
Barron Papers Donated to CSC W.W. Barron, Governor of West at Mrs. Fair's home during the thir­ Hardman, Barrons's press secretary, Virginia 1961-1965, today announced teen years sinoe Barron left offioe in but Mr. White did not feel that many tha t he was donating the flies, 1965. Other itmes will be added at a were involved He did request that plaque~ photographs, newspaper clip­ later date. any person having letters, papers or pings, and other such items associated The collection contains seven vol­ items relating to the f~rmer governor with the governor's offioe to Glen­ umes of photographs taken during who would like to have them plaoed ville State College Alumni Founda­ the four year period, four volumes of in the collc~tion contact him or Mr. tion Inc. The collection will be orga­ newspaper clippings, several Doxes of GiIIespie at the college. Those making nized and displayed by the college wall plaques, movies, slides, and contributions will receive recognition library staff. The nrst transfer of framed presentations. The office files for the gift. Members of the family items took plaoe on July 12, 1978 were intact as they were. in 1965, have already volunteered some items. when the former governor met with according to Mr. White, whom the Mr. White said he had conferred with John V. White, Secretary of the former governor charged with screen­ Mrs. Jackie Shock and Mr. Curtis Foundation and David Gillespie, U· ing the files prior to their being plaoed Trent, both of Charleston, who will brarian of the college, at the home of on pu hlic display. Mr. White said that be helping with plans for the formal Mr. David Gillespie, and Mr. John White I)!view materials received fronl his neice, Mrs. Jane Fair in Elkins. some personal papers would be re­ presentation. Mrs. Shock was the gov­ former state governor, W.W. Most of the materials had been stored moved from the flies and plaoed in ernor's executive secretary and Mr. safe-keeping for a period of time. Trent was his administrative assistant. Plans for a formal presentation The Governor and Mrs. Barron, some time this fall or next spring are who now live in Florida, were visiting in the ear Iy stages and will be re- in West Virginia at the time of the leased as soon as the ma terials can be transfer. The Barrons have three The Glenville Mercury organized and made ready. The photo­ daughters. Mary, (Mrs. Terry Penn), graph albums have been cleaned, lives in Charleston; Nancy, (Mrs. Ron­ Number 3 Glenville S tate College, Glenville, W. Va. Friday, Sept. 15,1978 bu t th~ newspaper clippings will need ald Smith), lives in Decatur, Georgia; Found: Two girls rings found in the a great deal of work, as will some of and Janie, (Mrs. Jane Stroup) lives in Media Center of the library. lnquire 2 Musicians the plaques and other items. Charleston. Mary and Jane will also MissW est Named at front desk. Some of the papers were lost in aid Mr. White with the plans'for the Give Recital a fire which took the life of Mr. Con formal presentation. Miss Virginia West, professor of Jeff Hudkins and Tony Barnett English, has been named acting chair­ 'Trapezoid' Slated will give a seniC'I recital Sunday, Sept. person of the Language DiviSIOn re­ 24 at 8 :00 p. iTI. in the Auditorium. Drop Deadline Set placing Dr. Lowell E. rredin who re­ This is reC'lIired for completion of a signed this past spung. Miss West came For September 22 deorce in Music Educatio(l. The Office of Ac.ademic Affairs to Glenville State College in 1955 as Trapezoid, a very popular music Tony plays trombone. He will play advises all students who intend to an English and journalism instructor group from Elkins, WV, will appear thre~ pieoes. One each for the Barogue, drop a course to do so prior to and served as adviser for the Glenville in the ~C Amphitheater on Fri­ R .L1atltic, and Modem Period. He Thursday, October 5, 1978. That Mercurt until 1964. Before Joining day, Sept. 22 at 7 p. m. will be accompanied on piano by Dr. date represents fIve (5) weeks from the Glenville faculty, she had been a This group has appeared at nearly Edward Graham, Piano and Theory the fust day of class and current high-school English and journalism every college in West Virginia dur­ teacher at GSc. academic policy allows a student to teacher and a school librarian. ing the past few years and are a Jeff plays baritone horn. He will withdraw without penalty during Miss West is a cum laude gradua te popular attraction at fairs and festi­ play three pieoes. One from the that time period of Glenville State College, a graduate vals all over the east. Trapezoid is Classic Period, and two from the Ro­ During recent years, several stu­ of West Virginia University, and has well-known for Irish music, string­ mantic Period. He will be accom­ dents have withdrawn after the fIve additional graduate studies at the band tunes, and their hammer dul­ panied on piano by Twyla Wallaoe, a week period and have reoeived a Ohio State University, George Wash­ cimers. They play nearly all music Music Educ.ation Major. WP (withdraw passing) which is also ington University, and lndiana Uni­ that can be played on unamplified Jeff is a 1975 Graduate of Rich­ a non-punitive grade. However, be­ versity. stringed instruments and each mem­ wood High School He plans to grad­ ginning this fall, the Academic Dean She is a member of the National ber is an accomplished musician in ua te from GSC in the Spring of 1979 and the Dean of Records and Ad­ Council of Teachers of English, the his own right with a Music Education degree and missions will not approve a drop from Dr_ Frank Jenio West Virginia college English Tea­ They will perform for approxi­ become a band director. Jeff is a a class after October 5 except for chers, and the West Virginia Library rna tely one hour and a half in the member and a past president of the medical reasons substantiated by a Dr. Jenio Speaks Association. She is a charter member amphitheater. Admission isfree as the Music Educators National Conferenoe. report from a doctor. of the GSC Chapter of Kappa Delta program is being sponsored by the (MENC) anel Lambda Chi Alpha fra- Signs have been posted all around Pi, a member of Alpha Zeta Chap­ ,Cultural 6J'fairs Committee. Sep­ ternity. campus indicating that October 5 At Virginia Tech ter of Delta Kappa Gamma, andan tember 22 and 23 is a home foot­ Tony is a 1974 Graduate of Rich- is the final day to drop classes. alumna of Delta Zeta. She is a past ball weekend and there should be wood High. He plans to graduate in The Office of Academic Affairs be­ A Glenville State College instruc­ president of the Faculty-Administra­ several students on campus. The pro­ Deoember 1978 from GSC with a de- Iieves that students should be able tor has been invited to speak a t the tive Organization. Miss West is a International Symposium on Ground­ gram is scheduled for early evening gree in Music Educaiton. He, too, to determine whether or not that member of the Trinity United Metho­ so there will be plenty of time for plans to be a band director. Tony they are going to be sucoessful in a water Biology, co-sponsored by Old dist Church in Glenville. Dominion University and Virginia pre-game parties after the program. also is an active member of MENC. class within a fIve week period. Polytechnic lnstitute and State Uni­ Bulletin: Glenville State College .4- versity in Blacksburg, Va., this week. lumni Fooncbtion has purchased the Dr. Frank Jenio, associate pro­ Admissions Tests Scheduled top of Tank Hill lX!hind Clark Hall. fessor of biology for the Department Mr. john HhitE; T{f!(JSI.Jrer of the of Scienoe at Glenville State College, Those planning to take one or (LSAT) September 14, 1978 Fooncbtiqn, disclosed that the pur­ will speak on the life cycle and ecol­ more of the admission tests re­ Graduate Management Admission chase, made on I1ednescby, includes ogy of "Gammarus Troglophilus,' a quired by graduate and professional Test (GMAT) ,September 21, 1978 !X)fTIe tfree and one-half acres ofland genus of Swimming amphipod crus­ schools are advised to register for Graduate Record EXamination, Mich formerly lX!lorr;ed to Mrs. taoeans. :he tests immediately. A disruption (GRE) September 28, 1978 Frorces HathaWlY ofGrarrtsvi/le. Te~ Dr. Jenio completed his disserta­ in mail service could present tho~e Those interested in applYing for ative plans call for a road and park­ tion for his doctora te on "The Ecolo­ who delay from being registered for the above exams see Mr. Kinder in ing lot constructia7. gy of Gammarus" (commonly known the early fall administra tion. Regular the Guidanoe OffIoe' or phone ext. as a crayfIsh)from the University of Registration Deadlines for the exam­ 297. Late Registration Deadlines gen­ Three members of the newspaper Sou them Illinois in 1971 inations are: erally are one week later than the staff are attending a professional con­ Dr. Jenio, a native of Clarksburg Medical College Admission Test, Regular Registration Deadlines. ference at FSC. Saturday, to heat who now resides at 13 Millbrook Col. Savage on "Yearbooking" and (MCAT) September 1, 1978 "Beginning in October, the fee is R.oad, Bridgeport, with hil wife, P~ Dental Admission Test (DAn $ 20 per CLEP test - General or Dr_ Arnold on-.Design_ The .M~~_'Y_ tricia, and their two sons, Frank E.
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