University of Wollongong Research Online The Living Daylights Historical & Cultural Collections 11-13-1973 The Living Daylights 1(5) 13 November 1973 Richard Neville Editor Follow this and additional works at: https://ro.uow.edu.au/livingdaylights Recommended Citation Neville, Richard, (1973), The Living Daylights 1(5) 13 November 1973, Incorporated Newsagencies Company, Melbourne, vol.1 no.5, November 13 - 19, 28p. https://ro.uow.edu.au/livingdaylights/5 Research Online is the open access institutional repository for the University of Wollongong. For further information contact the UOW Library: [email protected] The Living Daylights 1(5) 13 November 1973 Publisher Incorporated Newsagencies Company, Melbourne, vol.1 no.5, November 13 - 19, 28p This serial is available at Research Online: https://ro.uow.edu.au/livingdaylights/5 ★ Blitzing the modem motor car ★ The martial art of Kung Fu. How to do it ★ The Coke conspiracy- the real thing THE ARMY OF THE RARE*with Richard Beckel l o a t l i k e a b u t t e r ­ marijuana while remaining silent on booze. Unfortunately he f l y , STING LIKE A BEE O f i W/YIEAGATF (I FAM THE GREATEST); Mu­ seems to have failed to grasp the hammad Ali Whitlam recently WATERS ATf, point that neither Rothmans CLAUDIA returned from foreign parts, an­ l J f \ K f 4 nor Philip Morris have any inter­ nounced that apart from leading est in marijuana. They have a WRITES the nation he was the best for­ very definite vested interest in eign minister Australia had ever HOTEL booze. had. Responding heartily to this FOR peace of megalomania, voters, YoU A££„.... when questioned on which pol­ It is unnecessary to review the e a d i n g t h e w a y t o itician they liked the best, re­ main ramifications of the Water* ENLIGHTENED DEMO­ NATION gate scandal. One need only note L plied that they thought that Bob that for the first time in 50 years, CRATIC GOVERNMENT: Pap­ two Cabinet members — John Hawke was much better and Mitchell, the former, Attomey- ua New Guinea’s chief minister, REVIEW perhaps a little less boastful. Ms General and the former campaign manager, afid Maurice Stans, Michael Somare, has warned his former Secretary of Commerce Whitlam, in a desperate attempt and .former chief political fund­ fellow countrymen they will be — as she to defend her husband, said, “Of raiser— have been indicted. shot if they cause trouble once John W. Dean, formerly the course he’s Australia’s best for­ President’s legal counsel, Jeb the country becomes self- Stuart Magruder, formerly his pleases eign minister, it goes without deputy campaign manager, and governing. “ I’ll tell you straight, saying." Then she added: “Ar­ Frederick Larue, formerly one of his White House assistants, have you fight the police, cause rogance is permitted where there pleaded guilty to obstruction o f Claudia (“Claws” ) Wright has parted brass rags with the ju stice. trouble, you just watch out, I’ll is something to be arrogant • John Ehrlichman, formerly the be tough,” he said. It is under­ Melbourne Herald. President’s chief domestic adviser, about.” Sir Robert Menzies is and two lesser White House stood that he is also going to The caustic, sometimes bitchy, ofttimes brilliant Claudia has believed to have laughed. aides have been indicted on other revive cannibalism once his na­ battled with management and male chauvinism to win recogni­ . ch arges. H. R. Haldeman, another of the tion is free of Australia’s re­ tion as one of Australia’s finest journalists. President’s closest assistants, has been forced to resign.. straining hand. Still" pthers formerly in high AITING FOR SECOND We have commissioned her to write “whatever thoughtful, office in th e N’ix on ’A d m in istration have publicly conceded that they savage and sardonic things she cares to write — so long as it WIND: Israel and Egypt W committed perjury, destroyed evi- brings writs only in moderation” . after years of futile bloodshed gtence, obstructed justice, or, ELLO D ERE: In yet ‘committed other crimes but nave, and hatred finally decided to not yet been indicted, Hanother profound world Read what she does write with a completely free hand, in Cou’d these men have so acted sign a ceasefire agreement, not pronouncement, Uganda’s Presi­ Nation Review next week. without the President’s know­ because of any new found love le d g e ? - dent Idi Amin m a telegram for one another, but more pro­ of sympathy to United States saically because both sides appear president Richard Milhous to be running out of weapons Wales branch of the Build­ Nixon, said: “I must compliment and a necessary pair of hands to you most sincerely for this most ers Laborers Federation has ac­ ISAAC operate them. Doubtless hatred courageous stand. I am sure any tually retired voluntarily from will return once more sons are other weak leader would have his position to pick up the shov­ born. resigned or committed suicide el once again. (After long service after being subjected to so much leave of course.) This relinquish­ AARON harassment because of the ment of the reins of power OU CAN PUT DOWN Watergate affair.” It is believed without being pushed is believed YOUR GLASSES LADIES that this heartwarming message Y to be unique in the political FREE CONCERT from brilliant avant-garde AND GENTLEMEN, HE’S gave President Nixon the history of the new world. It is rock and rollers Isaac Aaron. GONE FOR THE DOCTOR: strength to appear yet again on believed shortly that certain offi­ Driven mad by the rightwing American television and state There'll be a few other good acts too. cials of Sir Robert Askin’s prem­ leanings of both parties and the that he would not resign and ier’s department will start a rem­ Don't miss it. North Court, Melbourne University, voters in New South Wales, pol­ that the process of democracy edial education course to free itical commentators abandon could go to hell. However, per­ Monday, November 19th, 12-4 pm. Mundey of his revisionist telling anxious readers who is haps fortunately, he did not thoughts and instruct him in the going to win the state’s election reveal the source of this new political ways of western man. on Saturday and instead specu­ found inspiration - after all lated how big Sir Robert Askin’s * * * there was the southern vote to Liberal margin might be. Thank­ consider. OR DO THEY HELP ing them in advance for their PRISONERS: Sixty ward­ Subscribe to support, Sir Robert gaily an­ N ers at Melbourne’s Pentridge jail nounced that once elected he broke up a sit-in demonstration h e r i s e a n d f a l l o f planned to retire as leader and The Living Daylights of prisoners demanding better TTHE AFFLUENT SOCI­ hand over his licence to print recreational facilities and an eas­ ETY : The National Safety Coun­ money to a younger man. cil of Australia has admitted that Brighten up and energise your letterbox! ing of their overcrowded condi­ the incidence of child drowning Gladden up your postie’s mailbag! tions by a baton charge. Thus Picture this: It’s raining outside; the shop lies beyond they fulfilled both demands of in private swimming pools is on the bridge which has been swept away in the INNIE THE POOH IS the prisoners. With the baton the increase as more and more raging flood; the water's rising around the dwelling W DEAD: Disneyland, Skip- charge they provided healthy people get more and more and you’re reaching for the roof. All is bad py and Lassie were just three recreation and by breaking heads money. A good renewed bout of and boring . until you see your the 30s Depression would prob­ shows listed by the Australian they cleared the cells and added friendly postie rowing to YOU Television Childrens Action to the population of the jail’s ably cure this strange disease. with YOUR copy of The Living Daylights. Committee as being dangerous infirmary. Needless to say this Just the thing, you think, for the tiny tots. The report stat­ to look at till the water subsides humanitarian gesture was not ed that television tended to turn (if it ever does). appreciated by the prisoners. o t t h a t p o o l d e a t h s children into zombies who no Tear off the coupon below. NHELP THE PENSIONERS: Fill in the details and send it in. longer laughed or smiled. It also The taxation department has ad­ objected to the life and death It's fairly safe. h e r e is b u t o n e g o d mitted that increases in pensions situations depicted in most have led, in some instances, to SURFACE MAIL: Within Aus­ AND SCOTCH IS HIS shows and it claimed that “child­ T those lucky aged recipients of tralia $A15.60; New Zealand NAME: One in 20 Australians hood was not valued”. However, SA19.24; any overseas address $A21.84 have drinking problems so seri­ federal welfare to tax deduc­ the committee appeared to have A IR MAIL: ous that a person could not get tions of up to ten percent of no answer to the fact that life Australia $A20.28; through a single day without the their fortnightly cheque. It is itself is a life and death situation TPNG <$A20.28; New Zealand equivalent of ten scotches, the understood that the federal gov­ or that nice little children grow $A23.92; South Pacific, Malaysia former minister for customs ernment when making the an­ up to be nasty drunken adults.
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