DOCUMENTAIESOle 11. 2D 126 638 .s EC 090 526 AUTHOR Enos,Donald F. TITLE Meeting Children's Ie ds: 1 Field Centered Curriculum for Mainstream' PUB DATE Apr 76 VOTE 21p.; Paper presented-at the 'Annual Internatiorial Convention, The Council for Exceptional Ch%ldren (54th, Chicago, Illinois, April 4 -9, 1976) EDES PRICE MF-$0.83 HC-S1.67 Plus Postag4 DESCRIPTORS *Curricdlum EvaluationV DemonstrationProjects; Exceptional Child Education; *Field Trips; *Gifted; *Handicapped Children; *Models; Outdoor Education;. Program Effectiveness; *Regular Class Placement; Secondary Education ABSTRACT \ , /gvalualed wereble effects of a curriculum model . combining'mainstreaming,and field-centered educatlonalexperiences 'ono 201 handicapped, Dorsal,or gifted high school students (13-17 years old). The model, studied over a 44year period,was based on the importance of relating Classroom activitiesto the reality of society and the advantages of combining field-centerededucation with mainstreaming. The Ss included emotionally. handicapped,mentally .. retarded,, legally blind, normal, talented, and giftedstudents from elfare to high middle class income families; and-representedblack, Chicano, Asian, white, and NativeAnerican ethnicgroups. The program included a o 8-week instructional phase followed by a 2-to 3 -week field trip to cted localities. Pre-and postassesseentswere administered to the each-year, and in 1974 and 1975were compared to control groups. .11esul gested that increased peiformance in the cognitive, affective, and choeotorAomains was related to use of the field-centered model. (llso'itc_ uded are a description'of the \o curriculum model, assessment results in Iulated form, and selected quotations and drawings by students.) (IM) . 4 v**************vvivvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvrnvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv* Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished , * materials not available from other source*.
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