December 11, 2009 • Volume 99, Issue 10 Student DIGITAL BOOKS FOR A DIGITAL AGE Sexual receives assault Emerging policy Leader examined University statistics indicate that rape and sexual assault is a Award negligible problem on campus. By MIKE KNAPE According to the most recent sta- tistics available, individuals have Hip-hop artist, community or- reported three incidents of non- ganizer, college student and men- forcible sex offenses since 2006, tor, sophomore Communications PHOTO COURTESY/WIKI.COM and no incidents of forcible sex major Keith Blocker was recent- ASUPS PHOTO SERVICES/JANE CORNELL offenses were reported between ly awarded the Dennis Seinfeld 2006 and 2008. Emerging Leader Award by the Size Matters: The average e-reader has the storage capacity to hold more than 1,000 books. According to the Nation- City Club of Tacoma. The award al Crime Victimization Survey, recognizes Blocker’s extensive between one in four and one in work with community youth and five women experience rape or areas of social justice. Despite downsides, e-readers as attempted rape while attending “Being honored with the may- college. Nearly two-thirds of all or and the city council people was rapes are committed by the sur- a really great feeling. Just to know book replacements show promise vivor’s friend or acquaintance, my work is appreciated and recog- By GRACE HEERMAN lighter backpack loads. an intimate partner, or a relative. nized, it makes me want to do it Nevertheless, publishers are mak- In the United States, 600 women even more. It was mindblowing,” s electronic reading devices such ing e-texts difficult to share, and were raped or sexually assaulted Blocker said. some pilot program participants every day in 2006, and in 2003, “I got a letter as Amazon’s Kindle become more are finding it inconvenient to adapt one in 10 rape victims were male, of congratu- textbooks for a screen. The earliest according to the survey. lations from popular, colleges across the country versions of the devices do not in- Incidents of sexual assault on the ASUPS clude highlighting and note-taking campus are usually handled by P r e s i d e n t Aare considering them as sustainable textbook Puget Sound offices or through capabilities, and access to some text- [James Luu] books expires after several months. the University’s internal judicial too, which replacements. With environmental concerns User reviews from the seven process. Survivors are typically was inspir- schools are thus far generally nega- not inclined to report these in- i n g .” becoming a priority at Puget Sound, these tive. In the Business Because mag- cidents. Blocker A m o n g e-readers have the potential to be used on campus. azine, first-year MBA Liz Brower “We know that most assaults Blocker’s re- from the University of Virginia stat- are not reported in any formal cent projects are the So’Just festival ed that she preferred “to be able to way,” Associate Dean of Students and the Jerkin’ in Tacoma dance E-readers are PDA devices that lot program through seven colleg- take tons of notes in [her] margins, Donn Marshall said. “Many of competition, which took place in are compatible with various elec- es, including Princeton University circle numbers, and flip back and the survivors of sexual assault Marshall Hall on Nov. 17. So’Just, tronic text formats including PDF, and Reed College. Through Prince- forth between body text, data and seek confidential psychologi- which took place downtown for HTML, DOC and JPEG. Depending ton’s program, various students and exhibits.” cal and medical treatment from the third year on Oct. 17, featured on the model, users can download faculty were given devices free of Despite the disadvantages, iSup- Counseling, Health and Well- local artists involved in social jus- books, subscribe to newspapers and charge, which were equipped with pli, an electronics market research ness Services, but choose not to tice. Blocker was one of the main access the internet. the necessary course materials for company, estimates that about five go through the pain of bringing coordinators of the event, working Current top brands include Am- three trial courses. million e-readers will be sold glob- their reports to college officials with the event’s founder and Puget azon’s Kindle, the new Kindle DX, Since e-books are not printed and ally in 2009. or to the local police. Many other Sound Professor Dexter Gordon. Sony’s PRS-700, Barnes & Noble’s do not need to be sold through phys- Similar to Princeton’s Sustainabil- survivors simply suffer in silence Gordon is a professor of Commu- Nook and the DR800G from iRex ical distributors, e-books should ity Plan, Puget Sound President Ron without benefit of treatment or nications and African-American Technologies. Prices range from theoretically be less expensive than Thomas signed the American Col- support. Worse, many end up Studies. $160 to more than $500. regular books. They can also give lege and University Presidents Cli- blaming themselves.” During the Fall 2009 semester, students easy access to up-to-date SEE LEADERSHIP PAGE 2 Amazon sponsored a Kindle pi- information, as well as significantly SEE E-READERS PAGE 2 SEE ASSAULT PAGE 6 Dispute surrounds building ownership UW Tacoma and downtown businesses at odds By CHELSEA TSUCHIDA and university officials feel that the “Retail belongs on Pacific Avenue empty space should be utilized. and that was the agreement with the As the University of Washington The school will eventually lease University of Washington Tacoma Tacoma campus expands, some dis- the storefronts to retailers, but offi- campus. We’ve been leasing for nine pute is emerging between Universi- cials also say that trying to advertise years and it was always understood ty officials and some downtown -Ta them during an economic recession that the ground floor space on Pa- coma retailers. is nearly impossible. cific Avenue would be used for re- The university plans to use the According to University Chancel- tail. Classrooms and offices just cre- storefronts in the Russell T. Joy lor Patricia Spakes, as quoted in The ate dead space,” the owner of BKB building, located on Pacific Avenue, Tacoma News Tribune, the space & Co., a boutique located on Pacific for classroom space and possible has to be leased to businesses that Avenue, said. temporary faculty offices until an of- offer items or services that cater to The university has 3,111 stu- fice building located on the UW Ta- students. dents enrolled, which is about 10 coma campus is constructed. According to a recent article in the percent more than it is funded for. Retailers feel that the university News Tribune, retailers argue that The Washington legislature gave the is breaking its commitment to pro- their plans are based on the promise University about $20 million less ASUPS PHOTO SERVICES/SPENCER WADNIZAK mote retail business in its store- of being surrounded by other retail- than requested to build more class- fronts along Pacific Avenue. The Joy ers because offices and classrooms Pacific Ave. Discord: Opinions concerning shared building use by building is owned by the university, do not attract customers. SEE DOWNTOWN PAGE 2 the UW Tacoma campus and retailers are circulating downtown. The 2000s: Varsity sports: Sustainability: America: Best albums Legends of the fall Go plateless You should love it A&E page 12 Sports page 9 Combat Zone page 8 Opinions page 3 2 NEWS The Puget Sound Trail December 11, 2009 [email protected] decided use the $34 million to ren- rely on walk-in customers and be- 20 YEARS OF KIDS CAN DO! DOWNTOWN ovate the Joy building. lieve that the number of custom- Continued FROM paGE 1 The school is also leasing office ers increases when there are more space “with money we don’t have” stores close together. rooms and offices. to make every possible space avail- They feel that putting class- The News Tribune reported that able for academics, Spakes is quot- rooms and offices together will sig- the university originally planned ed as saying. nificantly hurt business. to renovate the Joy building and to To solve this problem, Spakes However, according to Spak- build a new structure next to the and other people at the university es, the idea of an urban school is Tioga building, which is located plan to use building fees to con- to encourage private businesses to at the top of the grand staircase on struct a four-story building on Jef- provide services that the university Jefferson Avenue. ferson Avenue, but this plan must does not. The new building was supposed first be approved by the legislature “You can get taco bars and those to have faculty offices and the Joy and the school’s board of regents. types of things, and that’s what the building would be for classrooms. The Jefferson Avenue building students want,” Ken Grassi, owner The university requested $54 will open in Fall 2011, but in the of Grassi’s Flowers and Gifts, said million to execute this plan, but meantime, the school has to use to the News Tribune. the legislature only approved $34 retail space in the Joy building for “But if you want quality retail, million. faculty offices. then you [the university] have to As a result, university officials Many retailers on Pacific Avenue support us.” phia. Leadership With help from the Washington SECURITY REPORT Continued FROM paGE 1 State Services for the Blind, Block- er, who is legally blind, attended The following incidents were reported to Secu- “[Gordon] has been a really Tacoma Community College for rity Services and occurred on campus between good role model for me.
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