Biblionotas Marzo - Abril 2010 1

Centro de Documentación en Ciencias de la Tierra

SERVICIO GEOLÓGICO MEXICANO BIBLIOTECA - CEDOCIT Puente de Tecamachalco No.26, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, Del. Miguel Hidalgo, 11000 México, D. F. E - mail: [email protected]

Revisión y autorización: Lic. Pedro Limón [email protected] Edición: Laura Nava Pérez Formación y nueva presentación: Laura Nava Pérez y Beatriz Flores D.



Foto: Grutas de García - Nuevo León.



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Biblionotas Marzo - Abril 2010 3


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Mapa Esc.: 1,000,000 Mapa Metalogénico de la Región Gobierno de Chile Publicación Geológica 2001 Fronteriza entre Argentina, Bolivia, 222 Multinacional No. 2 Chile y Perú (14° y 28°S) (libro y mapa)

Publicación Geológica Atlas de Deformaciones Geociencia para las 2009 311 Multinacional No. 7 Cuaternarias de Los Andes Comunidades Andinas (contiene CD)

Movimientos en Masa en la Región Publicación Geológica Geociencia para las 2007 Andina: Una guía para la Evaluación 404 Multinacional No. 4 Comunidades Andinas de Amenazas (contiene CD)

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Groundwater Availability of the U. S. Geological Professional Paper 2009 225 Central Valley Aquifer, California Survey 1766

Late Cenozoic Geology and Professional Paper Lacustrine History of Sarles Valley, U. S. Geological 2009 115 1727 Inyo and San Bernardino Counties, Survey (contiene 4 mapas) California

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Canadian Journal of High Resolution Aeromagnetic for Exploration 1998 CSEG 106 Hydrocarbon Exploration Geophysics Vol. 34 Nos. 1 y 2 Biblionotas Marzo - Abril 2010 4 Libro guía de la Excursión III Reunión Nacional de Geológica a la parte Central de la Comisión Federal de 1980 59 geotecnia y Geotermia Cuenca del Alto Río Balsas, Electricidad 8-12 sept. 1980 Guerrero y Puebla Prepared by the Final Environmental Statement: U.S. Department of the 1976? 300 aprox. Department of the Northwest Colorado Coal Interior Interior Gobierno del Distrito Historia de la Planta de Asfalto del 2000 Federal – Secretaria de 79 --- Distrito Federal Obras y Servicios California Division of Bulletin 193 1970 Gold Districts of California 186 Mines & Geology Cuenta con 1 mapa

Paper 68-5 Symposium on the Geology of Geological Survey of 1969 329 Contiene 9 pequeños Coronation Mine Saskatchewan Canada as GSC mapas

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Soil Science 702/802: Chemistry of Soils … Syllabus: “Dentro de un curso sobre suelos, este item es un poco la base de la temática para el mismo, contiene temas como la fase sólida del suelo, las materias primas y los procesos de meteorización, la estructura cristalina - mineralogía básica, los filosilicatos - estructura y propiedades, algunos componentes inorgánicos, la precipitación / disolución, los procesos involucrados, caso de la adsorción / deserción, entre otros”. ACCEDER A LOS ARTICULOS

Sedimentary Rock: “Este es un artículo de la Enciclopedia Británica sobre las rocas sedimentarias, dicho artículo respaldado por esta enciclopedia, promete ser una buena lectura para recordar y/o en su defecto conocer algo sobre este tipo de rocas”. ACCEDER AL ARTÍCULO

Alaska Coal Geology, Resources, and Coalbed Methane Potential: “Esta es una publicacion del Geological Suvey de Estados Unidos y contiene temas como la Geológica y el Origen del Carbón en Alaska, la Composición Carbón Rank, y la Clasificación de recursos de carbón, Las rocas del Cretácicas, Las rocas del Cretácico-Terciario, la evaluación de los recursos de carbón, el potencial de metano en las capas de carbón, entre otros”. ACCEDER A LA PUBLICACIÓN

Overview lecture on the Earth's Climate: “Este es otro punto de vista sobre el clima de la Tierra, nos plantean varias preguntas acerca de este tema, como son: ¿Qué determina el clima de la Tierra? ¿Cuánto calor se recibe desde el Sol? ¿Cuánto calor se refleja hacia el espacio? ¿Cómo se distribuye el calor sobre la Tierra?, a las cuales también se les da una respuesta…” ACCEDER AL RESUMEN

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Biblionotas Marzo - Abril 2010 5 BIBLIOGRAFÍA SOBRE MÉXICO


Marzo Vol. 81 Metals Week Cananea to return “soon” 6 8/2010 No. 10 Marzo Azure/OZ JV to develop Mexico Vol. 81 Metals Week 6 15/2010 project No. 11

Abril Vol. 81 Metals Week Grupo Mexico seeks dismissal 10 5/2010 No. 14

Thermal maturation and hydrocarbon migration within La 273 No. 3 Marzo 2010 AAPG Bulletin Popa Basin, northeastern 291 Mexico, with implications for other salt structures Grain size of Cretaceous- Paleogene boundary sediments 199- No. 3 Marzo 2010 Geology from Chicxulub to the open 202 ocean: Implications for interpretation of the mass

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GSA Bulletin. Geological Society of America Marzo 2010, Vol. 122 No. 3-4



The lower Lesser Himalayan sequence: A Paleoproterozoic arc p. 323-335 ARTÍCULO on the northern margin of the Indian plate Marzo - 2010 Geologic correlation of the Himalayan orogen and Indian craton: Part 1. Structural geology, U-Pb zircon geochronology, and p. 336-359 ARTÍCULO tectonic evolution of the Shillong Plateau and its neighboring Marzo – 2010 regions in NE India Geologic correlation of the Himalayan orogen and Indian craton: p. 360-395 Part 2. Structural geology, geochronology, and tectonic evolution ARTÍCULO Marzo - 2010 of the Eastern Himalaya Rates and mechanisms of magmatic arc p. 408-429, ARTÍCULO construction, eastern Kaapvaal craton, Swaziland Marzo – 2010 SHRIMP U-Pb dating of recurrent and Late p. 430-453 ARTICULO Cambrian–Early Ordovician alkalic magmatism in central : Marzo – 2010 Biblionotas Marzo - Abril 2010 6 Implications for Rodinian rift tectonics SHRIMP U-Pb dating of recurrent Cryogenian and Late p. 430-453 Cambrian–Early Ordovician alkalic magmatism in central Idaho: ARTICULO Marzo – 2010 Implications for Rodinian rift tectonics Late Cenozoic deformation of the Kura fold-thrust belt, southern p. 465-486 ARTICULO Greater Caucasus Marzo – 2010 U-Pb (SHRIMP) and 40Ar/39Ar geochronological constraints on p. 487-505 the evolution of the Xingxingxia shear zone, NW China: A ARTICULO Marzo – 2010 Triassic segment of the Altyn Tagh fault system Analysis of the Wallowa-Baker terrane boundary: Implications for p. 517-536 tectonic accretion in the Blue Mountains province, northeastern ARTICULO Marzo – 2010 Oregon The Lower Cretaceous King Lear Formation, northwest Nevada: p. 537-562 Implications for Mesozoic orogenesis in the western U.S. ARTICULO Marzo – 2010 Cordillera Age, geochemistry, and tectonic implications of a late Paleozoic p. 627-640 stitching pluton in the North Tian Shan suture zone, western ARTICULO Marzo – 2010 China New 40Ar/39Ar ages reveal contemporaneous mafic and silicic p. 396-407 eruptions during the past 160,000 at Mammoth Mountain ARTICULO Marzo – 2010 and Long Valley caldera, California Evolution of the Hongzhen metamorphic core complex: Evidence p. 506-516 for extension in the eastern Yangtze craton, ARTICULO Marzo – 2010 eastern China Structural and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) p. 563-574 evidence for oblique impact on terrestrial basalt flows: Lonar ARTICULO Marzo – 2010 crater, India Late Paleozoic tectonics and paleogeography of the ancestral p. 575-594 Front Range: Structural, stratigraphic, and sedimentologic Marzo – 2010 ARTICULO evidence from the Fountain Formation (Manitou Springs, Colorado) Numerical modeling of the late Cenozoic geomorphic evolution of p. 595-608 ARTICULO Grand Canyon, Arizona Marzo – 2010 The Tertiary evolution of the prolific Nanpu Sag of Bohai Bay p. 609-626 Basin, China: Constraints from volcanic records and tectono- ARTICULO Marzo – 2010 stratigraphic sequences

Geology. Geological Society of America, Marzo 2010 V.38. No.3, Abril 2010 V. 38 No. 4 ACCEDER A CONTENIDO No. 3 ACCEDER A CONTENIDO No. 4 (El texto completo solo si se consulta en un equipo en red del SGM, activando vínculo en la columna de artículo) GEOLOGY GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA VOL. 38 Nos. 3 y 4


No. 3 Geometric difference between non-feeder and feeder dikes p. 195-198 ARTÍCULO Marzo 2010 Grain size of Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary sediments from No. 3 Chicxulub to the open ocean: Implications for interpretation of the p. 199-202 ARTÍCULO mass extinction event Marzo 2010 No. 3 Latitudinal migration of calcareous nannofossil Micula murus in p. 203-206 ARTÍCULO the Maastrichtian: Implications for global Marzo 2010 Biblionotas Marzo - Abril 2010 7 No. 3 The sieve lobe paradigm: Observations of active deposition p. 207-210, ARTÍCULO Marzo 2010 No. 3 Shocked quartz and other mineral inclusions in Australasian p. 211-214, ARTÍCULO microtektites Marzo 2010 Syncollisional rapid granitic magma formation in an arc-arc No. 3 collision zone: Evidence from the Tanzawa plutonic complex, p. 215-218, ARTÍCULO Japan Marzo 2010 No. 3 Volcano destabilization by magma injections in a detachment p. 219-222 ARTÍCULO Marzo 2010 No. 3 Dissipation of fast strike-slip faulting within and beyond p. 223-226 ARTÍCULO northeastern Tibet Marzo 2010 No. 3 The paradox of tropical karst morphology in the coral reefs of the p. 227-230 ARTÍCULO arid Middle East Marzo 2010 No. 3 The neglected early history of geology: The Copernican p. 231-234 ARTÍCULO Revolution as a major advance in understanding the Earth Marzo 2010 No. 3 Effect of late Cenozoic aridification on sedimentation in the p. 235-238 ARTÍCULO Eastern Cordillera of northwest Argentina (Angastaco basin) Marzo 2010 No. 3 Cirques, peaks, and precipitation patterns in the Swiss Alps: p. 239-242 ARTÍCULO Connections among climate, glacial erosion, and topography Marzo 2010 No. 3 Large variations of oxygen isotopes in precipitation over south- p. 243-246 ARTÍCULO central Tibet during Marine Isotope Stage 5 Marzo 2010 Microbial biosynthesis of wax esters during desiccation: No. 3 Adaptation for colonization of the earliest terrestrial p. 247-250 ARTÍCULO environments? Marzo 2010 Valanginian isotope variation in glendonites and belemnites from No. 3 Arctic Svalbard: Transient glacial temperatures during the p. 251-254 ARTÍCULO Cretaceous greenhouse Marzo 2010 No. 3 Oxidation of petrogenic organic carbon in the Amazon floodplain p. 255-258 ARTÍCULO as a source of atmospheric CO2 Marzo 2010 No. 3 Relationships among climate, erosion, topography, and p. 259-262 ARTÍCULO delamination in the Andes: A numerical modeling investigation Marzo 2010 No. 3 Rapid, high-temperature formation of large-scale rheomorphic p. 263-266 ARTÍCULO structures in the 2.06 Ma Huckleberry Ridge Tuff, Idaho, USA Marzo 2010 Closing the Clymene ocean and bending a Brasiliano belt: No. 3 Evidence for the Cambrian formation of Gondwana, southeast p. 267-270 ARTÍCULO Amazon craton Marzo 2010 No. 3 Sulfur isotope signatures for rapid colonization of an impact p. 271-274 ARTÍCULO crater by thermophilic microbes Marzo 2010 No. 3 Timing and magnitude of the sea-level jump preluding the 8200 p. 275-278 ARTÍCULO yr event Marzo 2010 Biblionotas Marzo - Abril 2010 8 No. 3 Did the Late Ordovician African ice sheet reach Europe? p. 279-282 ARTÍCULO Marzo 2010 No. 3 A low-velocity zone with weak reflectivity along the Nankai p. 283-286 ARTÍCULO subduction zone Marzo 2010 No. 3 Learning to recognize volcanic non-eruptions p. 287-288 ARTÍCULO Marzo 2010 No. 4 Poseidic” explosive eruptions at Loihi Seamount, Hawaii p. 291-294 ARTÍCULO Abril 2010 No. 4 Nurse logs: An ecological strategy in a late Paleozoic forest from p. 295-298 ARTÍCULO the southern Andean region Abril 2010 No. 4 Dating sedimentary rocks using in situ U-Pb geochronology of p. 299-302 ARTÍCULO syneruptive zircon in ash-fall tuffs <1 mm thick Abril 2010 No. 4 Quantitative analysis of seismogenic shear-induced turbulence in p. 303-306 ARTÍCULO lake sediments Abril 2010 No. 4 Reconciling plate kinematic and seismic estimates of lithospheric p. 307-310 ARTÍCULO convergence in the central Indian Ocean Abril 2010 No. 4 Venus records a rich early history p. 311-314 ARTÍCULO Abril 2010 No. 4 Global enhancement of ocean anoxia during Oceanic Anoxic p. 315-318 ARTÍCULO Event 2: A quantitative approach using U isotopes Abril 2010 No. 4 Glacier microseismicity p. 319-322 ARTÍCULO Abril 2010 No. 4 Extremely high solubility of rutile in chloride and fluoride-bearing p. 323-326 ARTÍCULO metamorphic fluids: An experimental investigation Abril 2010 No. 4 Did intense volcanism trigger the first Late Ordovician icehouse? p. 327-330 ARTÍCULO Abril 2010 No. 4 Comparative diffusion coefficients of major and trace elements in p. 331-334 ARTÍCULO olivine at 950 °C from a xenocryst included in dioritic magma Abril 2010 No. 4 Estimating hydraulic conductivity from drainage patterns—A case p. 335-338 ARTÍCULO study in the Oregon Cascades Abril 2010 No. 4 Shortening viscous pressure ridges, a solution to the enigma of p. 339-342 ARTÍCULO initiating salt ‘withdrawal’ minibasins Abril 2010 No. 4 Hybrid flow sills: A new mode of igneous sheet intrusion p. 343-346 ARTÍCULO Abril 2010 No. 4 “Inheritance”: An influence on the particle size of pyroclastic p. 347-350 ARTÍCULO deposits Abril 2010 Offshore transport of sediment during cyclonic storms: Hurricane No. 4, p. 351-354 ARTÍCULO Ike (2008), Texas Gulf Coast, USA Abril 2010 Biblionotas Marzo - Abril 2010 9 No. 4 Cometary airbursts and atmospheric chemistry: Tunguska and a p. 355-358 ARTÍCULO candidate Younger Dryas event Abril 2010 No. 4 Alkalinity control on the partition coefficients in lacustrine p. 359-362 ARTÍCULO ostracodes from Australia Abril 2010 No. 4 Ductile fractures and magma migration from source p. 363-366 ARTÍCULO Abril 2010 No. 4 Heterogeneous nucleation and epitaxial crystal growth of p. 367-370 ARTÍCULO magmatic minerals Abril 2010 A δ34SSO4 approach to reconstructing biogenic pyrite burial in No. 4 carbonate-evaporite basins: An example from the Ara Group, p. 371-374 ARTÍCULO Sultanate of Oman Abril 2010 No. 4 Oblique dilation, melt transfer, and gneiss dome emplacement p. 375-378 ARTÍCULO Abril 2010 No. 4 Direct observation of a fossil high-temperature, fault-hosted, p. 379-382 ARTÍCULO hydrothermal upflow zone in crust formed at the East Pacific Rise Abril 2010

Lithosphere. Geological Society of America, V. 2. No. 2 Abril de 2010. ACCEDER A CONTENIDO No. 2 (En texto completo solo si se consulta en un equipo en red del SGM, activando vínculo en la columna de ACCEDER) Nota: algunos de estos artículos únicamente los podrá ver en PDF (se lo indica el mismo texto al ingresar a artículo).



Young convergent-margin orogens, climate, and crustal No. 2 thickness—A –Paleogene Nevadaplano in the p. 67-75 ARTÍCULO American Southwest? Abril 2010 No. 2 State of stress in central and eastern North American seismic p. 76-83 ARTÍCULO zones Abril 2010 No. 2 Images of possible fossil collision structures beneath the Eastern p. 84-92 ARTÍCULO Ghats belt, India, from P and S receiver functions Abril 2010 Mesozoic magmatism and deformation in the northern Owyhee No. 2 Mountains, Idaho: Implications for along-zone variations for the p. 93-118 ARTÍCULO western Idaho shear zone Abril 2010 No. 2 Characteristics and implications of ca. 1.4 Ga deformation across p. 119-135 ARTÍCULO a Proterozoic mid-crustal section, Wet Mountains, Colorado, USA Abril 2010

Geospher. Geological Society of America, V. 6. No. 2 Abril de 2010. ACCEDER A CONTENIDO No. 2

(En texto completo solo si se consulta en un equipo en red del SGM, activando vínculo en la columna de ACCEDER) Nota: algunos de estos artículos únicamente los podrá ver en PDF (se lo indica el mismo texto al ingresar a artículo). Biblionotas Marzo - Abril 2010 10 GEOSPHERE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA VOL. 6 No. 2


No. 2 Climate-driven environmental change in the Zhada basin, p. 74-92 ARTÍCULO southwestern Tibetan Plateau Abril 2010 Multiple phases of basin formation along the Stateline fault No. 2 system in the Pahrump and Mesquite Valleys, Nevada and p. 93-129 ARTÍCULO California Abril 2010 No. 2 Processes involved during incremental growth of the Jackass p. 130-159 ARTÍCULO Lakes pluton, central Sierra Nevada batholith Abril 2010 No. 2 The architecture of oceanic plateaus revealed by the volcanic p. 160 ERRATA stratigraphy of the accreted Wrangellia oceanic plateau Abril 2010

GSA Today. Geological Society of America, V.20. Nos. 3 y 4, Marzo y Abril-Mayo de 2010. ACCEDER A CONTENIDO No. 3 ACCEDER A CONTENIDO No. 4

(En texto completo solo si se consulta en un equipo en red del SGM, activando vínculo en la columna de ACCEDER) Nota: algunos de estos artículos únicamente los podrá ver en PDF (se lo indica el mismo texto al ingresar a artículo). GSA TODAY GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA VOL. 20 Nos. 3 y 4


No. 3 Evaluating lateral compaction in deepwater fold and thrust belts: p. 4 ARTÍCULO How much are we missing from “nature's sandbox”? Marzo 2010 No. 4 The digital revolution in geologic mapping p. 4 ARTÍCULO Abril-Mayo 2010 No. 4 and the pursuit of the perfect paleostorm p. 52 ARTÍCULO Abril-Mayo 2010

Geophysical Prospecting. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, V. 58, No.2, Marzo 2010 ACCEDER A CONTENIDO Vol. 58 No. 2

(El artículo solo si se consulta en un equipo en red del SGM, activando vínculo en la columna de ACCEDER) GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF GEOSCIENTISTS & ENGINEERS VOL. 58 No. 2


No. 2 Seismic data reconstruction using multidimensional prediction p. 157-173 ARTÍCULO filters Marzo 2010 Biblionotas Marzo - Abril 2010 11 No. 2 Fast velocity analysis by wave path migration p. 175-190 ARTÍCULO Marzo 2010 No. 2 Traveltime approximations for q-P waves in vertical transversely p. 191-201 ARTÍCULO isotropy media* Marzo 2010 No. 2 Non-uniqueness with refraction inversion – a syncline model p. 203-218 ARTÍCULO study Marzo 2010 No. 2 Kinematical characteristics of the factorized velocity model p. 219-227 ARTÍCULO Marzo 2010

No. 2 Feasibility of joint 1D velocity model and event location inversion p. 229-234 ARTÍCULO by the Neighbourhood algorithm Marzo 2010

No. 2 Lateral velocity variation related correction in asymptotic true- p. 235-243 ARTÍCULO amplitude one-way propagators Marzo 2010 No. 2 On the propagation characteristics of tunnel surface-waves for p. 245-256 ARTÍCULO seismic prediction Marzo 2010 No. 2 Drill-bit seismic interferometry with and without pilot signals* p. 257-265 ARTÍCULO

Marzo 2010 Identification of the shallow subsurface succession and No. 2 investigation of the seawater invasion to the Quaternary aquifer p. 267-277 ARTÍCULO at the northern part of El Qaa plain, Southern Sinai, Egypt by Marzo 2010 transient electromagnetic data No. 2 Fractured reservoirs with fracture corridors p. 279-295 ARTÍCULO Marzo 2010

No. 2 Lithology and hydrocarbon mapping from multicomponent p. 297-306 ARTÍCULO seismic data Marzo 2010

Discovery of the causeway and the mortuary temple of the No. 2 Pyramid of Amenemhat II using near-surface magnetic p. 307-320 ARTÍCULO investigation, Dahshour, Giza, Egypt Marzo 2010 No. 2 Magnetic basement: gravity-guided magnetic source depth p. 321-334 ARTÍCULO analysis and interpretation Marzo 2010 No. 2 Comment on 'Low-frequency microtremor anomalies at an oil and p. 335-339 ARTÍCULO gas field in Voitsdorf, Austria' Marzo 2010 Reply to comment on 'Low-frequency microtremor anomalies at No. 2 an oil and gas field in Voitsdorf, Austria' p. 341-346 ARTÍCULO Marzo 2010

Tectonics. American Geophysical Union. Vol. 29, Marzo y Abril 2010.

VER PUBLICADO EN TECTONICS INDICES MARZO 2010 VER PUBLICADO EN TECTONICS INDICES ABRIL 2010 (El resumen solo si se consulta en un equipo en red del SGM, activando vínculo en la columna de ACCEDER) Biblionotas Marzo - Abril 2010 12



Tectonic inheritance and - inversion of the Vol. 29, Algerian margin around Algiers: Insights from multibeam and Marzo 2010 RESUMEN seismic reflection data TC2008 Vol. 29, The West Andean Thrust, the San Ramón Fault, and the seismic Marzo 2010 RESUMEN hazard for Santiago, Chile TC2007 Subhorizontal fabric in exhumed continental lower crust and Vol. 29, implications for lower crustal flow: Athabasca granulite terrane, Marzo 2010 RESUMEN western Canadian Shield TC2006 Fluid-assisted particulate flow of turbidites at very low Vol. 29, temperature: A key to tight folding in a submarine Variscan Marzo 2010 RESUMEN foreland basin of SW Europe TC2005 Lithosphere delamination with foundering of lower crust and mantle caused permanent subsidence of New Caledonia Trough Vol. 29, and transient uplift of Lord Howe Rise during and Marzo 2010 RESUMEN initiation of Tonga-Kermadec subduction, western TC2004, Pacific Morphology, structure, and tectonic evolution of the Mona canyon Vol. 29, RESUMEN (northern Mona passage) from multibeam bathymetry, side-scan Marzo 2010 sonar, and seismic reflection profiles TC2003, Vol. 29, RESUMEN Geochronological and structural constraints on the Cretaceous Marzo 2010 thermotectonic evolution of the Kraishte zone, western Bulgaria 2002 Vol. 29, RESUMEN Normal and reverse faulting driven by the subduction zone Marzo 2010 earthquake cycle in the northern Chilean fore arc TC2001 Timing and modes of granite magmatism in the core of the Vol. 29, RESUMEN Alboran Domain, Rif chain, northern Morocco: Implications for the Abril 2010 Alpine evolution of the western Mediterranean TC2017 Vol. 29, RESUMEN Timing of relay ramp growth and normal fault linkage, Upper Abril 2010 Galilee, northern Israel TC2016 Vol. 29, RESUMEN From accretion to collision: Motion and evolution of the Abril 2010 Chaochou Fault, southern Taiwan TC2015 Exhumation history of the deepest central Himalayan rocks, Ama Vol. 29, RESUMEN Drime range: Key pressure-temperature-deformation-time Abril 2010 constraints on orogenic models TC2014 Geochemistry and tectonic setting of Matakaoa Volcanics, East Vol. 29, RESUMEN Coast Allochthon, New Zealand: Suprasubduction zone affinity, Abril 2010 regional correlations, and origin TC2013 Pampean deformation in the Sierra Norte de Córdoba, Argentina: Vol. 29, RESUMEN Implications for the collisional history at the western pre-Andean Abril 2010 Gondwana margin TC2012 Vol. 29, RESUMEN Crustal structure and active tectonics in the Eastern Alps Abril 2010

TC2011 A morphotectonic analysis of central Patagonian Cordillera: Vol. 29, RESUMEN Negative inversion of the Andean belt over a buried spreading Abril 2010 center? TC2010 Biblionotas Marzo - Abril 2010 13 Vol. 29, RESUMEN Tectonic affinity of the west Qinling terrane (central China): North Abril 2010 China or Yangtze? TC2009

Economic Geology Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists. V. 105, Noviembre Nos. 1 y 2 de 2009 ACCEDER AL VOL. 105 No.1 ACCEDER AL VOL. 105 No.2 (En texto completo solo si se consulta en un equipo en red del SGM, activando vínculo en la columna de ACCEDER) ECONOMIC GEOLOGY BULLETIN OF THE SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGISTS VOL. 105


No. 1 Introduction ARTÍCULO p. 1-2 No. 1 Porphyry Copper Systems ARTÍCULO p. 3-41 The Bingham Canyon Porphyry Cu-Mo-Au Deposit. I. Sequence No. 1 ARTÍCULO of Intrusions, Vein Formation, and Sulfide Deposition p. 43-68 The Bingham Canyon Porphyry Cu-Mo-Au Deposit. II. Vein No. 1 Geometry and Ore Shell Formation by Pressure-Driven Rock ARTÍCULO p. 69-90 Extension The Bingham Canyon Porphyry Cu-Mo-Au Deposit. III. Zoned No. 1 ARTÍCULO Copper-Gold Ore Deposition by Magmatic Vapor Expansion p. 91-118 Multistage Intrusion, Brecciation, and Veining at El Teniente, No. 1 ARTÍCULO Chile: Evolution of a Nested Porphyry System p. 119-153 Evolution of the Giant Marcona-Mina Justa Iron Oxide-Copper- No. 1 ARTÍCULO Gold District, South-Central Peru p. 155-185 Broad Synchroneity of Three Gold Mineralization Styles in the No. 1 Kalgoorlie Gold Field: SHRIMP, U-Pb, and 40Ar/39Ar ARTÍCULO p. 187-227 Geochronological Evidence Spatial Statistical Analysis of the Distribution of Komatiite-Hosted No. 1 Nickel Sulfide Deposits in the Kalgoorlie Terrane, Western ARTÍCULO p. 229-242 Australia: Clustered or Not? Handbook of Mineral Exploration and Ore Petrology: Techniques No. 1 ARTÍCULO and Applications p. 243-244 No. 1 Interesting Papers in Other Journals ARTÍCULO p. 245-248 Sulfosalt Melts: Evidence of High-Temperature Vapor Transport No. 2 of Metals in the Formation of High-Sulfidation Lode Gold ARTÍCULO p. 257-262 Deposits Skarn Alteration and Mineralization at Coroccohuayco, Tintaya No. 2 ARTÍCULO District, Peru p. 263-283 Origin of Mineralizing Fluids of the Sediment-Hosted Navachab No. 2 Gold Mine, Namibia: Constraints from Stable (O, H, C, S) ARTÍCULO p. 285-302 Isotopes Contrasting Patterns of Alteration at the Wheeler River Area, No. 2 Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada: Insights into the ARTÍCULO p. 303-324 Apparently Uranium-Barren K Zone Alteration System No. 2 An Introduction ARTÍCULO p. 325-327 Investigation of the H2O-NaCl-LiCl System: A Synthetic Fluid No. 2 Inclusion Study and Thermodynamic Modeling from –50° to ARTÍCULO p. 329-338 100°C and up to 12 mol/kg Biblionotas Marzo - Abril 2010 14 Conditions for Early Cretaceous Emerald Formation at Dyakou, No. 2 ARTÍCULO China: Fluid Inclusion, Ar-Ar, and Stable Isotope Studies p. 339-349 Direct Analysis of Ore-Precipitating Fluids: Combined IR No. 2 Microscopy and LA-ICP-MS Study of Fluid Inclusions in Opaque ARTÍCULO p. 351-373 Ore Minerals Geochemical and Isotopic Properties of Fluids from Gold-Bearing No. 2 and Barren Quartz Veins of the Sovetskoye Gold Deposit ARTÍCULO p. 375-394 (Siberia, Russia) Fluid Inclusion Constraints on the Genesis of Gold in the No. 2 ARTÍCULO Darasun District (Eastern Transbaikalia), Russia p. 395-416 A Review of Fluid Inclusion Constraints on Mineralization in the No. 2 Irish Ore Field and Implications for the Genesis of Sediment- ARTÍCULO p. 417-442 Hosted Zn-Pb Deposits Helium Isotope Composition of Fluid Inclusions Hosted in No. 2 ARTÍCULO Massive Sulfides from Modern Submarine Hydrothermal Systems p. 443-449 Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Water-Rock Interaction No. 2 ARTÍCULO (E.H. Oelkers and J. Schott, eds.) p. 451 No. 2 Interesting Papers in Other Journals ARTÍCULO p. 453-455 No. 2 Erratum ARTÍCULO p. 457

Ore Geology Reviews. International Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits. Vol.37 No. 2 Abril de 2010 ACCESAR AL CONTENIDO Vol. 37 No. 2 (EL artículo solo si se consulta en un equipo en red del SGM, activando vínculo en la columna de accesar)



No. 2 EL RESUMEN SE Editorial Board p. IFC PUEDE CONSULTAR Abril 2010 EN EL “PREVIEW” Accessory minerals of fluorite and their implication regarding the No. 2 EL RESUMEN SE environment of formation (Nabburg–Wölsendorf fluorite district, p. 65-86 PUEDE CONSULTAR SE Germany), with special reference to fetid fluorite (“Stinkspat”) Abril 2010 EN EL “PREVIEW” Variability in fluid sources in the fluorite deposits from Asturias (N No. 2 EL RESUMEN SE Spain): Further evidences from REE, radiogenic (Sr, Sm, Nd) p. 87-100 PUEDE CONSULTAR and stable (S, C, O) isotope data Abril 2010 EN EL “PREVIEW” No. 2 The Magellan Pb deposit, Western Australia; a new category EL RESUMEN SE p. 101-113 PUEDE CONSULTAR within the class of supergene non-sulphide mineral Systems Abril 2010 EN EL “PREVIEW” Geological and geochemical characteristics and ore genesis of No. 2 EL RESUMEN SE the Keketale VMS Pb–Zn deposit, Southern Altai Metallogenic p. 114-126 PUEDE CONSULTAR Belt, NW China Abril 2010 EN EL “PREVIEW” A U–Pb zircon Paleoproterozoic age for the metasedimentary No. 2 EL RESUMEN SE host rocks and gold mineralization of the Crixás greenstone belt, p. 127-139 PUEDE CONSULTAR Goiás, Central Brazil Abril 2010 EN EL “PREVIEW”

Biblionotas Marzo - Abril 2010 15 Mineralium Deposita. Official Bulletin of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits. Vol. 45 No. 3 y 4 de Marzo y Abril de 2010 ACCEDER AL CONTENIDO Vol. 45 No. 3 ACCEDER AL CONTENIDO Vol. 45 No. 4 (En texto completo solo si se consulta en un equipo en red del SGM, activando vínculo en la columna de ACCEDER)



The role of the Kupferschiefer in the formation of hydrothermal No. 3 base metal mineralization in the Spessart ore district, Germany: p. 217-239 ARTÍCULO insight from detailed sulfur isotope studies Marzo 2010 Crustal sulfur is required to form magmatic Ni–Cu sulfide No. 3 deposits: evidence from chalcophile element signatures of p. 241-257 ARTÍCULO Siberian and Deccan Trap basalts Marzo 2010 No. 3 Trace-element characteristics of different pyrite types in p. 259-280 ARTÍCULO Mesoarchaean to Palaeoproterozoic placer deposits Marzo 2010 Towards a volcanic–structural balance: relative importance of No. 3 volcanism, folding, and remobilisation of nickel sulphides at the p. 281-311 ARTÍCULO Perseverance Ni–Cu–(PGE) deposit, Western Australia Marzo 2010 No. 4 The Tropezón Cu–Mo–(Au) deposit, Northern Chile: the missing p. 313-321 R link between IOCG and porphyry copper systems? ESUMEN Abril 2010 A 40Ar/39Ar age for the El Hammam high-REE No. 4 fluorite deposit (Morocco): mineralization related to the Central p. 323-329 RESUMEN Atlantic Magmatic Province? Abril 2010 Alteration of platinum-group minerals and dispersion of platinum- No. 4 group elements during progressive weathering of the Aguablanca p. 331-350 RESUMEN Ni–Cu deposit, SW Spain Abril 2010 No. 4 Mineralogy and geochemistry of the sodium metasomatism- p. 3 -3 R related uranium occurrence of Aricheng South, Guyana 51 67 ESUMEN Abril 2010 No. 4 Chromite in the Platreef (Bushveld Complex, South Africa): p. 3 -3 R occurrence and evolution of its chemical composition 69 91 ESUMEN Abril 2010 Pb isotopic constraints on the formation of the Dikulushi Cu–Pb– No. 4 Zn–Ag mineralisation, Kundelungu Plateau (Democratic Republic p. 393-410 RESUMEN of Congo) Abril 2010

AAPG Bulletin: An International Geological Organization. American Association of Petroleum Geologists ACCEDER AL CONTENIDO Vol. 94 No. 3 Marzo 2010 ACCEDER AL CONTENIDO Vol. 94 No. 4 Abril 2010 (En texto completo solo si se consulta en un equipo en red del SGM, activando vínculo en la columna de ACCEDER) AAPG BULLETIN AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGISTS VOL. 94 Nos. 3 y 4


Thermal maturation and hydrocarbon migration within La Popa No. 3 Basin, northeastern Mexico, with implications for other salt p. 273 291 ARTÍCULO structures Marzo 2010 Biblionotas Marzo - Abril 2010 16 No. 3 Stratigraphic controls on production from a basin-centered gas p. 293 315 ARTÍCULO system: Lower Cretaceous Cadotte Member, Deep Basin Alberta Marzo 2010 Synthetic seismic models from outcrop-derived reservoir-scale No. 3 three-dimensional facies models: The Eocene Ainsa turbidite p. 317 343 ARTÍCULO system (southern Pyrenees) Marzo 2010 No. 3 Element migration in turbidite systems: Random or systematic p. 345 368 ARTÍCULO depositional processes? Marzo 2010 Thermal and tectonic evolution of the southern Alps (northern No. 3 Italy) rifting: Coupled organic matter maturity analysis and p. 369 397 ARTÍCULO thermokinematic modeling Marzo 2010 No. 4 Distribution of faults and extensional strain in fractured p. 435 456 ARTÍCULO carbonates of the North Malta Graben Abril 2010 No. 4 The use of spectral recomposition in tailored forward seismic p. 457-474 ARTÍCULO modeling of outcrop analogs Abril 2010 Three-dimensional facies modeling of carbonate sand bodies: No. 4 Outcrop analog study in an epicontinental basin (Triassic, p. 475 512 ARTÍCULO southwest Germany) Abril 2010 Massive dolomitization of a pinnacle reef in the Lower Devonian No. 4 West Point Formation (Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec): An extreme p. 513 531 ARTÍCULO case of hydrothermal dolomitization through fault-focused Abril 2010 circulation of magmatic fluids Structural and sedimentary evolution of the southern Songliao No. 4 Basin, northeast China and implications for hydrocarbon p. 531-564 ARTÍCULO prospectivity Abril 2010 Evaluating hydrocarbon trap integrity during fault reactivation No. 4 using geomechanical three-dimensional modeling: An example p. 567 591 ARTÍCULO from the Timor Sea, Australia Abril 2010

International Journal of Coal Geology. Elsevier. ScienceDirect, Vol. 81, Nos. 3 y 4 de Marzo y Abril de 2010 respectivamente. ACCEDER AL Vol. 81 No. 3 ACCEDER AL Vol. 81 No. 4 (En texto completo solo si se consulta en un equipo en red del SGM, activando vínculo en la columna de ACCEDER) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COAL GEOLOGY ELSEVIER-SCIENCE DIRECT VOL. 81 Nos. 3 y 4


Vol. 81 No. 3 Editorial Board p. IFC ARTÍCULO Marzo 2010 Vol. 81 No. 3 Geostatistical coal quality control in longwall mining p. 139-150 ARTÍCULO Marzo 2010 Distribution of sulfur and pyrite in coal seams from Kutai Basin Vol. 81 No. 3 (East Kalimantan, Indonesia): Implications for p. 151-162 ARTÍCULO paleoenvironmental conditions Marzo 2010 Vol. 81 No. 3 Environmental evaluation for sustainable development of coal p. 163-168 ARTÍCULO mining in Qijiang, Western China Marzo 2010 Biblionotas Marzo - Abril 2010 17 Vol. 81 No. 3 Geologic controls on thermal maturity patterns in p. 169-181 ARTÍCULO coal-bearing rocks in the Appalachian basin Marzo 2010 Vol. 81 No. 3 Mineralogy of lignites and associated strata in the Mavropigi field p. 182-190 ARTÍCULO of the Ptolemais Basin, northern Greece Marzo 2010 Vol. 81 No. 3 REE geochemistry of marine oil shale from the Changshe p. 191-199 ARTÍCULO Mountain area, northern Tibet, China Marzo 2010 Vol. 81 No. 4 Editorial Board p. IFC ARTÍCULO Abril 2010 Vol. 81 No. 4 Introduction and Overview “International conference on coal and p. 201-202 ARTÍCULO organic petrology” Abril 2010 In situ preservation and paleoenvironmental assessment of Vol. 81 No. 4 Taxodiacea fossil trees in the Bükkalja Lignite Formation, p. 203-210 ARTÍCULO Bükkábrány open cast mine, Hungary Abril 2010 Late Cretaceous coal overlying karstic bauxite deposits in the Vol. 81 No. 4 Parnassus-Ghiona Unit, Central Greece: Coal characteristics and p. 211-226 ARTÍCULO depositional environment Abril 2010 Vol. 81 No. 4 The petrographical and organic geochemical composition of coal p. 227-241 ARTÍCULO from the East field, Bogovina Basin (Serbia) Abril 2010 Vol. 81 No. 4 Occurrence of non-mineral inorganic elements in macerals of p. 242-250 ARTÍCULO low-rank coals Abril 2010 Vol. 81 No. 4 The stratigraphic distribution of inertinite p. 251-268 ARTÍCULO Abril 2010 Organic petrology of subbituminous carbonaceous shale samples Vol. 81 No. 4 from Chalāw, Kabul Province, Afghanistan: Considerations for p. 269-280 ARTÍCULO paleoenvironment and energy resource potential Abril 2010 Vol. 81 No. 4 The Buçaco Basin (Portugal): Organic petrology and p. 281-286 ARTÍCULO geochemistry study Abril 2010 Vol. 81 No. 4 Changes in a coke structure due to reaction with carbon dioxide p. 287-292 ARTÍCULO Abril 2010 TGA and DMA studies of blends from very good coking Zofiówka Vol. 81 No. 4 coal and various carbon additives: Weakly coking coals, p. 293-300 ARTÍCULO industrial coke and carbonized plants Abril 2010 Variation in the structure of anthracite at a fast heating rate as Vol. 81 No. 4 determined by its optical properties: An example of oxy- p. 301-308 ARTÍCULO combustion conditions in a drop tube reactor Abril 2010 Vol. 81 No. 4 Mineralogy and microstructure of ash deposits from the Zhuzhou p. 309-319 ARTÍCULO coal-fired power plant in China Abril 2010 Abundances and distribution of minerals and elements in high- Vol. 81 No. 4 alumina coal fly ash from the Jungar Power Plant, Inner p. 320-332 ARTÍCULO Mongolia, China Abril 2010 The procedure used to develop a coal char classification— Vol. 81 No. 4 Commission III Combustion Working Group of the International p. 333-342 ARTÍCULO Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology Abril 2010 Thermal transformation of organic matter in coal waste from Vol. 81 No. 4 ARTÍCULO Rymer Cones (Upper Silesian Coal Basin, Poland) p. 343-358 Abril 2010 Biblionotas Marzo - Abril 2010 18 Vol. 81 No. 4 Burning of coal waste piles from Douro Coalfield (Portugal): p. 359-372 ARTÍCULO Petrological, geochemical and mineralogical characterization Abril 2010 Vol. 81 No. 4 Effect of pressure and temperature on diffusion of CO2 and CH4 p. 373-380 ARTÍCULO into coal from the Lorraine basin (France) Abril 2010 Vol. 81 No. 4 The origin of natural gas and the hydrocarbon charging history of p. 381-391 ARTÍCULO the Yulin gas field in the Ordos Basin, China Abril 2010

Elements: An International Magazine of Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Petrology. Abril de 2010 TABLA DE ACONTENIDO Vol. 6, No. 2 (El texto completo se puede consultar físicamente en la Biblioteca del SGM) ELEMENTS VOL. 6


No. 2, Sulfur: A Ubiquitous and Useful Tracer in Earth and Planetary p. 75-80 RESUMEN Sciences Abril 2010 No. 2, Sulfur in Magmas p. 81-86 RESUMEN Abril 2010 No. 2, Ultraviolet Sensing of Volcanic Sulfur Emissions p. 87-92 RESUMEN Abril 2010 No. 2, Ancient Sulfur Cycling and Oxygenation of the Early Biosphere p. 93-99 RESUMEN Abril 2010 No. 2, Touring the Biogeochemical Landscape of a Sulfur-Fueled World p. 101-106 RESUMEN Abril 2010 No. 2, Sulfur on Mars p. 107-112 RESUMEN Abril 2010

Environmental Earth Sciences antes Environmental Geology (cambio de nombre en 2009). Springer Marzo y Abril de 2010 numeros varios TABLA DE ACONTENIDO Vol. 60, No. 2 TABLA DE ACONTENIDO Vol. 60, No. 3

(En texto completo - los marcados en Springer- solo si se consulta en un equipo en red del SGM, activando vínculo en la columna de ACCEDER)



A shallow subsurface controlled release facility in Bozeman, Vol. No. 2 Montana, USA, for testing near surface CO2 detection p. 227-239 ARTÍCULO techniques and transport models Marzo 2010 Biblionotas Marzo - Abril 2010 19 Using hyperspectral plant signatures for CO2 leak detection Vol. No. 2 during the 2008 ZERT CO2 sequestration field experiment in p. 251-261 ARTÍCULO Bozeman, Montana Marzo 2010 Vol. No. 2 Changes in the chemistry of shallow groundwater related to the p. 273-284 ARTÍCULO 2008 injection of CO2 at the ZERT field site, Bozeman, Montana Marzo 2010 Vol. No. 2 Multi-spectral imaging of vegetation for detecting CO2 leaking p. 313-323 ARTÍCULO from underground Marzo 2010 The impact of CO2 on shallow groundwater chemistry: Vol. No. 3 observations at a natural analog site and implications for carbon p. 521-536 ARTÍCULO sequestration Abril 2010

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Industrial Minerals. Contiene precios de minerales. No. 510 Marzo de 2010 No. 511 Abril de 2010 Contenido: Puede solicitar cualquiera de estos artículos a la Biblioteca



Fluorspar forging ahead: Metspar and acidspar demand bolstered No. 510 Marzo 2010 by healthy outlook for aluminium and steel p. 41 Forgotten fertilliser: As governments kickstart economies, global No. 510 Marzo 2010 food security and fertilizer minerals take the back burner p. 48 North Africa builds its minerals‘ future: Even though the global No. 510 downturn has slowed growth, North Africa is looking forward to Marzo 2010 p. 54 realizing its phosphate and other mineral resources. Turkey feeds Amcol’s Europe ambition: New Turkish mine No. 510 becomes “powerhouse” of Amcol Minerals Europe as the Marzo 2010 p. 62 bentonite Group gains security from consumer related products Minerals meet in Miami heat: As Miami hosts the 20th Industrial No. 510 Minerals International Congress & Exhibition 21-24 March 2010, Marzo 2010 p.67 we preview some of the key paper topics under discussion Williston SALT and potash: Dakota Salts’ Project to mine SALT No. 510 and potash in North Dakota with post mining energy- Marzo 2010 p. 77 environmental benefits SCC’s paper performance: Calci Tech outlines paper sludge’s No. 510 role as a new source of synthetic calcium carbonate for the paper Marzo 2010 p. 79 market Kaolin’s green dream: 20 Microns’ calcined kaolin targets No. 510 Marzo 2010 environmental products p. 80 Solar cell future for minerals: In the manufacturing process and in No. 510 Marzo 2010 cell components, minerals play a vital role in this growing market p. 83 Technografit GmbH: Dominik Georg Luh, managing director, talks No. 510 about potential graphite markets and growing applications such Marzo 2010 p. 90 as fuel cells. Biblionotas Marzo - Abril 2010 20 Gambling on lithium’s future: How the industry descended on Las No. 511 Vegas for IM’s Lithium Supply ^ Markets 2010 and came away Abril 2010 p. 31 divided Lithium’s clay play: Western Lithium’s vying to break into the industry’s elite through the world’s first production from hectorite No. 511 Abril 2010 clay and is timing it to coincide with an expected demand boom p. 36 from the electric car battery market Sulphuric acid: Negative prices, fertiliser demand slump and reduced copper production all soured the sulphuric acid market No. 511 Abril 2010 last . But now the chemical has been sweetened by a fertile p. 40 market outlook Australia: Land of Plenty—Australia remains a host for key No. 511 industrial mineral targets, some close to fruition, as their Abril 2010 p. 46 development potential is enhanced by state government initiatives America awaits alumina assembly: Refractory bauxite supply, new processing techniques and non-metallurgical alumina supply No. 511 Abril 2010 to be the subjects of debate at IM’s16th International Bauxite & p. 53 Alumina Conference in Miami Balla Balla titanomagnetite: Australia’s Aurox Resources Ltd No. 511 plans to produce ilmenite as a by-product of iron ore processing Abril 2010 p. 59 (titanomagnetite). Turkish delight: IM reports on MEI’s Processing of Industrial Mienrals’10 conference, which covered new lithium processing No. 511 Abril 2010 Concepts, borates from waste and new uses for established p. 60 technology Tundish refractory opportunities: A vital element in continuous casting, the tundish has become one of the biggest cost centres No. 511 Abril 2010 in the process, using refractory minerals such as magnesite, p. 64 andalusite, bauxite, olivine and dunite. Bombay Mineral Supply Co.: Salish Gandhi, managing director, No. 511 Abril 2010 talks to IM about the raw material opportunities in India. p. 74

Engineering and Mining Journal, Incorporating: World Mining Equipment. Vol. 211, No. 2 Marzo de 2010 Contenido: Puede solicitar cualquier artículo de estos a la Biblioteca



BHP Billiton Plans Further Iron Ore Growth in Western Australia No.2 Marzo 2010 p. 4 Barrick to Spin Off Gold Assets, Increase Cerro Casale Interest No.2 Marzo 2010 p. 4 China Indicts Four Rio Tinto Employees No.2 Marzo 2010 p. 5 South Africa Drops to Third in World Gold Production No.2 Marzo 2010 p. 5 Lihir Gold Sets Sights on 1.5 M Oz/Year Production Target No.2 Marzo 2010 p. 6 U. S. & Canada: Eagle Mine and Mill Receive Michigan State No.2 Marzo 2010 Approvals p. 8 Biblionotas Marzo - Abril 2010 21 Latin America: Vale Acquires Phosphate Assets in Brazil No.2 Marzo 2010 p. 14 Europe: Talvivaara Planning Uranium Recovery No.2 Marzo 2010 p. 16 Australia/Oceania: Boddington on Schedule to Become a 1 million No.2 Marzo 2010 oz/yr Gold producer p. 18 Africa: Mineral Deposits Doubling Mill Throughput at Sabodala No.2 Marzo 2010 p. 20 Asia: Kinross Agrees to Acquire High-Grade Deposit Near Kupol No.2 Marzo 2010 p. 22 Exploration Roundup: Meridian Lifts Lennard Shelf Resource No.2 Marzo 2010 Inventory p. 24 Tracking New Developments in Dozer Design: Productivity is the primary driver pushing bulldozer performance, but safety, No.2 Marzo 2010 reliability and operator comfort have increasing influence in p. 30 steering dozer design trends Atlas Copco Unveils the Scooptram ST7: This 6.8 mt capacity No.2 LHD is designed for mines in which small machine size combines Marzo 2010 p. 34 with high performance are the keys to superior productivity Control Center Bridges Gap in Communication Platforms: The system allows coal companies to monitor several mines, bridge No.2 Marzo 2010 Communications and implement n automated emergency p. 38 response plan Moving Ahead in Material World: Fresh Concepts and integrated No.2 solution from materials Harding suppliers help miners stay on Marzo 2010 p. 44 track to profitability Mining Grows in Importance for Bauma 2010: With traditional No.2 construction markets slumping, mining and mineral processing Marzo 2010 p. 50 will be one of the bright spots for the largest equipment exposition Options for Management and Closure of Large Tailings Facilities No.2 Marzo 2010 p. 72

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Revistas internacionales que manejan precios de minerales metálicos e industriales y puede solicitarlas a la biblioteca: Platts Metals Week. Vol. 81 Nos. 9 al 16 de Marzo y Abril de 2010 Puede solicitar el material a la Biblioteca PLATS METALS WEEK VOL. 81


Aluminum smelters eye Q2 flat Japan premiums 2 US magnesium prices hold to higher ranges 5 Venezuela power curbs hit Ferroatlantica’s ferrosilicon 7 9 Mar. 1/2010 Codelco boosts copper output< moly price hurts profits 12 Platinum market to see “modest deficit” in 2010: JM 14 Platts monthly average prices for February 23 Biblionotas Marzo - Abril 2010 22 Signs point to higher ferrochrome price 2 Thompson Creek sees favorable moly market 3 Chinese TC/RCs seen staying low 5 10 Mar. 8 /2010 Chinese spot zinc TCs down 18% since mid-February 7 Industrial activity to boost silver, platinum demand: BMO 8 Noranda Aluminum sees challenging near term: CEO 12 China to be strong bidder in Anglo zinc sale: analyst 2 Copper prices driven by Chinese demand: Freeport 4 Nichols aluminum sheet customers rebuild supply: CEO 6 11 Mar. 15/2010 Ford not worried by Bolivian stranglehold on lithium 9 Japanese steel mills defer moly oxide contracts 11 China unlikely to diversity forex reserves into gold 13 Barclays favors palladium over gold on fundamentals 2 European ferrotitanium price slips on profit-taking 6 China’s Gejiu Shuts lead smelters on power cuts 8 12 Mar. 22/2010 Aluminum alloy, scrap prices boosted on stronger LME 13 US magnesium offer levels become reality; Q3 Higher 14 Good Friday holiday publishing notice 15 Alcoa may gain some AB cansheet business back 2 US magnesium antidumping reviews extended 5 Doe Run to launch new lead-smelting process 7 US silicomanganese prices edge higher 913 Mar. 29/2010 Judge orders Asarco, USW to start talks 12 Gold steadies at week’s end; euro concerns remain 14 Chinese gold demand to double within 10 years: WGC 2 Platts rhodium price reaches $ 2,600 on spec buying 3 Canada Lithium to raise funds for Quebec project 8 14 Abr. 5 /2010 Jiangxi Copper 2010 cathode output to rise 12% 9 Review backs Weatherly plan to restart Namibian mines 10 Nyrstar ups Ironbark stake, helps fund zinc-lead deposit 11 Codelco eyes record investments despite restraints 2 Moly oxide up on consumer demand, supply tightness 5 Dull sport demand in US silicon, tight supply 6 15 Abr.12/2010 Alcoa talks on USW labor pact kick off April 27 10 Magnesium prices hold firm amid mixed demand 13 Platts’ rhodium price breaks $ 2,700 14 Aluminum mills see signs of better demand in 2010 2 China’s TMI found not dumping magnesium alloy 5 US ferrous scrap prices ease on better supply 7 16 Abr. 19/2010 Toho Zinc rejects Nyrstar’s raised offer for CBH 9 NYMEX palladium surges to two-year highs 11 Chinese antimony traders set to resume offers 15

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PentaSul – World Monthly review . Marzo – Abril 2010

Business Monitor – Minig Report de México, Perú y Chile: solicitar informacion

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