
W AY OL VIDADO - distanci as entre albergues municipales principalmente de peregrinos

P AÍS VASCO Province of V izcaya

0 km BILBAO, Municipal lodging of pilgrims (630. 536.137 . 25pl. Donation). Municipal lodging of Altamira (630.536 .137. 40pl. Donation) opened July and August . Population with all the services .

9,5 km ALONSOTEGUI , Offer hostelera. All the services .

8 km SODUPE , Offer hostelera. All the services .

6 km GÜEÑES , Lodging deprived of Santxosolo (94.669. 32.04. 25pl. ). Offer hostelera. All the services .

3,5 km ZALLA , Offer hostelera. All the services .

7, 5 km , Youth hostel and of pilgrims (688 .810.773 ). Offer hostelera . All the services .


Provinc e of B urgo s

4 km EL BERRÓN , Bar -restaurant .

6 km NAVA DE ORDUNTE , Offers hostelera calling 947 .141 .205 Gr oup D. Pablo , they facilitate dinner , bed to us and I have breakfast less every Sunday to the night that is closed , bear in mind it. They gather and leave us in the way . One thinks in Mercadillo to 5 kilometres , towards Villasana de Mena , that long ago it relied on hospital of pilgrims and where we will find any service that we need .

3 km RIBOTA , Bar-restaurant .

We will pass during 17 kms . For populations without s ervices . .

20 km VILLASANTE , Bar - restaurant . S ervices .

2,5 km LOMA DE MONTIJA , Offer hostelera .

5, 5 km , Youth hostel and of pilgrims (947.120 449 .82 pl. 11,5 €). Offers hostelera . All the services .

7,6 km QUINTANILLA DEL REBOLLAR , Posada Real El Prado: Tfno. 947.138.689 /627 .364 .378 . 20 seats). Pric e from 36 € m

3,7 km QUISICEDO ,Offer hostelera . S ervices .

2,5 km VALLEJO DE SOTOSCUEVA ,Offer hostelera .

10 km PEDROSA DE VADEPORRES , Rural h ouse . Offers hostelera . All the services .

0,7 km SANTELICES , Municipal lodging of pilgrims Vexu Kamin (610 . 930. 878/ 667.431 .726. 50 pl . 5 €). Bars .

7 km SONCILLO , Youth hostel (947.571.975 /625 .187.511 . 50 pl . 5 € ). All the services .

6,5 km CILLERUELO DE BEZANA ,Offer hostelera . S ervices .

11 km , Private lodging (655 . 823 .232. 106 pl.15 -20 €). All the services .


7.9 km LA ROZAS DE VALDEARROYO , Albergue Rumbo :Tfno. 619 .161. 456

2,2 km ARROYO , Ornithological lodging (942 .773 .283 / 619.161. 456 .60pl. 12-30 € ) Offer hostelera .

18 ,5 km OLEA , Offer hostelera .

4,5 km REINOSILLA , Offer hostelera .

1,3 km CASASOLA , Restaurant .


Province o f P alen cia

13 km NESTAR , Restaurant .

6 km AGUILAR DE , Offer hostelera . All the services .

13,1 km RENEDO DE ZALIMA , Offer hostelera .

3,5 km SALINAS DE , Offer hostelera . All the services .

5 km QUINTANALUENGOS , Rural house .

3 km LIGUERZANA , Rural house .

4 ,5 km CERVERA DE PISUERGA , Albergue juvenil(979.870.174. 120pl. 5€ ). Todos los servicios.

8,6 km CANTORAL DE LA PEÑA , Rural house .

4 km CASTREJÓN DE LA PEÑA , Casas rurales. Services.

8 km TARILONTE , Rural house.

2,3 km AVIÑANTE , Restaurante.

3 ,3 km SANTIBAÑEZ DE LA PEÑA , Rural house s . Services .

3,5 km VILLANUEVA DE ARRIBA , Rural house . Services.

Provinc e of L eón

6 km GUARDO , Private lodging (979 .043 . 008/693 .448 .184 .50 pl . 12 €). All the services .

8,7 km CEGOÑAL , Bar-restaurant.

3 ,2 km PUENTE ALMUHEY , Municipal lodging (629 .585.247). Services .

1,7 km TARANILLA , Bar -restaurant .

3,3 km SAN MARTÍN DE VALDETUEJAR , Rural house .

5 ,7 km LA MATA DE MONTEAGUDO , Bar -restaurant .

10 ,6 km CISTIERNA , Municipal lodging of pilgrims (690. 098.105 /620. 554.801. 30pl. 5€ ). All the services .

From here we have two options that connect in La Ercina . The first one for La Serna that we detail continuing the sheet and the second one to 14 , 1 km LA ERCINA , Municipal lodging (987 .712 .051 /648 . 032 .831). Bar .

11 km LA ERCINA , Municipal lodging (987 .712.051 / 648 .032.831). Bar .


2,3 km LA DEVESA , Bar .

2 ,9 km LA LOSILLA , Bar.

3 ,4 km BOÑAR , Youth hostel (987.735.474.120pl. 5 €). All the services .

From here we have two options that connect in La Magdalena . The first one for La Robla that we detail continuing the shee ) and the second one to 7 , 20 km VALDEPIELAGO Bar - restaurant . A 1,20 km LA MATA DE LA BERBULA Bar . To 14 ,7 km VILLALFEIDE Bar-restaurant . T o 2,4 km VEGACERVERA Municipal lodging (686 .045 .143). Servic es . To 2 , 1 COLADILLA Bar- restaurant . A 8,5 CIÑERA Bar-restaurant . To 5, 5 km BUIZA Municipal lodging (987.597 .031). To 4,9 km LA POLA DE GORDÓN Bar -restaurant and shop. To 15 ,6 PIEDRASECHA Bar-restaurant . To 3,9 VIÑAYO Bar -restaurant . To 3,2 km LA MAGDALENA Reception on the part of Guadalupe (685 .920.895 ). Offer hostelera . Services .

9 ,1 km LA VECILLA , Offer hostelera . Services .

8,5 km ROBLES DE LA VALCUEVA , Bar. Shop.

5 km CANDANEDO DE FENAR , Offer hostelera .

7 km LA ROBLA ,Municipal lodging of pilgrims (987 .572 .430 /659. 093 . 647 . 16 pl.5 €). All the services .

1,7 km LLANOS DE ALBA , Bar-restaurant .

9,5 km CARROCERA , R ural house . Bar .

2,9 km OTERO DE LAS DUEÑAS , Offer hostelera . Services .

3,3 km LA MAGDALENA , Reception on the part of Guadalupe (685.920.895 ). Offer hostelera . Services .

0,6 km CANALES , Bar -restaurant .

16,6 km RIELLO , Rural house . Services.

2,8 km PANDORADO , Bar-restaurant .

1,7 km LA OMAÑUELA , Rural house .

2 km GUISATECHA , Bar-restaurant .

1,6 km EL CASTILLO , Rural house .

2,2 km VEGARIENZA , Reception on the part of Estela (680.799.927).

3,4 km CIRUJALES , Bar .

13 ,7 km FASGAR , Municipal lodging (607 .027 .949). S ervices .


6,9 km IGÜEÑA , Municipal lodging (629 .251 .182 ). Bar -restaurant.


11,8 km LABANIEGO ,Reception on the part of Clemente (661.013.566).

3,8 km LOSADA , Offer hostelera .

9,8 km CONGOSTO , Offer hostelera . Serv ices.

13,5 km CUBILLOS DE SIL , Bar-restaurant. S hop.

6,6 km CABAÑAS RARAS , Reception on the part ofTere (680.325.098 ). Bar-restaurant .

7,5 km CACABELOS , Municipal lodging(987 .547.167. 70 pl.5€). Servic es. Connect with the .

Note of the Asociación de Amigos del Camino de Santiago de L´Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona). The association mentions the principal cities or villages and gives a reference of the principal municipal lodgings or of a traditional type, recommending the above mentioned and always to be generous with altruistic people and clarifying that numerous private lodgings or different forms exist of pernotar depending of the epoch, polysport etc. To avoid mud and almost impracticable ways the cyclists must circulate in some sections NOT PUT by the road.

Guide to go or a stage to be informed before what it is.

We make some exceptions in a personal capacity and give a last advice that everything seen, listened, well-read or enclosed wellconsidered you forgets even ours. Alone it is worth enjoying the Way; his history, his ways, his destiny, his sense.

This is a logistics but to extend information:

Mister Adolfo Diego de Miguel Email: [email protected] /[email protected]

Asociación Leonesa del Camino Olvidado Web: http://www.facebook.com/Asociación-Leonesa-del-Camino-Olvidado- 638038153073918 Tel. 678 27 56 82 / 987 58 16 66 Email: [email protected]

Next Holy Year or Year Jacobeo 2021. BUEN CAMINO... October 2017