Hick­ Editor of the Women's Studies News- member of the Mass. House of Rep­ according to Ms. Janet Rubin, drama The smoker Tues. night provided man. letter. Howe is President of the Fem- resentatives. She is an idealistic wo- director. TTY outs will be held on Oct a perfect time to get to know the new Louis R. Kent, Mickey D. Kinder, inist Presss and Post President of thE man who discusses the issue of homo­ 3-4 from 4-6 p.m. in the Little freshmen on campus. We hope all the Julia A. Masters, Brenda M. McCut­ Modem Language Association. sexuality openly. Films will be re­ Theatre. guys enjoyed it as much as we did. cheon. David A. Proctor, Eloise G. Rob­ Also at 10:45 a.rn. - 12}0 p.m. is peated at 3: 15 - 5 :00 p.rn. in the A Disco-Dancing mini-course is All active Ladies should have dues erts, Kenneth Tanner, Virgil R. main speaker Edith Barnet t Barnett Li ttle Theatre. being offered, free of charge, in the paid by our next meeting, which will C. will be speaking on Affumative Ao­ Scott Wing Lounge every Tuesday be Tuesday. A reminder-don't forget Tanner. tion & Equal Opportuni ty. She is a nightfrom 8 - 9:00 p.m. about the picnic Friday night at Ruby K. Tenney, Laura B. Ware, Ceda r Cree k. Becky G. Whitehair. Staff Attorney for the Office of the GSC Academic Scholarships went Solicitor, Division of Fair Labor Stan­ SIGMA SIGMA SIGMA Good luck guys in the Commode Bible Lab IBowl to: dards, U.S. Dept. of Labor. The Delta Alpha Chapter of Sig­ David P. Jarvis and Dena J. Dun­ Non-Sexist Education will be the ma Sigma Sigma would like to wel­ lap. topic of the meeting at 3:15 - 5:00 come all incoming freshmen and all DELTA ZETA p.m. given by Mary Ellen Verhevden­ the returnees. To Be Held An informal meeting of the Delta Hilliard Verhevden-Hilliard is the The sisters are very proud to an­ '78 Homecoming Plans Zeta Sorority was held Monday, Sept. President of the Verhevden Associa­ There will be a BIBLE LAB, nounce their new officers.Sigrna's 11 in the Chapter room. A party Tentative plans for the 1978 GSC tion, a research and consulting fum. sponsored by Wesley Foundation on new president is Janet James; vice­ for the DZ big brothers is planned Homecoming are now underway. She is a former National Director of Sept 26 (Tuesday), at 7:30 p.m. president, Sue Baisden; treasurer, for Friday, Sept. 22, The sisters and Festivitie$ are scheduled to begin Sex Equality in Guidance Opportuni­ This "Lab" will include a cursory Peggy Bauman; secretary, Pame Laign ; their big brothers will mee't at Cedar on Friday, Oct. 13 with a bonfire ties Project (SEGO). exposure to the problems of trans­ membership director, Debbie Wild­ Creek for a cookout The sisters are and pep rally followed by a dance lating the Bible, an,!! modern trans­ mail; education director, Ann Johns­ on Verona Mapel lawn. inviting all the big brothers, so please lations. ton; treasurer assistant, Linda COllins, come and have a -good time. The parade will begin Saturday The history of the English Bible and membership assistant, Beth Mer&­ at 10 a.m. with entries from campus Student Congress Open house was held Tuesday at will receive attention. And there will dith. 7 p.m. Many girls came down and organizations and guest bands which be opportunity for each person pre­ Congratulations to the GSC major­ Jack Manning everyone was served punch and cook­ include Gilmer County High School, sent to r&-enact the role of scribe and ettes and twirlers, especially the Sig­ ies. Song~ were taught and a good Wirt Count~ High School and Rich­ Student Congress met Tuesday, copiest. ma Sisters: Shelly Niclrols, Janet time was had by all wood High School These bands will Sept. 12. The meeting opened with Teaching aids will be used to fa­ James, and Sheila Hamden. Keep up The sisters are planning a big day also perform field shows during pre­ President Tim James swearing in the miliarize the students with ancient the cheering new cheerleaders, with Saturday with their adopted Welfare game which will immediately be fol­ new vic&-president, J aquetta Mahan, English Bibles, and the Greek and H&­ Sigma sister Kim Bickel and Sigma kids. The kids will be picked up and lowed by the Queen's Coronation. and new representatives: Mike Young, brew texts will be viewed from the alternates, Ann Johnston and Becky taken to Cedar Creek for a picnic In past years the Homecoming Coro­ Dale Sparks, and Bruce Wendelken. standpoint of modern scholarship. Criss. and games, then to the fust game nation has been held in the Amphi­ Jack Manning was appointed to serve Also, on the agenda, will be enter­ Girls are invited to go to the game of the Glenville Pioneers. theater but has been changed to the as Congress Co or dina tor for this tained a subjective acquaintance with on Saturday, Sept. 16 , with the Stadium in hopes that more people Congratulations are in order to semester the role of the Bible in the religious Sigma's. Meet on Sigma Floor, 2nd Pam Collins for her title as feature will attend. A new housing policy was dis­ community; its proper and improper floor Williams Wmg, iIt 6:00 p.m. twirler and Becky Kirkpatrick for Homecoming is only a month cussed a t the mee ting as well as use. or so, and Cheer for the Pioneers receiving title of majorette. away-all organizations are urged to future plans to sponsor a Bloodmo­ The resource persons who will con­ with the Tri-Sigrna Sisters. We wish Terrye Evans and Tammy start ·thinking about their entries. bile. duct and lead the "lab" are Rev. The sisters will be holding a car Gunnoe the very best of luck as they More details .will be published at a Sugar Creek will be the band Jan Owen of the Presbyterian-Church wash on September 16 from 9am cheer on the Pioneers in their first later date after various Homecoming playing at Homecoming, Oct. 14. The in Glenville, and Rev. Ronald S. Hand to 2pm at Chapman's car wash. home ballgame Saturday against Committees have met and finalized dance will last from 9-12 and ad­ the Director of Wesley Foundation. All are invited to bring your cars. Shepherd all plans. mission will be $1.00 per person. Everyone interested is weloome. Page Four THE GLENVILLE MERCURY Friday, September 15, 1978 Pioneers Prepare For Opener Head Coach "Whitey" Adolfson 'Steve Gandee and Greg Fertig, Offensively the Rams should be and the Glenville Pioneers will try Eleanor, WV; are listed as the Pioneer very potent with the entire unit rO? and rebound from a disastrous 1-8 place kickers. Terry Spangler, Chuck turning. Leading the way will be season of a year ago. The G-Men Bar ker, and Greg Fertig will do the Ail-Conference fullback Greg War­ will open up against the Shepherd punting. field and halfback Wayne Wilson. Rams Saturday, September 16, at Battling it out for the defensive Both have been starters since their Pioneer Stadium. end jobs are senior C!:tauncey Cunning· freshman year. The Pioneers have a mixture of ham, 5-11, 185, Charleston; and jun­ This will be the first meeting be­ you th and experience in their favor iors Larry CUndiff, 6-2, 200, Charles­ tween Glenville State and Shepherd this season. They return 29 letter­ ton; and Brian Jones, 5-10, 190, on the gridiron since 1971. That men and have only eight seniors Rainelle, WV. The two defensive game ended in a 7-7 deadlock. The on the roster. Several freshmen will tackles will be juniors Billy Waiker, year before that Glenville up-ended see plenty of action this season 6-4, 255, Owing, MD; and Pat Bee­ the Shepherd Rams 21-0. also. be, 6-1, 235, Fleming, OH. Sophomore Terry Spangler, 6-1, The linebacking jobs will be han­ Glenville State College will honor 183, Whitesville, will be calling the dled by.seniors Chuck Barker, 5-11, the 1958 undefeated Pioneer football signals for the Pioneers. His running 185, Smithville; and John COUIZ, squad this weekend. They rolled ma tes in the backfield will be senior 6', 210, Big Chimney; junior Greg through the season with a 6-0.1 rec­ Tom Phillips, 5-11, 212, Goshen, OH; Dunning, 6', 195, Grossville, Tenn.; ord. and sophomores Brad Batten, 5-9, and sophomores Chuck Ludwig, 6', Nick Murin, who is still a mem­ 165, SI. Albans; and Van Vaughn, 180, Follansbee, and Dennis Gil­ ber of the Glenville State Fa.cully, 5-11, 205, Aquasco, MD. Christ 6', 190, Parkersburg. COUIZ was the head coach. His assistant, The Offensive line chores this becomes eligible this year after trans­ Leland Byrd, is now the West Vir­ season will be taken care of by senior ferring from WVU where he was a ginia University Athletic Director. Co-Captains Ed Donatell and Mitch Guy prepare for season opener. tackle Bruce Carey, 5-11, 235, Clarks­ member of the Mountaineer foot­ Glenville opened the 58 season burg; junior J.D. Fairchild 6-2, 240, ball tcam for two years. with a 1 >-0 victory over West lib­ Fairlea; and freshman Joe Douglas, Working in the defensive back­ erty. The only blemish on the slate Cline's Lines 6-1, 235, Elkview. Senior Wilbert field for the Pioneers will be senior followed in a scoreless encounter Zirkle, 5-9, 186, Buckhannon; and safety Ed Donatell, 6-2, 196; Stow, with Potomac State. juniors Lynn Stalnaker, 6', 206, OH; and sophomore cornerbacks Dan­ The Pioneers went on to defeat Well, Wednesday night has fmally Cheerleading tryouts were held Harrisville; and Kevin Grogg, 6-3, ny Amick, 5-10, 160, Summersville; Concord 7-6; Davis & Elkins 30.7; rolled around and I'm sitting here this Monday to add one regular girl Mullens; will handle the guard po­ and Kent King, 5-10, 171, Fairlea. Salem 14-7; West Virginia Wesleyan racking my brain for some sports to the squad along with 3 alternates. si lions. Snapping the ball for the Donatell and flanker Mitch Guy will 20.0; and Fairmont State 1 S.6. news. Ka thy Tamp kins, a 2l-year-old Pioneers will be Allan Johnson, 6' be Glenville State's co-captains this Members of the squad will be It might sound like an easy job from Elyria, Ohio was chosen to be 225, junior from Parkersburg. season. recognized during the season opener to you bu t when press night rolls the six th cheerleader on the squad. The tight end position is up for There were nine starters from last wi th Shepherd. That afternoon there around its hard to get your ideas in Kathy is majoring in Secondary Edu­ grabs between junior Richard Heffel­ ;eason lost due to graduation. will be an alumni golf tournament fol­ a halfway decent order. On Sept. 9 cation with minors in Anthropology fmger, 6-2, 209, Troy, OH ; sopho­ Walter Barr and his Shepherd lowed by a pre-game dinner. the Pioneer squad got into a little and Sociology. She was a cheerleader more Colin Dean, 6-2, 190, Burns­ Rams are coming off of a 9-1 Sl'ason. pre·game action: wi th Marietta Col· in high school and at the Community ville; and freshman Terry Markham, Their 0 nly loss was a 1>- 7 squeaker lege. Missing the scrimmage, I decided College she attendeqin Ohio. Her hob­ 6- 2, 200, Ravenswood. Senior Mitch handed to them by conference power to go to football practice and get a Athletic Honor Outlined bies include tennis, baton twirling, Guy, . Aurora OH ; junior Gene Concord College. "sneak" preview of what is to be collecting rocks, and astronomy. White, Akron, OH; and freshman Forty lettermen are returning The following standards were a­ expected against Shepherd. Three alternates were also chosen Mike McGill, North Kansas City, MO; from last season's squad and they dopted by the Glenville State Col­ All in all the squad was practicing Monday. First alterna te is Ann John· \vill be sharing time as the flanker. expect nothing less than an unde­ lege Athletic Committee in Decem­ hard and seemed to be fired up stan, second is Becky Criss and third Sophomore Paul Duffy, Weirton; feated season this year. The Rams ber, 1976, regarding the selection of is Tracey Rymer. for this weekend's game. freshman Steve Gandee, Clendenin; already own a 14-10 victory over the Montrose Award Winner for Glen­ I also rotated through the sports Basketball coach for the 78-79 and junior Wayne Voris, Troy, OH; Shippensburg, PA. ville .State College. To be considered scene on campus and managed to ,eason is Barbara Maiocco. She resides will divide the dutjes at wide re­ for nomination a student must meet come up with a few odds and ends. in Lewis County and is presently ceiver. the following requirements. tennis coach and assistant basketball Scrimmage Useful 1. the athlete must have a 3.00 overall coach at Lewis County High School. cumulative grade point average. She stated that she felt the team The GSC Pioneers traveled to 2. the athlete must be of good moral Golfers Recruited shows great promise and that they Deadlines Set Marietta College last Saturday to character as determined by th~ Ath­ can build and develop in to a good participate in a pre~eason scrim­ letic Committee. Coach Tim Carney has annou nc­ The deadline for turning in team team She is also very optimistic and mage. It was a controlled scrimmage 3. The athlete must attain at least an ed the addition of three new members rosters for this year's first men's stated that ihey will spend a great with both teams enjoying plenty of All Conference in the sport. to the GSC golf team. Joining the intramural sport., volleyball, will be time on the field both offensively 4. If a member of the Athletic Com­ returning lettermen are Dave L'unm deal of time wor king on ball han­ 12:00 noon, Monday, September 18. deling, dribbling, layupS, outside and defensively. Instead of the reg­ mittee was also a coach of the sport and Jeff Stump from Parkersburg Ros ter sheets may be picked up at shooting and good team work. ular game situation, a ten play and in which a nominee participa ted - Sou th High School, and Tom Davis­ the athletic director's office in the then a fust and ten format was used. That member or coach will abstain son from Gilmer County High School. Coach Maiocco is a graduate of Health building. A schedule of games Mental mistakes and mistakes in exO? from voting on the Montrose Award The new members of the team may WVU and has had extensive back­ will be drawn up and posted in the cution were made that have to be Wmner. have a tough time making the starting ground in teaching. Health building on Tuesday and eliminated before the game with Shep­ the fust night of action will begin lineup as Coach Carney returns all Well, I'm going to try my hand herd on Septmeber 16. Coach Adolf­ at predicting the weekend games and members of the conference champ­ at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, September son attributed these partially to the ions last year. hope that they correspond with. the 20. After that the games will take lack of experience of his young team. actual outcomes. Just remember ... In addition tv a full spring sched­ place on Monday and Wednesday What the scrimmage did accom­ ule, the golf team will also partic­ females are never right 100% of the nights. plish was important. The players were ipate in four fall matches. In Septem­ time but we try! Other intramural programs slated confronted with a game type environ­ ber, the team will participate in a Glenville over Shepherd - Pioneers for the year are basketball, billards, ment~hich is very important'tlefore match at Youngstown, Ohio on the do the 'ramming' in this game. bowling, golf, handball, racketball, playing in a "real" game. Also, the 18, and the Davis and Elkins In­ Co ncord over Salem soft ball, swimming, tennis, and track. scrimmage afforded coacl; Adolfson vitational on the 21. In October, they Fairmont over Bluefield One popular game, flag football, has and his staff the opportunity to view will travel to , Pennsylvan­ WV Tech over West Liberty been cut from plans due to its rough­ a large number of untested personnel ia on the 2, and to tt.! West Liberty WV Wesleyan over WV State ness and the injuries it has caused in in a situation much different from Invitational on the 8 and 9. Oklahoma over WVU-I hope I'm the past. There should be a final controlled practices they are used to. Qualifying for the fust six po­ wrong! schedule of all events drawn by tle In respect to their physical conditiort, sitions among the tearn members is MarshaU over Appalachian State end of the semester. the tearn held up well in the heat gOIng on at the present time. But, Ohio State over Penn State The cost for these events is a two and humidity.. Fortunately, no one Carney said that he hopes to have all Pitt over Tulane doUar deposit fee plus a two dollar was seriosly injured and the pioneers the members compete in at least Good luck Pioneers and Coaches!! default fee, the latter which is re­ GSCs Newest Clteedeader, Kathy are ohvsically ready for the task be­ one of the fall matches. turned if the team stays active. fore them. Tompkins. Friday, September 15, 1978 THE GLENVILLE,MERCURY Page Five Faculty-Administrative Organization 'Revenge Is Sweet ••• '

E:yery nigh t at exactly 11 p. m. the person righ t above me in the dorm Standing Committee Members Listtd comes out of his cubbyhole and decides to liven up the rest of our hum The members of the Standing Fa­ Loans and Scholarships: Alfred drum dormitory lives. On goes the hard rock and the inhibitions are let loose. Unfortunately culty-Administrative Organization Com- Billips, Karen Thorpe, Daniel Perkins, mittees this year are: Earl Adolfson, Stanley Anderson, Ro- mine are on the defense. Eleven is sack time. Sack time means no noise Academic Affairs: Lowell Peterson, bert Belcastro, Yvonne Gillespie, Cath­ no ligh ts and. no talk; you're ready for sleep' not 'Saturdt1J' Night Fever' Mack Samples, Joe Damall, Robert 0011- erine Kalous, Bernard McKown, Charles time. gener, James Meads, Virginia West, She' Sypolt, Irvin Talbott, Edward Vineyard, For two weeks, f have put. up with this injustice, but my temper was at lia Drennen, William Hess, and Mary (Thrce students to be named). the boiling poin t and my sanity had gone like pol/en in the wind, slowly McLaughlin. Publications: President Simmons, but surely: Activities: Alfred Billips, Karen Yvonne King, (,~~whachen_ Advisor), As flay, trying to blocko,ut everything as mental patients have learned Thorpe, John Laeng, Vance Weekley, Mary E. Kennedy, Don Phillip's, Tim to do 10 shut Ollt things tharate hurtful or threatening, my mind suddenly Randall Gilles, Daysi Melo, Loria Tay- J ames, Kay Nottingham, editor of the hit upon a plan of revenge. "Ah, revenge is sweet" and 1 planned to make lor, Deborah Wildman, and Ronald !S.~!!!",h~.!l' mine taste like honey. Wildman. Studen t Life and Wei fare: Alfred That weekend [ weill home and bought enough classical records to Billips, Karen Thorpe, Tim Carney, John die. Athletics: Joseph Now, William Os- Collins, Lucy O'Brien, Anthony Barnett, Sunday (' )'(' ning at 9 p. m. / put on five of my classical works, making borne, Frank Jenio, Nicholas Murin, and Lyn Bartges. Mr. Michael Gear~1I sure they would end at exactly 11 :00. / turned up my speakers, closed my J ames Rogers, Terrye Evans, Deborah Social Work Instructor door, and left. Grogg, Mark McLaUghlin, and Randy Teacher Education: Lowell Peterson This plan of attack has lasted throughout these three weeks of school \\11ytesell. Gary Adkins, John Chisler. Bruce Flack: - and beliel'e it or not it is succeeding. The music, although still played, is at Campus Planning: President Sim- Virginia West, David Harry, Joseph In a lecture haJJ, the best place a lower level and not as hard; it falls more into the category of easy listen· mons, Lowell Peterson, William Osborne, Now, Ernest Smith, Joe Evans, James to sit is in the middle, towards the ing. Alfred Billips, J ames Campbell, Robert Hilgenberg, Larry Keaton, Je'rry Milli- front, where you can see and hear / t!link my next record will be an upbeat number called 'Tubular Bel/s '. Dea~ Robert Gainer, Joseph Hickman, ken, Wayne deRosset, Charles Scott. easily. Believe it or not, those who It's nothing but 15 minutes of bel/so Ah revenge is sweet . Jesse Lilly, William Roberts, Mary Ross, Susan Sienkiewicz, Wayne Ervin, Jackie sit in this position usually do better J ames Arnold, Debra Bennet t, Tamara Manning, and Beth Meredi th, (Five pub- than those who sit in the back. BeckY Triplett Gunnoe, and Mary Langford. lic school personnel to be named). ·Harry Maddox How tJ Study, Fawcett Rooks Cultural Affairs: George Harper, English Proficiency Examination: John James, Christopher Orr, Janet Ru- Virginia West, Gary Ad kins, Wayne bin, Mack Samples, Willianl Wartman, deRosset, Peggy Bauman, and Carol JENIO SPEAKS- Carol McClung, Richard Redd, Kathy Nelson. (cont. from page I ) Sul\ivan, Robert White, Jr., and Shirley He received his masters in 1967 Williams. Faculty Welfare and Academic Free· from Eastern Michigan University, dom: (to be elected at the beginning and taught at Southern Il\inois Uni- Curriculum: Lowell Peterson, Gary of the I'all term) Jeffrey Hudkins. and versity from 1967 until 1971. Adkins, John Chisler, Bruce Flack, Robin Montgomery. Dr. Jenio is a member of the Virginia West, Edwin Grafton, David Library and Learning Materials Cen- American Association for Advance­ Harry, James Meads, Joseph Now, Ernest ter: David Gillespie, Don Phillips, Ralph ment of Science, West Virginia Acad­ Smith, Sondra Shaw, Kenneth Skjnner, Bame, Michael Bondi, Kay Chico, Mar- emy of Science, American Institute Smith, Mildred Disko, Gary Gillespie, thenia Gaines, Edward Graham, Theresa of Biological Scientists and the Amer­ John Hymes, Barbara Tedford, Sondra Gray, Richard Piersol, Kristen Sjostrom, ican Society of Zoologists, and was Shaw, Kenneth Skinner, and Ricky Betty Tomko, Victoria Goff, and Debra treasurer of the American Associa tion Tanner. Grimes. of Uni',ersity Professers.

/,veJf.Tef"s see. AlvMl'li G",qtc. ~ Holloro~ t~Q IqSi fOO+- -1 ~,..Il+e,,~ l-the bA~S. F-,~'f Ppfl4j1\&'4~'e. I The",'s +),e ~Lllis Te"~z.oID COfJc.eftTS Com I~G UP. II Why is it- ho.: S f'le'ler I Any Hl;"~ +0 010 o..r ! G.S.C~7

A WILLIAM FRIEDKIN FILM Sl>~tr~£R Would like to find responsible person in Nicholas or Webster Coun· GREAT FOOD VALUES !! ~(r~£f<.. Starring ROY SCHEIDER ties to share driving responsibilities BRUNO CREMER· FRANCISCO RABAL to GSC on Monday, Wednesday and AMIDOU · RAMON BIERI· Production Design JOHN BOX Screenplay WALON G REEN · Associate Producer BUD SMITH Friday, Call 847- 2918 collect or con­ PIONEER'S Original Music TANGERINE DREAM· Based on the novel tact CAROLYN RIFFLE of Webster 'The Wages of Fear" by Georges Arnaud Springs. GROCERY Directed and Produced by WILLIAM FRIEDKIN Food Stamp. Welcome A Paramount-Universal Release PG PARENTAL GUIDANCE SUGGESTEDECl> TECHNICOLOR ® 1AA 1£~ ~ A~ r 8( SlJII.&! f(J1 P!!t IH NAGlR$ To anyone commuting to GSC Monday - Saturday from Calhoun or Roane Counties: SAM - 9PM Carol Kuhlman would like to share the ride. Kuhlman is from Minnora and could meet you in Arnoldsburg. She ha s a class at 8 a. m. Tuesday and Prescription Oru.ltt 'N t ~ ~E'~ O~ '() :40 Thursday, 10 a.m. on Monday and Wednesday and 9 a.m. on Wednesday. lP:oc P.M. Ar~'C ~:oo p~. You can contact Kuhlman by cal)ing SUMMERS PHARMACY 655-71 85-collect. - Hours 8 - 8 p.m. ~R"£' W~'t~ T· D. Page Six THE GLENVILLE MERCURY Friday, September 15, 197E CampU6 Pape.baek l)e6t6eller6 Wesley Foundation Featured September The Wesley Foundation'has two kit-ward Vineyard We are indebted to the 1. The Thorn Birds, by Colleen McCullough. (Avon, chens, three rest-rooms, a lobby, and a Board of Directors for the continued $2.50.) Australian family saga: fiction. recreation room downstairs where ping-ministry of Wesley Foundation, its up­ 2. The Dragons of Eden, by Carl Sagan. (Ballantine, pong tables, a television and a library keep, and general oversight $2.25.) The evolution of intelligence. are located. The Chapel can be used for small weddings, informal worship and Glenville State College has a number 3. The Lawless, by John Jakes. (Jove/HBJ, $2.25.) Saga prayer. lof Iranian students on campus. Wesley of an American family. vol. VII : fiction. Foundation welcomes the visiting stu- The custodian at Wesley Foundation dents to feel at home in Wesley Founda­ 4. Delta of Venus, by Ana'is Nin. (Bantam, $2.50.) Elegant is Mrs. Myrtle Conrad. We at the center tion also. erotica: fiction appreciate her concern for the Wesley Foundation, and the excellent job she We welcome you to this place which 5. Your Erroneous Zones, by Wayne W. Dyer. (Avon, has been doing for a number of years. has been a "home away from home" to $2.25.) Self-help pep talk. The clean windows, furniture, floors,many students of GSC, and hope tha~ Pictured above is Ms. Wendy Elliot, etc., make the Foundation a pleasant you will find relaxation, and friendship who has been chosen as the newassis- 6. Looking Out for #1, by Robert Ringer. (Fawcett/Crest, and beautiful plaee to spend time,here. tant twirler. $2.50.) Getting your share. whether in studying or in leisure. 7. The Book of Lists, by David Wallechinsky, Irving and There is a Board of Directors of Amy Wallace. (Bantam, $2.50.) Entertaining facts. Wesley Foundation whose names should T"E S(OREBDARD THE TOWNE 8. Passages, by Gail Sheehy. (Bantam, $2.50.) Predicta­ be recognized. They are as follows: D. ptQ~~t~ Edward Bayer, Wade Coffindaffer, H. ble crises of adult life. Eugene David, Joe Evans, Father Mike 9. 2, by Hank Searls. (Bantam, $2.25.) Gripping Rooney, Richard Manning, Dale Miller, shark sequel. James S. Singleton, Robert Summers, Otll~[IlANCE BOOKSTORE and John V. White. 10. The Sword of Shannara, by Terry Brooks. (Ballantine, r"'loLY~~1.\ anA. M' n $2.50.) Fantasy novel. Also, Mrs. Billie Bennett, Stanley J S .....+. ,\I: 1 ~, ~a1..,Y\e~, I'JOOKS, D'Orazio, Espy W. Miller, Perry O'Brien ".r .".l" This list IS compiled by The Chronicle of Higher Education from 5ets..t-...... L -:Jd..\' :.~~i3 Gffe.t{,.v.l C.... Rev. J.M. Kipp, George Strader (Chair, ,,~~ "" Ml"'- . ~ U'J ~ information supplied by college stores throughout the country. man), Rev. Stephen Engle, William Ro- ~a*\ {) .j berts, Rev. Martin Berisford, Rev. Jan q: OOpw. .t-i l I ;00 dJIA O'V\. ~fIj , Y\ee.ov-~s Owen, Ralph Gay, Beryl Langford, . a.l\£l \ 0. ~es EXPO BARBER SHOP James Lowell Peterson. t\ I . J, I 50 Rev. Arthur Tucker, Mrs. Garnette 1-\l1l\.llss\{)V\, - .p.- M ~ HAIR STYLING Taylor, D.K.. Wilfong, Joe Wiseman, 1- J~lO£ '/... ()V",',D+',I O'tl.~ ::It... · Q:00-5:00 Zane Ghereke, David Meyer, and Ed- ~ ~~ .... r" 1 ~ ~ • I Roffln Sculpture Cut r------~ \O:OOp'M SI.Vl{t!a~ .... ·/0:00-11.:30 System SNACK BAR ID'~ r-t4..u..txiA- \ L .1-_1 SEAlS \)owtllV~vW Ot.a-,~ a~s GAME ROOM (Beside 6\""""l\~, W V . (lro\.. ' l..l. '7) .l.. f'm;"n the Pizza Shop) ~ S~""'- PI\:~.. y~ =t' '~'Uo\e. rcs\ U\'t u. OPCII 7 Days a Week .' Authorized Catalog Merchant The GlenYilie PiZZI Shop

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