THE 'UTIONALJST. N- J.. THTJB8DAY. ipfwt-r !*'

Klopf tba law. Jadn IfoOuraktt rehukil tba p ae4 laipowed a 0n« of MO -od eoatA | Plainfieldifield SocietSocietyy AttendAttend,s thethe!! PtfirfieldPlamflcld BoyBoy.* ArraigneArraignedd fefcr anwl, am* KmJ*r a M*r*T With Pure Delight Their TwxUf Ackerman Reception. HandlinHandlingg FirearmtFirearm.. PLAY AND MINSTRELSl! f Ackerman Reception. naina*ld OaaasO, TIL Bora) Araaaaat. has Vowt Are Spoken.


rdllawtBir la tba rfn^l.] pr^rsopsja. 0> rk* MualF£tM-nf noapitai IVneo^ehteif

O-*«Oo» il .I depall tba tout. Tbe wfict that tee IwUftn aeMOa la but a H. U Bullock, admitted by cart trotm FMMM. i rii-t.i i. *beo tbe mantle of and aftar hut «• Rtary F. BiUcrBux q iietBde Is donned by ao- tnaaterred br card from Bomerrille, and > the brill l«ncy and • IN additional proputitioo U W. BerreuV Hra. Irvtoc 19 n given by Mr-.J. B.Acker- W. WaU Henrr L. Ihweit "• V.W. Coaklla had been deouilud br I 10 of I be 0 'untry Club last re Tavgmrt Janea B. Anthanj HWMctGrtnd Deputy to loMall B. a Pn ofaaplala, and Jaajce K. Arnold Benlry. W n bad long been «rntena> d«j. sad Judgtsfnt was p< W B. Brown William B. Coc* •tsaam U.Colburn, tfew Tor*. I a. ikowo aetad at ruide. aad lotrodac ie of the events of tbe s In eevenl ee*ee of more than ordinary lo ftwblcfa wosddbe a lavish tenet- The tfcree PUtofteld boja wb. «a«ldom obeorved wore tQdlmwl aa tbe W-Mlt of the killing Mr.Cooklla WM aaatatedbr Paet B* tb» metitopoll. ; and It w of Henrj OrwclBef, » J«UT>K eampanloa P. A. Envois and 8. C. Qak^r. and perrc \t Ion of tbe fondeat deetrea of through oanlaM me of Bresmta, wen ar- ity and deeorum the ioataiiatio by tha bmUea or 1 ook, lalrodaoad to tbe oOaer) • who parttoSpeted. raigned Immediately on the openlog of mood. . waa Impressed with lb* Import*ore .tm bss the Oastno praeaoMd a Bora Coart of hi, mrmOawJlp.oompirtld, aa It 4*" Tba eootraoMng parUea, t •oweted appearance, and g^ety waa Tbe> boys;wen O*reo«9 Boosp. 7 or I he roll cmIL Be wai field's popolar yooaa; peopK * ebren f» i u foUmge. 1i front ol the stage was DOUBLK Q DA ttTETTk. •eaPblUIpao with ortn*, bat the tcnod jury under tl v •» of the bride and groom. aged a tier of potted pains, obeeur- BiSeaoonaaakn- Koii-t Lewia. n. Tbe bridal party proceeded up tbe cen- ob%rgm ot iatg« ViiSjctfl felt It their Prank Coketalr VTed W W*|» aoova, la hi* clever MM'. Mlar rppeatedlr i _a- the orchestra from the guests, ud tre sL t". Mlsa Alias O. Baritb, lortaarly . -•llltaa KUBTOO Anhar fra c»!ied. HaWM followed by iTrd DeFor* •Loaf the north snd south ws'ks tbe Croater, an InladtaM* ortrloal dialect rio i»l Instructor of the brld#, waa at | dnn uiider the act of 1886. which mifeea sbert Clark timer B. B MUII was trailing as tnovga growing -Rio. and her Interpretation of tha : Ita M for i roH mother earth. At abort dtetaooea wedding marab from LobengrM added to Theboj*. B*Aar or OrebrMra-bawa* Hose & th. mebea of roses added a variety of color Iba brilliancy of tbe effoec. tad nude s pretty til- et, emitting; a f ra- eusly plaaoad not guilty, hut this morning LTOFUCO Thwatre, Mew Tork. I ; Tbe bride waa be*utlfm la s cow. of ' i that permeated the whole room. aeked to autar pleaa of non vult, which 'ory-whlt» ijiosdowne ellk. with feather ndlng tbe anplsea. In which toaa BB. n Ma. C. L. OeedrWk. the State ac»ppted. Tbe parents ot th* trimmings and pearl pMaemeoterlei aha went brightly Mating, potted paltas were Mr. aad Mre. Cbaa. Wadnrorth of Maw Tffrk. DOOR priaocara were allowed to speak a lulls veil, with natural orange amis in evidence, sad more emtlax and i - Albert Dnkeof WcatOtU. Charlea McDonald, tha father of the DamoDt, TatM, HantlDcton, q«llo- blossom* and lilies of the valley In her! youogeat.boy, la a Naw Tork lawyer. Be : W - coiffure aod mmaurn She carrte J aa said bo ana regretted Ute deplorable n Uw filler i* bricks from the vlalcn Bctla. Morvaa. Tracr. Til n»ry.r>oon<} prayer-book. Kenjon, Harsh. Uudotpb. Atitwit, Klrkosr, a*q jaoeee lo tba eaae i BtMataM did tbe aanj TaebalooDj wassteoabo*er ot flowers. Tbe maid of honor. Vies Ttllle M. •unirr, Oaraaer, YanBoaktrca, and f aaaily, lut there ••». awt then It WM totclitbelr a or the ballroon ud In dock. Gilbert. SaalppCT. Yerkat, that ha Wished to present to tba Oeart. Tberanersi of * K. BoyttooV*pl«e •Ira wbat^aaTcat aoa aiortona laatttr amea, aooslo ot the bride, wa# flowrjad ! ,u wm arranged for tbe tad Srakl a*. Hla boy, altbcngb so tteaday In this city. WM th* Bora) Araaaaat. fro» wain to white crape da oaa-a, with wWSs ate* •M t>f tbe gnesta. Tbe auffwed glow of Mix Lock wood or Pbilaastpkia.i t. K. Hoyt waa a well-known Ktwark fldowiaodraBllfaaof aMbtnrwIn ud satlo rfbbon trfnwnlogs. TSa bride* | BUaMS Drake. Ow am Waeaworth ot »«w _ a rtOe, wblch conveya aa hSsa Jowraallat and literary nan, anfl i hU aabatas'.lal Moeflt. at* Waa Oartnida Haskard of Iba atetris k to tha pflbiie of graaa eareHaaaea*. Tba death- OMoarred Prtday morning BlfaiboUi. cousin of the bride. wSb won UMNMan tview bj floweta, added a fln- OcBud(coti,B«. Dr. K. P. KHtibmm, Bev. fftota war* that Iba boy la taking •eld, when be waa vielting bis wif«?e el*- a gowfl ot wblU crepe da ehana. wltb laaa g teach to UW eiquUltacsss af tha Df. Bo4un,Dr. B.VaaO.Bed*w,Dr. F. O, In thirties aad Mineral aporta, aod TO«Y, TOPSY-TURVCY. tar, Mra. katllda Bwhmare. Mr? Boj t aod rfaloe stone bockias. and aarried a pulroom larrMUKlbigs, Art. _ other thing* la taogfct haw to r. VanBuren, Weat, Httntiag- bad not been strong aod well lor otplnk aod white carnations; A* the J>robe»tr» ot five plaoea. wider beadle a rlBa. The weapon waa a small sk. WarlnB. Moore. Maltacra, nnjaHha, and for sotna time baa not- been Mies L'nte Barnes of Illatbetb, eooabj of th* direction of Elliott of Sew York, PlobartrlSe, and ho eraiwted b> the Ooorej, Waia, Beebe, Hunger, DeOraff. Lowe, engaged In any aotlva f mpiojmerit, hi* tba bride. In a gown ot pink crepe de rrsetBaa. Cock. Drurtoo, H«I*B, LoflBard, Court tha mlolatare cartridge BSWL abene, with laoa and rbloe atoo* bookies, b«a bablsd Uw tropical plants, tbe I Sireutl. Hulrn, Cbrllca. Schlpper. BOrdeo. •twoifc Doing the writing of ed&orlal Mr. HdDonald said that everything bad and carrying a bouquet of pink carna- d MUa, Mama, Marsh, Eriekaoo, BlOOdfOOd ol alter tor the Newark Timea. Thla aornlBK. after raoaorlDg a DUt full of baee done to ntevent ft similar aouldeot Wadawortb of , dirt rrom tbe cellar of Love Broa. reoeet tions; Mlaa Hannah Merrill of Bteabsth. Tba fttn whfah had been uaed on this Mr- Hoyt waa nearly 70 yean oil and Qooatnottbe bride, la ft (owm of! leavaa a wife and one eon, wbo ilvaf on so . which adjoin. Dreier . oo Wot rraat h aa been daatmyed, aod Uw rtOe , Caarler K*w»n l*d Duffj'a .hlahn . aUk and wblte, wltb laee U ta* ODD enUooal dress of the men, aod hla boy used taken sway from bin). orange growe lo tba waet ooaat of •nd carrying a Marlb a \ _ . prtr ' "i^asMBblUMftbrUlbut •here tbe late Mr. Hoyt baa epant and Mlas Jennie Addla. slater ot tba rod at the home of L»wr Daidwln of Boek- William Morgan, lather of tbe Morgan ta ware received 'by Mrs. Aek- Winters. bride. In gown ot pink silk add Wblta> boy, la behalf of bla eon. explained how , 'or . i. satiated by her daughters, Mrs n«id on a atrawrtda. use hi possession of tbe nft* by Hoyt aoe trimming*, also owrylng • Martha Just before rcaobtcjr Wctfleid tba slriffa whea ordefwa to -haw- aad Charier and t S. Aokennsn, Mrs. Marlon Aekarman from Mr. MoDooald, aad by hla wro New Orlstna a* a Topay atsrtad down th* ilide wl th the Inverted tomedoutoftbe bad rut* In tbe aiiddlo of •ad Urs. Bobwt Bushmore, an4 factor for alaautlooa, and? thus dump cart am an imprOTlaed tobwimo. Wit- tke road aod tried to drive at oonseet He rZpraatwd hla regret Ufa- t. Berrle AekenDao waa beoom- tba asd result, aod said be did not . aad a snug fortune, but lost theaaTalr ran dowo the twnk ai The beat nan waa Charles B Sanaa of re* too great ao4 tho yoaajr peo- n>«« crabbed Cbarlfy'• batr. m, bftj attired in a dress made of Maok log the war.' He waa also lo Btaibelb. eowln of tba brtde. Illed out Into tbe mow. Vona- up anything or to evade any •S it fur Obpaj-a mmne. but millm are basloees ( lew Tork. At the *IUr tbe party ware met by Bar, tM woke, trimmed with white Irish point Mama- S lbd out and *a Inrentory abow. baa, with panels of laee to the akin. Ha bad alwaya a taate for Dr. E. M. Bodmsn, who parfonaed th* Mr, Bxsap spoke very briefly for his very tapreaalva ceremony of the Bpk> ' 1st flowers were violets, aod Jewels son, simply txpreeekig how greatly ha as- nralng to jaurnsllsUo work, edltBC of the Hew Brunawiok eopal Oonrab, tha msnnnans belaa; win in. and cllaabed back to their place* to UM al«lK>- td eontwqueneee, and said be notloaably clear and dtattnot. Mlltyd >Ithoucb there wnry effort to gaard agalnat wbtoh waa than owned by tbe late Tea gown ot Mrs Ernest Aekernua was Tbe strains ot Mendelssohn's wedding The youD* any aoeh OOOH rroc os In tbe future. Guild. Xarly In tha TOs he took •at* of pals bine crepe de obese. About people then Florida aod wrote for tbe Hewar: march ware beard as the ceremony waa Judge MoOomlefe rtepooded that tbe sK»Mk the wore a bertha of Braaaela Advertiser a serlea of remi oonoluded, and the party tsft tbe eharen Oourt felt const rained to say that UHCLE PETER'S WILL. am A bouquet cf pink rioMa ware bar wblla ids favorite reosaslooal was beinc grand Jnry had done lta.dnty In bringing g letter* deaorlptlvo of tba playad. •hk Sobert Bwomore . drees waa of these Indictments, it baa bean tbe and reeouroaaof the country. n- Intbee Tbe bride and groom were driven to *stt« ewpoo, trimmed wlib bine mirror otaettto* people thinting T, Kluney. then rdl< Elne Smith. HIM Marion Safford, UZTJ..!! means the homo of the bride's parents, wfeexa-W - W»tt. pink roses were her iowara. tha matwr of tea use ot Dreamt*. Toe ila-bly pleaaed with tba leti HoneyiDan. M1M Ni-Ille Schutt. JJohno " H^" the ns reeentloo waa given to the Immediate Mia. Marlon Ackeman waa prettily ar- proper for tba proteo- offered tbe writer the position of Aubrey RulL Uatcr Baldwin. Fred Bonor, friends snd relative*. ajfed la a gown of sea green silk, oom- l#nirdOB Howard, Cbarlea Turrltl aad tkxi*- Uoq of the soBBonlty. As to the boye tng editor, which Mr. Hoyt i were present front Hew Tork. feej -tu, ptnk nun, Md trtowed with. tbemael ves, two at least, were so yooog. Brooklyn. Newark, Bayonne, Ktbubathi w*annailar-. She carried pink rose. the aomannlty would not rxpeet tbe omdft to htatseir and tbe paper snd Eoeevllls. fen orchid*. : Mr. a&d Mr*. D. O. ra ot LaG rande an Oovrt to Impose a penalty upon them. after Noah Brooks An Moellent sopper waa aarvwd about at awvbur, of refreshmeotft was eom- aoe entertained tbe Mualeal Oub at tbeir Tha result of tbe shooting waa very un- editorial writer ID 188S. 1 8, after which maato waa ecjoyed. •sd at 8-jo, and was eonUnaoa* wo- artij borne lut Tueadur, and a pro«T«i»ioo. " fortunate, asd, and It waa to be hoped a did editorial work on Tb. rn dlirctlon ot Thomaa Tombs, kl«« Bterlt was enjored. Ii Included lha fu wilt Mr. and Mra, Mnady were the raotok aiaajB ODU of many ban4M>caa aad valaabl* ' •srfel the Country Club. Thanrln. thh) county. Coder tba ctnomataocea the Ddrtog all this tbaeUr. H«>t wae Violin Boio-Tbe. Poat, Sobobert—Artbi :ifta. Tbe oabera cdclatlng at tha if sjrrl)ig table was In the woman's Oourt SBspended sentence lm tba easea of prosBlwwtly ldentllled with all 'literary man: voeal aolo-Twas Apni-Mia» D«U enwrah were Walter t. Bantee of «Uav- nation room, and the aeeood on tha blae Bonn; attber and violin •olot~MI*a alt the hoy*. mtarpdees, and «luba la thU»lda;!(y, and Since the hmsrimloof of the cUw ande all reeslved the ispresa of btolalaata for Dr. KcOBCdj'c Favorite Remedy by tbe bech, cousin of the bride, Harry HauUV "»',OM Ka of which bid been attract. Bcnaand Mr, Peirle; vocal aolo—Hark, Hark, peter Kane, one of the boya ehargwd he bark; Wbo 1* Sylvia, Scbubert-Mra. Ool- pteu. thevhave iccclved letten from every on, Cbanocey L. I*ine of Hew fork, ana *•«oBbj » garden. eoeae. On tbe wfth tba oaratesa rlf.4 pnotloa wbareby He tnnalated "Thn Joorney to tb> Moon" •Mite In tbe Uoioo, and find tbe reaiedy ^llllam H. Addla, brother at tba bride-. •*rtl Uble wae aa Immense oonUc- I killed, waa aaw la and other French books. Hla rnfutatloo It in few cuea. iaa been most widely established, bow- bay wore bootonnleree ot wblte narna * °< Fink rose*, and a miniature ylolln •okM-Mla* Beni mat Mr. Petrla! ooart, acootnpml-d by hla mother. Tbe opinion ct (be average FByddaa bsa At ihe ooedumlod of tfce above the okib par- Counselor Oralg A. htsrab made a atata- ,»er. by hla BDeyotopedta of fsmlltar *o that kidney and Brinarv troable* coold ODB aad lilies of the valley. took of refreaniaMita daintily wo-ved. As ere- Qnotatfooe. pnbllahed rn ewjunction wftn : CUnd oely by long; and penivceat tr« Mr. aad Mra. Handy left oo the. T :4f Hera waa a salmon lo ft lake roent that Kane's motber wsa too poor to Mlas Anna, Ward, of Bloonfleld. I cat. Dr Dfid Kcanedy'i Favorite Re PbUadelpbU Ualn for a journey Bout*. • real goldfish disported. The anploy eotutasl, and bo made a motion to ed* acts qokkiT. curing obstinate cases 1 They win l!n» In Fialnnaid. 1 were distinguished bf white er arhalf that coonael be assigned. On the ooaplethm of this fxcellcDt very •hart time. Judfs htoOormlck eald tba Oourt fatd pleas of work. Mr. Hoyt and jua wife Ooe U oor best known rftbeo*. Mr. J. Mr. Mandy baa an excellent altaatlos . Neil of Mo. ?437 North Etghih •£ . John B. Dosno, wbo tin;a nep In Ben Informed that Kane's mother bad to Florida, and Joined tbdlr son oe wliu tbe Seaboard lumber Company of. wa> a (offerer from grmvel. ID tpoklar of hi* _ouch with the latest huppenlom lathe already paid a fee to a lawyer tor her ITewTeck. Croquntl case. Mid: "ibdiTt.; bad >Tlack of E™T- TST *. Chicken Mo, •boa world, a fact by whlott bis miBtoiB- defense. el. aad Dr. David KeaatdV* Favorite kem- The happy eonpte bava Uu bast wishes *°^« MoHnmnf, ttalnon Hohxulw, of a very large circle of frlonda. era frrqoenUy profit, baa (tone to HBW Marab said that waa Botao. Jodge tdy. takm •beat on* Btaeth awplettl* P( G " " Tocfc today to In.pect seTeral leading A appeared for tha boy at tha cured me, I acamot BJ tooawefau b>U." Among the gifts w*» • very hanrtaoeas Favorite Remedy J* preseribed whh aw- lloea of Spring snd Bummer i footwear. loqaeat. but was not paid, pair of ambrofderad pillow naaee, nu4o and alto to wleet a complece line of aitlng neon (or all JIWIT. bmagb- abort by Mra. BU.*bath Garret of XtiaibettV TbeCMirtraaarvedtta drataloa. by aa txaat of oric add la tbe blood, la leanla, blcjcle, and other eportiag goodJ age 80. fraodaaother of tbe bride. John Xlopf. • aalooB keeper ©(Fan- bcanatwa. dyspepsia »ad «em traub «. It fortbe ootolpa trade. wood wbo was Indfctsd for asIUnir wltb- ^-6 tbetu *or**-»Hd»«!**Dr. David •at Haswsa aad fces|itny a wiaordarty bowse wiving table- wu Uta- A »*laa D Keaa*a>'a Panrite Reaedi- can be ebtaiatd permiutng oard playing. ifalldragcbtsal *i a bonk or six bottles n gaod all tne advartlwlag ouuoad tor wh lob Issued from U eripp* 1* confonadwl bT row pe »m, tb* foUo wing four ramediee bava- • enca*ed In wa* csndles, > MKHMMIM ibefomer. these todi- LiwyerOonnelly matte a plea for tha tahad ft phanpanaal aala. Dr. Klag1* wwDMei and ooique, and LwyerOi ridta ioffCT atrendr with patb abou ibe •rlaooer. maJtlog tba mtiiiar that ths iw Weoorery for too* !>« many feat ore* wblea ooo-' forehead. d Bh M>«MSS So laes who baa BMde the charge against ollow tbe exusple of Chief Ooafaft. U d oofals, eaoh bcttW | sSatr m WOOSM in bu t In had drank Uqaor In hie flam, played ih« forth* pro. cards there and bad not paid their bUto. kiDdi. property bt oase . To this statement Proseoutor Marsh ftalve, tne beat la tbe wortdrsad D •aid that he did not wtah Sopf ta go sack NewLuePtila, wue* are apatfaHpasV with the Idea In a la mloa AStheavrasBaasaa are gwanimta «••»> (UvedoUa. A large eoauajttae of whteb aat waM • olatswd lor thasi aaa th. MUaTteaf U«fcalm»ao h»ra the autter Constitutionalist. aftaU* VARYMAHY A.A. LITERMOKELIVERMORE.. A SILENSILENTT TOWNTOWN.. A WOMAN MI8EBMISER.. HO TROLLEY YEI. BRIAFBRIAR? PIPE.PIPE A DISTINGUISHED WOMAN OF THE CHILMARK, MARTHA'S VINEYARD, PECULIAR CHARACTERISTIC* Of GIVEN AWAY HETTY GREEN, MIUUONAIHE- Scotch Plum Still Guessing at WWINTCCNTUflV.PRESENT CENTURY. FAIRLY SPKCHCESS. HETTY GIVEN AWAY Rapid Transit

IM| rirtr THE COMPANY PRESENTS ITS BOND. Team. m aver n>or» appropriate!? Martha'• VinejanTs d*»f and dumb ln- y pcrrti'in oi bvr own «X- >alxtanii afford one •( th*' atronjtret In- «o Mn. M.ry A. Lirer- jtaocra of tha power of hand ity ever rceorded. Hers is the Isolated llttla com- ... Sfatbu li»*d !•« munity of. Chilmark. primitive New Eng- Jtotfe. IM Sourh, tua Kiut and ib» Wm land folk ot the purest •train, anmtVisl Bh ld I rllr y Slat* ! • 1*6 parsons, at whom M, mas, woman and illdraa, are d*af and dumb and wara th* Union, and *vca Earn pa has its The runrood TDWB Oommlttm mat «t olalma upon her. for sb* biu lectured In m ao. That la to say, of tha antira Barlln* the aola sorrlrlng executor ot latin TT-1 and Scotland, aud uu th* Coa- ipoUtionST h*r father's will; faa> an aocooaUog baa ja* IMM !• BSMMOT BalimAay *r« >- TT tJaMsat, UruD(k interpreter*. n n-f ry /'ini airaady been going an for threa yaars. Ins to I***** th* bOB4 0« $10,000 to * ~ m families of Chflmark, of tha Varyxeoeutly Mra. Or«D, 111 addiiio* W DUKES Mrs. Lj**rm-.ra is a link between two (•Mratlun*. Ska knsw and thought o 15 are deaf and dumb. with the greet thinkers of a cam-ration manj hnndrwlsof thousands of dollar* •CO. Uarrfunii and Wendell Pallilpa been withheld from; har, sbaalao HATEVER fora ot pnnled MIXTURE wara her ctni patriot*. Kbe not »nlj lived D ft placawb*!* all tha eitln j tbe •Mrtllnff •ccasallon that both wtth Km-rn-.ii. ' WbUtler, Longfellow, erfalber.Elwar.IMoU Bobinson. and matter ypu require we can be Lowell. H .wtborna and tlirlr outempo- erauot, gjlvia Ann How land waa mor- of service to yqa; Whether It be for S^cenf. rariaa, but, with Mrs. Julia Ward How*, aba baa Ural to ae« tba "Ml l«f" «utt*r ri fuartfa paraOD, for Inetance, who From thcaatwo-raUtiva who dUd naar- Tarry ©ailed th* EverEveryy pipepipe stampestampedd to the T11I«([» groeaty, can't tall In r thtrty-tlircr feaw ago, Mn. Green ra- onterit 8 JO. from vu* l»w where It cluua, far Or. DUKES MIXTURE «f <^> Oltnr Wtu'lcII tfulmaa was ih* U*t man worda what he wanta to buy. Every ealved about * 10,000,000, wblch little naat wtth. dukes Mixture o<- of a group o( brilliant 4it«r*r7 llabta of fa Chtlmaxk cltixen who applies for Kg sh* has ml led >>p like a snowbaill un- ud lh« firmtlng of the tmtoolM m* wbteb B-wiun mar "fell be pruiitl. lamail at the Sqaibnocket Port OfBca til her present SurtdlM ufl6S.W0.O0O baa *~»P. goz.goz. PackagesPACKACES 55t< A mere slip of a Rlrl. KJIB left her • unable to QtMr bU unt. WLan the Man amaased. ' OtreaUfa, r Chlln.rkbllmark lull..(adlea g.t(atha h.rr faf.rr tbID.e weekly IIff th.the und.-iuafld&riU whimwhich shu>* ...baecoll*ct« niiMWd Mr. mo!b| circle, u. likely m' not tl crportln*arportinn tato shombolea frofri! i tha eomlnit irlal, tbar* ii every lik«- ITaofc A. MaEowa, tte pcwMMt ot tha lon Bice, a. the was I lift, knvwn. uw Ishlnathe latesi choicest bltaof ao- aod that tbe old charge of forgery •ay. Town OounMl Oodtagtao >f burbirUm. and waa i small talk withuot tba laimt Hetty Gree*. which came so ne*r aid of an Interpreter. " •In*; prvvaJ *» x*Vr> a«o, will ba ra- H tb» bond met with hla pp bruniiL. _. D with tha miurirn of All tli* boyi and girls who go to the Ivad. ' . ^^ alaverr, which aha did AU Iko boy. ud girl. Wbo , He aatd tba form ot tbe bond mi Illaite HchOo) and (he Mjbnol nolstrena Tha N.T. World aaj»: aowraoalvtngdeposlu paiable •ad which flr»*l ber with ei.Lb s ■ 111.*. xtaool end lb. reboot »r. and the qaojUon «tl tw Ut craalf must understand tha significance Tha Howi.nid w«i oaaajto fai with laterest. atonej deposited e acHwtuwhicli • K»°d porti of b«r f tbsmj.tic ab/oals anil combinations mn annal*. Tbere na*«r waa another any o^har Utter for P«b- air 1.1»», will draw lni.resi Iroai energies w rre (.. I* dwatwt. Tor d wblch make up -tbe finger language of IH like it licfiua ofsiDct. Hctiy Green Kown ws_ worth 110.000. Ha blnwaif ■•otthrot tb.itu IHi'.u Loo.blHhl ooff thtbre ftuRmgroltrrgr qq»» Uc ocrrlvateCIrcmlaaoa. ttbu.ttm, la in wblcbwhich .beaba UI* newnow •>ao deepldwplyy "to— whom Uendilf lias daprivad of WM tbe coal«i«>ni Three yearsartar did sot knows him paraouOlv, «o ooold S W. MCUII, Preilde ll Mech. * ha death of her not, Sylvia Ann How- His* •rerythlai. Chiltnark Is thos divided into thrt>e h> cama to ih* Unlt«d State*Cli- WneWhouu rbo»lm loftleft herher posiporillont ion ilan tblb.* SouSouthl Mr. GftddlB aatd be bad not given the AJ B. Fori, TreaiHrcr •rlUd iM.rordratnrurd toto,, I—cklugteaablt*lli(cancaatid one part uiiiuUilt- jiiri iu MptaaachQsetu with a will •m Hbbwl school ofof hebnr owownn lI.a DuxborrUuibary.. anrodd •of- rnce. Social lluee in drawn at "the which sba wanted substituted forthaona qnewUon of tb* •aeuritj' of the bond trr-rrdtarward r*liuqal»hfuiywHagubklugf It.It, ilbn IMJISO,, ttoo fcbf eariuc Smith--' aud "those de*f Junes- bought, aa ha did not think tbec* womld con.MBM tbrthe wlf.wife oorl tbtbra He*Her._ . _D.]. PP.. lltw i," and tha "bearing son" of tha ieat 17 qwawanai aJwat Mr. MoKnwa bi e. slia t ijmpatliiM with tr. Hobinsau taunt not be co-founded worth WO.OOO. If ba bad h« would have WlULT COKSTltUTlOWALlST mm rbr woo rrody to tyutpuhuo wttb with his unfortunate deafibriftber. bad ot hen on tb a bond wtth him. DailyDAILY 1Pm FOR MALARIA. Bo It happens that avatT daj In the rear growing wanner In tha North, and af i Mr. "tohoto, chairman oi tb* Moviaa with har husband to Chicago Us queer little communiiy down by tba 1967, she made UH of LBS colnmn* of t hunderldg shires or tha Atlantic Ocean CENERAL DEBILITY. paper Dr. Lirerniore pabllsbad ther* for o ^ r ppan%* Bolicltijiff lba CO'O pa rat- lo n of iho public mimaa, carried on I i th f] LD N. J ALL STOM ACH TROUBLE. In behalf of the L'uiuu aoidiara of tba civil tba family tbacircle' street*, aud, iu b Uwri pioalimr po«ft(a>a, aa It COLES’ Attar Moving to Chicago Mn to a fair w*y to Mtn COLES' Miora wroit t--r every department bruofa tor aUber FKk ITMM or ForaM PERUVIAN BARK huabaed's paper, bnldasatisodli Id greet dihun diminished when It Id ue;batM aoma of tha aUnataraa her aoosauold duties, and the <-. learned that Unn kindly and |».r.l ; cmlf prontiMd ud not oaad*. PERUVIAN BARK tha win. time furnishing well-informedwell-iiilormad peoplepaopla urDmo pruuiproudl ooff tiieiihtiri WILD CHERRY BITTERS stories and ak*i«ba* for periodicals. Bat Dfllctloaaffllctioa andand h»*»b rant to regard lint TOWNSEND'8 WILD CHERRY BITTERS vrlth the work of tba United States Rant kind.ind ofof pinplum,t laI thth#a bshott Lof tb« net port of prof— • Ha Mid Mr. TheyThey knowknow thatthathat theyy or*are livinlivingg exampletxanpla* bad gswi to hip tha otMuritto* to M- ARE THE BEST. •f( dmone ofof NaturesNature's inexorablInexorablee lawslaws., andadd alcnctarw for tbt PDCM* I hpaahi IstatHrt hr frUm. ara therefore unique, and where there rant*, and th« he could are so many of tbam the SHirr-.r and tba Marble & Granite Works, hams of the affliction become laaa keenly O cmttt W tLOO per BtfSt Mr. 30 SOMERSET STREET, Elaewher* the alfllcUdare acraenad aa WHIM Itkwmin, grmltog Uw right ot a. V. COLBS DRUO me MFQ. C. inch aa poaalbl* (mm public gaae, and way for what property la owned by bar nvarlsbly from public notoriety- Bat IM, Mr. Milter MM M a Ftinim u>, M. I. t people gave ma a a^Mt lot of poo iphe ot ancaataFS extending back member of tba Town Oommttt*a fa*wwal d sjeuarations- Tbdaa Mr* alt picturee Ik* to know wbere the poople ot the town would llk» to b*v» Uw apnr. wba4k«roa ^HORSESHOEHORSESHOE!S of people who Dever sp^ke a word from ha day of their birth. alrtadj probated. Tha will was In Hetty ark •VOOBB or on Vonat avenae. for'theFOR^THE . Martha's Vineyard la peopled moatly Orwo‘iGreen's ;-oown handwriting,handwriting, andand ththee moamoa'tt Ooatrman Terry Invited dhWUMtoo trom >y Maybewa, who occaaitfnally let In aa ftmcmi•niDna .Xpert,experts ofof thth«e dadayy declaredeclaredd un - otQ present on tba fnbjeot; bat the •utttder nuder pla.ige ot good Whavtor der oath not only their belief, but their ind due regan! to th«lr supremacy. d.r oath not Oaly tbetr Wall.f, Wot Mopn, with tha rxovptlon ot Ttoau 8. almostalrooat positivepdcitire aaaaraaoa,assurance, thathatt ththaa twotwo Itmuf, (who waa opposed to FonM ave- EdgHrtoWnEdgartoWu,, thethe ftr.tfirxt inhabite..habitedd portioaportion a igoatureIgnat area* whicwhichh ItIt osutalsacontain add wer.«•e noaott ofor thetoe Inland,island, w., luu>id««( bbyy aa MayhewMay hew., madenade bybr thethe jaanjana.,, bubatt Herwaree tracetracedd b byy nue), did not ea«m to o«re wn*re to* GovernorGorernor ThonaaTUoaiM Mayhtw,M»jh*w, IInn IMSIMS.. HHaa detty Green Ueraelf over an or!] ' ' afflob WM laid, to long M they were badbud a* crowncrown grautgrant ofot tbejaUotbo laleadd anandd setwt- HattyiBtur eOrem ot Sylvi Ucr.aUa An nover Howjinil ah origin*!. elg ire of having tt In UM tows tled tbera a* • tuimtionary to the Indiauo. netare of Sylvia Ann Howland Had there an a miaaiouary to tha . After a luiifsiion In which some of tha Mr. Gftddls wtabwl the nottOD la tb* Many of the faumn in tha Island have a AfUr a liiigailoa to which soma *f the Many of the faoen In tha lalaad bar. a woat famour, lawj-am In tba country wara Itfcgrspueri family tr,-t ot th* Mayhews moat fimoob lawyer* la tbeeoantry warn •dtnaooe regarding tbe brs&oh line a T7 a/shoefTh llipgmpbvd familyL tore of tha Maybrw. ana-aged, ai.d tba expense of which iH'ng np on tUi lr parlor-walls, showlna; engaged, aod the expense of which rlokflo oat. aa h* MUI it WM a blot on amounted tullV'.OOOlbs case waadUmlas- bang.he raoiiflcrtri-u np ou t heirn parlorand aarl walla,> intermar ahowlng- amounted to tlTt.000 the case w a- dUmlw M frKnehhw ot Midway, and ha claimed w Ur WINTER USE the raaiiflcart end aarly Intermar- td tn tha it^wor court on a technical- 'lax«s of lliU .tunly MOOk. ed In the l lwer court erf a technloal- II ABSOLUTELY rmcnit tllpptaf. Vlrbrr ot tul.rl.nly Mock ity. It wu not l««aJ to ootnWns. two aai jo on »*ive<*fuilj-. and Insure, perfect safety sad coafortm TTbaenrl be earlyy MaybewawereMnjrbewa were entirelyentirely nnafunaf-- -Wl applications In the one ordinance. Blctefllctedd anandd dr»titrdtlcvot • "tbsmeelvea to eetab- Jopreui *«h2diHtmln}feat are wlfh’tbnalways. laIn " googood Keverjltad cooi(amd*£tm l- year — k*V«~bW«T llablng Iadlan ncbonla, bachingv Li.n thea IoIn-- private eettiefHFn( was reached am Mr. CodioKton avid he fallod to Ma how J.J. E.E. TOWN8ENDTOWNSEND,, bTMt baTlnc to couitutl/ MDo liau cir ij.i.... A by not haring to coasustly remote ik» It wa>nan aboutshoot thatthat timtimee thathatt ththee lycalyoe-- dian girls to •pin, toe Bat Benjamin tha lltigHnt*, aiisf M the .whole ma t WM Illegal or * blot on tbe frwenlM. abase for sharpening. •su, which ware always on the iookon May hew, their deeoeudont. who ffour- Which were always ou the lookout waathns taken otft of court, the chare* Mr. GwddMaald h» had quoted tha legal ^ Mam ger. 811 tf HThee CALKSCA1JS ire«re KEMPTREMOVABLE ABLE,, l frequentlyfl askedkd herh logo labedihod atat thelli* cudwtd a!or (liI hre IKhutS I centurycentury,, ha hadd of forger. coUI't »oi ba formAl ly proved praMBttttTM ol tha empmay, but tw elate her experience. In working for elevenleveu children,chjiann, f ur-iir atof Whowhou.m werwaree ou- Kalnst Mr>.*it, wbo ai tha tin* was Steel-Centered and SEU*SHAAPEinifO genltallyenilalij denfil-it andaud dumb.dumb: would aeoept tbe ordinance If the Oom- ridlera ..a i..edition that ahshea wwaa to Thua U -r*.u- that f'hllmark U a com the entire evening'stng't proceed,proceeds forth#forthi The pnlillc kuojr* that lletty Gi Lnllt; ! II t It of the ronnlaloa Surh offer, inanity, two •>» whe* Amt art tier, were ilaeriy. tricky, ungrammatically in her tee would prefer It, he could make, ft new not to he refused, eo .be alaayt deaf and- dumb, aud their dmcendaote apeech, nhaliby la tbe extpemeaa ta har roBAOCO, 8SSAE8, he. have perpetuated the misfortune to an •ppUOMIoo to Ut« CtoromlUee, wb«o Us 1 ~ M snU avail utattdy iu-her personal "1 hadhad never• dreamedpv.m«d tbathatc ananybodyy bod •Urnlug ear»nl TbU ua. happened ilt«. Ti.ft Lnow that she has lived la •laTDBtun* for ft branch rout* were oh- knew who I «•»»," >tld Mi purely aa an atavistic occurrence. HItean-e . I bedrooms inpheup boarding houses, ftodlnleamlform. BRDING, I* relation her np»inni™, ''or that ffi ot be dincuv^rnl that any of tha Ii not be discovered that any of tha In- and eaten i. r meala m the kltuheo with ing ftn ftpplloftUon for * route for •lperi*ijcn ware of iuler«st to any bud. tancaalances ofof IwtInt -ruiarrugr marriagea havhavee Wenbeen, naanear-i Choice.: Tuej know- 121121 ParParkk Avenus Avenue.. S.S. H.H. BerrBerryy HardwarHardwaree Co.Co.,, ■ which the signatures ntd ba*c obt*Jo«J, •Dill we bt-Kan to haveaar great •anltai err tbaatban thirdiL-.rii -r (uurt b eonnlni L It'* ca -i r acro» the Brooklyn PLAINFI^LD,N. J. falnlonbc benefit of the ctrmnii^m aot.ot. therefore.therefore, bebe .aid>«id thatthat results,results, tnttlathsa Bridge to hire three cent* fare. She is and eomblDbUE tt wttb M application for PLAJNFIELD.N. J. Ui then I IjCttnu to reail In the fape hapa of rfvierinrMliinfcwntloo Ofof aaan originallyoriginally not a woman of rrtiuetn*&tj of culture, or loh the slRoaturee wero not ■•I—nfcni SB ataol n r afiaenin r o (th *Ca te b r» t • i HIM Mn Lirermora had dona this < •lunli Bluna. whtcrlrtchb InvariablyIi:varialiijr followfollow tbUiea of polish, bdt—anjd this a f«ct about Mr*. obtained or to lagai form, tu illecal. that, and with tha *ncQeasot onr flrst marrlsgr nl doBe rulatlvjea, have bean fao- «e relatives, have been fao- Green which i> oot generally realised— :« would rather have the Oommlttm fair begun Ihc real trials. tor* in tbif oar. ; «.oO.. p.r>. CIGAR.CIGAR. liar family In o>ia of tha olde.t .ad boat »ot aa ordinance that than could he no "Then had bean • great deal of a a nansua.Hr healthy In this ctiuntry. I TbabHtBcontciesrlB tna Stats, aod mad tj on our part, for'the starting < place. It< ttfhabiuuui »r. tall, wall Motion about. elha is a Hi.wlsjDd of New Bedford, ba- tali had ir.vulved a dabtl of »tO.UUO. loDgtng DO her 'mother's ' side to tha Mr. MlUertfaen made tha following there *>ert u> l««ra afMr tba Hr.t day *t aixbty they me. It ' Hill Howlands," eo called fnw wheo we UK* Ittt.OOa E ,bodj thought li> >Ue you ni;. Lovely, fourth notion ! That on app»o*tloo beina; made Ter loc-lityla N*w Badford. whera Ing tbe U-:.»IQ which th* Mn w Chilli of Hi- oriRinal Benjamin Mayhew, by Th* Hew York aad Phlls.deIphi s Ti thaUmily IIHK rMid«d continuously for «s< ublle'- iriib tl»i» hc intended to establish • sietaui mint, «l• *• »— Ik. tneo. CO-p*> H» MUer and Tarry woUag Tea. and payer flto b*1 dvvutad to lha caube of «(••]- People's FH-lnr Xi*ht PrsjT Meet it an»v «^' "thai a dinipany of I'klon aoldlrr* wi.. oeunlUAowa Dowaar Mo. TIN ROOFING, ordered ui Laki- a rebel liattcry. Quickly BoRnUr bu«ineM we* then u.koo up. tar th* A«Urttni. Wbeu in lBTa ihi Be churge, bat al«-' ' -Out in UregoB." said a qu from that Tbe mtnntM of tfe* ncwrloaa meeting I ihf ana they I>i Bomloa riAniji>u nrlshsd to rstahlish • Tray r K tsie, "tbe IM tn clear tbatyou M aa* ' in. •apai-tlH-i'-w-iiUubaJyadJK.uythaa. wbc and fhxl iu'aiulit ba peak of M..ui>t Shasta, |o C*!,forml*. and approved, aod tha U.K com^ te-m Lo aa-ume th* rrapoujubil- hill U. a!l »cvpt m cartaJn c rpiirnl, from th. p,«kL ..tJHounr Mtt HotoUdd Iiu OreOnes** . ordered paid. The tro—arer'a report •»•* CALIFORNIACALIFORNIA tiy. aoj Hta. ynnwi »->. •,«.«! u> b+ who ruahed la and selalag a Kt uer bj ad the Oommltte* .Marggt^.aggrta5sai; MB>* iu adI r. I. oyd Uarn * thraai. carried him off. a aston- * "%£°i»"LTf£!lTt can s» mnch ^ h \S lb Hii tbarthan thaA.^1 is our Sleeping Car Rate on the Pbd- "Ob, c lips-Roc* Island Toarist Eicuisioo. UU* ciuiup at woods trom whiwe ulie i, "It's* _ Itmiirn ef iDr Mnaton«*i..i.. bal h«y ha.l-»iartTil, they gmthcred1 aronu awsy. bnt we uau m from Boston aad kindred distant •t thaw ail umy Uarriaou had had any ha galiaiit .-.Tporal ud a,t«J h!i_ cities oa the route of this car, to San vbci* bs.had aot his prisoner, and how ^ Revolution inN is maoairni (o capturerhim, Ho. lUIorth AtB.. PUlnllBld. V. J. Francisco aod Los Angeles. Tbe oaly |aWhalJiN uf tba "*t went in and took him,' Mid tha he- d I^ver-You .re catling pr can bare upholstered spring seats, try. aai«« from Mrs. U' And »ow. ader aa astjva •o, uodratlr. 'Ah, t»*a, why dld.'t are Pullman build, and appointment •I tmrtj yrarx, one uf Anier imp oaf Than ~ Sweet Rir!—J*at now I im psn «BM Ua* decided u it yon there" brown brrad « a aa»~ '" car all the way, and excursion Soch Ut lha life of womierfal wo( at tha •«:••. » V. haawl once a week, leaving Boston Chang** iu .*.-ry ishrre reUi rry one o^yoo hi Tuesday. Save money by t b h d dtr yoang atatara. tbara it— this popular mode of travel. ^hen|» v^urk for of thr Lord Uj c Woolitoi A Buckle, Address for foil particulars, wloog. J d« it iw*»- Children Cry for Pitcher's Cutorfa. tnry agv tbera waa y C»Hl«at« my tn.iiTi

,,« WISC CO«HMITOI «TAYS HOME. rtaoaet OWTVoTttiaMIi JasJas.. M.M .Dunn Dunn , S GROCERIES. PRO VI , Fru.iU.etc.

mrn. OPVOUTB HokTH LEWIS & 00DD12I9TOS, ...JaiaiMtttl* KrerjUuiig asoallj tbaod to a fiflt- aM grocery now. Cooda daberad Irea w a. PIKmsE AHDAND LIFELIFE ijflr*5iton..aUMlmad win* baaas la- CS "•£= SCOTCH PLAINS AND- FAHWOOD. Iosnranetaraocee Agent,Agent, «0oon H.Tfcy»haslanhlepoettfco with Offictwr. FiartSt. aritakAn., ij two bears reeohlng Its aanJCMipj o, PUinnsld, ud re- Officittt. Fmrt».iHl>ir.An., Hash trouble we* also sx PLAINFIELD, N. J. ttPTD,... PLAI!»*IELD, N. J. eroielof toe ferry, fully Bfal Kstate for Sale & Eiekaiie. mtnBtse Mlof consumed In the trip Mj H.11, wtin, mm 10. Tbe WO eaetbonnd train, wnloh ll«llil|l, Mt of th« tttU wm* apMt la BealbtatMONEYe fur SalTOe ft LOAN Exckaue . Mullj WBU loaded, pulled out st 6:» and HIM Onoa 5. OTKIOD or UM aadt bat tittle bsttw Ua» ttuu IU pre- MONE•* Y Tewerlg^iO LOAN d*sar»ort The train due at SAT trom Dnneiieo arrired at 9 A6. Train lo. 1 trom EMWO due at 8 p. si., pulled Into tk* itaOai with two snowolsd aaglaes In UM lead, U mtsates overdue. ! Stoves, Ranges Th-biw Itaelw trom Philadelphia, two hours oTerdae, was rooted owe with .aTaSJ."^ a eoltd maaa of frosen snow irir >lx Frtit*, BrJT,.... Mr*, wnaaai a Dean of DUaiaad HUI ALBERALBERTT HBDDEN,HEDDEN, toasw ibtok, and ths engineer sitting em aaax a> >ar bad with laaaaoala. Hi box by the opea window was. mill< LiveLiverr andand fCiidJiptwill t Stable*Stable! t if mail from tut t» HARDWAREHARDWARE mist, to bard thai It had to rounTMFOUNTN ITHIT,ITKIIT, from bla clothing wltn IN we« ptajwd. 0J.ute.SoW. raHnul c Trains No. 4 sad Ho. 6 were stalled for i ex Front street for miking aver two boon st SomarrUls, sod 5 At 1 tb. PIMM Of HIM *^-»^«- ~ JJ>la> •« «W rort, attar erory J.T. J.1. HHDBLOFF, HEIDE10FF , turn Philadelphia on m. "f ind »", due Ml*. OTM* K.O«too WH *l*aMd-rlM- •o. a *»»«— IT. •.!»« acre at 10:08 was delayed at Belie Head c»sld*nt In to* ptee* of HI*. Alia* sUet-M by three oosl train* which stood on ths Tbompftaa. who ka* Mi **booL Aftac •wttehea unable to more bssuseof UM atom. The; wers OaaUy dug out snt- fldantlr to maho a ptntp lor tie BI CANOPIES pms. uhloh arrlTed at II :3S. Far Weddings, Partdes, Et%, Tbe Hewark and the Imcf Bnash About 100 pupil* sttsoded ths. N< dtttahns are stUl blooksd solid by Us PlsJnOsid school this mondng. but all Tl HUE. CB4J8ES lEUHaJU drift*. ,f,..\ i Aha. The Booth Bnosh reed fro* Blsnlm Mrs- "Weigman, ParloParlorr stoves,stoves, loDwaa opened evnVSMtlr to allow tho tralDdiieherast7«6io sntn »t UM Tbesleotrioosxswsreranopto % thle OoDdDBtor S«un Jotuvaon and Tiijluaai Jo* ntornlng, and In making tbtlut trl]> to CM* of thU train report frequsot drifts PornacW) Sanges, bttseec SomerrlUe and Flemlajrtoo aerea SiSfe." ; John Cbandler, tad elgbt feet hlgb, sod state that U I ipiDtr.rinmbing. UM iDowplow worked all night In a fruit-. H. I. Hat eodeeTor to keep tbe tisehs tree, ill,; the Eiat-bouad Philadelphia inpinss due. aa« **a« Xo. t» last Tturt atraM. heteateKS, vltbtwohlg moguls In tbs Tie. pufed into sight at II :W, bsTtOg Heater Work. Tinning, ben loatnoted to oo*or the trip of Ho. 6 headway was ma, tans the west doe at 10:0*, as well as Its the bearllr diUUag ntw oorsted the WILLIAM. nt •atl***. tracks aiwort MM M tb*j wen fE.. B.B .MAYNARD, MAYNARD , Hardware. ieared. An eitra *Sort will be MtMn BcwplUI fie, the eeetbonsd FtUadelpbta «x- ioat famouB repreeenta- pnsi. whloh also brloffs throogh Pull. this afternoon to open tbe road. aj.Di. W B PRACTICALPRACTICAL BARBERBARBER The Sonera** atteet breach la bltcksd ttvss of Romany Bye In this oountry w •UK from the West, due at a ;14 a, m.' Prinoe WillUm, as be la called, who, «MDto« tours OTerdne. LoeaJ trains from sod te stid. with bis family, lives near But Hart- Artistic Hair Dresser, **» made Dp at Somernile and DnacUeo ford- There are branch™ of tlie family HtaketheplsMof exprese trains whs* nut a do at New Haven and Bridgeport. Tbe «e. 2O4 P1BK ATOVB. vmpoealole, and were run iir riiu.lj Bast Hartford branch of the family is . Hair CutHni doo* at with but Uttle ngard to sehediile Umo. «• T BK- Apart frosa ths rws plssnras of rislt- Una 14 C * the main branch. Vf to noon no western malla arrltwl In ng MI plsoM and wttassstng norel •nltotd BMtOo -- • Th* Willlamaea are all horse dealers. thtsUj. Deep drifts are reported Cross eeeaes. the Peoniy Wanttv Ballrosd Oon- AO tXWUJltl.Oo.,.. Attached to their residence af« stable* Ftnwood cut and Bergen Point eurre. di «ea ughf.oo which. In wint*, aJw»j« contain a stock The • aubta" (ronnd-honae) at Jersey Olty pany's tours to Csilf omls, will prors better do •treetBanwajOo... of flue blooded draft horns. ( m DU«d to the doora wtto engine* •» »twl Bstey or the gre*t 1 aod whoae borders an OTi protected by UeBtara and Stripes. In tb«*rar9 ttlr* trrmaderoan nidi in th* ronimer, *pv bane, being TINNERS. "«one bagftagB and om null c*r, »-ouotod tourist system, and ••ti.liSM.t tak*R .long and sold or traded. Thin OrganOrganss «nJ"t later foe the d»7 ooaobee. Tbe milman train* will !*••* New York sod maa. a eavalead* of a dawn fancy ""I*" In theterae; Oty yard wars phlladelshls on Tebruary » tad » * Wainna and about 100 bone* PLUMBERS, j FULLYFULLY WARRANTED.WARRANTED. fww wd badly drtftad, the «jlil» snow "1 189S. • W«. t Tbe iwt i. m»d« .bout the l.t of Bag tseai vp almost ss Bast ae tbe Detailed Itlner«ry wUl be aent on SppU- ,T nut -*s , ion* tbe antlra family—nan, wom- ModerateModerate Prices.Prices. Th» party keep, together, trareliiia by y*J nhuuted ?«d hand., who bedto Tourist Agent. UM BeosdwW. «w CAS FITTERS. . ! Cash or ItHtaloaenbt. <•• vorklng all night, could shovel «Q Mat. aboat 10 atltar atoy M*t Torh. or Eoom ill, Brosd Stnst Button, oonaUared a food joornw When In . ***• ITM. The lencsln the swtklk kory. U«yoa.™k.»ml- PARLOR STOVES. See Them Before You Bay. toW-whWitamosteaea. operate es*- Tb*pUo.~leot«i forth. "» twiteksa each, eomld hardly be ,,C(H«r...iKFukiTHa>nA>M M n.a.1IJ a F'T" Than Iba vaaoa* „ drawn ap 1. a oirol* Ore. a» liibt- COOK SIOva* BSTEY & SAXE. •a mt Ih* .i aiilai »a*al |a ajiaran. It took (he two* Aftar aappai tbe waol* party fttba ( Baat i Straat. - Now Vatk. bleh tattttw Sew lock ataaad FttaD. WUllaai'. aaat or wagon, HEATERS. -. orer so boor - to m-fcs aad th* affair, at th* fatally an du-

inn Maa, I.O.B.M.. will I.U.. « »|SMjasM»M Illllniill .WaaUadaa* Birthday la . narawUbaaaaddraaa, its of iS Kinds an Hide Ben. Tinware Made to Order. . T. Tall » M»t um aaat .bHpu.o[.u^r eota* whlak tey awaataiuaanalaiaaajlatlai Bangttt, Brick and ••»«« Um. ..»t I lop, wool •-*-"-—•—•"-»»—r.1, at* III ' tot la ttaai Portable Fan aces lna> ..UlffTQH •awaUtdaatajpollalaalut ata > Ika SAS1TABY PLCMB1H6. tvaak ksn tcoai Janaj A The Oonatittitioiialiat. (So*toM*Uio*u*ti*t I THEIR SEW HOME. « DCMOOKATIMMOOKATtOC WEEKL «UIVY •For (at ..lory of I Thw/lf Never RoMI if! mm. battt b* afriaaa nr bla I , from tbs paa of Better Qu«rtert- latfcaeaMortbw

P1»lnHe!d. Sew Itrmj. •UILT THIS M*S SEEN torn MUKl br» HboraJ people, Jaartad a»» rtELD MEN, n««s-n»o DOUAB * run. Ot Ih* tight Of Oil "TM hare «1TM to t*a ytMa* an UUk CASTORIA basatlfal bvUdtoa;; yoa ka*« eslarfai CASTOR IA tor Infants «nd Children.

PARTICULAR MENTION. In order lo tiw> yaw what >M look U. afforded to* na of H8,517.*8 to draw U1LT for Ma(nfl-rd-« a for BOW, tt will bs iniiiiry lot upon. Tbm lac than Bad UM «X- O. P. gBibarlinrt nf Iriaa h rnrT-*-f OILT tar Hrta«.lf« tk«aa wka h*« tb* istarMt ol tka paBd«4m.O0O for land and «H.M4 90 oa trass aa sttack of u>e grip. T. M. C A. BoUdto#. tka bwUdtac. Tbw ooatraot ealt«d for Mr. 1M* of Watehant-ataaaa Is and tliaflaaly appoint- Sow, Ikat It la la MS,«U. which left a deflotesoy of $10,000 •aaa'to tka haw* Wli» (few grip. sdacdprrttv Assem- work. It wUl need valiant aoppot^and UM to ba raised, low tba qoa»Uoa was Mn. TbrxxJon J, Sanyoa of «11 Witt bly Hall «f the auwv money spent In this dinettes Is wail d wbetbar UM reaalt newpHiawi fwkctk «r-*i to III wtia tks trip. (ara wu walt-flUed apaai Aa an In vestment, sea what this JiMttoed UM ooM InroiradI Tba work reft., II by * mpre- itDttoa la doing far young atea to looa In tb» paat aaa wand UMt propoatttoa Ddad. You all know. If yon have .01rmaU»ery. He nld Uiat many yoing aoaa, that wbao tbsy reach n oertsln age man. wbo bad ptoaMOt home*,. were, .- ,. B .rhleb had gathered to sad oome home from ae cOae or fros» lj oontsot to Uva far taanualTaa, lavjay axsrafcaa Incident to tba foratal being oontnsd In a stnra you fsal tbit •aaalBaT of tba AssoctotWs new boms. tbsy would like to go oat and spend Borne Oath* pUUoraa war* seated :tba mem- and taw, bat tb* AasooUtton was a Held urne wlUi tbelroompanloos. Mow, what of labor In educating them to aometblng tar. of tba Board of Mreatar*, opening lathis sasnotittoo for these yoong n-saT sad building committees, a1 no tuber of better and higher than mere dnwaa. tbe Why. It I* * rendavoos, a mooting plao*. eUbMaa of PlaloBeld ba said b*4 donated tba local atofry. and tb* double male a«d aa a rendecvous and lansttng plase quartette, aompmad oT P ft. Uanyoo, S want to m that It U a good pae • tha bnUltog to psrpetaato tba religions CfH* •ft •_ Ida Danbsai la eonlnad to bar E. Bunion. KOIIWD Eaoyon, %. k. Bum- i . b!oh they haa undertaken, and BCaM OB AlUDCUM »vaa*« Wllh «B IttMt

wa. isl- M il alw5fc - CaatorU la p•taa ntaai w 9 T>OfUMN IV. Itl-uo ael< tainlk.

Thomas Bold sf UM Vast End baa ae- aaptsd a poalUon as agent for the Prarteo- ttal Ufa Inanranaa Company. 1 1 Loads DeOsmp ot PUlnfleld avenue, an — - - f- !•« «■»**«*»■ employe ot tba Potter Press Works, la eoafined to bis home wttb tba grip.

xtbor Q. Tb* marrUfs will taka plasa soon. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. •n, John Dtaytoa oi*Trsnk I in place HI Wttb. tbs grip. Hat Infant daoghtec eaCsrtag trom aa attaak of broaabJUs. D, F, Btawart o( John street, altboogb painfully IU wtth Bennlgla, t - ' - i duties at Hope

Flretbrook -ot IM, ttnat. baas ttavaUna; tbroogb Hi to aittre bom* £• P. THORN,

•Uwsrt. who baa baan 111 alow Hew 11 makes all tba dUrsranoa In lbs «*dd 6J 1^1255 ParParkk Ayenue Avenue,, of Dr. Simpson. wbeUtarU last sronad tbstn good Tka marriage vl Hiss Fanny Westpbsl. ' 0€ upon It aa sn daughter of Mr. and airs. Obas. Weatphal. weooghttorailyaroaadltaaddV A] to Qaorge Gray of Brooklyn, wUl laka W. J. fend and aopport It and I bavs ao donbt Bfeort talk by Arthur Loea*, State Bas- PUS* MXt [Booth. that atW yon have llstsned to Dr. Blab- raUryofUMT.H.a A. Ba Tbe ttttla asa of Walter Walkar af and to Mr. Morray yon wUl *» •twilbast straw Is quite HI from an atUofc •of )BHI»VBI . but Or. Oaraan. wbo Is ID Varor Oiibart apok* Is pkrt M followa: ^ - -*'H kind la the 8tat». Th« itrnrtoro »Ur.d. Btlililaaw, bopes BOOB to rffeat a cure "The duty baa twan pat oa BM tool ht aatwl * the hlRbeat Ideal ot manhood, and In Pure MWinesWines anandd LiquorsLiquors,, Jobs Daly and W. a OftMon of tbla •T blddloir yo« weloometo tbta beautiful At tbe ooneraaloB ot the Msyofa ag- *lty spent yesterday oo UM BranUlaa ' of tbi loang Uno'i Cfartatlu rees the qsartette rendered a aneotloa •gHamafaly HUdebrana.on wblota Mr. Daly •a, and I oaix aa>«re you the which bruagbt forth many anooMntns. •hing and aometblng mm I "took bis departure for Para, Booth inn. duty ta doubly eojoyablo torn simply bo- Tbe following » a part af Dr. Blah- death. In UM religion of Jama Christ. tea. ae I w*a pceeent at to* Birth of UM arda's excellent sddrees • ho BBM there waa Deed tor oraoda Foir;r FamilFamilyy an dand Medicina Medicinall Use, Use, OfltaUoB. I wu IU Bra J.aFnpaelWaitroartbBtnat Is tba 'When I eama Bar* tonbjbt I wu aeeta. bat the Tonng Hen*« ObclaUan Aa- fanlltar wtth IU a«iy latest to •nocumb to tba grip. Be was thlnkfog of eouna, as wa all Wara, of ins aoel.Uon affordad a common pluiorm with many of tha Important icddsoU of | A.\ SPECIALTY. -atrleken suddenly yesterday art«roooo at work of tbe Tnuag Ifen'a Cbrtsttan Asao- >wraoaatoaeMi*UM mlad aad af- tta earlj life. I om reaok bank I torn IU •klsaslM, sad today ba Is anaM* to ba d*tlon. and thlnktog of It wtth graUtude; torta lor tba salvation and elevation of tbo preaeat tltri; I oan lisBaH. but I found mjtelt thinking espeolally of ie yonng man. touch tka past and ptvaeaf In tha hlatory After Dr. Totkm pronoaooad tba bene- gnomes Beory of tbe West Bad. who those gathering her* tonlgbt In UtU uew thla Aaaoelatiott. I ean brina th-rn PM bsan UWj- wiiplojed by Toe Pond building and what It sssent to tils taay both tofmlhor, ud I oan realise perhaps Jfaohloe Tool Ooapaoy, haa goaa to (tetlonto have at.laatahonMof tta own make a general tospeotloa »f (be bnHBV fullj tban UM moat of jou how ra- I employ suppose my speetU duty was to bring n. Ing. of whteh tbe naajirltj- availed thea*- markabM baa baMi U>» loce-** of this inltltudeof oongratulatlons to tba so- tlves. PRICES. Aaeoetetloa. and In looking back om tha etety Itself sad to all these friends wh i Dr. Daniel B. Tblefcatun, who went to g The cciy rradlcg room, tho pleeaant Itatemlof Uma wkleh r»Mhea from the an gafbered here, many of whom know YJerlea about a w*ek ago for his Health. 1 ma wkleh r»Mhea (>ulor. and all lh« apartmenta, wara BB- '- ' - ttlhJ U to bava a hicne of tbetr own, %M written to his son WlUleo. Thlckatan wanty^lchtTJMraa by ibe Tlsliors, and U»B nfianplntlna and when wa tblsk ol not koow •bubals testing much Setter, and en- to tba p t eeveiopawap t of t balktlcfr waseommentsdoaaa Amos] ft VanHorn, Limited, caatlon, thla baavUfol *• mid Ing enggwto that there Is any material advantage to of tbe -T).,!, in wnloh ruioBeloara Amos H. VanHorn, Limited, Joya tba soaibara dlmata. bow remarkable :bu twra UM "set ahead of tbe advantage of bavlae aou .1 t. kn xreat and pardonable pride. Mlaa loot* M. Ltjuett of Princeton, i 73 Market Street, Near Plane Street growth and daietopmeot of tble orgaa!at- V 73| Mar*** street, Se«r Plane Street. who has been vtatUng friend* ia Hew Thla bnlldlnf tells lu own wllh a lltU* farimg, bfnu, Xotkett*. Mais to pialnOeltl yastardaj Note the Name Amos Before entering the More. •tory of proeperity, h(*!lhfal growtb, nissnadranugetbat he nerar «.«**. Note the Name Amos Before entering the More. •fore few days visit with b«r brother, J 1 be fovers' »arrtons •<{ Mta* Ttlll« T-rry p ib jpy and anp- possess. Belonging to a MM ot tramp- Voward tieggett of West Front attest. erebeld Taeedny afternoon from bar • PRICEPRICESS DURIN GDOPING FEBRUARY FEBRUARY.. port. It nmloda me alto pt many h« simply eao . We wer* not they own their own noose* * were several Bor»l tribatsa ot BBM Ssnond BUwet ware c iil«i to ltlntio then ; wo had DO itbought at Ihtf not afrsld of tbetr behavlaK •U..JUB wbfch was a handaonM pillow boat w«r.Or*ot» County, N. ?.. Hood. leae of mar achl-Tio, t ateta of denlop- BS In sii.ih laahlon that It wUl b" tbe lndepcDdent fflf* and Drum Corps. Bttsti a tne funeral at Jesses BOB. • •eat the* would warrant task a. beantk neeeasary for them to leave lbs place,' It and * beautiful bnneb of reees end BmUac they own tbetr own hOBMS. Any insutu- m boltdlna; M thta. V* aim ply hoped ta nrn the Women'a EeUef Onrps. Tba pall to be worth more to tbe nop-'aod to do aome flood. Ther« ^oar-rt were: A, Wilson, Arthur Adams, at least be valued mo*« highly Andrew W a*r» only a few of ae bn( m vein Inter Beory Aduos and Herbert BoHloe. ;**2 > on properly honwsd. Johnson gtv** no bope for tbe )*tMl in ih« work ai d tute that bound tu •esm* t. me that this to th«- *"* * we* la the Methodist **BM- —oniillcm work spRdal advintage tbe ToangMen's Cbrl* lbs bom-, ot her other ion. Bnsartl. In denkopad lato atronpw* ttea ot ptmoni Uas AswelatlDn bas sasoated tonight, li Saw Tork rtty, Bw baan Is tloo, ud I am ptemd n> Bay to. ::::::E£:£EEE::::^ met In Its new hove; It bas some to •

T hrge|y attmowl and vary anloyablal If! | l.aadaks Mwsilb.aMto.ipi. " • these Rii(H arc act reduced, u we are aw angdl>>Caa[rfp«i*d bytbOM whom aoe tb«t beiotg* to Hs*U and we hope oe was held In FrtaMablp Hall, Hew «t U will be aaaa paid lar. and berwU - eve made rtdsctloM In all wber depart*-* hag tbslr Wmoat to protons bar Ufa. fcet, laatsvMilnR. Oueata wara pre*- aatatbts ad. Eaay tnras. Goods ddlvsrcd &etw Stan-le as on*ol too luiliuikiat of tb* eotfroo. EllMbatk, Jaraay City, Bound aomBtktng that wul ataad bare lot- Baonrt BonatnUa u4 PUlBld Q STORING FURKITURE-HITIBI juM erected a sew balldktg a«t la8S. 9^o.nd 9a EM bl* city 1 think thai I r m a borne Inr the vaang nM bug* party want m a aMgb from tbta t-. we CM i«fe)*u* (tut vebsM tbe most complete Storage Buitdioj in the SUM, and lobtta tbe r-^»"o »f Vlalott»ld on loOeM. and tor toe jooag stem of « neb low t*t«s" All eckedroosu. FBraitors awnd with nn> bv ortfnl mea m dty oHy «Dd njoy#d the pleaeent rid* M well bartng tkU baaatiral MMaa aiMad to i f>mlU«« W* m* bare eui », Tcfcpbooc ,80. aa the danoe which foUowad. aroblsre'.ural drwlopwot of PUIskli ass wtth their own parlor,., »,tn tbetr Fraaae's orebsatn faralsbad axaeUaat FlalntMId baa t i libraries, with tkafr OWE p aste taroughout of soetsl lnterooaraa, aa4 anjtblng that [ 75 Market St., asarPUae.!.. Newark. N. J. U offered to those boys by the Trtroft let* bow. Tbe Men's Ohrlstlaa Aesoatatloa U aa afltH»good many ihlogs wblob Mw? '•Want snparvtakMi ~* 1 have alreedjr. But slter all. tbU tiling la Tan Dosm. Brant and Fanlka, lobe b*r*te rknlsb a brims bribe J.T. VAIL, Real Estate and Insurance, young BMO in KatoBeU wbubanatoi North Avenue* and wbo in not likely to fcav* a hot ConstipationConstipation ' 177 •forth *v«nn« for UK aril ant. I think our prayar fc £jV"°*a>c mos t commoncommon formform o f ofDM Dy*, O*j Is that u t*U baUdlDg Is BOW dad pepsto. * I «a"-ed Be will ao all It wttb Bis Spirit thai E. E.E . MarshalMarshalll & Co.& , Co, bMBl««TSgiilde4ltbltb*Baat,UBttfaU Dr.Dr. Dcane'Deane'ss 1 \ ; . Painters and Decorators. DyspepsiDyspepsiaa Pills 1*7 NORTtH AVRNUfe. _ (rormerlT with A. l^ ______balM fujnsris?* •** -e« ■«* BOods, and tbat hi what yod ea¬ Bad WalJ Jjjperffltadea,, " ib*cttj. Ourpikvtaarelo*-

•BIBMBW MU- Window Shades, Picture Moulding* The Constitutionalist. •ad Mk tatead ofdeeUisiai. 1b M.Mll«tlknbio objectfcj. Stand the Test. HERE is but one A popster remedy U sure by a apastal eopyrlKhtB4 M. Tal T««w *>> tbe world to be ••*• to bo subjected to: the cf havmg; tbe beat paint, and tJut «erere»t teats, both practi- is to use only a well-established cal and medical brand of strictly pan white ajaeV Shoulshouldd There Bo 300 eoryrl«h!Bp]lDg wui t*ll bl- Allcock’sAUcock's • tab* to •rtdaj1* and oaturd-jr* ard, "Old Dutch" process, and *n THOUGHTFUL SUGQESTlONa ; and Mr»- Alrxaader trill tefflB a always absolutely Porous Plaster wwsrful novel la Bainrtfaj'a U*oo B1M>. FOR MUNICIPAL RCRIKH. Porous Plaster dOBt WaBt to BihH -«1, receives the eindorsemoot Strictly Pure of medical men and prirat* t UM Istgaa* aad baat Bewaphpar It bootperson remedys everywher fore as tfce aloo Oooatj, lb» lll»*beth Xtailr loar- White Lesjd coughs,best remed soee throet,;y for col^s, Tbe Prase Uial «bl« for UM BrUelf i Frank BergMk'a pen. printed la tola "Atlantic,' ‘Jewett,* coughs, sore throat, pains in Ooi II Atlantic," "Jewett,y ^ ^^ lOr limits i able review of t novel theme. iC "Brooklyn."Brooklyn."" j be read and dieouaewi wUb thought- Attcock'* Com Shields, i • ; •oaaldenUonbT voteraof bath pat* • IfIf youyou want want coloredcolored paint,paint, tinttint Allcacfc'B Bunion ShkWi. , Ibe Journal waa eo oelghborl; a* anyany ofof thethe aboveabove strictlystrictly purepure leifcftd* ifc lead The Preaa the ua» of tb* tjp« la withwith NationalNational LeadLead CO.'aCo.' aPlirw PUr e the article wu alreadj aet. WhitWhitee LeadLead TintingTinting ColonColors. j Brandreth's Pills; valnabla library for Jeraevaen la a MUMOI in* Annual B^oorta ot t**. taQeotociet. Toe volume for ISM r do not Just bena iBWaed, an«l la a credit to ef pnMteUr p-ra mul.1.; .peak'.__, tiltheuiJty of tbe whole territory ot BY THE WAY. " palaataklng Hwmui of Oeologtet tint Scrktlr P*t* WfaHe L tement* nOmerons ofltoUa aw and the lain they ; county and the latrnM of »jch p«t !n Sod vaapmtal card sal pi ou t* iptbu-parts were recognised. May It a Smock und bU wldLanU. Tber* have been appointed to sdmlnhter, aad ft —The trial of tha Welab-KiUe .boot(ng vainta asd cofcc-eant. frca. U equally true thai If they abould do » it WlwaawlUi (be other publicimpron- uat OH way to know Haw Jeraev, aad MAT1ONAL LEAS CO. H«w won td not add much (o their efficiency. enU wblcb tbe locreailog population of •ao U no w on In Xlb»bath. la through then* geolegi—I reporta for tbe reason that the vaat DHM of law te county make It necestary to contractT —Tbe •ver-weleom« robin ws» saejt wnpMjtog tta latMt vjlnnte la a —Zioharlih Wilton DM dtui There are also objection, to ibe pn>poti- which amoeban them la almply Inter • of valuahla map.. IDeloalag oar copetty on Hannln. mnw t able, both to tha professional and the wi on. The one moat obrlooa t> tbe un qual dflbta of tbe different Wai go*ern- A rtowB tbe territory ot tb* extinct Hn«a wh'eb formerly bf>looa«d I mmotb late Faaealo, wbldh It Is br- The fa value of property la Un —81 og Toy, of tha Xorta arm ate. ate Mrs. Ann Wnoden at Warn oom eovarad the oeottal How MAU fttilfl locality Increases, Tbi couoicountvy for purpcaeaoparposee off taxatioU n latt yt— bMBdry, has gon* to Newark (o ' ba tMai- bam etrMla. throagfa tha affw tstertor. Zin b itlnin enough, but a practical j WwaMs te4.61S.3S7,tei,«18.387, and Uthwe agEKgne debt d br the Cflinw mndfclw man. I Blonard OortcU. iSSwf* items U> elude aJl who try t»!of the dHceB muoiripwl aboart large quaatl- tbecoontyto R.113,011. bearing interest of taiabla property, and tbe mou —The boroiiRh Board dt Oanvaawrs are The f»rt Ii tbat the Influence of varioo*} ranging frofromm fourfour tKo» sew"••n• per cent., but coatlj of the in 11 m»rj public improTe- OBlly eogaged In mailing a botasato mattta tx.r taeo made. Toe rate of ln- Mbllitii- ibmrles durfnK the last b«« | nearlKTUIyJ valll ' at fourfour. Tbe annual Inierrst aoae oumm prior to the Sprint «*ee- i a letter written by Bar. J. Cind- The Finderne ..barge la about f2S.-i.000 During tbe tenat ea the largfrdebta la four per cent., The Finderne, JU. which Ukas plaoe in Uarcn. I I of Dfanioodale, Mich., m «n per men wbicchb they were nut year lf*4 tbe taxpayer! nf tbe county od It fa not nnreaaonable to expect that FINDERNE. Sownn Co.... H.N; J. J J perform- an--•d ttbaj Were called upon tow to tbelr respective be laolDC in ttxea by reaaon of a nokmal —Sppslil Iitnoo)n exerel9ea w«rt held to make this extract i • 1 ]}?••« no frt tbat barre bbe*e , coltoctota Jn Wi the »um Ooff $W».7OO$W»,700. adMtalvtnUion of tha proposed gorern- t tba HorU Ptalafieia Public School IM- Ration in rwoin mend Ing Dr. Klcg'e •* tocrt.DeductlogfromthU tbe .urn of *225.000 DMOt would go Tar toward paying tbe •r3»v. There wore recitation* uj Htsa DtoeovBry,M tbe rwnlta were Bl Open all the rear « a resort of the blatMSt modern ni« hav iveo rial paid for Interest OD debii. and we Had nteren on tfce debt of tbe conaolidated eloue In tbe oa» of my wife. WBUe order. Driving and tleighiog parties w* rs> May L'nbarger aad Evewtt J. Psok. J eive every attention. 'law, ranging from that tbe people of this cou paid la«t aa psstar of the Baptist Cboreti at mtinns. which bave year toe' enormous ma of W74.700 tor lie board walk leidieg to ui Wat- HIGH-CLASS SUNDAY DINNERS. "by5 tol- government, and probably not more than n Junction eh o was brought down bj bang avenue entrance of the T. M. 0. half a dozen of tbe taxpayer! believe tbat moola succeeding fatgrippe . Terrible (Table d'Hote from I 103:30) Steaai they received tbe worth or their money. or men JZioinpii»h awtofactory r»ulu Building waa esatpieted Udaj; It will treow of eowtblng would last boor* heat; lodosed ptaiui; eMrrtntng imnweo- *!5 It mout be conceded that a system of a dealing wtth difficult matters without » renUofd bj B ggfog la the ~ little tnlerru ptlon and It aeeBM 1. When ont driving let ns «BterUia joa. -- it rood Indgnwot may governments which produces such inade- —TbereUaaoaroltyor floa he could Dot survive them. A friend SwlfmSw; wrpdwd U» «~1 *•» O-Jr quate resulu for the amount expended ictate, according be actual condn* E. WHITE, Manager. tewottbeooald««laraof tntaolty, owioi imeoded Dr. King's New Dlaoovery; ibould be reformed. It U a condition that f th* mntml ' It ii lmpoa*iblo to > tb* delay In shipping front ttts mines, waa quick In tta work and highly amttft- y. la, offl,■M« hoUrr.bolder, uiUiusloii* Into atm terre t fellowft : U far behind and below tbe enlightened aimcllliro».f»!l laliMuM/.b fully, la!• eaulMaa•«methlD« likelik* U“* and progressive spirit of die age, rajed by the heavy snowdrUU , 14 fienn- m reenlbk Bold by I*W.Bandotpb ' am In favor of adoptli g tbe ad rtvanla. - . J •uggi-t. BwiUr alas BOo aod tl; onr eiitia) fliltrii- «i Mr Ha la aleded, b, lb« loipnba of aoeao Mt- hey are oiled oo to act at all. Tbe plan, 46o and 90o ladae oa iba falU of blan*n<c evening UrUlned the Boyal ireannm, wa* he beramca the mbjtct of a btm ud UM county, bmd on * pemrtlo wa*n they gave) BB exhibition of the New- gnaat while to Plalnflald atondaT aw* tfcteonUeaceof tbe people. By 1. Bee. 1'. Logan Uurpbr In «X- oeada> of Mr. aod Mr*. H. X 1A*BU at hk coaaUtuenU *row impatfent at hit ««- many with modem Um crnleg body proper coeiltt tbe Tien aaded much to the air elegant home on Potoatn aveoua. prtoM, to be elected. w ir Mag convenient for tae~aerrtccor be ileasure of tba large andlenea. u a rii^appilotiDf nt and dent back to prt quireualrvdd toto deratedeTote tbelrtheir wh.wkol e time to e trayU ot tbe people by tboee entroated —Tbe Graad Lodge, XofRbU ofFvthUa, vate life fully conTfnced tbat tbe people pabllepublic vrrbvaerrice ;; drdaedefloe thethe ontlloea of tbeir with power. Srve ttndentt of tbe anb- En a republic are extremely ungrateful powerpower withwith extremeextreme dacWrprM , and pro- :ect teem to think that the form ot tbe will hold thetraoanal session In Treiiton There ti another ctma of orflHalsjrbo videvide batbut fewfew rocabtlooiregnlattooi tfo r tbelr conduct VedoeMUy and Thareday of n«*t week within tbe limtta of their julbdlctioo. lovernment Uof more importance than auk Dffli-e for Ie«e worthy pu withim the limit* of the L C. P-c« will represent PerWver^uoa UM!J dtii*n, commonly call Many of the eo-calfed Mtegaaida oflegte pu hit frieorti oat to the priranry. w- ' lion Mtatiag to niunldpalliiea are la tact Lodge, Ho. Ti, aod Charles D.Graw, cuirt the nn ml nation «nd in eJpcted 'Be rce. of nnbarraa»meot and pitfall*. I Unity Lodg*. Ho. lOt, of tbli city. Irmly belter™ that ft ft his duty to a of a —HowaU DMaUm. No. t7, B*ns of goieroiog body ckariy, and leave the Wlot tomeMM ofof thetbe friend*frlendu whowho werewere an*mrmt *>•ac- Temperance, held an Interacting jiaalnn fl*vtive InIn hi*bU Mpporvrapport. HeHe remnemorecommences b«Hbnri - method, of exerclaiag tbe powera eon tom•»« tnin theihn-sTicu renmas ofnf blahU party. party, modand muttmast ferred largely to Iu discretion. TnU fa tbelr room, last night. Oeorpt 8c*af ar fttfet asdooritwpr dnorhnrprrr atat Ira*|p«st toto .howihow blabig oooeon - Lry to tbe Yigor and *nlclency of the u> taken Into membership, ,and two ' Okantt.MUocnta . LaterUtrr behe develop* d a atmar• ne'de de-- oamea were pinpoaed. *. oonunlttee U to Deceasarr to tovtotet something.[ forfor thethe ward.ward, Utwm-t alo*. Tbe defective nature* of citizens *aa appointed to perfect s^rslgfateats rtip o . In which be happens- to re departmenen: u of the goven •hip or Walfcy In which he happen* to healtb, atreet and police de will snow themselves in tbe bad acting ot for Bivlog m sods! on tha evening o UTC«- . OtherOtiwr member*mcmW» Ofof thethe emtname boerdboard h aa fire, heal bat 1 do not think tbat anr whatever social Mnictures they are ar- Marott f- • I ,, I tthodyvrtndy aederateednmirrsmnd tbelrthf-trdut dotyy Intn thetbe earn*asm* ranged Into. There hi no political alchemy way. aed m It often happen* that the to* ot the executive depart 1 -A work of fllsgsooe and otUUy (t tbft •nj. and HI it often bapprtn that tbu con except tbe bead officer o by wblcb you can iret gulden conduct oot •act of HBdaK who pae* for boor* men. of leaden Instiocia." We B>uat all bow to eajecdar Issued by UM Haw York Knersv btoeawaooct of nfflcinli a raAd oa, wh theo p*publicM for treasuryhincrt men !»•. abould be elected by •wadP«M at* ama nS edoHntotrationd on the pnM{ ofr thetreasur gnrway in - ie or appointed by tbe gavernlnr the dictum of this great man, but tbe pro. log and PrmUog Company o| MO-33- neat for tbe n-wrnl >Mfan nf the pso body. Tbe people In a thickly settle grata of the DBase of good government Pearl street, Sew York. Eacti montb'a for the renervl welfare of the perv locality are too busy with tbelr own a1 Faaoot ba swftted by a disagreeable fact >* 1I do6a Snttint belirvrbelieve tS,tthm di-W-tfnln>in<1b l'V to the" aboutd be chosen by t civil service < Hlntb «tr-*t to a few ee -d one i Prudential Insurance Company, ask Tb W-ttB1*^** ata'rd*•»'«! IntrrreU.Int^rvaK hothut tbttth« theorytbwtr" honor ot I*>* Oi «f Ue-» f •«. > tell the peopla o[ Plalanald thi HT Tbe merits of tbe caiwe of ctvil SCTTICB .•)00-.aioi was one or p|tw»nt nmh ?*toto*»TV* >mrvwarv''mnnrarv monarrhemnnnrchr fadrdt*lleA tot The merits o# the raoee t4 r* hi has not gone out ol tb» Infttraaes wtiMrlmOr•wwifl* iWnlv' AAW>n boott thetlie n-meH«rne thee,time reformreform barehave lee*been muchmuch obarunobscurp d by tbe The dfnla* iabte« wrre nT bn°lnee« so far an th« writing or policies r^ton^f*VTV** ' towl *w» mvernmen*l enTprnnx>n hrt h me*oar pipi n ridiculeridicule ofof luits membraenemies nodaod thetbe ftfull y of " •IM-parthsn bvtieah^'ins wereworn drvWri.dpvivd. andSHJ1 to *" IrVtKla.frWnda. ButBut thethe systemsystem hasbaa'grow n U coacemod. hot that he la atBI wrltln •lowly•lowly,, betweenbetween bothbotbobstacles obeUcl-«., uiaitron, »«r« of in* « e*lor pollotea far lire and life Incuraioo to ao Tr****^* P«» i" prartlco and later still poiitlnD. and cun no longtr be repurdid as «t«T^ chara-'ern hrran to advo position. and can ao longer be r pi a bright *o»« i good company tn exIsteoaB. a subjectaubject at(ft ow'y only forfor ea abortabort fplan k la l-niciTnil. platformplatform toto phasepltase thetbe MugtoMugwump * and foliawlBv wars —-TbaSUapka Story of Htw to Ball JJ^Mnt would perith with its parti- makemake thetbe delegatesdele^atea smile,amlk. loth*In the last iun nt. O-rey an Eisctric Motor *t Bone," U ih-i Ui la o beberr ofVmof the Atlantic.Atlantic MrMr Theodor,Tbeodure Booaevel .iron. «nd W»a, a serial now running la tbe Dstrelt Eire Ueaao Imereatlog accou nf I • pro M „£,) «« be«. mnw or b*. t*lt of gives- an Interesting. aerouatk. In Bur-n. w«in wit-r trloal Stadant. Tha atory of bo* to boll nM annd awdltloaawdltl n of ibe B TaoD. Bedttea motor Ho. 3, and tba battery to tnn It relrl ii«e fnxaf i cant, althougl h a II overloaded with enlhuaUwnIwtn. I am cc told In language * calld nan understand V*» l««>rt«l KT tbla to Mt»hliah i dd ih h vlBced that a radical and genuine plan rlth tha bMoe ol Mata> % 01 v reform of municipal governmenta muat tn ra a ebaaw. Xl^tctelty wUI U clode « provkkta for ibe aekcUoB of tbe ConsumpConsumptiH »,, tba Wgf«t bread-winner of tba l^th oac minor rxcf utive of6«r» by the approvepproved ■ I Ttie ijtctivmnt •fltttiay . i it lory. Pernae*your boy, U: he 7b* iicnunl nsli.1t' • ■ * start, will mak» it hla Ufa work. . TL» of lot. consumptive can only rir> •• -r- consumptive can only I-- -- Is a eratp Httle w**kly for ml- ?*wne f»vby n pnwrcfu!powerful C9«C'-'■:: - -rd-fd tnirrtndeola of electricity.; SI a £**cfrninrim Hs*? »bn,,M be MB- a tMWt« whkh 00 doubt would he pa-ed 1 nourishmensourishmencr fitenfce Scoc'sSc<>"'s >'rr.-if-Koiit. M Five •ubscripiioB-1 w|» !*£•«.** •m.M mna irrr-^ry -tor*. W tbe people dtrtire It A fe» of tie ad |lion lion.. IfIf this this wastingwasting isis checlowl chectnw l 1 ""^ ytnl nr % be«* H H «»*"«ea of lorti a chanm ar« (1) and«itd thethe systemsystem isis suppi.,supplie d' ■« i'h i'f c oaetinn and materfsl for Istrvngrstrengthh toto combatcombat thethe dLtu(!L.c;i j j tips ^i-tt^ v „ 5 j«-»_~« tea fiS£?s3la jUiertherec isis hopehope ofof recovery.recovery.

»f Cod-Tiver OH,whh Hypophor- phttes, does more to* cure Ct"i- sumption than any ether tn£*»«a •raalu at H Fart place. Ba van v remedy. It .is for a" JMhction*' f J.BL Horrtaor W«stCbeat«T. Mf, F Tr.rt^a«fU«»,Co€ieha,C«ld*,ef.v nmndbjrtvMiiv and two ADd v:i d WMI A/*/-/> itaOMatoUSo. «. Bast >lf to SOT. Dr. J. L. BudM. I •I •Th« FBEAKS f|OF \ NATURE. DRAMA WAOE 6O BV »ME laBAFTm A SURFEIT OF FOREIGN PLAYS ANB ] tau ami M. mun In FOREIGN ACTORS IN NEW YORK. SPLICtHG PBOCESS- Traffic Resumed in Town j and nmuiJ eomn H.JLIM.-T.^H Taecr on Railroad. Save • TkiMw at p*r o«. i. ,i Otfaw hMCul». OMfCTrHMHli The London actor, Herliet( Beei a, laMoi rreaair ooeaeen I Tree,ma>le hi* Ameriean debitt at A Thoaue laat week. H.wU|iWW eaullenot which, having welron* Wtth hearty applaOM, settled do •nee Into a Judicial Mtlta

UW8UHPATIQN. fe t ' aaUlM ViiI . ** a W •e t tho arataigkt e««(lnK« ~ •»"e\e¥eV'aW wilae •aeae people, Mr. Tree p*o»ei hi. » Wee read tog ble ereolag pe- Bla anting made ao anfvni lmenate Third ...Co. «[«nU, Md ON Of Ih. WO- •en ef she «beerren th.n It --••** > nadlaga peaer. »' bttmttfud S .v.r. a*a w«tto|« alarge tomu of tall |n|k bar of roe. hi* laxlbllltyof tei« moat of UMNM, »th.Ctb« have won for bias a asore positive mesial *«a prod°d-« tkinge wftk Uila grow- approval. Mr. Tree's first pnbiu bow la oB ent of theft he***, tbiaga with twe *il*.nd,noh*ad«TWttk tmkMdiiai ttue eouBtry waa made la the character " ' ' with two baevM aad arta »t all-«uo« «h M d.bakoleW fle-a t once Basils- _. AM pair of goldjeye- > hi. IJ afffn fkW PI an- ge *j MTilJe'a abort play before. _^ . firm, eggreorive aoatfud In this lBBUaos, entitled "Th* Ballad It, looking itowu »e irr*lurM tb** Dr. Boru baa : ano- Monger," le worded by WWr BamM .w i .1 ]MU-jatng Mfitbtr In thb> ma»- aad Walter Harries Pollock. Tb. jrlor l«n* way era tadpol« and ai-iva aatorsIniUie piece here have L>eeu tbalate > form, nr >tupk\blaBa-frogi, toad-, nt.d Lawrence Barrett lu EnglbjU and Csa- i:k.-la tha larTAlor miJ.vC|..|i.-.l when tB*j are naif Beak and bait ataat Cqn.lln In FrencU. Mr. TIN WSS a little like both of Ueaa, He had Maw of the declamatory force of Mr. Barrett lir,- .he Mid .evenly. aad aomo of tbe recklessai r ot M Coqs* bed reedtflg the flnrt page lia, added to which he WM e.calluUr i picturesque in pose and uiatioB. IU d* "1 Kit*a rabbit-likeglance delivered the posms, espectally "TheOc 'ami lidewlM. Its boriz.... to ohard ol the King," with a ggoil *loe%- , madam." be replied „ ^_,_-.__t. Uexil*"* tiooair method, with a proper HUI!D» :'knA lield til* paper nntl fxr }- T<-i'l the Reptllbt aad «<•..,. , totaiitT. and with a romautli)atp.ct. Tbot ItK little Dimi wu • ltr>K PtakhaB'f UTWT Pill* m.'.i^iii-. *')d even onto tbe Unnn . iru-be lotrodBcsd himself pleasantly, sal work in tmUon with the Cowpoood, aad ily !t«h. Wby not 1 ' ! raised tbe expectation of somnklBf cowUpMlon T*up..i«-h»wsucha wonJorfu. I«U£ we solidly and tubstantially admlnUt Plnkbajn'a ty to heal wounds and1 aucb nn«jui. MEW. Mr. Tree wilt stay a month it Waah i« fraqtiemtly fooad of great energy of growth that the first hen.tai la city, and changs his roles freqaeatlr, pp p blundering el] in order to prove to u. that b* reaUyii (.lit or ib« window, uw fain dart the vereatlle artist whicli. trauutlanttt He platform and lake refuge loth* I. 9. HnllBB who to ao akoft that be day, dailTerj being awanaaflarl mntll n fame declares him to be. He bririRj .loaf of to. drift- te a full compsDyaudacoaapEeteequjpBMBl a. m.. Whan eelefcs Bud* tbo rounde of soenery, and so we Shall get a rspM tba MUhbocftood of ttw Food Tool Thla ilaoratai it year.! round of genuine LoodDu theatrical a> Wotto, alapl7 fot down aad tannaUd only two of tha naual fltte*» expreea ear* This b tnwflr. f " tertalnmenta. No doubt culture u4 frool u p to II o-otooe:. and tiey were those experiments: . fashion will equally pay mttentiuu to Mr Hewaatrylig to eae'how far I.e could Tree. *wii Imratuer time. Thaoffli* window c«rrj tbo wonderful power of regenera- Too old mlilloolar* bad box tba gate lift** "«'• tion shown bf those larval amphibians Sloven plays of foreign mike, counHig er with kle lawyer, and bad landed hint In the aad found the> whon-oo. waa cut la two i tbe three to he used by Hwrboia la could now foreclose hi. raort- middle of tbe road. tha wounded Surface, soon bscawe cov- Tree, ud Isavlag «nt have btta llsie aud coveted comer which ered witb akin* and the piece* lived esp- thoroughly AmerJcantaed, are to b* Bsr* e could bid la lor a song. He amtely fur ola9>t days. formed ID Sew York thlt , at felt at peace with »ll tb* world, Curiously • agaliut foortcan that are AmericaD. la •bed that averybudy might bao- ceo-, not wltb the lead among tba imporUnt barltabl* and sordid? bought* and together, would form • eaeer. Ha took uff hie hat and Me » awrefrfaot drift, and 5nerad'rt, iott«*U displace! Lruw. perib>enta soaoeedad not be aald, speaking is aklad only tw.i individual. Vaawy Davenport will appear to "01* ! but bumble region. "1 like the •wtetse-»ui ibdlvldaale o(tb« uni «| »aoad»"atthorifthAveija«ui.ilith.«a4 don't really know what jawtfaiirri.. Fabrury, ber'tlme havtug b**« sa- tto Third ward, raoorta ats-fert dfll»i IISB. Ha this* pro- Amd. That provs* the substaatM often irlifa t« to (bat was half frog Illllir I* —- draaM's success. Hbf ' pretty land aa ever aaatcrfladlTidoalwlraa. TU taat kae DO of abase II vsd to eOB«>le*> IU Dav*a««rt will leaee aad mauaft la* high, rolling seedy loan; • h slsfremtbs larval stafle Im _. . If tbe plaa to turn tUi IWM / wd*, aad by »be tall grown eainuit, bnt there) eeessed „ , na9«ei!le (site thronftb. Intket i tot bsiuore»ou why. wtti sumcieut pklas, abs wonld lower tkeaudltorinaits wwatbwr tnm ajeaag to Lakawood, thay ihouid aot be made to Aomo. ground, thus gaining conventoaet at tha City Hotel tDlnett «atordaj Last any ceia should suppose that the more room. 8b* would act Is •«* union was a mere grOwlnii togetkst* of of tha plays prodncsd, aud not la otsen. tu wrii.' 'ml bear—I eon Id •aftoa or hot baaf tea torU w efallHd tba outside, skin. Dr. Born dlaeaotad Ksthryn Kldder, anoib*r aetrets pros- - rtVy bar] of .ppl*. lor K right nianr of ab> productions, aud evtabllabed ^ering la a Serdou play, "Madame =*»* tbe fact that In* entire tlasuo had growa Gone," at the Broadwav. Is sometlitsg if -I .old. V«, *ry ttew, with tka rwalt taat Uw iato out BO Uist tho rasultlnK creature •a ■managerHU«., loo.too ,MltlUl ae ebe la a tvtm partne r•«* with acrm-IMJ an acr was a payilojogteal unit. Augustuivanils PIPiw loou laIn ibotba H«ir*venture. liIt to i s , «»ery Jo.Ur I lame. It rarely happena that plaoU b> • StartllnK as ifiis discovery may Mesa, understoo■DimMoid thatthat eeeerelssvcral aiaoegerrmaa*B«r* laedemad* dlgenooa to the ration eoffer tbaa. The iti* yet ooaWstent |witu » principle ricrichh o*crcoffer, loto herher for forth lb.. NapolaoalcNupoltomc eow- pointed out by Darwin; bnt waoaa rfgnl- edy after she bad purchaMxl it for Asief- baaa working wbantfaay hone op tbatr ficanc* bsa Sot yet been fully rsallaed, lca, but »bo was determined to b»v.a pouebaa for ttaa olfbL The malla ra- th*t they grow north of by the scientific world., This principle la !panonal share la lu triampb, it It .hould tbelr natural habitat, end doabUaeethe that nature e>es not oppose th* growing ' make one—nod it hu. It U lioldlag • temd towvra aBavTork nail at 9:46 le true of the oraogea la tbU together of two living tubetsncee not place amonK the best of the Broadway a. •*., a aull (rom tk« Bo^th ahorUj try. Th e tig eeeapee tbs IroeU of only of the earn* family but of different, entertainments. York aklak, armedaad tan al* 6:10auk p.s mAll Ma of n Winters as far oorUi aa the southern families. [ The dramatic rcralon of the legend ot YotkwMeb anrnd atE:10p.m. tremlty of Maryland, bat It la nipped We sea eV«ry day a tree df on. kind riutkuton t>to by leal..MorrtoM end again, Just by way of reojinder that grafted upon another. Many varieties oa toon daring a fra jan a"' T*» of juscloua frplta have Ihua been artifici- "Tanjt" geta IJ. - it la oat ol IU latitude. Hotal, where he we* given lodgtng for to- ally prodacesf YoueKatoan down the "Tanot" (Ota latoNra York »• the Oread 1 OperaOpera Hoaoe.House. ItIt keep.keept aa redre dlight OB night aad breakfaat thle morning. acidity of a faear by grartlsfr upon tba Mephletophelot throuhout hi evtltry tree when y.*uim a slip off a peach or Mephletopholee throo(healou hie deviltryb 611 which arrived at FUinfleld •Uttoa at Today he waa eaeleted to South Betnl*- withwith FountF.u.l codand Marguerite.Marg ite. cal««d herhas bora b P accepted richer,h oc . tbrlDIa*thrllll plop. i»;50eudNo. 826 whteh reached here at "iTtbl an im*l kingOiom tbe revolts of Mr.MrMcrrisoa'enart Morrtcon oaocto. thotie Bolco.c6at«-ll- plotter, l- 7 Ja p. m. Tralna numbered IS and li Ha did aot have tb* appearance of a•neb experiments are even mura aurprFa- cadand tooltempter pier.. HoHe lots aa Maud sound codand rlritovlrll* on tbe tlmfi ihfmt caatboond troea Eaaton Kingston, Feb. S-The Cieier and Dela- tramp, and wae loth to apply for help, Ibfr Tim* a mule wulnTHiled. Mule, log.are a uniquThai ea mule»p*cie* wi. I They were never actoactorr ofot tb.tbs lositlmcto legitimate daceclass. combined In on*, arriving b> ware BaUroad Company baa decided toand only did ao beeattee be waa obliged arc c unique T ; opectee. Th* admirable cast of "Th. Fstal Iff bNU shovelled »•* a r Ilka an extend IU tracks to Kingston Point, a •MD until nrjui*body . crea»H t Ls horea Th. admirable Chat of "Tb. Fctol p.m., twohoore overdue. One codand doukeydonkey.liimHie* thm U tea.. * |' J • Cord."Card," clat Palmere.Palmer's, lola the tba oral mean* oto( oak- mak - jtidawalk, and a>-ked him w only paaaed through thla ol'-y during tbe •alia up tbe Hudson from Koodout. 1 Theodore I,- In his I book, inla*g rofiaodrefined audience.nudlenee. ccc.placcept cadand reJo* tojoj day, and that wae oonpoaed of eeottons Thla wlU allow tbe Albany day boata to "Hunting Trip* of a Ranchman," men- ththoe raccMlr.lyeice»*ively molodrcmatlomelodranatlo aeft iOWueb lo pey ol two eealbooad faat freight*- The Bret tion, an exHaurdlnsrf dog wblchwa* thathclt pinepiece. Th.The .plaod.episode ofcf th. tbe Infernal infer**! .la addition to two of tbeee two tralna hi doe to paaa tbe dlnot at the tralna Inataadot at Bblae- sne of the bu'jw-Lolil at his rimclt' In tbe machine’.machine's ekploctoa.explosion, prevented prevented -Hkwith Bad Laii'Jh.: ! This doe! was half dog and arionactors ofof fbothe flierfirst grade,grade-, thrtlltthrill™ Broad-Broad- my When station ftt 1 J5 a. m.. but did not reach beck, aoroae tha river. At g half wolf. 34 tba daytime lw was a dog, aar audience. (alto eo thoroughly m tU3:lip. Point a large do^k and tarmlnal IUUOD barking like [otbordoah; but «t night he BowerBo—tryy uambllfaassemblages errare affected affected byby rim ilav The Bret train on the Ion* Brush dl- will be built. The woik will be begun In Waaawolf.Vcd be gavis the frus howl of Uarliar ltbiug buigrf cluronllyclumsily doo.done . To.Tue change cbup vialos plowed IU way through at i p, m. ibeBprtng. . ' _ - jl the wolf on the Ulil. n-Tthwestern to “Trilby." -kick Idea.get P.luiertoto Bake,mak*. —111wlll'bealardepartwre b. a far departure. Tk.The PoOMPott* while Uie Newark branch waa etoar a dramatization of tbe novel noon and tbe train* followed time ached wutbe ' Tbeeeare^iaroanltalof croM-breeidinE. haa gono Into rehearsal. ulea mot* eloeely than any other portion la reported that Arthur A. Zlmiaar- and loatroeUon riven by tbo stationer at They .bowluHt different specif, and dif- these eerviota, on eubJoMs of petaomtl religion ferent fa millet can be Ingrafted, tue one There will be but two week. =»"•«* of the Central t y aad Barry a W heeler are greatly Upon tbe . Atirr and thatI actor*nature uU favor- f»vor- the opera season, and the proKruuim* to- liv««. a plan for which iher* and O. drawbridge Ueflad with profeaalonal racing and T*««*rnoei will be a* follow.: uoanced for thlt weak Is mad. DO « ..1 I,1*I*. and Ibsy akkxd mo to Island Bound at Oanaret waa naught by are asxlona to secure to Now coioen Dr. Born 'd’to proveprt>«e that.tbat. works which have proved their popular- man. 1 Marcel}' d»r. «o huMa. tba ertad aad spun around like a ton, OUee B. With this object In view thej While yet «livr, llTlngaolmai enranltme ity. Th* enthusiasm which jUwayiBurki o»*r uij Ji.irlct by propoee. It la aald, to apply to tha S*Uon- UK oUMf«D-*aBr*Meat»0 p. »; ma be aplleedt This, bowever; 1. merely the olose of tbo opera season set in ««*• think I'm tndiffcMni to (kalr •tripping off tbeoog* and dlaabllng the at 1:1a. »n advance upon what eorgvry haa done "Faust" matinee two w**k« sgn. »nd »•« .l uu«r»t«rul tu maobiaoryto aaob aa aztaat that • - 11 -j n imii •iiihuTii II Other «aii>-Monlaa-prarw at ID; In pumping cao blood ot one waa into tha cootianed er*r siooe. wltb, of courie.tsl vein* of another, br 1B grafting the tkin moderation In Intensity which empk* bridge ouat be repaired before It can be from one .per.on to another, where aa •lass the differenoe betwe* B tk« everybody kuow». It grow* and remalna ed out asd Ucinocrau pot • ,thy. ^^ -lug p< lf b weeks tbe opera h [the «d at the lustlnaea that ths womeu ki« 1 bell.vr n» .Mod three or (our deep at the rear of * ithiBg tba* muaatwW.W. OarleU or Feet a. tats Daahway^Ten bellete tn the.Bcaeyof, arehaetra sesu. Tk. particuiai-.ntbul- prayer, uoc.l* Bat aBppoaa a chicken •HBOI sucbaa.udlsoc. la of course cs» •eesoa,a»wtha*tbTiiitmuagreaa the trem your hoi [kbor1* yard ahoald boa by tired on Jean do fteamkt, although at (bt etanaby the LagMaion of tha OaptM yonr Uteban door and you ebould got taaT-Faust" maOase Slg. Camp-ESii «try far axo*o«e4 aartaloa-of pevrlOB* yean. dawn on fot r koeoa and nmy for that whosan« Valeetlne, aod actod tbe d<«s Shaneaaaeectbelwae •aaaa iM laghv chicken t# 1 ater, ••> yoa think yonr earns la toral l reeaiu- prayer woald be auweredr BnttbaanvlMaelorfor ianybody elstltoBly TJaele Kbonr-Moe' aarHnly da, aak.liaMeateltothedee*onttrstloo evtrtht Bat In dat cake, tat, I should ipHnkle a aeaor. Aa aeon aa tb_e cartaia falls, wuw few gralna of corn OK the atep.—Ufa. Of tba bens* rait BM aad 41 boy* for work i* tba .num. rlgbt-hsa» itjle-Slarlt: 11 tbe dec •jsmar of tba auditorium, toward ta* deer througk wblcb tbeetagor

^rAMUMtfohlUrea tlett to the hecVfjoM IhlejtiiM VMW'M.' . t l t I itajp wall. TWn TOO) may Ilaj ethTaW*»^* IUptw i*V ! s the arowd witb one k jaaftoUewa.' -H. Y. Weekly. Topek* last ••^ht.-AeDhieoB G •» hat Anally u—r; • within rsscb fset* d tor bw. LtVWsJft , 'A woman bsa to marry a of tbe u.. •aaa to aad htm eat. Jtr. a.-Tbea sbe fladajalm ""•** deal, doesn't abef-Datrwl^ Ffse frees, Ji The Constitutionalist.

IN THE DEEP, DEEP tCA, TlRtS OP HIS HOBBY. SUNOAV m ^totowTo.-TORONTO. impicrwm rw r 1 n 1,-sfJra, ^vav^w wfc. v-Aifwi jMy»»>a%, •nwejlFse a* Praee I. ,J*H )>•»»», "To roc to Is UU of ta« Society Tke Xew fork Herald aaye tkat ta a A correspondent of tbe London Quiver ap tow -fXataral SeW.ce el Biuttor. *Pn*. H. few days tke house No, saw Flftk sv.naa, '" atravellen aa he called nitration to W.Coaaof|U tTal*an»)ty dellT- which mUlleitalre WHUam Plekkardt, a I wee one day standing in , — jews that a Toronto e«wspaper pub- ear th. trunk of an old willow tree, up lisher bad been Bned for printing aa edit- hick a scatters* line of ante waa draw 1- ion of his paper to give the news of * big lag. After a time I oeeerved s a occa- Saturday night are. sional straggler etnalng; now* la i eae, wttk a be n it earn* aoe eed very peelte direction. Here and there a "Coaaeattoatfa old a|aa law. are mild large windows. In keight _tbe kow la of aata, aecendiag and descend! eompaired wHUt*e moaera ordinances ol al most ae tall aa a downtown paced to meet, but there waa ao tbeeeeond city In Caeada. Every Ua4 •t boainase enept. preaching, must sus- • building. It kaa MV«r bad a ut- and no talk. Presently, at | pend alwolntaiy on Sunday, andabeirt Flfseea yam* a**Mr. Ptokkardtde- fast from tke ground I si the oaly legal tklng acltiaen can data W tarmlaed to araat a hoes* la proaorttoa hollow in the trunk wltb _ ful of thick treacle, to aee how ] golecfaarch, eud he mast be careful te prolonged be Us wealth, wUch vrvsjtd rival tl aot go there In legal fashion, •or pees, A. T! Stewart1, maaaioa at Hth woald remain undieeovered. r«a«M. T«n>kMer«U«rafot«obll«ed "Street car*, omnibuses, cabs, and all Mrwt ud atk evetme. which at that to kua their load a» tk* aid of dark Ua- Itkea wanintawat any torafor a abort tlm*' ' . a pabllo conveyance, atop rBnalacJesav Ursa, a* Prof. Con rapreeeet Nfe la other time wee ooafeldered taa aems of palatial eo my returrnu 'found about a dons ai reetteaees. He pvrohaeed tb. ground at day«, aad It la against the Uw to kira a POWDER werda, t Itey .re pa oe^koreeceet. end M bvally feestlnUna.- aa tbe treaeiire, 4 m rig at s livery etabl*. The only way ta Seveoty-funrth -treat aad Flftk avsnna. m a HTtrx «uWr Tka mm bytheaidot the light that they them- nte or two later one ef tbe leasMra let around is to walk, and the peoale Absolutely Pur*. iliai —H 1 facing Central Park, and Immediately slowly down tke trunk wltb heavy feet, P* Monad MM walk, and t •ought, a competlon of EaglUb, Oerman, ~«Jrwearily pUlplixl ouOatt ttoo th tkae city' «Uys tbenutifn l MM of tartar baking powdafi AM ef tew fMt d!Olca.ltle* of deep-aee and when near tbe ground met a friend, park •ml are s» tired whtn they get tof ail In lomnlag etreagth-— m*flmtt0m la that It takaa about all day and America* architects for the plans of whom he suddenly arrceted on hi* wi his new home. there they ar. unable to walk about latt p; g. t),WI—n.i tod gayer*. to ttrewout on* dred*. and beul It np up, aad wltb LI. Meanm, 1 and appreciate Itt attraction-. I (oat asata, ev*a ultaeaa-h tha lisa b worked The plant submit*** by one ef tka vigorously, b*M a good kaow (f its agalaat tbe law fora man le PARTICULAR MENTION. by eteen power. Tke aradge. ued netU Jewrlaaaa wen aeeeatid, and aa. his own cairleare e. tbe atreets Hus- reoe-tly kadafaaMt ef baaoBluK taesled given to at e»oe prepare tba greaaa tot aaye. but I dun't remember eeelu ear 1 Imaiediauly ape* bela* tliruwa own- the foaadattoaa, TheonaHlon of ooet on up tbe tree to tke Mwiyfoan; rehiclM about during many Huedeye I LM.**4heegl'eo up btepM S ^ beaW, aa that tbe day waa entirely — aot to be ooaeUared. Keek- stoae u* Mean while tke bearer of tk* good have bean there. Everybody walk* wealed. The great arearore at tbe bo*, b went Into tbe bedding wee to be tidings nede bis owe wey aaldUJ be« Maybe Its against tfaa law to ran; I weal* tew of tee ee* ttrom three toeli ion* on a Imported, and a special reprteeitatlve to tke nest, a few yards t>B Ir. Ili ot be-anrprlee*. " iMHb ft. HsJl Mid Umlly of e%«are leek) trill craah glaw to a AM wee teu,t tu Germany to watch tbe atoae to which I watehod him. H. wai seoi "The saloon*, of wouree, are closed ttfke MiWM wtUsan April] pewder, avtJptUaM keea dlfKnvlt to quarried eudnot to order. loet to view, but, beyond all du«kt, k _nd Wtallr. Tbiy slose op Mrly Itetar- •Mala good laaiwi wt Ik Wbeu tbe feaadetteas were laid work aooa spread tbe uows of trnauri trov U, «b« deeper aerie. Tbe aayalgbt-srK-uC Bo'cl-wk. I believe, In ae eaapenead for a date, aa the maw Ibroaw.- tin- ooloun •rd«r io ren..,»« t«a>PCi •erl bed *• II|M1M« ther sated to change the plea*, la about a •amtoa by f hU of tbe w.,fkinsman. Jn. year work we- rase mod mm the nnlldlaa; bin w#gta~siMl ttotlm eloaeil entll »tea- hee eeee oVeeeoeM. r tbe tree, g a4ay kiwriilufl»urnt .ia ThaThat*n ar arte a aoo stdatdae doora do«V%. Mr. aid Vn. UBW '• Oxntaoa wtu The areate» part of tke boUum of tb the feast, retnelaleg tkerefor a tint., am •" '.bettors* are olMed, too, aod It Is Ira- three and a half leet thick, and tbe mugh IW atora. «»*•*, loo. and It la l«* ,,-— houeea-erlag April 1, iMtdlaf oeeaa aeMteta of red mud end Klob>K>r then retiming to the newt In anotbr Itleto hnyt. e^fw or a stlel ofcaady l h dd k)! f tt f raw edges of the atone gave the building llaeon tb* other sidebf tba willow. Tbl P-MlWa itbori. cleaf ora atlak of iWf HualDi'i nets. Wwt Front att*et. on Monday*. a a oomiflcrclal appears DM. Several prooeetfou of aeoeiidlng end d«o#«dlo "0«n4aFaurJuy liewapnperenowapapara,, ooff oaiirs*ooniaa.. eraraaMe sat IwrT BUM of tble oily tM rested changes were made ead work rusumad tenaltea went on for some bminji fat allow*allowM! N'oSnrr al«n alona* tkU tkla., babatt I tIt la la egalMe again*t |HM«kMW0nJ0tMM IMMM. t*- lf thfee etllee. till three ttuttea of tbe kuusa bad been uatil duik. w ben the nnmbrm of *dvitni tbs lew i; boiyor sal! s copy <-ISaturday bollt, wbeu; oae day the owner of tbe tka law to bay or tall a copy W Matotdky la UtebBH.BUkM,Mo «blob ha e of tbe Sabea that la- Inggaeeu grew leae and lese, andjflaall nlxbt'Blekl'as papap.rn par aan HSndayHttday.. AA grea groatt eaaa aatfy M( ff boose w.ut : to tbe arekttect and said oeaaed. Htftrre It wsaderk not *T» bava •nrfacce aa atee kille db byy tbe reduction of next morning a freak band nf edfeut Hundsra, snd you get two ncwspai plied tlikt to make tnoh change* Ike Sunday., and you got two a. w. pa para on Und stulteof rooms la Toeai'* Nf »ur«. Tb» aii r In theithri iimml g an set out iu the sente faebloa, Imi Mondayday morningmorning.^ MaybMaykae Toronto' Toronto*.s den, he axpletned, U compi-tnned by building would have to be torn down aad and Koina all day until every m>vael boUdkig on Kaet Front itttM, and will Saailay alaalag la w. art no atrlotor lhaa ireeaare Of tbe ocean Into Very •m«ll bulltover again. After ramonstratieg tbe sweetuees had dieappvered. I wltb Mr. Pick bard t, who threatened to thoaeot koM off s"tnaooMe citieallioas thitklas sidsldae th tkae line lino,, bu Mlt MUMM booMkMpiBf April 1. t. Wkea the flab la H> u . !•• a> to pull the building down himself and epead theytbeyer orae rigidlrigidlyy enforcedtoforcad., auandd Toront Torontoo l ela [«ara tta uttln ttaanU to ezplo^* rcsloBO Dr. F, J Zefillo. *bo poralMMd. tart every dollar be owned rebuilding it to tbtkaa drlaatdriest anandd dnlleednllaatt towtownn o non# thi tklas O row half m mil. or ao above Um, tbe demlnn- hU.tba Dr. Criig property, ooraer of suit him, the architect withdrew and re- LLady (on tbe pavement, io her hn Unrattinsat oonn Sunday.rBaaday."i * tioei in pmeere caneaa tbe atr to expend, L Lady (on tka pa vamaut, to k«r fa signed hia e«a tract. hand)-Look at tbe splendid tfarrieg gonerest tod PMTI street*, totaoda laa*- and the fab beoome ee buoyant tb»t be o®d)—Look at tka aplondld darrl HE POT HIS PAY. 1 Councillor A and bit ladyaredrlvl Id nteatlre alteration* to the bonaa b*- A contractor named Koaut was then onncillor A and kla lady am drtr abouknott lolo.. I I onlonlyy wl* wiakh w ewa wer ewarn Aa Add CelswUeaae That Oeearred 1 lort Ukloi pMMMtoB April I. oree bU plig engaged by'Mr. Plekkardt. New and elaborate plans were draws up by him lsckytekyit and after a tine he reaehei tba lurface. Prlvy-Counclllor'i Wife (to ber.pous, iuBtaetljJonnwo, tbe aged mltar by which lima the ezpaaelon of tbe ait for tke mansion which BAeooaltatod tbe PHay-CooDdllor'a Wl/a (to karapot Jen is oae of tbe odd coincidence, of ot Aadnw W. Jobnaoa of 1M Doer street, demollehlac of'the twe upper stories. --«I amam a-ttirgotUngg quitqalta, eenemeaafcamadd ootf thitklas o l life,1' said my friend Williams. "Som* bee become mo greet that the fu h U often coach. Look bow tfae people stand tri d Ttrr I" »t the bom* of bar wo Boaeetl literally blown to plecee, and U found Before Smut's plans had bee* carried time ago aa acquaintance came to me out he returned to Germany for a short and look at us with oostempt. :• If yo and told tue that he was la great need of JOJUMOB ID N»W York. POBUBOOOU !• her - about In thla condition. •station, but be died there ehortly after doat with to drive ma to despair, rob •15, and at considerable trouble to myself Illness, ud tbor* l« bat tltUo bops ot bar 'rofeeeor eald that In the lower mast buy • new tnrnoat. deptbe of tha ara tke qairt le eo profound bis arrival. I let blm Irnve It. He promised to ret U. Woodehopper—Here I've to chop that In comperlaon wltk it tba moat bar- 0i heartng of Knant's death, Mr. Ulna few day*. I firewood for tost rich property' own* ren deeerta ew tbe evrfaoe of tbe eartk Pickbardt remarked: •Wbembwe week, bad elapsed I r Dr. Obariee B. Tfaleta Is m tklnR prepa- while he .it. doing nothing tbe IIVSIOD . •nateat ktti»iif; for on "It looks aa thongh fate were against __.ned the utiur to bim, es-ually. aod ttoai to DOTI from hia preaant raatdaaM day. I'd give anything to changvplao • are rarintloa in Wind my horn., but I'll aot atop now, I'll try he waa profuwly apologetic—would send wltk him foe oae week. wkoMreet street to It ud IS Grove ead aJMruatlona of it again." ; It to me the fallowing day, sure. It "" Property Owner—I am the unl etrret, tbe boaae form a r 1 j -occ u pled by wklleln thegia«t destke A,third architect, aa not come, tuoagb, nor did I get any i maalntfaeworld,orIemmn k»i Pc.aM. Held. Dr. Tbiarm tipeoU lo iff. On. are no lias, re C sage from bim. Afcout twe weekeafear >ant of tbe It doeen't look aslt I should ever a-etwi LI kf settled la hk) B*w borne March 1. current*, tke temperatare le Uniformly that I met him. Ha declared it w ....jratloae in- again. The doctor eayt t ought ( shame I hadn't sot my money, and vowed S) degren year in and year oat, end night To be .nr., If I bad a strong OL A. M. rniM, Or. Adama *nd Wn ralgoa perpetnaKy. The eorfxce of tha stated on by tkeowner. Itaally, la 1M, he wouldn't let another day paee with- Ktrk »pnMot»d Plainlleld at tfaa Pr when the walls were up and tbe root wee tion like that woodcutter outald. tbei t, out paying me. ecean U tbe poet'e faToette metaphor for I would chop wood from morning t bne Oommaadory ball In Msaisoo Sq aareet: but there le nothing ao quiet and on. and little to do except tamk tbe lav •It went along, then, fer a week or tea dde ef this house, Mr. Plekkardt wee night, aud be ae happy as tin day daya. snd. aa my •xpaaete were' vary Gtraen Tburedsy evening. Wm. Sebrlng okangeleea ee ita profoanoeet depthe.— Hartford Timoa. [ j dissatisfied wltk the result of bis labors heavy. I wae considerably em barrel aa. went to Hew York with tko mteotloo of and expenditures, and said: TJL Brieflees Barrister—When Ise. and needed tba money badly. One night Kxeafleaoyovwwhelmed with honor. going to the bail, bat the •torn p»r kya •Tbekotts.Isn't eel want It at all;It whan I wui r.Tiic* particularly discour- dlstloctloH on tbe occasions of tile ju aged, I HI <1»WB aad wrote him a M •4. Mi. Fruee returned at 9:15 last Capt. Kckoff, commanding the Dutch i.a't what -I intended It akonld be, and I'll never Hve lu It, never 1 Itkasooctme lee, I fael aa If I could bunt. How nj' BBsSta evening. tank tteamsblp. La Uasbaya, from Ant- able lo pass through Ufa unnoticed already over f 1.000.000, bnt that te aot akla to paaa tbrangk Ufa nanoticad a d' " -My dear air—Albout alx weeks ago I werp, teRt ef a thrilling escape from be- uncared for- nrougb to ever make me Uve in suck a uacarod fori loaned you *1& Lasl Lke paying it should DEATH OF J. AUG. HINCHMAN. ing engulfed In the centre of a tremend- ouse." j PrimPH ante Minister—Mlnlatar—II woulwouldd gladlygladly- f oforf It ocoasiau yum auy Inconvenience, allow >us waterspout, which, during tbe pre- all these disti actions If for one altorty alence of a terrific snow storm on tbe The only tenant the house has had Mnce all tbaoa dtstlnettonalf for on* -port y« ir me to hereby muke you a praeant of rtke it* erection I. tli. watebman. A •50,000 I mighmlgbtt bbae younyoungg oncone#e mor moree lik Ukte tl Cl Umoney. ' uWet.veryi .fternoon of tbe 31st inst.. shot under her young lawyer, for Instance, who it car tern. organ wbich Mr. plckhardt Imported young lawyer, for lastanco, who It car y- "That «•:! !>r-uKlt if anything will, way .becsnet 1 specially tor bis bouse nearly seven yeare IngIng oonn aann animateaalmatadd conversatioooorar-atlonn w lwi hthough t 1. Judge ot my surprise when not widely ^s.ajaW know Tbe huge and destructive water spiral ago hat i»ever IICCII unpacked and is now ale fair companion at the othef end bytbe neJttmtiruing'e mall I received a ical profession. Then they iw Coi. 1. Augustus £lEchm»n died eud- by reason of the io itlition of the atmos- lying in ejstomge warehouse tbe table. letter froisi tue mai, enclocing i tit tli. *elF-«*W-th « fsnioa-f;drug d-oly or apoplexy Friday morntng et phere, wes not acen until It was almost IV. YonngMan-TneregoesLiepten By the esmi tuali exactly be muxt have ublets sooa begau logo. on board tbe sbip, nl though the deafen- By tka tan tall #4*oll 1 ka Tu Court Ian, Boselle. where be bad N with hts wife, the lovellpit a notirtdreceived m.mibamakip makibgg kirnblm aa prevent of Only the. almpier dregs m been spending tUe Winter. Ha wea at ing noise of itt approach was heard fully most amiable creature 1 e'er set pyet I ap In. ublet form arc ac A lesruM Syrian traveller, at prnseat It,it. andand bbyy the date*, both letterx ware tat keed of tbe Bureau of Information of three minutes bctor. it wassaen. Had A Imrnkd Syrian trarnllar. at praaant Aye, these llentenanta always bare e itr.etil public. Tbe < It struck the veeael, as It would but for anjoyng•njoj-'iK d* »uj"Urtojourna llaa BuffuloBuffalo,, Mi aaldd thathatt nick. Ahi poor me' arldtntly writton ^ven known by tat Metropolitan Telepbone Company, IS tfae S> riai papers probably contained not the prompt manoeuvring of th. ship by tb« 8> r a* papara probably cod lain ad not Lieutenant X— (to his wife)^-It v tbi dilJ Oortlandt street. New Tork.and waa well- •llnslon I her officers, none would have been spared tkathe in atit .list4>*uuts allaaion to tba mnaan perhapt be best for u» to part. Vt IRTHERh INDUSTRIEINDUSTRIESS GOOO SOUTHSOUTH.. known among tbe builneea men through- to relate the experience. All en board eran iu Armaula. AfteAftarr observin obtarrlugg th etkamad e m. vrrttched enough, I'd • FiwtlgeW out trie city. Be waa born In Morris wayaways ooff AmericaAtntHcann . newspapernowapaparns b hae deda-- hav e wedd«d th. poorest and % ___ r Kaglaad Mar twr Ha rrwll(rW County, ihl* State, 6U years ago. la I860 who were on detk weredreucbed throagh alarodclared tliaitkat. clilb.n YankeYankeae edito adltorr wawa.s i ningirt in creation than put up wiih aucl a i, Paradise mid didn't know it. at went to California, and was for eereral and through by flying eptn drift. Paradlaa and didn't know It. vixen as you are!—lluoiorisliche .Blat ir. A. Bosiini journal: publisher ingtedicnlj and their poporlin,. Fftir ID speaking of th. waterspout Capt. In Beyn.uc, Mid he, there Is e censor, VitW with »r. T. Jefferson Coo Jt*n Assistant Postal eater of SenFran- la Beyn-ot. aald hr. therm la a eanaor. ciaos have the good repute of the #%t)an Ecboff said ibat at tbe time it p&.ied un- an office* of tbe Turkish Government, -rk, a Che_fai«(. trisaureroCtbu Amjoskeag Maunfactur- ficturcr as guarantee that tablet! anaial3 etaoo. He returned Eaat In 1863 to ae-der tha vowel's atern a dense aud blind- »nd to btm must be eubmltted the Ant in|r Company, on tbh •object of An amaslDK .[it tct-urrertat of pa drs and carefully comp wpl a poMUon wltb tha Western Union ing snow storm was raging; «ud It was copy of tfvery uawspeper, and anti] he mjt>val of mil,K from Naw Englac Tbe best ublet Telegraph Company In New Tork city. almost impossible to see tbe ship's bow approves it wm unofiher oue nt«y be taken close of Sam Ji South. JLabur at the South, be « the other duy. .Stepping down from employ skilled later ha became chief alerk to Poetmaa- from tue bridge. Tbe seas were rough out of the iT-'flsroom. As tbtre are some is!)ower tliau lo the North, the mills are spot hecsla and tbelr wasulng np against the vma.1 Utlrteen '•daily papers in Beyront, it la pulpit aud ioukinx solemnly ortr nearer the cottuufleid*, and there la a druea In Up q WJamw. Fottbopaat three yaara be audience, the revivalist said: caused the spindrift to fly In all direc- usy to iiiiHKiiie what an IDCOHviolence large esvinff in freight charges. Again, rcctly from manafacturcra. tad been connected with tb» Metropoll-tion*. Dead ahead the deafeniug noike of thb is. It will iiot do to give the ceneor "I want nil the women In thi* croivd Soatbern railroad* t^ke cotton as firth- «n Tslephone Company, For several tbe rapid approach of this phenomenon proo! sislip*p . Me mnit t seseee th thaa entirentiree shee sheett who have nut >poken a barub Word or tiiu freight, wWie Nurtbern win •JBJOO* be waa prominent In the eoolal waa heard, aud in a law minutes it ap- a e It is h_te_.dehteded ffor circulationcirculati . WhilWhile harbored au unkind t__m>Kl_t: towards it as second *od tbldd claae. Then. .___ their huaUioda furamouth paat'to atlnd •wat. of Hotel HMberwood. ud wat a peared, a little OD the port aid. of tba tht pr»..«K bb« c hie in New Kngland coala U.bO a ton, while ttasd Summ«r-reeort oarreapoDdent of ship. It waa a huge formation fully a tbe jo If there i* a line of In! tbe boutli it doee »ot cost more than hundred feet (a width through the cen- One old woman, apparently?; on she IkiDtUyPraM. hj Government would pre- n-ao. tre end had it struck the sbip she would isdyy side of sixty, stood up"". h•i fer not te have published, if there [s a It appears to be tb. opinion vt Mr. have been rent asunder.—Philadelphia. leader reflecting in the slightest degree "Come forward, and give am*e yLr Coolidga itut, lor the reasons which b» arc IU and oil tbe *he lattteaa Uilld tiTma-Wrier. Upon thecouduct of affairs in Constanti- gives, tbe number of Southern mills will Jdam mattetr what*htt de«Mt.e nople, tlie censor draw, ble pencil # continue to increase.1. He furnishes also Cha nuboia r.....i] through it, and tba matter moat come are moderatelioderatelyy another reewon to wb.ich very little »t- tome onotae otol tbthee tewhysraa by modem wrttara ban _Jtfaoa|[h the Princess of Vales bat tention has,been patdito far. but which " R. & S," prescription. •etwiigmorvjfrtqaentlynr more fec- not yet re-fbed tke throne, she la credit- lu enticlpation of such en occurrence, certainly dewrvea a pro mi Be. 11 place aa try." Crowing mote general for a ed wltb some queenly caprloee. Wkm Syrian sditnni always keep in reeerv.eev- ! one of tbe inuet i JU portanr *wj than those of Fanny 3. Croaby. After taking her (viv»llst ad- >nd has been vudy increased^ •be travel* a faTorite white CM must el- eral colttmns of matter in type. Thia is In determining the coWm Thm U hwdiy a modern Sooctay-aoaool dressed tb* men: flight improvcnMntafottadtabei wayi go wit ii ber, *nd another indUpeu- all most laudatory of tbe Grand Viii.r, friictures. Employers r in io effocw, Tbe prescrlptiCMI, — ^mb»HhatdoMi»t(»nttla aorwal •abie accDmpaiilmeat Is an assortment of of all officialdom. It la carefully not bsuipjire.1 by tbe resi who have inn .poker. « faen.-t.w<_ _ mral dlxricts, U nsoslly made np in portions of varying length, llshed by trad, uuiuis., Tbey are not Ma«liul bymiw of ber wHOng. la al- Uttle china, animala^aaeh aa can be bad harbor,... an unkind thought .tow rds stickful* two~.tlaa.fuls, half ct-Iunins. menaced by strike*. They are not Inter- *W»mr) hooaa ID tbe land, and lala any toy shop. their wives turn nionch put loitand Up." columns and squibs. If tke cenaor or- fered willi uy lefcUletlpn advocated or se- Twanty-seven big, stepping, fell ws nxj Soaday-wbool. h«r hyauu der* part of tbe first forms out, these enred by_-sW agitator., and theapeeta- aa she never pcrmttt 0 bedia- hopped out of tbe audience |'i " ^<* Tat It K Dot anlTsnaily knowo tales of Culeome flattery are Immediately Hence, ^ia, cls of the walkiug delegate or tbe strike •*•*«W*d lady la blind, and that In substituted, a fresh impression is tejten, manager <> not constantly piwat before tbe censer approves, and th. presses are yonc •***• t* wrttlng bymna aba do.i their eye*. Commercial busiows Ls per- started up.—Buffalo Courier. mitted in Soutbem ritite. to rue In the JWtdaelof other BoBda^whool w Jonmn gr ordinary ckann.lae.LablI.bed by th. law •JtmaBtiy addreaaed law aodtooaaa ta after which berangedatl of tttefe Ur Dunc»u of Newark kaa iotroduend of supply aud demand, and many New ™«. tpMktnc for nearly an hoia la 1 donft object to religion or its attend- aide In front of tbe pal pit and, racing England manufaclnrH>, harassed by tbe a bill in tbe legislature audience. He looked them oiret can ant teat*ree unless my life tseudaoger- artificial conditions e«tsblt»bed fay some borne in mind, w which Is intended to prevent woi ly and solemly, and then, turiJiuK around eJ by It.'' remarked tka club kicker yes- New EngUiiJ h*g islet lire*, ar. betaking lo ell order* from deeleraa from wearing high kato in theatre, to tbe auUle_ice, be said: ir ^MBow oooatdarli* other nubile halts, at eaterteiom terday, e> be tinned a piece ot lemon peel themselv««oih.Sor- sieuae obtain their suppU atkar pabtfo balU. ciut of t.fae bottom of his glass. As no- "Iwsut yon all to take a gpoi look at dan of emiecnx baV^ J*J*«. alnoe her faoalttoe are qniok- where as admission fee le charged. tbe tweaty-seven biggest liars In ; tka when aa unolwlruetWe view n n< body paid any attention to this rather lr- mills i ". ^"yptaer waja aa If In par! revalent' remark, ue continued: State at Tennessee."—Argonim. . iary. The peualty le to be saean Original, ibot ___ •lection, and, on conviction befoi "You fee, my barber wae soaring me Imnd, ru. t-.r.» nasa-s U. depending upon the £1.1, a fine of 110. The bill w»» referred the other day and I was almost in a dose t*c icUaa »: ft & Ci Mlso-ltane«»s B ' when be had Hurshed lathering my face. A good old Uethodiat lady attending A bore, in tl» Marlon. Irt.. Pire De- Ue badU't said a word dericc ibis oper- MTVIC* in > M*thod_at Episcopal cbnrck partment dwpuyed rare Intelligence tkla TM Ripan» TaboUa L. M mall at Oedax ation, bui auddeuly he leaned over witk one Sunday became happy under | the Week- >"l^-" i» • •urrtl at puwarfdl hie rator poised joet ever nay jugular Unild and tun of playful tricks. Tneaday d most improved fortn fv-.'ll Oft There. preaching of the Word, aii* tgncuEat^-i n. The arparste letter* d Inatead of Ua vein, and hissed in my ear: flash grew tired of standing in Lie stall, r 1 B-l-P-A-N-i.i Though the nUht*- dark and the road I -•• *Ara'Are yyou a prepareprepared to die!' She waa admoolabed to k4rp; qaie , by and by some means opened tke doors, re- W.'lTfet to th. ™d Mmeby I "Wall, frankiy. I wasn't, and I didn't two of the brethren and Dudiien a* ei ilcK hlbiself autl mate. Hetbenwent “Wall* ftwikiy. I to the hre-aiat m awltchj board, asd witk Bropoeelto die iu that way, at any rate. t D bbecomini g ft.uforgetfu_ l ™*JKm-jK>i a.lied. B» I gave him • shave, sprang out of the Hat l* his ooDib Luru-d the key, sounding the W.-L get to th. ead mmeby; chair, and made a bolt for tbe street. As TTb eb brethren again called .keractt Moa Uarm. Bt>tb bonce ifain backed under 1 the bsrnir--, ready for ifae usnal run.' The d Mia may rare and the mhip be my face was full of lather, on. al th* oth- to tbe annoy-nc aod told h,r (felt •r barbers followed me to see what was did net keep quiet they wenld U |r-sia*war«iibou- to driYu oat when the y*MP»** »nct was .-!•«.• .v*.-<.i-- The horses looked We'll «W *» t b« end b tbe matter, and caught up with ma Jnet •wiled to remove her. oawldetbe dour, when he explained. Do Tke aerniun proceededandtthf old at each etbrr in » knowing way, evident- nereogneM •« will 1* 1 ly eniuyinK tbe juke ihej had perpetrated The Berk' wit! •>"'>•'<" yon tupp- "-" that barber bad deaJgni up- becoming very *"PP7»*d tvfgHful irer or bowels, will |—rr sflrn III i]|*lsa> on my l«l«? Note bit of to. He wee eurrouwllbgiv stioated ont: j ' th. ikattmlea*- flCiUU . be wiihoat a »apply arw at k»«L A . mcraly concerned about tke welfare ef "Glory to Qodr* ; ? my soul- I heard tfaat he had gotten re- .ingle ope gira prompt rtlht* - -Ptecja Tkia was too mock for the .brei at Bleary Clay »ie w^ltfe Bits I Ugloua, eud had »a op tod thi. rather -i»^e;«drUKuM«bJL who triad to ieadne* out; bat >JUM 111 1 THS.R1PAKS CHEMICAL £& Colonel— Areyou mode of spreading the GfepeL" U> walk, to they carried kcr^ ii, tfai i jame* W-^ " of^stVs"". Waaklag- '. IOMII. Mi» ****»• ton County. X. V., eiblMud a raaer In ; ytSrtvee ST., tiw VoKeW;., —PhiL JtaeoKL aha said: Miss P. (haut(t>" "I am honond abovenif JUMW •n excellent mate of Brwnratien which i pSHa-tbifibtler >as owned by Heury Clay abour ~ aj a^ZS^"nroTCB>cnt Wtowod It* while ha waa carried hy no *»41 an lied by two."—Philadelphia rUford. Hll>ta«id-Th« saoatbeaaHial ami a ompliXed «oman aaartbae* ka«* tha Doeteoai»onpl»«a knabe*ds. I*he Constitutionalist* WASHINGTONWASHINGTON NEWSNEWS.. THETHE SUN'SUN’SS FASfflOSSFASHIONS.. 'BAH"BAH FOBFOR THTHEE BOTSHOTS.. .I'jastt IDOLSIDOLS.. THITM« financialFINANC

C*i 1 • r amrt

tn id-Inter al kc got (b* Amarlcan fU« ral»-d ,r. • :•, lurrtij a person In America able Cos- new idea* or soffeestlv* Indies, war nearly *Ttry aeboolboa*a In thU; i | us .ut lizard of Anthony Com- k. M. tb* same tln» mmiooa have *rHt* P...n.y» O tiw f the coming mode*, but there la a country, tba «. A. R. i» at work with eu' ixr*3A7^tiri5L, »sr. j. O HTMI4 lo th. H»»»e, Ja*.«»ery spirit of norm about them which brings thulium iuirl dctcmslaattua to buIW up I, tt.. iar£* mnjoriiy witb thankful -Wllbbrld fur wiiion," n<"» sppe •lar contradiction* aa te ' beneath tboM fla.i Bomethio« which rt-, f-r hi- w«rk aa aecretary of tbe taMumcUl record. It fat *jrt*!ru*d Of > •ball snsUin tbrm la all «trna. under alt Society f-.rtiieSuppmwIou of Vice, and JFxoiedinBlj- Orem Talae. md k ftctK coutrtbotlea. *• circa niMaucea, and axalmt all opp<*k bow br has tracked down and suppressed Ilnf?ly Gi that th* pmapeetlT* afcl rt* TbeJ" propos* to crcat* this an*' tb* BCMIX uf Vice in New York aad other •utlreiy »ith'.nl the tutlrelotu 11*1 l tbrouth military iartruo- cities w-.i-r* gr«ngouds operator*, gam- inulir godet plait*, and Chat th* blers, t:.ii », btiuco man, dealer* In evil T owel« and TTo-welinjy. •rato ba rtsibly raductd in •;«-, l a Atlh* t**t annual encampment of the literature and pictures, lottery ticket other *Teat twJucfmenu ar* oflered lo kftdac* yon i*«Ma fakir*, jmiiev saops, aad tverj othmr . «. Linens and Uneo Gooos for tbe toning .prjnj ^ __ are to tiMrt full«. .tiff.*- f^^lZ"£*™^tfV*lZ form ol i -c- that existed under th* I ALL LINEN T0 eda-d SILVER BLEACH TABLE UNn M iintock vtgoroaaly denies thai .3yh«T. blnchedand I* in. W7 hejvy. 5S mebc* aitk.anr Da^ T> *t3Wfift£! w wtoaM. wa. mmrt.- Wide ia«c. vaioe, »t... : story i Lt out before th* Lexow M tbere g 8lc yd Tbe ajllteniliv* $ C • t^at be accepted a bribe of L ^""- —•" 89c yd Is n*qnntion aa to aebool*." At (1,000 i j obtain tb* dismissal of an in- Whtek excited- ao ni lltioa of lullaeMl . and ay contlona rqlt l committees repro- atf- of iu rlrllvery appear* lutMn- dictm.-..c atcaliist * printer ol conaUrrlell to Model o _gowna ait«r taa approved •anting MacMers ia different dtlca he has •Jtoncy advertlsementa, but Mr. Goff, wbo U nxuHfal oeanT *iaW vrniuo aa fuliow.: styl* of the day. »tlr. Chairman—If fas** read thaCoac Most bava known of th* chances before Tba skirts .till vary r>iitwr.hlp of tba House; aad I h^mpfy-'".rg?biw^f-t" vert.?™1-* Wing.t. says, th* boy. should be who enjoys tba moral support of th* Ml you if ever a rabnke was needed to press of N«w Yurk, ha* not taken tb* ribbon* abontTt sx, Inc,nchh ~ wide,, ar-nge * carefully ~-^^£EK aetiv* mean* to bring hi* traduceT to ' «M«rho ba* down thr preroga- •lib on the shoulder, with ODS l»rg« loop ttve* Of tb* pei.plr, it i« needed to-day to The instruction ahonld oonaUt of: JnWlce wblcb h* usually exhibits wben mail aad rMpMsts ior uutples feccire prompt attention. faDloa: each way, and a kn« or foa«tta *ngag*U In clothlui unite statue* or . used hi ' * in tba middl«. Satin loops tn m«l« I , Tha *etting-up drill, facing and saint** ii'isrcliing by squad*, maaoal of arm*. •uppmaiDR qacMlonabte literature. Tbi* M elf i doable, and loop*of valrN BreJio.ed with it, t regular drill by company and battalion. la the Mory a. told by tba report of th* K»**rii!i>ff jruwer or tbt. ua silk, wb i I* ribbon ia tlad In • bow with Lexow proceeding*; Uppliial M OOD tbj* "p™.icr«tk »id«-J It All scholar*. Including girls, ibould be Lu com* to imr wb» t<> 1* tb* JOT- drilled In the first tbree for utteeu mio- Mr. Goff then ealiod Louis 8. Streep, L. BAMBERGER & GO., people Trqairn K>»* ntes each day. Car* .bould be taken by who told tb * story without questioni In thing more th»n»c..mbiiinti..u if braioa, 1BW he was arrasted by Anthony Cow- IMI1T. »t.d bra**, {Renewed appUBM.] are performed witb imirlum aud exact- stock for printing green goods circulars. Tb*mmbrr. of tbl» How have ODUM ly aa prescribed. Their value, both phy- At that time, he wtid, be rented hi* 147 and (149 Market street, U p#r/orm. rights W b* respected, ao4 sical and mental, consist* largely In snaa printing office to a man named Bt-chtold, Newark, N. j. V* a,n»w*rr.U« to tbdr own couHcitnc**, aud precision. Every boy should be re- while he, tb* witness, waa in tb* coun- to tbtlr own lw..j,ir, Hinl not to the Prwl- quired to salute ail teacher* wheoeve* try. While b* was iu the Tomb* Been- PARTICULAR MENTION. «*at, and 1= tu* dtwhaqre of tb«e dotie* meeting or addressing tltctn, and tb*told gave Sleep's wife *3,M»Ia cash to 1 denoiit for her husband's bail. ~ ' IN Ml 16 I. aweJ Into • relation of teacher, should 1>* eqitaUy careful to **- *••>) art* a FaamOv •• daty by an *i«>rei«e of exenntlv* powera torn tbe salutes. Tilia teaches se'f- she deposited it Bectatold retur Mre. Henry llcGt*. will t-lv» a teaSst- got COOQ. saving tbat be bad to iv« MtiMi hi* roi.»iinition«] prerogative*." raapect aud subordination to lawful K ordty. Feb. S3, bom • to 7. Tb*sp*ee«ns of liveli- JEtev. I. A. Craig o( L^Fayelte, Sows The drill should be regarded a* a privt- All attempts to brine; *be Democratic hood from thi-iF two acre farm. Qu*er, County, 1* tbe gu«:t of Hi>raM Hull it l*ge. Fault* shuald be punished by tt* is It not, when We ben M> much of fn- party together In noj.port of Presldsnt deprlvatlou ' of certain insignia, wliioh West Fifth atreM. Cleveland'* ftnai'dsl rKommeinlntioni, ablllty to mabea livinx for smaller fami- may be adopted by tbe school, aud t Ion lies, on much laijger fartnsr Mrs. Hall, (aotbW ot Wallace Hall *t or BIT nnancisl Ull wbat**er, hnv* failed, ofof mcmber»hl«a*»brr-hipp IInn lhtbaa buttahobattaliono forforaa aad It i« now up purr (it. even m tbe moat monthmouth.. DisciplinUiaelpllnae shoulshouldd bboe quie quiett bu butt The gentleman purchiised the ti Bockview avenuo, U CMaTerlng from hat •Anguine, (fast there will be DO financial firm. Kvcryihiug pcvslbl* should be built tbe cottajE* while Working aa. a ragftPt WWW llnMli i lagUlsliou at this sesaiuu of Couicraa. Arm. Kerry thing possible should bo carpenter. Three year* ago bis pbysieaJ donedone ttoo inculcatInculcatee a• militarmilitaryy bearingboaring,, flogo rieber ot Llborly Btnst ku Tb«, AdministrationA_/ nessneas laia dreis,dress, attentionattention,, jdJeacaifiaoM,, anandd tb the* patlon. Tt.«t:. «vit u that faith in mol been appolatsd m collector by taa Pradn* thatt oomo•iioi* prpr ..pp salon.nition cacsan lbo» patchepatchedd nupp atmutmos oatt promptuespromptnesss IInn renderinladderingg stricstrictt earth which vro , believe la tnnre fully- tlai Life I abandonedabandoned.. Tl:The« Bttlauft-- Instractora or th* cadet .officers. It than any oilier 'people, ho turunl to ladlo* ofof taI boe ItepnhlitaufKepo lil leanst iInn Lbthev pr**ea prosostt akouldalsobe impressed upon tbe bojs farm aud promptly decMid that, ot I*ocj IMB Ki**n rtM to ibe report pluutatiuu of tii**ize,<]ttality, not qu Mlee Florenon H"nce«i>r of Hit •ntonry boo given rluU the report and*Mdo.. AA •oftdrap*[ soft drapery7p(iarJnar*tndtIi of catln erdtind tboa tba t absolute truthfulness, a high regard — J _• •_ i_ » L— _i_^« _» *fc • «^_» ..1 for personal honor, and an aversion M tity, must bo the m;ixini, and thiit in Brighton, a I., wbo baa been vbltfcg A if on extra meeioa lo col led i bey will -rmko|# u sought elooo at tbo top. and other Hue could be rrath bia Ideal favor tbo enantment of legislation J u,u a frill of spangled lace fallinganythin g diafaooest or tyrHaalcal are ex* Mra. J. B. BUI ot BelrMere AMOOS. It nearly aa iu tb* eultirkttou of celery. peeled of tlie citnen soldier—that tber BO* making n abort Tlalt to Mr*. F.J. must be soldier, aad gentlemen. Spurred by , His ueeeMitlc-i and anp- ported by any mnoaut.of quiet determi- Miller of Cartoon a venae, atter wblah *k> Tbe boys should be uly.iiid intoeom- nation, be proceeded, on tbis theory. will return to her borne. psuies not exceeding forty or fifty utroug From the besinutng bin «ucces* has been do by Mr. Heed dor lag tbe pros- *, Uev the ootilo. of the -rn as a larger number is difficult to bauUia. V. Montgomery Smith, of PlalnaaH aide, with the fttltteas fslliitKat th* back. flattering. ni>d tc-day ha abtnda ready to so Indicate (bat thisU( tbo ymp» Mda, with the folaeo. falling. £ach should have the uiu^l naoilwrof who eroeia In antat'o deeoraUvn watt, iMVoas poU^. Ho ha. bold Ml ,Th Tke .broad brosd., slopin .lopUgg effec ,ffrrtt U U giva g n to tb* market 90,000 ittaika ol ealery, one third l shonldsrs by wide, plain epaulnta and fan blanched and two thitds of tba aelf- ba* lemed a aumpi »ss ttalwidar tot TVi tba Bnaucial situatlou is to have tha Tnaofflcer* aad uod^omialAaivaed officyta blaucblng varieties. , 2£ ss&rry £S"s plaitingaasr^* of aatl n or velvet, edged with of the companie* an4 battailous » Loo Id 0111 Cornvlait Oompaoy of lOi Cbambrn receipts of tb* Tresnurjr e*ci>*4 tb* •» tb*ea*h wa* deposited. Street" Jo roped Mr. Seglioif flna. work Ibe rear round, ol tbo Treasury exceed tbo •«. , ueo. ao abowu. be •elected iroai tha boys Mowing «d •treat. New Tort. The abeeta of;**- peaditnrw. K bis ball and went ta Europe. In July. and niue tentbs of bis Um* Is .pent am ^Blonsea of velvet In a <1 ilterent color •chularablp combined with p^flcieney 18U0. he returned, want to. tha District half an acre; for although th* farm rlr»<)oardbOrariteprodaapfanioqii?«rBt- - Ta« nnancUl crisis In iheUnltod Slat*. from tbe skirt are a very popular Kyi* la military matters, and manly baariiga Attorney of tba county and eoufeaaed all comprises two acrn, but me fourth of It , eet in frame* whoea dainty •<"•?" Is regarded as tn* gravest feature of tba ln Paris. They ar* madr quite plain, aa '*-' la London. Thin waa cbirfly bec.use the «nnll expeoa* aa wall aa l*r«e. Plain there .houlm|>aaied by ekM* ar* quite ea fasblonabU aa thoas devote their time to tbe fritter. Ou* of w w State officials be would like to get the two jtean uaie Ueen i|i«a*trou* celery, ***announcement tbat there waa bardly ~ '"' thew can look after abuot*ix school*. It Tork. to Improve ntt mmn«iliie of Uw Indictment against hint lu th* State tht* year especially «x OD accuuut of th* any possibility of it* recommendation* and Jet. * hi hoped that tbe let-vices ot army officer* Is art, The Qiuterij I'loaCratoi. eonrta dismissed. drought. j becoming law la tb* present Congress. more popular for drew trimm'in., can be soon hud for this parpuae iu large "Comstock said to me, 'I ant tha only that was to tune tt oftooer. Tbst Th* President's ideas are approved by black satin ribbon, which Is not wildly cities. If the drills can ba had- iu' tu* Tu offset thia fa* baa purchased a fif- rhlcb Is not wildly man wbo can get tbat Indictment dla- Improvement be h*a now aceacapOAai, 'ard* -r* re- norulng or la the eveu!««. it will beta*r teen bora* power boiler aud a stum mUsed.' Ha said It could be don* If I to procure ftQffiuient voltuitesr liiBtracton pump, aud a) a Create : ot rala storm* ha lu new gotse ot Tfaa VoOUIr would giv* him M.OOO, In August I y from tbe Naltenal Guard. caa give the Gnverumtbtitf-xpertafu this Illustrator It la Juat four Umea aa «ood aa • of black satin ribbon five lucbes called on Mr. Comatock witb my brother Uu* cards ajnd .spadi a' and th«u drawn •U muney abuald r like, and later Tb* question of Uniterm* skoalU b* and aaid to bfm, 'You *aM yon could It wu before. CS tb i rest oDtlirbuuilmahonld Wide, with ateal buckles ID tb* centre, at left to each school. A cap atoue is suffi- have tbat Indictment In the Slat* court HehMtb.enllre AJlegnany Rirer at aloaihlj Illustrator U artUUa ai- be payable Dnly in K.,1J. The opiolM of cient to begin with, andjeosta but liit.e. diamUaed. Her* is a thousand dollars.' Ho bao tbo entire Alleghany Hirer at hi* cooiniaud. Mad if U a clear cas* of OMlbWOB. Tha February number oooUlna London bankers with American Dufinae- In niwt cu>n it wilt be found tbat a plain I had aevea hundred dollars which my bio command, Mid lb la a clear case of dinaater to drouth on tbi* farm. Iu an- HessUoos regardingrrtfutliuf, ththt» ctistcau-w.i ooff (hlbee ennreaoa- ttuifuria ctnta no mot*) than ordinary wife bad sjnllBed from tue sale of my disaster lo drouth on * this farm. loom 271 aaperb Illustrations by 7i «eU koowo swer to further question* Mr. fiegling mooaBOW tranafereeftntoafera of Kgoldold tteu Kur'.pKnr> pee llaa highhigh-- clothes, aud last* lon'Krr, a" the boys'tak* printing itBct, aod-J borrowed tbree •wor to further quo*4bme Mr. Segtlng artlsla, aad a wealth ot letUt-Ust be- •aid that, while lie wa* not getting ricu, lyly MgniAoaot.BigniBcoot. AlAlll asreagree* Ltanthatt £iislish£..glieb-< belter cara of it. OrUlharilra tatp, and hundred dollar* I^TBreV^blHa from taj sold that, while be wpa not getting rich, b* was mak|ug • Uvi g for binuelf and slde*. Mo homeot enltara sboold b* meo•kea havehai* stoppedstopped tAnklaMakingc frrafieahh AoierAmec- blouse will be aafflcieut, wiiich may be brother Ri.bcrt, wbo was witb me. Corn- he woe making • UvlOg for hlo-elf and family and ^a» ludej) indent. Think «f without Tba M00U1I7 IHusfrator leanlc*n investments.iuirr.tiai.-nui. ThThee DKBt-InthUettv-raeadcv. Ton. 11. l'»S. «i» . A.—Tea, sir. NewVorkCityi f GrammarGrammar SchoolScbool NoNa. l»of10of BrooklyBrooklynn bahasa Mr. Goff-Hem are tha indictments en- anin orgaulse.1organised battalloobattalion otof SitSU boyabora,. tumtum-- dorsed "dUmi**od" at the time tlated by Little Mose Jtfyeri had felt for some . BMatha. £nrup**,u exputtera. i 1 Baiatt*^ *wl t-leniU an raspectfallT •«'»• mandej by Principal \vW. S . Felter, and U>* Witness. time tbat tbe djKty o: providing foe the a eanUy scut tbeir goou. to AIUI-.I mande-J by Principal Wm. P. Pclter. and m\«-i^n avei'«*™TO?rLi"«S'5t'S» divided tuto four complies. Tbe bat- Senator Bradley—W bo was tiie District family mted npuu b niseif. A few d»j» mouth*' credit. A Urge pr»p divided Into four companies. Tbe bat- P.m. Train MIST** nml nr I IIXIITJ IT mil st 1 V p p talloutalion IsU liDlitorlimitedl ttoo boyboyss 44teet«|ucUee teet a iuebe* Attorney thent agu bs cbance$l to . im a man put I the Th* effect of tall,tall, whichwhich practicallpracticallyy takv-tekei iiuu thosethose, cover Mr. Guff-Col. Fellows. •iga "Boy Wnutcd" ii front of bat afore. eleven,eleven, whowiioar aree ilau googoodd |fa*»ltbhealth., wiiw*ou I will Q.—Fully realising your responsibility Muse inimedially wklkedin and applied uniformuniform ltbeuiselves beu> sal van., anandd wboba**who bare aa pew and tbe menniug of your answer, do you fur (he pusiiioii, Th i emcerjmnn looked scribedscribed stariuluate no lugg iInn theitheirr *choolschool' wwork., •wear that you gave Anthony Comstock critically at tlie II .tla ebap, in aoedy I around tba bottom TbeThe uaIfon*uiiiiorui i.o to buv n* Mime refl|ect«! that Kosher diet was Ing their rank indicated by nrWpe* ua liberty. getting unsbivistsroe at their house anil their ateevr*. SeiiJtKr Lexow—Bow dnj-ou bring this remembered tufct boiad jm older brother a th'a city, oaMh tan. J. K. 1 Uuder oar system of (tovernntent w* Within tbe .ope of our work. Sir Gollt who would jur£ abefut suit. But there will never bave a large stauiiiuj; armv Mr. Goft-t will explain iu » niooieut. were dozens ol boysi who would swarm I>WIM4HMeodav. fab. V. atih»J* and oar ttrro tb and Mfdy are iu . geu! 1 •• a ruialai Car*. Mill popular, and >n« tone rwnhln B Senator. eral diksemination of miliMry kaowlwis* Q-—Stnce then you've been imlict«lf and traiaiag amoiig tke p^.pit. What A.—Siuee then Authoa* Com*tock bad brother. TIJW. cut* tropha t be av .soohs.w* tbsjsjssh* man as»*» a will an- U i* *-Jhia. l*«.," eufLialulus tba ful» 7 re very popular >Kalu, nartle tioua, and [OBk* thus* o^Kua r« police tbat we should anew, if we can which mule lift i }o«i smile. Be also tarty whc i ib«yar*ol tb* new chine rl liable couservators of pub.ic order, and • *J -Pai.a., Jan. t, itet-Mr. Sack*, .take tbat other, hare done the aaoM od again,; as he boom. A plain fclaetaffvt* njU.niaile ready aa>l cumpatrut iie/eniietv uf tha Senator Lexow—a U a v«rv Hnl)U .lion, aud ' thinks •ntjikmi f rum tap* pnuu. ™ plain tor a JKUIIX Kirl, hmu^bul b national bouur." charge aif:ij[jbt ' *— ~ :tory for the Iferer Additional Cold. and piuk chhia ribbuu*. U Is tied l lam* bow in the back, aud U,e t-n'Jt 1 It Is related tbat & certain nrni was *a»tt 'S? ' COLD ".HEAD OB eiibrr >!<)• of lbs p!uii» ib the iJt nile (ur r:. forcemeat; Pale rrwn «ilkn*ke> a *«ry pretvy ev ry sad bnavu bU wife IT WILL ctiKL A parttdc it .pptioi i»» tng dmus wlih chia. *il>iM>n -fur a, t ^°*o» V^sik'whX^he'wouVvisit, which she wouldd ^,1 ! abaVlnte ^ tc*no*tril»odi«are— Me. Price Soc* 1 g sh-rten 1.. .pit, of ... appeal, to come ' Law is for the nrpo« - -ai*-tAd thii*u ,Bx d k Ll P (bu or by nuO. ELY BROTHERS, h uud t b*aaa. He ftually hit ippti a pins *- t— fe«*ot»bl.aI — .,:~ J ^ arrea K.. New York. l due* fant o tnura. H* aeut her of eachot ibe local pakavwHk* tba purpose of *B*bJiiig men to en equal opportunltle. of nie, liberty , tfa* pu life, liberty and ELECTRIC TELEPHONE had clipped;frou, tba •aid abou ^ H-thing !• Ubwty amount of life M