90 aCademic senatE 5


92 WHY AU? 7






2 3 “The Mission of Albanian University is the professional and cultural development of students. Through quality education, contemporary study programs and the promotion of critical, creative and valuable thinking, this university aims to stimulate students in the development of research and reflection on important issues of the national and international community.”

4 Numbers in au

16327 Graduate students in 16 years 1700 Graduate students in the academic year 2019-2020 10 Departments 1 Faculty of Medical Sciences with 3 Departments 1 Faculty of Applied Sciences and Economics with 3 Departments 1 Faculty of Social Sciences with 4 Departments 15 ''Bachelor'' Program 15 Masters of Science 13 Professional Masters 3 Integrated Programs, Master of Science 2 Long Term Specializations 1 Professional program 3 Libraries 1 University TV 1 AU Press

5 Academic Senate 2020- 2021, Albanian University

The Academic Senate is the highest tonomy and freedom, as well as re- body of AU, which determines the spect for the rights of students. development policies of the institu- The Academic Senate is chaired by the tion, programs, coordinates, directs Rector and consists of Vice-Rectors, and controls the teaching and research Deans, Heads of Base Units, other ac- activities and evaluates their efficien- ademic staff with academic degrees cy. The Academic Senate applies in its and titles and a representative of the activity the principles of academic au- student body.

6 Albanian University

Faculty of Social Sciences

0. Albanian University

"Albanian University" is a Private In- institutions in , contributing stitution of Higher Education estab- tothe professional and intellectual for- lished in 2004, located in the center of mation of our country’s elites. , the capital city of Albania. Contemporary study programs, a staff Since its first year of creation, this with a very long academic and pro- institution has focused on promot- fessional background, modern and ing intellectual product and merging qualitative infrastructure conditions learning with research. are some of the elements on which the "Albanian University" was reaccredit- university was founded. ed in 2020 by the Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education. In the AU is an independent open commu- recent years, all active study programs nity that seeks to be a worthy part of have undergone the QAAHE external the world and the future. To carry out evaluation process and have been pos- its mission AU aims to accompany and itively evaluated.Albanian University, support students so that they can best for more than a decade has been a use their potential. The oldest private worthy part of Higher Education university in the Albanian Republic,

7 2

why au?

Faculty of Medical Sciences

1. Albanian University

AU pushes students to achieve their expansion of the boundaries of knowl highest potential. edge through quality education, intel- Has a qualified academic staff with lectual, social and cultural growth of prominent dedicated professors with the students. a very long academic and professional The majority of graduate students are background. About 1700 graduate stu- employed. The mission of the dents in the academic year 2019-2020 Career and Alumni office is to and about 16,327 graduate students in increase student employment as well 16 years are figures that prove year by as to help them develop to their full year the quality and achievement of potential and achieve high perfor- Albanian University increases thanks mance in the job market. to values such as: organizational cor- AU is partner with the most promi- rectness, quality in every academic nent European universities, organiz- initiative, accountability in achieving ing joint scientific events in different standards. fields. Albanian University offers financial It offers a wide range of contemporary support through scholarships of excel- study programs, offering students the lence, promoting and encouraging the opportunity to make the best choice best students. Our mission is the for a secure future.

8 Faculty of Applied Sciences and Economics Practical training at our own insti- programs necessary for a complete, ef- tutes. Diversity in extracurricular ficient and effective teaching, libraries, activities, setting up and operating variousservice facilities such as pho- multiple student clubs. tocopier, internet lounge, as well as a Located in the center of Tirana with bar-restaurant where students can en- modern facilities and infrastructure joy a nice meal or a refreshing drink such as modern auditoriums, high during their class breaks. quality laboratories in various study

The center of Tirana

Geographical Position of the University

9 servicesSERVICES


In addition to the study room, which is which is a professional laboratory of free for students, Albanian University the highest quality, equipped with the has laboratories equipped with the lat- latest technology computers and ac- est multimedia technology. Students cess to the internet; the Laboratory of of all years, in every building of the Physics, Electrical Engineering, Elec- University, are provided with different tric Cars, Network Infrastructure, An- laboratories for each Faculty, such as alogue Electronics, Digital Electron- the Laboratory of Informatics, ics, Automation and Control as well as Mechatronics. 10 SERVICES The Pharmacy Laboratory

The Laboratories of Chemistry, spe- cifically Analytical chemistry, Physical and colloidal Chemistry, Pharmaceuti- cal Chemistry, General and Inorganic Chemistry, as well as Organic Chemis- try laboratory, each of them equipped with the most modern tools and appa- ratus that are used in the most devel- oped countries of the world.

There are 3 libraries in the premises of

The Nursing Laboratory

11 The Physiotherapy Laboratory

The laboratory of Anatomy and Gen- tical Technology, etc. eral Histology; The Laboratory of There are also the Laboratories of Ed- Dental Morphology and Prosthetics; ucation and Music, with all the need- The laboratory of Pharmacognosy, Bi- ed musical instruments such as guitar, ology, Preclinical laboratory of dental violin and battery for the students to therapy, the laboratory of Pharmaceu practice.

The Engineering Laboratories

12 The Dental Laboratory 13 14 “Student using the University Library to study”

3. Libraries and Study Halls the Albanian University that serve as The library at the Albanian University study rooms for students. They store building near "Durres Street", has their files with university book titles and book titles assorted by branch, study art publications. The library near the books, academics, art, dictionaries, as Albanian University building, Zogu well as various scientific journals, for- I Boulevard, which serves as a study eign literature, conference papers and hall, has books, textbooks, art books various university newspaper articles. and various magazines. They include The library at the Albanian Universi- literature in foreign languages, as well ty building near "", has as literature in the fields of Dentistry, mainly books of the branch of Archi- Pharmacy, Economics, Architecture, tecture and Engineering, as well as Law, Administrative-Political Science, academic, artistic articles in various Psychology, Journalism and various fields. This library also has donations donations. from prominent Albanian, Italian and OSBE professors.

15 The University Bookstore provides for contains books, magazines, encyclo- the students all the necessary litera- pedias and scientific journals, for all ture over the academic years as well as study programs. The portal www.por- with other supplementary materials. offers thousands of books The bookstore is accessible not only to which are available from a number of the university students, but to anyone universities worldwide, most of which interested. Additional literary enrich- are for the department of architecture. ment comes in the form of the online While the online library www.elsevi- connection to international libraries. offers to the students various The electronic catalog for use in the books and articles on the medical field. library is arranged and classified by There is free internet service on the departments.The online library www. four buildings of the University.

“Student using the University Library to study”


4. Studying in Au will turn you into a Bicultural Student Tirana is undoubtedly one of the liveli- by living in a culturally rich city. est capital cities of the Balkans and has Tirana is the capital and largest city by plenty of cool museums and art galler- area and population of the Republic of ies that every young student must visit Albania. at least once.

17 Tirana is an important center for mu- Among the local institutions is the sic, film, theatre, dance and visual art. National Library, that keeps more than The city is host to the largest cultur- a million books, magazines, maps, at- al institutions of the country, such as lases, microfilms and other library ma- the National Theatre and the National terials. Their diversity makes it possi- Theatre of Opera and Ballet, the Na- ble for people of different tastes to find tional Archaeological Museum, the themselves in a city this small. Due to Art Gallery of Albania, the Sciences its location, the city is particularly in- Museum of Albania and the National fluenced by a Mediterranean seasonal Historical Museum. climate.

18 It is among the wettest and sunniest cit- The city is also filled with bookstores, ies in Europe, with 2,544 hours of sun where you can buy various books of per year.Tirana might also be your fa- worldwide Prices on food, and other vorite city if you’re a coffee lover. There leisure activities are half of its neigh- are 654 coffee shops per 100 thousand boring countries, which is very benefi- inhabitants in Albania, a country with cial for young students. only 2.9 million inhabitants.

19 It is among the wettest and sunniest cit- The city is also filled with bookstores, ies in Europe, with 2,544 hours of sun where you can buy various books of per year.Tirana might also be your fa- worldwide Prices on food, and other vorite city if you’re a coffee lover. There leisure activities are half of its neigh- are 654 coffee shops per 100 thousand boring countries, which is very benefi- inhabitants in Albania, a country with cial for young students. only 2.9 million inhabitants.

19 5. Study PROGRAMS Faculty of Medical Sciences

Integrated programs, Master of Science Bachelor • Dentistry • Pharmacy • Nursing • Physiotherapy Long Term Specialization In Den- tistry Professional Master • Orthognatodoncy • Surgical Nursing • Oral Surgery • Manual Therapy • Professional Program

• Senior Dental Laboratory Specialist Faculty of Applied Sciences and Economics

Bachelor Master of Science

• Information Technology • Information Technology • Computer Engineering • Electronic Engineering • Electronic Engineering • Banking Management • Mechatronic Engineering • Business Administration • Electrical Engineering Professional Master • Design • Finance-Banking • Business Management • Business Administration • Banking and Financial Man- agement • Energy Systems • Interior Design

20 5. Study PROGRAMS Faculty of Social Sciences

bachelor Public Administration (with profiles) • Political and Administrative Sciences • Public Policy And Governance • General Psychology • Public And EU Policies • Preschool Education Teaching • Professional Master • Primary Education Teaching • English (as a foreign language) • Criminal Sciences Integrated Program, Master of • Private Law Science • Public Governance And Ad- • Law ministration Master of Science • Clinical Psychology • School Psychology

Clinical Psychology Pedagogy (With Profiles) Legel Sciences (with profiles) • Didactics • Public & Administrative Law • Education Management • Private Law • International Law and Eu • Criminal Law

21 猀

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19 Student Art Exhibition - Art and Design Club 6. StudENT CLUBS Faculty of Applied Sciences and Economics

Marketing and Management Club Art and Design Club

The set - up of this club, aims to en- The Art and Design club aims to or- courage the students’ abilities in two ganize the passionate students of pho- basic business components such as: tography, painting, architecture in management and marketing. the activity related to painting, pho- Workshops and open lectures with tography exhibitions, and projects of thematic on organizations, account- Web-Design students in “Albanian ability, communicative abilities, fi- University”. The students registered to nances, informative management sys- such club, organize open discussions tems and their influence in managerial with professional invitees of respective undertaking, gives the opportunity to professions. They design the univer- students to express their talent and sity’s New Year postcards, the posters abilities in such branches. for awareness campaigns etc.

23 Faculty of Social Sciences

Engineering and informatics club “Society and Law” Club

Engineering and informatics club The mission of “Society and Law” stu- aims organizing seminars on the dent club is expansion of legal, politi- laboratory works with special themat- cal, administrative and social culture ic of their profession. The students’ of “Albanian University” students. practical work promotion in software Professionals and specialists of the construction, analogue and digital private, penal, public and administra- electronics, electric and electronic tive law, international relations, EU measuring is in the main focus of this international law, as well as experts club. The students of this club orga- in the field of law, organize special nize a chess game event every year. trainings with students.

Law Club - Special Training Activity