98824 Questions Liturgiques 2015 3-4.Indd 65 10/03/16 09:43 192 Innocent Smith
QL 96 (2015) 191-221 doi: 10.2143/QL.96.3.3120234 © 2015, all rights reserved VAGAGGINI AND CONGAR ON THE LITURGY AND THEOLOGY1 1. Introduction One striking feature of the documents of the Second Vatican Council is the extent to which liturgical texts and rites are quoted and alluded to in the body and footnotes of the promulgated constitutions, declarations, and de- crees.2 In addition to those found in the liturgical constitution Sacrosanc- tum Concilium, extensive liturgical citations appear in Lumen Gentium and Presbyterorum Ordinis in addition to occasional citations in Ad Gentes and Gaudium et Spes.3 For the Council Fathers, then, the liturgy appears to be 1. I am grateful to Christopher Ruddy, Andrew Cuff, and Gabriel Torretta, o.p., for their conversations which set the stage for the development of this essay, and to the anonymous reviewers who have enriched the redaction of this essay. 2. For a helpful guide to the complexities of the theological and historical interpretation of the Second Vatican Council, see Gavin D’Costa, “Interpreting the Interpreters,” Vatican II: Catholic Doctrines on Jews and Muslims (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014) 10- 58. For a brief consideration of the footnote references of Vatican II, see Ormond Rush, Still Interpreting Vatican II: Some Hermeneutical Principles (Mahwah, NJ: Paulist, 2004) 12-14, 47-48; Ormond Rush, “Toward a Comprehensive Interpretation of the Council and Its Documents,” Theological Studies 73 (2012) 547-569, at 560. For an example of a de- tailed study of the use of a particular source in the main text and footnotes of the preparatory documents and promulgated texts of Vatican II, see Anthony Dupont, “The Authority of Augustine of Hippo at the Second Vatican Council: A Comparative Analysis of the Use of Augustine in the Preparatory ant the Promulgated Documents,” La théologie catholique entre intransigeance et renouveau: La réception des mouvements préconciliaires à Vatican II, ed.
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