SIGAR SIGAR | COUNTERNARCOTICS FRAUD, WASTE, OR ABUSE MAY BE REPORTED TO SIGAR’S HOTLINE By phone: Afghanistan Cell: 0700107300 DSN: 318-237-3912 ext. 7303 All voicemail is in Dari, Pashto, and English. By phone: United States Toll-free: 866-329-8893 COUNTERNARCOTICS: DSN: 312-664-0378 LESSONS FROM THE U.S. EXPERIENCE IN AFGHANISTAN All voicemail is in English and answered during business hours. | JUNE 2018 By fax: 703-601-4065 By email:
[email protected] By web submission: SIGAR-18-52-LL SIGAR SPECIAL INSPECTOR GENERAL FOR AFGHANISTAN RECONSTRUCTION 2530 Crystal Drive Arlington, VA 22202 June 2018 FINAL_CN Report Cover.indd 1 6/1/2018 3:21:40 PM The NationalThe National Defense Defense Authorization Authorization Act for FYAct 2008 for FY (P.L. 2008 110-181) (P.L. 110-181) establishedestablished the Special the SpecialInspector Inspector General General for Afghanistan for Afghanistan ReconstructionReconstruction (SIGAR). (SIGAR). JOWZJAN KUNDUZ KUNDUZBADAKHSHANBADAKHSHAN JOWZJAN BALKH BALKH SIGAR’s oversightSIGAR’s oversight mission, asmission, defined as definedby the legislation, by the legislation, is to provide is to for provide the for the TAKHAR TAKHAR independentindependent and objective and objective • conduct• andconduct supervision and supervision of audits ofand audits investigations and investigations relating to relating the programs to the programs SAMANGAN SAMANGAN FARYAB FARYAB BAGHLAN BAGHLAN and operationsand operations funded with funded amounts