THE GREEK AUSTRALIAN The oldest circulating Greek newspaper outside Greece email: VEMA
[email protected] OCTOBER 2007 Tel. (02) 9559 7022 Fax: (02) 9559 7033 In this issue... Our Primate’s View “TORMENTED MOTHERLAND, GREECE”! PAGE 5/23 Howard declares Nov 24 election Sydney ranked top on “right” leadership city on tourist poll Australia will go to the polls on Novem- ber 24 for a federal election Prime Minis- PAGE 7/25 ter John Howard says is about the “right leadership”. Mr Howard has dumped his “who do you trust” slogan from the 2004 election, con- ceding that some voters would loathe him no matter what he did. But he said at least voters knew what he stood for and where he planned to take the country. And the 68-year-old, who has promised to step down before the 2010 election if he wins a fifth term, said neither his age nor the length in office of his government were the issue. “I believe very passionately that this coun- try’s best years can lie ahead of us in the years immediately ahead,” Mr Howard told reporters, after announcing a six-week elec- tion campaign. “In order for that to happen this country does not need new leadership, it does not need old leadership, it needs the right leadership. Pilgrimage to Symi: “The right leadership is the leadership which delivers the team which knows how to do Island of an Archangel the job. and ensure all Australians shared in the Mr Howard warned that if Labor was elect- “The right leadership is the leadership that country’s prosperity.