o Parwan ,Charikar District: As per initial report; approximately over 400 families were affected due to flash flood in Charikar (P11,P12 AND P9 ). The devastating flash flood had severe impact that resulted in heavy casualties (Per government sources; 76 deaths and 96 injured including women and children), approx. 400 families affected/displaced, agriculture land and public infrastructure were damaged. Joint teams consisting of IOM, WFP, DACCAR, DRC, CARE International, ARCs and ANDMA initiated assessment however government lead search and rescue is ongoing that may result in increase in the number of casualties. So far; 147 families (51 houses destroyed, 96 severely damaged) while the assessment will continue for tomorrow

o Wardak, Jarliz, Chalk and Sayed Abad districts: Based on initial report, over 700 families reported affected by flood on 26 August Chalk, Jarliz and Sayed Abad districts of Wardak Province. Joint assessment team deployed to the affected area to assess the needs. An OCT meeting is also planned for 27 August.


o Laghman, Alishang: Based on the initial reports obtained from ANDMA, seven families were affected in Alishang district. A joint team will initiate assessment on 27 August.

o Nangarhar, Radat district: Initial information indicates that several families are reportedly affected in . Per the report; two persons killed and three others sustained injuries. ANDMA mobilized team for assessment and provided immediate relief assistance

o Nuristan, district: A flash flood destroyed one market constructed by municipality however no damages to residence houses and infrastructure reported.

SOUTHEAST REGION: o Paktika, Sharana and Yahyakhail: Per the initial information from multiple sources; 15 houses reportedly destroyed, and one person killed due to flash flood on 25 August. There are also reports of damages to shops, infrastructure. IOM in coordination with partners is intending to call for and OCT meeting to coordinate assessment and response.

PARTNERS CAPACITY: Humanitarian partners have already confirmed availability of relief supplies to respond to the reported caseloads. IOM and partners have 20,000 packages of NFIs and ES in that can support over 5,000 Families in central region while cash for NFIs for over 1,000 families are also available. In addition, over 6,500 packages of NFIs and ES are stocked in Nangarhar that can support over 1,500 families in eastern region. Additional supplies can be mobilized from other regions should there be need following conclusion of the assessments, IOM currently have 60,000 packages of NFIs and ES stocked in 20 warehouses across the country that can also be mobilized should needs arises in any province.

Assessment of Flood Affected Families in Parwan, Charikar District @ IOM