Locals Prejudiced Vs, Guest Workers

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Locals Prejudiced Vs, Guest Workers Vol. 23 No.84', ( ,," .: T" d' ,': 'J I 1 Z' "99''4' Saipan,MP96950 2'S¢ ©:1994 Marianas Variety , " ....es ay· u y ," , S~rving CNMI to~?2 Years' SaiIJan lawmaker admits. .. Locals prejudiced vs, guest workers By ~afael H.Arroyo guestworkers and suchbiascould Hofschneider's views onthealien easily explain the occurrence of labor situation was sought yester­ REPORTS of abusecommitted on laborabuses. dayinlightofrecent media reports non-resident workers intheCNMI 'There seems to be a stigma at­ of widespread exploitation and is an indication of theexistence of tached to non-resident workers. abuseofalienworkers intheisland a castingsystemin the Common­ Althoughmostof ourresidents ac­ of Rotaby theiremployers. wealth, where the indigenous knowledge thenecessity ofhaving Such reports prompted Labor people lookdownon non-resident such workers here, theyhave that Continued on page 10 workers as secondclasscitizens. notionthat they are moresuperior Thiswasaccording toRep.Heinz and that the workers are second S.Hofschneider whoadmitted there class citizens. It's hard to admitit areindeedpeoplein theCommon­ but its true," said Hofschneider in wealth whoareprejudiced against an interview yesterday. Froilan proposalgets, Korean minister's,nod . KOREAN Transportation Minister Oh Myungtold Governor Froilan C. Tenorio Friday (July 8) that, "no effort will be spared" by his ministry in supporting'Commonwealth of the NoJ;thern Mariana Islands plans to establish a Seoul-based tourism office. , ALL the way down. Brennon Sablantakeshis favorite icecandywhile .The Transportation MinistrY has overall responsibility for HeinzS. Hofschneider bidingtime at SanJosebeachside yesterdayafternoon. ,, coordinatingtourismnationallyas well as administeringtrans­ portation policy concerningintemationalflights, , However, during his meeting with Governor Tenorio and members oftheCNMI Senate, the Minister saidthatdecisions New law allows condo about increased flights will be made by airlines rather than by the government. , ' ,"Ihere is no limitation[by thegovernment] on the frequency owners up to 55 years or number of flights between Korea and [the CNMI]" Ohsaid, noting that.current Ministry figures show a 70% load factor 011 ' A BILLhasbeensignedbyacting theConstitution.officially became hold as 40 years, at that time COD­ such flights. ',' Governor Jesus C. Borja into law PublicLaw9-6 Fridaywithastroke sistent with Article 12of the Con­ Governor Tenorio and his party, who arrived on a cramped to allowcondominium owners not of Borja's pen. stitution, which allows also 40 737 AsianaAirlinesflight after a 3 a.m. departurefrom Saipan, of Northern Marianas descent in­ AuthoredbyRep.OscarBabauta years. , told the Minister that, all .present flights leave at odd and tereston their unitsupto 55 years, and five others, the new law ad­ But when Article 12 was themaximum allowed bythe CNMI dresses what is perceived as an amended during the 1985 Consti­ inconvenient hours. Constitution. oversightnotedwiththeenactmen t tutionalConvention,themaximum any reason for who Sur- "Is there that?" askedOh, seemed' HouseBill9-196, which seeksto of the UniformCondominium Act allowable short-term interest on prised. " . amendtheUniform Condominium duringthetimeof theThirdCNMI land for non-NMIdescent persons Governor Tenorio told ·the Minister that 50,000 Korean' Act adoptedbyPublicLaw3-86 to Legislature. was increasedto 55 years. Contlnuid on page 10 conform with Amendment 35 of P.L. 3-86, enactedin December TheprovisionsofP.L. 3-86, per­ 14, 1983, definedshort terminter­ taining to the 40 year maximum est in a condominium unit which lease period .allowed was not persons not of NMI descent may Continued on pagellJ Three men nabbed in Roppongi brawl By Ferdie de la Torre dangerous weapon. The victim, described only as THREE persons, two of them 18 years old, sustainedabrasions, weremalejuveniles,werearrested police said. during a separate melee in a After 25 minutes. another per­ Garapan night club Saturday be­ son identified as Ramon Sablan, fore dawn. 20, of Chalan Kanoa, was picked Policesaidareportwasreceived up after he reportedly hit a bottle at I:23 a.m. that the two male of beer against a man inside the juveniles were arrested after they same club. struck two bottles of beer against The victimsufferedlacerations, a male person inside the Ropongi according to a sketchy initial po­ Nite Club. lice report. Governor Froilan C. Tenorio shakes handswithSouthKorean Transportation Ministerduring theirmeeting The arrestees were nabbed for Meanwhile, twomaleindividu­ the otherday. assaultlbattery and assault with a Continued on page 10 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS ANDVIEWS-TUESDAY, JULY 12,1994 TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1994-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWs-3 Asian trade fair attracts 500,000 BEIJING-The fifth Asian Pa­ -wide hearings for E.O. 94-3 Ni. also noted the exceptional andChinaattracted 250attendants that concerned developed and de­ this fair whichis thevividsymbol THE HOUSE Judicial and Gov­ cificTradeFairhasbeena tremen­ presence of the 19 members from 32 countries. Mr. Ni noted veloping countries andtheChinese of the Asia Pacific identity, he ganize the CNMI government need to dissect the whole issue ings, the committee comes back following: ernmentalOperationsCommittee doussuccess. Kyrgyzstan delegations ledbyMrs. that in average 70,000 came ev­ Government which resulted in a added. after an earlier plan. E.O. 94-2 on both its merits and pitfalls. to Saipan on Friday, July 15th is taking Governor Froilan C. -How would the governor's Both the President of the China Alymbaeva, Deputy Minister of eryday, bytheendoftheFair,there verypositive awareness attitudeon Mr. Sawhney said that China's was declared by the .courts as "WE want this measure to get for the final leg of the forum, reorganization plan enhance the Tenorio's Executive Order 94-3 IntemationalExhibitionCentre, Mr. IndustryMaterials Resources and hadbeen500,000 visitors. Mr. Ni the part of countries present; the participation to ASPAT '94 was null and void owing to a techni­ extensively heard. I want to Witnesses at the planned JGO efficiency of your department/: to the islands of Rota and Tinian Ni Yon Chan and Mr. Ravi Tradeof theKyrgyzstan Republic. stressed the great spirit of coop­ needtopromoteintraregional net­ veryimpressive and inviewof the cality on how it was imple­ touch base not only with gov­ hearings. are to be asked by agency? Sawhney, ESCAPRepresentative to gain widerpublic feedback on ForthefirstfourdaysoftheFair, eration prevailing between ESCAP worksis obvious , he said.for the rapid and economic development mented. ernment employees andofficials Babauta to respond in writing to -What is the potential per­ at the Fairconcwred. the controversial reorganization whosethemeis "progress through andtheChineseGovemmentwhich benefitof all the trade systems of growthtakingplace,nodoubtthat It, however, is in concept, ba­ affected by he planned revamp three questions, mainly aimed sonnel impact of the reorgani­ About visitors roamed plan. soo,cm cooperation", thedomestic trade at resulted inaverypositiveawareness the region. Mr. Ni also noted the it could set an example for other sically the same as the earlier but also with the public who at determining the effects of the zation in terms of positions the 4O,cm square meters exhibi­ According to JGO Committee the fair mounted to 70 million attitude on the part of countries need toinvolvetheleastdeveloped emergingeconomicsoftheregion. measure, except for a few will be affected by itin terms of reorganization plan to govern­ gained or lost in your depart­ tionfrom7 to 13June, Chairman Oscar M. Babauta, he R.M.B; the bilateral, multilateral present; the need to promote countries of the region who lack TheESCAPpavilionhas,gener- ' changes. how services are being deliv­ ment streamlining efforts. ment? In his assessment Mr. Ni ex­ andglobaltradewas,asof II June, has scheduled a public hearing intraregional networks is obvious, largescaleindustrycapacity. ated greatinterest, withitsdisplay The order takes effect 60 days ered as a result of the reorgani­ The questions to be asked -What is the fiscal impact, pressedhisdeepsatisfaction at the ontheE.O. this Wednesday.July worth 2.7 milliondollars. hesaidforthebenefitofallthetrade Craftand tourismwouldattract on ESCAP activities and with its after it was submitted bythegov­ zation," said Babauta. mainly to invited government including implementation and result obtained not only quantity 13 in Tiriian and Thursday, July The volumeof tradeof the pat­ systems of theregion. Mr.Nialso developed countries. Healso said video, presskitsonallaspect ofthe ernor to the Legislature, or on AftertheTinian and Rotahear- officials and employees are the post-implementation costs? wisebutalsoqualitywise. 14 in Rota to accord-the people ented products pavillions was on notedtheneedtoinvolved theleast that the fair could progressively UN activities aroundtheworld, in August 23, unless both housesof Giving somefigures to illustrate of the two islands the chance to 11 June 90 million R.M.B. and developed countries of the region orient itself toward more special­ the field of peace keeping envi­ Legislaturedisapprovesor modi­ the interest generated by the fair, haveavoicein deliberationsover subjected to doubleby the end of who lack large scale industry ca­ ized themes. Mr. Sawhney said ronment, healthdevelopment and fiesit. Mr. Nisaidthatat theopening on7 the plan. the fair. pacity. thatconcerned developed and de­ social issues. Numerous
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