t`s that time of the year again! The CapeNature Staff Awards will be host- I ed on the 31st of July. The nomination process ended on Friday the 6th of July and the adjudication panel is currently sitting to determine the finalists and winners.

Thank you to everyone who took some time to nominate a colleague. Watch this space...

he Global Environmental mental education. During June 2012, Oceans Aquarium and Working for Teachings (GET), a program CapeNature participated in the hosting Water. of the Wisconsin Center for of the third GET programme to visit Potberg, in , Environmental Education in South . Other local partners provided the setting for a unique Tthe USA, aims to connect educators and included WCED, SANPARKS, several teacher professional development students worldwide through environ- universities in the , Two programme called Global Environ- mental Teachings (GET). Teachers from South Western Cape and Wiscon- sin in the USA, gathered to share best practices and perspectives about eco- systems, environmental education and social history. TO PAGE 2 ARE YOU DOING IT FOR MADIBA?

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usan Schuller, Global Environmental Teachings Program Coordinator, considers Potberg a very special place. “It S provides a relaxing atmosphere for teachers to get away during their school breaks, discuss issues, gain more knowledge of the natural world, bringing news information and ideas back into the classroom.” For the third time since 2006, GET partnered with the Western Cape Education Department, who in turn has helped hugely in fostering a partnership with CapeNature Youth Development and Environmental Education Programme, Trevor Farr. “We have gone out of our way to connect the programme with various representatives in the Western Cape. These included Tom Barry at and staff members at Potberg Environmental Education Centre” says Trevor Established in 2003, GET has already completed twelve inter- The programme aims to promote the development of relation- national teacher exchanges in countries like China, Puerto ships and the sharing of ‘best practices’ from all participating Rico, the United States and . educators.

ast week, another activity linked to the GET programme was hosted at L Driftsands Nature Reserve, in part- nership with the National Department of Water Affairs.

Ben van Staden, Alien Vegetation Manager Programme Manager at CapeNature said the orientation session on invasive alien plants was an eye-opener for most of the team members, especially the devastating effects of invasive species and the cost of clearing it.

“The local contractor was very excited to have the opportunity to showcase her abili- ties to the visitors, while both he American and local teachers participated by hacking away at the invasive plants.” Ben said.

n the 22nd of June 2012 CapeNature, National Working for Conservation O Services, based in Riversdale, cele- brated the first runner up award in the Wetlands Project Awards National Working for Wetlands project awards. They implemented a Working for Wetlands project on the Duiwenhoks and Goukou Rivers in the Heidelberg/ Rivers- dale Palmiet wetlands.

The project involves the rehabilitation of damaged wetland systems and involves al- ien vegetation removal as well as the con- struction of gabion structures in river-beds. In 2010 the same team won Best Project in South Africa and in 2011 they were the first runner up.

The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall ~ Nelson Mandela 3

ith World Environ- mental Day on their W minds, and inspired by the Trapsuutjies anti- littering campaign, several enthusiastic grade nine learn- ers at High School recently decided to spruce up several 44 gallon drums, used as dirt-bins. “With this project we would like to add our voice nvironmental Day celebra- to the campaign”, says life- tions and the involvement of orientation teacher Esmaré E volunteers in a clean-up Strauss at the school. operation, inspired to such an ex- “It is wonderful to see how tent, that they now want to start an more and more organisations Eco-committee for the area they buys into Trapsuutjies, which live in. Heading up the initiative is aims to make Oudtshoorn Priscilla Fortuin, who joined Cape- more environmentally - Nature as a volunteer earlier this responsible town” says Susan month. Botha, Community Conserva- “I am at my happiest when I can tion Manager in the Area. The help people make a positive differ- Oudtshoorn Municipality ence. The tree planting event is just availed twenty drums, paint the beginning of several projects and brushes to the grade 9`s. identified for the year ahead. We “We are extremely excited are also planning a vegetable about ‘green projects’ and will garden and other projects to beau- always support this kind of tify the area” says Priscilla” (far right on photo) “Without champions and committed individu- initiative”, Robert den Drijver, als, no community project will ever be successful. We are extremely grateful for people that Parks and Recreations Manager does something without expecting anything in return. It`s good for CapeNature to be associat- for the Municipality, added. ed with communities like these.” adds Susan.

nother event held at the Vrolijkheid Nature Reserve on 5 June 2012 was a resounding success with participation from BLIKKIES & A several primary farm schools in the area. The Working on Fire Team based at Vrolijkheid Nature Reserve exhibited their BLANKETS DRIVE drilling skills and all the learners excitedly participated in all the games. A presentation on fire Safety and Careers was presented Let`s make a difference! by Benjamin Fielies, a Working on Fire Crew Leader. Edward n the spirit of Mandela Day observed throughout the Manganyi, Community Conservation Manager said changing the I world on the 18th of July, Nolundi Puzi (Administration negative attitudes towards environmental issues is important to Manager at Head Office) together with the Communications preserve our environment for future generations. “We would like Unit, has taken the initiative to do exactly that. “We have to thank the Cape Winelands District Municipality who provided identified a group a elderly people in Tambo Village near transport and catering for the event” he added. Manenberg, who meets daily for various activities and a warm meal. I would like to challenge everyone at Head Office to assist in warming the hearts of these special people ” says Nolundi.

Please donate any blankets (new or in good condition) as well as tinned food and other non-perishable items like flour, rice, maize meal etc. A special container will be set up in the reception area for this purpose.

We would also like to challenge regional offices to follow suit and make a difference in their commu- nities this winter.

Man's goodness is a flame that can be hidden, but never extinguished ~ Nelson Mandela 4 GARDEN ROUTE YOUTH DAY CELEBRATION n 15 June, the Garden Programme O Route Community Con- servation Unit hosted the sparks Phumelela Education and Envi- ronmental Organisation at innovation Witfontein, Outeniqua NR. Many of them, mainly from the George area, have never been to the reserve. After a short introductory talk, the group went for a short guided walk on the reserve followed by a braai celebrating Youth Day!

t the beginning of this year, Zibele Blekiwe, Nature his year - to commemorate Mandela Day - CapeNature A Conservator at Kogelberg will once again partner with NewKidz, an NGO 1st Mr Henry Davids Biosphere Reserve, was fortunate involved in doing make-overs at orphanages. Mr Johannes Claassens T enough to be selected through the 3rd Mr Norman Palmer Together with the SABC`s youth TV programme Hectic Nine9, Youth Development Programme to 4th Mr Johnny Brander a beach clean-up will be held on Saturday, 21 July between be part of Activate Leadership 5th Ms Nicole Breda Muizenberg and Strand. According to Liesl Brink, Public Programme. 5th Ms Busisi Welinda Relations Officer at Head Office, they are expecting a big turn 6th Ms Corlie Hugo - out of scholars and need your assistance to come chat to the The programme is aimed at social 7th Ms Nonzalise Kophiri kids or help to pick up litter! transformation of South Africans at 8th Mr John Minnaar large. “The group is made up of Mr Marius Poole The event starts at 8:30 AM and end at young professionals, the unem- Ms Hanli Hendricks around 11:00 AM. You will be required to ployed and the NGO’S sector, thus Ms Nombuso Mbilase be at your designated point at 8:00 AM. bringing people from all levels and 9th Ms Natalie Baker Says Liesl “Please let me know spheres of society together to Mr Adriaan Horn th if you are willing and able to discuss matters pertaining to our 10 Mr Malcolm Botha country.” Zibele explained. The Mr Abraham Lottering give up 67 minutes of your Ms Marika Van Der Walt time in the spirit of programme aims to activate young Mr Salmon Booysen Madiba for our youth leaders and their abilities to 11th Mr Gideon Hewitt and our environment!” address challenges facing their 12th Mr Petrus Swartz communities, spark innovation on a Please feel free to invite local and national level and grow a Mr Tommie Baadjies colleagues who may 13th Ms Elizabeth Keffers dynamic network of leaders and want to participate and bring along Mr Willem Goemas points of influence across South family and friends. 14th Mr William Erasmus Africa. Ms Althea Bestha 15th Mr Simon Wildeman “I would like to thank Trevor Farr, Mr Charles Davids Youth Development Programme Mr Koos Engelbrecht uess who`s doing Manager for the opportunity his 16th Mr Samuel Ockhuis what, where and programmed afforded us”, Zibele Mr Amukelani Nkuna G concluded. Mr Darryn Field why… 17th Mr Charles Adams 18th Mr Paul Gildenhuys Communications Mr Willem Wagenaar Manager, Marietjie WHAT CAN YOU DO 19th Ms Soraya Majiet Engelbrecht, taking a Mr Donavan Manuel smoke-break en route ON MANDELA DAY? 21st Ms Monica Carelse to Rocherpan Nature Ms Ntombomntu Ntsomi Reserve earlier this andela Day is held on July Ms Mandisa Sixabayi-Mdala 18 each year. 22nd Mr Rhett Hiseman month. Mr Jumat Delport M The day not only cele- Ms Felicia Petersen Share your weird, wacky brates Nelson Mandela’s life, but it is Ms Lesley Williams & funny photos with also a global call to action for people 23rd Mr Patrick Lane everyone and win some to recognise their ability to have a Mr Johan Burger gift vouchers. More de- positive effect on others around them. Mr Derick Damon tails in the next edition of th 24 Mr Nicholas Barry This & That... Many people and organisations 25th Ms Jabulile Mpambane around the world take part in an th 26 Mr Mc Donald Jwambi array of activities including Mr Harendeen Cupido volunteering, sport, art, education, 27th Mr Pieter Booysen PLEASE E-MAIL ALL music and culture. Mr Tewbogo Kekana SUBMISSIONS AND PHOTOS TO Ms Mdlangu Mdlangu To help you decide, visit 28th Mr Garth Roziers plategan@.co.za Ms Jamie Appollis BY NO LATER THAN 26 JULY `12 www.mandeladay.com/ 30th Mr Darryl Menigo