Encyclopedia of New Orleans Artists, 1718-1918, Bibliography
ENCY' LOQ DIA OF NEW LEANS ARTISTS 1718-1918 THE HISTORIC NEW ORLEANS COLLECTION BIBLIOGRAPHY SECONDARY SOURCES AANO. Artists' Association of New Orleans. Catalogue of the Annual Exhibition. New Orleans, 1886-1903. Published annually. ---. Catalogue of the Paintings By Members of the Artists' Association of New Orleans, At Auction Sale, By E. Curtis, Under the Free Library, Lafayette Square, Saturday, April 10th, 1897, at 2 o'clock. --. Charter, Constitution and By-Laws. New Orleans, 1893. --. School of Art, Season of 1886-1887. New Orleans, (1886]. --. School of Art, Session of 1892-1893. New Orleans, (1892]. "Acquisitions." Archives of American Art Journal 18(1978):30. Adams, Alexander B. John James Audubon. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1966. Adams, James H., Jr. "A Brief History of Walle & Co." A paper presented at Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond LA, May 1976. (Typewritten.) Alexander, Edward Porter. Catterel Ratterel (Doggerel). New York: G. P. Put nam's Sons, 1890. Alexander, James E. Transatlantic Sketches. 2 vols. London: Richard Bentley, 1833. Allibone, S. Austin. A Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors. 3 vols. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1877. Almanach de la Louisiane. New Orleans: Francis Bouvain, 1866. Almanach de la Louisiane. New Orleans: Francis Bouvain, 1867. Almanach de la Renaissance pour 1870. New Orleans: Emile LeFranc, 1870. American Art Annual. 37 vols. Washington DC: American Federation of Arts, 1898-1948. American Illustrating Company. Pen and Sunlight Sketches of Greater New Or leans. New Orleans: American Illustrating Company, (1912]. American Institute of Architects, New Orleans Chapter, and Louisiana Land marks Society. A Century of Architecture in New Orleans, 1857-1957.
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