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E860 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 8, 2016 up in a health care setting at some point while Blake of Indianola, Iowa, for receiving the rior, Environment, and Related Agen- being exploited, including in clinics, emer- 2016 Robert D. Ray Pillar of Character Award cies Appropriations Act, Fiscal Year gency rooms and doctor’s offices. Despite this, from The Robert D. and Billie Ray Center in 2017’’. SD–124 out of more than 5,680 hospitals in the coun- Des Moines, Iowa. The Award is given to 10 a.m. try, only 60 have been identified as having a those who live a life full of good character and Committee on Banking, Housing, and plan for treating patients who are victims of foster greater character in others. This non- Urban Affairs trafficking and 95 percent of emergency room profit organization, formerly known as Char- To hold an oversight hearing to examine personnel are not trained to treat trafficking acter Counts in Iowa, was created in 1997 by the Securities and Exchange Commis- victims. former Iowa Governor Robert D. Ray and sion. Our bill aims to ensure health care profes- former First Lady Billie Ray. It showcases hu- SD–538 sionals are trained to identify and assist vic- manitarian and civility endeavors impacting Committee on Energy and Natural Re- tims of human trafficking, and help close the sources Iowans. The six character pillars are: trust- To hold hearings to examine oil and gas gap in health care settings without plans for worthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, pipeline infrastructure and the eco- treating trafficking victims. I want to urge my caring and citizenship. nomic, safety, environmental, permit- colleagues to pass this important legislation so Mr. Blake and his wife Abbie, as well as ting, construction, and maintenance that health care professionals can better iden- their six children, reside in Indianola, Iowa but considerations associated with that in- tify trafficking victims, provide victim centered for 13 years, he was defined a professional frastructure. care and help bring perpetrators of human baseball player for several teams including To- SD–366 trafficking to justice with the help of law en- ronto Blue Jays, Minnesota Twins, Baltimore Committee on Finance forcement as well as social and victims serv- Orioles, Cleveland Indians, Los Angeles Dodg- To hold hearings to examine energy tax policy in 2016 and beyond. ice agencies and organizations. ers and the Colorado Rockies organizations. SD–215 f Upon his retirement, the family returned home 3 p.m. to Iowa and his hometown of Indianola. In PERSONAL EXPLANATION Committee on Environment and Public 2010, they founded the Indianola Community Works Youth Foundation, built the Blake Fieldhouse Subcommittee on Superfund, Waste Man- HON. GEORGE HOLDING and other community athletic complexes. Mr. agement, and Regulatory Oversight OF NORTH CAROLINA Blake was inducted into the National High To hold an oversight hearing to examine IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES School Hall of Fame in 2014 and the Iowa the Environmental Protection Agen- cy’s progress in implementing Inspec- Wednesday, June 8, 2016 High School Baseball Coaches Association tor General and Government Account- Mr. HOLDING. Mr. Speaker, I missed roll Hall of Fame in 2016. ability Office recommendations. call 272, H.R. 1815—Eastern Nevada Land I applaud and congratulate Casey Blake as SD–406 Implementation Improvement Act. a shining example of how hard work, deter- Had I been present, I would have voted mination, and dedication can affect the future JUNE 15 Yea. of a community. It is with great honor that I 10 a.m. Committee on Appropriations f recognize him today. I know that my col- leagues in the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Financial Services and TRIBUTE TO CHRISTOPHER GIBBS, join me in honoring his accomplishments. I General Government SENIOR CHIEF PETTY OFFICER wish him continued success in his future en- Business meeting to markup an original bill entitled, ‘‘Financial Services and deavors. General Government Appropriations HON. DAVID W. JOLLY f Act, Fiscal Year 2017’’. OF FLORIDA SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS SD–138 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Committee on Commerce, Science, and Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, Wednesday, June 8, 2016 Transportation agreed to by the Senate of February 4, Business meeting to consider pending Mr. JOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I would like to rec- 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- calendar business. ognize Senior Chief Petty Officer Christopher tem for a computerized schedule of all SR–253 Gibbs for his duty and service to Pinellas meetings and hearings of Senate com- Committee on Health, Education, Labor, County and to our country. mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- and Pensions On May 4, 2016 Officer Gibbs returned To hold hearings to examine imple- tees, and committees of conference. menting the Child Care Development home after a year-long deployment and 21 This title requires all such committees years of military service. While enlisted, Block Grant Act of 2014, focusing on to notify the Office of the Senate Daily perspectives of stakeholders. served as a Senior Chief Master at Arms and Digest—designated by the Rules Com- SD–430 eventually earned the title of Senior Chief mittee—of the time, place and purpose Committee on Homeland Security and Petty Officer. We are eternally grateful for his of the meetings, when scheduled and Governmental Affairs service overseas. any cancellations or changes in the To hold hearings to examine America’s Since returning home, Officer Gibbs contin- meetings as they occur. insatiable demand for drugs, focusing ued his dedication to serving others through As an additional procedure along on examining solutions. his work as an officer with the Pinellas Park SD–342 with the computerization of this infor- 2 p.m. Police Department. mation, the Office of the Senate Daily Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank Senior Committee on Commerce, Science, and Digest will prepare this information for Transportation Chief Petty Officer Christopher Gibbs for his printing in the Extensions of Remarks Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, service to our community and this country. section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Fisheries, and Coast Guard Pinellas Park is a safer place with him pro- on Monday and Wednesday of each To hold hearings to examine assessing tecting us and we are very grateful and appre- week. the Coast Guard’s increasing duties, fo- ciative of his efforts. I ask this body to join me Meetings scheduled for Thursday, cusing on drug and migrant interdic- in recognizing Officer Gibbs’ efforts and ex- tion. June 9, 2016 may be found in the Daily SR–253 pressing our appreciation for his service. Digest of today’s RECORD. May God bless Officer Gibbs and his family. Committee on Finance To hold hearings to examine challenges f and opportunities for United States business in the digital age. TRIBUTE TO CASEY BLAKE MEETINGS SCHEDULED SD–215 JUNE 14 2:30 p.m. HON. DAVID YOUNG 9:30 a.m. Committee on Energy and Natural Re- OF IOWA Committee on Appropriations sources IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Subcommittee on Department of the Inte- Subcommittee on National Parks Wednesday, June 8, 2016 rior, Environment, and Related Agen- To hold hearings to examine S. 2839 and cies H.R. 3004, bills to amend the Gullah/ Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise Business meeting to markup an original Geechee Cultural Heritage Act to ex- today to recognize and congratulate Casey bill entitled, ‘‘Department of the Inte- tend the authorization for the Gullah/ VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:12 Jun 09, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A08JN8.042 E08JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS June 8, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E861 Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor tional Heritage Area, S. 2087, to modify 10 a.m. Commission, H.R. 3036, to designate the the boundary of the Fort Scott Na- Committee on Homeland Security and National September 11 Memorial lo- tional Historic Site in the State of Governmental Affairs cated at the World Trade Center site in Kansas, S. 2412, to establish the Tule Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs and New York City, New York, as a na- Lake National Historic Site in the Federal Management tional memorial, H.R. 3620, to amend State of California, S. 2548, to establish To hold hearings to examine reviewing the Delaware Water Gap National the 400 Years of African-American His- the rulemaking records of independent Recreation Area Improvement Act to tory Commission, S. 2627, to adjust the regulatory agencies. provide access to certain vehicles serv- boundary of the Mojave National Pre- SD–342 ing residents of municipalities adja- serve, S. 2807, to amend title 54, United cent to the Delaware Water Gap Na- States Code, to require State approval tional Recreation Area, H.R. 4119, to before the Secretary of the Interior re- JUNE 21 authorize the exchange of certain land stricts access to waters under the juris- 10 a.m. located in Gulf Islands National Sea- diction of the National Park Service Committee on Banking, Housing, and shore, Jackson County, Mississippi, be- for recreational or commercial fishing, Urban Affairs tween the National Park Service and S. 2805, to modify the boundary of To hold hearings to examine the semi- the Veterans of Foreign Wars, S. 211, to Voyageurs National Park in the State annual monetary policy report to the establish the Susquehanna Gateway of Minnesota, S. 2923, to redesignate Congress. National Heritage Area in the State of the Saint-Gaudens National Historic SH–216 Pennsylvania, S. 630, to establish the Site as the ‘‘Saint-Gaudens National 2:30 p.m. Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Na- Park for the Arts’’, S.