
December 11, 2009 • Volume 99, Issue 10 Student digital books for a digital age Sexual receives assault Emerging policy Leader examined University statistics indicate that rape and sexual assault is a Award negligible problem on campus. By MIKE KNAPE According to the most recent sta- tistics available, individuals have Hip-hop artist, community or- reported three incidents of non- ganizer, college student and men- forcible sex offenses since 2006, tor, sophomore Communications PHOTO COURTESY/Wiki.COM and no incidents of forcible sex major Keith Blocker was recent- ASUPS PHOTO SERVICES/jane cornell offenses were reported between ly awarded the Dennis Seinfeld 2006 and 2008. Emerging Leader Award by the Size Matters: The average e-reader has the storage capacity to hold more than 1,000 books. According to the Nation- City Club of Tacoma. The award al Crime Victimization Survey, recognizes Blocker’s extensive between one in four and one in work with community youth and five women experience rape or areas of social justice. Despite downsides, e-readers as attempted rape while attending “Being honored with the may- college. Nearly two-thirds of all or and the city council people was rapes are committed by the sur- a really great feeling. Just to know book replacements show promise vivor’s friend or acquaintance, my work is appreciated and recog- By GRACE HEERMAN lighter backpack loads. an intimate partner, or a relative. nized, it makes me want to do it Nevertheless, publishers are mak- In the United States, 600 women even more. It was mindblowing,” s electronic reading devices such ing e-texts difficult to share, and were raped or sexually assaulted Blocker said. some pilot program participants every day in 2006, and in 2003, “I got a letter as Amazon’s Kindle become more are finding it inconvenient to adapt one in 10 rape victims were male, of congratu- textbooks for a screen. The earliest according to the survey. lations from popular, colleges across the country versions of the devices do not in- Incidents of sexual assault on the ASUPS clude highlighting and note-taking campus are usually handled by P r e s i d e n t Aare considering them as sustainable textbook Puget Sound offices or through capabilities, and access to some text- [James Luu] books expires after several months. the University’s internal judicial too, which replacements. With environmental concerns User reviews from the seven process. Survivors are typically was inspir- schools are thus far generally nega- not inclined to report these in- i n g .” becoming a priority at Puget Sound, these tive. In the Business Because mag- cidents. Blocker A m o n g e-readers have the potential to be used on campus. azine, first-year MBA Liz Brower “We know that most assaults Blocker’s re- from the University of Virginia stat- are not reported in any formal cent projects are the So’Just festival ed that she preferred “to be able to way,” Associate Dean of Students and the Jerkin’ in Tacoma dance E-readers are PDA devices that lot program through seven colleg- take tons of notes in [her] margins, Donn Marshall said. “Many of competition, which took place in are compatible with various elec- es, including Princeton University circle numbers, and flip back and the survivors of sexual assault Marshall Hall on Nov. 17. So’Just, tronic text formats including PDF, and Reed College. Through Prince- forth between body text, data and seek confidential psychologi- which took place downtown for HTML, DOC and JPEG. Depending ton’s program, various students and exhibits.” cal and medical treatment from the third year on Oct. 17, featured on the model, users can download faculty were given devices free of Despite the disadvantages, iSup- Counseling, Health and Well- local artists involved in social jus- books, subscribe to newspapers and charge, which were equipped with pli, an electronics market research ness Services, but choose not to tice. Blocker was one of the main access the internet. the necessary course materials for company, estimates that about five go through the pain of bringing coordinators of the event, working Current top brands include Am- three trial courses. million e-readers will be sold glob- their reports to college officials with the event’s founder and Puget azon’s Kindle, the new Kindle DX, Since e-books are not printed and ally in 2009. or to the local police. Many other Sound Professor Dexter Gordon. Sony’s PRS-700, Barnes & Noble’s do not need to be sold through phys- Similar to Princeton’s Sustainabil- survivors simply suffer in silence Gordon is a professor of Commu- Nook and the DR800G from iRex ical distributors, e-books should ity Plan, Puget Sound President Ron without benefit of treatment or nications and African-American Technologies. Prices range from theoretically be less expensive than Thomas signed the American Col- support. Worse, many end up Studies. $160 to more than $500. regular books. They can also give lege and University Presidents Cli- blaming themselves.” During the Fall 2009 semester, students easy access to up-to-date s e e LEADERSHIP p a g e 2 Amazon sponsored a Kindle pi- information, as well as significantly s e e E-READERS p a g e 2 s e e ASSAULT p a g e 6 Dispute surrounds building ownership UW Tacoma and downtown businesses at odds By Chelsea Tsuchida and university officials feel that the “Retail belongs on Pacific Avenue empty space should be utilized. and that was the agreement with the As the University of Washington The school will eventually lease University of Washington Tacoma Tacoma campus expands, some dis- the storefronts to retailers, but offi- campus. We’ve been leasing for nine pute is emerging between Universi- cials also say that trying to advertise years and it was always understood ty officials and some downtown -Ta them during an economic recession that the ground floor space on Pa- coma retailers. is nearly impossible. cific Avenue would be used for re- The university plans to use the According to University Chancel- tail. Classrooms and offices just cre- storefronts in the Russell T. Joy lor Patricia Spakes, as quoted in The ate dead space,” the owner of BKB building, located on Pacific Avenue, Tacoma News Tribune, the space & Co., a boutique located on Pacific for classroom space and possible has to be leased to businesses that Avenue, said. temporary faculty offices until an -of offer items or services that cater to The university has 3,111 stu- fice building located on the UW Ta- students. dents enrolled, which is about 10 coma campus is constructed. According to a recent article in the percent more than it is funded for. Retailers feel that the university News Tribune, retailers argue that The Washington legislature gave the is breaking its commitment to pro- their plans are based on the promise University about $20 million less ASUPS PHOTO SERVICES/spencer Wadnizak mote retail business in its store- of being surrounded by other retail- than requested to build more class- fronts along Pacific Avenue. The Joy ers because offices and classrooms Pacific Ave. Discord:Opinions concerning shared building use by building is owned by the university, do not attract customers. s e e DOWNTOWN p a g e 2 the UW Tacoma campus and retailers are circulating downtown.

The 2000s: Varsity sports: Sustainability: America: Best albums Legends of the fall Go plateless You should love it A&E page 12 Sports page 9 Combat Zone page 8 Opinions page 3 2 NewS The Puget Sound Trail December 11, 2009 [email protected]

decided use the $34 million to ren- rely on walk-in customers and be- 20 years of kids can do! DOWNTOWN ovate the Joy building. lieve that the number of custom- continued FROM page 1 The school is also leasing office ers increases when there are more space “with money we don’t have” stores close together. rooms and offices. to make every possible space avail- They feel that putting class- The News Tribune reported that able for academics, Spakes is quot- rooms and offices together will sig- the university originally planned ed as saying. nificantly hurt business. to renovate the Joy building and to To solve this problem, Spakes However, according to Spak- build a new structure next to the and other people at the university es, the idea of an urban school is Tioga building, which is located plan to use building fees to con- to encourage private businesses to at the top of the grand staircase on struct a four-story building on Jef- provide services that the university Jefferson Avenue. ferson Avenue, but this plan must does not. The new building was supposed first be approved by the legislature “You can get taco bars and those to have faculty offices and the Joy and the school’s board of regents. types of things, and that’s what the building would be for classrooms. The Jefferson Avenue building students want,” Ken Grassi, owner The university requested $54 will open in Fall 2011, but in the of Grassi’s Flowers and Gifts, said million to execute this plan, but meantime, the school has to use to the News Tribune. the legislature only approved $34 retail space in the Joy building for “But if you want quality retail, million. faculty offices. then you [the university] have to As a result, university officials Many retailers on Pacific Avenue support us.”

phia. Leadership With help from the Washington Security REport continued FROM page 1 State Services for the Blind, Block- er, who is legally blind, attended The following incidents were reported to Secu- “[Gordon] has been a really Tacoma Community College for rity Services and occurred on campus between good role model for me. He’s been December 1, 2009 and December 7, 2009: more than a year before transfer- like a father figure for me, a great ring to Puget Sound. • Tacoma Police reported finding an aban- inspiration. He’s a brilliant man,” doned vehicle on Union Avenue near South Blocker is currently involved 19th Street. The vehicle belongs to a student Blocker said. with the Work with You program, and was apparently stolen from campus the Blocker is also heavily involved night before. The student was not aware of the PHOTOs courtesy/CIAC which helps connect Tacoma theft until his vehicle was recovered. A guitar on campus, working with the youth with resources and mentor- and iPod were missing from the vehicle. Black Student Union and the Race • A student reported his bicycle was stolen ship. from Schiff and Harrington Hall breezeway. He Kids Can Do!, the University of Puget Sound students. and Pedagogy Initiative. Blocker’s Blocker also works through said it was secured with a cable lock. Puget Sound’s campus mentoring As the program continues to grow main goal at the moment is bring- • Security contacted two rooms on campus HERO, an off-campus work-study for suspected marijuana violations. One room program for Tacoma youth, celebrat- in size, Puget Sound students are en- ing more art to campus that repre- program that stands for Higher was in Seward Hall and the other in Anderson/ ed 20 successful years at their annual couraged to become a mentor and sents Puget Sound’s diverse com- Langdon. Education Readiness Opportuni- • A student reported his bicycle was stolen holiday party called Winterfeast. help build a solid future for the pro- munity. ty. from Harrington. The student estimated the Past mentors and mentees of the gram to continue to thrive. “We’ve got the paintings of the bicycle to be worth about $900 and said it was “I help young males of color secured with a cable lock. program came to celebrate with cur- old white guys on the wall; now from grades seven to 10 prepare rent participants to remember the If you are interested in becoming a why can’t we include some people Crime Prevention Tips: for college. We’re trying to let them Do not leave textbooks or personal property impact the program has had on fam- mentor, e-mail kids@pugetsound. of color here too? If students of col- know that college life is a reality,” (including laptop computers) unattended or ilies all around Tacoma as well as edu for more information or see images of ourselves around unsecured while studying on campus. Thefts Blocker said. from the S.U.B. or Library are more likely dur- campus, I think we would all feel Blocker cites the Access Servic- ing this time period. Plan to take your personal more at home,” Blocker said. property, including laptop computers, home es Department on campus as an- with you for the break period. Also, please “We could have milestones like potential to become a more attrac- other contributor to his ideas of prepare now if you have a vehicle at school. the first black professor or the first Campus storage over the semester break will E-READERS tive option for students and faculty, youth empowerment. be extremely limited. We highly recommend continued FROM page 1 black student on campus; those are depending on how beneficial they “I don’t know if they get credit you investigate options to store your vehicle important things as well. I think off-campus. Vehicles may not be left in general are to pilot schools. for all the work they do. They’ve University lots during the break period. Stu- mate Commitment in the spring of showing and celebrating these “I like the idea of its convenience, been very supportive of me. We dents with no other options should park their 2007, which requires taking “actions things would really benefit all stu- vehicles in the WSC parking lot. All vehicles but I also like reading a book over know that if you give someone the parked in this lot must be REGISTERED FOR to make climate neutrality and sus- dents.” breakfast and not worrying when I resources they need, chances are BREAK PARKING. Contact SECURITY SER- tainability a part of the curriculum Blocker has been involved in so- VICES. spill a little milk on the pages,” Stu- they can be successful,” Blocker and other educational experience cial justice since he came to Taco- dents for a Sustainable Campus said. Courtesy of Todd A. Badham, Director of Secu- for all students.” E-readers have the ma from his hometown, Philadel- rity Services member Justin Roberts said. Remembering the Lakewood tragedy ATTENTION STUDENTS By ROB PEREZ der of four Lakewood police officers. “It’s clear from the e-mails that The suspect refused to comply with we sent out that we were concerned On the morning of Nov. 29, four of- the officer’s commands [and] reached about community safety … There Fall Openings ficers from the Lakewood Police De- into his waist area and moved. The [are] a number of heated pleas from partment were shot and killed while officer fired several times striking the Washington State to Arkansas to at a coffee shop in Spanaway. The suspect at least twice,” a report from please issue the warrant, and they shooting brought on a two-day man- the Seattle Police Department’s web- didn’t,” Scott Blonien from the Wash- ======hunt for the alleged shooter, Maurice site said. ington Department of Corrections Clemmons. Clemmons was later pronounced said in a recent interview with the $13.25 base/appt The police officers were the only dead from gunshot wounds. Clem- Los Angeles Times. victims in this shooting. The offi- mons was found in the Seattle area In 2000, Arkansas governor Mike cers murdered were Sgt. Mark Ren- after he was arrested for charges of Huckabee granted Clemmons clem- No experience necessary ninger and officers Ronald Owens, assaulting a police officer and second ency after he served 11 years of his Tina Griswold and Greg Richards. degree rape of a child. 95-year sentence for robbery and All were married with children. As a result of Washington state law, burglary convictions. Part time/full time Clemmons, 37, was later shot and which allowed him to post bail, he was Thousands of police personnel killed in South Seattle while a police released. The lack of a strong warrant filled the Tacoma Dome for the me- Internships possible, conditions apply officer was investigating an idling -ve for Clemmons from his home state of morial service held Tuesday, Dec. 8, hicle in the early morning hours of Arkansas has brought much contro- 2009. Dec. 1. versy between the two states. “What happened was a tragedy, All ages 18+, customer sales/service The officer, Benjamin Kelly, was “We wanted to keep him in cus- and my thoughts and prayers go out making a routine check for a stolen tody, absolutely,” said Pierce County to the families of the murdered offi- car when Clemmons walked up to Sheriff Department’s Ed Troyer in an cers. I am also outraged at the state of the idling vehicle and refused to ad- interview with the Seattle Times. Arkansas, and the officials need to get here to Kelly’s commands. The state of Arkansas did not issue their act together in order to keep the Interviewing Now “The officer immediately recog- a “no bail” warrant for Clemmons, dangerous people behind bars,” Puget nized the subject as Maurice Clem- and instead gave a less severe war- Sound student Ben Miller said. mons, the suspect wanted in the mur- rant. (253) 539-2044

1095 Wheelock Student Center, Tacoma, WA 98416-1095 | (253) 879.3197 The Puget Sound Trail [email protected] | [email protected] Editor in Chief...... Merissa Moeller Sports Editor...... Vince Ghiringhelli Managing Editors...... Matt Anderson A&E Editors...... Elyssa Dahl ...... Danica Egenhoff ...... Katie Mihalovich News Editors...... Rose Thompson Combat Zone Editor...... Travis Hancock ...... Kimberlee Frederick Business Manager...... Stephanie Baugh Opinions Editors...... Adia White Photo Services General Managers...... Grace Dyer ...... Jason Schumacher ...... Andrew Sheridan Features Editor...... Now hiring Faculty Advisor...... Rich Anderson-Connolly The Trail is an independent, student-run organization funded by ASUPS. The Trail seeks to produce a credible weekly newspaper that serves as a comprehensive source of information relevant to its readership. The Trail acts as an archival record for the university, serves as a link between Puget Sound and the greater Tacoma community and provides an open forum for student opinion and discourse. The Puget Sound Trail Opinions 3 [email protected] December 11, 2009 Understand America for what it really means By Elizabeth Newton American values. other country in the world; I have is an understanding not just of other These surface-level assumptions Which brings us to the question: no empirical evidence, but I doubt cultures, but of our own. about what America is or what Americans love to hate America. What are American values? And that they hate their country as much Because guess what? I think this Americans believe are overly sim- Left-leaning, Obama votin’, Pri- why we do we feel so inclined to as we hate ours. whole hating us thing is really a plistic and ignore the diverse, com- us-driving liberals have always hat- hate the culture we all live in? We value cosmopolitanism so front. There are, believe it or not, plicated history and present that ed America. They hate American Don’t get me wrong. I am as criti- much that when we see the slight- some values most Americans share makes up our identity. greed, selfishness and obesity. They cal of America as the next college- est hint of ethnocentricity in fellow that really aren’t so bad. Of course, it is nice to assume that hate American commercialism and educated, brought-up-in-the-pro- Americans, we immediately despise However, we recognize our own most Americans love racking up ignorance. They hate their neigh- gressive-Northwest white girl. it. We worship European socialism flaws, and feel ashamed of them. We credit, going to monster-truck ral- bors’ unabashed love for the coun- I hate our checkered colonial past and the carefree lifestyle of Latin then broadcast to each other how lies and stuffing themselves in front try, with their giant flags, red, white and present. I hate that American America. But is it not just as eth- aware we are of our flaws. We loud- of the TV. and blue sweaters and corny patri- women spend absurd amounts of nocentric to assume that other cul- ly lament the parts of our past that We assume things like this because otic songs. money on cosmetics each year, and I tures are better than ours as to as- we find regrettable and make ironic it lets us feel like we are the excep- But now, with President Obama hate holidays like Black Friday. I re- sume they are worse? patriotic jokes about what we gather tions: “Oh, surely most Americans in office, even the conservative, ally hate the inefficiency of our fed- It is condescending and awful- to be the defining traits of “Ameri- are fat, ignorant, unaware gluttons, God-fearing, gun-slinging folk who eral government. ly naïve to imagine other countries cans.” but I am none of these things!” once adored America now despise it. But recently I’ve come to terms being superior to ours. It reveals a But deep down, I don’t think that By dwelling on the embarrass- They hate America’s current social- with the fact that, as it turns out, shallow understanding of history we really hate us at all. What we all ing parts of our past and present, we ist tendencies. They hate attempts to maybe ‘Merica ain’t so bad after all. and ignores the specifics and intri- hate is the surface of America; we write ourselves into a self-fulfilling legalize sinful behavior, such as gay Stereotypes aside, I think it is cacies of other cultures. hate the commercialized image of prophecy. marriage and marijuana. They hate fair to say that our self-proclaimed In reality, all cultures have ele- what America is: the red, white and This is not to say we should ignore American abandonment of tradi- disgust for our country is a pretty ments to be celebrated and elements blue beacon of strength and hope tion and the decline of the good old American thing to feel. Go to any to be condemned, and what we need for the rest of the world. s e e AMERICA p a g e 4

Letters to Atheists often denied religious tolerance THE Editor U.S. ideologies tied to religious ethics, values, politics A call for By Mackenzie Fuentes as well. “I don’t know that atheists responsible When many people hear the should be considered as citizens, words “religious tolerance,” they nor should they be considered think of accepting diverse opin- patriots. This is one nation under comedy ions, practices and beliefs about God,” said then-Vice President God. Few people, however, hear George H. W. Bush in an inter- Dear Editor, this term and think about accept- view in 1987. Bush’s perspective This is a response to the recent ing disbelief in a higher power. is not an outlier opinion, as ev- UT Sketch Show, “We are all here Our country is supposed to be idenced by more recent demo- to kill Sean Connery.” As consci- founded on the principle of sepa- graphic studies. entious performing women we ration between church and state. Sociological evidence shows have written this piece in order to In reality, the federal government that this legacy of the Christian open a dialogue about the interre- and a majority of the American American remains the norm to- lations between comedy and so- public have ignored this ideal day. A 2006 study by University cial justice. of a “wall of separation between of Minnesota professors of sociol- In the midst of a number of church and state,” as President ogy Penny Edgell, Joseph Gerteis sketches revolving around issues Thomas Jefferson said. and Douglas Hartmann found of sex, death and the male mem- Religious ideology has infiltrat- that atheists are the least trusted ber, one stood out in particu- ed the most basic symbols of our members of American society. lar as representative of the hurt- country. Just take a look at Amer- Of the more than 2,000 respon- ful potential of comedy. In this ican money or recite the pledge of dents, 40 percent named atheists sketch, entitled “Significant Oth- allegiance to yourself. as a group that “does not at all ers,” four male characters congre- Our currency features the na- agree with my vision of American gated one by one. As these friends tion’s official motto, “In God We society.” 47.6 percent said they came together, they greeted each Tr u s t .” would disapprove if their child other heartedly, shared some Our pledge commits our loyal- married an atheist. The next clos- back-slapping, and entered into ty to a nation “under God.” These est group to receive this judgment small talk. This small talk wasn’t phrases are often touted as evi- was Muslims at 26.3 and 33.5 per- so small; the audience found out dence of our country’s founda- cent, respectively. that all the men on stage paid to tion on “Judeo-Christian” values. It seems that, when most have their wives killed, and they Little known to most Ameri- Americans profess religious tol- laughed and congratulated each cans is that these two invocations erance and freedom of religion, other for “the best thing that has of God were added very recent- what they mean is that they will ever happened” to them. One of ly. “In God We Trust” was made ASUPS Photo Services/Allen Ward tolerate you as long as you have a religion. Those of us who believe the friends’ wives was still alive, the official motto by an Act of Christmas: Religious traditions forcefully dominate culture. they discovered, and they entered Congress passed in 1956. “Under that there is no higher power are God” was added to the Pledge of characterized as anti-patriotic into a horrifying rampage to con- ments. The Soviet Union at the tity was an easy way to further vince him to follow suit. The three Allegiance in 1954. and immorals. It is definitely not a coinci- time was an atheist state, and vilify Communist countries and “Freedom of religion,” then, is men took turns jokingly describ- Americans wanted to put as much promote the U.S. as the center of ing and physically acting out hy- dence that these additions were only applicable to those who be- made in one of the most conser- distance between them and the Western civilization. These are lieve in some kind of godly pres- pothetical ways in which to kill “Commies” as possible. The Mc- not set-in-stone words that have their wives. As the conversation vative pro-religion times of our ence. Atheists of America are nation’s history. The 1950s in Carthy trials are a prime example existed since the founding of our constantly oppressed and stigma- progressed, the murderous exam- of the anti-Communist paranoia nation. ples escalated horrendously. They America were characterized by tized in ways that undermine our fervent anti-Communist move- that existed. Putting God at the More recent politicians main- natural rights as human beings. illustrated hyper-violent methods forefront of the American iden- tain this anti-atheist perspective of killing their spouses including hanging them, shooting them, and violently beating them to death, among others. In this cruel role-play, the men also took turns Cancer awareness has objectivity problems acting out the role of the wife and it was equally, if not more shock- ing, to see what comments these By Kyle M. Nunes agnosis, I cannot even imagine an- firming emotional support for the the lives of people who have battled men believe legitimized murder. other person’s pain. sick and their relations, and cele- cancer, remember loved ones lost What started out with “honey, What does it mean for a physical- A mental divide separates the sick brating the lives of those who have and fight back against the disease,” take out the trash,” and a gunshot ly healthy person to be aware of ill- from the healthy. Consequently, I died. states the Relay for Life website. wound to the head, soon escalat- ness? believe that pain’s unknowability — In the spring of 2010, Puget Sound Other awareness campaigns in- ed to “provocative” comments like Without having been sick, a the relativity of physical wellbeing will host its own Relay for Life cam- clude iconography to share their “I desire you,” and “I love you.” To healthy person can never feel the ill- — motivates us to search for a uni- paign, and the funds raised will be messages. Lance Armstrong’s yellow finish the skit, the last remaining ness of another. Pain is subjective ty of consciousness, a mental space donated to the American Cancer LiveStrong armbands are associated wife in question enters the scene and can only be described in itself wherein a sick person’s experience Society. with his experience with testicular and the men, caught off-guard, — a migraine feels like a migraine of illness is not so foreign. The event itself is a carnival of cancer, and the breast cancer aware- respond with a resounding and — or metaphorically — a migraine Awareness campaigns are a popu- positivity, full of vitality and good ness movement uses the ubiquitous exaggerated welcome. The stage feels like my head being pounded. I lar and visible example of the search spirits that concentrate to achieve a pink ribbon to invoke its messages. went black... could sympathize for a sick parent, for this space. A community arises goal and promote the community of Despite the undeniable good these but feeling his or her pain is impossi- around an illness with the ultimate survivors and victims at the center ble. Without having shown the same collective cause of “ending” that ill- of the effort. s e e LETTERS p a g e 4 symptoms or received an equal di- ness, a goal achieved socially by af- The event’s purpose is “to celebrate s e e AWARENESS p a g e 4 4 Opinions The Puget Sound Trail December 11 2009 [email protected] Insurance agencies discourage genetic testing

By Robyn Broker doctor to do the DNA test, as For most who get tested, they rewards those without a preex- sequences of genetic testing, and they must report it to her insur- already know that a disease runs isting condition — or those who would rather remain ignorant As science continues to ad- ance company. in their family; therefore, their have chosen to not get tested. and rely on self-diagnosis than vance, our prevention and pro- In this case, Jane would rath- desire to be tested is indeed People who have taken the smart to even have the chance of being tection mechanisms against the er use her own precautions and founded on legitimate probabili- precautions and been tested are discriminated against. onset of disease have increased plead ignorance — a risk that ty. If they choose to not be tested then punished for making a re- The fact is, genetic testing is dramatically, and have indeed could lead to the worsening of for fear of discrimination, they sponsible decision. an examination that tests a pre- saved and prolonged lives. the disease, should she not catch are eliminating their chance to Another clinical happenstance: existing disease; the person who I’m speaking, specifically, it from the onset — rather than have constant medical surveil- Jane has discovered that skin can- inherited it had no control over about genetic testing, which tests face higher payments to her lance of potential contraction. cer runs in her family through their likelihood of getting the an individual’s DNA to gather health insurance agency. Additionally, they are submitting genetic testing. Joe is tested and disease. In this sense, everyone is their likelihood of having a par- In 2008, President George W. to a perpetual fear, and are con- there is no indication that skin born without any accountability ticular disease based on genetic Bush signed the Genetic Infor- stantly on edge about any symp- cancer exists in his genetics. as to their health. history. mation Nondiscrimination Act, tom that may resemble the onset Per the supposed “righteous- To punish those who have pre- With this information, how- which prohibits both insurance of the disease. ness” of genetic discrimination, existing conditions and were re- ever, there comes an alternative companies and employers from This fear reflects the hierar- their health insurance company sponsible enough to get the test force working against those who discriminating against those who chy established by our healthcare would charge Jane more because would be to ignore the idea of have chosen to test themselves, are predisposed to disease, per system. Although for the most of her preexisting condition, and being born with a “blank slate.” in the form of higher premiums the results of their genetic tests. part this fear of discrimination is Joe would pay less. Insurance discrimination would and insurance discrimination. Additionally, GINA disallows unfounded — due to its illegali- Joe protects himself while in fault individuals for circum- Though legal work has been employers from requiring genet- ty — the fact that the fear exists the sun, but is not too shaken stances that were entirely out of done to ease the politics involved ic testing of their employees. demonstrates a lack of trust in when he forgets a sunscreen ap- their control, which exemplifies with the medical system, there Is this a rare occurrence? Yes. insurance organizations. plication. Jane wears 50+ when- the righteousness in its illegality. seems to be an ongoing fear of When Bush signed the bill, even Those who would advocate ever she’s outside, hardly steps This is the fault of institution- discrepancy and/or discrimina- proponents of the legislation coverage reflecting the results of out from beneath her umbrel- al power and the fearful ideology tion involved with healthcare. could only cite a few cases. How- genetic tests would not define it la, etc. She can only do so much, that there is another system, oth- This is not only wrong, but it is a ever, as a New York Times arti- as discrimination. For these pro- though, and unfortunately gets er than legal rights, at work. Fear problem — which demonstrates cle states: “…thousands of people ponents, it is monetarily logical skin cancer anyway. Joe gets it as of discrimination decreases an an unstable sense of security with accustomed to a health insurance to base payment on one’s suscep- well. individual’s likelihood of getting a system that is meant to protect. system in which known risks car- tibility to disease: If Jane has a 75 See the disparity? Not only has tested, which could ultimately be Here is a scenario which ex- ry financial penalties are drawing percent chance of getting heart Jane been punished for her pre- the key to saving their life. emplifies the mentality of such their own conclusions about how disease, and Joe has no trace of disposition, but Joe is granted Whether or not you want to fear: Jane Doe knows that heart a genetic predisposition to dis- the disease, should Jane’s premi- lower payments and the freedom know about the kinks in your ge- disease runs in her family, and ease is likely to be regarded.” ums not reflect the coverage she of ease due to his clean genetics. netic coding, getting tested is the would very much like to know It is, then, a fear of discrimina- will eventually need to treat the Once again, for good reason, smartest way to instate early pre- her susceptibility of getting the tion that is propagating the un- disease? this discrimination is illegal. This cautions, and perhaps prevent disease. ease with genetic testing. This In this case, discrimination does not mean it doesn’t happen, the symptoms before they occur. However, Jane knows that leads to a constant battle with seems to reflect a more rational though; as demonstrated by Jane So give into science, know that treatment can be very expensive, one’s body, and a somewhat hy- reasoning. However, discrimina- and Joe’s cases, individuals are you are protected and take con- and therefore does not want her pochondriac existence. tion is incriminatory, and in fact fearful of the potential fiscal con- trol of your own health.

LETTERS surveyed admitted to slapping, AMerica continued FROM page 3 pushing, or restraining a female continued FROM page 3 partner. Some audience members enjoyed With all of this in mind, we the aspects of history we are ashamed the sketch. Some laughed uncomfort- cannot pretend that violence of — of course not. But we need to ably, unsure what to think, and some, against women is a bygone part move beyond stereotypical visions horrified, covered their mouths in of our history or a battle that has of America to an understanding of shock or walked out. What accounts already been won. Instead, it is what America actually is. for such a disparity in audience re- terrible and omnipresent societal Of course, in a country as large sponse? issue that deserves serious consid- as the United States, there are an If this sketch had targeted peo- eration, not public mockery. infinite number of characteristics ple of color as the recipients of white This is a challenge to theatre- we can use to define us. male violence, the reaction would makers at all levels to take respon- So why not redefine Ameri- have been unanimously negative. If sibility for what they put in front ca into something we are proud it had targeted people of minority of their audiences. Placing an im- of? Why not let an “American” sexual identities, the laughter would age visually and aurally on stage be something we gladly call our- certainly have been sparse and un- endows the creators with a place selves when we study abroad and comfortable. Why? Because these are of power and privilege, howev- travel throughout the world? Let’s er temporally-constrained. Use it recognized as present and powerful embrace the parts of our culture PHOTO COURTESY/WIKIMEDIA.ORG systems of oppression. well. What are you supporting? worth embracing, and make these So tell me: why is it okay to make What are leaving your audiences the things we are known for. Symbol: Americans can shape American values for themselves. jokes about women’s oppression with, at the end of the show? Yes, we have the Ku Klux Klan, when we steer clear of other margin- This is a challenge to audience the atom bomb, Watergate, Hum- have street art, drive-in movies and relatively stable economy and jazz alized groups? Perhaps it’s because we members to engage the perform- mers and McDonald’s. Kurt Vonnegut. We have Bob Ross, and big libraries and an infinite don’t believe that women are still a ers – don’t allow them such uni- But we also have Bob Dylan and art museums, clean drinking water number of other amazing things marginalized group after all. Perhaps dimensional power. Don’t find it Aaron Copland, Martin Luther and restaurants of every variety. that are, whether we realize it or we believe that equality has been at- funny? Don’t laugh. Feel unsafe? King, Jr. and Einstein (kind of). We We have national parks and a not, as American as apple pie. tained. Perhaps we believe that the is- Leave. Not entertained? Let them sue of domestic violence is so far gone know. As performers ourselves, we derwent chemotherapy and radia- of shared experience. For a moment, that it is safe to joke about. AWARENESS tion treatment. a story pries apart the unknowabili- Let me tell you why it’s not: request honesty and respect be- continued FROM page 3 tween the artists and the audience, Although I didn’t realize it at the ty of illness, allowing a glimpse to the According to a National Institute time, the symptoms of her pain and other side. of Justice study, “Women are killed going in both directions. Mostly, this is a challenge to stu- movements do — raising funds for suffering deeply paralleled the list- Before being blinded anew by that by intimate partners—husbands, research, memorializing victims lessness, depression, and disassocia- division, one can become aware of lovers, ex-husbands, or ex-lovers— dents, to community members, to friends. Be aware of the dynamic and comforting the sick through a tion I have felt. Sitting in her room, sickness, and with that knowledge more often than by any other catego- show of solidarity — a question still I translated her physical pain to my nourish the compassion that of- ry of killer. It is the leading cause of your joke is supporting. Be aware of the opinion your laughter is lingers in my mind: psychological pain, and that was the ten lies confused and bound in the death for African-American women Do these awareness campaigns best and only way for me to cope. minds of people who want to help, aged 15 to 45 and the seventh lead- validating. Don’t allow off-handed inappropriate comments to float allow those who are not afflicted to To wring sense from my emotions, but don’t know how. ing cause of premature death for U.S. understand the experience of the ill? I have written and re-written my I don’t mean to equivocate, but women overall. Intimate partner ho- free without anchoring them in a grounded, respectful dialogue. What would open the mental space memory of those seasons. choosing a single mode of expression micides make up 40 to 50 percent of wherein the experience of illness In his book “The Wounded Story- for illness is difficult. Often, a sick all murders of women in the United We are aware of the subjective nature of comedy and do not pro- can be shared? teller,” Arthur W. Frank writes, “The person may not have the strength to States… In 70 to 80 percent of inti- I am convinced that one must wit- story [is] told through a wounded speak for herself; yet when her words mate partner homicides, no matter pose artistic censorship. Instead, we propose responsibility. We are ness illness in order to better know body. The stories that ill people tell lie mute, what use does talking do? which partner was killed, the man this experience. Stand in the room, come out of their own bodies. The But from my story, other stories will physically abused the woman before not attempting to squelch humor in itself, but propose conscien- see a person being sick. body sets in motion the need for come, and together they will push the murder.” Watch the lines of fatigue mark new stories when its disease dis- against the closing walls that alienate Not hitting close enough to home? tious awareness with regards to what your laughter validates. their face, and the gray pallor of ill- rupts the old stories ... These -em the sick from the healthy. The Department of Justice found ness darken their expression. bodied stories have two sides, one A story moves from the person- that women ages 16 – 24 are the most Keep laughing, but not at the expense of others. I have done this: In the spring personal and the other social.” al to the social, gradually creating likely victims of intimate partner vio- of 2007, my mother was diagnosed The suffering of a sick person is the a context in which the experience lence, and another study of dating vi- —Jamie Fletcher and Jacki Ward with breast cancer, and through the story of their sickness, and witnesses of illness is relatable, a context that olence found that 25% of college men summer and fall of that year, she un- cultivate their own stories as a result reaches toward public awareness.

Opinions contained herein do not necessarily reflect the views of The Trail staff, ASUPS, the University, or its Board of Trustees. Articles and letters in the Opinions section are printed at the discretion of the Trail editorial staff. The Trail reserves the right to refuse any letters submitted for publication. Letters to the editor will not be edited for grammar, spelling, or content, except in the case of material that is considered to be offensive, as determined by the Trail style guide. All letters to the editor must be signed and must have an e-mail address or phone number. Letters for publication the following Friday are due no later than Monday at noon and may be sent to: The Puget Sound Trail, 1095 Wheelock Student Center, Tacoma, WA 98416 or [email protected]. The Puget Sound Trail classifieds 5 [email protected] December 11, 2009

a guy or a girl? I get confused some- “HEY YOU,” awesome violin and times. cello players, thank you guys soooo much for being the rolling sea of “HEY YOU,” Ga Ga Oh La La La my composition! You guys are my Roma Roma ma ah. <3 you guyz. heroes! “HEY YOU,” you’re not guapo “HEY YOU,” VAVA, I love my enough to get away with being this vagina. Please stop writing post-it much of a man whore. notes to it. “HEY YOU,” dark haired, blue “HEY YOU,” roommate with eyed cashier at Diversions. You are the ugly face. Stop stalking people so pretty. on our floor. They want to be left alone. “HEY YOU,” I had fun randomly singing with a barber shop quartet “HEY YOU,” Jewish roomie, you with all of you!

Want to submit a Hey You? “HEY YOU,” hot tall redhead. “HEY YOU,” cutie in TP w/ the Grizz List E-mail Bow chicka wow wow. Yeah let’s big headphones, I’m down to shake [email protected] make it happen. your hand any time. Submit your posts to: or put one in the box in Diversions. “HEY YOU,” how dare you con- “HEY YOU,” if you like a boy who [email protected]. The Trail will never publish sider me a potentially easy lay and plays Pokemon, brings his computer Hey Yous that explicitly refer to nothing else?! I really thought you everywhere, and cares more about Your post should include a brief description, a category individuals or groups or make were different. technology than you...your boy- (Sale, Service or Event) and a campus e-mail address. drug and alcohol references. friend’s perfect. We will run your ads for two weeks, but feel free to post “HEY YOU,” Hercules, can you them again.* “HEY YOU,” girl in the library stop ignoring me so we can be bes- “HEY YOU,” new Betas, damn wearing the onesie. What the hell? ties again? I feel horrid. :\ you’re sexy. Your daring has me in awe. Sales: “HEY YOU,” boy in my sculpture “HEY YOU,” if you took my black • Looking for a roommate for the Spring semester “HEY YOU,” little man with the class who I never talked to the whole North Face and keys, please turn it big ego, don’t think that your soc- semester. I think you’re friggin ador- into Security! I really need it! to share a place with three other UPS students. We’ve cer ball and biceps excuse you from able and you’re a great artist! been there for three years now and it’s not dysfunc- treating women well. I hope the oth- “HEY YOU,” people who use this er girl finds out about you too. “HEY YOU,” remember the pil- to hit on people, grow some balls tional. The house is nice and is within a block of grims. and go up to the person. No one school (1914 N. Lawrence St.). Prefer no pets. Rent “HEY YOU,” Go Greek!! Mens wants to hear you complain. and Womens recruitment Spring “HEY YOU,” foxy Trail writer, I $425. Give Noah a call at 208-830-1593 for more in- 2010! value your opinion and your bod! “HEY YOU,” bassoonist. I love you! formation. “HEY YOU,” jaunty ginger, se- “HEY YOU,” be specific. -Ed. E-mail: [email protected] quins suit you. “HEY YOU,” kid on the path to “HEY YOU,” baby I love you but I the gym, sorry we almost ran you “HEY YOU,” if you ask for my just can’t smile. over – but you shoulda taken your • Ferret available through Lakewood pet store. He’s number, you should actually call, headphones out sooner! Love you! had his first shots, neutered, descented. He’s currently and not just hook up with the gross- “HEY YOU,” does a particular est girl on my floor the next night. constellation light up your southern “HEY YOU,” Boulder Boy! May- $40. Really sweet, big boy. sky? be it’s worth making eye contact to E-mail: [email protected] “HEY YOU,” my prancing uni- avoid running into walls. corn, let’s art! “HEY YOU,” gorgeous Cellar- working Nomi-Malone wannabe, “HEY YOU,” long haired Beta, I Services: “HEY YOU,” tall, well-dressed, can I have my own flash dance dur- wouldn’t mind being your Even in bearded man outside McIntyre on ing reading period? Eden. • Leaving for winter break? Need a house-sitter or Monday – you brightened by day by just have some extra space for a temporary room- smiling at me even after I so rudely “HEY YOU,” Happy with The “HEY YOU,” bulimic Polish wart- looked you up and down. Thanks! Trail? Think you can do better? hog demon, I will be so happy when mate? That would be great since I don’t have a place Write for us! my life doesn’t intersect with yours to go for break! “HEY YOU,” we still need a Miss anymore. Keep yellin’ at the pup and Kitt Fantastico! “HEY YOU,” Manateam, you guys hiding your face in your room. E-mail: [email protected] rock my socks. “HEY YOU,” I lied too. My house- “HEY YOU,” curly haired girl mate did see your penis. She wasn’t “HEY YOU,” you’re the cutest hu- with the colorful scarves, I wish my impressed. I didn’t mind it. I was manoid I know. Robots should sleep great uncle Leo high-fived the way Events: submit now! more concerned about your infidel- more often. you do! ity... * This will be the last Grizz List of the semester. Please “HEY YOU,” too much texting. “HEY YOU,” tech theatre student, “HEY YOU,” Freshman obsessed I’m getting bored. Entice me. ; ) “Hey yous” are not a clever way to continue to send your posts, and they will be included with your abs. I hate you more than complain about your professor. in our first issue of Spring 2010. Thanks y’all! an anorexic hates cake. “HEY YOU,” does your mother practice a certain religion? “HEY YOU,” let’s do all kinds of “HEY YOU,” big eyed blondie al- things for strangers during finals ways in Opp. cafe...you are sketch. “HEY YOU,” outgoing exec., fan- week and this finals season. tastic job! Thanks for the memories Tickets are “HEY YOU,” A/L garden level RA. and the chips and salsa! “HEY YOU,” drunk girl! Stop $6.50 with Put a shirt on! hurting yourself! your student ID!

Starts Friday! INVICTUS (PG-13) “Apply to work at Fri-Sun: 12:30, *3:20, 6:10, 9:00 Mon-Thurs: 3:20, 6:10, 9:00 The Trail for the * A discussion will follow Saturday’s 3:20pm showing THE YES MEN FIX THE WORLD (NR) Spring 2010 semester!” Fri: 2:15, 4:30, 6:35, 8:40 Sat/Sun: 12, 2:15, 4:30, 6:35, 8:40 -Count Dooku Mon-Thurs: 2:15, 4:30, 6:35, 8:40

AN EDUCATION (PG-13) e-mail [email protected] Fri: 2:30, 4:45, 7:05, 9:15 Sat/Sun: 12:15, 2:30, 4:45, 7:05, 9:15 Mon-Thurs: 2:30, 4:45, 7:05, 9:15

www.GrandCinema.com 6 The Puget Sound Trail features December 11, 2009 [email protected] Stories of SURVIVAL Confronting campus sexual assault Sexual assault is the most under-reported crime in the nation. How does Puget Sound address the issue on campus, what policies govern the University’s response, and how do these policies impact student lives?

accused. The survivor may choose to where we used it for sexual miscon- irrelevant because the police are not an excuse for someone to do that assault do so without informing the Univer- duct,“ Segawa said. involved. to someone else. No matter what. I continued FROM page 1 sity of the identity of the perpetra- Survivors may also choose to talk “The victim is the one who has to didn’t want to tell my mom about it; tor. The University also has a variety with the Tacoma Police Department. report it to the police. I cannot make I was worried she’d blame me like I Sexual misconduct is the most un- of counselors who can provide sup- In this situation, the Office of Student a second party report. My staff is only blamed myself and like other people der-reported crime in the United port to the victim such as the Univer- Affairs attempts to refer survivors to responsible for initial responses and blamed me,” she said. States; 60 percent of cases go unre- sity chaplain or a CHWS counselor. Security Services. when most of the reports are made “I went to my RA [who] encour- ported, according to the Rape, Abuse The University can also arrange for a “[They] have the most regular months after the incident, the best aged me to go get a rape kit done at and Incest National Network, a non- counselor of the survivor’s choice. contact with Tacoma Police, so they thing we can do is make the survivor the hospital. The sexual assault nurs- profit funded in part by the U.S. De- Because of the long-lasting psy- would be the ones most helpful in fa- comfortable,” Badham said. es there were wonderful and they as- partment of Justice. chological effects of being sexually cilitating the conversation/connec- The University does, however, - re sured me that I was not wrong, that “I don’t think [sexual assault] is on assaulted, experts identify the critical tion to the Tacoma Police,” Segawa serve the right to inform the commu- this wasn’t my fault. I cried and cried. many of our students’ radar screens,” need for support. said. nity, though they have never done so The exam, combined with waiting, Dean of Students Mike Segawa said. “Survivor self-blame is very com- Director of Security Services Todd in the past. insurance, and forms, kept me at the What is the advantage of resolv- mon, especially among women,” Badham reports that his department “We would notify [the campus hospital for nine hours. Fortunately I ing the issue through the University CHWS nurse practitioner Lisa Rob- does not often contact the Tacoma community] when we felt there was had a friend who was willing to stay rather than through the police de- inson said. “That is why supportive Police. a safety risk to the community,” Sega- with me.” partment? “Generally the campus counseling is so important.” “More frequently than not, we do wa said. The student took her case through conduct process can be conducted in The updated sexual misconduct not involve the Tacoma Police De- Two Puget Sound students were the University’s sexual assault response a more [expedient] manner and our policy is intended to give students partment because it is an acquain- willing to share their own sexual as- system. This process, which involved standard of proof, preponderance, is options for a response that fits their tance situation. I’m not minimizing sault experiences with The Trail, on recounting the evening with those in lower than the criminal justice sys- needs. that, or saying it’s any less significant, the condition of anonymity. the system, eventually culminated in a tem,” Segawa said. “We want to give students a sense just that [this is] typically how people confession on the part of the rapist. of being empowered while respect- respond,” Badham said. Utilizing the System The University put a restraining Unpacking the Policy ing the rights of the accused,” Sega- Segawa said that the advantage to was sexually assaulted my fresh- order on the rapist, which restricted n 2007 the University instated wa said. handling sexual assault cases through man year by someone in a fra- his ability to be on campus unless in policy changes to provide more The University wishes more stu- the University is the lesser burden of ternity. I had been drinking, and class. He subsequently graduated and support for survivors of rape and dents would report their experiences. proof required in University investi- Isuspect that I was roofied. I woke up left the community. His fraternity, ac- Isexual assault. According to Segawa, Segawa said he would not be worried gations. tive on campus, declined to comment to someone having sex with me who the previous policy received negative about deterring prospective students “Collecting evidence or making I had never met before, and could not about his actions and the blacklisting feedback from student groups such by a sudden rise in reported assaults. statements — that just doesn’t hap- have consented to. I proceeded with they enacted. as the Vagina Anti-Violence Alliance He expressed his belief that many pen because of the time lapse,” Bad- the University sexual assault poli- “There wasn’t a day that I didn’t (VAVA) and Voices for Planned Par- people realize statistics concerning ham said. According to Badham, cy, [which] is supposed to be anony- think about it. I was in counseling enthood. sexual misconduct are much lower most sexual assaults are not reported mous. Not only did it not prevent this once a week for the rest of the year. I “The impact of the old policy was than the truth and a higher statistic immediately. person from informing 50 or so other still think about it every day, especially that it was not a supportive process to would reflect that more students felt Robinson said the successful pros- individuals, but those people felt jus- since there are reminders all around. I resolve the issue through the institu- comfortable reporting. ecution of a rape or sexual assault tified in ‘voting’ on me and [I] was just want people to really understand tion,” Segawa said. If a formal complaint is lodged, case relies on evidence obtained via blacklisted by the fraternity this per- how much something like this affects The current policy emphasizes the investigating officer and Assistant a physical exam within three days of son was affiliated with. As if my rights you. It’s something that will be with helping survivors, whereas the previ- Dean of Students, Kate Cohn, will de- the incident. had not been taken away already. Yes, me for the rest of my life. It gets easi- ous policy emphasized prevention of termine whether the case will be pur- “This exam is very comprehensive this happened at UPS.” er, but it doesn’t go away. When I have sexual assault, Segawa said. The cur- sued through a formal hearing ad- and includes collection of evidence, “The day after I was assaulted, I just friends who go out drinking, espe- rent policy, which can be found on judicated by the Sexual Misconduct documentation of injuries and sex- sat in my room in a daze. I couldn’t cially at big parties, I warn them to be the University website, explains the Board, which is comprised of one ually transmitted infection testing,” understand what had happened. I was careful. It’s hard for people to concep- options that a survivor has for resolv- student, one faculty member and one Robinson said. “It is very important so lost, and felt empty, but I couldn’t tualize this happening to them. That’s ing the conflict through the Univer- administrative member. that the exam is done correctly and quite figure out why. I was in intense why I tell my story.” sity. Students may choose to address “The sexual misconduct process that chain of custody procedures are pain. I definitely remembered certain After the event, some of the perpe- the incident through a formal com- would not be called until Kate deter- followed so that the evidence can be parts of it, and was able to put togeth- trator’s friends sent this student threat- plaint, an informal report that pres- mines there is enough information used if there are subsequent legal pro- er who the person was. It terrified me. ening e-mails, telling her not to attend ents counseling options or to report here to think there could be a viola- ceedings. The exam needs to be done I felt disgusting, empty, confused, and any events where they would be. the incident for record without fur- tion,” Segawa said. as soon as possible after the assault, completely alone. I tried to go to class “I wanted to remain friends with ther judicial action. If the Board were to find a student though evidence can be collected up on Monday and was in a complete the people in the fraternity, even af- The University can help survivors in violation of the University’s sexu- to 72 hours after the assault.” daze. I couldn’t pay attention,” she re- ter [they] approached me, wanting to to resolve the conflict informally. A al misconduct policy, the most severe The chain of custody is a police pro- called. know if I was really telling the truth. survivor may choose a person of his consequence to the student would be tocol that accounts for each time evi- “I kept blaming myself – I shouldn’t But when they blacklisted me, I was or her choice to mediate a discussion. expulsion. The University rarely en- dence changes hands in an attempt to have taken that drink, I should have devastated. That was when I really The University will then direct this forces this punishment, however. minimize its contamination. In most slowed down, I should have stayed wanted to shout from the rooftops, person to initiate a confidential dis- “We’ve rarely ever used it [expul- rape or sexual assault cases on cam- with friends. I kept blaming it on my- ‘I’m telling the truth! Why would I lie cussion between the survivor and the sion]. I can’t remember the last time pus, though, the chain of custody is self. The truth is, drunkenness isn’t about this?’ It was so frustrating to feel features The Puget Sound Trail 7 [email protected] December 11, 2009 Stories of SURVIVAL

ASUPS Photo Services/Hattie Lindsley

pinned against a wall like that. I want- dents have perceived that their peers thy and the resolve to confront unset- ed to ask them, ‘Do you have sisters? unpacking the policy are unconcerned with preventing sex- tling thoughts,” Mann said. Aunts? Mothers? How would you feel ual violence until they are forced to Stinnett feels that some students be- if this had happened to them? Would “The university’s general practice for handling complaints is as confront it. Students may feel that sex- lieve that sexual assault can be justified you treat them this way? Would you follows, recognizing that circumstances of a particular case may ual assault is an uncomfortable issue by a woman’s choice of clothing. let someone else treat them this way?’ require some flexibility of process: The official will interview that is too big to address and does not “This perspective also has harm- They say sexual assault is the only the complaintant and make a written summary of the interview, involve them directly. ful effects,” Stinnett said. “It implies crime where the victim is put on tri- “People on this campus feel like we that men have no self control, that all al, rather than the perpetrator. And it’s including the specific nature and effects of the conduct in are in this safe bubble where all is hap- women are heterosexual and horny t r u e .” question, the time and circumstances in which it occurred, py, and as long as we’re sustainable ev- all the time and that sexual assault is and the names of other persons who may have relevant erything is OK. I really think people about lust, rather than violence, con- Untangling the Options information... Alternatively a complainant might request the just don’t think about it and the atti- trol and dominance.” had been drinking and wanted to university to designate a person of the complainant’s choice to tude is, ‘if I’m not confronted with it, In the face of ambiguous Universi- see the boy whom I was sort of dat- it’s not my problem’,” Ward said. ty policies, these groups work to in- ing at the time. I went to the room initiate a confidential discussion with the person whose conduct These groups perceive that male crease awareness about sexual assault Iand he had been studying that night, is objectionable, with or without disclosing the complainant’s students, in particular, seem to have a on campus and to provide options for and had not been drinking. I still can’t identity....” — Sexual Misconduct Policy, pugetsound.edu hard time identifying sexual violence students to address it. • remember much, but we were talking, as an issue that is relevant to them. and then we got on the bed somehow “To recognize just how unsettling With reporting by Robyn Broker, he was not. I kept telling her that I was olence. and we started kissing. We had hung and destructive sexual assault is from MacKenzie Fuentes, Noah Kaplan, silly. I couldn’t wrap my head around These groups are taking steps to ed- out many times before and every time a non-experiential perspective, it re- Elizabeth Newton, Kyle Nunes, Jason the fact that it was rape, because I had ucate their peers about the importance he’d asked if I wanted to have sex, and quires one to have perspective, empa- Schumacher and Adia White. been the one who drank, I had been of preventing sexual violence. VAVA I had said no.” the one to give him permission.” focuses primarily on women’s issues, “I hadn’t told him that I was a vir- “I had to talk to someone at the Uni- and gives female students a safe space gin. The night went between us mak- versity because I got a misconduct for to discuss sexual violence, oppression ing out and him asking me to have drinking, as I had felt depressed and of women and ways to empower wom- sex with him, and I kept saying no, down on who I was becoming and en. and he just kept asking. So I told him drank so much that my friends had to Safe Men, a new student group on I was a virgin and he said, ‘let me take call Security. I had to meet one of the campus, focuses primarily on men’s your virginity.’ I said no, but he still women in the Dean’s office, and in the issues and gives male students a safe kept asking. I felt really insecure, so midst of our conversation I told her place to talk about sexual violence and eventually I said OK. He went to put about my experience of being raped. issues of masculinity in society. Safe a condom on and the whole time he I gave her permission to mark down Men recently brought the White Rib- was gone I thought, ‘I need to get out that it had happened but not to share bon Campaign to campus, which is an of this room’. He tried to enter me and my name, nor did I give her his name. international effort by men and boys it really really hurt. During this whole She said I should go to counseling, so I to end violence against women. time I was saying ow; I didn’t say no, I did, and the counselor was really good The SIRGE coordinator, senior Erin said ow, but I kept tearing up and it re- but moved away the next year, so I de- Ward, brings programs to campus to ally hurt. He didn’t stop.” cided just to be done. If I hadn’t been raise awareness of issues including “It was like he didn’t know I was in denial I think the University would sexual violence. Ward is currently col- there. I felt awful because this thing have supported me, but I didn’t really lecting information about what efforts that I never wanted was inside me, but try to go through any of their process- are being made on campus to educate I had been the one who invited it in. es. What would have happened if I had people about and prevent sexual as- Later during the night I went to the gone to the board and then he had said sault and rape. bathroom and my pee was all blood, that I was lying, and the board didn’t These groups focus heavily on a and I had just had my period so there charge him even though I wasn’t lying? perceived lack of awareness and dis- wasn’t any reason for me to be bleed- I couldn’t have dealt with that.” cussion about sexual violence among ing so much. I didn’t tell anybody for a members of the campus community. while, not even my best friend, because Raising Awareness “People are not aware about sexual I was ashamed of myself. I didn’t even assault,” VAVA officer sophomore Toni think about it because there wasn’t any ome student groups on campus Stinnett said. “Many people might room in my head to let me think about have made the fight against sex- have been sexually assaulted and not what had happened.” ual violence their calling. Safe SMen, the Vagina Anti-Violence Alli- realized it, either because they were in- “I told my friend what happened and toxicated and don’t remember, or be- she told me I should tell someone. She ance (VAVA) and student leadership cause they don’t know the definition of said it didn’t matter that I was drunk offices like the Sexual Identity,- Re sexual assault.” and that I had said OK, it didn’t matter lationships, and Gender Education Student groups also face obstacles in that I didn’t say no, because I clearly (SIRGE) are reaching out on campus getting students to pay attention to and didn’t want to and I was drunk while to educate and advocate for greater awareness and prevention of sexual vi- care about sexual violence. Some stu- 8 Combat Zone The Puget Sound Trail December 11, 2009 [email protected] The Combat Zone is intended as a satirical work. The views and opinions expressed by the Combat Zone do not necessarily reflect those of the Puget Sound Trail, ASUPS, concerned parties or the University of Puget Sound. Please submit compliments or complaints in the form of letters to the editor. S.U.B. urges students to consider going plateless By BRIANNA JENSEN rettes supposed to carry their food?” The answer lies in the newly Since the S.U.B. decided to cut printed University handbook enti- tray use among students, the Uni- tled “No Plate, No Problem.” versity of Puget Sound has cut its Some examples from the hand- water usage by more than 88 per- book on how to get food from cent, which equals approximately the S.U.B. without a plate include, 50,000 gallons. “Use pockets, backpacks, hats and Puget Sound, however, has de- jackets to carry your order. Buy cided that this is not enough, and flat foods that other foods can be next semester the University will served on. For example, buy a sand- begin asking students to go plate- wich and prepare your salad on top less as well as trayless. of it. Or order everything with let- The current concerns -sur tuce on the bottom to act as a plate. rounding water consumption were Or ask them to put the food directly sparked by a Puget Sound stu- in your mouth, but remember, don’t dent’s independent research proj- swallow until you’ve paid.” ect, which deduced that all the wa- Without plates in the S.U.B., our ter in the Puget Sound would be dry campus will be doing its part to by the year 2016. be sustainable and keep the Puget “The Puget Sound is the main ASUPS PHOTO SERVICES/HATTIE LINDSAY Sound full, but there is still more to source of water for our campus,” Plates: Open the hand sanitizer; next semester means eating off the same hand you wipe with. be done. student researcher Tyler Harbor Some ideas from the handbook on how students can successfully said. “And if we keep using water at to first cut sprinkler use to almost on whales. Loggers love whales. asked to carry food is in their hands, cut down on personal water use in- our current rate, it will all be used nothing, and then cut trays. By not Guess where a whole bunch of and students from the Small Hands clude, “Don’t shower. Don’t do dish- up. And everyone knows that once using plates, the S.U.B. plans to cut whales live: in water. So in order Society on campus are worried. es. Don’t brush your teeth. Don’t you’ve used water, it’s gone for good water usage by another 50 percent. to not dry up the Puget Sound and “We need to eat too,” club presi- drink water.” and can never come back. Only a University officials earlier this the ocean, we will use as little water dent Cindy Martins said. “This is The handbook also suggests one certain amount of water was put on week said, “We are doing our part as possible, so the whales can have handism, something we have had way to put water back: “Pee in the Earth and we don’t get any more.” to preserve our local environment. m ore .” to face all our lives. How is someone Puget Sound.” The University’s reaction was The University has a strong stance The main way students will be with hands the size of a pack of ciga- Ted Bundy’s diary leads student Writer’s block strikes to secret chamber below campus local serial kidnapper She used to hang out with the whole By NORTON SPARR gang until that thing turned up. We don’t even know where she got it. N. Adams St. area serial kidnap- Maybe she stole it or something. per Patrick Tangle found himself Who knows? She just wasn’t really completely uninspired last night acting like herself.” while attempting to write a ransom Westley’s brother, Don, also a note to the parents of one Maria student at Puget Sound and a friend Whitebaker. Tangle sat in his dark- of her rescuer Barry Daughter, cor- ened basement for no less than an roborated these claims, explaining hour and a half, failing to write even that his sister had been acting “a bit a title sentence before crumpling up loony” prior to going missing. the paper and lobbing it at his trash “At first, I was happy, you know, can with attached basketball back- that she was getting her feelings out board. or what have you. A diary can be a “I just can’t seem to rekindle good place to write about whatever the spark I used to have. Remem- bullocks you’ve got to deal with. But ber the Berklehorn kid I kidnapped PHOTO COURTESY/THE TRAIL then, I dunno, she just stopped be- last year? I wrote that note in like ing Jenna. It was like the diary had ten minutes and the family coughed can’t even write one sentence? One? power over her,” Don Westley said. up almost $80,000 in small, non-se- And don’t even try to pull that ‘send The Tacoma Police Department quential, unmarked bills! Why can’t a bloody finger in the mail with cut released details about the evidence I do it again? Why, why, why?” the out magazine letters’ bit. You re- to the media yesterday, and it ap- kidnapper muttered. Tangle has member how well that worked with pears that the diary was not West- kidnapped over 20 children and the Cohen kid.” ley’s to begin with. Inscribed on the teenagers, but has never had as Among Tangle’s rejected ideas badly damaged cover were the ini- much trouble with a ransom letter for visual aids of a victim’s capture tials T.B., and some initial specula- as he was having at press time. are trimming all of Maria’s nails tors are attributing it to famed se- Tangle was the kidnapper behind and sending them as evidence, hav- rial killer and one-time Logger, Ted such big-name abductions as Da- ing Maria write a 500-word essay ASUPS PHOTO SERVICES/SPENCER WADNIZAK Bundy. kota Fanning, Haley Joel Osment, on what freedom means to her and Diary: If your friends are reading invisible or even handwritten Although it is unclear whether and “Little Miss Sunshine’s” Abigail drawing an artistic representation texts, you can bet forces of evil are at work. Bundy ever used the diary, one of Breslin. Tangle was also instrumen- of the emotion he feels when kid- Bundy’s former professors has con- tal in helping authorities with the napping. Eventually, Tangle just By QUENTIN LOVEGOOD ly mumbled about fiery birds from firmed that Bundy always carried kidnapping of Elian Gonzalez. bowed his head and resigned him- Phoenix, Ariz., “Basic Lists” of gi- two books with him: a chemistry “Seriously, Patrick?” Tangle self to watching an entire season of After a magical series of events ant snakes and other such non- book and a little black diary. shouted to himself. “Seriously? You “The Sopranos” for inspiration. earlier this week, freshman Jenna sense. When we looked into her Westley has been found. Westley, statements we found no such birds a 5’2” female from Borough, Alas- in the greater Phoenix area and no ka, went missing shortly after be- giant snakes named on any “Basic ing spotted wandering in a trance- Lists” in the Biology Department. like state across Union Ave. at 11:52 Tacoma Police found an interest- p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2009. ing array of evidence at the scene Westley remained lost until a he- where Westley was found. Among roic Facilities work-study student, the most bizarre are a golden sword, Barry Daughter, found her early an old witch hat and a small book Thursday morning in a small cham- with a spike in it. While the sto- ber connected to the tunnels that ries behind the first two items have run below campus. While the de- eluded all research efforts, the small tails are still fuzzy, Daughter claims book has provided some interest- to have been doing a routine clean- ing facts concerning Westley’s dis- ing sweep of the tunnels with his appearance. broom when he found her. Friends of Westley’s who live Westley received minor cuts and with her in Harrington Dormitory bruises and is now recovering in Ta- reported seeing her writing often in coma General. She has been unable the small book. to remember many details from the Violet Tan, a friend and Har- time she was missing. rington resident, said, “Yeah, Jenna When interviewed, she most- got really strange about that book. THE TRAIL/HALLIE BATEMAN The Puget Sound Trail sports 9 [email protected] December 11, 2009

Teams at Puget Sound saw mixed results in the first half of the school year: some won a lot of games, one Legends won none at all. of the It was a riveting season that is worth a second look. Enjoy the time line of pictures and remember the teams and FALL their respective time in action.

ASUPS PHOTO SERVICES/CHRIS PUTNAM ASUPS PHOTO SERVICES/KEVIN CURLETT ASUPS PHOTO SERVICES/ANDREW SHERIDAN 9-26-09 Men’s soccer suffers a Women’s soccer begins their 9-18-09 Volleyball grabs a 3-0 0-1 loss to Whitworth in 9-12-09 run to the top of the NWC sweep over Pacific overtime. standings. University.

ASUPS PHOTO SERVICES/TROY DUNHAM ASUPS PHOTO SERVICES/KEVIN CURLETT 10-10-09 ASUPS PHOTO SERVICES/CHRIS PUTNAM 10-10-09 Football loses 14-3 in front 9-26-09 For the first time in five years, Swim season opens with the of a packed house on women’s soccer grabs a #1 annual alumni meet. Homecoming. national ranking.

CONTINUED p a g e 10 10 sports The Puget Sound Trail December 11, 2009 [email protected] Coming into Focus...

PHOTO COURTESY/ROSE THOMPSON ASUPS PHOTO SERVICES/KEVIN CURLETT 10-17-09 ASUPS PHOTO SERVICES/CHRIS PUTNAM Francis Reynolds prepares to grab 10-11-09 Freshman Ross Zuhl has a rare 10-10-09 incompletion thrown his way before the NWC individual title, en route to Men’s soccer battles inconsistency, a 3rd place finish in regionals and a a loss to Whitworth. The Loggers 14th place finish at nationals. dropping a game to PLU at home in Baker Stadium. finished 0-9 on the year. ...and looking to Winter

ASUPS PHOTO SERVICES/HOLL ASUPS PHOTO SERVICES/ANDREW SHERIDAN ASUPS PHOTO SERVICES/HOLLY HARTMAN 11-21-09 Y HARTMAN Claire Ely leads the charge for the Volleyball battles numerous injuries, 11-21-09 Loggers all the way to a surprise 4-1 10-31-09 but earns a 3-0 sweep of Men’s basketball loses to start, including this 78-42 demolition of Whitman on senior night UW-Stevens Point in the final in Memorial Fieldhouse. game of the Tip-Off Classic. Menlo College. The Puget Sound Trail arts & entertainment 11 [email protected] December 11, 2009 Puget Sound hosts book collecting contest Sex Desk, including a portion of Profes- sor Kent Hooper’s collection of nurs- ery rhymes. Lev The library also houses the person- al library of Lyle Stanton Shelmidine, & a former Puget Sound professor who began teaching in the history depart- Decade of ment in 1936. His collection of books and papers on the Middle East can be seen in the Shelmidine room on the great comics second floor. The contest application, which is shows due March 24, 2010, includes a two- to-four-page essay describing how and why the personal collection was medium’s accumulated, an annotated bibliog- raphy of the collection, an annotat- ed “wish list” of up to five other titles complexity and a completed application form. First prize is $1000 and second prize By DAVID LEV is $500. There will be a reception held I am a fan of comics, and as I April 15, 2010 in Collins Memorial look back and try to figure out Library to announce and honor con- some of the most notable events test award winners. in the medium over the past de- “It’s a great way to support lifelong ASUPS PHOTO SERVICES/WESTLEY DANG cade, I find that quite a lot of in- learning and reading and the beauty credible work has been done. Volumes: The library is hosting a contest for book enthusiasts, the first of its kind in the Northwest. and power of the written word,” Car- There are, of course, the main- lin said. stream superhero comics pro- In an age where the printed word By JENNY TATE Puget Sound to read for enjoyment tween ten and 30 items, the majority duced by the two main com- is rapidly being replaced and deemed and to develop personal libraries of which should be books (but may ic book companies, Marvel and obsolete by the fast-paced transfer The University of Puget Sound has throughout their lives, to appreciate also include related materials such DC. But I never really liked or of information through the inter- the exciting opportunity to hold a the special qualities of printed or il- as photographs, maps, music scores, read mainstream comics, and net, there is still something to be cel- Book Collecting Contest sponsored lustrated works, and to read, research etc.) and should show evidence of a their major accomplishment was ebrated about the intimacy of hold- by the Book Club of Washington. and preserve the collected works for particular interest, academic or oth- to escape from the “Dark Age” of ing a book. When Puget Sound hosted a meet- pleasure and scholarship,” the Uni- erwise. the early 90s (think overly-mus- ing for the book club members last versity of Puget Sound website said. “You can define your own collec- cular, badly-drawn superheroes spring, the club was in the process Many other prestigious universi- tion,” Jane Carlin, Library Director, with names like “BloodKaine” of interviewing other universities, ties, such as Harvard and Cornell, said. The rules are broad. A collec- MORE INFO: killing their opponents with big but the members were so impressed have long-standing book collecting tion could be books by the same au- www.pugetsound.edu/academics/ guns). They all have giant con- with the University that they decid- awards, but the University of Puget thor or publisher, of the same genre, academic-resources/collins-memo- fusing crossovers that are hard ed to give this opportunity to Puget Sound is the first university in the or the same subject. rial-library/book-collecting-contest to read. Sound. Pacific Northwest to distribute this The Collins Memorial Library There have been interesting “The aim of this competition is to award. currently has a display of book col- Contact Jane Carlin at jcarlin@ encourage undergraduate students at pugetsound.edu A collection should consist of be- lections across from the Circulation s e e SEX AND LEV p a g e 12 Hornby’s ‘An Education’ charming, resonant film

By JULIANNE BELL en, played by Rosamund Pike, is a tad ditzy and jealous of Jenny’s In his debut screenplay “An wide-eyed innocence. She has al- Education,” veteran writer Nick ready assumed the leisurely life Hornby (author of “High Fideli- of glamor Jenny so desperate- ty” and “About a Boy”) has crafted ly wants, and instructs her in it, a coming-of-age tale that is genu- making her over into a lipsticked, ine, heartbreaking and cathartic. bouffant-sporting creature and Fresh-faced, wide-eyed new- lending her a nightie for her first comer Carey Mulligan plays Jen- night alone with David. ny, a smart 16-year-old school- Helen advises that Jenny have girl stuck in a grim British town David buy her any expensive (circa the 1960s) with a dim, al- clothing she wants and gives her a beit well-meaning, father who de- dress, explaining she doesn’t need spises anything with the whiff of it because “you can only wear so exoticism, and a mother who has many dresses in one day.” ASUPS PHOTO SERVICES/HATTIE LINDSLEY resigned herself to a life of scrub- As the movie progresses and bing casserole dishes. Jenny becomes more and more Gingerbread: This display at the Tacoma Art Museum raises awareness about Type One diabetes. Jenny longs for glamor, pep- seduced by the good life — get- pering her speech with French ting whisked off to Paris for her phrases and escaping her drea- seventeenth birthday, for example ry life through French music and — she begins to question the ne- Local artists make gingerbread village books. The plan is for Jenny to at- cessity of education in her life. tend Oxford University, and she The film’s title, therefore, refers By MELANIE REIFF Preparatory School, local tile artist plete with edible walls and spires. can’t wait to break away from her both to the Oxford college learn- Claudia Riedener of Ixia, Jonz Ca- Other buildings recreated in gin- small-town existence in favor of ing that looms in Jenny’s future The Tacoma Art Museum is cur- tering, Korsmo Construction and gerbread include the Tacoma Dome, a life of intellectualism and inde- and her life lessons from her re- rently featuring its third Annual Paprika Catering. the Ford Building and Old Crescent pendence. lationship with David. Mulli- South Sound Gingerbread Village. The gingerbread village brings to- Ballroom and the Elk’s Club, Bob’s One day, a suave and worldly gan plays Jenny’s frustration with The display, “Tacoma Landmarks: gether individuals from the com- Java Jive, the University of Washing- older man (played by Peter Sars- skill, exhibiting a natural ease for Past and Present,” is put on by both munity to put on this display. The ton Tacoma campus and the Luzon gaard) offers Jenny a ride in his realism. the art museum and the Juvenile Di- professional artists and designers Building. The display also features sports car and charms her. His Hornby is known for his knack abetes Research Foundation to help work with students to be a part of a model Vashon Ferry on a Sea of name is David, and soon enough for creating resonant characters, raise awareness and education of this educational event, helping to Sugar glass made by the students of he’s sweeping her off to a world and “An Education” is no excep- Type One diabetes. raise awareness to better the quality Bellarmine Preparatory School. of concerts, gourmet restaurants, tion. His novels have a fresh, ear- The Juvenile Diabetes Research of life for those diagnosed with juve- The delectable showpieces are in- art auctions and smoky, dark- nest style that translates well to Foundation Northwest Chapter was nile diabetes. novative and intricately designed, ened jazz clubs filled with chicly- the big screen. The film exudes founded in 1982 to raise money for Local businesses and individuals The structures are unique and - ex dressed men and women. an irresistible charm, as well as a juvenile diabetes research and pro- sponsor the event and all proceeds quisite and look good enough to Jenny falls under the spell of sense of authenticity in its look at vide resources to families that have go to the Juvenile Diabetes Research eat. The gingerbread village is an the scene, and Mulligan is fantas- growing up. children with diabetes. Foundation. impressive display of Tacoma land- tic in portraying her innocence, “An Education” enchants and This is the third year that the Juve- The gingerbread village celebrates marks. drinking in the tableaux with big delights, and is a pleasure to nile Diabetes Research Foundation the theme, “Tacoma Landmarks: The gingerbread village is on dis- doe-like eyes and an eager, dim- watch in its lightly comic yet in- has partnered with the Art Museum Past and Present,” by showcasing play at the Tacoma Art Museum pled grin that she can’t wipe off sightful tone. to put on this educational display. seven displays of various Tacoma until Dec. 12. Museum hours are her face. She’s thirsty for more, Audiences will surely come Local artists, designers and stu- buildings, all important to the his- Wednesday through Saturday from and you can tell she feels her life away from this inspired bildung- dents from around the Tacoma area tory and tradition of Tacoma. Fea- 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is $9 for starting to take flight. sroman with happy hearts and the contributed to the display. Repre- tured buildings include a replica of adults, $8 for seniors, students, and Jenny meets David’s also world- feeling of indeed having received, sented artists include Affairs Choc- Stadium High School made by Af- military and children under the age ly friends, Danny and Helen. Hel- as the title implies, an education. olate & Desserts, BCRA, Bellarmine fairs Chocolate & Desserts, com- of five are free. The Puget Sound Trail arts & entertainment 12 [email protected] December 11, 2009 Best Albums of the Decade: The 2000s Professor By A&E STAFF folk-rock with a historical flavor, updates and “Picaresque” is elaborate nar- The 2000s, despite what the Baby rative music at its best. It’s storytell- Boomers might say, was a monu- ing as an art. Fittingly, “Picaresque” theater book mental decade for music. With the features richly theatrical tales of roy- By KRISTA CURRY mp3 looming, bands from every part alty, vengeance, forbidden love, ad- of the spectrum adopted a do-it- venture, tragedy and espionage. The In 1997, Professor of Music, yourself attitude and a healthy dose sea-shanty yarn “The Mariner’s Re- Geoffrey Block, came out with of music-industry skepticism. Music venge Song” represents the essence “Enchanted Evenings: The Broad- became more fragmented. It’s hard of the Decemberists’ music, a jaunty way Musical from Show Boat to to envision everyone you know idol- nine-minute accordion-tinged epic Sondheim and Lloyd Webber.” izing the same album, spinning it in that climaxes in a swordfight inside Now, Block has written a sec- the basement until the vinyl melts. the “belly of a whale.” Their tracks ond edition. His first has been The 2000s saw juxtaposition: the in- are meticulous and unapologetical- critically acclaimed and used as dividualization of music tastes along- ly baroque, the lyrics filled with lofty a textbook by colleges across the side the increased ability to share and diction. With “Picaresque,” The De- country. discuss it. We’re in the middle of a cemberists carved out a niche in the “I didn’t realize it at the time, musical shift that has produced some world of indie rock with their novel but my original edition came out fantastic releases. Here are a few of brand of whimsical, esoteric music. at the end of the era. It was ba- our favorites from this decade (in no It is as smart as it is listenable, and for sically the end of Sondheim and particular order). that alone it deserves recognition. Lloyd Webber. That was the end Animal Collective – “Avenue Q” (2003) PHOTO COURTESY/WIKIMEDIA.ORG of a major, major era,” said Block. “Merriweather Post Pavilion” “Avenue Q” is an R-rated spoof on In this edition, there are three (2009) Sesame Street about one young pup- Best: Experimental pioneer Animal Collective had a great decade. brand-new chapters: two discuss- Much has been said about “Merri- pet’s search for his purpose, and in- ing the film adaptations of musi- weather Post Pavilion” this year, and cludes a plethora of swear words and on hypocrisies. Each song on “Kala” On “John Wayne Gacy Jr.” Stevens cals discussed in the book, and for good reason. Animal Collective naughty subjects we never learned sticks it to the man in some way or tells the story of the titular serial kill- one on Andrew Lloyd Webber. transcends genre boundaries and from Big Bird. The stuff of great mu- another. M.I.A.’s neon getups and er. As he laments the deaths of Ga- The other major change was to fulfills the promise that “we’ll feel sicals? It shouldn’t be. But it is. “Av- hypnotizing album art are enough cy’s victims he cries, “they were boys greatly expand his chapter on Ste- sublime.” Ambitious without being enue Q” is appealing because of its to make anyone dizzy, but her com- with cars, summer jobs, oh my Go- phen Sondheim. self-indulgent, on “Pavilion” Animal witty lyrics. Songs include “Every- mentary on popular culture and pol- o-o-od,” and you can hear his voice “The adaptations, I felt, would Collective seems to have ruminat- one’s a Little Bit Racist,” “The In- itics is so biting that you can’t help crack in sorrow. It’s the kind of poi- be useful to everybody. The oth- ed over every detail, while making it ternet is for Porn” and, every Eng- but respect her music, unlike similar gnant moment “Illinoise” is full of. er way I could have gone is the sound effortlessly organic. It opens lish major’s favorite, “What Do You pop stars (read: Lady Gaga). “Kala” is – adaptations of films. But I wasn’t with the haunting “In the Flowers” Do with a B.A. in English?” While snarky, fun and speaks to our mod- “ III” (2008) that interested in those. Instead, followed by the most popular sin- most songs are hilarious, the show ern anxieties — a perfect embodi- Lil Wayne’s “Tha Carter III” is I thought ‘let’s look at how stage gle, “My Girls.” Lines like “I don’t also has heart. The ballads make you ment of the 2000s’ spirit. one of the best hip hop albums this works have been adapted into mean to seem like I care about ma- forget that you’ve just heard a song SufjanS tevens – “Illinois” (2005) decade. Collaborating with estab- films.’ Everyone’s seeing these terial things” and “Am I really all the about two puppets having sex. Kate Sufjan Stevens’ “Illinois” is a viv- lished artists including T-Pain, Jay- films, and they’re not the Broad- things that are outside of me?” were Monster’s heartfelt “There’s a Fine, id, poetic album that flows with life. Z and Busta Rhymes, Lil Wayne cre- way show. This way, they know particularly resonant in the free- Fine Line,” has themes everyone can It is characterized by dizzying sym- ates stimulating rap beats and dance exactly what the film is like, and wheelin’ summer of ‘09. “Pavilion” identify with, puppet monster or not. phonic arrangements composed and hits. The album sold over one million how it’s different, and why it’s dif- already feels timeless a few months “Avenue Q” proves that a musical can performed by Stevens himself, who units in its first week and won the ferent,” Block said. after its release. succeed on ingenuity alone. sings and plays eleven instruments. 2009 Grammy Award for Best Rap Block’s book is different from The Decemberists – M.I.A. – “Kala” (2007) His music is sometimes peaceful, Album. “Lollipop” was Lil Wayne’s the vast majority of musical the- “Picaresque” (2005) No matter how many times you’ve sometimes frenetic, but always deep- most successful single, playing as #1 ater literature because it takes a From the eerie first track “The In- heard “Paper Planes,” you have got ly stirring. “Come On, Feel the Illi- on radio stations for weeks. “” musical approach to discussing fanta,” you know “Picaresque” is go- to admit the song is inspired. With noise!” is a trumpeting ode to the liv- and “Mrs. Officer” are still on the -ra these shows. ing to be like nothing else. Enter “Kala,” M.I.A. created an excellent al- ing, breathing state the album lauds. dio, after having been released near- The new book discusses not crashing cymbals, Eastern riffs and bum to rock out to. Her irreverent “Chicago,” often regarded as Stevens’ ly two years ago. Lil Wayne’s larger- just the finished musical, but the grandiose descriptions of a royal pro- attitude and irresistible rhythms are magnum opus, is a love song to the than-life personality made him an process behind what you see. cession. This is the romantic magnil- mood-lifters, and her lyrics are unex- promise of starting over. It brims undeniable leader on the forefront to “I’m trying to show how the oquence of The Decemberists. They pectedly smart. In a post-9/11 world, with American hope and optimism, redefining a new generation’s idea of music creates the drama,” Block gave birth to a new kind of literary M.I.A. isn’t afraid to call anyone out reinterpreted for a new generation. hip hop. said.

SEX AND LEV continued FROM page 11 takes on the superhero genre, how- ever, that have been mostly pro- duced by smaller companies. “Pow- ers” featured two police officers trying desperately to deal with su- perheroic crime. “Invincible” is a fun story of a young superhero learning the hero business, before a truly shocking twist. Marvel even managed to cre- ate two series just as creative as the two previously mentioned: “Run- aways,” about teens who discover their parents are supervillains, and “Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E,” fea- turing perhaps the most insane su- perteam ever in comics — and that’s saying something. ASUPS PHOTO SERVICES/JESSE BALDRIDGE Of course, the comics genre that has received the most critical suc- Comics: The 2000s have seen a re-emergence of witty writing cess in the past decade is the biogra- and complex plots, attracting a new generation to an old genre. phy. It’s well-deserved works such as Craig Thompson’s “Blankets,” Ali- superhero comics — fantasy, science an apocalypse which kills off every son Bechdel’s “Fun Home,” Marjane fiction, mystery and politics, for in- male mammal on the planet except Satrapi’s “Persepolis” and David B’s stance. “Fables,” and its spinoff “Jack the main character and his help- “Epileptic” that each tell a unique Of Fables,” feature characters from er monkey. All of these are worth and powerful story of the author fairy tales living secretly in New checking out for their witty writing, growing up and dealing with issues York and experiencing new stories. unpredictable plots and truly beau- like the repression of post-revolu- “DMZ” is also set in New York tiful art. tion Iran, the suicide of a gay father, City, in a near-future world where The first decade of this millenni- first love at Christian camp and an a civil war has divided the United um has led to some really cool, in- epileptic older brother. States in half, with Manhattan Island novative and generally well-done In a related genre, works like Joe as the titular demilitarized zone. comics. It’s becoming more ap- Sacco’s “Palestine” have led to the “Lucifer” features as its protagonist parent that comic books are more creation and prominence of com- the greatest of the Fallen, retired than men in their underwear fight- ics journalism, which can be just as from running Hell and attempting ing crime, and that those stories of powerful and poignant as tradition- to out-manipulate other angels and long-john-wearing crime fighters al journalism. demons, figures from mythology can be more complicated than ini- However, my personal favorite and even God himself. tially expected. comics of the past decade are those “Transmetropolitain” revolves I can only wonder what new, in- produced by the DC imprint Verti- around rogue journalist Spider Je- teresting and mind-blowing comics go. These are targeted at older read- rusalem trying to publish the truth will be featured in our future, and ers, and often feature original stories in a beautiful and disturbing future look forward to them with anticipa- in genres not covered in mainstream world. And “Y: The Last Man” posits tion.

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