1 A Stochastic Model for Electron Transfer in Bacterial Cables Nicolo` Michelusi, Sahand Pirbadian, Mohamed Y. El-Naggar and Urbashi Mitra

Abstract—Biological systems are known to communicate by network is described, and aspects such as reliability and speed diffusing chemical signals in the surrounding medium. However, of convergence of consensus are investigated. In [14], [15], a most of the recent literature has neglected the electron transfer new molecular modulation scheme for nanonetworks is pro- mechanism occurring amongst living cells, and its role in cell- cell communication. Each cell relies on a continuous flow of posed and analyzed, based on the idea of time-sharing between electrons from its electron donor to its electron acceptor through different types of molecules in order to effectively suppress the to produce energy in the form of the interference. In [16], an in-vitro molecular communication the molecule , and to sustain the cell’s system is designed and, in [17], an energy model is proposed, vital operations and functions. While the importance of biological based on molecular diffusion. electron transfer is well-known for individual cells, the past decade has also brought about remarkable discoveries of multi- While communication via chemical signals has been the fo- cellular microbial communities that transfer electrons between cus of most prior investigations, experimental evidence on the cells and across centimeter length scales, e.g., biofilms and multi- microbial emission and response to three physical signals, i.e., cellular bacterial cables. These experimental observations open sound waves, electromagnetic radiation and electric currents, up new frontiers in the design of electron-based communications suggests that physical modes of microbial communication networks in microbial communities, which may coexist with the more well-known communication strategies based on molecular could be widespread in nature [18]. In particular, commu- diffusion, while benefiting from a much shorter communication nication exploiting electron transfer in a bacterial network delay. This paper develops a stochastic model that links the has previously been observed in nature [19] and in bacterial electron transfer mechanism to the energetic state of the cell. colonies in lab [20]. This multi-cellular communication is The model is also extensible to larger communities, by allowing usually triggered by extreme environmental conditions, e.g., for electron exchange between neighboring cells. Moreover, the parameters of the stochastic model are fit to experimental data lack of electron donor (ED) or electron acceptor (EA), in turn available in the literature, and are shown to provide a good fit. resulting in various gene expression levels and functions in different cells within the community, and enables the entire community to survive under harsh conditions. Electron transfer I.INTRODUCTION is fundamental to cellular respiration: each cell relies on a Biological systems are known to communicate by diffusing continuous flow of electrons from an ED to an EA through chemical signals in the surrounding medium. One example is the cell’s electron transport chain (ETC) to produce energy in quorum sensing [2]–[4], where the concentration of certain sig- the form of the molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and to nature chemical compounds emitted by the is used to sustain its vital operations and functions. This strategy, known estimate the bacterial population size, so as to simultaneously as oxidative phosphorylation, is employed by all respiratory activate a certain collective behavior. More recently, molecular microorganisms. In this regard, we can view the flow of one communication has been proposed as a viable communication electron from the ED to the EA as an energy unit which is har- scheme for nanodevices and nanonetworks, and is under vested from the surrounding medium to power the operations IEEE standards consideration [5]. The performance evaluation, of the cell, and stored in an internal ”rechargeable battery” optimization and design of molecular communications systems (energy queue, e.g., see the literature on energy harvesting for

arXiv:1410.1838v2 [cs.ET] 20 Feb 2015 opens up new challenges in the information theory [6]–[9]. The wireless communications and references therein [21]–[23]). achievable capacity of the chemical channel using molecular While the importance of biological electron transfer and communication is investigated in [10], [11], under Brownian oxidative phosphorylation is well-known for individual cells, motion, and in [12], under a diffusion channel. In [13], a new the past decade has also brought about remarkable discov- architecture for networks of bacteria to form a data collecting eries of multi-cellular microbial communities that transfer electrons between cells and across much larger length scales N. Michelusi and U. Mitra are with the Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA; than previously thought [24]. Within the span of only a few M. Y. El-Naggar and S. Pirbadian are with the Department of Physics and years, observations of microbial electron transfer have jumped Astronomy, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA; emails: from nanometer to centimeter length scales, and the structural {michelus,spirbadi,mnaggar,ubli}@usc.edu N. Michelusi and U. Mitra acknowledge support from one or all of basis of this remarkably long-range transfer has evolved from these grants: ONR N00014-09-1-0700, CCF-0917343, CCF-1117896, CNS- recently discovered molecular assemblies known as bacterial 1213128, AFOSR FA9550-12-1-0215, and DOT CA-26-7084-00. S. Pirbadian nanowires [24]–[26], to entire macroscopic architectures, in- and M. Y. El-Naggar acknowledge support from NASA Cooperative Agree- ment NNA13AA92A and grant DE-FG02-13ER16415 from the Division of cluding biofilms and multi-cellular bacterial cables, consisting Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences, Office of Basic Energy of thousands of cells lined up end-to-end in marine sediments Sciences of the US Department of Energy. N. Michelusi is in part supported [19], [27] (see Fig. 1). Therein, the cells in the deeper regions by AEIT (Italian association of electrical engineering) through the research scholarship ”Isabella Sassi Bonadonna 2013”. of the sediment where the ED is located extract more electrons, Parts of this work have appeared in [1]. while the cells in the upper layers, where Oxygen (an EA) is 2

with respect to molecular diffusion is that the electron is both an energy carrier involved in the energy production for the cell to sustain its functionalities, and an information carrier, which enables the transport of information between nanodevices, thus introducing additional constraints in the encoded signal.

Electron-based communication presents significant advan- tages, as discussed above, but this phenomenon also raises new intriguing questions. While a single cell can extract enough free energy to power life’s reactions by exploiting the redox potential difference between ED oxidation and EA reduction, how can the same potential difference be used to power an Figure 1. Fluorescent image of filamentous Desulfobulbaceae. Bacterial cells entire multicellular assembly such as the Desulfobulbaceae are aligned to form the cable, which couples Oxygen reduction at the marine sediment surface to sulphide reduction in deeper anoxic layers by transferring bacterial cables [19]? Specifically, can intermediate cells sur- electrons along its length. From [19]. vive without access to chemical ED or EA, by exploiting the potential difference between cells in the deeper sediment more abundant, have a heightened transfer of electrons to the (sulfide oxidizers) and cells in the oxic zone (oxygen reduc- EA. The survival of the whole system relies on this division ers)? For a cable consisting of thousands of cells this appears of labor, with the intermediate cells operating as ”relays” of unlikely, since the free energy available for an intermediate electrons to coordinate this collective response to the spatial cell is inversely proportional to the total number of cells. Are separation of ED and EA. It is worth noticing that other additional, yet unknown, electron sources and sinks necessary biological cable-like mechanisms exist in nature, enabling cell- to maintain the whole community? These questions necessitate cell communication: tunneling nanotubes connect two animal flexible models that analyze emerging experimental data in or- cells for transport of organelles and membrane vesicles and der to elucidate the energetics of individual cells, as presented create complex networks of interconnected cells [28]; in the here, and, eventually, whole bacterial cables or biofilms. bacterial world, Myxococcus xanthus cells form membrane tubes that connect cells to one another in order to transfer In order to enable the modeling and control of such micro- outer membrane content [29]. bial communications network and guide future experiments, in These experimental observations raise the possibility of an this paper we set out to develop a stochastic queuing theoretic electron-based communications network in microbial commu- model that links electron transfer to the energetic state of nities, which may coexist with the more well-known communi- the cell (e.g., ATP concentration or energy charge potential). cation strategies based on molecular diffusion [14], [18], [24]. We show how the proposed model can be extended to larger For microbes, the advantage of electron-based communications communities (e.g., cables, biofilms), by allowing for electron is clear: in contrast to the relatively slow diffusion of whole transfer between neighboring cells. In particular, we analyze molecules via Brownian motion, electron transfer is a rapid the stochastic model for an isolated cell, which is the building process that enables cells to quickly sense and respond to their block of multi-cellular networks, and provide an example of environment. As an example of a communications architecture the application of the proposed framework to the computation based on electron transfer, consider a system composed of an of the cell’s lifetime. Finally, we design a parameter estimation ED terminal (transmitter, or electron source) which operates as framework and fit the parameters of the model to experimental the signal encoder, an EA terminal (receiver, or electron sink) data available in the literature. The prediction curves are and the network of bacteria; the electron signal, encoded by compared to experimental ones, showing a good fit. This paper the ED terminal and input into the network, is then relayed represents a preliminary essential modeling step towards the in a multi-hop fashion, following the natural laws of electron design and analysis of bacterial communications networks, and transfer within each cell and across neighboring cells, which provides the ground to model and control bacterial interactions this paper aims at modeling; the flow of electrons is finally (e.g., gene expressions) induced by the electron transfer signal, collected at the EA terminal. Such an electron signal, coupled and to analyze information theoretic aspects, such as the with the energetic state of each cell, can be ”decoded” by the interplay between information capacity and lifetime of the individual cells to activate a certain desired gene expression. cells, as well as communication reliability and delay. For instance, in a biofilm formed on a surface, bacteria interact with each other and with a solid phase terminal EA via This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we present electron transfer, which serves both as a respiratory advantage a stochastic model for the cell, and for the interconnection and a communications scheme for bacteria to adapt to their of cells via electron transfer. In Sec. III, we specialize the environment. Additionally, electron transfer can be employed model to the case of an isolated cell. In Sec. IV, we present in place of molecular diffusion for quickly transporting in- an application of the proposed framework to compute the formation in nanonetworks. In particular, information can be lifetime of an isolated cell. In Sec. V, we present a parameter encoded in the concentration of electrons released by the estimation framework and fit the parameters of the model to encoder into the bacterial cable, using a technique termed experimental data. Finally, Sec. VI presents some future work concentration shift keying [14], [30]. The additional challenge and Sec. VII concludes the paper. 3

be substituted for the ED or the EA, enabling cells to survive even in the absence of the ED or the EA. In this case, the pathway for the electrons is as follows: 6) High-energy1 electrons localized in the outer-membrane of a neighboring cell are transported to the host cell, and utilized in its ETC to produce ATP. Therefore, the electrons creating the proton motive force are not originating from the chemical carriers such as NADH, but instead are entering directly from the neighboring cell; Figure 2. Stochastic model of electron transfer within a bacterial cable. 7) The electrons subsequently leave the ETC and move to II.STOCHASTICCELLMODEL the outer-membrane of the host cell, and are transferred to another neighboring cell that, in turn, uses these In this section, we describe a continuous time stochastic electrons to produce ATP. model for the dynamics of electron flow and ATP production and consumption within a single cell, represented in Fig. 2. As a result, this cooperative strategy creates a multi-cellular This is the building block of more complex multi-cellular ETC that utilizes IET to distribute electrons throughout an systems, e.g., a bacterial cable, also represented in Fig. 2. entire bacterial network. These electrons originate from the ED The cell is modeled as a system with an input electron flow localized on one end of the network to the locally available EA coming either from the ED via molecular diffusion, or from on the other end. The collective electron transport through this a neighboring cell via electron transfer, and an output flow of network provides energy for all cells involved to maintain their electrons leaving either toward the EA via molecular diffusion, vital operations. The conventional ED-EA and IET processes or toward the next cell in the cable via electron transfer. may coexist, depending on the availability of both ED and We first review these well known biological and physical EA in the medium where the cell is operating and on the mechanisms and then provide our new stochastic model. Inside connectivity of the cell to neighboring ones. For instance, if the cell, the conventional pathway of electron flow, enabled the concentration of ED and EA is sufficiently large, only the by the presence of the ED and the EA, is as follows (see the conventional pathway is used by the cell for ATP production. numbers in Fig. 2): In contrast, if such concentration is too small to support ATP 1) ED molecules permeate inside the cell via molecular production, only IET from/to neighboring cells may be active. diffusion; In accordance with the steps outlined above, we propose the 2) The presence of these ED molecules inside the cell following stochastic model for the cell, as depicted in Fig. 2. results in reactions that produce electron-containing car- This model incorporates four pools: riers (e.g., NADH). These are collected in the internal 1) The IECP, containing the electron carrier molecules electron carrier pool (IECP, Fig. 2). The electron car- (e.g., NADH) produced as a result of ED diffusion across riers diffusively transfer electrons to the ETC, which is the cell membrane and chemical processes occurring partially localized in the cell inner membrane; inside the cell; 3) The electrons originating from the electron carriers flow 2) The ATP pool, containing all the ATP molecules pro- through the ETC and are discarded by either a soluble duced as a result of electron flow from the electron and internalized EA (e.g., molecular Oxygen) or are carriers through the ETC to the EA; transferred through the periplasm to the outer membrane 3) The external membrane pool, which involves the extra- and deposited on an extracellular EA; cellular respiratory pathway of the cell in the outer mem- 4) The electron flow through the ETC results in the produc- brane. This part of the ETC typically includes - tion of a proton concentration gradient (proton motive containing c-type cytochromes that facilitate electron force [31]) across the inner membrane of the cell; transfer outside of the inner membrane and into the 5) The proton motive force is utilized by an inner mem- terminal EA. In fact, the accumulation of these c-type brane protein called ATP synthase to produce ATP as cytochromes in the outer membrane forms the external an energy reserve that will later be used for various membrane pool. In order to incorporate the case of IET functions in the cell. The ATP produced in this way into this model, we assume that the external membrane is collected in the ATP pool in Fig. 2, and used by the pool is further divided into two parts: cell to sustain its vital operations and functions. a) High energy external membrane (HEEM), which Alternatively, when the cells are organized in multi-cellular contains high energy electrons coming from previ- structures, e.g., bacterial cables, an additional pathway of ous cells in the cable; electron flow may exist, termed intercellular electron transfer b) Low energy external membrane (LEEM), which (IET), which involves only a transfer of electrons between collects low energy electrons that have been used neighboring cells, as opposed to molecules (ED and EA) diffusing through the cell membrane. In this regime, one or 1Note that the terms high and low referred to the energy of electrons are used here only in relative terms, i.e., relative to the redox potential at the cell both of the ED and the EA are replaced by neighboring cells surface. In bacterial cables, the redox potential slowly decreases along the in a network of interconnected cells. In other words, IET can cable, thus inducing a net flow of electrons from one end to the opposite one. 4

to synthesize ATP, before they are transferred to a where:

neighboring cell. • mCH (t) is the number of electrons in the IECP that will Each pool in this model has a corresponding inflow and participate in the synthesis of ATP; these electrons are outflow of electrons that connect that pool to the others, and carried by ED units which diffuse through the membrane one cell to the next in the cable: into the cell (e.g., lactate), and are bonded to electron 1) The IECP gains electrons from ED molecules diffusing carriers within the cell (e.g., NADH); mCH (t) takes value into the cell and transforming into electron carriers in the set MCH ≡ {0, 1,...,MCH }, where MCH is the through a series of reactions; we model this as a flow electro-chemical storage capacity of the cell; with rate λCH joining the IECP in Fig. 2. The electrons • nAT P (t) is the number of ATP molecules within the leave this pool to the ETC (cell inner membrane) to cell, taking value in the set NAXP ≡ {0, 1,...,NAXP }, produce ATP, modeled as another flow with rate µCH where NAXP is the overall number of ATP plus ADP leaving the IECP in Fig. 2; molecules in the cell, which is assumed to be constant 2) Alternatively, electrons are transferred from neighboring over time; NAXP also represents the maximum number cells into the HEEM, corresponding to the flow with rate of ATP molecules which can be present within the cell λ(H) in Fig. 2. These electrons leave this pool to the at any time (when no ADP is present); EXT (H) ETC (cell inner membrane) to produce ATP, modeled as • qEXT (t) is the number of electrons in the HEEM, taking (H) (H) (H) another flow with rate µEXT leaving the IECP in Fig. 2; value in the set QEXT ≡ {0, 1,...,QEXT }, where (H) 3) The electron flow out of the first pool (either the IECP QEXT is the electron ”storage capacity” of the HEEM; or the HEEM) directly causes the synthesis of ATP, so (L) • qEXT (t) is the number of electrons in the LEEM, taking (H) (L) (L) that the overall flow into the ATP pool is µCH + µ . EXT value in the set QEXT ≡ {0, 1,...,QEXT }, where On the other hand, ATP consumption via ATP hydrolysis Q(L) is the electron ”storage capacity” of the LEEM. within the cell through various functions is responsible EXT for the ATP molecules leaving the ATP pool, with rate Remark 1 For simplicity, we assume that all the quantities µAT P ; related to the state of the cell and to the flows of elec- 4) As a simplification, we assume that there are two major trons/molecules are in terms of equivalent number of electrons pathways for the electron output of the ETC: internalized involved, rather than molecular units. Hence, for instance, the molecular Oxygen in aerobic conditions and transport ATP level in the ATP pool, nAT P (t), actually represents the to the external membrane in anaerobic conditions. The equivalent number of electrons involved in the synthesis of the former case, modeled as a flow with rate µOUT leaving corresponding quantity of ATP available in the cell. Similarly, the cell to the EA in Fig. 2, does not involve the the level of NADH in the IECP, mCH (t), is expressed in terms external membrane pool but only the EA. In contrast, of the equivalent number of electrons carried by the electron the latter involves the extracellular respiration pathway, carriers, which actively synthesize ATP. A similar interpreta- which includes the external membrane. The electrons in tion holds for the flows (of electrons, rather than molecules or this case are collected in the LEEM, i.e., the flow with (L) mM, where M stands for ”1 molar”). Transition from one rate λEXT in Fig. 2. The electrons in this pool can, in representation (electrons) to the other (molecules or mM) is turn, be transferred to neighboring cells, modeled as a (L) possible by appropriate scaling. flow with rate µEXT leaving the LEEM of cell 1 to the Moreover, while in the following analysis we assume that HEEM of cell 2 in Fig. 2, or to solid phase terminal one ”unit” corresponds to one electron, this can be gen- EAs, not represented in Fig. 2. eralized to the case where one ”unit” corresponds to NE In addition, because typical values for transfer rates between electrons, so that, e.g., nAT P units in the ATP pool correspond electron carriers (e.g., outer-membrane cytochromes) on the to NEnAT P electrons. cell exterior are relatively high [26], one can assume that the external membranes of neighboring cells have high transfer Note that, if the cell is connected to other cells in a larger rates between one another, i.e., when IET is active, we have community, the low (respectively, high) energy external mem- (L) (H) brane is shared with the high (low) energy external membrane µEXT = λEXT = ∞, so that any electron collected in the LEEM is instantaneously transferred to the HEEM of the of the neighboring cell, owing to the high transfer rate neighboring cell in the cable. Under these assumptions, we approximation, as explained above. Additionally, we denote can simplify the model by combining the LEEM and HEEM the state of death of the cell as DEAD (to be specified later). pools of Fig. 2 together, so that any pair of neighboring cells The state space of the cell is denoted as share a single pool for IET. On the other hand, if the cell is  (L) (H)  (L) (H) SI ≡ MCH × NAXP × QEXT × QEXT ∪ {DEAD}. isolated, no IET occurs, hence µEXT = 0 and/or λEXT = 0. This latter case will be studied in more detail in Sec. III. Note that the behavior of the cell is influenced by the We model the cell as a finite state machine, and characterize concentration of the ED and the EA in the surrounding the state of the cell and its stochastic evolution. The internal medium. Therefore, we also define the external state of the state of a given cell at time t is defined as cell as sE(t) = (σD(t), σA(t)), where σD(t) and σA(t) are,  (L) (H)  respectively, the external concentration of the ED and the EA. sI (t) = mCH (t), nAT P (t), qEXT (t), qEXT (t) , (1) For simplicity, we assume that sE(t) is an exogenous process, 5

(a) ED diffusion: One electron is (b) IET: One electron is collected in (c) Conventional aerobic ATP synthe- (d) Conventional anaerobic ATP syn- transported by the ED through the the HEEM via IET from a neighboring sis: One electron is taken from the thesis: One electron is taken from the cell membrane and is collected in the cell IECP to synthesize ATP, and is then IECP to synthesize ATP, and is then IECP captured by an EA, leaving the cell collected in the LEEM

(e) Unconventional aerobic ATP syn- (f) Unconventional anaerobic ATP (g) ATP consumption: One ATP thesis: One electron is taken from the synthesis: One electron is taken from molecule is consumed to produce en- HEEM to synthesize ATP, and is then the HEEM to synthesize ATP, and is ergy for the cell captured by an EA then collected in the LEEM

Figure 3. Markov chain and transitions from state sI (t) = (2, 3, 1, 3), i.e., two electrons are in the IECP, three ATP units are in the ATP pool, one electron is in the LEEM, and three electrons are in the HEEM, respectively (see Fig. 2) not influenced by the cell dynamics, i.e., the consumption process is coupled with the anaerobic ATP synthesis (see of the ED and the EA by the cell does not influence their definition below) process of the neighboring cell i − 1 concentration in the surrounding medium. This requires that from which the electron is transferred; in fact, owing the medium in which cells are suspended is continuously being to the high transfer rate approximation, the LEEM of replaced by fresh medium containing a constant amount of the cell i − 1 is shared with the HEEM of cell i, so that ED and the EA. Otherwise a high cell concentration would use the rate of electron flow into the HEEM of cell i is (L) (i−1) (i−1) up all the resources in the time-scales relevant to this model. λEXT (sI (t); sE (t)); This aspect will be considered in future work, and is beyond • Conventional ATP synthesis: this process involves the the scope of the current paper. transfer of one electron from the IECP to the (i) The internal state process of cell i, sI (t) ∈ SI (see internal membrane to synthesize ATP, with rate (i) µ (s(i)(t), s(i)(t)) [electrons/s]. Correspondingly, one Eq. 1), is time-varying and stochastic; sI (t) evolves as a CH I E consequence of electro/chemical reactions occurring within molecule of ATP is generated; the electron then leaves the the cell, chemical diffusion through the cell membrane, and internal membrane and follows either the aerobic pathway IET from the neighboring cell i − 1 to the neighboring cell (i.e., it is captured by an internalized EA, such as Oxygen, (i) see Fig. 3.c), with overall rate µ (s(i)(t); s(i)(t)), i+1. The evolution of sI (t) is also influenced by the external OUT I E s(i)(t) or the anaerobic one (Fig. 3.d) and is collected in the state E experienced by the cell. We define the following (i) (i) (i) LEEM, with overall rate λEXT (sI (t); sE (t)) (note that processes affecting the evolution of sI (t), all of which, for analytical tractability, are modeled as Poisson processes with this is also the HEEM of cell i + 1). If the aerobic (i) + state-dependent rates; these processes are represented in Fig. 2 pathway is followed, the new state becomes sI (t ) = (L) (H) and the corresponding state transitions are depicted in Fig. 3: (mCH −1, nAT P +1, qEXT , qEXT ) (Fig. 3.c). Otherwise s(i)(t+) = • (anaerobic pathway), the new state becomes I ED diffusion through the membrane: ED molecules carry (L) (H) electrons to synthesize ATP, which are stored in the IECP; (mCH − 1, nAT P + 1, qEXT + 1, qEXT ) (Fig. 3.d); (i) (i) • Unconventional ATP synthesis: this process involves this process occurs with rate λCH (sI (t); sE (t)) [elec- trons/s]. Whenever an ED diffuses through the membrane the transfer of one electron from the HEEM to (i) the internal membrane to synthesize ATP, with rate within the cell (say, at time t), the state mCH (t) increases (H) (i) (i) by one unit (Fig. 3.a), so that the internal state moves µEXT (sI (t), sE (t)) [electrons/s]. Afterwards, the (i) (L) (H) electron follows a similar path as in the conventional from sI (t) = (mCH , nAT P , qEXT , qEXT ) at time t (i) ATP synthesis, i.e., either it is captured by an to s (t+) = (m + 1, n , q , q ) at time I CH AT P EXT EXT internalized EA (aerobic pathway), with overall instant t+; rate µ (s(i)(t); s(i)(t)), or it is collected in the • IET from the neighboring cell i − 1: the electron OUT I E LEEM of the cell (anaerobic pathway), with overall rate is collected in the HEEM, so that the correspond- (L) (i) (i) (i) λ (s (t); s (t)) ing state increases by one unit and s (t+) = EXT I E . In the former case, the new state I (i) + (L) (H) (L) (H) becomes sI (t )=(mCH , nAT P +1, qEXT , qEXT −1) (mCH , nAT P , qEXT , qEXT + 1) (Fig. 3.b); note that this 6

(Fig. 3.e); in the latter, (i) + (L) (H) sI (t )=(mCH , nAT P +1, qEXT +1, qEXT − 1) (Fig. 3.f); • ATP consumption: this process provides energy for cellu- (i) (i) lar functions, and occurs with rate µAT P (sI (t); sE (t)) [electrons/s]; when one molecule of ATP is consumed, the (i) (i) + state nAT P (t) decreases by one unit, so that sI (t ) = (L) (H) (mCH , nAT P − 1, qEXT , qEXT ) (Fig. 3.g); (i) (i) • Death process, with rate δ(sI (t); sE (t)): if death (i) + occurs, the new state becomes sI (t ) = DEAD, from which the cell cannot recover any longer, i.e., Figure 4. Stochastic model for an isolated cell, after the transient phase s(i)(τ) = DEAD, ∀τ > t. during which the HEEM gets depleted and the LEEM gets charged (left), and I Markov chain with the corresponding transitions (right), for the case where MCH = 4, NAXP = 4. The transition rates from state (2, 2) are also depicted. A. Flow Constraints Note that the rates of the different flows involved need is the building block of the general multi-cell system. The ex- to satisfy some constraints, induced by the queuing model perimental investigation of a multi-cellular network of bacteria employed. In particular, if some queue is empty (respectively, is very challenging, in fact: saturated), the rate of the corresponding outbound (respec- 1) In order to build a chain of interconnected cells, single- tively, inbound) flow must be zero, so that, for instance, for cell organisms have to be placed in each other’s proxim- the flows out of and into the ATP pool, the following condition ity. Placing multiple cells next or close to each other in must hold: a controlled way that maintains the intercellular contact

(L) (H) is very difficult in practice and requires cellular ma- µAT P (mCH , 0, qEXT , qEXT ; sE) = 0, (outbound flow), nipulation techniques such as optical tweezers [33], as (L) (H) well as nanofabricated micron-scaled chambers designed µCH (mCH ,NAXP , qEXT , qEXT ; sE) specifically to hold these communities in place; + µ(H) (m ,N , q(L) , q(H) ; s )=0, . EXT CH AXP EXT EXT E (inbound flow) 2) In vivo characterization of the energetic and electron A similar consideration holds for the other queues and the transfer properties of an individual cell within this chain corresponding flows. Moreover, independently from the other cells requires complex chemical and optical assays that have never been used (H) (L) µEXT (sI ; sE)+µCH (sI ; sE)=λEXT (sI ; sE)+µOUT (sI ; sE), in such complicated systems. Therefore, instead of the most general case of the model since each electron leaving either the IECP or the HEEM to (multi-cell system), we start by investigating the properties synthesize ATP either follows the aerobic pathway to the EA of single, isolated cells. Using a few simplifying assumptions, or the anaerobic one to the LEEM. the general model can be reduced to a single cell model which We further assume that can be more easily matched against experimental results. In addition, the single-cell experiments are not hindered by the λCH (sI ; σD, σA) = σDλCH (sI ; 1, σA), (2) practical issues mentioned above, which makes them easier to µOUT (sI ; σD, σA) = σAµOUT (sI ; σD, 1), (3) perform. In this way, we can characterize the properties of the thus capturing the fact that the molecular diffusion rate is individual components, which will help us better understand proportional to the ED (respectively, EA) concentration. This the electron transport in multi-cellular systems. In the case of an isolated cell, the IET process is not active, assumption is supported by Fick’s law of diffusion [32], which (H) (L) states that the diffusion rate is linearly dependent on the con- and λEXT (t) = µEXT (t) = 0. As a result, the HEEM gets centration differential between inside and outside. It follows depleted, and the LEEM gets filled. Therefore, after a transient phase, the cell reaches the configuration depicted in Fig. 4, that, if no ED is present (σD = 0), then λCH (sI ; 0, σA) = 0 and no ED diffusion may occur. Similarly, if no EA is where the HEEM is empty, and the LEEM is fully charged. In the following treatment, we assume that the transient phase present (σA = 0), then µOUT (sI ; σD, 0) = 0 and no EA (L) (L) (H) diffusion may occur. In Sec. V-A, a parametric model for is concluded, hence qEXT (t) = QEXT and qEXT (t) = 0, ∀t, (L) (H) (L) these flows is presented, based on which the model is fit to so that the state (qEXT (t), qEXT (t)) = (QEXT , 0) of the experimental data. external membrane can be neglected. Assuming that the cell operates in this configuration, we thus redefine its internal state as sI (t) = (mCH (t), nAT P (t)). III.ISOLATED CELL MODEL The corresponding Markov chain and state transitions are In the most general case, electron transport in a series depicted in Fig. 4. From the continuous-time process described of interconnected single-cell organisms is represented by the in Sec. II, we now generate a discrete-time process, as detailed proposed stochastic model. However, this model can also below. Initially, we assume that the external state sE(t) is explain the electron transport behavior of a single cell, which fixed, i.e., σD(t) = σD, ∀t and σA(t) = σA, ∀t. The case 7

where sE(t) is piecewise constant will be considered in Sec. where we have defined the total flow from state i, Ri = P III-D. The discretization is obtained by sampling the state pro- s λi,s, we have marginalized with respect to Wi,j, we have cess sI (t) at specific times, corresponding to one of the events used the independence among {Wi,s, ∀s} and P(Wi,s > w) = described in Sec. II, specialized to the case of an isolated e−λi,sw. From (5), we thus obtain the transition probability cell: molecular diffusion; conventional aerobic ATP synthesis; P(Sk+1 = j|Sk = i) by letting τ = t in (5) and by noticing ATP consumption; death. Starting from time t = 0 in state that the resulting expression is independent of t, i.e., sI (0) ∈ SI , we define Tk as the time instant corresponding λi,j to the occurrence of the kth event since time 0, and S as (Sk+1 = j|Sk = i, Tk = t) = = (Sk+1 = j|Sk = i). k P R P the corresponding state at time instant T + (i.e., right after the i k We now compute the distribution of the inter-arrival time corresponding transition occurs). In particular, T0 = 0 and Tk+1 − Tk as S0 = sI (0). Note that, by sampling, we have transformed the continuous-time stochastic process into a discrete-time Markov P(Tk+1 − Tk > τ − t|Sk = i, Sk+1 = j, Tk = t) chain, with finite state space SI . However, the duration of the P(Sk+1 = j, Tk+1 > τ|Sk = i, Tk = t) −R (τ−t) kth time-slot, T − T , is not fixed but is a random variable = = e i . k+1 k (S = j|S = i, T = t) which depends on the inter-arrival time of the events described P k+1 k k in Sec. III-D. In the subsequent sections, we first derive the Note that the resulting expression is independent of Sk+1 and transition probabilities of the underlying discrete time Markov of time t, since the process is stationary. We can thus write chain and the inter-arrival times of the events, thus leading to −Ri(τ−t) P(Tk+1 − Tk > τ − t|Sk = i) = e . (6) a full-characterization of the stochastic dynamics of sI (t). We then provide an example of applicability of this framework to We define the (|SI | − 1) × (|SI | − 1) transition probability the computation of the lifetime of the cell. Finally, in Sec. V, matrix T of the underlying discrete-time Markov chain within we present a parameter estimation framework and match the SI \{DEAD}, with entries T(i, j) = P(Sk+1 = j|Sk = model to experimental data available in [34]. i), i, j ∈ SI \{DEAD} (we do not consider transitions from DEAD, since this is absorbing). The transition probability A. Transition Probabilities and inter-arrival times T from i ∈ SI \{DEAD} to DEAD is then given by 1 − ei T1, In this section, we compute the transition probability of the where 1 is the column vector of all ones, and ei equals 1 in underlying discrete-time Markov chain, and the distribution the position corresponding to state i, and zero otherwise. of the inter-arrival times in the corresponding continuous time 2 system. To this end, let Sk = i ∈ SI \{DEAD} be the state B. State distribution of the system at time t > 0 of the cell at time T +. We compute the transition probability k Given the analysis of the underlying discrete-time Markov P(Sk+1 = j, Tk+1 > τ|Sk = i, Tk = t), (4) chain and of the inter-arrival times in the previous section, we are now able to compute the state distribution of the system for some j ∈ SI , τ ≥ t (note that, due to the memoryless at a generic time t, given that SI (0) = i. We define property of Poisson processes, the event Sk+1 = j, Tk+1 > τ conditioned on Sk = i, Tk = t is independent of the realization Pt(j|i) = P(SI (t) = j|SI (0) = i), j ∈ SI \{DEAD}. (7) of {(Sj,Tj), 0 ≤ j < k}). Let λi,j be the transition rate from state i to state j, which depends on the specific event In order to compute it, let 0 < h < t. By the memoryless which triggers the transition. For instance, if i corresponds to property of Poisson processes, (m , n ) and j to (m , n − 1), then a transition X CH AT P CH AT P Pt(j|i) = P(SI (t) = j, SI (t − h) = s|SI (0) = i) from state i to state j occurs if the ATP consumption event s∈SI \{DEAD} occurs, with rate λi,j = µAT P (sI ; sE). The transition from X = h(j|s) t−h(s|i). (8) state i to state j can be interpreted as follows. Let Ei,s P P be the event which triggers the transition from i to s, and s∈SI \{DEAD} t + Wi,s be the time when such event occurs (with respect It follows that, ∀i, j ∈ SI \{DEAD}, to the reference time-position t). From the properties of X (j|i) − (j|i) = ( (j|s) − δ ) (s|i). Poisson processes, we have that Wi,s is an exponential random Pt Pt−h Ph j,s Pt−h −λi,sw s∈SI \{DEAD} variable, with pdf fWi,s (w) = λi,se , and that {Wi,s, ∀s} are mutually independent. Then, the system moves to state j Then, dividing by h and taking the limit for h → 0, we obtain if t + Wi,j < t + Wi,s, ∀s 6= j, i.e., the event Ei,j is the first dPt(j|i) X Ph(j|s) − δj,s one to occur, which thus triggers the transition. Therefore, the = lim Pt(s|i). (9) dt h→0 h probability (4) is equivalent to s∈SI \{DEAD}

(Sk+1 = j, Tk+1 > τ|Sk = i, Tk = t) (5) Ph(j|s)−δj,s Ph(s|s)−δs,s P Note that lim = λs,j, and lim = −Rs. h→0 h h→0 h = P(t + Wi,j > τ, Wi,j < Wi,s, ∀s 6= j|Sk = i, Tk = t) Substituting in (9), we obtain the system of differential equa- Z ∞ λ −λi,j w Y i,j −Ri(τ−t) tions = λi,je P(Wi,s > w)dw = e , τ−t Ri d t(j|i) X s6=j P = λ (s|i) − R (j|i), ∀i, j. (10) dt s,jPt jPt 2 s∈S \{DEAD,j} In this section, i is an index corresponding to a specific state in SI . I 8

Qn−1 Letting Pt be the (|SI |−1)×(|SI |−1) matrix with components where we have defined m=0 Cm = C0 × C1 × · · · × Cn−1, Pt(i, j) = Pt(j|i), i, j ∈ SI \{DEAD}, we can rewrite the and we have used the fact that, from the Markov property, system of differential equations (10) as X P(sI (t) = j|sI (0) = i) = P(sI (t) = j|sI (τn) = sn) P0 = P A, (11) t t s0,s1,...,sn∈SI \{DEAD} n−1 where we have defined the flow matrix A with components Y 0 × (sI (τm+1) = sm+1|sI (τm) = sm), A(s, j) = λs,j for j 6= s and A(j, j) = −Rj, and Pt P m=0 represents the first-order derivative of Pt with respect to time. Note that A = R(T − I), where T is the transition and, since sE(τ) is constant in the time interval [τm, τm+1), matrix of the underlying discrete-time Markov chain within the probability P(sI (τm+1) = sm+1|sI (τm) = sm) can be SI \{DEAD}, derived in the previous section, R is the computed as in Sec. III-A. rate matrix, a diagonal matrix with entries R(i, i) = Ri, and I is the unit matrix. Moreover, by Gershgorin’s circle IV. APPLICATION TO CELL-LIFETIME COMPUTATION, Theorem [35], all eigenvalues of A are non-positive. The ISOLATED CELL general solution to (11) subject to P0 = I is For every cell in the bacterial chain, it is possible that, at Pt = exp{At}, (12) some point in time, due to variations in the energetic state of where we have defined the matrix exponential exp{At} = the cell and changes to the supply of the ED and the EA, the k P∞ t Ak. Note that such solution guarantees a feasi- cell reaches a state where its ATP consumption rate reaches a k=0 k! minimum value (e.g., zero). Once a cell enters this state, it is ble transition probability matrix, i.e., [Pt]i,j ≥ 0 and P considered dead and its ATP consumption rate may not restore [Pt]i,j ≤ 1. j to normal values, thus jeopardizing the overall functionality of the cable. Accordingly, the time it takes for a cell to C. Numerical evaluation of P t reach this irreversible state is defined as the lifetime of the Unfortunately, from our numerical evaluations, we have cell. This quantity can be measured experimentally by using verified that A can seldom be diagonalized. Therefore, we indicators of cellular respiratory activity. In an experimental employ an alternative solution to efficiently compute Pt. Let setup where cells in a bacterial chain can be characterized ∆  1 and n = dt/∆e. Then, the general solution can be on an individual basis, cellular lifetime is one of the easiest approximated as measurable quantities that contains a significant amount of n n n information regarding the specific properties of the target cell. Pt =[exp{A∆}] exp{A(t−∆n)}'[exp{A∆}] =P∆, (13) In this section, we apply the stochastic model presented in where we have used the approximation exp{A(t − ∆n)}' I, Sec. III to the computation of the lifetime of an isolated cell, which holds for ∆  1. Moreover, since we assume ∆  1, defined as follows. we approximate the matrix exponential P∆ = exp{A∆} with the first order Taylor approximation Definition 1 The lifetime of the cell, L, is defined as ˜ P∆ ' I + ∆A = I − ∆R(I − T) , P∆. (14) L = min{t > 0 : SI (t) = DEAD}. (15) Note that the approximation P˜ of P is a feasible transition ∆ ∆ ∗ Equivalently, letting k = min{k > 0 : Sk = DEAD}, we matrix with non-negative entries, if ∆ < mini{1/Ri}. have L = Tk∗ . In this section, we compute the probability density function D. Extension to sE(t) piecewise constant (pdf) of the lifetime, fL(t; π0), as well as the expected lifetime In this section, we extend the previous analysis to the case E[L|π0], given some initial state distribution π0(i), i ∈ SI \ where the external ambient state is piecewise constant, i.e., {DEAD}. fL(t; π0) is given by (we use P to denote also a pdf) sE(t) = sE,n, ∀n ∈ [τn, τn+1), ∀n ≥ 0, where 0 = τ0 and τn < τn+1, ∀n ≥ 0. This analysis is of interest for fL(t; π0) = P(L = t|π0) (16) the following experimental evaluation: the ED concentration is ∞ X varied in order to measure the response in terms of fluctuations = P(L = t, Death occurs at the (k + 1)th event|π0). in the ATP level within the cell. k=0 For this case, it is straightforward to derive the probability Note that the event (L = t,Death occurs at the (k+1)th event) of the cell being in state sI (t) = j ∈ SI \{DEAD} at time t ∈ is equivalent to [τn, τn+1), for some n ≥ 0, given sI (0) = i ∈ SI \{DEAD}. To this end, let Tn be the transition probability matrix within Sk ∈ SI \{DEAD}, Sk+1 = DEAD,Tk+1 = t, (17) S \{DEAD}, R be the rate matrix, and A = R (T − I) I n n n n i.e., the cell is alive upon occurrence of the kth event, and dies be the flow matrix when s (t) = s . Then, ∀t ∈ [τ , τ ) E E,n n n+1 upon occurrence of the (k + 1)th event. Therefore, we obtain we have " n−1 # ∞ Y X X Pt = exp{Am(τm+1 − τm)} × exp{An(t − τn)}. fL(t; π0) = gk(i, t), (18) m=0 k=0 i∈SI \{DEAD} 9

∞ −Rsτ   R −Rst e 1 where we have defined gk(i, t) (Sk = i, Sk+1 = Using the fact that te dt= τ+ , we obtain , P τ Rs Rs DEAD,T = t|π ). In order to compute g (i, t), we first k+1 0 k   determine, for k ≥ 0 and s ∈ SI \{DEAD}, X X Z ∞ E[L] = 1 − T(s, j) τH(s, τ)dτ s j 0 hk(s, t) , P(Sk = s, Tk = t|π0). (19)   1 X X Z ∞ + 1 − T(s, j) H(s, τ)dτ R   For k = 0, this is given by h0(s, t) = π0(s)δ(t), where δ(t) s s j 0 is the Kronecker delta function. For k > 0, we have   X X = 1 − T(s, j) Q(s) Z t   X s j hk(s, t)= P(Sk = s, Tk = t, Sk−1 =j, Tk−1 = τ|π0)dτ ∞ j 0 P X 1 − j T(s, j) X Z t + P(Sk = s|π0), (23) X Rs = P(Tk − Tk−1 = t − τ|Sk−1 = j) s k=0 j 0 R ∞ where we have defined Q(s) , 0 τH(s, τ)dτ. This term × P(Sk = s|Sk−1 = j, Tk−1 = τ)hk−1(j, τ)dτ can be computed as t Z ∞ X −Rj (t−τ) Z = Rje T(j, s)hk−1(j, τ)dτ. (20) Q(s) = tH(s, t)dt 0 j 0 X Z ∞ Z ∞ = R T(j, s) eRj τ H(j, τ) te−Rj tdtdτ It follows that j j 0 τ X Z ∞  1  = T(j, s) H(j, τ) τ + dτ gk(s, t) = (Sk = s, Sk+1 = DEAD,Tk+1 = t) P 0 Rj Z t j ∞ = P(Sk = s, Sk+1 = DEAD,Tk+1 = t, Tk = τ)dτ X X T(j, s) X 0 = T(j, s)Q(j) + P(Sk = j|π0). (24)   Rj Z t j j k=0 −Rs(t−τ) X = Rse 1 − T(s, j) hk(s, τ)dτ, (21) Let Q be a row vector with elements Q(j), and x=(I−T)1 be 0 j the column vector associated to transitions from the transient states to the DEAD state. We obtain P where 1 − j T(s, j) is the transition probability to state T −1 −1 DEAD, from state s. Substituting in (18), we obtain Q(s) = Qes = QTes + π0 (I − T) R Tes, (25) P∞ where we have used the fact that k=0 P(Sk = s|π0) =   πT (I − T)−1e . Therefore, we obtain XZ t X 0 s f (t; π )= R e−Rs(t−τ) 1 − T(s, j) H(s, τ)dτ, L 0 s   Q = πT (I − T)−1R−1T(I − T)−1. (26) s 0 j 0 Substituting in the expression of the expected lifetime, we where we have defined obtain T −1 −1 −1 ∞ E[L] = π0 (I − T) R (I − T) x. (27) X H(s, t) , fk(s, t) (22) Finally, we use the fact that x = (I − T)1, yielding the k=0 expression of the expected lifetime X Z t = h (s, t) + R e−Rj (t−τ)T(j, s)H(j, τ)dτ T −1 −1 0 j E[L] = π0 (I − T) R 1. (28) j 0 Z t X −Rj (t−τ) V. PARAMETER ESTIMATION AND EXPERIMENTAL = π0(s)δ(t) + Rje T(j, s)H(j, τ)dτ. VALIDATION j 0 As an example of experiments related to our stochastic Then, we obtain model, Ozalp et al. [34] have measured in vivo levels of ATP and NADH in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, as   they abruptly add ED to a suspension of starved yeast cells. Z ∞X Z t X Since we have theoretically investigated the single cell system, [L]= t R e−Rs(t−τ) 1− T(s, j) H(s, τ)dτdt E s   this work, which is performed on a culture of mutually- 0 s 0 j   independent yeast cells, can be used as a test for our stochastic Z ∞ Z ∞ model. X Rsτ X −Rst = Rse 1 − T(s, j)H(s, τ) te dtdτ. Although the ETC in yeast is not exactly identical to the 0 τ s j bacterial counterpart, the principles on which the model is 10

based upon are conserved between yeast and bacteria. These value sE,j−1. In the last step, we have used the approxima- 2 include the involvement of an ED, electron carriers such tion (13). Herein, we assume that wk ∼ N (0, σwI2), i.e., −2 2 −2 2 2 as NADH, ETC and an EA, which in the case of yeast is αNADH σNADH = αAT P σAT P = σw. molecular Oxygen. We have extracted the measured quantities from [34] in the A. Parametric model form of ATP and NADH concentrations as a function of time. The statistics of the system, defined by the transition prob- In accordance with [34], we have assumed that yeast cells are ability matrix P , is determined by the rates λ , µ and initially starved and, at some point in time, the ED is added t CH CH µ . In this section, we present a parametric model for these to the cell suspension. This triggers an increase in ATP and AT P rates, based on biological constraints. Specifically, we let NADH production as well as ATP consumption. In extracting   the data, we have averaged out the small oscillations in NADH mCH (t) λCH (sI (t); sE(t)) = γσD(t) + ρ 1 − M σD(t), and ATP concentrations in time, since these are mainly caused   CH nAT P (t) (31) µCH (sI (t); sE(t)) = ζ 1 − , by an enzyme involved in the metabolic pathway that is NAXP specific to yeast and does not exist in the bacterial strain that µAT P (sI (t); sE(t)) = βσD(t), we are interested in, Shewanella oneidensis MR-1. Therefore, where γ, ρ, ζ, β ∈ are parameters, that we want to in matching the experimental data from yeast to our model, R+ estimate, and is the set of non-negative reals. The NADH we have only taken into account the large scale variations of R+ generation rate λ primarily depends on the concentration the levels of ATP and NADH over time. CH of available ED, as explained in Sec. II-A. Additionally, it Let {(si , t ), k = 0, 1,...,N} be the time-series of the I,k k depends on the number of available NAD molecules in the state of cell i at times t , where 0 = t < t < ··· < t . Let k 0 1 N cell, since the ED reacts with NAD to form NADH. The s (t) be the known profile of the concentration of the external E more NAD molecules are available, the higher the rate of the ED and EA, which we assume to be piecewise constant, as in NADH-producing reaction. Moreover, the larger the ATP level, Sec. III-D, and the same for all cells. In particular, we assume the smaller the ATP generation rate µ (s (t); s (t)). This that s (t) = s , ∀t ∈ [t , t ), ∀k = 0, 1,...,N − 1, so CH I E E E,k k k+1 is true because the ATP synthase, the protein responsible for that the external state is constant in the time interval between ATP production, transforms ADP into ATP. Since the sum of two consecutive measurements. The measurement collected in ATP and ADP molecules in the cell is conserved, a higher [34] at time t is k ATP level corresponds to a lower ADP level. Therefore, as M 1 X (NADH) there is more ATP available in the cell, there are less ADP NADH = α mi (t ) +w ˜ , k NADH M CH k k molecules available for ATP synthase to produce additional i=1 ATP molecules, which, in turn, results in a smaller ATP M 1 X i (AT P ) production rate. Finally, the larger the ED concentration, the ATPk = αAT P nAT P (tk) +w ˜k , (29) M larger the ATP consumption rate µAT P (sI (t); sE(t)). This is i=1 shown to be true experimentally, for instance in [34]. The where NADHk is the measurement of NADH (typically, reason behind this correlation is that cellular operations that fluorescence level [34]), whereas ATPk is the measurement consume ATP (e.g., ATP-ases) are directly regulated by the ED of ATP (typically, in mM [34]); the constants αNADH and concentration. Note that λCH , µCH and µAT P further need αAT P account for the conversion in the unit of measurements to satisfy the constraints listed in Sec. II-A. We assume that of NADH and ATP, respectively, from the stochastic model all the cells are alive throughout the experiment, and set the presented in this paper (electron units) to the experimen- death rate δ(sI (t); sE(t)) = 0. tal setup (fluorescence level and mM, respectively); and (NADH) (AT P ) We define the parameter vector x = [γ, ρ, ζ, β], which is w˜k and w˜k are zero mean Gaussian noise sam- estimated via maximum likelihood (ML) in the next section. 2 2 ples, each i.i.d. over time, with variance σNADH and σAT P , Therefore, the flow matrix A, defined in (11), is a linear respectively. A practical assumption is that M  1, so that function of the entries of x. We write such a dependence 1 PM mi (t ) ' [m (t )] and 1 PM ni (t ) ' M i=1 CH k E CH k M i=1 AT P k as A(x, sE). Similarly, from (14), we write P∆(x, sE) = [n (t )], where the expectation is computed with E AT P k I + ∆A(x, sE). respect to the state distribution at time tk, given by πT P . Letting y = [α−1 NADH , α−1 ATP ], w = 0 tk k NADH k AT P k k B. Maximum Likelihood estimate of x −1 (NADH) −1 (AT P ) (|SI |−1)×2 [αNADH w˜ , αAT P w˜ ] and Z ∈ R with k k For a given time series {(y , t ), k = 0, 1,...,N}, and jth row [Z]j,: = [mCH (j), nAT P (j)], where mCH (j) and k k the piecewise constant profile of the external state s (t), in nAT P (j) are the NADH and ATP levels in the state corre- E sponding to index j, we thus obtain this section we design a ML estimator of x. Since the initial distribution π0 is unknown, we also estimate it jointly with x. k T T Y nj −nj−1 Note that, since the death rate is zero, the entries of π0 need to yk = π0 Ptk Z + wk ' π0 P∆,j−1 Z + wk, (30) T sum to one, i.e., 1 π0 = 1. Moreover, we further enforce the j=1 T constraints π0 Z = y0, i.e., the expected values of the NADH Qk nj −nj−1 n1 n2−n1 nk−nk−1 where j=1 P∆,j−1 = P∆,0 × P∆,1 × · · · × P∆ , and ATP pools at time t0 equal the measurement y0. There- T nj = dtj/∆e, with n0 = 0, and P∆,j−1 is the transition fore, we have the linear equality constraint π0 [Z, 1] = [y0, 1], matrix with time-step size ∆, when the external state takes and the inequality constraint π0 ≥ 0 (component-wise). We 11

denote the constraint set as P, so that π0 ∈ P. Due to the that a non-negativity constraint is enforced (in fact, the entries Gaussian observation model (30), the ML estimate of (x, π0) of x need to be non-negative). is given by

(xˆ, πˆ0) = arg min f(x, π0), (32) C. Results x≥0,π0∈P We use the algorithm outlined above to fit the parameter where we have defined the negative log-likelihood cost func- vector x to the experimental data. While, in principle, the tion 2 capacities of both the IECP (MCH ) and the ATP pool (NAXP ) N k 1 need to be estimated, we found that MCH = NAXP = 20 X T Y nj −nj−1 f(x, π0) yk − π0 P∆(x, sE,j−1) Z . provides a good fit, and good trade-off between convergence , 2 k=0 j=1 F of the estimation algorithm and fitting. Note that the ATP 3.6 mM For a fixed x, the optimization over π0 is a quadratic pro- capacity of the cell culture is and the concentration of 12 gramming problem, which can be solved efficiently using, e.g., cells is 10 cells/liter (see [34]). It follows that the capacity 9 interior-point methods [36], [37]. On the other hand, for fixed of the ATP pool of each cell is 2.16 × 10 molecules/cell. 2.5 π0, the optimization over x is a non-convex optimization prob- Since, approximately, ATP molecules are created by the lem. Therefore, we resort to a gradient descent (GD) algorithm flow of 2 electrons in the ETC (see [38, Sec. 18.6]), the 9 to optimize over x, which only guarantees convergence to a ATP pool may carry 1.728 × 10 electrons/cell. Therefore, local optimum. Finally, we employ an iterative method to solve one ”unit” in the stochastic model corresponds to NE = 0.864 × 108 electrons 1.08 × 108 ATP molecules (32), i.e., we optimize over π0 for the current estimate of x, , or . Simi- 2 then we optimize over x for the current estimate of π0, and so larly, since each NADH molecule carries electrons which on. The derivative of f(x, π0) with respect to xj is given by actively participate in the ETC, we have that one ”unit” corresponds to 0.432 × 108 NADH molecules. The time- d {( , , t )} [∇xf(x, π0)]j = f(x, π0) series ATPk NADHk k is first extracted from [34], where dxj ATP is in mM (stars in Fig. 5.a), NADH is a fluorescence h i k k N Qk nj −nj−1 −6 d P∆(x, sE,j−1) level (×10 , stars in Fig. 5.a), which we assume to be X T j=1 = − π0 Z linearly proportional to the NADH level. The time-series is dxj k=0 then converted to feasible values in the stochastic model. T  k  In particular, since the ATP capacity of the cell culture is T Y nj −nj−1 3.6 mM × yk − π P∆(x, sE,j−1) Z . (33) , and assuming that the IECP capacity of the cell  0  −6 j=1 culture is maxk NADHk = 12.985 [fluorescence ×10 ], i.e., the maximum level reached in the NADH measurements, the We further assume that the intervals satisfy tk+1 −tk = T, ∀k, b time-series is so that nk = kn, ∀k, and we enforce n = 2 , for some integer NADH [fluorescence x 10−6] b > 0. This can be accomplished by appropriately choosing y(NADH) = k M , d Qk P (x,s )n k −6 CH [ j=1 ∆ E,j−1 ] 12.985 [fluorescence x 10 ] ∆  1. Then, the derivative dx can be j ATP [mM] efficiently computed recursively as y(AT P ) = k N , (36) k 3.6 [mM] AXP " k # "k−1 # Q n Q n d P∆(x, sE,j−1) d P∆(x, sE,j−1) −6 so that, from (29), αNADH ' 0.650 [fluorescence x 10 ] j=1 j=1 n (NADH) = P∆(x, sE,k−1) and αAT P = 0.18 [mM]. Note that both yk dxj dxj (AT P ) k−1 and yk are dimensionless quantities. The time-series n (NADH) (AT P ) Y n dP∆(x, sE,k−1) + P (x, s ) , {(yk, tk)}, where yk = [yk , yk ], is then fed into ∆ E,j−1 dx j=1 j the estimation algorithm. The EA concentration (molecular

n Oxygen) is assumed to be constant throughout the experiment, where the derivative dP∆(x,sE ) can be efficiently computed dxj and sufficient to sustain reduction. On the other hand, the ED recursively as concentration profile, extrapolated from [34], is zero at time 2b 2b−1 t < 80 s, when cells are starved, 30 mM at t = 80 s, when dP∆(x, sE) dP∆(x, sE) 2b−1 = P∆(x, sE) glucose is added to the starved cells, and constantly decreases dx dx j j until it becomes zero at time t ' 1300 s, when cells become 2b−1 2b−1 dP∆(x, sE) starved again. + P∆(x, sE) . (34) dxj

Finally, let xˆp be the estimate of x at the pth iteration of Remark 2 In the parameter estimation, the samples after t ' the GD algorithm. Then, the GD algorithm updates the ML 1300 s are discarded, since cells are starved after that time, estimate of x as which, in turn, results in increased cell lysis occurring in the cell suspension. The cellular material released by lysis can be xˆ = (xˆ − µ ∇ f(xˆ , eˆ ))+, (35) p+1 p p x p p used by other intact cells as ED or EA. For this reason, and where 0 < µk  1 is the (possibly, time-varying) step size and since the extent of cell lysis in unpredictable in the cell culture, we have defined (v)+ = max{v, 0}, applied to each entry, so the concentrations of the ED and the EA cannot be accurately 12

3 14 Model )

Experimental 6

2.5 − Glucose added (30mM) 12

2 10 1.5

ATP (mM) 8 1 Model 6

0.5 NADH (Fluorescence x 10 Experimental Glucose added (30mM)

0 4 0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Time (s) Time (s) (a) Prediction of expected ATP level over time (in mM) and experimental (b) Prediction of expected NADH level over time (equivalent fluorescence time-series. level) and experimental time-series. ) 6 )

6 3 2 ATP synthesis rate NADH generation rate 2.5 ATP consumption rate NADH consumption rate 1.5 2

1.5 1

1 0.5 0.5

0 0

ATP molecules per0 second per cell (x 10 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Time (s) NADH molecules per second per cell (x 10 Time (s) (c) Prediction of expected ATP synthesis and consumption rates per cell. (d) Prediction of expected NADH generation and consumption rates per cell.

Figure 5. determined after t ' 1300 s, rendering the corresponding values based on our proposed stochastic model. We ob- experimental data useless. serve a good fit in the time-interval t ∈ [0 s, 1300 s]. The corresponding standard deviation of the error between With this approach, the estimated parameters, used in (31) the prediction and experimental curves is 0.1325[mM] and to compute the corresponding flow rates, are given by 1.7736[Fluorescence×10−6], respectively. The prediction er- ror observed in the two figures can be explained by both cell  γˆ = 0 units/mM/s,  lysis occurring in the bacterial population and the resulting  ρˆ = 2.31 × 10−3 units/mM/s, (37) distortion in the ATP and NADH levels, as explained in ζˆ = 4.866 × 10−3 units/s,  Remark 2, and by the bias introduced by our specific choice  βˆ = 0.850 × 10−3 units/mM/s, of the parametric model (31), which may not be sufficiently accurate to capture higher order fluctuations. The investigation 8 where ”units”, equivalent to 0.864 × 10 electrons, refers of other parametric models to improve the prediction accuracy to the number of slots being occupied/emptied in the re- is left for future work. Figs. 5.c and 5.d plot, respectively, spective queue of the stochastic model, and mM refers the expected ATP and NADH generation and consumption to the glucose ED concentration. In particular, the ”units” rates over time, related to a single cell. These biophysical can be converted back into the original scale (36), which is parameters were not directly measured in the experiments by related to the overall cell culture. The corresponding quantity [34], but can be predicted by our proposed model. We notice related to a single cell is then obtained by converting one that the ATP generation/consumption rate is of the order of ”unit” to the corresponding molecular quantity (1 unit=1.08 × 5 × 105/3 × 106, whereas the NADH generation/consumption 8 8 10 ATP molecules=0.432 × 10 NADH molecules). rate is of the order of 2 × 106/2 × 105 (molecules per cell per Figs. 5.a and 5.b plot, respectively, the ATP and NADH second). These values are indeed physical, and consistent with time-series, related to the cell culture, and the predicted 13 known metabolic rates in yeast [39], which further motivates and we have provided an example of the application to the the development of this stochastic model as a predictive tool computation of the cell’s lifetime. Moreover, we have designed for microbial energetics. a parameter estimation framework, based on a parametric description of the model, guided by biological constraints. VI.FUTUREWORK The parameters were fit to experimental data available in the literature, demonstrating the capability of the proposed Our current experimental work involves measuring ATP stochastic model to predict salient features related to the and NADH levels in isolated single cells of bacterium S. energetic state of the cells, such as ATP generation and oneidensis MR-1. This organism is capable of extracellular consumption rates. This study is a first step towards addressing electron transfer by utilizing its array of outer-membrane questions of more communications theoretic relevance, such multi-heme cytochromes and, due to its unique properties, as the interplay between information capacity of a microbial presents a great model organism for this study. 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Sahand Pirbadian is a Ph.D. candidate in the De- partment of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Southern California. He received his B.Sc. degree in physics from Sharif University of Technology, Iran in 2010. His research interests include extra- cellular electron transfer (EET), electron transport in bacterial communities, bacterial multiheme cy- tochromes and bacterial nanowires. 15

Moh El-Naggar is an assistant professor of physics at the University of Southern California’s Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences. El-Naggar studies energy conversion and charge transmission at the interface between living cells and natural or synthetic surfaces. In 2012, he was named one of Popular Sciences Brilliant 10, and in 2014 he was awarded the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE). El-Naggars work has important implications for cell physiology and astrobiology: it may lead to the development of new hybrid materials and renewable energy technologies that combine the exquisite biochemical control of nature with the synthetic building blocks of nanotechnology. El-Naggar earned his B.S. degree in mechanical engineering from Lehigh University (2001), and his Ph.D. in engineering and applied science from the California Institute of Technology (2007).

Urbashi Mitra received the B.S. and the M.S. degrees from the University of California at Berkeley and her Ph.D. from Princeton University. After a six year stint at the Ohio State University, she joined the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, where she is currently a Professor. She is a member of the IEEE Informa- tion Theory Society’s Board of Governors (2002-2007, 2012-2014) and the IEEE Signal Processing Societys Technical Committee on Signal Processing for Communications and Networks (2012-2014). Dr. Mitra is a Fellow of the IEEE. She is the recipient of: 2012 Globecom Signal Processing for Communications Symposium Best Paper Award, 2012 NAE Lillian Gilbreth Lectureship, USC Center for Excellence in Research Fellowship (2010-2013), the 2009 DCOSS Applications & Systems Best Paper Award, Texas Instru- ments Visiting Professor (Fall 2002, Rice University), 2001 Okawa Foundation Award, 2000 OSU College of Engineering Lumley Award for Research, 1997 OSU College of Engineering MacQuigg Award for Teaching, and a 1996 National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award. Dr. Mitra currently serves on the IEEE Fourier Award for Signal Processing committee and the IEEE James H. Mulligan, Jr. Education Medal committee. She has been/is an Associate Editor for the following IEEE publications: Transactions on Signal Processing (2012–), Transactions on Information Theory (2007-2011), Journal of Oceanic Engineering (2006-2011), and Transactions on Communications (1996-2001). She has co-chaired: (technical program) 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory in Honolulu, HI, 2014 IEEE Information Theory Workshop in Hobart, Tasmania, IEEE 2012 International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, Bangalore India, and the IEEE Communication Theory Symposium at ICC 2003 in Anchorage, AK; and general co-chair for the first ACM Workshop on Underwater Networks at Mobicom 2006, Los Angeles, CA Dr. Mitra was the Tutorials Chair for IEEE ISIT 2007 in Nice, France and the Finance Chair for IEEE ICASSP 2008 in Las Vegas, NV. Dr. Mitra has held visiting appointments at: the Delft University of Technology, Stanford University, Rice University, and the Eurecom Institute. She served as co-Director of the Communication Sciences Institute at the University of Southern California from 2004-2007. Her research interests are in: wireless communications, communication and sensor networks, detection and estimation and the interface of communication, sensing and control.