Kootenay Lake
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-•l-7sK?ti •~ •JrM- A 1* '".*>i\ .** !:CE FIVE CENTS Nelson, British Columbia, Saturday, Nov, 20,. 1897- WHOLE NUMBER 378. although the smoke was stifling they kept and calcining furnaces will not be blown at their work. At one time it looked as GENERMi LOCAL NEWS; in until the new ones are completed. IS I Wk though the hotel was doomed, lhe side THE M8T CLEAN-UP. At the mines everything has been wall and the cornice burst into flames working smoothly and a vast amount of but the men went to work with renewed EVENTS OF INTEREST IN AND ore has been taken out. \ Tho Jbinsare 'A REPORT THAT HAS A FLAVOR vigor and succeeded iu extinguishing PRODUCT OF IHE FERN MINE FOR full,and taken in connection ^ith'jthe ENTIRE KOOTENAY COUNTRY AROUND NELSON. ; OF KLONDYKE. them before they had got beyoud con THIRTY-EIGHT DAYS. custom ore on hand, there is a sufficient TRAIN SERVICE CHANGED. trol. The fact that the wood used in the > quantity to keep the big furnace'going construction was unseasoned wast greatly I." without interruption. A new Ingersoll in favor of the fireman. Mayor Houston, Brief Mention «r Happen fugs lu -the air compressor lias just been takeu to the Six r««t Lead «f Decomposed 4)nurl/ That Close Connection* Will Bfi Made at all Dr. Arthur. George, Bigelow, Barrister Ulsli-lct During tlie Fast Front or Over $10,000.—Ore Value* mine to assist in. the development work Give* Assays or &!,'<i'i roints anil the Time Creally McDonald, J. A. Gilker, W..F. Traves, J. Seven Days. Steadily Increasing. -Cyanide and will have a tendency to largely in In Cold. - Shortened. A. Turner and a host ot other business Process to he Added, crease the output. and professional. men were amongst the The first dividend of the Hall Mines, workers and worked like beavers.' When B." AVilson of- Sandon is in :the city. on the ordinary shares, is unofficially an A''Hnd of marvelous richness has it was seeD that the men were able to Commencing tomorrow a change in •a . On Monday Inst Mr. F. G. Innes and nounced to be nine per cent, and will be been- made in the Summit mine on control the flames in the hotel building A. T. Garland of Kaslo is a guest at thc entire time system of the Cana J. A. Veatch brought to Nelson from the i declared within a few days or weeks. Wild Horse creek near the Elise and a g'reatcbeer arose from the crowd of on at the Phair. > -,i That tbe announcement will be made dian Pacific railway in WestKootenay Fern mine on Morning mountain five the; owners, the Lindulade brothers, lookers. B. E; King of Sandon was.in Nelson will go into effect, the object being to bricks of gold bullion aa the result ot the before the first of the year is beyond tbe think- they have something that will The Broken Hill Mining Co's. building give a better service and do away; with last Tuesday. • , f Irat mill run of the mine. The bricks question of a doubt. yield as heavily as a Klondyke pro began to show signs of. igniting and the exasperating delays "and "stop overs." E. H. Thomlinson of Spokane is -We deposited in the Bank of Montreal The lead furnace is nearly ready for perty. The mine* was bonded by a steam and smoke from the sides led many The new system shortens the time all ! fcpd the value placed at 811,325. operation, and although a quantity of member of the Fern company on the to believe'that the ilames would* burst registered at thePhair. along the line and the completion of [r. Innes furnished the following re custom ore for it is on band, the proba strength of an IS inch cropping which forth at any minute. A bucket brigade T. AV. Jenkins, of London.'Englaud, the Slocan-branch will put Nelson lit ot the 38 days' run to November 13: bilities ore that it will not blow in' until assayed.about $100 Ln gold to the ton. was formed and the sides were kept sat was a visitor to Nelson during the within a fewhburs' travel to all Slocan lflion shipped, $11,325; bullion on after ore has commenced to have been The. dip of tho vein was about; 45 urated with water. One mau by the name week. 3d, $670; concentrates shipped, 20 received over the Slocan Lake bruueh. of points. "'-..- > ' > • '.' -* of Burns did some noble work aiid was degrees and a. shaft was started some Thomas Noonnn of-Toronto is a visi- . jte; net smelter returns,.$1,500; six tons the G. P. K. Under this order of things On "the Rossland division trainswill distance up the hill, to tap ib. After scotched nnd half frozsu at the same in tor to Nelson and is. stopping at the concentrates on hand,' $350r total it will be the middle of next month be leave Nelson at 0:30 p. m. and arrive sinking this shaft to a depth of about stant. He was drenched with the cold Phair. ' ...'.;". ''.'... fillet of the mill, $13,915; ore shipped, fore the fires are started. at Uossland at 11 p. m. daily. , They 40- i'oet and spending, in all, in the water from the'ereek' and his clothiDg 'tons; net returns, $1,200; making a will leave. Rossland at 6 p'. mi. and ar neighborhood ol! $5030, the bond was was singed by the fire. McArthur & Mc B. C. Silver of Montreal! is registered Ul of the mine and mill for the 38 days MUST GO TO TRIAL.; rive in.Nelson at 10:30 p.m. .Thus it thrown up. - Donald at one time thought that nothing at the Phair. lie bas golden opinions . will be seen that the service for busi ^$15,145. The total number of tons -The Liudblade brothers-took up the could save the building und sttirted to of the Kootenay. /' ' ; Contest Over the Keservoir Site Can Not Be ness men has been much improved, illed was 965, or an average of 25.4 tons work where it had been left otf and move out their stock of furniture. People No meeting ofthe city, council was - Settled ©ut of Court. allowing travelers to either city a full |er day. The segregation of values re after* sinking about five I'eet more in occupying the upper floor hurridly moved held. Wednesday night mi account of - The outlook is that the dispute over day iii" which to transact'tlieir busi ive red is as follows: The first five days, the.shaft, ran across a six foot lead of their possessions to a place of safety. a quorum failing to appear. The the land occupied by the city reservoir ness. Close .connections will lie made Iv tons per day, making 150 tons at $8 decomposed white quartz which gave The sidewalk between the burning build meeting was adjourned until Monday. and flume will not be settled out ot with the main line. Columbia river er ton, $1,200; succeeding 10 days,' 25 an assay , of §2700 in gold to the ton. ing and the Broken Hill block waa cut court It was thought at one time that steamers will leave Arrowhead at 10 Barrister J. A.' Aiknian. has been_ Mis per day, 250 tons at $9 per ton, Th'e'first test was by panning, two or down and pulled away by the means of. the matter could be amicably adjusted a. m, Nakusp at 1 p. ni; and arrive:in' acting as deputy registrar of the su ^',250: the next 10 days, 24 tons per day, three chunks being crushed and pauned ropes so that full attention could bt» by Mr. Joshua Davies for the,Nelson Robson at 8:30 p. m„ making connec preme court this week, during the ab HO tons at $14 per ton, $3,360; the next out.'-.The result was a run of gold given to keeping the side of the buildings Gity Land and Improvement company tions with the trains that arrive in : sence" of Mr. Simpkins, who has been days, 25 .tons per day, 325 tons at extending for four inches , over the saturated with water. At oue time the and the city council, but the ideas of the Nelson at 10:30 p. in. and Rossland at enjoying his honeymoon. ; ?1.85, $7,135. Tbe average duty per bottom of the, pan and, ccmUining fire got some headway in the basement gentlemen differ so widely that there ap 11 p. in., .People leaving Vancouver at lump in 24 hours .was' 2.54 tous. Tbe between 40 and 50 cents iii value. The of Hume's hotel buildiug. but. at'ler a , "VV. J. Diskson has concluded a sale pears to be no hope of a settlement by 2 p. m. 011 any day.may arrive,.in Nel i:v>rage free gold per ton milled was owners' at once put'a force of twelve hard fight it. was subdued., of 200 lots injAdditioir A to an English ,"' this means. Mr. Davies has instructed son at 10;30 p. in.. of the second day. |<2.43. The average value of coucen- meri: to work drifting-both ways on . When the laundry building collapsed syndicate, The lots ase being held for his attorney to push the matter to a'con The lay-over, at Revelstoke from 9:15 ites per ton milled was $2.02. The es.