A Microkernel API for Fine-Grained Decomposition Sebastian Reichelt Jan Stoess Frank Bellosa System Architecture Group, University of Karlsruhe, Germany freichelt,stoess,
[email protected] ABSTRACT from the microkernel APIs in existence. The need, for in- Microkernel-based operating systems typically require spe- stance, to explicitly pass messages between servers, or the cial attention to issues that otherwise arise only in dis- need to set up threads and address spaces in every server for tributed systems. The resulting extra code degrades per- parallelism or protection require OS developers to adopt the formance and increases development effort, severely limiting mindset of a distributed-system programmer rather than to decomposition granularity. take advantage of their knowledge on traditional OS design. We present a new microkernel design that enables OS devel- Distributed-system paradigms, though well-understood and opers to decompose systems into very fine-grained servers. suited for physically (and, thus, coarsely) partitioned sys- We avoid the typical obstacles by defining servers as light- tems, present obstacles to the fine-grained decomposition weight, passive objects. We replace complex IPC mecha- required to exploit the benefits of microkernels: First, a nisms by a simple function-call approach, and our passive, lot of development effort must be spent into matching the module-like server model obviates the need to create threads OS structure to the architecture of the selected microkernel, in every server. Server code is compiled into small self- which also hinders porting existing code from monolithic sys- contained files, which can be loaded into the same address tems. Second, the more servers exist | a desired property space (for speed) or different address spaces (for safety).