Russian River Estuary Management Project Draft
4.0 Environmental Setting, Impacts, and Mitigation Measures 4.4 Biological Resources 4.4.1 Introduction This section describes biological resources, with focus on terrestrial and wetland resources, and assesses potential impacts that could occur with implementation of the Russian River Estuary Management Project (Estuary Management Project or proposed project). Fisheries resources are addressed in Section 4.5, Fisheries. Terrestrial and wetland resources include terrestrial, wetland, and non-fisheries-related species, sensitive habitats or natural communities, special-status plant and animal species, and protected trees. Impacts on terrestrial and wetland resources are analyzed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) significance criteria (CEQA Guidelines, Appendix G). For impacts determined to be either significant or potentially significant, mitigation measures to minimize or avoid these impacts are identified. Information Sources and Survey Methodology The primary sources of information for this analysis are the existing biological resource studies and reports prepared for the Russian River Estuary (Estuary) (Heckel, 1994; Merritt Smith Consulting, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000; Sonoma County Water Agency [Water Agency; SCWA in references] and Merritt Smith Consulting 2001; SCWA, 2006; SCWA and Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods, 2009). These reports, incorporated by reference, present the methods and results of vegetation classification and mapping, fish and invertebrate sampling, amphibian surveys, and observations of bird and pinniped1 numbers and behavior, as well as other sampling efforts (e.g., water quality sampling) conducted in the Russian River Estuary. In addition to the reports listed above, information was obtained from conservation and management plans and planning documents prepared for lands within the project vicinity (Prunuske Chatham, Inc., 2005; California Department of Parks and Recreation [State Parks], 2007), as well as the U.S.
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