Portland Daily Press: October 09,1863
DAILY PRESS. VOLUME II. FRIDAY PORTLAND, ME., MORNING, OCTOBER 0, 1863. WHOLE NO. 402. PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, MILITARY. BUSINESS CARDS. BUSINESS CARDS. MISCELLANEOUS. DRY GOODS. JOHN T. OILMAN. Editor, _____ FOR SALE & TO la at No. 82j EXCHANGE STREET, LET, published A CARD. IN FOX 11 LOCK, by Col. F. Fessenden’s .Util.* E. I'EIEX Al.ll. <'ouiitinir Koom to Let.-* N. A. FOSTER A CO. Regiment. SPECIAL ROOM over 90 DR. NOTICE. CorarajiThomas No. Commercial St S. C. FERNALD, THE LATEST NEWS! Block, to let. Appl/to N 7'erma : Attention, Veterans! MERCHANT „h1,„ J. MILLER. Tub TAILOR, 92 ( ommercialStreet. PORTLAND Daily Pkess is published every WVJ N T 1ST , ah1dtf_Over at $6.00 year in mornitig (Sundays excepted), tier ••SO!i to those from Portland! ST AIUDLE ANDERSON’S advance, to which will be added tvventy-fiye cents Knlistiiig No. 175 Nlidtll Street. STREET, To Lei for each three mouths' and it' not paid for at THOMAS fllHE commodious delay, Kbpkubnckr.Dr*. Bacon and Buerlin. LUCAS, Chamber tu tka north.,!.... the end ot the the will be discontinued. Has i year paper •502 Is Ihow rnliatiuK elsewhere in me just opened an Hoop Skirt and Corset uerol the new brick block, oru* r° fUm/.^d Single copies three cents. Stale, in i.d.lilisn Is the Ksuntira Portland, May 25,1863. tf Depot No. 145 Middle Milk Street. directly the The State I’uKsais every lliura- -and- Street Portland, facing ».r£,°f tow. Mam published the Toivuh may offer* Enquire at office or day morning,at $2.00 per Annum, ill advance; *2.26 ELEGANT OCEAN if within six months; and $2.60, il be STOCK INSURANCE CO.
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