Allied War Decisio Outlined by Reyna at Cabinet Meet

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Allied War Decisio Outlined by Reyna at Cabinet Meet ;; .V .A "' - ; C/t Avtraf* Dallr Cixcalstloa For thr Maath a f MMck. IM « rto*a«Ml a t« . ] fWr. 6 ^ 6 8 Taaatfay f«tr, MwBtortaf Urn A a « t ln» nlim<|giaa;t BwaM a( ClmriatlaM W(mchester^A of Village Charm LIX, NO. 155 Mvartlaaat aa Pact !•> MANCHESTER, CONN., »|ONDAY, APRIL 1,1940 (TWELVE PAGES) PRIUB Star Salesman Finniiih Miiii«lpr Tukr^ Bride Here •kley Sees No O f Vanco Firm F r r r ' Allied War Decisio !W Legislation HelD in South Outlined by Reyna [Rest of Session Sam Holtz, Sought Siiure Collapse of Company »ses itope Attempt to Halt Census i Is Arresteil in Shreve­ At Cabinet Meet fjournmetit of Suit EnDs in Dismissal port, ' La., Hickey Says. by June 1; PittsfielD. Mass.. April Sem ^'Holts, alias Ben Harris, I California I.abor Group i Generally Intci (P>—An attempt by a retireD 1 stock salesman, who has been ither Government Army captain to halt the U. S. fexpecl Crucial Urges Aholition tff WTA sought In connection with the Signifying ^ Ii Reorganization Plan census through a civil suit enD­ eD toDay when a dismissal was | Vanco Company case in Manches­ I Lor AngpIcR, Apr icy Toward S nilay Be Given Solons. ordered by agreement of conn- ter, was thia afternoon appre­ Move ill AllieD Abolition of thr WPA\V| anD sel. henDeD in Shreveport. La.. State 1 election of Senator Hiram W. vian and Balka The case was a petition by . Police Commissioner EDwwrd J. Johnson were aDv^nrsteD today Washington, April 1.— Capt. B.' Bronklln Cross, who Hickey announceD late this after­ Economic War by ths California State FeDera­ trim in Effort t noon. State’s Attorney Hugh M. (A P )—Senator Barkley (D., asked Superior court for an in- ! tion of Labor's Executive Com- Gaps in Anti Junction to halt the census on ^ Alcorn was notifieD anD prepared ! mlttee. Ky.), saiD after a White 'to dispatch officera to Baton House conference toDay that the ground that it would vio- ‘ British Envoys in Bal­ The committee io one resolu- B lf^ad e; New late the bill of rights. Rouge, the Louisians state capi­ ' tion praised Senator Johnson “ apparently no new legisla* --------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------4 , tal, immeDiately to bring Holts kans Hurry Home for ! for bis "loyalty to organizeD iirm to Combat tion or auggestion for legisla­ back to this jurisdiction. ^ labor," end In another retiueat- The Telegram. Consultations; Parlia­ tion” woulD go to Congress ; eD A FL unions in-the atate to Paris. April 1.—-( The telegram receiveD by Com­ ment Will Reconvene. ‘ urge congressmen to vote this session, anD aDDeD: “We Griggs People missioner Hickey read as follows: against further WPA appropri- Premier Paul ReynauD still are hoping to get out of “ Sam Holts, alias Ben Harris ationa lineD in a two-hour here by June 1, if not soon­ apprehendeD at Shreveport, La. London, April 1.—(/Pi- Crucial meeting toDay n«w AUi HolDing him as your prisoner at developments In the Allies' eco­ er.” ‘AmaZeD’ Over Baton Rouge, Awaiting your Decisions generally inb Adjournment of Congrpse was officers arrival. nomic war against Germany are eD as signifying a ' mentioned casually, aDDeD the L. H. Guerre, expecteD this week by Diplomatic Democratic leaDer, at the usual Drug Smash Artillery Duel icy toward the Scni Supt. SUte Police.” circles as British envoys in the anD BDikan countries, ^tonday morning meeting of Presi­ — — I HoltZ has been sought through­ Dent Roosevelt anD congressional Balkans hurry home for consulta­ out the country since the Death tions anD rsriisment prepares to effort to plug gaps in chieftains. Vice-PresiDent Garner, junior Griegs Testifies of W. W. Robertson on January Comes to EnD, ti-German blofiksDe. Speaker Bankhead anD House Ma­ reconvene sfter the Etester recess. 27. It la allegeD he frauDulently InformeD quarters, asaumliw nsuD, who is ws^ng a jority LeaDer Rayburn (D., TexasV To ^Excitement* When DispoReD of stock In the Vanco also attended. that the diplomats had been recall­ French Report sonal fight to retain th» ' Status Was Revealed; (kimpany of which Robertson was eD to Discuss means of strength­ Another iteorgantxation Plan presUmt. he won recently by Although the ceremony was delayed .when part of the wadding ening the Allies’ position in the Barkley told reporters another Record Probe Blocked. Holts haD been connected' with southeast anD tightening their liamentary apjfUKwal, government reorganisation plan the'Mle rt'vanTO s ^ 'k M tei ■ •" winDing Virginia roads, HJalmar Pi-ocope, Finn- Let-Up in Fire and iah minister to the United Stetea, was married at Fairfax, Va., t j blockade of the Reich, attached closeD new measurw might be submitted to Congress New York, April 1.— Rob­ the Connecticut Corporation was dt-nlflcaAce to the fact that a Ru­ this week anD that it probably formed. He called on Manchester MISS Margaret Shaw of Yorkshire, Ehig. They are shown after tii. manian traDe Delegation was ex­ Counter^Fire Is FoF batting “Communist would Involve intra-Departmental ert F. Griggs, Jr., o f Waterbury, people, in most cases making the ceremony. pected to arrive In London at lowed by *Fairly In­ lerinn intrigue” w^tMl changea He preDicted It would Conn., tolD a FeDeral court Jury statement, it is said, that he haD about the same time. nation. , ; not affect the Forest Service. toDay that members of his father’s been sent at the request of Wil­ Borne inDication of bow far Bri­ tense* Aerial Activity. The cabinet met as i No final Date for adjournment investment brokerage firm ex­ liam W. Rohsrtson. Mr. Holts tain anD France intend to go in meat moved to put h pressed astoniahment In Decem­ can be agreeD upon at this stage of spent from three to four Days a plugging up loopmies in the block­ Parts, AprU 1. — (F) — French throe-point program I congressional activities, the Ken­ ber, 1038, when it was dlaclosed week in Manchester selling stock. Stand on Wang Adds ade is expecteD tomorrow, when rranoa’s DomeaUc aaew tuckian said. * that McKesson anD RobMna, LtD., He had been a shoe salesman Parlipmeht meets to hear Prims forces on the western front rsport- lag fooD and fuel tU In the House, Representative existeD chiefly in the Imagination for a number of years before en­ Minister ChsmBerlaln’s raport on ed toDay that s hsavy artillery Dual stimulating tha Ustti Cochran (D., Mo.) said in a state­ of F. Donald Coster-Muales. gaging In the sale of stock for the ths meeting o f the AllieD War which looteD ssveral Days and was aiUwlDlas, and trying ment that he did not see bow Con­ Griggs, son of R. F. Griggs, local company. Most of the sales Strain to Relations Council hers last Thursday. marked by tha shifting firs of tha batf^MUBoa wooMn Bt’ founDer of the Arm, was s wit­ gress could rrfuse to Increase the in Manchester anD to others in Strong Maasnres Bxpsetod German “nomad batteries” along a war Industries. gl ,000,000,000 fund proposed for ness S t the trial of five men on this vicinity were made by Holts. Msny obaervars accapted as a A oonuBunlqus Im m W PA in PresiDent Roosevelt’s 80-mlla front, had aiiheideD. mDU frauD anD conspiracy Left This Town Refusal to Recognize hint that strong mssaurss a n in This morning's high commanD cabinet eeerten solD 1a buDget for the 1040-41 fiscal year. charges. ’The government con­ Shortly after the banking Dg; Russia Plans tha making, the sMSch DelivereD Otvee Oonam New Regime Seen Ab eommunlqua raid. ” A quiet night Cochran urging money also tends they knowingly participateD partment starteD their investiga­ SaturDay by First LorD o f the AD­ oa the whole front” “ M. Reynaua | for the current year ending June in Coster-Musica’s fakeD 821.- tion Into the conditions o f the Damaging ^Efforts to miralty Winston Churchill, who Ths let-up In the Are and BtBtffiAiM OH ttm 80. said be wga .advised by Col. F. 000,000 inflation of McKesson anD Vanco Company Holts laft Man­ RecorD Sum warnsd Germany’s neighbors that eounter-flro on tha aiagfrtoD anD Uosu He Bav9 Si C. Harrington, W PA administrator, Robbins, Ino., assets. chester anD Did not again appear Fix Jap-U. S. Breach. ths Antes are unwilling to ac­ Maginot Unas came yeotorDar to raeqlta that 8S8,OQ0,oM more would be Hhard ExciteD Talk here after the trouble waa dkicov- cept “tntorpntatlons of neutrality tha aceompanlment o f aerial aeUv- needed to lileep W PA Rolls at their Griggs tesUfleD he beard aevsrsl srsD. It was Discovered he haD no wblek giva all tha aDvantages to wblcji present level of 2,l00,Q00'fl(irUg' msmbers of the flm r w rtiaw ite-tfr’- sen ■■wwBt "'te';' ’.uunf; •S‘1' V’*'- Sri4i .h. - May and June. The Missourian Rowley W. PhUllpa, then general state. Ths United States’ refusal to C b lif Intsraat osnterad in poasl- are ’ 'stadr fbrf urgeD the House Appropriations maasger, who haD brought Mc­ When be n-as not located. In the reDognige the new Japanese- bis furtbsr Maps to keep German French advioea were that there oust eH\ Subcommittee on relief to propose Kesson stock issues to the Gri|gB early part of the Investigation, at 57 Billion Rubles Bud­ Merchantmen from using Nor­ were no onduntora between the trUhm in tan tatertw <8M Company for. promotion anD sals; approveD regime of Wang wegian waters oa a tana through this increase In W PA funds at once hia homo In Nsw York, it was get Awaits Approval; rival air forcee.
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