Coastal Development Permit Application
STATE OF CAUFOPNIA-TiiE RESOURCES AGENCY CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION CENTRAL COAST DISTRICT OFFICE 725 FRONT STREET, SUITE 300 SANTACRUZ. CA 95060 W21c (831) 427·4883 Filed: 08/07/00 49th day: 09/25/00 Staff: RB RECORD PACKET COPY Staff report prepared: 05/24/01 Hearing date: 06/13/01 Hearing item number: W2lc Commission action: Opened & Continued 09/14/00 Substantial Issue 11115/00 COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION Application number ...... A-3-SL0-00-119, Todd SFD Applicant ........................ Joe Todd Project location .............. 16485 Cabrillo Highway (approx. 1.5 miles north of Piedras Blanca Lighthouse, North Coast Area Plan), San Simeon, San Luis Obispo County (APN 011-231-001) Project description ........ Construction of an approximately 2,980 sq. ft. single family dwelling with attached 720 sq. ft. garage, 1,200 square foot barn: driveway, water well, septic system, water storage tank, and related grading. File documents ............... San Luis Obispo County Certified Local Coastal Program; Coastal Development Permit D990190P; COAL 90-137; Cultural Resources Survey and Impact Assessment (C.A Singer & Associates, Inc., October 12, 1999); • Percolation Data Report (Mid Coast Geotechnical Inc., November, 30, 2000). Staff recommendation ... Approval, with Conditions Summary: The Applicant proposes to construct an approximately 2,980 square foot, one-story, single family residence with an attached 720 square foot garage, driveway, water well, septic system, and a water storage tank on a 4.37 acre site. Since the appeal was filed, the applicant has modified his project to eliminate the proposed barn. In addition, the applicant has proposed to lower the residence and attached garage one foot below average natural grade within the building footprint, and lower the pitch of the roof, which reduces the maximum finished height of the structure to approximately 11' 9" above average natural grade.
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