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The Oklahoma Publisher Official Publication of the Oklahoma Press Association www.OkPress.com Vol. 87, No. 11 www.Facebook.com/okpress 12 Pages • November 2016 INSIDE Postal Service offers marked copy alternative Thanks to an accomplishing it required a lot of chang- OVERTIME: The new understanding with es at USPS, including some training NNA’S ENROLLMENT PROCESS overtime rule goes into effect the National News- adjustments and accommodating con- FOR ALTERNATE MARKED COPY December 1. See if your paper Association, cerns of some non-newspaper users of 1. Email the USPS PostalOne! Help Desk at newspaper will be affected by Periodicals publica- Periodicals mail,” said Heath. [email protected]. Or telephone 1-800-522- this rule. tions mailers are “We are fortunate to have willing 9085 option 3, then 6. PAGE 4 able to opt into a partners in the Postal Service’s business 2. Attach the completed Excel form providing infor- new process for systems department who were willing to EARTHQUAKE DAMAGE: mation about your publication. A separate form verifying the advertising content of their work through the intricacies of chang- The Cushing Citizen newspaper is needed for each publication. Form available at mail with the U.S. Postal Service. ing this rule. Now our job is to educate office was damaged by the http://tinyurl.com/zedkx7j) Postal rules currently require news- our members on the value of making the 5.0 magnitude earthquake on papers mailers to provide the USPS with change. I believe they will be glad to get 3. Wait for the Help Desk to acknowledge your November 6. a copy of each issue marked by hand, rid of the burden of doing these marked request by email. Verify that the information is cor- PAGE 7 indicating the paid advertising percent- copies every week.” rect and, if necessary, send a follow up email to PART 3 WEB DESIGN: age. NNA is pleased to help its members the Help Desk with any additional changes. Your Keith Burgin finishes his series Now, the Postal Service will permit streamline their mailing processes, said postmaster or Business Mail Entry Unit (BMEU) will with a look at how to structure publishers to enroll in an annual verifica- Matthew Paxton IV, NNA president and contact you to confirm the start date for your enroll- your website. tion. After being accepted, the “marked publisher of The News-Gazette in Lex- ment at which time you will stop submitting marked PAGE 11 copy” will no longer have to be submit- ington, Virginia. copies with each issue or edition. It doesn’t hurt ted for every issue. Instead, next Sep- “Time is money, and in today’s elec- for you to follow up with your local USPS associ- DONATE TO ONF to receive tember post offices will randomly select tronic world, many of our members ate if you haven’t been contacted in a reasonable this Will Rogers print. Details at one issue from the year and ask publish- were doing everything online except for amount of time. Throughout the year, it is important OkPress.com/will-rogers. ers to present a single marked copy of this one burdensome step,” said Pax- to retain a marked copy of each published issue that issue. If the marked copy and the ton. “Postmaster General Megan Bren- and edition for USPS review (September-October). postage statement’s claimed advertising nan and her team wisely recognized an 4. Your next action will be in September-October, total match, the publisher will be cleared opportunity for all parties to avoid this 2017. At that time, the postmaster or BMEU will for the rest of the year. If there is a dif- unnecessary compliance procedure so contact you with a request to submit the selected ference in the advertising amount within we could devote our time to building our issue(s) to the post office or BMEU. a 5 percent rate of understatement, fur- businesses. We think this new process 5. If the advertising percentage for the initial marked ther procedures will be conducted. may take a little time to become rote for copy sampled is less than or equal to 5% of the NNA Postal Committee Chair Max our circulation people. But in the end, it amount of advertising claimed on Form 3541 no Heath said his committee had worked makes eminent sense to sign up now and assessment is applied and you will be approved for for this change for about two years. start saving some time.” another year. “This step seemed pretty simple, but 6. If the advertising percentage for the marked copy sampled is greater than 5% of the amount of advertising claimed on Form 3541, an assessment may be applied to the initial issue and the USPS will review an additional 4 marked copies. If any of the 4 sampled are greater than 5% of the amount of advertising claimed on Form 3541, an assess- ment may be applied to the additional 4 issues. A final assessment, averaging the difference of the additional 4 samples, may be applied to any un- sampled issues published throughout the year. 7. Remember that the postage payment being exam- ined is for your Outside County copies, and then only for the pound price postage percentage for the issues. Thus, adjustments should be relatively minor if they occur. But if your issues fail, it may signal that you and the USPS do not agree on your measurement system, and you may need to work together to be back in sync to remain in the pro- gram for the year. 8. You will have a right to appeal if you disagree with Past presidents of the Oklahoma Press Association met November 10, 2016, at the any postage assessment. Embassy Suites in downtown Oklahoma City for the annual Past Presidents Dinner. Standing: Tom Muchmore, David Stringer, Rusty Ferguson, Jeff Mayo, Steve Booher 9. If all is well, just keep mailing. You won’t hear from and Jeff Funk. Seated: Jeff Shultz, John D. Montgomery, Don Ferrell, Tom McCurdy, the postmaster again for validation until September Dayva Spitzer and Sean Dyer. 2018. 2 The Oklahoma Publisher // November 2016 pouring each individual block himself to facilitate equipment upgrades to their with a mold purchased from Montgom- newspaper and job printing operation. CIMARRON TEXAS BEAVER HARPER ery Ward. In 1986, Tim joined forces with pub- With his son, Omer N. Schnoebelen, lishing partners to purchase a four-unit ELLIS now at the reigns of the newspaper, the offset press and they began printing for second generation began raising three as many as 18 weekly publications over members of the third generation in the the years. Tim eventually purchased the ROGER clutches of the news industry. press from his partners. MILLS Tim Schnoebelen was one of those In 1996, the fourth generation entered BECKHAM three kids and remembers sleeping as the picture as Tim’s son Jeff and his wife a small child about anywhere he could Jennifer moved back home from Dallas BY OPA PRESIDENT DAYVA SPITZER GREER find a flat and protected spot in the press to work in tandem with his father to Co-Publisher, Sayre Record room. build the business. The Schnoebelen’s & Beckham County Democrat HARMON Omer N. and Margaerite continued now also own newspapers in Shattuck running the paper until 1967 when Omer and Waynoka and continue to provide suffered a heart attack. Tim, who was print services for newspapers in Vici, just weeks away from graduating col- Taloga and Cherokee. Schnoebelen legacy continues lege, rushed home with his wife Karen The Schnoebelen legacy continues and son Jeff to take over the manage- with Jeff and Jennifer’s four children ment of the newspaper. Soon, three who have all grown up under the influ- at helm of The Mooreland Leader more children were born to begin the ences of the family business and surely The Schnoebelen name has been rience he had developed back home. He next generation. have a bit of ink running through their synonymous with quality newspaper agreed to give it a shot. More additions to the publishing veins. publishing for 114 years in Mooreland, Town citizens helped Omer secure facility came in 1970 as Tim expanded A rich foundation has been laid if they Oklahoma. 500 subscribers for $1 each to begin wish to continue in the family way. The Mooreland Leader is the subject the process. Along with a little finan- of this month’s Weeklies Out West with cial help from family members back in the unique distinction of being one of Iowa, Omer was able to purchase the the few existing weekly newspapers in needed equipment to begin publishing Oklahoma that has been published by The Mooreland Leader on April 18, the same family since its establishment. 1903. The publication has not missed an When one walks in the front door edition since. of The Leader, quality journalism is Mooreland, originally named Dail validated by the existence of numerous in 1901, was changed when registered newspaper awards, five OPA Sequoyah because of another community of that Awards and a 2012 Milt Phillips Award, name in the territory. The original spell- which was secured by third generation ing of the new town name was actually co-publisher Tim Schnoebelen. “Moreland” but a spelling error on the The history of the city of Mooreland original plat and registry rendered the has much to do with the establishment Mooreland title. of the newspaper. Twenty-year-old Omer Schnoebelen married Eda Knittel, a F. Schnoebelen, from Riverside, Iowa, Riverside girl who was living in Moore- was encouraged to visit Mooreland by land when he arrived.