Federal Register/Vol. 72, No. 119/Thursday, June 21, 2007/Notices
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 119 / Thursday, June 21, 2007 / Notices 34275 Dated: May 21, 2007. California state law. Further to this associated funerary objects are 157 Sherry Hutt, agreement, human remains from CA– olivella beads, 15 Haliotis beads and Manager, National NAGPRA Program. MRN–27, CA–MRN–254, CA–SON–159, bead fragments, 6 bone awls, 3 bone [FR Doc. E7–11986 Filed 6–20–07; 8:45 am] CA–SON–293, CA–SON–455, and CA- pendants, 5 birdbone tubes, 5 pieces of BILLING CODE 4312–50–S SON–456 were repatriated to officials of worked bone, 7 pieces of red ochre, 10 Ya Ka Ama Indian Education and obsidian tools and flakes, 6 chert tools Development, Inc., a non–federally and flakes, 2 pieces of pumice, 2 pieces DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR recognized Indian group from of micaceous schist, and 2 other lithic Forestville, CA, who reburied the tools. Three items on the original National Park Service human remains in 1992. In 1997, during manifest of artifacts are considered NAGPRA inventory, additional human missing. Notice of Inventory Completion: remains were discovered in the museum Radiocarbon tests from the Reedland Anthropological Studies Center, collection for sites CA–SON–293, CA– Woods site yielded dates of 370 B.C. 190 Archaeological Collections Facility, SON–455, CA–SON–456, CA–MRN– and 30 B.C. 95. Analysis of the artifacts Sonoma State University, Rohnert 254, and CA–SON–159. In 1997 and found at the Reedland Woods site Park, CA 2006, human remains for site CA–MRN– indicate that the human remains were 27 that were on loan to various buried during the Upper Archaic period AGENCY: National Park Service, Interior.
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