SERIES. VOLUME 25. NO. 44 NEW SERIES, VOL 9, NO. 84. PARIS, ME., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1858. OLD bout won! !*<*, I on my M- Si it went on fur a year or two and Suaic |>ut euppnae more «»f roUt'Uil Tin* it th« Kilin that will r«*l«wut the Hodft of Yonnjf Horses. M ISC K L LANY. tne hard substance, quietly, and thia »• tff vtivl I > a ciiont hr the hi* upon remotrd hit Havana deoce-1 hereelf, too, to-day. DARIUS FOROK8. Kditor. great play strpj»l and broken off the front part from hit for the of nhaling a tuI dfftl than Madge lip" purpoaa ita moat aenaitive Ilarrj frequently She'a prettier was at- point. •** nutter contained in one foot to The accident tht cloadt of tmote; wouldn't w«a— the * All *n« anl M-ifwva |»n41'unf t»liC«, »r» tilitmg it, proUhlv, Kef ping W inter Applet. thequick. perfumed left homo without Inviting her to accompa- worth erer bagg" ii «r» <•«•». eiceoire St, »ii'i* u tended with aome Mending, and a woman If the wat the rich- catch ma riaking 1 on# load of manure made from mwJuat, ha*>' never letter than tl>« marry j^alnut or eren Iter of hie deati- aafe oat of thia ecrape, — « Mm, informing get ••I Milk tffirwltarr lumr«l ••Applet krpt to ny lika there w mid be in tw.> or three loadanf that lam<»nea». the fellow being unwilling •at heir«*a in the world. I tall you, Wal- for another bold flirt pvti winter," i« n very common remark. poor nation. Much aa her anioua Inam were my reputation Ten tuin* been made from »tr*w litter. hi> foot the ground. ter, il wouldn't do for wife to ha which had Now we need only to look at the uniform, put upon my jeal- atarUrd thia new abadow upon her do* her!" the animal od« by Woodpecker* field it would ho free fr< m ute'a work would hare m»«I oua. 1'hit contUnt to Miaa Wentworth, who Then, too. In the •leady eold of the |cing eternally mmtic Suaie had the discretion to aay Meanwhile poaoee- A« war on U km hM U.-n dec la rod owner have had an pnace, iKH-'p.. manurv much and the might little hundlo of l«co and it utter a of Ucl in her bad all the truutlc winch long Irequenl- cover one eaaential condition for pre- pain, divinity hut meanwhile to double her aaaid- aed deal womanly way, ia th* demvratic far the pretty nothing, platform pre*ent the of three months instead to a man of conititution. ft oeaaure the emhamaiMot ol Ij Jlt.W. serving fruit. profit growth, my in Jiim to home overcome io canvas*. and attention itapoaaibjliljr uity winning pleaaurea. public " »<> manv we of it arreted foi that I hare a natural tatta for do jou with Mrs. Van*, and enter- puliiK-vl With p-.inta of anperioritr, will not free** when water will ; hating period variety, All her elTorta however availed her little; ber first meeting thfrtbr tum«l to iLi*!* birds, it iwmt to ha Apple$ off of a it that »*wdu»t brrt-al* Hut the occasional breaking part ■ee; and the most I want of a wife, it to into conversation with bar. Uiink will, but » low will at lea*t one in the week he contin- ed rery affably attention of (rubablo very temperature injuro evening • time to call the a when care and to very proper be tuorv at leoat in the mercti* of the hoof is but trifle compared houte and take of thing*, alt* The aa if determined do bit pari ter, g»u> rulljr uaod, tho fruit for preemption, when the keep ued to away from Iit-r. At fir*t baby, farmer* to the®, and a few UcU worth oh- the apend aa It* man ma, and neighborhood of ri»ee. it i« U«t to the give aiytelf waa afraid he be aome sweet-tempered ry I'erhape keep the might entering upon aernng. of the u*J of aaw- same can an. When the too is too long bio to womankind in When noth- oooed and to the infinite dalifht of The recomuit-ndation cellar at about 31 genoral. coureu hut careful oheervati rhent for about strain on the fetlock joint is greatly ing in .ro ugrec keeping aj | One tnan in thia town fill* permanent privilege laid ti hia charge, the love of liquor eieewlingly towrs, the ivrer i* »ery destructive to fruit often follows. of and amstonia is Ullacioua. a of the foot Young which, with tli» cmaolation knowing *n waa irreeietible, lua barrel* in tho fall, ami then throw* in ligament not one and a* drinking foriaa Ingredi- amiability perfectly and ornam-ntal t»ee*. The w other the two apple-tree T ie <-ihau*trd land* of New ran homea havo windgalls, and that In r hutWid it the nn of of hrfor* put in the town, will, 1 take it, aa ladiiw on tho boat oolv redet-m«d bjrthe aj | large (ill the Imrrel* and head tl rtn tight, and eridonca sprains, they laly-killer cuiiio to tlie conclusion tl* it, of possible of thiae tree* are to their finally parts exp.«*d dejw in and in of a hun- for nil her mttIcm in When dinner waa announced, Mre. Vane <|uantiti<* of manure. To auce«vd thia leave tli«ni under the true*, on tho damp work, nir.rty-niiiecnuosout ample comprntation old, hia wandering, incuiiatant heart waa redationa. At the of all the main of the toe >u **> tint i* ftnd junction the farmer* ahould all to to ttormi. dred theae are wh»re «hortrning Ix-half. Hut y if the leatt o«lle*>d all tho Sunn my ufl'T aline now light of lemalo Mary brai»-he* with the trunk and the limt«. straying " to larg- of turn cellar* and minur* tank* has he*n Oo some and hit al iut alio might not think *o." Mr. Vane, gire your arm |«w»wu>a head up, and pile the Iwrrel*, andcovrr with neglected. gravelly j- Il i* ahe may bavo taken eiclaiuied, the lMt of will be found to he till- '• (•oauty. piwibla by Sept -n-nt to uiwt and hard roads tho hoofs will It would lie I ah. mi Id think," at the eame time ap- of nitf. rapacity the eii,;<-iiciea a few Unrd*. The apple* in thi«a cam are stony land poaaiblc, her couain Walter Into oon(id«nco. Miea Wentworth," ed with them, and the orchard i*U, if " he •' and they of |Ih> nor. All ma- wear fast as nature in- tuid Walter Murrtt, that ah* miglit the other to her own use, highly concentrated out of tight, but are damaging. Let ui enough, evidently Orw fx-iiitiful morning in July, mrry propriating would rate their orchard*, l-virti to go over stiff nor** should U» in aeveral time* tended should, but if lior»-a are iiiclinul to with I tliould we will to dinner. Thia diluted •ee how : they kept dita^rc« you. •eemed in no to go to town. 11a tin* hurry away and examine their tree* with knife hurry carefully in " " on turf their fe«*t must l»e short think woman who lo?cd would uat- one auch an thfir hulk water, and turned or pumped Tho awcating of •torx* it a familiar smooth kept nny jtou hit till nearly niuo brei-to girea appetite." in hanJ and tfceae In thi* £"rt*l reading newspaper deelroy pe*ta. com for the artificial moans. P-irtner. to tuch an At dinner, Mre. Vane's first attentlona upon pout hc«t|« pnpaivd pur- •p»vUcl«; or of the pitcher of i«w water up- by [Ohio urally object arrangement." •j'clock, and then dressing hims-ll carefully State we have no *uch trouble. If the N>r» " the Ium. I»eav»-» and Iruf iu murk and Oh, Kvrrattexclaimed Har- were to Misa Wentworth, and >uld, on the •unitni-r dinner uMc. Tl>«> well- p*haw, in bis bandsoiuMl wit hade In* given er* ever do it is Mow the »ur- r«r»i>«ily any damage, at* U*t Kr'Mii ihr Ititml JVrw Yorker. ; "that to he a notice. failure the of Mr. Vane native Mil, decidedly the material* known is, that the wat. ty ry prove* you wife »mI and atroll«d leant upon part hut never on the trunk explanation pir- g morning leisurely facv of the ground I» >nl tou know that lo*a in a female heart ull tlie truth was a little aheoot- for thi* purpose. (II* nati*i' *oil, I mean tieleo— tho in tho The ot Churning. tlio n>ad instead of down it to In* (who, lo thi« differ- vapor a'muaphere—ia Philosophy u|> going or am >ng the branches Why If rmde of two to oheerve lite wanta of that the »uh*oit, or that which ha* never hern cotideoaod im it cornea in contact with a *0)0 of milk i* in the form of mi- up jutt element*—vanity of botiiHM. Tlio »n of minded,) young To what are we indebted f >r this a place quick p«»rc*pti mw' * lin- and Kll-a.i. r.lici). Ju«t gne a woman waa Mre. Vane. •uhjvtxl to cultivation ) Night aoil, hog colJ<*r IhxIt. and falls upm it* *urface. nute globule#, the oily or but lory tnatU-r his wife had noticed a strings disquietude lady, reprimanded by from theae destructive inwet*. " immunity •■*. n rattle'* h jiKutd the i« r >ud of and that de*r, Miae Wentworth will taka dun,;, and manure, Now when cold, net tho corned with a tliin coating of ravin, | you—or, in hie manner all the mi 1 so" •mi- My »he*pdung apple*, upon ing morning •• Ia x man into his orchard at tin* a man liar- any go when «houl>! N diluted or of no The ob- not ho ubl* to—but aome more fowl." nid Mre. Vane. highly fed, always warm air like cold ttouro, the i<*>l «»• e >mething like the yolk egg. i«, you might leal a (mile to licreelf, as she stood lie- •roan of the and watch what »• going quiet year in *•*■ w of lit! m ntt would In ahle to Miae Wentworth to aome of ral tun.* their hulk in it r, and Ur The it covcivd with a of i« to break tin-*' my accom( fore tlio mirrur in her room her ry, dear, lielp •*» to pitcher. apple ject churning globule#, arranging on, and be will not be at a I di»\>v-r the tun.— al- tun >1 I-'m *uh*t*nces. a* at the inerwue of Co is hrr into any t!.in,» under thee* delicious Miae Wentworth, ft*rtiliiti>i; highly varniihed turface, tuitoth and which in tfvtivl l»y m mt costume; tor .Mrs. peoa. There, do Me that Wood- |ktrtly becoming walking hufri tn a wife I'll ahow you how to I aaaure it ia delicioua." ■aving *11 chamber lye and dropping pitcher. Poring the of churning inag» Tlio htted a of hooU to her you that every inch operation dainty pair up trev, carefully examining t> tun In unite all the fr»»dom of a lUchelor with all After dinner, tho two ladi««, with the ba- the privf and diluting it in n it* It mutt he teen that a stnwcring ri««w fruu fire to ten dugn**. loot, and the fastenings of iu aU>ut the frequent uaually pretty tightened of surlacv, particularly junc- a to tiie of a ll< nedict." retired to the lidire' cabin, and hulk of water, and turning it upon heap alter the fruit hat rip-n>«l will alowly dil- cold w.nther it i» •>>nietiiii<« nw^wry privilege* her sweetest of kid gtovee, on her by, Harry ita branch** with the trunk an 1 the pair put tion of Walter timid and at hit ci- an hour'a from tha eoci- ol tauik and native nil, can make enough utive tin* h. kutilul varnish, which Nature raiae the timfratnre of the rnam by ponr* putTed away most bonnet, and then took the enjoyed immunity an J few minute* knock- bewitching limb*. erery hi tilence. lie retired alt to larg* in a t.» an acre ot corn and ma- tia« m lail on. If break in* in hot water, or time other mnina, gar mirror to assure h-rs.-lf etyof either, enjoy (?) he year plant delicately you by last glance in the <>fl a tnt of l\ to up, bony part decay. churning. weary exp rating Harry and the lan.r ol other insect* lujuriou* " the Mine and the aim*. The eco- butter euna" w ith tree*. These are hia food, an j thus be pulp impnadble good fruit • on v« do»e aril intimate was dark when theeicuraionifU nomical «a»mg of the >»p *ud» cf the laun- ooon cold cream. The agitation laneceaaary, but wero grn« rallr rjr " and that is one consolation." It nearly «ve* u» fr>m the elacwhere euffered, oquiivd, injury > " it not he to and railed a cab for tho Ift- dry i* a valuable addition t th« manure I Kv uo rea» >n to believe in the sweat- the heat i* inili«[»*n«ible to break the glo!>- term*, I'erbapa mi»y n«v"«*»ry Uut the little half sigh that oioe«d the sen- returned, Harry or frum which orchards are sated rea- only by ut it When* the inform the reader tint llitrrv w.n tome, and directed t!>t» driver to hia own heap, J in the Unk of cuncvctratcd ing" ol apple*, by which it meant. that ubw of cream anJ form butter. tdics intimated that it waMi't to very con- diea, care and a o hn wm DO freat eiperi*ne*. tnaiiur.v. The dilution <»f when -a milk over the >>i ne tul». though bt ; idenre. hog dung moitture pa»« out of them ; I think it a rreani i« rai«ed by placing tlun^ s-ding after nil. We and wo say it without fear of '• aay. Iiuk* are beat 111 a* imm r »1 m «w !»• iuf'ir<-.| d«ir, how ran im- highly fed, and mght aoil, in many it* initUke. When in thick bodies, or fire, an»ny Harry, my ytul*«ao von trad ictun trom aouree, kept " any intelligent and niucb frjui Ins own .i^Mjnt of himwlf. Tin* ?" «.kin leave* when confined, a* in mois- alone, the butter ia formed withoit wit* ilnaacd in hia rictieat an I m >«t itleaa ao much cloarly lurrelt, r| that there is no bird that confers in lutcn huriv all m«*na. U-af m aid. mtick and native cannot he en- It can be flni»h»|or iu Ifillir law iid mill iIwiAki Mim \Wntworth fimt, by aoil, ture will collect uptn them. I have churning gathered rolM~, nn bii< li<' h*a to of for L>o *tr 'tijjlj impreaa upou the attention of deavored to ahow tho true cauto. Tho a few minute* into wixtden howl, ciou* charge, and bid 11 follow her mUtr****. complaining fatigue a* the He is a serrant whoa* uwaio niuit Woodpecker*. a thu* inaile i« the utmoet th la»: t* hour*, and i apanut Car uera. amount of moisture, however, will I idle, or in chum. Ilutter aervnitj »ugh |>»rfectlj l>>wntho road t!i« little lady, U- probwt labors sate the farmer* of Maine thou- depend wppcd many war be at the »in»- thai r rob rtainnl lirr drifn a uiilo or two oat of her fruitions* quantities of manure tho sudden changot of the tempera- reli«hed many for pri«ent uao, though th<«»j-»»k« kir? I* e ab^rt^t wa> to tho ri»»r aid*.— tiriug •and* of dollars in labor, and much more in upon by to r! >%• tt mail* in ri mi* id-tu of tin »II* Ih-towing thr i»»« tf»?»!•• I a<*eount." hivl bjr farm-r* pruxunitv larg- turt. It will never bo seen, I imagino, apt t> have an oily Tli ro I tint >toaiucr, with lU^ tiring and way U|K>n my ream a tun of fruit trv»*. N > human t) tba j and honor of hi* name and n wa« to and Un. village, bj»«curing night soil. diluting whore are at an even this war, in or for protection upon mIiiii'i- I .wift?, i*t to ront»y a par- Harry ohiip'tiou of Mim 11 *n wanner. II -re in New in tliia that we hate l.-artml. c ruin little of Ins u*u, Mi«e down tho riv«r. Vano l. i.l tlit> luting barmlea* *PHj,n>il*La our tree* as the** uaclul and a» own and we can measure the amount Sunton. That bi» confident wi-iit l*r the IWntwurth at h«*r dr, Kuglatid. onlj When are in birr«l», and Mm II trrjr V«iw Irifj <1 lightly over birds. applee ptckivl with the a.-nw l»r the manure »n hand. Si'M. S*to lb- suds. lift it u» to had him to cuticval from the Mid ; her a in M afl tionati fan-wi-ll, ul crojw in IweoiM ditup, a* thev intarihly will, erorj S>*r »mp pi r. follows! hy Miry nnl Wiy, and tlio e lr> n* nli** I >ad tlx* no I farmer* of th* rich an I bottom b«. I* t«» th«* manure or mixed I»Iv the ».utiiu'>nU •jn.ntljr Mcauier with iu that day, The prariss impurity about th« barrel moulder* and conveyed lieaj*, young n*tt moment tli* irtlUnt hope enj»yed of a r wo the no in<* inten^'ticc frora th» Fruc» thr Nia Cii|U*J 1'irarr. laod* of th« West can their acre* •• with material* of No article »K'l, cannot V'Ucb. Indeed, were w»r. would compute com •• ufT-'aiito. A pj l absorb compel. j comptny fairly under «|>«i>'Bn rapidly holi.liy tier. corn amount ui team and nature more nli- writer ntbrr baa Mm ij<«a that the two fr«- to fatigue it had ■h-.-aai Making and Preferviruj Manare» of wheat or hr tbo foul o.l»r«, and hoar often tht< fine, li>|>ii1 over in thi* unfortu* .*ti minub* lab*r, II Vino *u on han>i. tn-nHrv and it»ro>nomi«ing will nttr t.ilk an "I .7 Agriculture i* the philu*>ph j of tbe «art h labor tUvor i* goo*. and an earthy, fi«hworui, or properties, fju. privato til the tihm«I, I thi'M apparently yery and *tu- hi* liutha 1:1 eifain hia 1 know farmer* in thi* vicinity, who have lie foilll> 1 a WUrOR of til to utiy «M who nat«> of tlieir mutuil friend, ditcoyi r*d Mr. Vano notching wtiry ..p —manure, the toucbatone of that philoso- musty and 4 nr. Mr*. Va u bu»tl -1 at> >ut u within tw > hunJrwJ rv>J» of their haru* a will uw it. It contain* the food died to a l. in J- "(uirt p*rl There arv many f*!»* |>liil ueophcr* I hi 1 Ihd on no thai properly Ircjnentlr witting in rwj cloae proximity phy imprea-Mun applet in of a t"u for ifr a I >a.l* of leave* s.Iuti >n, is the of org uti aud d«licloo« living At the time. f»rr«t that TielJ* hundred " in and Uwrrfon JUrrjr'e who cyi- pr»-|iar«d wtll u f*lw U-*ch*r* present UlUlt b« hold I cv<-r to *00 111* plant* prrjmrcd ducing proportion* •>me and aliowy young lady, up" At tirpt hi* -latioii hiin iu- an 1 la! mjuld a «r, that mver u*ed a t«» act at oimv and with m.Tgr. mixing *lava ol Mr Vane'* faatin- lord. i»tr.ty«] Man* of the loading wnter* in the agricul- y. I hate u.jtit e*. By *ari»tjr. •I-ntlj quite the I •pring proted, by ywan' r»fu»« b merer effectual wan ac- to a few uriamia'dn r nurlu, but th- r al «k >1 ammonia, thimMs full in their liros t> m* knowledge, it with imkI«, manure, murk, Nothing vcrjr tar*. ^turnals of ths d4j •{ »>m« kind* mil endure tilt chip ationa. | thu and in U*iid«rt»*M of Su»i ■ ui tnner.aa «l»o handed " and life" ot that mow amw an 1 mtm that eight straw, gm-ii vegetable matter. or indeed, cumj.|i»hf» during courUhip, " etelaim- as if it werv the breath agri- produoe Suinm", if I -ft ill mi htrrcl* or bol-1#. 1 Why go<»d morning, Harry op and allow- of time .Mr. Vuno entcrvd the In 111 the »iu of upon I>m wh>»n it •ball bare Uvn arrest- or nine hunurcd pounds of liar per acrs, any kin»-l rubbish, pncce* Ilarrjr rd Mr*. Vune. in Iter awmtoat and inoat cor- >king ru|> Souchong culture, and bine to huld Th«» aj keep prefer applee. plea a m »st ex- of in und>t the an I farm* running out, and rot ther srv ing the whole to ferment •Ute itrim.iny touea thi* ia inde-da moat loutijp', petted ed in iu osoapc, the whole and ar.» »>rted with taare slowly, dial delightful principle letter, dispatch, *• hia •• Su»ie not one h< udaoh** which liiui, tilencod accom- farmer*." cellent f. rtilir-r f<>r Indian corn mijr be pr that hi* loving p>«osaed I ad not eom. oppr«a**l nairi fa<*turv of manure I vi l*en g-**! to of Km r«*>tn U I anticipated jour aay nothing in^ required aurpriae. to hu- un> of there* rin will forward the of an I that her and won huu back £•**! Ui noton >ua •train of thus* When will farmer* make I one that bring »|*rk jenlouay, overweening After left home tin# morning, irritability, pliabud. The fur (taring the *.1100 quantity. pared, you of the earth in the culti- with than nlni'xt atFfCtiol) for bin would lead her to oi ntor. writer* *till lumber* in the u. ulde 1 dun lant mat* rial* crop vigor any aeoept I l> to notiod the »|»-n«d j !>■• that iot-nded for waa tha lant of VanVa wan- This i* the ba*i* •\| »pring other article that can l»- iminM It is also with gratitude and whatever ao and bur- That Harry rata of false tweame it i* » be fnun hi»ket to new t turned the n waa nrt*.'r in hia houM ; an on. I believe the real ovght cucumber*, her, an I to de*croet »ilmu of Ur^e quantities outgoing* incoming* peculiar Mr* wa« not at a lo*a, however, to lying upon |>hilo»'|auw which in >*t art. wn wm n »t nat- (or which her an»wer waa the kiaa of it tbe oi inures in water, and umin; •u!>ject, th* intonlshin^ T.i do Sti«i- «be only rwaaouing set-in* f lauaiM*, and kecpe centrated J*p*u di-pfay ju»tio« sioned. I Mr. Hr »wn, that would "call a >n her in- and tru«t, an I a mow materia!* at will hold them with, yon The th«, which is general favorite, of >«iti ; but •• a I peace glance eloquent of tcunc*. Hut few men will dis- them with *uch plum urally ajealmi dt«p This lady i» frieod of youra, pro- company uo to u« do ati a* President it so and that the Mm- »he had a than there wti* alluaioo in a *lato of *>lution until b? the you •ucivaafully, train**) cultivated nate in tliut m» to oaid any apeech,) pute that manure i* tbe t<**ii of all aucceas- required up." amiability reep»-ct, »ume—introilfcr her, Harry," Sinon of a* Their " < lie <>f *.iadu«t of our Farmera' flub. Mr Tuttlo, solus am a* big those o( dahlia* liltl l>it of tint le which Vane* cir- hia faults. ful farmiog in New Kngland. Levi lUr- growing plant. X it particle •by, womanly pri ■he turning to tho lady. Mr in win- i« now and her declin- enter of Acton, Ma»». ]!■• large bower«r, is to bring forth made Iht iv» »lve fiat »!i« wouldn't Iw »*»I• wn* Suaio ,>r«y>hairvd tlett, in the llo«t -u Cultivator of the •bould tl.i* practice, All Iteaj* tiferitnn triumph, cle of friend* pirn uld be *ulfi- tering entitles floor; and trwes in the oca. iuportal by ult git** hi* method of curing tbe liquid c<>oi j kept applr* plant* com|>a«e No, pointed so ycry eiN-n'iye, that I have yet now s ol her an>l it be tbat " wet continued of li- which, for him, I cheerfully yield. attached to the hous in the citie*. at a* u n*>it!>er should Mr. of them. ~randiugbteri; may manures. Of the seTi-ral materials uaeil, cientlj bjr aplieation* gardens /aloud wife, made tho acquaintance of all y«t !>. D. tin mi •ho aometiuiee tbe of nit manure* to rvaitt W. With this view hare gradually ■uccewl- Vane have the of itninua- tim« to rep*ut» itory I I rare* and leaf mould, murk, quil rapid decomposition they Harry p'ra«ur« I howettr, to know them all in prvfer hop« w b* not or Let Concord, Mam March 2S, Is"»C. «-l in the lit;, and cherry treos ho li!« tint »h« wm the v una* ichu ju'rfn't j>aloui. and U*tlj uitrJun. not that then* i* any and rot djwn, burn firo-faii£. dwarfing plum tinj» that managed wife, for nothing giva me gr«-at« r plenattr* than and the vine to a stature so diminutive as at limn* to look value in »awdu*t in it* crude Mate, this M*t«in lr. Will an and hill* and of Now lUuims. Mr. Tuttlo i« to he credited Kumpean, In Ihitothfr direction, when ClU ■ W.M Iloora/for Cyrua W.," but it ia an excellent aUorbent." I think the*e b» vutiful val!rj» Eng- scarcely by mntnihitlj ia ? I didn't quite under»taod." thine ?" are with dioiittl one of the at the celebration »«*otu u» and no he be kind to "let hit light those dwarf trres covered rho«e t<> tho invincible batter? of " boy* there will be birth giun to a now idea, land will again M the ros->, enough ycth ho np«n Mi<* Wentworth," repliod the lady •• Who'a \V.?" a*k*l un- or >s- blossoms and leave*. Marlon, who*e work innocent and un- when it can be f und that manure ia in- farmer will need send to U In* fascination* upon any reomtly. Cyrua lowing stiffly. armed from I), town- The on was at Amsterdam in female. no tlio lit- rip Nat. who had or value mi led ? >n to bur fertiluer* at ruinous Japun published young No, " and jo*t cr-aael in quantity by being prices. •u»|>cttin^ All ! yea, Mi»* Wentworth." Mra. Cow*. o( com* hain't md tho for a month. * in the cities Wintering 1*30, *t*to* that the ]>utch agent wai to acuto for that. " paper* with manun-e no "manurial valuo" mixir £ of night til and muck tlo lady I do not rccollect ♦hip.and having Vano " not in- Wo (inJ in tlio Jtural Now an ac- in was offered a snuff Im>x that whenever at complacently- When Jul you wake up, uncle Nat, ot tbem*«lv*e Tbe American Agricultur- hr the I.i-'wg and (ending Yorker, uurce, Naganei, !t therefore happen*d of ! hut it ia all philosophers, hearing Ilarrr *|«-ak you He Uid the count <>f s.iino r< I ited at a Far- one inch in thickness and three high, in Vane made him* to know who K* ia? Telegraph al^ of Jan. la»t. 11th, ot to the rural divtrict* at two cent* per tiperimcee a ball or party Mr Harry ia treacherous pag- speaking pound, the aatne; my memory yery •• Fireatioo !H mer*' Club Ma which a tree, a l*ml.oo, a to Mr* am** the Atlantic Gown." aa an a'*orUnt, uv* —If am* would W at in ead. ting, rt«i>ecting wintering grew fig plum ne!f any lady, sawdust particularly njjT'Mnhie and indeed ho hare menti rined your " resem- might he haint dun that, haa cow®, froin which we take the following u« tree in bloom. Sune of the gardens Vane alao cultivated the mmo indi- ■aid uncle Nat; lu nia i* one of the m *t fertilii- "(Hb«llo'« orrup-tiion't kn«f." Harry a dox.-n tinnw |*.w«rlul name, raaaally, you know, a moment, he imuo iuterest. On« number ble in which nature is •lanced he?" Then, after muting not the uiua l>« picture*, skillfully vidual. If Mr. Vane onjy Hut Ml, shoulJ greatest j >se of this poaecaaing Harry and atill I hat* it. " why For the j.urj< | u'.tir^ philo»v> might forgotten a : modeled in miniature— but it is nat- < <>r firr added with knowing wink, By jolly, save ? For tin* sawdust said living, Willi with tli cacorti-d coma takon to it pur(>uee in l«rt u» a c i* —Siy young lady hleaa mo whora ia tho praetiiv, suppose baby? Mary, to know how phy " I ah'd like Cyrua Ueuils- «• a If I were to hare cows wintered to ural. out to Mm. Vano c<>nt«nted ibnjauiin, ia the The Country a tarn tcet, rt!i ju«t supper, Harry ;uat thing." I have eighty by forty hare.'' he that ar dun ?'* in al- j >V. arter jot job n»*n, of Dee. IP j'i, for should bo fed on cornstalks, Imi*oktk!' II hum. Six Arabian Wool |i.ruGt wrre consulted, three, all »t illi ni« were to New Yurk the rai'l lady health, graciou* tho ariua of ita I HWUUT At LITTLI rt>K »T.lllLt9. »: of making manure. In the by lately brought young blue-eyed wonder in delight- I arj were A that lite» noar a railroad and iueun«, should firit be run a stalk who ha* been in t!i.»t tlm at home quit# Young lady »' in winter I liuul in loads of leaves through bv Cu|>t. Lune, engaged hop#* family ed imiui, S>me weeka ago an article fifty | to no fx* appeared in it n < f well. If Van* danced twic« or thrice crying hare occupation tro.n the f l>ads ot cutter. Thi*. raj estimation, wring the mnken vranoli (n t! it waa. Mimma will take cept |"king and rvcjiu mended an * litter muck, (two Jug.) it w»riu?—*o wm mentioned tiwly {ulv< and that the other hailed her from the • of is to each animal .a bush* their real invited her to call intimate'! oca w* wag morning, I l» of natite jil from the bank. I od feeding givo Wlicb i» raid to lx» Icm than wnj it« hat—*» ahe will. There—1 it for aUblee. which pue»-«*ed % auperioritjr fifty off el laaket lull of *ulk*; they will not eat ftariJ about fifteen ham!* the »houM verr aooa heraelf tho pleaa- know* street: t< n cows for the ot making worth. Thcj giro it* ?— there, so it d»*f. and him »:nxw in aeteral We hate parpoee pap» •• over part.cularv. keep i.n I il mat- Mi«'" five one them clean, but to mvo all, I throw what nre and arc of dark lire of tilting tiie young l*dy, Mi*a Wentworth Hallo, in in the Farmer butt.r aoJ cbeeet, besiJe hogs, pair high, matched, pain too— angel! S^e, notictd a couiiuuMouti preeioua •• What do want?" Mid ahe after the just The cow* leave in the manger* to colt#, who and black. arc direct from ter* *till further and Mr. Vane knows iu you oi n, and some stock. they tuy grcj Thejr Harry aee how well tha little darling and Vi«it<>r, N. I!.,) iowhi<-h of young bij, ao- (Manchmtrr. and a remain- in a little hir-a-t'lf, or a flirtation lir«t f)u*h of at thui and one soon di»|«jK' of th< m, without th<> ttabloa of the IluMian Emperor, indulge! it i*n't four muutha old indignation being writer mention* *od hay quart caxalrjr father and yet." lh» advantage Kngtisb a in- der. Thoso cow* which ar> in milk, are and wer* raised for him. The Mr*. Van* flted day r>-dfu< od coated. were named in the ol eurn m«*l d ir. which materially ejprnwlj Harry immediately And Mr*. Vano danced the chubtiy ad J it ion to tLooc which j*r •• waa the an« a buckwheat bran and i» the to t*«. The ain't of manure. Now I fed slop of night number of horsea in the stud and inviwd ymng lady and down in Mr. Vane'* face Jpll rung yet," art>ele referred to in our column*. Among crtthe value their imp-rial little tiling up rn tho*e not come in are this too, if Mr. Vane evUim- " •wer. *ito to dilute all the jrmng, yet given limited to 5,000, and when it exceed* At home, Harry Didn't Mis* in which aawduet waa found »u- have i. Uuk ot sufficient and aokid enthuastically. the p»inta " hut that #/i> mean ?" aiked Miat. under the iu- two or three out of corn at each feeding, number tale* are made. Of thla fart Cap. ed with cnlhu»iii*m, fly Jo»e, think li<- the ini of What you who had tJwd manure, Wrntworth tio " r to »traw flr the placed immediately ytasjuit " pen pereon to when hi* a Mr*. wa* the that aaya en near the fl *ir until begin lag, the/ Lino took and selected MIm WhI »jlendid figure!" reply, aign u, that it Me, and elevated a* to be thry spring advantage, carefully hia Why, it in X. II., Uio hr»t mentioned •• pa? • the hell aro fed once a tl.o miiio an the cuwt he thanks from the Vane with cnthua*i*m, She to l-»ok out' when riig*, the manure to day, theae, for which deserve* replied equal * t yon'rt !•«* roum in the f«rn, which lanot and carry diluted every part Tli«iv wrro -orrrnl or ju iin- Or if Ilurry are out all the time." occupied attached which are milked. In tin* way cuwi may at The *t>tM«a of the Ciar, ha* and ihe danced admirably." hut you looking an in the caw in thia a ot the cellar by mean* of a trojgh country large. tnncea oil whom tlio nff ur vii tiu'r paper, " board, by h>a 1 with -jueiitlr, be in a condition, ana, I he- wli«rothc«o horses were and trained, remnrked that Anmita Water* Tfn'y >ung lady'* disappeared mm Ju*t to the »rue. shovel the kept thriving k»pt Harry and it km not matter of aoiae Next, Kury morning thoroughly undimtwj ; down with a importance. a of milk and butter can foet and in wa* Ihe hanJ*>m«*t woman at a and the window went becaute it manure of the ten ouws and oien into the Were, greater yield are each twelve square, |>art decidedly >rk, Uciam-d a* k> atraw, l lung 1*1.iro the etory |aw*l from lip lo lip auperior be than from other mode of wall of an enclosure U n Mr*. Hu*ie added aluui. and add wat«r to hold it in obtained, any form the out« bom of the natter* about v*t, just enough and aailea i»nd tiUcn and *t lUrry'e fertiliiing to the value different " wan and ac- jokiw the feeding. In regard of mile* and Eve mile* wide. TI>o cen- rumor auid »he a* uiinaMe the it a ttate of ablution, throwing bedding long • in direction. II* atable, the person using being rerj ipcnan circulated every come* to u« kind* of food for cows. I heard an o!J tbia arva is used for ai iho wo* handsome aud laaci- A new Democratic paper • were and manure of the joung stock dairy- ter of exercising complished froiu •ur that the aumom^l emanation* lung upon 'icuard biiiiMir *» u« " waa the beat apfdily puwitd* with the name of J. a week iu man that buckwheat for lionet. frmi on tbe morn- tbtf below. Once put your mj nating." walked moo- IVnnayUauia Im »truug opening the door* is heap fir® to the of the Ittditf, and to of Corn and fl? thii way of fighting prrernce aa editor. la J-^'k too modeat and with water enough producing u-ilk any grain. sly then Daw" than when atraw inter waa used. Next, Cog dung night toil, a to the other erd of the boat and ing fattens a cow The education that trachea self- fire iho had snccoedcd in eitinguishing diljr hi* entire nanieT th-f whole thin to oob meal (or corn tmvil alone) poorest it m aaid lu be much I me o( a chore to clean to mak» sufficiently pour ■tiMcl * hat he thonld do to puhlich before is l*ttev than tho bent that half doam n 'hint* in the hoaom cunteinpUting and below. Throw it over on too much for their health, if fed control nrglecta glowing p- the wheat, rye, oat the tod al«u, that *o little the heap eitricate himwlf from thi* dilemma. Prentice aaya (table, comjwra- upun ia of her lord ; while at the same time, and add a new calving. Two oat» per day better it. liege ol the Weat hare all Wo entire bad to be thrown out that one load stormy or other days, sup- quarts "What the due* ain I to do?" he graaa erupe tieelj meal and The houso of Mr. Thomaa Morse, in Dix- the uniform iweetneaa and of hi r aoliliqula- often aa needed. The teed at tbia time. Corn and cob amiability cut off. What w of substituted. Thus Mt Vernon Association of (he Union Terrific Acvtnture in the Mammoth trifling importance \Vin«l thr en.I of what haa would hear ningham, Urgent Wlnthrop, At •tippoaad a!w*ya eomptonites, you any <]tian>i Clinton '• »!», 19 22 21 14U 57 180 44 Aaaociation ol the a Vice Mixrill. hmilb Mitrull. H»ilh Uarmtny, 07 <*on*i l-red lh« atranii of the of about tlie Union," Regent been long»nt 1M. !**&»- tity woodpecker I'lant'n. 2 7 3 llartlarul, Ho C7 97 n, 17(4 Ithl I7fl ico tr\n >. tf ro is a pit, dirk »nJ deep present Durham, 200 1M 10S act," iVc. Th» was the burden of their 3 10 9 1* Tene of A»»ri»ii..n to the citiien* of Maine, and !<>» M 100 MnjfUld, •mi1 le, Vit wa »« the MaeUirocn. E. I.m-rmore, 143 45 WM. & Co., whole to claim thein the nol>U LINCOLN COUNTY. M-rcer, 154 52 aw* A. PIDGIN «ong,—their argument, appeals tlto urged upon by (lmn«, 113 114 1^7 thooa&r.ilp hare gw*»*>l i»t.» it with Aln». M 59 W Mwrow, 50 4'J 58 55 raprairroM. the and of debused of theee women who have U»i.tuo, 621 244 003 wtiiM wrre thrown J »m» it passions appetites example patriotic 173 |15 Now Portland, 177 112 |'.«0 152 U'nptl light* LUhon, 187 107 202 IWhllll'AT, men. For these other reasons, »•> labored to acivmpliah the work W 2# 03 8S 114 tit in t»> make it* fearful .ieplb* iiwbl«, Hut n*» among faithfully U*l«. 142 141 129 llrruicn, WiwMtwwki JOII* J. fKHEY, Mll«. of the home and of Itn.U.I, 201 153 »»2 I'-tliujra, 170 99 158 143 erer to it. Tha celebra- the in almost every making grave Washing 2U7 Vl St* hiJ tlvrr-l ftfluw F#ecompton meetings I.ivermorv, 17 !>• 49 39 ft l 5<) ton a National Mi mil. 237 140 #43 Cuiliing, ItipUV, .s' r, whn *41 Jo ami iuaea- instance made more or less pu—»raion. St G9 ted goi.' phi umI iA« rtala Republican |)*tnnri AIIkuw, LIU IS H3 Miirll) At the Vice helieree that the ob- DuUimI, W»1 2I'J 2*7 l > I «r «m iiftivj ms Imndrad dol- mm iMhi a»l •rimit.itr mil! Kegent 63 110 Solou. 127 127 127 143 lililtt i< tkooi'l; votes. Hut the system of electioneering 347 301 311 Dnwieu, 100 l»« Wlifi at Ik* ml »( lU itaalf mutt more to Tumor, hx Tfi of the Cat* if h» • hIm MutitN*; ject appeal eloquently Rdnnab, M ftJ 123 Skowhona, 248 134 232 170 lar* proprietor* most to the slave Walw. 37 47 SI ytmt. Tu kllirk «n, 100 24.» Surka, 151 >. it vui.i«mw u.v.i» r«iwr,> energetic personal wiihea to make audi •hrMik fr»n\ the A few year* nr limply New 238 74 4 9 4 II p«ril. V> I, S. weeks to tbo 3245 225'J CwtU, 287 Flaptaff, A>itrrtwii«4 A{**<. JUj'i men, for prior election, facta iu will tlto before the liTI JIM 5 • a InrwJ uJ boM •• place auhjvct 190 HI 14* So H. Irt 3 21 pMlMtr, Itl'illi •(, I'wiil «in*i, IImi-mi, •• «mS i«»»! (<• n>', 1. 2, even- nook and comer that ill the eom- • In in ai mm confident 5 immnil at. had the least biirnl ati.u of the Slate*, the St. tirof(5«, 60 SO 53 F.irka, I «5 4 29 had dan I to m»kn< '»»• amog*. bj wherr they supposed they co-opcratiou Amitr. Ift W do, an4. S. M Pi riiiilll ft fii 10 S'«te .Hi., 48 51 N.. 13 14 12 If, jy o| M tine will not he -I I) Sotnrrvillt, 42 2, lUngfl 2, fur» and he It5 Xrw VimIl, at* of votes. A wanting. HridgowitUir, 8 ^rv»l prwaution, Hi., hope getting general sys- Soutliport, 20 I1* 31 Mmm llinr, 12 13 19 < tw »nfc«n reault which «u Fort KurOcId, 103 S3 had him* lr I. were! down ! a » nmkmliol t|WM» (NlKMm lp4WHM. fraud and Tito •|>l«mJicl contempla- HH 1 06 11 V * III j ropa tem of wholesale lying, deccp* 46 53 STuoiiwutoo, 131 Kur- >« Krkl to 2*1 2.V1 251 hr«vlr.»l f«l, point, Pavwal faf all lion was resorted to. Hut this was not 11 ou 120 111 120 ThonatUM, fy lion, 3015 3071 3243 It »l ladies ia now »> realiied thai there Union, 140 101 2724 ap-• .1 <1 I, na.tndhe called alcNid to ho U >lar ln« ih* tlal# «f lb* nearly I.inn«u« .13 79 32 t» lu all. Dirvct was resorted to, and 108 050 240 t'lia—mriliwn iktMilil JiiKtul bribery rciuaina a chance ol failure. Tim \V»|.l«boro\ "Ml No Inuiaa ruald ever (■JT aoarcely Ma*«, 10 21 drawn {•"•■•r "Tv SAGADAHOC COUNTY. IViinfut," whenever a man could influenced by ol thia hallowed auch M •ntufllo, 22 13 10 Warrva, hat in>l«i«l bin lo repeat the purchaso apot \na haa heon trick, -ri t. b«mght fatrictic grateful 10 \V.«ti»! t mcclt sgrt. h.iwtrr. a voattg put conferring |>Mpertjr Smyrna, # 14 WhitoS^d, Ikiwdoitiltan, was there wns to the Mt. Vernon Aaaociatioii wm 32 VI INK, 181 215 901 l».»wd>in, 111 103 111 I'.'j m-nwati of lamitiilW, «b>w i»rtr» ufiff where it any aigncd W«ion. 25 2'. (f I.O« AL supposed Martmicu* Uli 0 0 18 92 61 1*11 84 on the tith of 1 It include* the lUnrrufl H 17 23 (Jo.r^toWD, at v lb< Mum- * for succcm. was |>l., tMnM«l »tal p-nl, hope More especially April, M tlic^nn UUii'l 10 10 I'arkina, 12 2 II I \Y* f! t kPHAM.N.D., Rnxrt'iNii the IjdJ- lUrk r. 3 2 m t in \\ of our llonio and Tooth of Washington, MukIc 20 21 29 14rt 113 183 th witS IWe«ur tight this the case in those Counties, Senato- IW IfMt Ae.(a.,20 14 17 Kidppl IMnpoSor^, 153 iVmiitiW. ami two l:un«lrwl 215 134 Drtl 'jj am! otln-r«. dotarmiitcd do matter JmirM r.M»nt, ing upon the Potomac, W 9 ItictiinoMl, «4?r. Ilium. rial uud districts, which Ik>n«»licU, 3723 4J71 U**ip Drsaia. Representative arr< « charter haa been 3870 151 142 150 110 " <>f Intnl. A granted 10 # 20 r |+ r; iti oi the MaeUuvm (i, hlttl, by Virginia Legislature, lUjIiin, OXFORD COUNTY. 42 105 40 d-ptia candidates. All this w as in. K»ton Wrant, 21 52 Woolwlcb, 101 J. 9. Towtiit, Fnf4m| Republican aeoaion ia avurtd to the Mt. Vernon Awt- 91 77 100 M I': r. the rnterpmiug r« |t Hi»»«(rU 10 4 Albany, prufrietor ltr«a, tended to be done in the ft—out, 18 < secretly, hope ciation forever. R5 r.l 99 11IS of lh« I ii > nt W Naahtille iml pmrvrwl («l Cu>M P*lltl, l-itril. tioldim llitlg*, 29 V4 38 Atiriovvf, 1809 10(0 1(453 lion t' VV, \V ■•••(» a c m, Nnfiln. that the the tin' earnest efforts of the ,\*>- 111 t lift, MrJ | Ml 303 • k>rf t", I .it »tr-i .'tli. Republicans, relying upon Through Hancock, 42 134 KT r»pri*#ir TMo». PtnilllTdl, N»«*. ISO lit 143 would them- the to iU 2 15 0 Bfowalald, WASHINGTON COUNTY. » ut The inow> necea- Ji rx lltmnai, IWrna. of their cause, fancy flUtioa, gencruua re»|»itiae sp- llaTW-VVlll*, j rop« justice IB llurkficld, 212 1*J7 3)3 the devotion lil* Full*, AJJiroti, 64 00 97 111 r« the »r 131 217 to Hut the did not work. The 1 13 1 Frjitfmrg, 440 IS"' 5o4 'J" deemed i! proper retire from the pun* to meet the next demand in Mtrittliuc, Culai*, tit. wa» l»-t down at.4 awuug i> edi-J dollar* ready (UImH, 43 17 42 did not relax their >Udawa»ka, 100 103 CVnterfillt, 5 27 tonal chair of the Democrat, until after Republicans vigilance. l^i'J. For tit* remainder of the 89 91 105 ac-l fro t ri»U g* anj 1n», mm,; up i^e«l by^lte publi her, Pidgin, place IU*d. 4 42 42 50 39 n«« t tlie citiiens of Uto whole Union and the llirmtn, |3.1 ||7 133 C,«.per. thun- r Ir ;n <*. j r rkmi 1 i!k< drpih to the universal satisfaction of its pntrous. freedom were on his track. Time se- llorkafotna, 4 13 Cut l*r. 25 W 27 122 for ia lovrll. 131 12.1 133 tli« h«' i.| ra. n. 'n tli; he- •u'-.-ription requisite Salmon Uruok, 45 21 51 l)ohlm«, lo 10 15 10 of juun^ We now into otir old and cret operations were cheeked in almost m-mlwrahip loiter II. 22 S> 13 »tep position, aum one 5 '»•"» 1(1 *5 12 .. at the m<«I< rate of dollar U ro of tv d. with w nl hate thrown plao-d Dtt»lcu(, 19 3 22 in the tirat our Re- all of the Slate, the 01 M»wn, 124 183 109 place congratulate |>arts hy Republicans. aid osata for in Van ll>irm, 117 Rut MacIiim, 152 over h>« -ad t» et it aa fur a* for adults, fifty children, Mni.ii, 5* 32 57 pr p.«»iMe the and The result !*• seen reference to N.i 5, K 3, 1 Kmtr-.rt. 222 142 27* 200 publican brethren, upon great may by ord' r that all have the of Norw«r, 247 217 2tn ahote, aod may privilege No 5. U 4, I K Imun h, 30 30 32 4* on the 2d the returns in tin* en- 31 C'J 30 • Virroar, achieved (taper. Though iu tins national t*2 ii I in I l-.Ativi an name* of all auharrilten will he 41 trr a> I t i« («► W. U»k hia plwo* o*«*r Septemlier. again' tirely campaign No 9, B0, 3CH IhTO 3H9 JoiieaSorougb, I^ria, 23 VI met the and are our*. the an les- liahed, and after* arda r^Mnlrd in the Jonnaporl, %!)«• if p:t ut 215 •• 1001 202 1*0 227 * ia never to the l'ur<> at Mount in iWr, 120 119 125 ImI»cY n^n, 1 th<> *od «*l lh«* t"p^. lo l?l Our not but son, rely uj»on justice of lk«>k," Vernon, 203 130 221 145 victory panial, complete. 16 JklMbiM, of K»tl>ury, 14 30 bin..! wn tSe I'ltmweri to gl.»i». A or their cause, fur success, without work. testimony of the faithful the (TMHKKI.AND COUNTY. MitrhiM 34 #5 1''7 veruor, by 9,000 10,000 major- appnyiation KuiuforJ, 191 127 181 Port, »n con- Kridfton, 973 M.unliftcld, 41 10 e nt Ocra* * u.a«w« rgnnitttion of the Awx'uti ^wf«l-n, 94 57 90 al'jr Congress; a Senate Re- nigh loat, m consequence of tin- inactivi- Hrunawirk, 3^0 214 410 20 29 unanimously a a a Vic* 45 47 53 Mndj'wtoM, •feat: an. i' < went hut pint* of Hefnt and TruMurer, 230 Stow, «2 110 05 153 whuirng p*»», more of our fricuds. Col. French was laiirhliiabeU) JUS l'J7 Millbrkiic*. ; and than two-thirda of ty Stuueliaia, 47 41 50 21 >r. i.i or i rt* lert t«\»m publican f.»r omh Sta'e, nnd tho 132 111 129 13 21 12 a Thirtj Ite^ent n"«v**arjr Calco. |W |C3 170 NorlliH-l.l, the llouv—a* well aa elected a small in a 1*»0 l'»4 1&5 Waurfonl, 158 143 124 lo'J tb.< t »• w a I ft tn w.Wh. "Ha lie nearly every only by majority, locul Agent*. The the View C'ututirrland. 1«2 IVtul»ruk«, ICegent appoint* 220 Wou!iffkrcnt diTMt> great accomplished by gillaut by majority. «|>|K>iut»l long *ince, and (iorUm, 300 247 3*3 (It., 88 GO 107 <0 Milt<>n 21 10 23 llu'bintton, a hnr.' : ir. ai t!>" g djwn the tion. Ci uSd we retvinablv have a*ked tin y deserve defeat. crally t<» their, Ac.(it. 0 H 0 ToMikld, 153 134 Fryehurg 20 01 41 09 a a Jiactr M !>r the aid*" of Hi Northrru Stat** hate hut mm- llar'iaon, l.inouln 12 H 9 Trracutt, for m<»re ? The Dingo State ia erect! Notwithstanding our enemies have ju*t 111 133 145 PI., 20 31 25 30 NaidM, H 7 Vtmitj, tL* tal. m r ai.d in tho iai !«t of th« niciic«| oar tern n tic actum. In New *4 217 Kil«*y, 7 40 27 W Jler 'tandtrd flats proudly upon the been routed from one end of the State to *y« N. tiluuixwUr,2l2 W luting, 25 ajn ,t i\: uie aj pr> u tliat hi; York an J MaMsichuwlu, very auiplo organ- N. Yarmouth, 133 70 142 42 44 outer wall. 'Pie hate been driv- the other, boast that can beat 4152 3450 4343 WhitnoyvilU, 1 enemy they they 111' 145 4 15 5 12 lijht tttinpinlml, tut hi* can* isation* hate Io n plann«J, in order to ae- Oti»ti»ld, 14ft liig Ut<, en c< into the mountain*. us next ("an do it We an- 1829 1403 2315 2 5 2 10 II «• it L»>. 1 at the l> t I'lpletriy By year, they f their of the work. Portland, Curd*«illt, !>.■> eomplndi favorably |«rt H3 142 rENi T COUNTY. 0 thia result Maine kn in NO. The small have Pownal, Ill I tan forth, 8 U n : a I r-1 ami f«s t triumphant |»a »wer, gains The Vice nt of Maine a* f mootj they Ke^ antui|«itt* Itavmond, 122 111 112 Alton, 40 4H 48 50 j4i-k*oii llrook, 5 14 an unbroken nnd mide in certain over fr t.i i Congn delegation, upon us, localities, full um! prompt iui an»w< r to her call, hup- Smrtxtro', 130 210 109 3*» 28 32 30 Tallmvlgo, I 9 0 5 94 84 600 1321 3 12 3 1« Hi !<«».> I it ilant perlevtijr rirrulir by fleeting a I^egialnture overwliclmn- I he vote of la»t year, is no indication tliat iiij* that the •mallne« of the aum demanded S-t*j;>i, 92 lUngur, 1003 lOjl WaiU, Standuh, 247 243 2.'7 llrailtord, 1 85 II lit TO No. 7. 2, 10 00 7 ah at « it n li< t in kiutuHcr. with a accarr« the return «if the are over to ul each individual will he balanced the lUng« ingly Kepublican, people going l«ecompton- l»jr Wntlirouk, 473 4«>* 522 7? 30 05 60 No. 9, 4, 9 2 1 llnttli'j, lUugc •n-a. l< p-'itit, ;tcrihera. Windham, 327 12» 377 llnw«r, 220 70 239 OH No. 14, 10 19 14 22 309 * chut., r r :.t strut. 11 louoil on It u tu theae extended arrange- Yarmouth, 01 191 2* 57 20 Ol No. 1 . 9 Senate. Thia Would arem to be 0..e is certain. Our hoped Iturlingtoa, 18, Victory thing opponents 00 121 120 145 tbr 11 | .ojpt»a f t.iaik ail. s menl«, that a fund may Im> n»i*ed •ufliciently Cartm-I, enough, vrn had we loat every tin tig hare done their l*»t. Their wliole force 007 1 5442 7 GOT OmtoII, 95 43 31 60 2230 2*70 302•» 3J67 of 11' » *ll> lar^r tl»an were e»- lurge to almit the restoration and mainten- el*e. Out wc ha\e saved the whole. irat- out. never before have In. CliitrlnluB, lUD 172 112 174 * They «r "thrr |»»rtth« Mam- anew of the pr >|» it* in fitiieM ami l»«*uly. FllANK UN COUNTY 30 14 43 JO WALDO COUNTY. ia nowhere. bored so lianl or so mo- I I al*i multitu !<■ of Pro-alavery democracy much in harmonious action 48 H4 62 2C 11 93 12 ID | eai|ui- expended ami that due time, tit Avon, Clifton, 139 202 K1 15W 177 I are white aa It cannot br« athe the free mojutuiu air to a State election. On the Carth kg*. 42 51 54 LVruin*, llM> 80 100 Appleton, •itv j an«l tirjcin ney carry of the whole I'nion, the State* luay hold in 424 312 192 151 Che.unilU, lil 02 117 Cor ii tli, llMI 141 '.Ml 100 H.'lla.t, •Bv y. hitawlf heard with gfat of the Pine Tree State. Tlw? patriotic other hand, ill some quartern, K< unit d and friendly | ion the Iwwutiful 40 109 publi- KurmingtoO, 354 211 437 l». x:. r. 190 130 2U3 103 llolmoiit, 35 70 •fi >rt !i ii he at oakeurg, 319 202 10s 322 •U>| IVmi \ui!:i, lilinoia and Ohio. Mas to Camden, They left take it» own course, and the 51 75 5'J KuticlJ, o'J 2* 03 20 ve\J .t I rtr fe*ta'->«« the but- liberal Kittgfield, 199 437 349 lieen gratuitous. Many donation* 33 Frankfort, 350 h ad the vanguard which ia to carry the i»nlv wonder about the matter, to our M tdrid, 41 M Ktua, 72 30 73 <0 tow hare •dread l m^nth of that c*?<\ h* democracy terest ha« been niaiiil«wt*«l wherever the *u Ik- New \ loejrard, 73 >*4 OarUnJ, 153 102 170 120 IIojh*, !t ml! a! m a lie our to to our so 53 #8 58 1 ay point little. In some of 175 1 in 2»* iilctiburn, 54 34 30 *0 73 ■war * 'h muck cwti<>n into it pride complished parts jecl h*s Umii | mental. l»hilli|w. |»n noble her m ihe State the vote was not Kangelej, lirovubuab, Jnckwiit and h th«- r iu hUi Slate; high position Ropub'ican The Vice lUifnt of Maine tru»t* that thie p* S.|.m. 43 30 38 lirwuiioltl, 34 13 31 32 r.i 110 129 now Knox, HI out tlie greut cunteat rag. ig between out ond in others ii in sketch of the and of '_VI 2u7 k# it- i* It it tn>l it «wanj; brought scarcely any pi uhjrct progrea* strung W5 43 113 1Uu.|kKh, 321 237 113 71 115 *5 "reedom .ind licr bard-fiatrd wu tho work will he aufficuut M answer the end 03 40 04 124 72 135 100 Liberty, t -r i bit n-ach. Ttif »itua- slavery; organization existed. Now should Ti'iu|>lo, llcriuou, 177 123 211 I** •pranrt'i 117 74 37 82 40 Lutcolnville, 1 and that Maims will do her Weill, 190 KH lloliioti, liftp * ;«• .r'ti, 20 80 40 107 Montville, 193 99 279 127 : t l L.« and «i0 57 br •«n<] ol Ump. that t' » h:.4 between and des- leaders of that that gratitude. l/.'tter K, 3 15 3 Mvuduskrag, 1 •11 65 110 09 Morrill 67 63 liberty organization fancy 30 ►•If j« fir T»r th« A ll It A ISABELLA LITTLE. 12 14 »» l.u£^«, 77 77 41 27 52 40 6* by T:>ward. Where she atandt —to sell themselves and their 40 8* 1* f« * •• fiT. •. cn« huP'Jroil an ! principles IUllm, 8 17 Lowull, 30 78 90 83 Prix peel, aue will in future. A Snrtlaiy. 159 112 l'»< 1*^ :r» t .n< wbrr« -Uiud the large fur from the National 33 29 32 0 33 0 S<-ar»mont, fttt* ri, vari* J g'ri»ori, 103 02 1»7 12» Swnnville, 7* -13 100 Hi T •' > tl.< tn >uth of tL • a*enu«? by Washington, Jefferson, and the he. distant when, of the Mr*. Albu* R'-a, Mr» M >••■* Mrl>on*lJ 135 2P3 130 10H 55 14* 62 upon any great 20S Tliorndike, M»*« M Mi*« Ann* linn. 3'J 20 42 UruDO, 113 231 16* b<- *t axvtly titniUr tuouth r^-a and vijrea of the Revolution; and now before tho the iry R-trtol, Fran*, Auhml. 123 111 1 IN 166 {uestiona people, 24 24 28 OrringtoD, 107 33 173 40 Trov, an r * L\ > Hon lion N%- Aurora, 113 129 of '* "f th# it ill all future there will be Daviee, (irorge Kvani, 130 101 ri | conflicts, they ■lave democracy can triumph, in the Di* ltlueliill. 157 W 235 taiukoftg, 21 30 2* 43 Unity, n 1 lhan Cliff lloii Wni. I' Fr«*>nJ*n, Hon 56 91 121 but. t iV t (wing hi:n* If into It »un I hi* 1y. I'hin- lUrttue, St«-hbin*, Rev. '.'4 77 1 SI &c*r!>oruugh, 130 111 112 110 Waldo, 76 43 The curoe of God will follow it Bmlwvilto, OH n and [*»rty. Alexnnd*r John 321 242 3VI l'ljn»>uUi, 07 P"*n i rt, *> as it to the Molock of s!a» 00 120 l'r«uti*«, 1)1 14 4051 3056 17(H) •bout-! to *.•!« t> r* ♦ him t'» t'•• long clings ISRAEL RICHARDSON, Km) ., CiMtiiio, ,117 were some 18 3il 23 »7 30 112 40 Tbera circumdu- in a land of Trmwrtr. L'raul»errj Ule, ! !l »aian ric »"'T»ri peculiar rery. It may flourish whips •op p -lifv'j Dwr UJ, 12J 161 177 Motauu, 108 00 103 82 •* cts Mith the late Suite elec- an : ?•< in • connected The Mother* 1 or Oiford Ol'NTY. on-", at t' t j ill ur.uuJ ind chains, but it can never breathe Daughter* I)«dh*tv, 52 31 62 V«vi«i 00 43 03 01 YORK tion. of uotice. The manne r in L'o. will feci inter*-*! >N .,i| 0 22 17 103 bi» !r, him tho tu -t «x> ruciating worthy the fr« c air of Maine. undoubtedly thodoepoat Kaattirook, 13 10 18 Acton, 1II 91 163 l>r«w In 11 • in thr alio** ahle and 84 CO 123 116 But in Liit vu in which the canvas »t« conducted on the comprehensive appeal Kden, |.Un, \ lit 112 146 j>aHi |wiin {or^utUo 7 45 7 00 the Vice of lor the Kl I. worth, 370 25'J 48'J Matt-twuiiikiag, • n *w v ! .! the from lt<-pMt Maine, pur-1 908 180 319 801 i*rt!. imrt of tin- black democracy, result, Franklin, Ml 51 lUO .\ukt,rl>u, 37 97 25 30 Bcrwiek, The next course of lectures in the cha of th« lloia «mi> Tomtof WasiiiM.roM lliildw'ord, 625 623 6*5 753 .. No. 10 TV n JO f*vt fritu t' « muutk ol and the influence of the coming election (iuljiburuurli, 142 VI 175 1, .V>, Di».# 7 «*«•«« I 262 355 2*9 mcdieal of Harvard College for a n itional | ion. llanoock 01 91 110 No. 2, 'nana Fall*, 18 22 Huston, 3T» *. !• "P t from ibe'xttom.awav deserve a departmeet |h-'j upon tlie future, nil pacing 3 4 21 I: i? 105 161 107 will commence on the fir»t A p.ip r will toon tie forward- Mnriafillf, 30 |6 42 So. 4, R. 1., II u mi 1 Wednesday (ubacription b, is; 4 air, h«*r3 4214 3473 3173 Kmnrbunkpt23l tlic ik-iuot in- nailed Hero, (icoHi.K Wamiisoton Sedgwick* and of 1 ready 267 155 332 mJ. aU of awful to de.igns 1^-eontptun " 'J8 204 142 aua|*M* Th«' number of TIm* the Sullivan, 73 Kittery, the le*s favor will receivo at September and al*>, avail tbemtelvea of privilege 130 216 140 tVvi r. '1 ak >rt aw!ul tu Li in bo- ey, they Surry, 84 01 124 PISCATAQUIS COUNTY. I<«-bauon, 27.1 ha* been rrceirrd. Its of metnlier* ol the Mount Ver- 08 00 104 119 161 161 P ii i the and at the hand* of the Printer," Uicoming Trtmont, 1-17 low t' uJ liirn lital Uii ballot-but, me-j b7 M Liincrick, is a model of neat- non I. idio*'a«x>ciation for tho Cnion. Trenton, 67 88 114 Abbot, 195 222 209 250 !a-! tni-d iu.tita'jl.v chanical appearance M l.iminpton, people. 30 15 54 AlkiMoo, 110 as ARABELLA CARTER, Wallhaai, »[ 137 127 169 wa< net*, which, as well the character of, II Boll £.Ud<1, C 13 lUruard, Lyman, rxtu.£ui*L«i tot*, of Ml. I rnoa Auoftation Luni; ^ JJ j® Ni'* field, 170 126 167 109 its contents, will comtncnd it to the Agent Swan UUiid, 7 )0 10 li.iw< ruink, tl<- v>l u» ! 4 to hitanif, *iii tUci, the decidcd not to meet the jmt-1 * J®*> Il» 150 183 156 1*7 enmpnign for Oiford County. Wetmore lab, 5 37 7 HUu< hard, 27 N. rwick, tl. s t aliti »i roua^c »»f such at are interested in the yo 210 240 23!» p» ^'i rxli»u»U*i Republicans in an open field fight, but ; imiTiii nr No 7, a 14 7 llruMDvilU, J*' I'.intomlitld, " 250 "7}* »■ 657 397 br t I J tn arawir,; In ii b* in tlie Art of Arts." Mr*. R. K. No 10, 3 1 Daw, Suco, 561 277 to carry on contest strategy and preservative Mi»» Kliia Hamlin, (ioodonow, "J 0 l» t! t calm ami »«il No 21, Mid. Dif. 5 4 3 EJIIjUtUU, 13J 155 1 Hi 103 ]*«- Tina was tin* laid out Mr*. Alvah black, Mr*. V. I). Parri*, Mr*. 70,7 1" Shnp!i< jfli, datk. programme Mid. Dir. 6 u ro»«Tutt. 114 w J • -i» ra«< No 8, 7 Sun 221 214 305 899 cutran.-fi iato tlM K \V. Clark, MiaeS. J. I'rentiaa, Mr*. J. iiu W 0® ford, bv the saeln'in* of the party. To till* FonntsTKn's Putxati for the itfoni, 1 27:» bu a nTcr war,*' promptly » » 15* 225 197 ju« u; ti,e grouud, ooU Mr*. W. W. MolW. Wntt-rburo', ■! from the National contents nru us varied' and usi Uethcl, Virgin, Norway. « 1HI 212 v.'- 9X1 ^i« Ir. «. I A tiuui u»Lr ci plunder* Treasury. interesting KENNEUEC COUNTY. King*t>urj, {J Wclla, ADTIfOBr COMMITTU. „ ,M 222 2*6 J trt ii :n-nt. -iintvl was to he done in the dark, ever. Take it fur )our children, all 160 143 173 162 York, »nl*n.m%iu- Everything by lion. Thomaa II. Hon. Hiram Albion, 124 l» 107 Rrown, O'.il 3'JI 5*0 \ »1 f r A liut< IJXIUltMo. *ud with the utnxMt This was meant. ItscoMt is but .one dollar. AugUftUt, 760 .3® Z* sccresy. HuLhard, Hon Wm. K. KuuUill, S. D. Onmilk, 5531 5160 C^.i 611-2 I Winnie, 144 107 193 103 lOO ^ Tii'- } ii 'nturvC klk ear-, N«w how was it carried into r.trk *3 |U(.J w4 vicini«j Welliugton, 38 1 ia told of 8. S. Co* in fthia must com s tliesc were a 59 K'"-l Mory being positive injury causing much blow 10^ Fartuing'lale, tV4 42 103 I'J 8 (L*>utmtk Jourikal. ty, damage by We at- Williautaburg, truth of which we will not to tlte A New 1'jn ra ik oft Cur. call 1(TJ ft'J 127 M1 district, for tho In the first the man* tin* Iruit. In other the No .1, R. 5. ■» i*rty. place otr portions of 2*1 awnr-) that ho U not above tention to the announcement in another col* (iartiinrr, 447 242 507 Katahdin lr»n 10 vouch, though Iter in which matters Work*, discussed of State tin-re was a in 123 84* 131 a It they heavy galf, many of K. of hi* in- lUllowoll, 208 the of trick o( tho tort. uinu Caao, E»<|,, advising 7U perf.»riiiance Stir. Fm.hnd. At Cuatoia State and National was and and1 f if wj 97 164 policy, generally case* shattering uprooting trees, tention to atart another in Portland. Will 15&T 1107 IM'J 1131 ho haa boon eenriing littlo parkap-o « daily 92 43 ap|M»«rt hot -.((», ho«ca. Argut A 150 W lg1M 104' having Utt' 1 Ur,uj;h*m, t» auk him if hi very high. Head field, 21 and that much and offensive In Advortiaer 2M 153 2fl7 13'J lUoomfleld 218 22 od the wheat in Columbu*. not int. rf r t<» th»w» f w n »fio h»J liMfd h*4 bwn place, selecting topics tb« of Iba socie- the laat two KMC 6J 03 31 wo- juat plying pulpit Universalis! During month*. people Vienna, 70 Ml Cambridge, torn/. Mr. Suneet ia now called the (a 11 nan, 140 l«® of »» to «hi» the most issues aoius 369 155 437 1W laancbi-J worlJ, being »>M inl< discussion, important ty al Kendall's Mills, for tins back, have nrept off hy yellow fever in New WAWrwIle, Cautto. 150 07 141 73 Concord, 34 08 1;»|20 *11 candidaU." (Cincinnati! •Utcm- [Punch. ware passed over in silence, and matters has closed his labors lb«r*. Orlcan*. Wojrno, II •*. J»Ij* Mtia aaW ikt 0*t«KvJ IVaucnt. Coxt*ntiox ■—Tho Teartara 7*t> it< of /*' THE BEST PLACE O. H. DUNHAM, SIN3ERS 8EWIN8 MACHINES. Foe ikr Tkacuu* of Arcirnl of Ihe "Northern I. lit." for Oxford commenced I Mt br^lvK«« .if iBiiiiifnrtiiiinf in* If The eitiinw of Paria will regret to It-arn Contention County, Ml.IA I., M ll.VI.XA r all ill# |p*lii»< M ACKINIST. I Up of Autral^. -i ii l ikit «k« iliMlrY, ioriijr King. L*tn on at the tut Church, in Wlll.l.. m I'.mnij, IX OXFORD COUNTY, (Ml Hf«ftir4l Jnm of lb* death, in ffukon, Iowa, of Monday la»t, llaj HI Qhm, IN M«rhi»lP« U » fc«"t rtUMich I r>P?»ni| Cjp- la |b«* a ii|u« ill' \ lit* >■ r*r writ I «••• u rjtliK Norway VlllflKO, Mo., Pt'» MpwtnJ «nlir, ilipaa *» ar» th* ti"0(*h«T«. Mr. Ounncll arrived from J tilt, A. I>. 1>V\ lalralala. wilnl ami j»«aar»»*il MMiMhwi, m«k"T, ,V'ioi P. IUt*i t ill .1 h M | Wirt ... .1 ilir l<» 1—thl. |m ftr< fc •ff,»rd «W> •••• uf irtl ratal*, g >«li ami cb.ill*la, li(bla aail «rJ» \\ Mfr, K'4l MMittriiim, TV'S. II. TaH.*," »i'h M ktM, ms- on tacturw A GOOD COAT, He «m bora in IHr:« where ho lired Camden, morning. In tir atluiiaialricU I" Without iSnu. •• Thursday iU, «bi< h iiu^ht Mtvrtliag ANO an-1 iH<- hi n# «f Main*," «nb H«a»a •» jo«r Mr. ».«if lili>.rr ibat a«l- T0013, PATTERNS, MACHINERY, om when ha hu num- werw delivered on evening, by law. Whrnluir |) |«»*> a a. I iba It tear*. took family Monday h K. W. A YEAR! wWJ» I'aia Killix, ba»a amaad, taiuiaUaii->auf ati.fralalr mi* l» jraaltnl Ij Cllta A TAIR OF PANTS. llffrmljrn»i*l ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS far N Mr. •• <4 in all. and left f><» the tthcnd—on Tue»*L»y cvaning l>j abt' il" III* Iraat. ika Paia kilWr a»M «l 10. Mf dtilra. N»llW« bering eight IU.r..iJ of CmImi, limm in ■. »h»n- |« i»nU * lair mtrtagr of iba actual from kiurt \i»l ritibdikf't hima»lf Vilt-ij |imfil on etMiinf, »'. FARWELL. hi pat Lit! ara lamlail we "ill ba lie am to Wiiton l-»wa, »bn b»Uwiht llrown, and Wwlrwwday M A I.VINA l nit >ti iaa- km la •tan h •>«*■ ..f ibrw Marhinra, ami 1* nmirnf the »h. tail b»|>» ibay A NICE VEST [ lir ii |.rr|Mtml |.i uwki> rr|Mtr each. There ia »•••• nt our all mi nf ibia litilb. »• rpfcr Ui any una nfIbp lh.m- fur aa in Caaard im arruaal mIn ami it- nib* Zand and w.i« making a good comfort- w«ns delivered hj >1 Mtrkiarfy «ahl*h Ike iiiitinnnily in lima •«.—Ai a roariuf TI..I-I-h*IilIt ('" «b« imp tbrw. ail loiroiit, « '.I b<- • aa«l (iilh •amil of |trr«Mi< Thpj xlip<< art a attendance of Uacliera. •»•• ika OR A mit ii'|nnr j lt«|ir< l»j pruw|>t nillanra "Mil. Tbre* l«<> 21. while mow- full witlun ami ikf ti'»»l) lo p»p»» tart u( 6 hi iir r.>ar». lay tbi|i—ait •hla liting. Thuradaj Sept H«ite Iim, lul .iirr illun to Inmhipm, to imut »n I * nl amk, n|»>n ai>k. iU» of A. !•. llO#. (dm 4jf«rral iaa» nf « W'xn be frit a bite on Si*lrrnlb Srjitrii.lnr, i.itli.a, linpii aum th» ankle to th.> Cams taw.—Tki Programme* for t! e OrJrf'J. 1'kal ik* aaitl I'Htlinarf (iva aolira IHMKI^' k WOODWOIITIIH PI.ANTIW ; leg, COMPLETE SUIT, i«(*rliuM, i*. TKtt m Ik* it* r.aanl im earn a af ihia wouM all«<» d>»wn and «aw a Cult!" hare l««rn i«- In all (»•••►«»• iMWftlnl, It* raaaiag eu|»* Tu IUP»I the (i"*inf ilpman.l C.r a imallpr ami kn«* He lookeJ lary Olford Show, ua t\mnty »ffl« an*i-raai?*l» '» •*at« aa KtlUr. Mawl «>i|k In Iv lliw X V S O It T Rnlllii|,Tariiiii|.llMiilai»rMJ(ilrrlrk«t hmiic mar bi*P 1-h and buOM-bobi fit' /'ara fierpaaat akifa- OF A it Nil \il»rr« alrgaal |mi«4I* Stake. Ili* eon Oliver waa With »i< J. I: ii the uur a« Uit al 1' lk»< iar» Mitrliiuc*; Niltr l.nllir aaaa {Utile ptcinly year. Tin* I Kl «il ma, •, wp baip mlm'pil a ad aip na lo |lra«ri4t,|ifiiilrl -Il tri*: \|rr. « 111 III mill |iii|x>>< f—t |ii lj rmiff In I* al l^ri*. **.«-!• |> inicnt.\ wi-nt for a Tb«i ahow cornea off on the 5th tith and 7th mi al |*rohn»r b»l' —1« 4T— Ifftiie unlwi tu him and phraiciaii «p|ir4r >rn»w», Hmjii'i rrwrli., lloopBR k jtrtrrb. en ibribml Ort. If lli |'rr«« Af(, iwar jn iajdrrniatv« TwaiUjfaf Mr S. wm faint, hut rmeht>J a hou»< f October. Our friend* of tho wratern O*- abm WKW FAMILY ll'.WIIO MACHINE, arraial K TO ORDER. I'. IT Wa ara aaal.le lo C*warJ )aa '• MANUFACTURED WbiPb li lb* ••■■•I ami hMmiW Htlcralu* t» the ainoe tl.a aa» a»b« lb* aai«a ebnaM MM P. STONE & CO'S r II MOWN,Jmfg». 77* n irtifiiliir ■ llriilinn (iifo In n-|»*irinx. M irbin* »fPf rnfwtri|p|p<|. Il i« nfnaillpnlt<1 moo which wn nt on the irumriT «'p lull of nn l( ail, ami all aliii »•* M ib» baa-l )!« l>»» II' K»»fP, Keftafar. li(blp •'■I>. •«.—Ala I riil* <>( wink in lipllaf iiib iban mbir Spw- ill* DH. I. P. any H. * •. hi« afUr tWU ailkia 4U.I far ill* I'utililt nlO»tHll,9» CLOTHING STORE. IIURD, HH alrifil Ctt If. reptile had mtrml leg binding well 4* 1'a.r ^ tuc ot tha New llampahira CLOTH & ini Marbinr family |Mr|>ai«. Kil'irralll itai >•( H*l»te'til* t, A. Da II U mil Ik lb* I.f lain *'«•?* and Slow thr cihiMtion. "»» LU iJ 11 j£3 *LP » Illj^t I>liji*liiin the kni*.and town* int*'n 11 in th* II \! I ■,f *' u«i ati. \ NTir UU •» leg tight j>in ««r.%.- opposite Tin: uornr., Imi lawrb ihiPa I, an I a lairling tat. lib* J ATKR PROS INDIA. Lie of making he at It and ;. 11 | Jim vmh ll%u m» w irking oat th* blo>*l appliml Jr.HI.MlAll Miinnv, nr. lh> (iiulPi k IUiVpi ; i»-f ii il r nfiiw-l in ill «|»i. Mmim. P. Ilaiii Mm*, 4«e«i. I'Wwee aea.l Mr. > S, La a.«( .Ma, •xprvwed hope* a* aal lin»l ani'iml *Wi»ialr»ll»i D/5 v W ot South died at Ntf- nil' I bia Ural ill ami tftiillPil In mp (11 ill• i.l llki lb* bp*lpr R T. I'arit, !«• at fr'iw |K» ■ Wi.r.1 i. .If.A >mi oaa much in hm until M >ndte Lur«ey, r.l i*. i.l' a 11.1 ii" • ***! |»H llfllinn Knraa* i• i. nt Id V |l '»»h»a,uf lUlna.U •u!r ml pain leg ..| I'f & WiImwi MaPbuiP; tail a »|ily niliit |*i- ot on th» 7th of ili» »ai«l I a in |||> "/»ih n( rn S in >i*h. Hi* Mill urriinl' kilter t>r**ka city typhoid b'ver, nimuii, Thai wMMter* l..rm all kimU »f •PWlnj. ln.«,lr..l 4a l f f.«i» Uxllara. Tba I'aia when h* much bet- a* l«r lami^y Burning waaappirentlj jiiaitif 4 aiail I'a. M taitirh ilw mlwr all nai < a"* all) »itb v tow* r in»t |ii«a*lki>l'i |»*r*-»aa CLOTHING! | filrwof MarliniPi irmlnWi imh aial «vimr i^mLir etery tiay, awl aill ter but it tu l>e the of j In • lbl*r *•"« k» CUSTOM MADE II# lalll a.I villi It. I. i»HI la 1 prored approach mp* nf IItia nnlrf imMiaM firru Ijt.i.i, (a •• ft |tH IV Itffii iIih Ui I mar biara al iaa OHM ill vi*if hia lai>iir plrli • in iia lala all ft«il>a. a. aa artirb wbxh il „.r ril) ll.ll.rl. iliiiuif Mpi»I M k wa) death ; and at eii i»'cl>x*k that he wrnt ri.itfl|in l»M*itfrtl||>«l«lril inim MMin *500 2ir I *m;pr night M.uket. al a raail In mil ■ wit. i. Miaafc in 1 nii'i 4it. The other I aJJ a Brighton Paiia.tballba* apj>»a» Probata |» IW Uti-ltp, a Irtniifal |«|»r .mini a|> I (he Uulileti Foul, al l'na'a|>«la. iM'l'i lUrtrt l«-*i ■ nl». '.II \\ .•tkmjOxrn, al rlwb In l!* »ir\l iliHIl to I* a ai ia ia l» ..'an I \ra ia.1, aII I .all w> with much calm- Tnr..l«t al Nnrrtaior t*r*«. J»nftb* Ni>, "J >ihp«' IItin I,, O, f%(l ami all nlbpr latnmill >ii in tbr Il arlll h# r!d lie Sire ln« ulijiil, I bite i»i Hit M w ill lla pain '.i«. 4« I 4wmt 310 • ab» ia II. iii|l W «li .if lh#» lmr«« >, iili- >)e>ty appreciate k> larrifin, aa.l ab*w alia*. if auv lli*J ba»*. ,#i«.i airntg (irainM (ralii. Um and died WVI I >1 NORWAY VILLAGE, II Iaa Ian I.|l4«l III tkani in'rrpal I an aalrarl fr >«■ an a lira af lb* happy. >»I l|a;« Ibr a.iinr eh aiMallI I allle—a?.Ml; tr>l lii» • ill* r|aa>«iltaa|». I'lirra rilOM tS II. IIROWN.Satfff. MiniifiriiH. • lil (i>* g.iin| UK llnmilw.n, \t a Ymk. l*eji Piett, Infefber with a Ir.lhixmimiI frcHM oat Tub Pnvmu Tilbuitm »\n (i Ji « K'V imhiI MUtti.VI, Ki' 39 | A tn«r m|i»—» ii«i ! 14, uA«-a»>. IV( 0 a HlMI. ■■tarn orrict* i* •f Hit lal CiBLt. \ |."t. hirii l»»»n> K«»fP, R'f"*- Uajxli'tjtili' Tti» \tu*tic Srw Sept • ,«li llalimpira Hi. « Waftmf i,. | |il Custom Made Clothing. N K »v |l Allmay Tll«»H M RASNRY. l,K ttilMII Hi h*»« adder* I.>nJ u lit • jO III ••.—Ala .'Uflal l*i 1'itr brUI at lUib- I'l illii tl ilrlll llir irull ,Ni* frviu !'«••• .• ii-1 !), 3}. man, Of nut "ijlr awl >.i, ailbia aa l f«r ibr r.miilt al OtMtMlkl \t*llnp» Kiatmllf I"huafil Miilalr whuh «uta that IYf Stlra ul •wall lul«, S TJ, rl, Porry Dnvti' Piiln Killer. lh« VinlrMt, I' auixalli mt A. I'. IWS: tlie* li'ilt it And innnnor. \p«aib I'iiiU |p||4ia \«iltiilU I'jik.Ki iik> i J W 3 '■» 4a* flifWailar, In Htyl- Express Arrangements! ikf I *1 •'«" 11 x-i y I'tfM /*►*•«. w old hata bia machine* in rrkJi- Mil W .1 "• i'"v A* 'I'll ISKI I I. (>r ibr il i» itr-'Mf I.U.« .nr. fir ill,»ii.I. Of r«i ii i.n: 01 ||A 1 lis;, f I i, in j none f»,t •» li, 1*37 | * lal* Jl'atRLIl I'. ••»«»*». Ula I! ibrl r>«ti Inl lilhw, Ik* I.ocal maalp'l. SI Kii)|i»«,Jav the on »r a'»>ut the Mh >:• ul>— \l I'Uil, Inm t> In | i(rm n—~ to «<>rk cal.le tfr ml It lh< to ia M' tCiMll, ilrr 4a^l, h i*iaf (araralrU liar TIIK l«I sT WORKMKM, ill* l%il h» h»i hi11* Wr liatr nrirr I.mih.1 il owrtaary t*iUi«k »n»t. on which the Atlantic wl a lai' iMIluliwa ul Ibrraltlr iif ilaj Companr Ina| accaaal ninMMililMi u( ikr itlur in.) rib try of ihr • t CO. Davia' l*nln Killer. Mi I .Inr4ar-I I .1 alUta mr.*, llf ll iIHwmIiv.I |Sil ,•! wifV .1 hi* BRITISH 9l AMERICAN EXPRESS t«*l to a ateaaier t» *h>>| I* iirl rwrHirinr Kj»» «#vtr » • iil M >i Ii«Ih' uwj, ••mJ asf* diapalch »[»-<-ial ballbt a 11.1 a.lai' n.t' »lri* ii*r .ln » Hll f| Mlltfl li t), T.« >n"t *11 nf II Alt 1 t. Jaw 1*11. (Inlii«J,1 (il |Wff NVW FLOUR MILL. a» |l««»ll I'tMII., IS, • • 1 IUt with on* of I'rol. 11 I. * a wl lbi( M n. « It it I H IMU-Immi. VtlM. |l» llH, li .Li •« IMIIWHII im lh» l|>» rl'rdlM Trinity |.t all p^ratMaa lalrfalnl, raanaf ru|i» ll h" h *|| IM «!• - luiill 4t !*Ol ril I' A >»|kl rjijvl, a in Th i»i.l (nr I III It* ■ hitiim Faint* |lim AlihiMi^h «tnnj»» jini, ia l.i t!.»•■ JII kill! ul • I nil Till: m- MaUiiU W» mat thenrforv nt.lrf In henaWiab*'! ibrrr arrba attrrnaitrN Hi It) II l.»f>fi triiMnH ar>4 r»|,i J mU i(ir>rii<, 11 i|«ilr oo board. l«»p« iMImt IuUmimmIu m ill « NflUMMTt u( lh« 1 l(M, MiU, aaalinf a lr« to • n tl ir Hi *1 «1>l f' '*l .ill III ill I lakr Ihr l>: of a-1 liar* j.wi, Tbr "il ll'i ral .piiitnl I1 ta.lbal lk> j |»4fl« «■ • «« « lu (illd«- ord«r fly lltMil| MM*. imi), IV# Milii |Mliliik Ihr ton tbe rablo ia !«tf ««tkin( '»a»l f« lia al mb| a W» »in (atut ■( nlli I'rakaln b»W I'afia, Htatoa nml Canndn*. \ FVi •• 1 ••J, jiUiitubii, yiM on or alwut the £>th m»t. Prof in 41 I rnii t'» nn ibr ibiril IW. t■•» niiIm is Ik* na\l, al nia» "I tbr rl-»rb in tb» fiirra—a. |a| %e »• n • 1 iiim »t «• «, 41# |m. ,Mir«| Ilr4, ik«*H^ all. r ■ucb u latt been all -r*!- >i ih{ •»! »1 I M IN •milt, lk»tf f«l hi* n*l? ikl UkJ in tail U»< |«ai.i» all ki*li, ant hr f 4ala^. AM 15HOTY PES! ilf«|Ml< •!, li«ilrt| on kant l.iluHr Ifrrnllf tka bw<"« i«««il ki il> w l< > »r;.|lir |«t• t*ii/>-r Iniq rrlllllf ul ratllrri |n *•« IMMl, lull «t A If *«e enpf —'•tte»l Thf> llrftif# 4tlmllOl| III tfcr INIKlUrlNril «f ltf|» >f«r ai *1111 mi r liablv and cotSnu >u«It at the >f.l\aMilrf«, K«iff. THC BEST I••€ tH# •/# *%4 7*'<•/». 4.mI hi* irr liififit I m« t ("«h IHIIIK# (Lilly rtprrtari, •" .|. .i I ft »*w tSf «*%.f.ll Imiim k »». I •! I »«• I" S lUiM'tirr rate I fr u. t ir*o to an w >rl« r win- I ■. lh> I'm llir ill |lil« \ irilul» Id gi't II •*».»!» tirt'-ftMil i.t'M |« f f'l ur# whm *11 iwlrnla nil hr rhr#tfn!!» Sllr-I p I'ptiplf* 11 '► -1 |il \ \ M 5 J — r-> »l tntf 11111 | » **i*l a f*'ll II \l 1 irl »f I'fclitlr h»M 1111 -• lu mil N la 1, I ami ^s»l Oirnlli, •ik tl in HmM# I'.Mn, r.ilrt, F IIKV, li*#, uU. it ;f| I'n it mi arri ?*«ipri Arwiiran lu nUn ii ik- r-.anl* of I' M ml i^nirnii't lfi»» >imi||| lit* |M|rrt jwl kiml, la- lUaltril.ailkia aaJ (»t »Kr IhM, fcr villi tl lfc#% •»!##?# mi|» nnr In 4m) wl)|«V mi. \tmr l'«ia »k*k I rw«i(ariK*>l FIG 1 Tj <» •• in. I I I Kit"'. GOOD SIC, t»i -i ii»i. •. I "t. II H At M • l.»m III rwr ul a luir In < > 1 all W- ..•1 tSr Hft'T-alS'lit W flMIMftM I RiMIi nimtir I**n4* m III# N*4fk#i. uf r(Trr|»%l al ft .«Vl» k li a l* >1 iKli ««, an I •" AM I'. M. THE RETURNS, i ,inf "•» lb-I'rtilt f it VI !i«itN ail.« 1-4 AT Tltl «l«<> !••*# 4 uflh# illffrtw!! |r<|i|fl iiukf, whirk, likr ikr kill 'if • Im, It T< AH Ui«i«»t. mitHinl in mt rir* will rwfii •Ii|>|ily si l«i»»l« •«.! I *4* of tl*ta liv •>( i* Mi l »«f i'f t^iM1 «H a lixtr Full return* front all but Ik Mt iffulai, OX It Vir;m, Rtnt' .r.l, rt (*«*-••(* K! |»ra(rr ri| .1. twentjoaifjM mil UlrMi m. Onlrf* rrt'Kr I 4l mi «Vf aJlj. lint taa-.l, I '• i» all'" «n*» nf |>» i)il ! 41 Hi I# th«f| Ibt I'lnur M4«|f«rlll(f(l 41 < kwahal »rak. ('waaH, itta| (Ml* towna bate Ittu rror *i»I tbua far i|> aikl al^Ml, allU»(lt CROCKETT'S I'ant 111II. m I at ih I'i^I IMW, fimili I'ini Tii'j lb' >1 |I r«» tlr nf hft Ulr ba»ln».l ROOMS, I > jtail |WI alllta. t .1 « •muri.l all •imi'aiK atfni tr>l > n( Im IV. Jmm, l«37. it-l ti a*, 1 Vr*t il » l.i lb' |V»t Ofl. IVt ii, rtiH mi iVInti) all l.ipiwi |Hir»li indic-at* a popular vote ot al*>ut lit (in p » a * i». Th ibr |'riiii>xi*r jl*» ( f,) TV* Vrqi im Hi*it at ill fiw»« a fall tup* • J II imVill\, Mi l»r »f '.If. r I b«r lull 4 iml 1 btwK m ul «*l«al aatirr In til aiina ialnralr.1, « laaiaf a rti|ij lt»f, Cnfrt M ll, NS »rti, fcr.,(i tli< tl iff) » >f f»,Otw». !*«• ' b) NORWAY MAINK. W pit rtfi'iint, with iua^>ritT am raaa* VILLAGE, I'aria, J«l* 19. I*V< I 1 I.I MTU W'II.I.MM"<. •tflbiaul l»» la k |>.»■ Iiabr.l ibirr taavka will ti »n rnrfcrl mifi •(Hiallly 11 ferry |li«i,' I'm Killrr, In I <-flrt l><*mn- kl llouw will aUnd. 1M 11,1,111 I br Otluttl l*rm n-lal,|irial«il I'arla, (^il iohw, m»l» TH# •nlwrtihrrf h *ia h imf a»»«l ••# r##*i» iwf M ir(.n» K«-puhli<*ai« S I>| liiucrii anJ MnJinar I*rai- |o«J ■<) llnl I I iir Um iWi(nl lu ailto my IVtibiali. a I In br .'I'OI.M ioJu.»t-vl State, lhal ibr « iaat 4|>P« if tl I'lu'uli «a»l bvM imU, «»>l l»«IJ r*|«'iimrr, h<- MiU (II' )>» Reward! fp»m I»m# (mtM ri nil nf II »f«! \V.k*| craU o.aaat proaont it m»i *Snt. n'AVINli S100 «li »rr I" "•* ia a iii| ibr 31 ot 4 I * 4 Ull 1 •4II44I il. i.. • h 11**ii I m'l ih titration .! th >#a nmli»usl!| II II Mil Jkl'i .Purllaa I, aa ! I*. J Hviih a| Pwa, rtntali,aa 1' 4">l |>iir*,4ft u in u i .«ny «*#(*» anil fia* Ual^f, ia • •• Ii (ill Ul nrc kwtr umlWl am, O I lata* aatl, tl H al l^ir rl»rb ibr fnirn.a>ii, VI ••iSrf kl "I IV IJ Wt I. 4l !<«■• C I I » Miikfi I') **ukin| frvlm ( \\ «m# I—In f th# ifwiaff of Im*. The of th# Am'fktn »«tt ar» en- at|.i III anl b« f 4Ml».l. v.: m, ii, isa:. r» ♦ »» jrti.l iS •« »iirbi Vll«; »hipe .w.<: .f, moo ri.ot u u tine i;m. \\ lirn writing in jrowr fnrirli y>m nmy makr >m of t.rrW <•'■ thed with aail* made of duck TIIO\|\f4 II tIRoWK../*'««. hemp >t XI H. A. COAL OII.S, m« 41 MIfiimil. \i«n iwr » HAWKS CO.'S Tn In ilflntrril 1 iujt 111 if ii ill l» »l am 4< ul. la an I'aiail it **»- 'h»n •• i, NV« \ •fk, ••» A Ira* ••(>*•—alirai of N»>t 'h or Itu'wan manularturv, notwitlf \ V •( l.*l» • ll I'll ih I * mfnl In h i*#. •rum I ht*te •*( I »hr hil 4>t ilUrk «( H» n n* F. NOYES. mnl kun i«l« nf ill* litrr «f »hco Kr 21*1 •(•Ml. |ta*4. I'ku my |n«>pl#, lm#« • r% M Jiiiii'b* I' il'-ni Cii iMMI 1 in in thil the wUoW , tr*n IlK* ""V UUj lllrw D. S. GKANDIN. D.t Inmiii. mi n>: if, up->n h«{* ikiill* I ur, «»i*biii| ti ritiUitli In lk<* Ii t' (tlluwuig ikr otitic* J cuuilrj, 1 « raging, 'ijr nr t«*»k K Kr. BOOK SELLER & STATIONER <• .it I "I I.J a Ktolv-iv'* llTlllli^ fraaiaa Iti «■(«». m (In* i« a ••#! H-au«>i, m*n| t»4irr to the |M(Ht. Ciiij * Kuiiyai, if *ln I |.| Mvrl lliii liiir iiW'i/.'y »K/*n Jack, • SURGEON DFaNTIST, Ingilla. ki|i|»iirij (v»l foreign hemp #»!•»• 4»l M»« «t»f 91 |» •(«( K, » » l» III III! I « <>l. Tin arr Mnlh'iKil a^niitl Inn i« I. |*.iti |mIiJi. |iii»ir if I# i#«l Inr hn Imii'i' mil Ih furiinhnl rtn •• K 1 i'ii »h. 111 »h*W a •«■** krr woriU 1 w the tact that I »r the U«t »n in>< obrrr hh Vf «i!d<«*"l Witll I*ROM roll 11. IMS ■ .,141 I lilt I •, it lli«i hit' III I (•<{•' hjr In «U |»f« aj in, l»% iH# fil*»r* «t 4 rri«.ni4'»l# |hira. Tli#y • ••• M II ( r*< 41 |h I »%- lh U »U#»tl m I4>»**- Tl 'I.l A Ira l»ra b*a arffi»*f4 In iba ir.ll «l 4 tltU -tl.-U.ll kilH4Hllrtl •. > •! »i Pm Ir4r^**« or reara til the Tr»W» in our tner- r.^lT.ri PAFKR HANGINGS, (KMC, ..i.» POM 4I.I t•• ; "Ikirl'i'.'Mi'j' /rtr eight lit. i«Wr »«• r.l I'll •• II I «• til 1 • IP .1* 4. l« |kn r K H PUHK It pin#, •> Mice and whale (Uhrr.•» ute it • ol i«'« II-4 I « K«- « Y. I.. I IM'.X k «i«!tt chant UitU III >1 \ki, J| CO., 4|rmi, nf Mi b, III « I litiii ! If %. Mlli, 1.4.1 I | I Ml V nawiiui, i.i.l mrl l.irwIrwoM to the f article. *1, 14 »'»u »4l*r. It will |f»»Uall) »l y I&* TmN laaallal ia Itia ia »al i|tp''*al alllf tail 3S la !l? I't nlral «lir»l, lloal.fl. Wo film I'llKLI'.H k ro. jm^n \\, •••• preference m «( 4i»' o* I lailif. 1, i«| ». ?» rr ittj> W• K 41 lb fr^» I') uf 4.t.l I li hij. ORUGS, ETC., \ I •••*, ill" ij»i? i(i!iiral rSr{4at «.nkia4tfbi|> |»-i(. MEDICINES, ETC., wo. H FN I*ABU, I, |<• I 1 at»r Commissioner*' Nat A lllin ann>unc-«e W*0 M a.ill il»^ 1 a »>ifr I 11't at 1 a 111 .4* *| lK>ug!v* paper A^M| «*f lUflUtiKi Idf I'mh hll-«l X(l .1 NOVl!V III.IM'K tVTl ;i ik 1 1^ i.f |!i• !i ki* Wiijhril •• K I'll K rf It • t» a .11 ill . b >1 n|>*ralia( \TT that tw rat r*. tS aou* of d ritaul|iU •! I'll I nr. r. « •» in 1 *4"»» .. wrro j\ ung "• » I <■( ImN ill ni|kl. I'krj < « U«r II til il'i im kli W |i a iil |> titia* latli |ai ill1 lk" li* lk; atll'ii. V ) Vi !#.*», Mi> In »i\#i«r 4nil lU# claim* ol lb ; art h OH- io Irnl. Ii ikr d oi u. and each a of the old la (bit iaan O%l*«i, linn/ ia« Wl«>an| tinguie' chip J 4* lm< *4 |K« m—r, mhrn mil «rfh#r ruair i-ul aa la ailblS" »"lla»rj Iiiuf* j( I*. ki f 'r Mr l» |t fi Ctl aa l lb* aaaal 'ir lit 1 al mm ti|*4Ulia{. «Kimi(, llir* lilfr (l.i. Hriini 10..11) block. h»*e tak<-n the atump >u£- I CI I \ Ito 11 IMYI>. II4V ibr tail in tH«* wltff Ibi II- 11. H Kii«»»«!iv» raraJ aab X4l ab'BUrf j»tI u)irMi| •>- a mi, T.aabx b* attrarliaf. a. i« ".*• .1 ikr I t likin E. II. «« | I I.llllf « fr«-« .|,H h lUil InrMIa la-en .lunnf cauee ha* t>uen taken ■ BKOWN, \\ la« I>ougW* • 1 |»^.« v<-lf *'»e* ibr I'Mlh la « 11 lb mim;, aal lb I.»-.'!| aaa- !»••>• N. i. 1m i» ••• in aal lalr.f inr frr .iwaa 1 !»•• fl» h rlarlrra, on two Journal. N II I 4)1 mutr jmiri, ««e III I* it,«U arallt I IZ«l« KliaJ I ailb lb* Bp |H*arta* |*fta* MACHINIST HI in iillil 4fe 4lU»«e>ui«Tille IRON FOUNDER. miiirr lliit BEST STOCK 4 tf IHirl It ml rflirt* lh'* tnut r\cnitutn«j Iraal auT ii all' tril »'■ I'linKi -r I »nl kini l..lllr, an-l rlnrrlrd ^i.aailtV i^. niljfi «>hI t?»<• a ma ia Imi*£ mi fl |iinii> il.' ir rUiw*; Mr i* in writing lit*- urn •« m (-+ m Hitri. |ti Itia 1I1.1 a ill ifimi II ibi I 11 a!»>al lbi*a I'.trf i.flrn 1 ii nUinH lu 4 l.nimalrr il a* I Mrt. la- (lidding engaged Aud Pattorn u« 41 umil|. kim |nrmila l.j Makor, «r mil 4ll* W I lu ihr •flln*1 MMI^Nfil Ik B k< I H \ R W**ka. of the in Con* »• tf I i l.ln HI •4l W ^ I anil lu J* 33 I.Vf l*T H'rVLr. I'ftl NTS, ml nwpiiriiag iftrr ikr (mIk- il, M imilirlnrrr of llvMH UiHV |u litf uVliick r M. ?IMl\ II- IM SIM*. ll'll, '• be'icte in Mut-r A Piano for Salo, «.i jailr Do Meond lore, < mil. yoo iSJHiCi H •* ««I r. I •• Fin l'i 'f joim **) yiis. >n.k- or u.i. v\rmtv*. M. I.IMN\Rt» SIII'RTI.Ki rs. IMmn] jhm\ii momuji:. 4i I 1 11 Hrr», in ihr nn.lrl of a ■!mtm »• RRIED. « : mi I I'l Carl llntx Ha I : II il >l l>o I >*ia»e in i. f»n*, Sihh, 4M ill mwi Ir ul lo .i \\ it*it»r', ,!»»< I1*, I o.lS liMikia( u|> 11 *a. |K»>| |l k1 OlMIt j«l|lr, |ni(iU li a man ( a 1 of ta tall 4»l aar lit I hriaa. I'lKt ||iM. IWim I'tfiimirifi, l><4 uj» poun augar, |.1> « ckiiM, .or wkulr ram llunipt. a I II >1 ItV. "< K.I. •nr. I II J JI« will kl haTr ikr ymt ■* lKiUi», nil U Utikt I'll* *, in I) ii ! *Iiii«>i In lt»t. II l>(<, lU I>xh Ni4fKI«, (\trnrhri, Nolle uf itui mr.lii-iiv—il l 1a Ur| I iiu o-rl w4 * •;nrr M \V Mi-. | || a I »lr|>h«M For Sale ! fcr.. kr., ki want an<>i <-r tea't that rwate Burr Stones HI m «.| aiWI IX MM liar lia»r> iw unl.aid 1 • wki I all rill o-.t lilt* lS» wk'ila | 11 \| V \ Kit* Pi 1*4910 ftrill 1 KicA'ar j.h, IR of w II i I • WW u l Pi.... \V. All kind* nudotoordor \\ \H ikil nil m >or« la aa a* to? froth I belari? in ttconU KIi, i>« In (*•■!<«■, K«|., Mr. III 'Kit "'I tlNI "i, Irll Castings I! 1% Mi»«r# in J hiMiriM. lianl, iLiiri ikr fruil Murph*, 1 1*1.1*1'"* t'» I •» J ll\ !. .. u -J 1 (!»••»«• f«•,*', |>lr-4 " N 1' »l M • >1 m 4 tin i, |lrrt«l«( I•( llwkMhl l»«t llr • i»l in daughter Capt. 'IV 11|«liI» i\ i• r% .-I 0%» • •• I" • |rl iwr laawro 1 \l in tin. Ilj'iw K \ i«i«g ul \ •-m •» " «4» <«•»- Drl.iln kt'k. |1»7. llm uo a w it h h« r to tiorhaui -» .:--r I'. I' n r« Hf tinv Ih HANDKERCHIEFS. being riait |'»• |M'tt |iir »fi »i l'-« : Mot I' '>i I. lib I'nki i«i I" wr 14- rr im In «»l,, l°>| l*ia iWm im Itlvr^l Ifiata In «n''" '< • % ai lliil far >•• pi .ill* kifl'). in h' I mil m I •• it f wln«*ti • mite* a f< w dar* *iuce k»t her lilf lin^fd «»4 Me \u,«•!>■• 1'ik.u |u Mim Almt )l. II V VI k|• n I •. ®r And Papor H%r Ikr hral Iw rr ik rirati af .mr iml l'i M 1141, Hanging. % K.w Ol .» I» 1 M. .*• (t. ilk .r 4 0*1 J >wib 1 w wno .1 ill ra'wt" rr IV 4 II, lit)} \L| f* l'«n«. i"i lk' 10 In In. ifnu-i nf la ip. ing djr poi*on. 1*111* •>' irm li | ilrim* ••"I r ufcliium* «l mU n .< • brukri,lit# mb IIOSltlRY AND QLOVE8, 10, l«4i«. JJ a vl'Il I »il War n, l»n p iw w ml I k irillf One la«t week a Mr. Woodroofe of Hrpt. I ,iul Ik .1.1' h- h •<•'1 •• « .*t» lit Ml tl In. ill 'III** IH* 4|frrl< day »rl» l., mu |M .« ! tl. aunlr t|«jr, thi 'th atati u j at yuehee, DIED. Till: Ol.l) hTAM», AT St). IMIIIR II ila tin. -, M'r. Vw4 *fnrr •!< alui( h» 4 U-giuxnt. riuoriu vvu.m;il l.i Im • rmed tb« feat of acr-M tl.e %I *> iM "• hi l.'iriil i, \ !l. |, j» rfililM, t| 4l I hlte 0n« il«i ||Vm I 'rr » V>> am, 4ml a nm 4 on 11H.1 •• uf ill* liifrf •hit • nt lnni«ni. u in file an 1 a half mm- I ! M If fir irrj villi hi* lilt* 4ml (m-'ill ■•«*-iil of M Lawrence twenty Ill l*4lM,*ll. V|r J.4l r«*rW, 4(r J«4H | mi <-• •!, Oiii ||. It• n %, 4 •iun«»', h<« |in«4 I .IIIwr.I. Ill ll|» r'UaHaarj a|^ nf iha ^ in tfiiii. ( Mm*. «• »i«* il. •Utii nunc f .r an xir .r 1 »l 41 lalrrval* n*:it t( e of t'.e ti !o |iW4w cu|>v) lu *rI »J lifttk kH In I rUua Oil* unci VarnUhoii! NOTICE! J r r''*>'<•»* / ;ir u' V |in ilillcr, h iw-ira, rmg |K>wrr Paiutu, xiw nkrr, » «»f hl« r4l HIM »• Mir |M) 4111 ♦ hi* 4 l.t. |M||INU laMW It .Intnx ikr iiiikl, lki» alarming *unpiinr »rn i- J III* II • < «:r-am. tin* feat ma? claim to Ik .• tl If ft l«.| P «•*> •« ■ t "I Ml and the 1.1 4m> J1 'it N IIROWK 1 Hir^Ulil^'ll 'i \ I'. N<^r, I •ttm ("1 lb«, lilriilml «nu l.i t |fi i* MUM! lit ih ft *1 -In uf I'll*! in »t io mb with the familiar a< !.wt- rj pi il waa Irll lur Najar. placed by Winter! If.I A. m.MJtOV rr r.l Autumn and Il'thet, Jul* 17. |*j* 21 It AC I fa ,1 4 rrtm raw I'rrrf awl A<'r#. water* t'rtU'k 7. •! /'•'« III trim ft CUTLFRY AND HARD tt«*nt of I. rd lUron acrjea tho of N h IMN 21 WARE, |.| .nil il l-lrrllltrr 4 b«.|, nt n*.tiit«f J.'ptm, /•>« NOTICE. nr >••»% I. arr h**r» l>\ j.ur- in ll u(>rnr«l thru I.o.mI., »'i sfti •! rnnlklrwrr II. '• < i« S»i«1» »n. lh*f r m n ii»* h *»l rrlrf! ^»? \n I all mml't n 4 Si..rf, S»m Sli k aar» I K»!ieT evert rritt- ^I W Imiih^ %•( ««wl Koffwiw il>iN«rf, I'ffrmnnrut Yrronl Rtn'iii l•»« IllimU kf| ai amh altov al \l » \ |) lN»*. I. I »l Mr. I'llriHti, la |nn»riii', »i S t' *«•.' IH"»V »»• t>ti.»fj •• en- I?, N'l N irr.alirr 1 •• l".17 I'riri linn' in t! e W< rid li ink* that he i» tl.e in at -il\\\i» *h\ni« HCARrUt tal. i* im« in • 41 il\ *»l (l%l »fil, iii til k, Vr^t4Wa «»r It. r.wch anJ I'urnnnie UN| el |l I, lu« ||olu^« imUi^Htn WiIImin Virgift, W. I. Goods and Grocorios! la a mnf il«i\k* an.l >11 ih' 1 it«»n I'aiu Killrr >rf| aaluil.1- lur.tmnr, a»l ne in n> art-1 r*pfwl-i| In |«I| It |t« n, ol llfiiwiiHrM tertain!' 4 it, and thirw'e in* 'Mf «»«• (Inninn irf III Wirrlh.'* grow* >ILK^. nlwi 44't i'U> m i ill In« ii ♦ « M npnii anyh fur, HAMIT.I. IHH.MKS. lillllMNli MlTl llhl.i OK \l I. KINl»"> •«!, \ I LtETHj Iriak mi \ atl«i h Drr. 4 S t anl CASHMERE*. |i(M All "f Mhirh will b* mM al «H* ml M u «t| t tin riiH|iiaii4 Mraar*. I'. rhtu k Sun J 'i Mivh Air rirnil toll* tf»4*t*f4i'titi I In ut Irr brir, r cotnin' out." it.i t«| 1'itr I. « I. II. w •rill Ihr I 1*4111 k.Brr long |il i>r i'i. i:i:k.hv4|vi. I'MV lrr«Nii>' Irtflfl-I. IN |wr aki|. Vrrlki, * pirliri | I Mitral, & «i \ »"* » M"l «MMi i« lb< t-ararlir J. W. PERKINS CO., > »ih P |» • I •!#. I 13 l'i nil lilt* rff«lii»i an 'nrlw Iku 1 1. in a f n lal* Union t(w>ak« of fn it-rhook phi- |*KI EXflLMII MUM •• MMi^miitnli tiblrli u %\ I'mi».I (M |mm kinl .riiaUi Lm'1'W toil I'kiM, l« juwr onlrf. | AI-», l.i'lv*', Ml »*« mill iM(H' II "I" *in] not *i: RixriMi MKi«iia;r.a- PAINTS. OILS. DRUGS ANE »<*»M«M| |»f iSn \ II 1.1 » llM It * ill t« •' >11 «.!»• 4|> niu^h Tj «hi •uff^-r tr »m « rultn «• ana de- .•(" ibr l»«l m ikr«. m I lnai a 1 I'll, MuailJII k Oh all (i il >1 'I' UluNiilidl, !uJ WUITC A l1 i, I iiMIth. EHBKOIUCKIU, !« II II. It.iV k Vk'kolraalr I'ort. «c Mjr, the Oif(«wl«l Bitter* I | MMIM UKWI.Tr, Co., A|rala, bility, try all km ; John W. Porkins & • Co., FUSS • 11 1 CLARK. ImIi 3*> —« srUi<-id« which contain* no alcohol, V.! !<«■» .1 i- I'AUI.H K11» IJI.OVKS—ibr FEATHERS AND MATTRESSES, HATS, Commm-lnl Mrrrt • I'orllnnil Month Pari*, IVh. Si, l*W. hi lirtl iitii* i»rf ifrrifr I. 11? CAP^ANO and Laa curt J tU worst caaea of Dyspep*..! VMS STREET, WIrtTNEY'8 Whulf. ilf llnlni in D. Asthuia, and all derangement* of ■toauMh. «»if »r ii >f pari ter b<»> ij ml r»lrn<-1 fiim a LEWISTON, MAINK. N. CURTIS, »•••« In ttl • • 3 toriff'* SUPERIOR MELODEONSI »H S- pnnrifMl iliilrirli i*. LiysKt:i> an., spottrs ruitpF.y INI .Mhldlc ^livrt. I'liiiliinJ. to joh* «r. riikin, joirrii r»hkim. | j Oirimp, •«.—"*rj)irnihrr I, 1«S*. Tl>e liun^or is authorued Kill »b»i» br b >an unlet* iliitflU I V. «rf ifjr, |itarr<| TIM:. IM RMSIIKS, J.IP !• irrritinf hi< I'AI.I. CTlM'K 'I'AKKN i« nmilmi a«tt (£tidVJ rate tliat Hon E. K. Suwrt * is •! l.-ad, t'rrnih /,<*', l'aiHl»ri' .Malm 1 iWa« I will I" mM !•» (Mltlir anriM* la lb* ia ilibt aal (nlnfa b W, •••» IWU,. ih larlflk >lair4 nllrr,li» CllAKLES 8 TO ■ iii' KB, To m In. h hr «P pafkag* i«4atl. of i: \ i: it v nr.iic uI i*tion • (lib ii Un-i*'! Milt* in in mi I CvJ DKI.ICA.CY ACTION. cratic ti'te i* more titan a hundrvd les* at |>uUir. (|in**'mI, Til IS FINEST and Counsellor Law, wWif t wuh > .til I tW w.ittll t'i .itlkl!-! IU k fc J <•. STOCK, Attorney Ti»fth»r ailh ■ g»neml ■•jnilmrnt of Tliit M >rk hl< !►—i p»rtir»l«» >Kil( *-.,*».(. hi*. \ «•. > t< Ut. rtvii \ I' IMJW than RorTii r irn, (rt««ii» lk' •«nl> nl IIm lr»l« n( M«. 11, Im«ImUm and Durability. * Eleganco r | •lit ibr •tn#r mi «*» ... bor mi wiktImii wuh tf»» «Imi akn 4iit>*h>l lb* o*i|iifctl arr nt 7 and 8 for 5*», Oxford County, Maino. jCJw Iltdilhl'i • m 1l0r.11 >1 ••( > < ir.J f.»r r * f'l* » Hop* ijuotfil .1 Urfv iii'irli i. r| •.»' lit, I* rarUift pi"' and It and 15 for S**. DRY GOODS, i ill MIniIm |i«n lu Ihf rolbftiw ul Jr- ftl.llr,li'iulr.| 41 l.nk*'* Mill* m (ill •'tt»x -|I, W •• II •»«• »»»« knitbr I MMK III ibuaiaij lu Mil Ad»I Standard Patent Medirinrs! OLOViia AND MJTTENS» mi'!-. ISif It-nig lh« Him lit ii i« ilmfrihml i« 4 n4rtti;« INfclKU'MENTS! It is is no choice l.aaitvi* aaaal rwlowte. ImiFit !&PLKND;D suj.fMMf'd tliat there CA.MPHENR A BURNING FLUID. All K|iah nillU kiLUilbr vr) pii 'If ■! ibrrrof, im n 1'itnkliti I In V ail K. i.tcn U. SI in ! rt*. Il.illrt in WilliaiN O, I' iih i, i|iii- l V.i-itlSl, of Senator, Arvxr«n>k In I\ U.L »»L'll W. H. VINTON, t\t Paint County. Afrit* for IltmpJrn C«mjan$ A l». l*"jnl»ilk«. t u»hiiirrc*, ami 1*37, an4 \llrpiapa 1 1 DOUBLE AND DOUBLE BANK this cue ib'ican, will 13 l»> iW II 141, i>( p-i;r thri i l.u-J KtEO, McCluakey, !{••; olhi't Ul*m« lur Mniiiniii;, AND COl NSELLOR. I'ortUinl. ||. IHJ7. I, |w Met, C(irafrofl!ti hantniml IVilrral M«., AMERICAN WATCIIES jonui w ivnrrri:v i»r,..,tj si.ti. a \ ar uifli' mil %-■* W«Mr«v 'tiitntH mf iki NimUdiiml by a dem««:nit in it. MANNING & BROWN. iiti ii —,(1 a ('Mil %f Prnhalr, hrU a a* iM'ial air la PORTLAN l>. imi, a/# lb# djra |if^afftl «•*« • irr MM 41 \V atcto lr llie »it I f a w rt.n San. im aal #ii|»ri. liy P int, Inn tk# IOlfcl ', ViuiiLl K'TATl AH the <**i|bt an I L..i»ti at Ik »/ lit •«•#>ijr* 7. If VS. 10 Commission Merchants, Qttttf i.| imw till uii|iHtl Oil'hlllfri, r«|Kr>il| ill nf ia ibr \I4I wfutll W1I ITN ■ be m itrti il. 1 lit' llnf.l Tilcxla) Vu(U*l, II. A. EY,. IHeal KaUto of i« .3 ml lor .1 I II* tour, lutiiljl Judge Kru'Tjr, AMD WIIOUSAIB It at(i*n • l> i.i i>ua|il< Ibaattrr. &8 I iimiiU tin «'HMIinrlMm, |Mu ihr r.l itr of I'll t ML • (loilpllllN Ut* u on October ll. It is a FLOUR, PROHUCE, FRUITS, ciu»« rs. at 4 till irtiir* lo * CASCO BANK.) Thursday an famxl* in Counsellor anJ taw, m.tii'T'1 lit llir l« (mlilri .a (OrrOKLTC TIh ililrti'f >a.i>ilt J |>rrat Attorney AspiiI* lor Ihr sh.ikrr Mill* I'lonr, Iti^linl Nfhii, M«i-4.'oi.«iv, ilmraotl, luimf po~-ni in *i»l hjtr Iwra ti 1 dasirable loctli in, and b« obtatu- uiuit in imwijiU- itioi |trm«'l el bit I'm in o( a niniutf 4link utt •* very may i*r>aa| al l Irauliliil lb ••ual. Trim:it villauc, sir. | J mal MAINE.. txt k r.'i roit.Miu U.mun si iujn llu IUI4lt>llllll( IMU to I* U.lUlll*{ in tMlltM '1 Ulr lite all>i«anrr- PORTLAND, fd at less than coat. i'okk, much w-tli '»< .«<« m ii ur li»ni ilt, cm lr iuj KI T lIL »:> i iumt:. At ih* "fc' * rrmiily ucrapiril lit Tiit»r>«hv l.i.l J.n. i h' Ot lirt I, Pb it ih, *ti I »l 11 aitlr tlitr ijitp n iiiri MrVnlfnn PORTLAND. rat ib rinina'lr K»fry •lut for in Hirrrl. Inula, in a aiujla i«tit{ ..ijJ'gii •ililri l.i Hf .u/il tli.%1 ll frr ttrrltt infffitilflt ii r iathim'r, •« .. t i N. occur* iImi Mill I* Ill, it 40 I ||» M. T. I.II I* « •! * tVcotwurth, II., |H r>>irui h*» lirau I .»><• n *i lar iffw 34 A .r ii.mi.» mmi. TbrDr > C 'Url Itrlil UM 4lioil IV «h» tuu'nuulrr. I' • a Mailruwi 4 i|>|iIm Proodoin Notico. U«irn k fjilrr, I'umImhJ; IliuUlt. Hwiimim k li>Mf—wlm Ii • nil u< In |tfuaUr« mi i4i«J im ihs I3ib iU» of nr»i t was never ao (ml mnalv, Hr|>i, .a Maker "• river u< ii. \i » If. lll'itt llt ill III ill >mI I in Iiin«Uf»l a* iuat. II wr I,w Ii match la iralrr no wilkaafctr* during t'»e evening of the l''-th U" W'tlwa J tnlaa. bit I liar la. art aa I lia I' inner nioM tiii: ji\m factoiiy I|iwlil). tairlitil) r4M*r, if aay lbr« bi*r, «tb« Ibr Mmr (bmiM I tint piutolthrcooBtnr I. ■ bi -.1 »hj'l I trart an I ia ai witb ibr iivaku'* ctrtilual L Ii: Ik uU D. Farnors of u>tMiHr.| a* allowril. TllilMAS lUlUW.N, J^r. Id. IM*. )i Ti* i*ti that kj| WEEKS, i|'|, Fryeburg, II I • »»tl fur SprirgSeld Kepablisan •I afr, I befrli* (fTr MlHf ikal I tballfUiaaiM 1) 13 Ha. I'uii*. wariauty *rar». A irur rup«—nilril: Ami Vicinity, T*le All lore H.itrlio air n»a lr l>* h iiwt, ill Mr*. II 1; Mow- .4 at ber horn# in And.* •J bta aiaiaft, »ar par ant «JrM» w| hi. roalrarl. if* lit tip K« trr. • Riguii*. in -»..!• »ara Mail* Sheritt's Sale. ia/. «' »t ibia Jalr. II. I*. JOUUAN. "VIIK sMJseitlltr.i; Wll. |. \,.»ii i',i- ly I *«r. and n A iq aa -M (Mmmi rvemit report* II V, irmla-r IH3H. clijiiiiim;. l«- in •< bun ri a iiu|.»riu nitciu tliruafh Froodoin Notico. i>,—s>p>«mi*-< Europe, *h»M, IU. 1 omuatttU oil |, ■«] unit •• r»- an mat IIi4t •'»" T.«V»n on K«*rulM>ii |w»iim«l< Luut * LL. ill Ii tti.l-iiinjf n III lia« ar» italrrlivr, J xiHity, I K««« |ilrn In HI* indtcatrd. Mllaraa-llltl K A l> 4 31 of T!.r (»\kil>l IU r.|| kalr I'l.OW ."*■«»!' (Ill Ulr.t IIhIiWI I| v..11, aartt * to ihr Ulr TuMithrrt la wan I W- urn* iU.imiI Mill !»■ (uil ►» |«I>Im Ki(k> a n a>r out of itrtlar. 1 JUINWN COL*, M> fevMfM I* (aiawti l«» lh> ii •u1»rri)iri*l imllrin fnria ia iW a* r.iuliiiuallj (rtliu} •>( IVtu- (" Mih airiMtMrt' lurj II la I I Ml ImMrr «t!n ui ftnclMirr. i* • i.».. lb<- wIik'Ii h«* Mill U rjib or ilw |>rrn aiair) impnaaiblr iiiumriljf tiva Miih lltcii j until, Mluwiag (*:• riu»|i « Iri m una u'«Wa I'. M at ll«r nlm U H. • ia • imih> itl m»» iibti|MHrii, M *4 touaitlioj RRiH, J iWliuUt | I roMtiMtmi ('. * llwktall, of Ol- n <41 i.iiii ii«i*r Tur iatrmlucti«mi i(. hu »fier lhi« .Ui». Amlraaa, I'mMMy yi 1 I II ibr AUoIUr* flunn Trvck* wi«b • rm»l in >. nail i<«|M to amount T ¥ M I.I >\l .1 li« hi* tlr#al IW i|i| iifThr Otforil |lnitiKrjl,ail ike la which KUkt KalW fraud* tb« ot • t« I' cole. (h4, all right njnily $|t«i,i**i ^r*.»i ■ Ji If. \nin 'ill m ilrho uf thia ililliilli, JONATHAN liilel t'tbttiarv Mb, 1*C6, rmitrtrr I Iti AlLtnlir lliHribU imh >».ir, (i»r 3.M fOWEIU ili»j««ai Mk Jajr <>l. M«va Aj I).. IM7, niufl(3|i CIIVHTII MmeII »»Tt.aawrll aa walrll ilralrr i.I Whmn-A. P. Calb. MtalWlatM; Tui llaxco* I **ilt MotMHu a rclain of •tin Our r...n ul' Thr ( ami lh» Mwa <>« Ik* Mar, I br rathart alirr. parral Uatl, l)HWnt, » 81 t»r akra — iiwlird arif* ran Urtp m .ilt lira aa a |arl ot I heir aiia* lltia»n | Wu.MUi.Tk. A«.'. 27, IW. day il» *1 ia ia Iba iif IIiUiIi llii|»i'> Ma^iMr.i'iirjrii, 3,M Allanlic I.c.kI ! laal oril, It mlrna a trrtu* |nt*» ut M »l(a<*l io•! wlmh marl* I taUiabvd baa fjund to n fctrarr aaai lit WW <«t, 2 •l4|ilr, any lb* aama it ta • lUn^ir, way ailiralar ilrrrr iplmal aal* »uwb I • laiat tiau tlrarrtbisl I 1 T aUnlljr uu huiiil «•> |nr »jl«- l>% » ub'>ai mi>ki) i* huialm^. MeU by tb« irai Rucrrifi HiM»T»nf,) our III ilrrd, rri ifilnl ia lb# <>\lura • Ut .rJ Drmnrral ihl rkrriml J••««»- ihwnif IriM r«ll»f,M ()«NMga W. table, h contain* an admirable sum* b«4 Mill m.•!<^..»«ob« It* lb* alaimrt ia atk-b ran • mulr a*l TbrUtM Drawn! I'lKiUadTKiiKiipi Putty! Putty!! ] ibMt«f. pi (uaut editorial*. pdifitlnl. netl. Ailed: NOAH HMlTH.Jr., ikacnptmn Published Wm. uw year 2 IX. iwtiird «t ih* AI'n.KTON.TIUCY kCO., 1 by nio-HAs wirr. juai Mula. JuSlAII W. WIIITIT.N 0*P^J iuu*i in a ia all ro*« SOUTH PAHW I'AI.NT I M W.ilihani, Mill. Hccttury fjrmerly uf th« democrat. $rylrnUf 13, IW. SI I'atii tat »* mail* !»jik*, AFULLMIJPPLV STORE. bal.l <1 IV HIGHLY IMPORTANT Oiromt, •».— %l arourlof 1'ioliata IK HlMWHO yfl of 0«fnrtl,oa lb* Ilotisf-Onnlns Time ban Cone. ii, avillkii* ami fur tharuual* apagqovarciy. MISCELLANEOUS. The Nrw Imrrirnn H. H. HAY & Co. ibinl* nl Anfaal. A. D« WW. Cjflop*dla. limnlian nf II. k Medical Discovery, A rurt'LAK DICTIONARY OK "II YliA I.Al(V, Mrrr) lary THE GREATEST OF THE AGE. AN OUNCE 6F~PREVENTION Fan tc Middle St»., minor rbiklr*a aa>l brir» of Th FOU8EL'8 PABULUM VIT.K Junction Iff ala., of lt Iiii Jurofrr* " a man m is debt ia a k nf (iilratl, ia raiil CmM}, ha*iitf (K»- KKNM'.HV, >*ljur>. II-** •"» il« l»l.nt Soar that ' woirii Ulr ■ pinnl |miliwi Errrj C»*l*» A. Liiy, raid *1 in on* of oar roiwmnn wtrd* K.litr.l RlPlIf hia Ural arrowil nl of (Malar*1 ikf ii in to tMi kj(]|il|«| arnlnl (aariliantbip |mUir i*ar t'atrrT.'* AimrlinK kal wWcl Maine. Mlt. ilui tnim KYKItY KINIiOF III'Molt, 'p+nt n»» 4. AJ bt a o :r :r i Portland, Want* for alluaanra: rtDHili o a xv ;o v n innu.H p (iaarlian no- »ntll Sr#i.fuU iu« people t*>M|ia J WrM«aa. y r««U#if»K U »ul.. ii >: it** lir# to all • ialrrealeil, It} raariag amp) Mr h<» mu»t «iM br nuTC permit |il*. Ilf «,« Yal lire. TV. »«k ,mt wn k • aurrraaiva m two. haa Uiimifml, *a»b rua«a»- ortlei In lie lirea Iji im, ami nrifr failrd r»f»|il M. is ihia pulitifbnll Pur lb* rrUf a«J •rofMMM. U'|> n- m.4\' n P,lhal I be* hi* Iiffl IwII InmJiril rrrlitcwlra u »\*r-U Immanent Wrr and JrK«nr. Wit it hruahwrmd, "•» '• »*a«l». iatkrOifmil l>eiutM-ral,iiriatr«lal in |»>.«rp« rati ol TVIimmIwhW Mcdicincs, al wilra of Mutton. antlra articb •. Drugs, ala belli fWibaf, ill talue, all within lw*«tjr "'•* **** "♦if«»alW ■ai appeal PnImOM is timoer. The llret n»nk.« lb* Ctartataia* unre, ilioroncliljr. ol neat, to cur* a hi lilrill. frre uf Applied ,i>n llir lllli HrplrmWr Two lint ilr« air warranted aaraiag Mill h* Kill M Mail aaj |MM|. ia aaiilrnaai) it*) but the other tHe moat tltlr, l(V«U» fllM rlurk I* lb* eftnnnoa, ami >brw Kirr lui.Mlh. CONSUMPTION, brighter flame, gi»«i |'»k* |»r V m., Clulli, Mt l.iWaij Will IMUlf all PAINTS, OILS, al oac of ibe »4,». )0« a aui lb* worit k in J at ball I ba*r,*bt lb» aame boa IJ On* in ibrr* Imiilra willcurr Cunflii, Culli, llnttifwii, I!•••». h«»t. I* iih". 93 iO. Hall Motucoi. 94: Rnaaia,**- AltTttt'l eaaaa, if aay he) lasting Varnish, Material*, Color*, ua ihr fare. chili*, ami all olbrr I'hIhc.h. lr«, 4 • J®. Bod Im alluwad. piwfl** of mo l» Bug*! II. HROWN,7aV,«. I'woortbrar IwiiUa will cl*ar iba aj*t*m l'««|* ^ nrk. Uink m»l« r.W. II, kind of r*nb*r in lb* nwmih >mI atoOMcb. of an.l tl r.,*tia. uck«(J <-i»tama< JM — bekj al I'ar- ulurnilwii, cloyed (Kimj aa. At a marl «l I'iuImi* to rara tba atmly a •'«*! I'wllliu,UritM• U|(«lfor Oi romi, to Imiilra are warrantrd m ml iwK mip atutlar retaining plilr on lb* Thrre fitr mrrl* nh lb* awocta of purt matt l>r Burning wilbia an-l for iba r«wal* of Oalortl, ■ill) Thiaa *k>i ■njrri ar ibf rk at of 25 reatt, »a the Onatoiwu Success I'artrvrx. Judga prater paiiac I'ari* I ,lt.irkftrM W. WOODDl'HY. Afeiaiatraiar Most Astonishing will >»• nuMnl tu Jn an, a «lc- Ka«l .Moalh humor* of lb* a M,«i,ala liar, nf I'aal W Intromit, lata of Hoe.len, *)**. tiolrntir attaeked, in court, Jjcrg J, llalalP *r* to rar* ia trmilBJWit of lb« al«i»a h/ • Ki«ti aitb rra I» finm Two Imlilr* warrantfil raanmg Is lb** ru«i|>Uiai«. i Irta'-uu which mpai* 11 ilrreaaril, bating prvaealrtl kia but licaisl a r»«ia of Pure Wine* in ami Cnanly, blotrhr* ia lb* hair. ar.d nit mint, «ikl a hick ii ia lh lu ink'i una U iki# and ranainf alrrra. lb* Nna lk« ifjulrt iraiiI to iiuurt /i'a'tk ical i'ni lh- -nl iWliaMlM li*r ra|il nmr M—al rminrnl aad analyaia of ter in t fur the ami * hen 1>» you jw«r only,) Olllllli *nrr aral» inna af th* a bin. phyairiana, the day, (nrk. purpofei a nl Oaa lilll* will »r*|it ail rv» aJj>un (real •¥ III all raining raOf A. A. I ha Muir Am)if| |iu »>li paraoaa mleiealeil.b) w irr cilrd la rural b* lit. lla)H, at the hut* I where the Two o* ibr** li-illUa ai* all had aeaetuhled How to oklaia ll»r r)rla|mlU. Thf Hatral tiki l!«i Iwwiar* SURGICAL AND DENTAL t.iia order I* lie aeeki anrreeaively uf paltliabedlbrr* rja»a of rhmm-itiam. | tinciag ftfiMift (learnerat, al I'aria.lbal, nm»t d*»|»*riil* and id iIk* court had their n« la ibr ararMi rrcatti riiaa«it»- ia Tba Oafnrd primal ara car* JttliP I. i|v'»"»* raa tlrrl oa i» ia lh» to *i« lioltl** warranted to THE VIRTUES, ruatt lu a Yu« yaut Health, al a 1'inlatf Coail In la brlil al Tbr** UNRIVALLED t»l t ia a ar tuaa, or la»l Ik* ma* appear one ut the t<> «|* rilj Inftrumcnts, lb*) R.I if IWrmln •all rbram. Lxlgi g. evmpway. referring —en or— |„,«rll. in aanl rnanl* ,nnlbr day Anil I n.jtinllli. il Superiority kakalWi anil Fir* to botllra far* tha f*r) worat rn- he aatwn' Fine Chem- nl ibr rl x-h ia lb* afternoon, *i(ht If* r« the •eaoe at euurt, aakrd the II. It* mailtm; l.i ik# PwMi.h#r» tk# Gold and SiUer Foil, Teeth, na«|, al 2 «l lhi« lo any nlbrr hlWill judge whj fame »houU **• ol *r iolnU. preparation •* auwr j lo a »ar ut h* ••h# fl parlt, all • hew eau«e. ifan» lhr\ ha**, wb)lbr an.t ai«- fife il not the fallow In «>*!. a».ir,ut ical), Ac. kc.; Including •\ l.rnrtil ia (fnni I hr {Wat lam, comlaally n.itlriinlinf did rabuko • Health Restorer Reagents, ripfriril impertinent ur »ug?< ul ibr la mn lk» bml * STRONGLII niYMCAL lilTTKK. by Physicians, THOM AS II. UROWM, Jai/ft, il afltmU furli.ami maif juJga. U|fcHl i«-mpl al»>«r iaa|il* ia inltlilr natwra, *a|ura Iwanlalrl) In <| taken. uf ■« and Merchants. A Ira* ii direct in il* arli -a ibe i»l to rail the atUtil. u ot all the a II I* arai fiw (*-ipm, I'lftrtfr lu ihr wanla iti lllf Country tnpy—allral Itfiki in ibnaa »U «|».n biag* lata! «|> *llk ipNial Dtriu Kairr.K'fiilrr. I Nnthmg im|>rolMl>l« pv-nily atMiraa oilkia 3UW> antra ia ikr I'ailc.l air •«l rmaiiawui V tit II. II. D. L. Mitcsull. batr in »aia tnr.l all llir a.inlriliil mnliriara inaaagea. im waa the fellow ia lUr. \»m ibroan n all ii{i1ku <|«eatio«, 4«#a. krU al l'ar« Tbe diarradil wbn b baa n|» Si III r iiHD, •».—At a r.nirl nl I'lolnle iif iht m thai a roian*ia wrnl |rn»m| nil I •• 1/ V Mni af ('rrlupadia sren: ia, Ur aloac aalla, I pee|«ralH>a< miiU wbieb wonbieea K> reaxmnf lb# reck le«ii»e.« Nalklaf. SI Tu»< »a» nf Aa|u>l, A. I). imr ftrrt *rl il ia nn» a (iril farl. Il i>« er when w# lived «1 «n in the ha-l Tin » Ikr lllooal, WOOD'S HITTERS, liiMMiir; m|»hi tMllrj, iriml lb# af (hk C|Mtrkm L. F. AT »i I'. ami tuna b*»e im|»»ed I k* a rlali uf k«r m-I piK* I V.KMKf. M \HTIN, liiuniiaa William harr a hiinmt il baa lu atari. Th»r» air ao injur i»«|bni»U mere mt. for r. ym Irml l» ilder lr»ni a i! I Well, > mi ur *U« a lh«- alum, |U "*»•» brir al Maalia Ib« will many atailing >g—a | upjj. majr l> -h», in cbak, Nmulwia I'arli, nifi< Slien^'hra l»i iinI Smi. I lfa(nur uf ibr Irtieftla »f ihn lb* > • uf lb# dull, bia KoliHr tbf !*lia nglh, • I., »»l all liiMm Hprinf in Mkl (''wall, ba*ia( iiirr tbemaelrea preparation; tl i* wduM oat ni^nlight ill la iriil Hi lb# grllrr ll|i (al I(m k inla, lata nf Taraar. tiHira. Hp ha« a lbnl,|lril ainiiri ibr in all aiwilil), ha u(, kit lltnkaiilaii, ia hit a »»w ntrr. IU«.trr bia fonrth amwal ol kmiaa ibr afral, bvartri, |hiMii > n(«i«» laini^r.) .<«■/ naif Jr»a lit all-ftKrr gaardMaabip of i| ta th# of lluaioa, aail hark at the m n hour* t »( I.. F. preaenled finally nae«li,ina ia anl ml) nir, ami bight, and for II nil la mu| al our rtpraaa lu« 1'nrrh*^ mhm> wilhoal lh< iifnilM. H aul >'-r allowance baa iliaar ibal ibia |»rlrrlli rluib, r«{i»#a W. PartlaBd, aanl rfrrl ■ry. Well well, TaDrrfiari Ba hill) Iiwtd aurrpaairal* ia beard >J a fan* wberr il b tailed tinier In be ikif arakt ill ai*l» a»«l baa trta bating aiafla awl Mi imait mat utaaia a rupv ta >M lit iloUrt m Mrjiriw Hfiinknt. MOFFAT'8 LIFE PILLS, jwliliib'J old pmpU ; pam, pm« Sail ■ d«u-it of the audi- rlnr»i..», lliU.I |li >»wtai, al I'aria.lbal iba* In aaliafarl«>u. vf it*" «tdaimwl — Tba piialnl aboar llaab aaaaoft aail HaU !•» luar a«l» ■ ilaia aana( iWlr At t»— looking rbiiHrra, lafara Sm ufa4imuf al a fnmrl liihrkrkltt ('anion Il ia warrant*! •• appear I'ftila l» a alalr of braltb l>» the enco at enee OS, nothing—-nothing «»l tmiltiM «a ika aufr-ual of ibr may lit, rraimril |irrfral aaii.g On* lo Kit l.lilea; r»a(irMtif>t»i« NO MOTHER SHOULD BE WITHOUT • a laiil rimnli, iba Hr|i|nalai oar by m k«i 1'itt. I ur lui Ntiai Bitters. hip of Imttlr, a»eea as, \ I rkiib. Phoonix rlork fotrnona, a nil lli-Mirbiiia oainf Uaa In Tkrt* la.lllra; Vhatevrr TS> i*ft rtgkt cm, just ne«l, al Ian of iba ia iba abn ara a lib airb brail- by lu ri l.i lk> uf Tn lbnM> Iranliliil liar lollle I V, (irfy H|mu> tirtaf* ) Mi*. '■Mil'. of Ikw frrj ffWulnl »fpl- »b» iba ataa ahuakl IVufba uainf Iraa tban inwUlim aba* ranaa, if tat btte, a rarr by ti n"fMnz !." ia rkab «iU la aral ant ibr) arbr,uar Utlllr ill alai}« il. || gitra In Mi* kiipfrn I III kwnhaa 11 at>lr irmnlirt it mi* uiwi|h ilWsl In nlkrti I'..1.1a l*y iiainf II T«o l>i»«; £ n..l I* alio)*ail. rrlirf ia ralanb aail ditiiaraa, Hoair Oaa li»« af nmir. SOOTHING of in «r» r»- (rral ibe bi uiin^ Icaa ibaa Sarat< *• *am| to t< full ol: SYRUP, in ihi> nMln fjr<>|». Tkfj TtlOMltf It RROW.N, JmJt*. lllmli«( «f f* unumalij a batr lakra il batr hrra roatifr fur arara, •• m«l umtriaal mnlKiiw |)ii Far lliiMm ul(li«h»l lh» Uii.iIj Irac allnl n«tib: la«'«md i« of •JM* Trrthiitf. A ropj— aail liavr lirrn rrrfaLlru In II. H brrr ibr Uaa than One Tonnj ««*kln^ mm in an>l Ib't »ill maintain thru Ixnlj !•» minf Route; •«* llwfWitMMu iw, |irr4mi> l>**in K»»rr, K'tia#»» ll->araenraa •■ik vilt an »oika •» Ixil abrrr thrrr Una tiMfilt Il la ama Id if'Mil l»lwf I b«llh In ikf mbat, Ik# iNlniMir an I rmantlMMIIt ia a Ibaa courae attended * afT.« t«d l» iMHiil W a •ml lf»iii» ^iirmai by |.j lit rn(4{ui( ||m; U* lu lit* iwilkef. bililii I'tili, of ibr faariioaa of il •mi luatirl • hirh il. Tin ummI «»«!•• nl Oirm»*i: Atit'wlmlfrulwn aav drraajratral ualurr, M •• ibe liftun •.I|>iiinl ButtW. an.] a el • t. \ inruiM lk« |M»(rrM ml |atblica- of lb# l.ul «nu Mat luuuiua," fi»*j J japa." JiMtty; wvobi U un«oith» of Mil I* muM*i' within and fur lb* I'oniili Oiford.nn • illraaar rrrjr *ia(alar frrlin*., laillU, a Tieatiaa. i. lrm*« mil W mjt Iumi on I* \V P.inland, gr«»r»l for Ma, tmfril I'll** 93 per afro*ip*a>rd by •».f IiKi »1 \la*ll, afaal in lb»»*ar»f <>ui Kr ia frna •• J.| of Aa^ul an I alarainl—Ihr) alaaja ili>apf>rar aala I war *»» t« ih» Sul.l I « An.liaaa a it lUlaa, I'll!. 11 a: I ; \V. A R»»l Mn. T.n-«.i«y Kor br TYbva Ik at** win (Mil la a a»rk. Tbrtr ia nr»»r a rr you pliraw. aixl irmnf ikmmaib of prfimM oa* |||.hi*an I n(hl '.uii.Ii*.I Aflv-right. I uar llav laail i» ^rn.KTiw k oo, H<|. E. AlamiJ k ( »n«J Ik'Hixxli J. 1 Solo Agont, >a fr*lin| Ji* N»a \ .Ilk. nrtf nhfir. lni»C |»«trrll« itiliiml ."Ifci K l»* liraUra il uarJina^ ia * Ml >. 'I*- a ara MASS. i.i ami Jrci- Mwan, nlf n( llrlhrl, Mtd ia »iH frrl likr |irraun 5 Milk strrtl, HOST OS, fharv-t.?n»tie taaifr will f.!! »w in (lit »ima ill.41 .ml* h«*r loiihr l, ihnr |wai|.i ON (oar, jnanrll Aa. fc.r an alUnanrr out of ill* pa r*u«- •••mr of Ibr aiorl rxlravagaa raruati .tr.l ritirar, mil ii«l| in all lirlilMM ilrumwiiuli mtnl, pra«inf I brartl I'lir Bale all rraurrubla lliwf (>••• iml l|wlb- ok — by br» »th Till MPI1 \Sl" 80CCBB MIU,r.U'H rm- ralatr 4 brr Ulr hualnn.1 nma of il ibal maa rarr lialrnrrf lo. ol In i'ib, lrn«a int|Mirv*l ilifMlilr fniKtiiiM, al efarira ia I be I aile.l HUIra ami llriliab I'liiH#' ibr >4111 I'rlili.inrr (i*r Milirr of rtrr I. a I ibr III litriirai, bilinM ami li»»r m«|iUiiiI>, ikrwiulir (h.ltrt-l, That ,Nn rban(r tlirl arrraiary. 19 d in;, alwiv* WnJiing. ItidMW \MKIl\ BALSAM POWDERS a of Ihia of il. K^'p CO NDITION an«(b OP UPS! m tjlinc. faibw* of, Hraitarh* ami IM■ ntJrtl'i U ikrw «rfk> Rniirlt, frnl. 19. HJJ. tlrr lU'ni. iuWb-Jui£. uiumj^rir;, f"* rOK HORSES AM) COLTS. I.••• i.f 4|i|«lilf, jwlilnhfil TI1E t.KK.tT fc>CU>M HCHkltr ii dial A. FOREIGN PATENTS. at il# hba*l ami iilkri Diihli, lal aim la , nlkf may appraral I'rolinlr /' falt.ti on i* «m- n<.| On«s llw t!:!n{7 • l»l I mailt*. Il •• K"ilh II* aanjkl ia alfr». Ibr unr aboulil KKNNKDY. >*atrd un»impllun! |uU, Ibil |«iw in tb» jmiili, IikiIm ami iwgana, rimr, if any ibry bat*, why UUr,„r9. DONALD Solicitor of Patents! lit a hi awl ia«r H ia ikair .V 801— lieart loliuaiaf, krrp I III tbr l>Uil W ami jaun lm, ilriifio I* granlral. iMlf ol tK> fT. palml tlfir*, vj. Plouijof* frootag**! hi 4i Mm la rum blili»r)«, II II. II \Y, Portland, iba aa- Agrnl To I'M. I>. F. If, Slaltlra: rmliifim, TIIOMIM II. BROWN, Jmif. Ilrufgial, oalj art nt n. i.miniir,) haUlml tiniltr thr 1*57. aad • t. I I'rrilalh hi |iilra (kn*ftrr ib fur Munr id;Ii»i, etocrfal lb af ir«|«r«l, |IW J aua»-« J'ariKf k ilnln III k«»i, I'miUkI. kt iriml afrnl |.|iih. Jack. ■mini Mil bill 'it* baMiM>««, ulalmilf kmilv A Ira* ropy —all*••: M llo*tun. 11 in I ia I \ailrrwa k I'aria Hill. >V. A. llMnlr M.( uppiKilr Kllby It-.I Iff k Mulilr krf|»ll, 4a ol olbrr IIiiid Kwtrr, JJ/fi*«r. I floM lijr llalra, Walk", l.nri) ami ami an imnwntr nnmlwr nti« «r*t • nl ■ tax ailk a iiiIiimi, Alain..I U I'u aa Juir I' || III. .Ill maiU 1 'iii<- * ttit iln 1in 4a ll«>l,Ha. I'aria; li. llurkfirM; l.ll prarlHrnf jrin, if 1, h*lil al in allrn.lnl a ilk lalmltra. ••.'At a ru-irl of I'ioIni!* lnriMi trtit, rualimirt In (Xinr I'dralt THE NEW YORK TRIBUTE. trlii' I n4 ia if ikr^s, I' II \ a Id aio 1 Ul da arr Oiri>*H, D. I'. Nuyra, Nor»a* l>5 111*1, Tlir* in imr oAnrairn«, of AH I'nMia, ia Ik* Ui 4 in|»irr MI lilftl, alia Jai tlai ail in tbrif tail I'aria, null ami plraxnl ■•)»-« ati-Mi, <•• \ D« MS". c.«mif.e. Catrai*. llklf IH4( »knli lnua^lil ala (wflnlli Ibnlal Twain bn«-»«i SCKT.MJIHT.JFH Kr««*. ami oibrr fonifw iklnlll), Jiika A. Mnr, aki 4a aka mh«fr ht*lih —lS«l (mini •<( all Mr.iHb! "I Ihr liMa \l lerwi., r(r .|i>H I'alJr « a »'• »'* uf Jr*k»i»»l l,b«i«|i—|ii of Wm I*. fl|fi«ti, Ulr of V»rwny, Gonuino fur I'atrnl* r*rrulei| i.a lilrral VIrt il | Ua.rMHi «kua I mamllril, O I'. Frual—l»»arr of llarka, ami MlaUr 0% Preparation KIN ii« »flh. W>i>wi car* l.wij r>i«*iiiHnUi*«l fount*, ilrmiril, pr i»iog • 11.1 «il!i I J»»|i I'ufllan.l. ..I •«.! Ik Wll.l.l VM II Mi if iU>|i4lrh. «»! N iiK^tu %i • t»# *.iH.h 4H h«" »*• «!•»• Krrprr, mU In ratair lal* hinlmt'l— In ilflrrmiw ihr talnlll* A«m 4mp ••• a I— nl I li wl mihiI lb* nI brr nran ur awt>, .4 m ia|>i(iiUr. S*tKHial Concontratod Compound Knm(n ♦ Jr. Highly ••» Ui*< fr»»*i -tir ll»»r ail»irr (rmlrrril all i»l»l, I llaafariau I*. I.. V i*«r(l Ilaaari of l.iar l^aiilua • iSt 4 !*II(n, a»r*h • an***»». F-f ./••» mf }U»44tt, MufW.fMf- I'-ilenla lur ii of (Mnlru, IS« (ill 4" Jtioal), Ilk ■>» nmrr. aa I ia a <-» Hatt of In lr ibrr* •am*. nf ihr rUnna nf .any mr.liruM' rflwrnl al 1.1 V.»\h Tafaat Ibii ar.Wr po'.liahnl Sftrrt <"i.|nr« mm •«» IK# al • y, H'hU'iki, IIUxiIki), />uram, r». m4 m (mi^'it.iKr ImiK ••! K»ir mV«H%. OmkIiIHHI C ill lvl|. « in Tb* ll*for«l M iikirial, |>f mini I'nria, 11* rt-aiiitta{ Out Dollar. A»i I I ruaai.Wr mim'I lis Premature Urcllne. in *1111 ra«*lti»n Ihr XI Tuaaalny Thia »• ml ihr lar~e«i Fn|« *•« kii mi|i...iiKi, S .11 l'» liailimi k I'aiia 11 E. Al- And al I'aria, in Agrnrv only « •• .|Mr1it« llilra, all; * l(»m*irn! aa in lb* for moon, Afiimf ininmlniriri intrnlnra ha»r 4 l»ani»f»-« U H? nt.ttiU |4tfl » »♦ if"»ff m« Untmrt boa Ilk I Jiial (Julia, lb# Sltib Tb"«aaail Orliilrr n*il, al d of th«rl»*h l«t thinutfh il ia a Uir • •Mill k II111 ka» W A Mo. I'aMuWil, Itoai Uml, « mui irn I'o., III; Kaal, I'ana; «• •ml rrnnti«| all iiw|>(rr iliachargra ihr m .l m Xi V iKr 4NHt(, it ilk- aa* In on lb# rali «ini#ni, lib- ihraani* or ibr ilit) • V% ranail, al iiM, ta I'.W »o«ite an.l ah*a ra«M (if any tbry hata) why aaa-rrl4inia( |Ml> li~«(ik. •oaafilaiat aaai ilralrr* la laa lirinr Him kr,r. nr wbriber • affiNia| patrol*, «i*t 11• ivrairvNrr. In « MMH>Mi|,a« il »»i», m toil lllmhlrr, ki II. niMiitl «>«J a USE », »i» l tu l»l..«a ;i»m prof* IMTAVUN IIINNW, NOW IS THE TIME TO Nnliwi Iblxl ty, l»i|»>(rn< U|*ili«r«li A liMrupt—alim # alMabrrr. Tlia IralinamMla »• 1 •»' » •» *J Til# |* »tK" »f ih lltrni kitrr. Rigulir. I'ri m w S air»ri i1 aai a ilb < kr Minwir irwnlli. • Tk o-Hifi lk I anjuai-ilt~.I .a fur imI t.«It ol illicit* i«t Lm^Ih# m l%ii« ill L»S li l» •Mai nn latllrr ul how than ihr ai.tiarrito. * I a 14 AT WIL Ii\ DI al lung tltmliiii, OFFICR 14*• ami a a liar •>( lk* r»l»l LANKY.M tit—Al a ('.mil of 1'ioHai* h*hl 1 PATRXT U l,r*1 i*,m«i ^ii » •• ike n niii OlPOMP, OF Alt' mlb i»v ) Tb' f«4 llm l.aa'i llal iia|«x|aal wilhia an.l fur lb* founty of iltf.inl (tut*( f'mt, im'4 *« •»!•*.•*%! 11m Tfi" U»U>'«i i^ni il'Ha of in lb* aal I'aria, ABILITY, b- »muM »bl ax-linnr ia aa* aaa if iimIiii( la^imWar# I' MS" lilb I'tllfl VASTAOFS AND •4U I b«»» aU» nanl Iki* Wild Bitters. ruw|>Uialaa on lb* 31 of A. raa n* \\ itr»«-l h n! I im »>iiu il ifirj Cherry »..lil'».l# i,l iroilril aailbnait Tora.lay Al|Ml j lli41 la# kaa alaamlaal In an #«• awl ON II ami (aar AntJifr, laal J and rniurl) bifbl) an mil of II ruin Vrii anil IMnlilalnl aulfrirra, » W'u mt l>» lb# #»• fount*, of ih* autwrilvr twenty (imui, liralmrM, «• tilu|)lril Amkuf, fnllj Ulr— irmitri h!tlf.4* .^r- Mraai »bnb • ba* rnaliUil Inia .iff |itaiiw*il, bi rlfij ibal aalal l'*titi>o*r gifr noilr* ill l» foiiml, year* paa! * m i% it, f»- i««h ii lt.«' •• I ^ I '•» an I ileilrra in awili- Oaliimti, ulhrial la^l I llf'mmi lu rat# ami al lb# Iml »f l.oai al rolUrlnm of ami ltua»l/ p#rir#ll« |M)ibl( ran«mg n nf thi* la«|i>|»«ili<>n li viliwi, Liu Pnair, aprrilralaiu m irr IV Mill I# if«.r**»4r<1 «m«4iI n a l..a a i;i lUr I ailrU flalra aa I U«il- nf ilia, Wil.l < Vfl», ixtalram* In all prra.ina inl*rral*il,by ropy Iwililai hia a«|niaiia it tiMim^ tr, *iii) ,*»araa|«ar (Jantiait, 'Ml, ibrrrlif af»itlia( all lb* ail»#fli»#»l lliltwiilli < I (ararral Wrak rrlalirr In Tkf», lo l>r ibrrr wrrha i«frrniirl| in Mrna»r* lirrathing, palmta. t* ,Nt 4 * (»• ^ •'« I IV liar**. Ii-.'T wi r. onlrr pnMithr.1 ami ac- ilk ikiitl lil V'ik ill 4it.I i'|m Vrtililb Hnliritrt, ib>' <1 Wrak Tftm< ol and merbaniral aanrka lull ul -Uj. Ibrmorml al I'aria, thai lh*y nraa, Honor 1'iaaaar, .\r»»r#, liUan Irftal t« * »• \ w S m| !•« \\ \ RI-J«T. Mouth I'ai... Mill l« Iimi»I an iatal»aliW ina-linnr l I'nilnl *t.ilra anal %Kf4 «it.I >• ul hit tiMrru, pain, paaal fr##, l» at Hira.lfal lorror «l ilralS, Nlghl > «• ra I a, ta nan* a nf I'alrala (ianlr.1 nui al a IV.ImI* four! lo hrlil Carta laling, m •• III L»nn 4iMrn«*«- 1.41 .ill nana mi in Ikr laan In cffn f>mi |S« rtMtolilionc >••• ill lit* t»a«. r»|»rnllj •I alnl In iriailliBf (|>mI ImhI) apprar W llimnrii nf I an- remlrr hiaa at4r, lira.mj ifaaalwa, #«»»U«|i#t on XI of i«l 1.. II. DC LANKY. No, ih« In# |>ai*>ita. ^I'lin; •..>.1..'# aUiafia Ila and abr» ranar I ni»rfaal ul lh' Mwrular^iilrai, au|» Uriliiira ob<4iniii{ »i '<* «l nin* of ihrrl.xh in ibr for»».«, g»•!, <1 •• • In f- .ii |K« « "f l»*® lh « • iuw lb .. I In tbr i*« | I hi Ir Ikr almnarb, irfulala Iworb, I V •'> Sail! roorm. na nrmiili nf a Waahin(t<>n Inpr— , Ywk iim* • botild not bt Oflrn Willi ^imp- All j'Hirtai % iI*mt ff«i •»« S ALUR ATUS! I hair tbr *l |lfili»k Aunt +. m*hI im il ,*i li icf*»t ftun ullwi I. !,a»l (ill of ihr f*hia, I'alli l t'oa.ilenamr, ami rrw|iln>n« on •«r«J iurenlori. « • 1 it« ••» ( |ic|>.i(rj A M W AN1> IMPORTANT TIIOMVM II. BKOW.N.yaWfi an' irifttvitoWiB, V! tmttrr r»li irlr.1 • « • tain*. ihr In.. lit* jflrliMMi —allrat ihr I'arr, Can in lh* Hark, l|ra*inraanf —il 4 • f .1 iu«ir# ii'imHr »t I. — Tab* (r l»Wf In A Im* ropy cyii^wl »'i a m In |liri' fit** tVniima* ill klait |MftirUul mf aa liiri wilh aulluatua* •«hi; lhnM| lha liar I Hvlii lha i4 l.i* V%*. I'ifii I' »n4u h«'J- CUI.VEIIWKI.I.'rf Hqm.! ftrtirrlj al Par- lrni|Hiiai| aliia all • Ikr ItiriJ o» l'ak> •• l*k> I, ikrtf* amiatr» W*f rail'!.- ii.—Al •roitrinf I'mlnif krll ; It. >■( It..<(..11, h>t iin-ili ii bia (Iirnao, waul »'all»' lion; larwal Inlil* Itrallraaaraa, •i»nrr <>f I'atrau, II. E*I'W, K»j., '.it ihjt I* nil • 1^. I H*»l hntft I. flh N>» an I I'rilrrl ll#a»l) i>f ■>• ihe fy I (•, V >■ li» iranlla, l!»fi( DC II, tsilhut «'i I for (hi- manly O«'ord, f*.« ia m«rr ilratiabla < 11 ...In ..r (>( 1 |mt mf |mla«lr Nrii I >#■ w Mh bo»ri>H'f irlj. Nothing tliil bunimi «l Ibr I'alrnl iIkj, r» • ♦ 1 •h lli%^ lii'H \ in .mi.ii 11 U'raknw, IMalilt. kiiwii, pre j -»!«t >. i. I » an vol* VAK1 mi.: i ink iUi »M nf t». I*V. mrtr •■I .i i«rtKt! faa I |ut»< through 31 Tu>i lii Anfuai A. III Mach lhaa aililwlr, an-t .Nothing thr* Thera fr«, if an«, |r|. •r* 1 I-- » h i« nn !• i.l il |y ..i, Iiiriainn if l.naa ul Karlfi, IjiilaW, (ulia-nla pmrwin| |«4Jir»il» ••I linnl M Wight, Manari no I'.ai in- •Inraa n lail :i liwil h»<«*r ihr I'alrnl (IHli f, 4111I {finr «a 4 inutility Intuitu.lart SprmlalHut, Nilfi I **|t H \Ve*Wi% ami Mali'' ton It! lib* a l#»a I rara laiWiama, Diarbargr*, iln«»f I" n» ai »iil it liU lb' of ihi» aalr- aial, ali.rlhri Ih«t b>i n»ay ona1 alma la mih nexr fi.H.i, I \ |Hatrrivr Itj r"»(i lira an I 1'im- r>n»'ll», iWmwl, pratii( hailinl lianailiam <|>n anofhrr. ■nw who nmlvtnl il «kill, %h'll »r 1 « k l^4iS I a liilll* of ami Miimni, lilt.If <1 it i* rtlirrl* fi ttii i.ab*i ttlria n*» rrtalarr, (il |i»|iaiitil Might *nJ ifi mil In her mi her late hu»tMad'» Mr. K.l ii iwnf Ikr Iml in Mtu Ilk i,tlrr*al al I" n •mi(««I Thaar a|in|iio«ia il alkiwral |o go on—which •nrrrM. I Ij Inlr ;rt r, » i.fil rW-mrwl • in III# Car*. I'll#*, laiiigt «tn, il|.il4tn I* U fr|Mii uw |iU rum rimmmk .. • H.iIm ilitrt in Ma. \Vh»a tiMi |itirrblM* |»<«v** Atwoll'i Wtld Cherry Bittorn. eaiale, and thai appnmlrd lhi« n»»-.• ir. ia iiiaUt froi nw >.«>n (irnwl a it. I mn| killtul l'al»nl ih* im %i.*k*iM. 1 11 Um«m« «m of lb# llrail aa««, ami l« »m nrtful I h f \ 11 » llji' ivi hrail alMMi in «umin( |u)#i Wlllriiat lull I all U atol * a. pu. (►••r I4MH Ol I IND ITI I nilnl !*U>m, jwl Mr ». m lilf Il4* .. m U In 4II. Tb' ripfliarill mu, Mil ihiIin anil menial |'h nnlire in POWKR, t«ii#;«n*^lUn jit*I iti' *f\i r\iril» llkr III* in), 4«tl •liIrM, in( iafiilrnrj Ham Kin, Tli it aaid P«litii»f (i*« rmmx* a Nrnrr fi (ovw Ih> aair In ihi tin a*] I'lTS—iu una of which Ihr aai Hi»rn|.,r» Ilul ruipkit prra-m \ « nv man lk)( I hr innlinnr will f Hal »f I.ElTIl' |Mlirnl lhajr Tu- \ >>k TnlaMc, lulf ailk a rlTrfirt- imaiaiil). mlrir•tr.l, li» ran*in< a r«|'1 ihia «•»! mura u( |m Imr, IciMnl l"r«il, |Uu I*. \V III Marhrl fum a all jriMiiii Who ran a.ij thai ibrar rirniN iir n>i| rl» II 4n < v. » «• lltr li •» '« I hoar ilirrfnl iliaa lara—1.\. thrir applirationa I lh«l nail H*|l I'alrnl*." alaii Cm laaakiMf \\.iirr; i* MMOMMlt.m Tuesday ■ l-t Iw ir wilnraa In ihf I.Hp fommiaaioaar W* ilralrri in mnliriar r»r»t • hrra. r u< • b» ai# runariiaia ol bat* Iralha I'ouauoiplHin, implr Urif ii iail iibaaii al MxIiliuai, in fcireaoi n, au.l ilira ••ilxrit^MMt lr«|»tll4ili m ik >ritiliia l'<> aiW 1 a »ill rarh al aia* >•( lb* rl<'k Ihe m I <«niiiw«ir. ni( >w(tan» alxl I*ulh ul lh< •» aaarrlion*. In l.unalir A>|laaa Ih' y," Ik* prttml IhiIi ll< >S|I iU -m wit rb ihr ia< hilililril Ibrir b#allb liJ|.|in«.a m*« nul Iw ^liuiMjf h t miuiirr. mat I'immI. rjuw lb«-» ihe •bnubl lha Iiiim- I hat a MITMf Thrf I'ollnip f..| if bare, tthy ma itbilmiun Tb» coua< "Al'OI'trlT. I*il. Ilii(in| I'.fu K at'lalill iwwlmiir I, il « II it i**ia#«l fialia In ataflrnag btaoaanllt, laual lanehoi) a|i|«-ara. ■MftipJiK" h a»« JU W *i«»»i, N it «lc*our tour >nl»lnHi r. of I'.ilmu, I( II. an.I aaliitialttM Vutk, HICK j-TM ul iri.m (llllfll. Inianrr II auaMrw ami Jralittflr— hrl.l Itir ulKre i.f CuoiwiaaHilirr btiii 111 IN +». • «- %«. |i ««k« il l* tbril la ia#bl, and lb# •u|i|i«raaiiai rni|iu arlnail) i|nilr a*ij 11 latlia Siiwl, ll.talua Ir n»«- toil nl Till >M \S II. BROW Imi Im r\laaaifrl« r«- 23 >111 If—Tlir» nlikl. nn nril mnlh of r*rc alalia ll. !*houlil ■ ,nf lUlim, ■ » If',1 Ilk • 'f I rxiiilnlunl (##«. 8#i»l fr#r In aa« addr*a» hri grirf Iliialji, l)a| tW !>•' K-cvUh ton an liuainra* with ihr I »lh.» K\TMf—Anil imp iirrar, Ik li h ll* 4 I I, ilMil* fii.ijl if >Mni|ia, »ith IltviD K*»rr, Riftntr. aarwamra wan at a a.ili< il'ir. Mr it •' lib 11 \\ ilh wi*fol lboc*Hi|hly •flJiMiaU»l iK »*• r\ t* I, |. !*• ftm |.> h|ihii 1*1 I I \trnu", \rn \ ilmfuir "ifu' FRANK SHILLINGS, law .iii.I thr rulr« uf iartio uf llif I >< ii. — Ai ('««cI»(I'mlnir In III al Par- Inw atillrn aoaimla hia grirf Iwfuilr.l.' ihr j II |Mk»Ml tffcltrte u 'U || it CO S RAT EXTERMINATOR Otrumi, >a Hi IImIiiii liifc PARSONS •*« 1 i« «-<•« < t+ J HOUSE, oa lb' la moa| |rrt|l4r! ami baa rrroiau" iul hiia aa •/ U I—vl li ... I I» 11* I irlirl. wuhin an.I I.if the n( lltlmil, llalnlilv liroiighl tLa Will iiwrt |irriiiaia»ii( is, I'oaiity w.lh wlnxn I hair haia< lilmNrra — lilraitt la o and Graining. 3 I l*ii.-».la* "I A. I). |i"-i. ihouaamla thouaaaila gratra, M.I SU»tr» !«•< il wnfcH a||n!a SIGN, a t Pap Hanging Aufiial, ii|Min U tit upon It-in hit T'TTtr .Mined ihr amliilMia of mJala itlriiMiM. I'llAUI.I'.** •' » r. ill) ij AVitltMAVINM), Earrairia lhaa man; yualba. ■ N*l»..«*l al lb# Sinalb I'arii I'ami blading ul I'alraia." CARRIAGE. aahara il a ail Wr.r.Ktt. lu im ihe lb-- wa« uf ihia -• ► 1kii« riancil aia» an.l lirr ilhr la, a lertain ll ram la> rurral (>»•.••»« ,'i l*» Tkfy ftrru'f m d#f • fnr in laalrwaMat |i*i|airtmf lij lSnH,| — •'inr#, will l'a|i#i llanf- SUIKINA 1*3*. 410— miff iHum lu lb* whrrr il baa Lara J, of Wixinanuil, Itixrn*, J 1, |j|} tJ Ai. (MM I. K «i i- ihrt (ilaCr Til. »iib awl laal Will anil TrillWtl Itulirtl I S FA la la I II la K It I! M Fa l» Ya uauu-itiaj « -• Maibliai, •" 1 mrvyrvfS i*(,Uraiain|,M di»|-4icb, bar- II'••lumiMtunri — A in ilKtJWtl, .1 .%.H .N ► I' i,"i •• MNa lata of IIIo*iiIv-lil. will (* I'.X I'lt AlT III'' TIN ( INS. nc!i 0r.iiu\ raid Kitrntrii trraaing ailmmla, ihr (*1.1 PURE POTASH. IN •». *—«4il Ortartal U Main*. 11 r li R l>, 'I'b.n the Of lh4N b% A|aM » I* ol H|tW Vil l ll P1KIH, 31K. * a CHI' ill mrr il ami con*ioced W 1 • k I'ana Win. A. of Lirno. raiinnf jmi. Try llnbblll, \ ?l» n«hin*t Aniliaaa* llalra, Hill; nut ire l.i all interested, liy II. T Ml.t ih \ lit Suporphoiiphato |iir |irrtmii rlhrnr*. III K. k anli il* HuMmi i«» I" fS f j- ti ill I1 M.itilr jtxw ih* Kaal.Hmtlh I'aria; Alttwil Co., Ilarkirld. of lhi» order In Iw ibree ,t, Y .I* Imliu ill* fiMHiiyti itf 4 K n'r\»j I iminj I'atfttiMf HAVE hat# a f#«a ha|a Mir nl ibia artirla M|ii published Ili:\\ \RK nf UUACK NfMTRI MX ami .nnil * I al I M I Ttf Ha# If. If an* ul Mi) •mc in The Oiforu Danorral, pnnled >• I'<■' • • l» baa l<>» in fMr ^4fl ttt ilk# ftei lb in I inlriiiiril In win 'niirl) wh»a-l» I»>.kI of a'>ili u( ih any ao w is the timk to vas thk a four I l» (|I'A('K |)OCTOIt.i, f|WK proprietor I H r\ 't' h I I lhal inj» al Prolate khw fti WlfiHjm '••**« H lunula aaaat it, I aball Ii# In aii||>l» fa#in. If Paiia, Ihey appear rrkmirra. Ciiuraa kmiw ami a*oiil wril lll« nrrroilt uf biting glad on ibr ibiiil lira ami X )Wi .if i«rviM ll »•# afii.lbi.f *#ar. be held al Paris, said rminli, hr ih» of Tha ..••rilwilr IV,!. L. n. WEEK ao(, I Mill k#»u il |u Ibrm ami aa»r Ihi»i| ^nffriinj, M'nr* anil lip*- lialiU tiiiklinl ilrmgth |x>l4ib. S, > al lb* in ihe .-'.l ••'I. u> '. ii ifc- \ m\ •-.! CHEAT SPRING AND SUMMER I "I."I ol (Vlulm nr*i, 9 nf flnfli 1U1 il b**, In lk TiHiila| a b>> l»«inr («■•••' >1, I)AI(K'S aiarr. In »rml nf nr railing foe lailllr ol ihia |w|i •Jaliatatiua n! r* th n it. and shew iamr, if any ihf) hire, oh) gunr neat- Kj»«, (manun, nlar ami a • Iih k Oitl '»Hrr t» Ivm PAINTER. GLAZIER ibr said liMlimncnl pminl, uul wmf. I'll* li .a lain lh* Wfll* II all |Min ami mllamm ilion, ia |iailrrllj ly if proprietor ir »« a* lb* lad Will ami Tealamenl allayi Ik- •» «.»ii—4II *!»•" |* :ti iW Anal 4 M !h Dwr/n .WW L*it )'ra». Winter Arrangomont. ed, ami allotted ia 11a of III* IWIiar lO rl'l) |'« t*n|>rr llnngrr S'trlf Ht[f iu fia laatc iu o.lui, Uil iniiurjiala »|na««llultty tuiMfl)Ua< «•> |ilaa»aal ,i.. l ii'~ m, nj ihii ul said ilKrainl. and »ari4Hl< llir alrrnglb lar uniform, HA MAINE. Or. action. •|r, »<•• »• I * -■« H Of Til HIS. tiiom ah ii. nnnwiH.y.v,#. miw rnu'li. txl «!i i_» NEW YORK A~n"o PORTLAND whrn w»r•>' llirm Ki»rr, Rigfitr. •< « to i. »L I (v lii lt« <>f on banal. IStf and Ftt*l Menmrr, JTLV?: EXTRACT B'JCHU. drilrurlimt in ntaking '; llii I'al », kc.. (.utulaall) I'riw 25 rt». for a |iial bolllr, inj 37 1 2 1 tir Kplrniliil I* dirrrtlj arcnrvlmj lo tba mWa of wbuhia K. 'il IV ti<* llV>ter« al Ii.nunl pn*ti«WM oaly held al |>rr|mrrtl Ultra «1i«l M4 ba»r luck, 1 ct*. Kh a Iwlil# Oiroiu, ti —Ai i Court of Probata lb* (ay lliey {«kh1 P»(al*c I.Milt |h > llW» lk««.«. »») ijiurt I'll utMICY A\l> CHBMMTRY. baa out ofuaa Ife O HESAP si I'ari*, »ilInn ami ful the ('mint* nf Oxford, One oibrr reweon thai l'»U«b Rum- w«H i'i» •»« \V ilk lb* an and I'Uriun 4I know• h •! m (*>ri k*«4w4 plit iWlM S. RICHARDS, Jr., OK THE PEOPLE'S MKDICINK. A^zrf II if Al MM \ I» ISM urary 10 it i* ••> uiiple*aaM l» iiullr, brill) |> op '► m. MIlklUTWl ita H«-« a.«n I' I. li ..i n, !•»•!' CROW an t rarr ilrtnlnl iii inaUiMlion. in many rtir.^ml •f ti.t.n CAIT. SIDNEY ELI., W. <11 \I»IHM |{\, named literulnr lr.lfr • uu irn utki, Irruami lupiial —r\-ii ii»if t'kw», Yrlloai Wmlii on tk< ii' iit-««|ihh» ('..n.of !*4m|kiiilU,\VlU YORK In lie ibr I'rulrMair HEWEEH' Vuluakkt lnaulilr»«.iiir In tbr irlailrr*. kin, !•)«mIij 1I7II.I. mn rrautarl* l.rlwiea NEW in a rerlain Inslranien! iijrjmrtinf »rr» » k. V. h. »• Hi 1*4 fctf* r"tW Vli IWk, I'lirLli A>b, Thurowfbwart, Itbaimli, TOBL 1'mrinr i,f aid iuo.1 of lb* Ula Hlandanl inl i>lntiai 1'i.laah**, lk»t (. >> «ud PORTLANI»,a< oIIomi: laal Will ami Tealamenl of J antra I 'h adlioor n, Lite I', \ow llir proprieliae purr I" oimi WATCHES. CLOCKS. JEWELRY. >l! ul wbirb ara »i Ila* la* ih. lu b tl ruMMtJ Matdrakt, Iholrliua, k<'., Sat« \V..i k. ■>( Mnliriw. ihr a a in* aaaal i|i llruna'a Wharf, I'mlUail, e»»ry of AA'i lerlurd la said ('onuly, deceased, barlag alwaya taring atrengtb pru.lwriutf Hilrrr nuU Plaintl a* l« jri m cuarrrl au.1 ainil iuiucc In ra««, 'I iiniimn. Wnre. rt>uii>xin.. i* rr«liralm< Jiaraw prraenle P*'»J lu ilooldr the WilbilAfMMNlJW, ,Nrw Y»tk,l'irr 12 X. aflrr- f h.lrrr.t, Thai the said Kiertlur (iir no I ire the dire*tn.a« nrrlolkiwt.l. |ar.~loaa Il a i>»» 4..-» l'r«M al a cu*l & Goods. I'urilt ll»» Mood ami «wu b«»r Itrallb. CWaata K.,iirt)Tu«idl) I »n«- lluiximl IMIar. will lw In an) l'k»- all aalbcr l.n »it!i Spoctaclos, Fancy a (Mill rlli11 in anal |Mi|>iaaa Iwili at tk» uar b<>ur. lu all intricate*!, raiMinf cop» in- makiftg ■ mtr I lb* »tir»ui will U person* l»y llial ih* hitJirinr rrrr ?*oap«, mil Ibr mt $&>.''>■>. mmmh »•«<•» af mhaibn .VrtVuliaf Chunk, tbr krti-iuia ami par*. iwrnn • inan wbiran la I all in< •Vw,t Iffiiilt Thia *#•••• I ba» liffn fillril >p »ilb(iwif' ul lbl« oilier In lie ihrre arrbs • hub il yeral. 4 lLan lhr« II Mai*ball itrrfl, jail published .1 r».I itir |pali> tbrif nml Nilm J. O. l'r<»|>rirlt>r, ■ .1 or |u|»n SOUTH PAKIH. MR. roaiiuudaliuna Cur l'utt*ngri». nuking Ili• tlir in The Otfonl lleianrral,printed al I'arii, jiirrtl patwal; lirai ofS.ll, IUpI. Faaajr B—y. ■» "• '»(■'. W .s r.m «| tki- Ma*« irrly x in 1 ha 1 it ha< •kin* frral it m dH'-r* Itodnn. «ourl In lie ran Iw I'dxl ri| |>n>«r little iron Ma. The ley pirpaitd SI roula fur trat- lhal I may at u Probate helij with very ■a»i lhr'«( > wl lk> w. RUrb. I'uriUa.l. mutl,taframicomlurulilr hey appear CuMiiflfiin iim »r»k In lhiil«*ii trar*' ia>f»ift«at |»iaU rinhtnlj H fl» A c. ATWELL, IWrUt Mainr. oa o (•■■•I. ih taw wiawlra. nlrkra, Jrwrlrf Ilr^iur4 la- rllri l»|wr#n Nrw York ami at Paris, in said couati, ihe third Toeaday livr an ( a *ttfl • na» •••m: lirartil lu »boiu all unlni tbuuM ad- «u katp la r>i 1 Thr ina.a uf VOL- lo cat i lit*, into Warll. Afral, (are ami Stale al niae (I rUlt in ihe Ime- iiliii/ | lit. 1'ialaab wairaoiril grrair I'lltoact, tS.OO, intituling Orlolier ne»t, ihe ..f tk. lk« l»i ia in* < Hnio, «•- Uii«t< ibit fi'« ikiitr ■lirwil. UNTARY TEH I IMOMV in •una. and abrar rauae, if aa« I hi » bare, a ibr Hoap. l»« Riwu. by tirtni>a giml • ku .Ii.'iL' "l at ilkfl CkwrrtW |u It b* Amlrra* k llalrt, t'aria Hill; W. A. ir tor. Till Innj ila nil ruratita will uialar * laam I of brant ifnl Wrn. M. CUSHMAN. >•• aa mi prorrd, »4 atxlilt Itu'l.Sualk Han*; E. Aimmd k Cu.dlwUtUi J2T t>, i« iiiiuii iT, rinlnariiif (w Hofl diirriinnaC.r llatb, Aii(nila, Kaili I ltd allnwed 41 I be tail Will and Titlauieiil ul |»i«i I |lintlii>*a mki>| |liM|i; MB- 1U1 l*»—« ll«l. Wr >,>taril, |H *aa«ia Amp akaVkftr »S .1 • ■ ««•) aklM al |m>iI dirrrtiona lor rut lain waal* ibal OimmU lakrn tbtouijh with TIHIM.AS II. IIKOW.M, Ml. 100.000 Dottloa have boon nold, k«lrU; rleantnf «* i»»{« I- f rr* lljlliauir*. Tw I' «Mtdi ,«» l«» iH'* politic.*!, H 14 ikt **U la IW ryaa/ hna la-m na*1 In l»*«iii ■lirNliiiM lair Mi*| lbia I'ulaah plate I'm fr« iJ Mar •», Hal dirrrliuna lor atiiking liulia luUn It. I EMERY * FOX, Chun f*otU; mm antics 1 1 •4 m>I> w *>k <■«< II. CROMWELL, Uirumi,ii.> Al rourl I'rolair, brld 41 Tw- ibf i<( II. T. IMml«ikl, i<|I>'«i, RMwn'tWICf I'urtland, city l'hilali '•** I > life If I'l-I I2VI(.tpO Y. ol o« d-i*« »a*, thai kia |irr. ft*- 'ft J" MMM) i «alil| !> t|M* Worm and Liver PUN, it, Mitbin ami fur Ihr rounty (K(u(il, ••I, ab l»-iaf iliilr ••••rn All tbr abatva ilirertioni accompany nrb ran 23 S)rup Not. 1*57. Il or I »fl • '« 1*1. if «* thill ARE YOU INSURED? I'onlmJ. 13. .VI 1 >( A. I). I,vV<. mo Mamilic, Jlrffafj, taj«. BtlgV.-r* Iwtiilf; fi»«I la I'ran()l*ani4, Kralurli; bad H. CiruliM. thr Tur*di« AngiMt p>i(alio« ciintaina hr (»*' nr fr-> n •«» ttaan I I ,,| tfcuar »k<> M 8TANI.EY, biting |Krarnlri| n car- tiou* drug. Iwl ar» |Mirrl> »r(rtjlil». ». ! M'l '•*' r... ,f laf Uh* u( i«f lam In l» itir I41I Will M.innCarlof^f, Wintor |tl* TV Mutual Kirr IiburaiKr To. II A lla of l.itiii.iillr, ,w4« pfwioNW* ladluinrnl |wr|»iliu| II. T. IIEI.MII«lCD,H»la Arrangement. •»' Norway a>«rl da. • Inn •h.ili I rirtal In tlM •Ijinnii l>4- of in «n I ■•ili.riilwd l«lm I ^ OnMilwNaulaii a»l Yl\li Unra ilala atik- lalkar al i»r«ir»hW a>f u*rd * Intn lif. and l'< of Sunlry, I'mtrr, 1 jrj 'ad. a"H ••i l l'l>>twlr. Im lii rr »«il M 7 vmIii wa. intmrtl lu hrallb. t'ounl), dro.iard, of.Nulriiiljrt, I'tuilfTillt rraJt I'iMrr agaiaal |hIU, th* REGISTRY OF DEEDS, I <'V ■< K»,. • h.-K hlf» 11 ia M »l«n>«l> WfcjIrtM H\ U1 id »«ii Htuan Kualft U M. I'. AUotm*. ..a II >tt H. aati: Hrad 12 Ur Tbal iba HIBBARH, I*'44 I'ra Hn(i, I'araiiuir. ulb^rpfup- Unk« of d»*acri|rtio«. F. ad I "mi 4 an. 1 jib* l»* nil tt 1 .S ill <rr lloillr, Si; h la »n»n aa* I MI **i»a4itarr« MORTOAOE, »f 1 h>• or Irr to lir tbiw wrrk* A I'rikcb, will raa a* follow. pwifcM K. K. HI'tL. Ptniiiiiii. ai* bif bl« »|»ikra of anil ibr demand im rranaf, r«|i» |>uUi>h«-d ■trlirrrril to nrv nddrr»«. la #«k> 'Mir 1 ••wp- a « «koL.r a • I iwrlai iltan QUITCLAIM, ia Tba Oxford Itnamial, al I.rav* Atlantic w barf. I'urtlaad.evrrt Monday * .|| I. .1 I inn I.I U M41W In II. <1. I t..\ of Il..l»».»< W". I.Krt 1Mb rwnl iwintitrl; |Mial*d tl •• llnja' rali »•>!« an I CVftiJ- aail H n ! 1 eaml lo li* ri*«|» iimM* Thuraday i'llda) IV- Mmiib of Pbib uf ami Lif WARRANTY. I'afK, that lli»j j a|i|war al a 1'iolali arraauHii^l Toeaalay Wrdueaday, eoLk, r.>«. j. 11. mmu.s-^. bl|iliia, l>n[»|aia Mutual wbarf, lli'tlun, rvri y Tb«* P1 cImt •« |. i»«— I .1 .» ia,i»iiil TOWN OKDER*. l» al on iba tbiid ratrt li'aa CrwCrator*of CutlrgM.Oofgy 7 o'clock I' at and Crntral lnr|»' 44 rr oat. hrld I'aria, in aaid minii, ri. Mil lai. HRi (Vm|il anal i>l I I ia • ula aial ai • 1 -1 lu »[ !*hvlMWf of l..inra>lrr, IVwn «• S TwuNi of Orlotvr Mil, at 9 of tfcr Monday. Tara.lay, Wednesday, J. labia; I I MI I .411.1 IIEI.MIlol.D, fcrf* on lHa I '■••i IlltailW A Y StJRVEYOK'* S. an I if lk»» h «f», »k| 1'iej.i.f'l aoldliy II. T. ai 5 o'clock P.M. la.lilr* iuwiI a Tap* Worm MS»> inrHaa lu«(. iA«»>kih, ihf* rinM, any Fi iila) Tk««l| CAITIOM8 TO DEPOSITIONS. • mil l» «|if»«o»- 1'iarln il awl Analytical i'hrmi.t, A chill of C. Ilill of Fiaabfc»llf T*lir*l |mi amaai, RETURN ON HEAL ESTATE. a* ibr U»l Will and Tcaumanl S. i'kiU4'lp\i*. It Tllllll. Hull HOC. Mid drreurd. itmllf lluUJmf, Hi-lies .U \KC> im K\nmi mi aanalj r«- W Alofll, I'urllan t,(i*n*«al Agral. lit II. Kach boat i« furniabni «ilh C. H 1 II 2 » irii W. A. JUSTICES SUBPQtNA, THOMAS II. HROWN. IIAY & ni Oa. r> 1 Kir, ?.! Fill T»if, 1* .'n-aia-l aillh* ».l| In llta blfbaat Iwlilrr, l«j II. F. I* lira k Co., I' lldl; Karl, Ho. H. n. CO., wmlarr of *Ulr- room, lor iba ati anm'^H1* '• ** MiaUnM^V 00 LEASE. A Irue T*« wyai, I & { Tfn imU* «• •' un lUliifiliy, iba I <•«-«<> I I.M.I J«> I'jni; I! AIwimmI k Ilwkllrld. copy—aiirti: hmriion Frrt atd MiJJU Sit., Portland, aaliraaail faiailira; an,I travrllrra rraiin.lral NOTES. l)*»in K»»rr. Rit***r. anrt aniLI TIIHII, „l i» i.J»r ihii, m oh iVUk, I*. Vl., 4i lk< I baa murb aaviag of liar WRITS, Agent* for Miliar. Ibal by taking liar, I >«U %J 11- F• ttil« || u JUSTICE General in*«»"vrnirnrn fw aapy, aa- r«ar, |j I'm -»>•". »» •im Cu., P«m, Mill IV, will l,r madr.and ibal lk* JI STUT. EXECOTIONS, a I'arii Mprnaf | in • «birb I Mar I K IWmM lulnrtibcr |i"* public EiK »ai* li* Andrew k Haifa, ol Ibr Tkiw «•»»*.« | Mat, J | |'aa C«i|i>a». I >«"•' " ■II iba ii(bl «♦».!>: Dr. Marshall's Snuff. hffrkjf iy of arriving ia llttalon at lata boora aigbl >4 SIIERItK'S RECEIPTS, b« h»« bwn by ibe hnnoratda A. Ho. I'ana ; I baa. Maw* I It •«> ai ihr rata «4 i• |»i ba.l <»• tfc« •■'••••"lb da» Aa(|»"inl»d Hill} W'ii. I(«tl, Ta»"i «ifiii md'irmt la rnvaiMtdnl bt ikr Uil Pklilfim ibrongb- SPECIFICATIONS. ol Ol ford ami • ill Ii* avoided. U«» »*• allarba ua of for lb' W. Iki. Watrrwrd; Olifar, Haw »-0 Ilia wha'i lb* | (La uiiji- Jadge I'rolial* County Itribrl; D. Nolilr, .h) (Mlt ibi loan IT> COLLECTOR'S WARRANTS. Administrator of lh* rilill of ly»»»llj II. Tba liuat* arrive inaaaannlorpaaarngrraiolski I aa J •at writ. I > rnlrtm a railain of •Mu .ird tba Iriwi of Wain lord; llaiHM Walkrr, T«•»•'» C ia- ihrrarliral Iralna oat nflbr rily la he. he. he. T. I'kaif fc Hon, aa laal '(lair tunat.- l in IVlbrl aai I 8UCC&SS I ni/>D«JinTUiaofOil»ad, C. Ilmiell, linliHg; C. for Iff ktr^ar nW ai Ifca >aia af'»l JUaacA >1 C>aal;,la' USLD WITH OREAT PARNEY Tba Bra antrrapnaaiblr bafgaga a C... ami C. II. Ai«o..«l, llork- Company »%I|» a a (Mi al' or »in lb# na> »• lUnilwl ia mwipt- ilml Itond fi.1.1; E. Ai».«n| h ia ibal A 1; H 1 la*«) iaf or ■ lki> of O«ford,drr*a**d giving loan al a»e#r«liag 140 valor,and to Ml* for tni cvfti enaaly ,by It (V. II nam; Wih-.n k hr rallliaiJ la 4 • 1U1* lk>ir»T (rum tba aaiil lararl R. I''l««a, ftrkl; J.I', IUU.*rd ia ami | aid lor ai ihr III r«n»». a« lhalawdirarU. lrlk«r«fiiirrn)irilull|m- pet aonal,antra* natica givra K>m,iUinl ?5>, )HM. ami rr>-ml «>lb ibtOtbnl UA l(*, I1 lbo»* T«| " al«a«a ra»H ia a.ltaara. AU bllara lUroriia, Ift IN| | ««t*d,tnn*ka immediate pay«wnt| tad HEW A HE OK COl'MTEREEITS. falar. lumr C. W. Alarall. (irnntl Aural fir Mr. SUPERIOR ARTICLE FOR rARLORS, i la reftftM* Ibarato bail tor a particular I PariUixl, etbibil the »• uaual baiaf Wai. A. aka have any ilrmtnili thereto,lo No Other * ibcrtwl. H iltl U B. F. ILlri k (a Pari* 11 tit; iiitl »ro*iTnl and Lh »»U b* Aik For Helmbold'i—Take 1 fy l.'.«ithl«takro 1IOR4CK (iRKELY Ca.. ikMiiptiiM mm»<■ to EPIIRAIM W. I'ARWELL. L. UILUNT.H, Agral T. Sbaiiff. I Kiiat, Souib I'ari*; K. It Co., DorkbU; A L. It. WEERS. Ajmi. 1 CJUARAKTIKD. 20 Nra V.aW,ti*|.( ISil Tn buna I kail lia«>. J. CLAKk, DtimM; Jul* ISM. ly CUREN aud ikaltra IB mejiona So. *' SO. iMw-ii., IH«a-Virt. K|k is, in*. b) *ifi)nbarr. Pari*. April t6,18M.