The Oklahoma Publisher Official Publication of the Oklahoma Press Association Vol. 87, No. 11 12 Pages • November 2016 INSIDE Postal Service offers marked copy alternative Thanks to an accomplishing it required a lot of chang- OVERTIME: The new understanding with es at USPS, including some training NNA’S ENROLLMENT PROCESS overtime rule goes into effect the National News- adjustments and accommodating con- FOR ALTERNATE MARKED COPY December 1. See if your paper Association, cerns of some non-newspaper users of 1. Email the USPS PostalOne! Help Desk at newspaper will be affected by Periodicals publica- Periodicals mail,” said Heath.
[email protected]. Or telephone 1-800-522- this rule. tions mailers are “We are fortunate to have willing 9085 option 3, then 6. PAGE 4 able to opt into a partners in the Postal Service’s business 2. Attach the completed Excel form providing infor- new process for systems department who were willing to EARTHQUAKE DAMAGE: mation about your publication. A separate form verifying the advertising content of their work through the intricacies of chang- The Cushing Citizen newspaper is needed for each publication. Form available at mail with the U.S. Postal Service. ing this rule. Now our job is to educate office was damaged by the Postal rules currently require news- our members on the value of making the 5.0 magnitude earthquake on papers mailers to provide the USPS with change. I believe they will be glad to get 3. Wait for the Help Desk to acknowledge your November 6.