Year 2 Friday 23rd October

Morning Message

Welcome to RE Day!

Today we will be focusing on the Indian religion of , which is the world’s third biggest religion.

Please watch Mr Wernick’s introduction here. Today will be split in to three lessons, each taught by a different Year 2 teacher.

Miss Head is going to focus on the importance of food for , Miss Baldwin will be exploring the festival of Rakshabandhan and Mr Wernick will be delivering a lesson on the importance of water to Hinduism.

Food: Prashad

In this lesson, you are going to be learning about food within the religion of Hinduism. We learn about the process of Prasada, which is the divine offering of food. We will then think about what kind of dishes we would prepare and design our own plate of food. You can access the lesson here and a template of a plate here, but please feel free to design your own plate if you can’t print this one.


In this lesson you are going to learn about festival of Rakshabandhan. This festival celebrates families and is a reminder of how much they care about each other. During the festival sisters give their brothers bracelets to wear on their wrists and these are called rakhi. In return, the brothers give their sisters a gift. This festival usually takes place in August during the Hindu of ‘Shraavana’. Find the activity here

Water and Hinduism

In the lesson here, you are going to be learning about water within the religion of Hinduism. You will learn about why Hindus wash their shrine and themselves before prayer and also the importance of the river to the Hindu faith!, but if you need a bit more support, use this here, but if you need a bit more support, use this

Year 2 Friday 23rd October


Miss Webster has prepared an exciting music lesson for you to enjoy before half term.

You can access that using this link.