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The Hellenic Centre 1994-2009 Celebrating 15 years HC001_cov_M_AW:Layout 1 2/2/09 15:16 Page 2

The Hellenic Centre 16-18 Paddington Street, Marylebone, London, W1U 5AS Tel: 020 7487 5060 Hellenic Community Trust, a Company limited by guarantee Charity Reg. No. 1010360 Registered Office: Caprini House, 163/173 Praed Street, London W2 1RH HC001_3-15_M_AW2:Layout 1 2/2/09 15:17 Page 1


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Ποσειδωνιάται Την γλώσσαν την ελληνική οι Ποσειδωνιάται εξέχασαν τόσους αιώνας ανακατευμένοι με Τυρρηνούς και με Λατίνους, κι’ άλλους ξένους. Το μόνο που τους έμενε πατρογονικό ήταν μια ελληνική γιορτή, με τελετές ωραίες, με λύρες και με αυλούς, με αγώνας και στεφάνους. Κ΄είχαν συνήθειο προς το τέλος της γιορτής τα παλαία τους έθιμα να διηγούνται, και τα ελληνικά ονόματα ξαναλένε, που μολίς πια τα καταλάμβαναν ολίγοι. Και πάντα μελαγχολικά τελείων’ η γιορτή τους. Γιατί θυμούνταν που κι’ αυτοί ήσαν Έλληνες – Ιταλιώται έναν καιρό κι’ αυτοί. Και τώρα πώς εξέπεσαν, πως έγιναν, να ζούν και να ομιλούν βαραβαρικά βγαλμένοι –ώ συμφορά!- απ’ τον ελληνισμό.

Poseidonians The Poseidonians forgot the Greek language after so many centuries of mingling with Tyrrhenians, Latins, and other foreigners. The only thing surviving from their ancestors was a Greek festival, with beautiful rites, with lyres and flutes, contests and wreaths. And it was their habit toward the festival’s end to tell each other about their ancient customs and once again to speak Greek names that only a few of them still recognized. And so their festival always had a melancholy ending because they remembered that they too were , they too once upon a time were citizens of Magna Graecia; and how low they’d fallen now, what they’d become, living and speaking like barbarians, cut off so disastrously from the Greek way of life.

C. P. Cavafy, August 1906 Translated by Edmund Keeley and Philip Sherrard

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STEERING COMMITTEE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE HELLENIC CENTRE Donors Mr G Kyriakou ( Chairman), Prof & Mrs N Arcoumanis, Mr & Mrs A Christodoulou, Great Benefactors Donors 15TH ANNIVERSARY GREETINGS Mrs E Cubitt, Mr & Mrs A David, Prof & Mrs A Epenetos, Mr & Mrs F Grammenopoulos, The A.G. Leventis Foundation Mrs A Angelopoulos Mr & Mrs M Iacovou, Mr & Mrs C Ioannides, Mr & Mrs C Kleanthous, Mrs R Kyriacou, Governement of the Republic of Mr & Mrs N Apodiacos Mrs Koula Lemos, Prof & Mrs A Nicolaides, Mr A & Prof K Phylaktis, Prof C Pissarides The Governement of the Hellenic Republic Bureau Veritas Lykion ton Hellinidon, London Mr & Mrs N Egon Governing Bodies Mr & Mrs Stelios Ioannou Mr & Mrs A Ellinas COUNCIL MEMBERS Fafalios Shipping SA Mr & Mrs F Grammenopoulos Costas Kleanthous (Chairman), Sylvia Christodoulou, Haralambos Fafalios, Marilen The J F Costopoulos Foundation Mrs Katerina Gregos Frangoulis, Filios Grammenopoulos, Michael Iacovou, Costas Ioannides, Ileana Kehagias, Bank of Cyprus (London) Ltd Eletson Corporation George Kyriacou, Edmée Leventis, Myriam Leventis, Marina, The Lady Marks, Spyros Captain & Mrs John Latsis Messr J C Hadjipateras & Sons Neophytou, Akis Phylaktis, Pighi Skiniti, Harris Sophoclides, Andrei Vandoros, Emmanuel The Michael Marks Charitable Trust Mr & Mrs V Hadji-Ioannou Zuridis, Antony Yerolemou, Mr & Mrs G Paraskevaides Mr S L Hadji-Ioannou In 1994, thanks to the foresight and the generous contributions of leading individuals and The Private Bank & Trust Co Ltd Mr & Mrs G Hayalides FORMER COUNCIL CHAIRMEN The Family of the late I C Caroussis organisations, the Hellenic Centre opened its doors for the first time. The Founders’ Andreas David, Costas Ioannides Benefactors Mr & Mrs M Jaharis Mrs Sylvia Ioannou Christodoulou purposes were to create a UK focus for the promotion of Greek cultural heritage, to provide FORMER COUNCIL MEMBERS Mr & Mrs A Kairis & Mr Athos Christodoulou Athos Christodoulou, George Christofides, George K Christofides, John D Fafalios, Mrs P Kalamotousi a home for the activities of the manifold cultural organisations already active in Britain and The Cyprus Popular Bank Ltd Homer Habibis, John A Hadjipateras, Tryphon Kedros, Sophie Kydoniefs, Koula Lemos, Mr & Mrs N Karantokis The Hellenic Cultural Centre to offer opportunities for new initiatives made possible by the Centre’s magnificent facilities. Andy Nicolaides, Eleni Vlassopulos, Valerie Kleanthous The Kollakis Families The Kedros Families Messrs Rethymnis & Kulukundis Ltd Dr Spiro J Latsis & Mrs Marianna Latsis Fifteen years on, these early ambitions have been more than amply fulfilled. Dedicated effort, EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS Mr & Mrs G Kyriacou Mrs Kalliopi Yemelos, Koula Lemos (Chairman), Andreas Christodoulou, Daphne Economides, Stamos Fafalios Mrs Koula Lemos hard work and determination on the part of the Governing Body, the Executive Board, the Mr George Tsavliris (Chairman, Cultural Committee), Sophie Kydoniefs, Irene Monios, Doulla Phyrillas, Mr & Mrs N S Lemos Constantinos Shiatis, George Tsavliris member organisations and the staff have made the Hellenic Centre a unique example of its Major Donors Mr & Mrs S Mihalarias FIRST EXECUTIVE BOARD OF THE HELLENIC CENTRE Alpha Bank London Limited Prof & Mrs A Nicolaides kind in the world-wide Greek and Cypriot Diaspora. Filios Grammenopoulos (Chairman), George Kyriacou, Costas Kleanthous, Andy Nicolaides, Mrs Evie Economou Mr & Mrs P Palios Koula Lemos, George A Lemos, Edmée Leventis, Gregory Parissis, Lydia Carras, Michael Ergobank SA Mrs Katie Papathoma We offer our warmest congratulations to the Hellenic Centre on this milestone anniversary Moschos, Michael Iacovou. Eurostile Interiors (Design) Ltd Mr & Mrs D C Pateras N J Goulandris Ltd Mr & Mrs J Payiavlas and our best wishes for its continued success. On the evidence of the past fifteen years, FORMER EXECUTIVE BOARD CHAIRMEN Mr & Mrs Pericles Hantzis Mr M C Peraticos & Family we are fully confident that the Centre will continue to grow and prosper for the benefit Filios Grammenopoulos, Andrei Vandoros, Edmée Leventis, Stamos Fafalios The Hellenic Foundation for Culture Mr & Mrs A P Vandoros of Hellenism and the Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom. FORMER EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS Katsouris Fresh Foods Ltd Mrs P M Yemelos Niki Beveridge, John Carras, Lydia Carras, Sylvia Christodoulou, Pericles Hantzis, lya Haritakis, Mr & Mrs George Keralakis, Monte Carlo Sir John Zochonis DL Michael Iacovou, Julia Ikiades, Evi Kalodiki, Costas Kleanthous, George Kyriacou, George A Mr & Mrs L Z Michalos St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Lemos, Natasha Lemos, Myriam Leventis, Michael Moschos, Andreas Nicolaides, Stelios The National Bank of Education Centre Niotis, Orthodoxos Orthodoxou, Marita Papadimitriou, Gregory Parissis, Peter Petrides, Akis The A M Nomicos Family Theatre Lab Gregorios, The A C & P C Laskaridis Families Phylaktis, Katie Phylaktis, Panos Phyrillas, Zetta Polychroniadis, Spyros Retsas, Renos Wideson, and many other contributors Antony Yerolemou. The Lyras Families Benevolent Trust Archbishop of Thyateira and Great Britain The Mouskas Families HELLENIC CENTRE STAFF Mr & Mrs Panos Papakokkinos, Seychelles Agatha Kalisperas (Director), Maria Kalli (Deputy Director), Evangelia Roussou Vassilis Pispinis Alexandros Zenon A & P Paraskevaides Ltd Ambassador of Greece to UK High Commissioner for the Republic of Cyprus (Greek Language Courses Coordinator), Kay Stavrinou (Marketing), Christina Vagiotis, Mr D G Pateras Iraklis Briasoulis, Isaura Barbosa Mr & Mrs Nicos D Pateras FORMER HELLENIC CENTRE STAFF Captain & Mrs P Tsakos Andreas Papadakis, Nikos Papadakis, Kelly Likouris, Ioanna Tsatsos-Raptis, Sophia Pampoulidou, Kyra Paraschaki, Danny Devlin, Michael Clancy, Xanthippi Arvanitidou, Jane Ronge

MEMBER SOCIETIES Lykion ton Hellinidon Curzon Maritime Ltd Marks & Spencer Plc OF THE HELLENIC CENTRE Macedonian Society of Great Britain Cyprus Airways Public Ltd Moore Stephens Anglo-Hellenic League Peloponnesian Association of Great Britain Cyprus Tourism Organisation N J Goulandris Limited Cypriot Estia of London Society of Modern Greek Studies Eagle Ocean Ltd NHS London-Finance Skills Development Diaspora Centre EFG Private Bank Ltd Nicholas & Co The Hellenic Centre enjoys the patronage of the Archbishop of Thyateira, the Ambassador EFEK UK (National Union of Cypriot COMPANY MEMBERS Embiricos Shipbrokers Nicolas UK Ltd of Greece and the High Commissioner for the Republic of Cyprus Students UK) OF THE HELLENIC CENTRE Executive Action Odysea Ltd Episteme – The Association of British A Bilbrough & Co Ltd Fafalios Ltd Pearl Carriers Ltd Cypriot Professionals Academy of Executive Coaching Ltd Faros Maritime Ltd Resolution Eteria Ellinon Epistimonon Aegean Airlines Griffin Marine Travel Ltd Ricoh Europe Plc Greek Archaeological Committee (UK) AITO Hellenic Tourism Organisation Royal Bank of Scotland Greek Cypriot Brotherhood Alpha Bank London Hill Dickinson Llp Southern Shipping & Finance Co Ltd Hellenic Bankers Association-UK Bank of Cyprus UK i-coach Academy Surgical Conference Management Hellenic Engineers Society Bevelynn Ltd Impulse Events Ltd UBS AG Hellenic Foundation BMI Health Care John S Latsis (London) Limited Useful Training Limited Hellenic Medical Society British Academy of Graphology Laiki Bank Westminster Primary Care Trust Ionian Society Chandris (UK) Ltd Lincoln Group Ltd ? What If ! Inventors Ltd London Hellenic Society Chios Navigation Co Ltd Louis Tourist Agency

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It seems only yesterday that we welcomed His All Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch With the creation of the Hellenic Centre fifteen years ago, a dream of the Hellenic Bartholomew I to bless our new and imposing Hellenic Centre in the heart of London and Community became a reality. Over the years the Hellenic Centre has become a natural home a few months later the then president of Cyprus, Mr Glafkos Clerides, to inaugurate it. In fact for first class social and cultural events, not only for Hellenes but for the public in general. it is fifteen years ago, but our aims and objectives have not changed. We sought to provide a Today we reap the benefit of the hard work and financial generosity of all those individuals, home for the various societies of the Hellenic Community, and to create a Centre from which past and present, involved in creating the Centre and ensuring its continuation and smooth we could reach out to the wider Hellenic Diaspora. We also wanted to extend knowledge of running. We are grateful to all of them, and we look to the future with hope and confidence, Hellenic culture, Greece and Cyprus to all those living in the British Isles, and, perhaps most especially as more and more people of the younger generation attend our events and gatherings. importantly, to encourage our children to retain their proud heritage when the first generation of Greek immigrants is no longer there to keep traditions alive.

As a result of the hard work, enthusiasm and dedication of so many, and the overwhelmingly Koula Lemos generous financial support which the Centre has received, I think we can truly say that the Chairman, Executive Board project has been a success beyond anything we could have hoped. In this commemorative The Hellenic Centre publication we record the names of many of those who have contributed both financially and with their time and energy to the Hellenic Centre. I know many names have been omitted but I would like to assure them that every single contribution is much appreciated. We are forever grateful. One of the major successes of the Centre is reflected in the eminent speakers, musicians and academics who have honoured us with their contributions, and the amazingly rich and varied exhibitions which we have hosted. All of this has been much appreciated The Hellenic Centre is much more than a building. It is a dynamic, changing organisation, not only by our members but by the many visitors attracted by our programme of events. with its own life and rhythms that continue all day long, sometimes into the small hours. We are now considered an integral part of the neighbourhood, the City of Westminster and In the morning, a room might be arranged for a meeting with chairs gathered efficiently the cultural life of London. We will nurture this relationship and seek to build on it. around the table; by afternoon, it is an exhibition space, lit to bring out the colours of the paintings; in the evening it becomes a lecture hall, filled with the hush of people listening. We look to the future with confidence. We will continue to be ever mindful of the interests In this microcosm of the Hellenic world, activity never stops. Visitors come and go, for Greek of the younger generation and all Hellenes of the Diaspora, and will continue to work in close lessons, for concerts, for talks and for parties. cooperation with the host community, the governments of Greece and Cyprus, and our Archbishopric of Thyateira and Great Britain. None of this would be possible without the dedication of our team of staff, who work hard beyond the call of duty, and our volunteers, many of whom cheerfully give up their time for a project which is close to their hearts. As the Director of the Centre I feel privileged to work with such a lively and inspiring group of people. However tired I may sometimes be, Costas Kleanthous I always feel proud and fortunate to be a part of this project, which has been at the centre Chairman of my life for more than ten years. Hellenic Community Trust

Agatha Kalisperas Director of the Hellenic Centre

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his year the Hellenic Centre disseminate Hellenic culture. Although the families and foundations of Kedros, value on attracting new generations celebrates its fifteenth during its life it had no permanent Laskarides, Latsis, Lemos, Mouskas, of Greeks, born here, who want to anniversary, itself an home, it organised many memorable Paraskevaides, Papakokkinos and keep in touch with their roots, their affirmation of the place it events. At the same time the Lykion ton Yemelos, the Michael Marks Charitable language and their culture. One of Thas come to occupy in the life of the Hellinidon, which was formed in 1979, Trust and many individual donors and our core activities since 1999 has been community. The Centre’s mission is was also looking for premises. members, 16-18 Paddington Street was the provision of Greek language courses to provide a base for Hellenic culture transformed into the elegant space we at a variety of levels and at times to When a separate group of like-minded in London, to bring together Greeks enjoy today. In 1993, with renovations suit everyone. individuals with the same aims was already underway, the building was and Greek Cypriots in the diaspora, From its inception the Centre established formed in December 1987, under the blessed by His All Holiness the and to nurture the unique relationship close working relationships with the leadership of Andreas and Mitsi David, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I. between Britain and the Hellenic Church and with the governments of both the Hellenic Cultural Centre and The Centre was officially inaugurated on world. In its short lifetime it has Greece and Cyprus and their missions Lykion ton Hellinidon readily joined November 18th 1994 by His Excellency become a home for all aspects of in the UK. The Archbishop of Thyateira, their efforts. the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Hellenism and many kinds of cultural the Ambassador of the Hellenic Mr. Glafcos Clerides. cooperation and exchange. The 2006 Our present home, a beautiful Portland Republic and the High Commissioner exhibition of Greek embroideries from stone and red brick building in one As a project of the Hellenic Community for the Republic of Cyprus have been the collections of the Benaki Museum of the most charming and sought Trust, the Hellenic Centre is run by the its patrons from the start. Over the years in Athens and the Victoria and Albert after areas of London, was built in Trustees and their Executive Board, we have also formed links with local Museum in London, which drew the early 1900s as a Swedish who are all volunteers. A full time government and community almost two thousand visitors, was a gymnastics college. With the help Director manages the Centre on a organisations, and opened our doors dazzling example of the pleasures and of a generous first donation by the day to day basis, with the necessary to local companies, individuals and possibilities offered by such ventures. A G Leventis Foundation, Mr and administrative support. members for corporate and private Mrs Stelios Ioannou, Fafalios Shipping The idea for a centre for all things conferences and functions. All these SA, the Bank of Cyprus London Ltd, In the fifteen years since its creation Hellenic took shape in the late 1970s, contacts and connections have the Hellenic Cultural Centre and the the Centre has hosted a great variety when a group of community spirited extended the Centre’s reach beyond the Lykion ton Hellinidon, whose offices of exhibitions, lectures, performances, Greeks got together to provide a focus Hellenic community and helped us to are housed in the Centre, the building film screenings, discussions, readings for Greek and Greek Cypriot culture in build ties of friendship and cooperation. was purchased for £1.25 million in1992. and presentations, most of them free London. The Hellenic Cultural Centre The Hellenic Community Trust was to the public. Some are organised In the pages that follow you can read was formed in 1978 through the hard established as a charitable body to directly by the Centre, and some by about a small selection of our activities work of a group of people from both take ownership of the building, and our energetic member societies, among over the last fifteen years. A complete communities, bringing together existing them the Cypriot Estia of London, the list of our events can be found at the an appeal was launched to raise the Greek and Greek Cypriot societies. London Hellenic Society, the Lykion end of this publication.With your help £2 million needed for its refurbishment. Among its aims was the acquisition ton Hellinidon, the Eteria Ellinon and participation, we look forward to a of a building in the centre of London With subsequent donations from the Epistimonon, the Hellenic Foundation still more exciting future. to house its member societies and be Governments of Cyprus and Greece, and the Macedonian Society of Great a credible centre from which to the Popular Bank of Cyprus, Ergobank, Britain. We place a particularly high

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he Hellenic Centre has On our tenth anniversary, which as the exhibition of work by young In 2006, the Hellenic Centre collaborated become an important venue coincided with the accession of Cyprus UK-based artists of Greek and Cypriot for the first time with a major British for the visual arts, hosting to the European Union, President Tassos extraction in 1997 to 2005’s “Somatopia: museum to put together one of our major historical shows in Papadopoulos inaugurated “Colours Mapping Sites, Siting Bodies,” produced most beautiful exhibitions, which Tthe high-ceilinged Great Hall and of Medieval Cyprus,” an exhibition of by artists from Cyprus. attracted almost 2,000 visitors. “Greek showcasing the work of new artists in surprisingly modern-looking pottery and Embroidery, 17th to 19th Century,” Photography offers direct glimpses of the more intimate Friends’ Room. Our works on paper curated with the Leventis organised with the Victoria and Albert the past and new ways of seeing the opening exhibition , “Nineteenth and Municipal Museum of . Our four Museum, reunited pieces brought back present. “Greece in the Second World Twentieth Century Greek Paintings” major icon exhibitions, including “After from Greece by English collectors in War” (1995), in association with the from the A.G. Leventis Collection, gave Byzantium” in 1996, from the collection of the early 1900s with work from the Cultural Centre of the Municipality of a foretaste of the great variety of styles Marianna Latsis, “Conversation with God” Benaki Museum in Athens. Costumes Athens, brought together photographs and subject matter represented in in 1998, in cooperation with the Byzantine worn on festive days, fine pieces made and documents from the period. Reno Hellenic art, and its long dialogue with Museum of Athens, and “Cyprus the Holy for weddings and decorated household Wideson’s beautiful pictures of Cyprus both Western and Byzantine forms. Island: Icons through the Centuries” in linens came together to give a rich and Greece have filled our walls on 2000, all brought works of art central to and intimate sense of the art made Some of our most important exhibitions several occasions, offering a record of Orthodox worship to a new audience. by women to enhance everyday life. have been organised in cooperation with our changing landscapes from the 1940s the governments of Greece and Cyprus, Contemporary art is just as important to the present. The 2002 exhibition of as well as major museums. “Through in the life of the Centre. As well as the photographs by Frederic Boissonas, Romantic Eyes” (1996), from the collection work of well-known artists—among them taken in Greece between 1900 and 1922, of the Benaki Museum in Athens, featured George Pol Georgiou, Telemachos brought an older lost world to life; shows European images of nineteenth century Kanthos and Alecos Fassianos—we always by contemporary photographers, such Greece, from the silvery landscapes of make space available for newer talent, as Chryssa Nikoleri’s “Urban Landscape” watercolourists like Edward Lear to the whether Greek or Greek Cypriot (2001) and Hector Dimissianos’ “The dramatic images by French and Italian or inspired by Greece or Cyprus. Group Fringes of the City” (1999), present artists of the War of Independence. shows have been especially popular, such aspects of Greece less often seen abroad.

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ectures on a wide variety (Marcos Dragoumis on the music of celebrated and discussed by Marianna Our literary events are always well of subjects have been a Asia minor). Nor have we neglected Koromila and John Julius Norwich attended, whether they take the form mainstay of the Centre’s the political integration of Greece and among many others; in 2001 Julian of conversations with writers such as activities from the beginning, Cyprus into the new Europe: in 1999 Chrisostomidou of Royal Holloway, Alki Zei and Panos Karnezis, book Land we have been privileged to we heard from George Vasiliou, former , held a series of launches, lectures or poetry readings. welcome many distinguished speakers president of the Republic of Cyprus, seminars. In 2003 we held a The extraordinary variety of Greece’s from the spheres of politics, academia, about his country’s accession to the commemoration of the 550th flora and fauna was celebrated in the medicine, literature and the arts. European Union, for which he was the anniversary of the fall of Constantinople; series “Discover Greece and Cyprus,” chief negotiator. organised with the Lykion ton Early on, in 1995, we were addressed in 2005 the Benaki Museum’s Anthi Hellinidon; the development of the by two of Britain’s most learned Given the length and richness of Greek Balsamaki gave a fascinating account of human embryo was the subject of parliamentarians from opposite ends history, it is perhaps not surprising that the symbolism and secrets of Byzantine a lecture by the surgeon and fetal of the political spectrum, Enoch Powell the past is a frequent theme. Among the iconography. In November 2008 we medicine pioneer Professor Kypros and Michael Foot, as part of a series historians and writers who have spoken welcomed Maria Vassilaki, curator of the Nicolaides. In short, our guests have entitled “We are all Greek—Why?” The here are Mark Mazower (on Greeks and major Byzantium exhibition at the Royal touched on almost every aspect of role of Hellenic culture in the wider Jews in the shadow of the Holocaust), Academy of Arts. The ancient world has experience, in the ancient Greek world has been a frequent theme, with Richard Clogg (on the ), claimed its share of attention, with tradition that puts humanity at the contributions from historians (Michael Michael Llewellyn-Smith (on Greece and lectures on Chios in classical antiquity, centre of understanding: “Man is the Wood on the Kalas villages in Pakistan, British politicians), Paschalis Kitromilides the maritime archaeology of the Aegean, measure of all things.” settled by Alexander’s troops), literary (on Greek cultural traditions in Asia the gold of Macedonia, the languages scholars (David Ricks on Cavafy and Minor) and the late Sir David Hunt, war and scripts of ancient Cyprus, Cypriot English poetry, Anthony Hirst on veteran, diplomat, philhellene and archaeology (by Vassos Karagiorgis) and Oscar Wilde’s response to Greece), Mastermind champion, who hosted a the unforgettable Fayoum portraits of Byzantinologists (Angeliki Laiou on the day on Greece in the Second World War. ancient (by Euphrosyne Doxiadis), multi-ethnic state) and musicologists The civilisation of Byzantium has been to name only a few.

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MUSIC, PERFORMANCE, FILM n order to take the spiritual of innovation continues in the work of would have been the seventieth by the traditional dancers of the Lykion temperature of an individual or composers such as the young Cypriot birthday of our great friend and ton Hellinidon, who also run regular society, one must mark the music.” Evis Sammoutis, whose work was supporter, Constantinos Leventis. workshops. Our theatrical events have So said Plato; Hellenism without performed for us by the Kreutzer included enthusiastic productions of Popular music from the country and “Imusic is inconceivable. From ancient Quartet. For a number of years we were J.B. Priestley’s “A Dangerous Corner” and the city is close to the hearts of Greeks lyric to Byzantine chant, from folk song fortunate to host the Hellenic Concert “Byzantium, 00 AD” in cooperation with everywhere. In 2004 we were treated to classical composition to dance Theatre Lab as well as visits from other Series, sponsored by the Michael Marks to a rare evening of music played on rhythms of all kinds, the rafters of the London companies such as ETHOL Charitable Trust and the Bank of Cyprus the Pontic lyra by Matthaios and Hellenic Centre frequently ring with an and Nea Skini. In 2008 we were fortunate (London) and featuring such ensembles Konstantinos Tsahourides; in 2005 we eclectic mix of instruments and voices. to host a lively solo performance of as the Chilingirian Quartet, the Medici heard a recital of songs by Attik, the Among the talents who have graced the Apology of Socrates, given in Greek Quartet and the Dorian Ensemble. We Athenian songwriter of the thirties and our hall are the great folk musician and English, by the Emmy Award winner have enjoyed solo performances by forties whose work gave courage to so Domna Samiou, the singer-songwriters Yannis Simonides, as well as two fine musicians, such as the pianist many during the war years. Our regular Dionysis Savvopoulos and Alkinoos productions by the University of Cyprus Christodoulos Georgiades, and we have Greek evenings with live bands allow Ioannides, the composer Mimis Plesas Theatre Workshop, Leontios Macheras’ been especially proud to welcome our members to participate fully in the and the vocalist Nena Venetsanou, who “Annals of Cyprus” and “Erotocritos.” young classical musicians from Greece pleasures of rhythm. performed a programme that spanned and Cyprus in our Young Greek Masters Over the years we have screened two thousand years. Because harmony knows no borders, series. One of the high points of our numerous documentaries about Greece we have also welcomed musicians from Greek composers have made an musical programming was a special and Cyprus; in 2008 we were delighted Japan and South America; in 2008, a important contribution to contemporary performance of Donizetti’s to host the first London Greek Film musical voyage through Greece, Brazil, classical music. In 2005 we celebrated Caterina Cornaro in the Queen Elizabeth Festival, a four-day event with many Argentina, Portugal, Italy and Cyprus the work of Iannis Xenakis; in 1999 the Hall, organized by Lady Iro Hunt. In UK premiers of films by Greek and took us all on a sentimental journey. New Hellenic Quartet performed works April 2008 we saw the return of Marios Cypriot directors and video workshops by Nikos Skalkottas on the fiftieth Papadopoulos with the Oxford Music leads inevitably to dance, and we by Video Poetica. anniversary of his death. The tradition Philomusica to give a concert on what have enjoyed many fine performances

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A GREEK YEAR he Hellenic Centre’s year is In the second week of Carnival the Opening Nights with hard boiled eggs Christmas begins with the splendid threaded through with Societies celebrate Tsiknopempti, the dyed red to symbolize the redeeming bazaar held by the ladies of the Lykion customs that mark the Thursday when meat is traditionally blood of Christ. Before you eat your ton Hellinidon, an opportunity for some seasons for Greeks grilled so that the smoke or “tsikna” fills egg you have to crack it against your original Christmas shopping. As well as Teverywhere, celebrated with good the air, spreading news of the feast. The friends’ to see whose egg is toughest— delicious home-baked cakes, biscuits, food and enthusiasm. Our member third week—Tyrini, orCheese Week, when and who is the luckiest. Koulouria and jams and preserves there are beautiful Societies play a lively part in these people can eat fish and dairy products tsoureki—round biscuits and the hand-worked embroideries, and the occasions. Many invite their members but not meat—leads in to Kathara sweet egg bread traditionally made for Lykion diary with its colourful here to cut their Vasilopita, the New Deftera, or Clean Monday, the start of the Easter—also make an appearance at the photographs. Finally, families come Year cake that’s baked in honour of forty-day Lent fast. Centre; baking is one of the many skills together for the Christmas Lunch, with St. Basil. A priest is usually on hand to our members like to share. family games like bingo or charades. On Kathara Deftera Greeks head for bless the cake, and everyone crowds And then, before you know it, it’s time the countryside to eat Lent food and Each year we also commemorate the around to see who’ll get the slice again for the Vasilopita… with the coin baked into it, and a fly their home-made kites, competing national days of Greece and Cyprus: year’s good luck. Around January to see whose can go the highest. 25th March, October 1st and October 30th we celebrate the Orthodox Day Unfortunately there’s not much space 28th. And throughout the seasons we of Learning, usually with a talk on a for kite flying in Marylebone, but there’s have evenings of live Greek music, church-related theme. always a wonderful lunch prepared dancing and food (of course), when at the Centre on that day, with the members and friends can come to relax Spring brings the Carnival with dances traditional Lent dishes of octopus, in the Greek way. Like our regular Bar and masquerades—a time of freedom squid, shrimp, flat bread, olives, beans, Late Opening Nights, these evenings and enjoyment descended from an taramosalata, salads and halvah, and keep young people coming to the ancient festival in honour of Dionysus live music and dancing. Centre, bringing new energy and and the world’s rebirth. There is always nourishing the Greek part of their lives. a Carnival party to which children—and After Lent comes Easter, which we adults too—can come in fancy dress. celebrate at one of our Bar Late

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GREEK LANGUAGE COURSES EXCURSIONS earning a language is Our students and teachers also benefit he Hellenic Centre has perhaps the best way to from an extensive specialist library organised a series of memorable understand another culture. and audiovisual materials. excursions for its members. L In 1999 we began offering Since 2006 our twelve regular teachers T The first was a trip to Istanbul Greek lessons to a group of fifteen have been assessed by an external in 1993 with the historian and author students; we now have more than evaluator and benefit from regular Marianna Koromila, which included an 350 students from thirty-eight different training seminars, supported by the audience with the Patriarch at the School countries, ranging in age from twenty Greek Ministry of Education, which of Chalki at which he kindly agreed to to eighty. Many are professionals with are also open to other teachers of come and bless the newly acquired a Greek spouse or partner or a holiday Greek as a second language. These Hellenic Centre building. The following home in Greece; others are Greeks or seminars and assessments are the year we visited Cyprus with the excellent Greek Cypriots from the diaspora who product of our close cooperation with guide Titina Loizidou. In 1995 we toured wish to improve their conversational Dr Niovi Antonopoulou of the Centre Western Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Vergina, skills or learn to read and write in for Greek Language, at the Aristoteleion Dion, Pella and Prespes with Artemis Greek. The levels of tuition we offer University of Thessalononiki and the Pertsinidou, and in 1996 we travelled now follow the Common European European Centre for Modern to Eastern Macedonia, Thrace and the Framework of Reference for Languages, Council of Europe. Orthodox monasteries of Bulgaria. 1997 Languages. We are very proud to be In 2007 we were visited by Professor found us in Sicily, and 1998 in New York able to offer preparation for the George Babiniotis of Athens University for the Metropolitan Museum’s exhibition Certificate of Attainment in Modern and the Foundation for Hellenic “The Glory of Byzantium,” again enriched Greek, and currently supply many of Culture, who held consultation for us by the deep knowledge of Marianna the students who sit this exam. Last sessions with our teachers. Koromila. In subsequent years we visited summer we introduced an end of year old Rome and the Holy Land. We continue exam for all our students, with its own to organise day trips to places of interest certificate from the Hellenic Centre. in the UK.

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THE NEXT GENERATION hildren have always been at To celebrate the Athens Olympiad we are especially popular. Needless to the heart of Greek life, and held a three-day event, with a painting say, the atmosphere was electric at we take particular pleasure competition for children, magicians and our screenings of the Eurovision Song in welcoming the youngest entertainers, face painting and a disco. Contest and the European Football visitorsC to the Hellenic Centre. As well That same year saw two inspirational Cup on the occasions when Greece as regular events like the carnival fancy music workshops, one on classical music won those competitions. In 2008 we dress party and the family Christmas for students of the Greek schools in hosted the first Greek Cultural Festival lunch we organize all kinds of creative London with the cellist Christos Grimpas of Youth Arts in London, bringing workshops and performances for and the pianist Vicky Yannoula, and one together young artists and performers children. In 1997, in association with on Greek folk and popular music with from the UK for a day of dance, song Theatro Technis, we were privileged the group Plastic Chairs. It was a joy to and theatre “in an atmosphere born to host the great Karagiozis player watch 200 children from English and out of the Dionysian spirit of music.” Evgenios Spatharis with his shadow Greek primary schools, the Hellenic The Festival will be expanded in future puppet theatre. College and the French Lycee, some years, and will become a regular feature with special needs, singing and dancing of our programme. Puppets have also played a starring role together as they learned about Greek in a series of story-telling events by Aria musical traditions. Sandis, including Curious Carla and the Problem of Knowledge, which gave It is especially important to us to draw our young intellectuals a guided tour young people to the Centre, to help of Greek philosophy, and the especially them take pleasure and pride in the popular Pegasus and Mendius, which Greek part of their lives and to ensure ended with the children making their the future of our community. Of course, own Pegasus puppets. our younger members are welcome at all our events; film and musical evenings

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FACILITIES ur light and airy red brick snow and living Christmas trees. building in the heart In addition we have a wide range of of Marylebone started more intimate meeting and exhibition life in the early 1900s as a rooms, including the Friends’ Room, OSwedish gymnastics college. During the Boardroom and the Library. Clients the Great War of 1914-18, it saw who have used our facilities include service as the Swedish War Hospital the BBC, the NHS, Marks & Spencer, for British Wounded. PricewaterhouseCoopers, Boots, L’Oreal and many more, who return time and A sensitive and elegant conversion has time again. made it an ideal venue not only for the Hellenic Centre’s many programmes, Our bright and cosy downstairs bar is but for all kinds of business, professional, often open for an intimate evening of cultural and social events, from concerts live Greece music, drinks and snacks. to conferences and weddings to The Library houses an extensive fashion shows. collection of books on the history, Its centrepiece is the extraordinary geography and literature of Greece high-ceilinged Great Hall, which can and Cyprus. We have a particularly accommodate up to 200 guests. good selection of works on Greece This galleried white-walled space in the Second World War, generously allows great creative flexibility for both donated by Costas N. Hadjipateras professional and personal celebrations. and Maria Fafalios-Dragonas. It is open Over the years we have seen it by appointment to members and transformed from a fairy-tale garden other researchers. to a winter wonderland, complete with

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Concerts 9 May, The Legal Regime of the Aegean and Greek Social Event Concerts FIFTEEN YEARS OF EVENTS AT THE HELLENIC CENTRE 25 January, The Hellenic Concert Series by the Foreign Policy by Dr. S. Spiliotopoulos (Eteria 19 January, Vasilopita (Lykion ton Hellinidon) 22 April, Press Launch of world premier Ellinon Epistimonon) Dorian Ensemble (The Hellenic Centre, The 21 January, Vasilopita (Macedonian Society) recordings of music by John Tavener Michael Marks Charitable Trust and Bank of 16 May, The Life and Work of Telemachos Kanthos 23 January, Vasilopita (Ionian Society) 3 May, Centre for liturgical and traditional arts Cyprus UK) by Dr. E. Nikita (The Hellenic Centre and the in Greece – ecclesiastical and folk songs 17 February, A musical evening with Eleni and Greek Cypriot Brotherhood) 24 January, Vasilopita (Hellenic Bankers (Committee of the support of the Association Evgenia Kanthos (The Hellenic Centre) 28 May, Magna Graecia - Language and Association) of Northern Epirus) 9 March, The Hellenic Concert Series by the BT Architecture by G. Hadjifanis and L. Apostolidou- 26 January, Dinner and Vasilopita (London 28 June, A concert of Contemporary Greek Scottish Ensemble with Barbara Browney (Solo Pavlou (Cypriot Estia of London) Hellenic Society) Music (London Greek Theatre Group) Soprano) (The Hellenic Centre, The Michael 20 September, Aspects on Foetal Medicine by Prof. 29 January, Vasilopita (The Hellenic Centre) 15 October, Maria Callas Remembered Concert Marks Charitable Trust and Bank of Cyprus UK) K. Nicolaides (Hellenic Medical Society) 9 February, Annual Dinner (Hellenic Medical (The Hellenic Centre) 8 May, The Hellenic Concert Series by the Dorian 23 September, Teucer - Founder of Cypriot Salamis Society) 21 October, Callas and her Contemporaries by Ensemble (The Hellenic Centre, The Michael – Literature and Legend by M. Deyes (Diaspora 2 March, Annual Dinner-Dance (Support A. Sievewright (The Hellenic Centre) Marks Charitable Trust and Bank of Cyprus UK) Centre) Other Events 19 May, George Seferis and Cyprus by C. 8 October, Family Quiz (Fundraising Association of Northern Epirus) Lectures 26 June, The Hellenic Concert Series by BT THE HELLENIC Angelidou (Foundation for Hellenic Culture) Committee of the Hellenic Centre) 26-27 September, A two day symposium on 5-6 December, Christmas Bazaar (Lykion ton 18 November, Inauguration of the Hellenic Scottish Ensemble with Julian Llloyd Webber 30 January, European Integration by S. Stathatos and Poetry (The Hellinidon) CENTRE Centre by Glafcos Clerides, the President of 21 May, An evening in honour of N.G. 7 December, Christmas Bazaar (Lykion ton and Clio Gould (The Hellenic Centre, The Hellenic Centre and the Foundation for Hellenic (The Hellenic Centre and Anglo-Hellenic Cyprus (The Hellenic Centre) Hammond – Presentation of his books on the Hellinidon) 8 December, Christmas Festivities at the League) 11th November 1993, The Hellenic Centre was Michael Marks Charitable Trust and Bank of Culture) History of Macedonia (Coordination Hellenic Centre (The Hellenic Centre) blessed by His All Holiness The Ecumenical 3-4 December, Traditional Greek Dances with Other Events Cyprus UK) 31 January, Lecture by Prof. Ch. Giannaras Committee of Macedonia) 3 October, Greek Architecture: Past, Present, Future Patriarch Bartholomew I musicians from Greece and Workshop (Lykion 8 May, Film Flames in the Atlantic (London 29-30 November, Domna Samiou performs by Prof. A. Tombazis (The Hellenic Centre) Other Events (The Hellenic Centre) ton Hellinidon) 26 May, The Banking System of Cyprus by 18th November 1994, The Hellenic Centre was Hellenic Society) traditional Greek music (The Hellenic Centre) 10-11 February, Philomel’s Second meeting of 10 February, An Underwater Excavation of a 16th Dr. Kate Phylaktis (Cyprus Popular Bank) 9 October, Celebrating Homer: A special two-day inaugurated by H.E. the president of the 8 December, Christmas Bazaar (Lykion ton 30 June, A scientific meeting in order to allow 18 December, Concert with the Mezzo-Soprano event (The Hellenic Centre and the Foundation the Scientific Committee and Working Group Century Shipwreck by the Island of Zante by republic of Cyprus Glafcos Clerides Hellinidon) 30 May, From Marathon to Normandy by professionals working within healthcare and Markella Hatziano (The Hellenic Centre) of Hellenic Culture) (Consulate General of Greece and the K. Dellaporta (Ionian Society) D. Avraamopoulos (The Hellenic Centre) European Commission) Excursion to Cyprus with guide T. Loizidou allied professions, to meet and exchange ideas Lectures 9 October, The Poetics of Odyssey: From folk tale to 5 March, Lecture by J. Koliopoulos (The (The Hellenic Centre) 6 June, The Greek Notion of Courage. From Plato about their work (Hellenic Medical Society) 22-25 May, Kafenio i Kouventes by London Hellenic Centre) EVENTS 22 January, Sophocles and the Man’s Fate by the Epic of Irony by Prof. D. Maronitis (The to Aristotle to Modern Times by E. Gounaris 9 November, Fashion Show (Fundraising Hellenic Centre) Greek Theatre Group 27 March, A Day in the “Agora” of Ancient Athens (The Hellenic Centre) S. Bazakou – Marangoudakis (Lykion ton 1995 Committee of the Hellenic Centre) Hellinidon) 10 October, Homeric Values, A seminar / Homer 26 June, Scientific Meeting (Hellenic Medical by L. Georgiou (Eteria Ellinon Epistimonon) 1993 15 June, Post – War Diplomacy by A. Skopelitis Excursion to Thessaloniki and West Macedonia our Contemporary by Dr. P. Jones (The Hellenic Society) 18 April, A selection of Hymns of the holy week Exhibitions 30 January, Albania in the Contemporary Balkans (London Hellenic Society) (The Hellenic Centre) Centre) 10 December, Film Mikro Kastellorizo (London by D. Papasavvas and C. Kavadas (ETHOL) Excursion to Constantinople – The Patriarch by J. Pettifier (The Hellenic Centre) 1 May – 30 June, The War We Fought 1940 – 27 June, Greeks and Jews in the Shadow of the Hellenic Society) was invited to come and bless The Hellenic 18 October, Nicosia – The Only Divided City of 9 May, Anestis Evangelou, A War Poet of 1941. Exhibition of drawings and paintings Holocaust by Dr. M. Mazower (The Hellenic 13 February, The Cyprus Question: History Current Centre Europe by L. Demetriades (Eteria Ellinon 15 December, Philomel Project: O tsoufis by Thessaloniki by Dr. G. Aragis (Eteria Ellinon by A.D. Alexandrakis (The Hellenic Centre) Centre) 1996 Development and prospects by V. Markides (The Hellenic Centre) Epistimonon) A. Vlachos Epistimonon) 5 October – 15 November, Greece in the Exhibitions 3 October, Recent Developments in the Search 28 October, The Meaning of the Ochi Day – 28 Excursion to East Macedonia and Thrace 15 May, Cyprus and International Law by 1994 Second World War. An Exhibition of 14 February, Launching of the books The Navy of for a Solution to the Cyprus Problem by 8 February, Exhibition and auction of paintings October 1940 by A. Michaelides (Association of (The Hellenic Centre) A. Markides (The Hellenic Centre) photographs and historical documents N. Kounoupias (Anglo-Cypriot Lawyers the Ionian Islands by NS. Vlassopoulos, Greek Exhibitions by artists who studied and painted in Greece Owned Shipping by G. Harlaftis, 343 Iera Odos- Greek Orthodox Communities) 20 May, The Maritime Archaeology of the Aegean (The Hellenic Centre and The Cultural Centre Association) as students of the British School at Athens 3-30 November, The A. G. Leventis Collection Dromokaition Witnessed by M.S. Fafalios (London 30-31 October, Cyprus in the European Union, by Prof. P. Day (London Hellenic Society) of the Municipality of Athens) (Friends of the BSA, UK) 1997 of 19th and 20th Centuries Greek Paintings 13 October, The 1994 Review of Healthcare in Hellenic Society) A two-day conference (European Institute of the Concerts 22 May, Famagusta, The Ghost Town by (The Hellenic Centre) Greece by Prof. B. Jarman, St. Marys Hospital 20 February – 27 March, Through Romantic London School of Economics) Exhibitions (The Hellenic Medical Society) 22 February, Through Romantic Eyes by F-M. C. Angelides (Famagusta Association) 26 October, Concert by BT Scottish Ensemble Eyes: An Exhibition of European Images of 19th Tsigakou, Curator of paintings, Prints and 11 November, Exhibition of Books from Cyprus 4 November, A Trip to Magna Graecia by M. Fakidi 19-23 May, Friends Room Exhibition of 30 May, The Glory of Byzantium by M. Koromila with J. Vakarelis (The Hellenic Centre) 18 October, Impressions of a Visit to Turkish century Greece from Benaki Museum, Athens Drawings at the Benaki Museum (The Hellenic (Cypriot Estia of London) and D. Minaidi (Ionian Society) paintings by Y. Kyriakou (The Hellenic Centre) (The Hellenic Centre) Lectures Occupied Cyprus by J. Haywood, BBC (The Hellenic Centre) Centre) Lectures Correspondent (Cypriot Estia of London) 5 November, Hellenism in Romania, Orthodoxy 11-20 June, The Hellenic Centre Contemporary 5 June, The Greek Wine Revolution by M. McNie / 3 February, Cephalonia Before and After the 5 April – 2 May, After Byzantium, The Survival 23 February, The Macedonian Question: A new and Art by Prof. D. Deliyannis (London Hellenic 28 October, Hippocratic Oration (Hellenic Exhibition by young artists of Greek and Greek- The Cephalonian Connection by S.P. Kosmetatos Earthquakes of the 1950’s (Eteria Ellinon 30 October, Book launch The Mysterious Fayum of Byzantine Sacred Art, An Exhibition of Icons situation. The role of the Diaspora by Dr E. Kofos Society) Cypriot ex-reaction living and working in the Medical Society) Portraits: Faces from Ancient Egypt by E. (The Hellenic Centre) (The Hellenic Centre and Ionian Society) Epistimonon) (Macedonian Society) 14 November, Launch of Book Maps of the UK (The Hellenic Centre) 7 November, The A. G. Leventis Collection: Greek Doxiades 6 June, Lecture by D. Potamitis (Eteria Ellinon 30 March, Greek and the New Testament by 14 May – 15 June, Telemachos Kanthos: A 27 February, The Church Architecture of 11c. Mediterranean published in the British Paintings in the 19th and 20th Centuries by 8-26 September, The Twilight of Hellenism in Epistimonon) J. Enoch Powell, MBE (The Hellenic Centre) 31 October, Greece in the Second World War by Retrospective Exhibition (The Hellenic Centre Greece; The Example of Byzantine Basilica of Parliamentary 1801-1921 by S. Cole (The Cultural Asia Minor, photographs from the collection E. Arapoglou (The Hellenic Centre) Sir David Hunt (The Hellenic Centre) and The A.G. Leventis Foundation) 15 September, The Greek Cultural Transition in 11 April, Romance of Reality by Eddie O’ Hara, Kalambaka, Thessaly by O. Karagiorgou (The Foundation of the Bank of Cyprus) of Centre for Asia Minor Studies, Athens 11 November, The Poetry of Lipertis, by Asia Minor and the Centre for Asia Minor Studies M.P. (The Hellenic Centre) 22 November, Presentation of Book Studies on 3 October, Exhibition of photographs, books Greek Archaeological Committee) 20 November, Caterina Cornaro – Her Role in A. Iacovidou (Cypriot Estia of London) 1-24 October, Maria Callas Remembered, by Prof. P.M. Kitromilides / A musical tour of Asia the History of the Church of Cyprus, 4th – 20th and other memorabilia on the life and work of 29 February, The Poet George Sarantaris by O. 28 April, Papanikolaou Prize Lecture (Hellenic Cyprus and the Renaissance by T. Mullaly (The Exhibition of photographs, costumes and Minor by M. Dragoumis (The Hellenic Centre) 15 November, The Fayum Portraits by Centuries by B. Englezakis (The Hellenic Michael Ventris (The Hellenic Centre, University Medical Society) Karagiorga (Eteria Ellinon Epistimonon) Hellenic Centre) memorabilia (The Hellenic Centre) E. Doxiades (Lykion ton Hellinidon) Centre) of London, Architectural Association) 16 October, Some Comments on the New World 21 March, Greek Traditions and Customs that Fade 29 April, Evening dedicated to the Poetess 28 November, Launching the book Living 28 October – 1 November, A Friends Room Order by M. Zombanakis (Anglo-Hellenic 17 November, Launching of Pentadaktylos My 28 November, Hellenism in Great Britain by C. 6-10 November, Exhibition of Books from Away by C. Kavadas (Eteria Ellinon Epistimonon) Maria Polydouri on the 65th Anniversary of Orthodoxy by C. Carras and A. Walker (The Exhibition of paintings by A. Delvetoglou League) Son Poems, C. Angelidou, Minister of Education Mettis (The Hellenic Centre) Cyprus (The Hellenic Centre, Cypriot Estia of Hellenic Centre) (The Hellenic Centre and Ionian Society) her death (Eteria Ellinon Epistimonon) London, Ministry of Education of Cyprus) and Culture of Cyprus (The Hellenic Centre) Social Events 3 May, Byron and the Importance of Being a 26 November, Short Lectures and Cantades 19-22 November, The Life and Items of Caterina Philhellene by M. Foot. A lecture under the 27 January, Vasilopita (Lykion ton Hellinidon) (Ionian Society) Cornaro – Queen of Cyprus (Cyprus Estia of series of lectures We are all Greek – Why? 29 January, Vasilopita (Macedonian Society) London) 16 December, Christmas in the Arts (Eteria (The Hellenic Centre) Ellinon Epistimonon) 24 February, Youth Club evening (The Hellenic 29 November – 8 December, Exhibition of 15 May, Dialogue by Federation of Centre) Embroidery from Northern Epirus (Lykion ton Social Events International Women’s Associations in London 27 May – 4 June, Excursion to Macedonia (The Hellinidon) (Lykion ton Hellinidon) 23 November, Gala Dinner – Private view of Hellenic Centre) 10-20 December, Exhibition of paintings by the A.G. Leventis Collections and celebration 15 May, Round-table discussion Greek Artists in 13 June, Visit to Lamb House (Lykion ton Contemporary Cypriot Painters (Greek Cypriot of the liberation of Athens (The Hellenic the UK: Achievements and Prospects (Bank of Hellinidon) Society) Centre) Cyprus UK, Gallery K)

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24 October, Lecture by Prof. V. Stavrinides 27 March – 20 April, Cyprus – Nostalgic Images. 15 October, Young Greek Master Series with 5 March, The Coinage of the Palaiologan Era by (Archdiocese of Thyateira and GB) Photographic exhibition by Reno Wideson E. Panayiotou (The Hellenic Centre and Bank Prof. Petros N. Protonotarios (Greece in Britain Social Events (Cyprus Popular Bank) of Cyprus UK) – The Byzantine Festival in London) 17 January, Vasilopita (Lykion ton Hellinidon) 22 May – 20 June, Conversation with God: Icon 26 October, An Evening with Larry Adler – 6 March, The Byzantine Town of Veria by I. Masterpieces from the Byzantine Museum of Gala concert in aid of Simon Marks Jewish Hassiotis (Greece in Britain – The Byzantine 26 January, Vasilopita (Macedonian Society) Athens (Greece in Britain) History Museum in Thessaloniki Festival in London) 27 February, Tsiknopempti Lunch (Lykion ton 26-31 October, A presentation of the oldest 12 November, Piano Recital with Vicki 12 March, The Kalas People in Northern Pakistan, Hellinidon) Jewish community in Europe (The Lady Marks Giannoula (Ionian Society) whose Language, Customs and Religion have 11 May, Youth Club – First Meeting and the Jewish society of Thessaloniki) 21-22 November, Concert by Nena Similarities to Ancient Greeks by L. Georgiou 18 October, Youth Disco 8-14 November, Images of America: Past and Venetsanou and pianist Elena Mouzala 14 March, Getting to know the Ancient Greek Present – Exhibition of photographs by (The Hellenic Centre) Theatre (DGX of the EU, the Moraitis School of Other Events 28 October, An Account of the History of Greek 3 December, Christmas Bazaar (Lykion ton 1-30 June, The Fringes of the City, A black and 29 October, Songs From Cyprus with Alkinoos Antraning & V. Kochar (VOSSKI) 30 November, Hellenic Concert Series with Athens and the Ministry of Education Greece) 20 February, Project Archaeologos: A Jewry, a Selection of Documents from the Hellinidon) white photographic exhibition by a Greek Ioannides and Miltiades Papastamou (The Concerts Clio Gould and Sophia Rachman (The Hellenic 22 March, 25th March 1821 – School review of Philosophical Dialogue with a Computer by Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs by T. Veremis 8 December, Christmas lunch (Fundraising student exploring the reality in the suburbs of Hellenic Centre) Centre, The Michael Marks Charitable Trust the National Celebration (St Sophia Greek Dr Th. Scaltsas (The Hellenic Centre) 27 January, Second Concert of the Hellenic (Jewish Greek Week) Committee of the Hellenic Centre) Attica by H. Dimissianos (The Hellenic Centre) 7 December, Concert and Dinner (Hellenic Concert Series with Eos conducted by Charles and Bank of Cyprus UK) School) 6 March, Thesauros tes Hellenikis Glosses: an 29 October, A History of the Jews in Thessaloniki Other Events 4-8 October, Open evening to view the Foundation) Hazelwood (The Hellenic Centre, The Michael Lectures 24 March, A Grieke and of an Estraunge Nation: in the Course Time by H. Kounio (Jewish Greek exhibition of woven tapestries by T. Amarilio – electronic database of the Greek language 12-14 December, Dangerous Corner of J. Lectures Marks Charitable Trust and Bank of Cyprus UK) 19 January, A Christian Europe by J. Zizioulas Three Greeks in Medieval and Early Modern Week) Sundt (The Hellenic Centre) Presentation / Lecture by Prof. Priestley (Theatre Lab and the Hellenic Centre) 2 February, Classical Music – Its Humanity and 4 February, Young Greek Masters Concert (The Hellenic Centre and King’s College England by J. Harris (The Hellenic Centre) Anagnostopoulos (Foundation Thesauros tes 2 November, Η Επικαιρότης του Ελληνικού 4 - 21 November, On the Most Beautiful Path Universality by G. Hadjinikos (The Hellenic Hellenikis Glosses) Piano Recital by George Lazarides (The London) 3 May, Costas Mourselas’ talk about books and Πνεύματος by A. Georgiou / Διαλεχθώμεν 26 January, Founding of the Hellenic in the World - Bank of Cyprus Exhibition of Photographic Club (A. Nikolaides and Centre) Hellenic Centre, Greece in Britain and Bank of 22 January, Offshore Companies, The Way of readers with extracts from his work (ETHOL) Ελληνικώς by I. Mavropoulou (Eteria Ellinon Paintings of 19th Century Cyprus by the 8-14 March, Mia Italida stin Kypseli (London T. Astroulakis) 21 March, 25 March 1821 – The Greek War Cyprus UK) doing Business (Cyprus British Chamber of 8 May, Medicine and the Olympic Games in Epistimonon) French Architect Edmond Duthoit presented Greek Theatre Group) Of Independence of 1821 School Review and 22 February, Piano Recital with Ch. Georgiades Commerce and Industry) Antiquity by Dr S. Retsas (Hellenic Medical 24 November, Theophilos, a Journey to the 2 March, A Bridge to the East – A film about the by the Bank as part of its Centenary 16 March, Performance of traditional Greek town of Mystra by L. Carras (Greece in Britain – Celebrations Greek National Celebration (The Saint Sophia’s (The Hellenic Centre and Greece in Britain) 5 February, The Development of Greek Costume Society and Greece in Britain) World and Work of the Greek Folk Painter and dances (Lykion ton Hellinidon) The Byzantine Festival in London) School) 6 March, The Byzantine Writers and the City of by I. Papantoniou (Lykion ton Hellinidon) 11 May, The Dodecanese: The Long Road to the viewing of the documentary The Paradise of a 27 November – 4 December, Collection of 16 February, Career Forum (Hellenic Medical Painter by N. Matsas (London Hellenic Society) 7 March, A Taste of Byzantium by Dr A. Dalby Greek Costumes to celebrate its 20th 28 April, An evening to launch The Marathon Byzantium (commissioned by John Tanaver for 6 February, Prospects for the Economic and Union with Greece by F. Constantopoulou Society) (Greece in Britain – The Byzantine Festival in anniversary ( Lykion ton Hellinidon) Swim for the Parthenon Marbles (Greece in the occasion of Greece in Britain – The Monetary Union in Europe by Y. Papantoniou (Greece in Britain) 26 November, Highlights of the Cesnola 27 June, Scientific Meeting (Hellenic Medical London) Britain) Byzantine Festival in London) (ISTAME London) 14 May, The Cultural Heritage of Cyprus by Prof. Collection of Cypriot Antiquities in the 5 – 11 December, An Exhibition of Society) 29 April, Voices from Greece II An evening of 19 March, The Magic of Bulgarian Voices and V. Karageorghis (Cypriot Estia of London) Metropolitan Museum of Art New York by V. 28 March, Career Forum (Hellenic Medical Photographs from Cyprus by Reno Wideson 18 February, Introducing IOCC (International poetry readings to launch AGENDA’S special The Hellenic Centre Special Lottery Draws Music (The Republic of Bulgaria) Karageorghis (The Hellenic Centre) Society) (The Hellenic Centre) Christian Orthodox Charities) by I. Haritakis 15 May, Cyprus: The Importance of the Question issue on Greek Poetry. (Greece in Britain) 1-8 June, Excursion to New York with M. 26 March, Third Concert of the Hellenic (London Hellenic Society) of Land Exchanges in the Occupied Area (Lobby 3 December, Cyprus in the 19th Century: 26 April, The Barefoot Battalion, historical film Concerts Koromila on the occasion of the Exhibition The Perceptions and Politics by P. Edbury (22nd (London Hellenic Society) 4 May, An evening devoted to the poetry of Concert Series with Dorian Ensemble (The 23 February, Excavations at Homeric Graia of Cyprus) 26 January, Byzantine Chants with an Glory of Byzantium 9th to 13th century at the British Museum Classical Colloquium, Cyprus in Yannis Ritsos (The London Hellenic Society) Hellenic Centre, The Michael Marks Charitable (Oporos) by A. Mazarakis (Greek Archaeological 17 May, Female Portraits in Greek Dramaturgy 26 June, Scientific Meeting (Hellenic Medical introduction to each chant (School of Metropolitan Museum (The Hellenic Centre the 19th century: Facts, fancy and fiction)(The 6 May, Architectural Tradition of the Ionian Trust and Bank of Cyprus UK) Committee and King’s College) by A. Bakopoulou-Halls (ETHOL) Society) Byzantine Music) and the Cultural Foundation Panorama) Hellenic Centre) Islands by Prof. D.A. Zivas (Ionian Society) 7 May, Hellenic Concert Series with the City of 25 February, The Impact of the European 6 June, Dionysios Solomos: A Tribute to 200 Years 9 October, Symposium in honour of Prof. Katie 28 January, Third Hellenic Concert Series with 30 October, Karagiozis (Greek shadow theatre) Social Events 8-9 May, European Programme Socrates, Oxford Orchestra (The Hellenic Centre, The Monetary Union and the Euro on your Business from his Death by Prof. M. Byron Raizis (Ionian Phylaktis (Cypriot Estia of London) the Chilingirian Quartet (The Hellenic Centre, by E. Spatharis (Theatro Technis) Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση: Ιστορική Εξέλιξη, Θεσμοί και Michael Marks Charitable Trust and Bank of (Cyprus British Chamber of Commerce and Society and London Hellenic Society) 22 January, Vasilopita (Ionian Society) The Michael Marks Charitable Trust and the 30 October, Lighting of the candles – Όργανα Λειτουργίας, Στόχοι και Προοπτικές (The Cyprus UK) Industry) Bank of Cyprus UK) 25 September, Osteoporosis and HRT by 23 January, Vasilopita (Lykion ton Hellinidon) Commencement of the Sabbath Ceremony Hellenic Centre) 25 June, Hellenic Concert Series with the BT 1998 26 February, Is HRT right for you? by A Prof. D. Purdie (Hellenic Medical Society) 1 February, Vasilopita (Macedonian Society) (Jewish Greek Week) 16 February, Young Greek Masters Concert Scottish Ensemble (The Hellenic Centre, The Series featuring young pianist Julietta 19 May, The Genocide of the Armenians and the McGregor Margaronis (Lykion ton Hellinidon) 1 November, Fundraising Dinner in aid of Exhibitions Michael Marks Charitable Trust and Bank of 28 September, A Great Romanian Adventure by 7 February, Valentine’s drinks party (Hellenic Demetriades (The Hellenic Centre and Bank Pontians (Lobby for Cyprus) 1 March, Words with Music / Religious Literature R. Swale (The Princess Margarita of Romania the Simon Marks Jewish History Museum in 28-30 January, Contemporary Art Exhibition – Cyprus UK) Centre Youth Section) of Cyprus UK) 2 June, Presentation of the book Nikos (Greece in Britain – The Byzantine Festival in Trust) Thessaloniki (The Jewish Greek Week) Four contemporary artists of American 28 June, Richard Bonynge Conducts 8 February, Farewell reception in honour of 25 February, Young Greek Masters Concert Kouroussis – 30 Years of Stage Design and London) 15 November, Workshop, Dances from Pontos extraction will present their work (Anglo- Dionizetti’s Caterina Cornaro by Alan 8 October, Some Russian Icons and their the Bishop of Militoupolis Timotheos (The Series with Constantinos Stylianou (The Costumes by the well-known art critic and (Lykion ton Hellinidon) American Association) Sievewright for The Hellenic Centre (Venue: 2 March, The Pantokrator Xenon: a Great Association with Constantinople by J. Stuart / Committee of St Sophia) Hellenic Centre and Bank of Cyprus UK) author Charles Spencer (The Hellenic Centre) Hospital of the 12th Century in Constantinople The Millennium of Byzantium Skills by 27 February – 8 March, Sailing from Byzantium Queen Elizabeth Hall) 19 February, Tsiknopempti Lunch (Lykion ton The Hellenic Centre Special Lottery Draws 4 June, Sea Tales From The Greek Islands, by by Prof. S. Geroulanos (Greece in Britain – The Dr A. Muthesius (Anglo-Hellenic League) 3 March, Cretan Evening double bill with – An attempt to recreate Emperor Manuel II 29 September, Hellenic Concert Series with Hellinidon) Excursion to Sicily (The Hellenic Centre) images and the music of Crete. An audio-visual A. Seligman (The Hellenic Centre) Palaiologos’ life and travels through Byzantine Festival in London) 20 October, History of Hellenism in Northern the BT Scottish Ensemble (The Hellenic Centre, 21 February, Children’s Carnival Party (Lykion presentation of narrative and photographs 8 June, George Pol Georghiou Lecture about photographs and texts. Also a representative 3 March, The Art and Architecture of Byzantium Epirus by V. Tsouderou (London Hellenic The Michael Marks Charitable Trust and Bank ton Hellinidon) 1999 My Father’s Land created by K. Kalogeraki and the artist’s life and work, by the designer of the selection of coins from the renowned of Cyprus UK) by J.J. Norwich (Greece in Britain – The Society) traditional Cretan music and echoes of Asia 29 March, Sarakostiano Dinner and Greek exhibition Rima Outram (The Hellenic Centre) collection of Petros Protonotarios (Greece in Byzantine Festival in London) 22 October, Being Digital: the Future of the New Minor in the music of Crete, performed by the Music (Macedonian Society) Exhibitions 10 June, Nicos Nicolaides The Cypriot London Britain – The Byzantine Festival in London) 3 March, Word with Music / The Language of the Media by M. Eleftheriades (Cypriot Estia of group Anastenaria (C. Williams - Cretan lyra, 1-30 April, Dodecanese: Light of Southern Greece launch the bilingual selection of Nicolaides’ 17-20 March, Bulgarian Art – Exhibition of People (Greece in Britain – The Byzantine London, Popular Bank, Apple Computers) 11 April, Fundraising dinner with the world P. Poulos – Sazi & Lavta, D. Ouzounis - vocals) famous Greek John Modinos (ETHOL) by J. Rogers (The Hellenic Centre) prose and poetry (Diaspora Books) works by Bulgarian Contemporary Artists Festival in London) 4 March, Third Hellenic Concert Series: Piano 11 April, Book Launch The Trojan War and 14 June, Stephanos Xenos – A Greek in 18th (The Republic of Bulgaria) 10 October, Get together evening (Hellenic Recital by A. Papastephanou (The Hellenic exhibition by P. Thomas Century England by Z. Kafkalidis (Ionian Society Captains Club, Hellenic Engineers Society, Centre, The Michael Marks Charitable Trust and the London Hellenic Society) The Greek Orthodox Charity Organisation) 1-31 May, A collection of prints loosely based and Bank of Cyprus UK) around the memories and observations of the 21 June, Painted Polis by J. Outram (The 17 October, Youth Party (Lykion ton 12 October, Music Evening with pianist artist’s time in Cyprus: heritage, tradition, Hellenic Centre) Hellinidon) E. Konstantinou and soprano M. Polydorou customs and Christian faith by Marcia Ley 19 October, Morning Coffee (Lykion ton (Eteria Ellinon Epistimonon) 22 June, Γεωργιος Πολ Γεωργίου, Ένας (The Hellenic Centre) Zωγράφος Ταυτόχρονα Tοπικός και Παγκόσμιος Hellinidon) 22 October, Concert with The New Hellenic 29 May – 27 June, George Pol Georghiou: by Dr E. Nikita, Ministry of Education and Quartet to commemorate the 50 years from 13 November, Papanikolaou Prize (Hellenic An Artist and his Island, A comprehensive Culture of the Republic of Cyprus (The the death of the Greek composer N. Skalcotas. Medical Society) exhibition of the work of one of the most Hellenic Centre) (The Hellenic Centre, Greece in Britain and The prominent Cypriots artists of the twentieth Foundation for Hellenic Culture) century (1901-1972) (The Hellenic Centre)

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11 October, The Revelation after Ioannis by I.G. 5-28 June, A Friends Room Exhibition of 23 March, Η Μητέρα στη Λογοτεχνία by L. 24 October, Graphology – The Interpretation of Tsatsaris (EPISTOS Publications) Jewellery and Ceramics by M. Kulukundis Pavlou and poetry readings by D. Phyrillas Handwriting by Z. Tsatsos ( Lykion ton 12 October, The Holy Mountain: A Journey in the (Jewellery) and C. Tolstoy (Ceramics) (The Hellenic Centre) Hellinidon) Shadow of Byzantium by W. Dalrymple (Anglo- 16 November, Photograph With Us, An 25 March, School Review and Greek National 29 October, Πελοπόννησος και Κύπρος by Dr K. Hellenic League) exhibition/competition/auction of Celebration (St Sophia Greek School) Hadjistephanou, University of Cyprus, followed 20 October, Reading of Maria Nefeli by photographs by Friends and Members (The 26 April, Δυναμική Γυναίκα στο Δημοτικό by traditional dances from the Peloponnese Odysseus Elytis including music, dance and Hellenic Centre) Τραγούδι by M. Coulton (The Hellenic Centre) and Cyprus (Peloponnesian Association of Great Britain) mime (Theatre for Mankind) Concerts 2 May, A Breakthrough in Investigating Blood Social Events 13 February, Hellenic Concert Series, pianist A. Pressure and Preventing Stroke by Prof. A. 1 November, Monastic Revival on Mount Athos by Dr G. Speake (Macedonian Society of Great 15 January, Vasilopita (Cypriot Estia of London) Papastefanou (The Hellenic Centre, The Nicolaides (Cypriot Estia of London) Michael Marks Charitable Trust and Bank of Britain) 24 June, In Memoriam: Sir David Hunt (Cypriot 8 December, Christmas Lunch (Fundraising Concerts 17 February, H παρουσία του Οικουμενικού 20 January, Vasilopita (Lykion ton Hellinidon) 9 May, Cyprus and the European Union in Cyprus UK) association with the Policy Discussion Forum 21 November, Byzantium in the Year 1000/1 Estia of London) Committee of The Hellenic Centre) 27 February, The Oxford Philomusica at The Πατριαρχείου στην Ευρώπη και ο Ρόλος του 21 January, Vasilopita (SEFL) 5 March, Hellenic Concert Series, pianist G. of the University of London Postgraduate Law A.D.: The Eastern Roman Empire at the turn of the 25 June, Evidence-Based Medicine (The Hellenic 31 December, Millennium Buffet Party With Hellenic Centre (The Hellenic Centre) Μητροπολίτου Γερμανού Καραβαγγέλη – Αγώνες First Millennium by Prof P. Antonopoulos and 28 January, Dinner with Vasilopita (London Lazaridis and the Medici Quartet (The Hellenic Society by HE Mrs M.Y. Kleopa, Cyprus High Medical Society) Music And Fun (The Hellenic Centre) και Αγωνίες by His Eminence the Greek Dr C. Dendrinos (The Hellenic Centre) 9 March, Young Greek Masters Series, Bringing Orthodox Metropolitan Michael Of Austria Hellenic Society) Centre, The Michael Marks Charitable Trust Commissioner together Music and Nature (The Hellenic Centre 13 October, The Accession of Cyprus to the Other Events (Eteria Ellinon Epistimonon and St. Athanasios and Bank of Cyprus UK) 10 May, Ελένη ή ο Κανένας. R. Galanaki’s book 26 November, The Cyprus Economic and Bank of Cyprus UK) 15 February, Vasilopita (The Ionian Society) European Union by George Vassiliou, Republic 15-17 January, Don Kamillo theatre play in Greek Orthodox Clergy Fellowship) 29 March, Concert and Talk (Ionian Society) discussed by E. Yannakaki (The Hellenic Centre) Environment – Challenges and Opportunities by of Cyprus European Union Chief Negotiator 18 March, Romanian Evening and Concert 2 March, Tsiknopempti Lunch (Lykion ton T Clerides, Minister for Finance, Cyprus (Bank Greek (New Stage Company) 20 and 21 February, Byzantine lectures by 3 May, Hellenic Concert Series – The Wallace 11 May, University of Cyprus and the (Cypriot Estia of London and Eteria Ellinon (Romanian Cultural Centre) Hellinidon) of Cyprus UK and Cyprus British Chamber of 20 March, Career Forum and a workshop on J. Chrysostomides and Dr. J. Harris (The Collection, Programme includes works by Establishments between the University and the Epistimonon) 4 March, Carnival Party for Children (Youth Industry and Commerce) communication skills (The Hellenic Medical 19 March, The Oxford Philomusica at The Hellenic Centre) Clarke, Couperin, Arnold, Tavener, Community of the United Kingdom by the 14 October, The Greek Diaspora in Modern Section of the Lykion ton Hellinidon) Social Events Society) Hellenic Centre (The Hellenic Centre) 6 March, Women in Politics and Peacemaking Shostakovich, Prokofiev and Jim Parker (The rector of the University of Cyprus, Prof. N. Times Lecture and book presentation by Other Events 22 May, The Diary of a Mad Man (Nea Skini 7 April, Classical Music-Duo Evening Concert by K. Clerides (The Hellenic Centre) Hellenic Centre, The Michael Marks Charitable Papamichael (University of Cyprus) 19 January, Vasilopita (Lykion ton Hellinidon) Professor R. Clogg, St Anthony’s College, Trust and Bank of Cyprus UK) Oxford (The Union of University Teachers and Company) with Rasma Lielmane (violin) and 8 March, Οι επιπώσεις του Ελσίνκι 5 February, Workshop of Greek Dances 14 May, The Gold of Macedon by Dr E. Tsigarida 21 January, Vasilopita (Macedonian Society of (The Lykion ton Hellinidon) Research Staff in Western Europe (UK Branch)) 29-30 May, European Programme Socrates, Christodoulos Georgiades (piano) (Bank of “Ελληνοτουρκικές Σχέσεις, Ένταξη της Κύπρου και 31 May, Europa, Piano concert and (Greek Archaeological Committee UK) Great Britain) Cyprus UK) Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση: Δικαιώματα και υποχρεώσεις Ευρωπαϊκή Προοπτική της Τουρκίαs (The 20-21 February, Byzantium 00 AD by Theatre improvisation on video by the pianist- 17 May, Modern Conversation of Ancient Sites in 11 February, Carnival Party for Children (Lykion 18 October, Challenges and Prospects in composer A. Stereopoulou Postgraduate Education: My Experience in των πολιτών της Ενωμένης Ευρώπης (The 13 April, Hellenic Concert Series World Hellenic Centre and the Hellenic Observatory, Lab Company (The Hellenic Centre and Greece by Prof. V. Lambrinoudakis, University of ton Hellinidon) Premiere of The Mediterranean, a piece by LSE) Theatre Lab) International Business Studies by Prof C Hellenic Centre) 4 June, Hellenic Concert Series, Violin recital by Athens (London Hellenic Society) 15 February, Tsiknopempti Lunch (Lykion ton George Koumendakis (The Hellenic Centre, Grammenos (Ionian Society) 9 June, Tour in Greece of the play Dangerous 22 March, Viewing of Films on Cyprus directed 25 March, Career Forum (Hellenic Medical Clio Gould accompanied by Rolf Hind. 21 May, Runciman Award 2001 (Anglo- Hellinidon) The Michael Marks Charitable Trust and Bank by Prof. P. Loizos (LSE) and Presentation of the Society) Programme includes Stravinsky’s Suite 21 October, The House of Many Mansions: Corner (The Hellenic Centre and Theatre Lab) Hellenic League) 26 February, Kathara Deftera Lunch of Cyprus UK) book Philia and Philiotes Before and After 1974 Italienne, Schoenberg’s Phantasie and Crumb’s Ethnicity, Identity and the Multi-ethnic State in 11 December, The Diary of a Madman by 30 May, Premiere of MANHOLE, The 21 May, Μικρά Αγγλία: I. Karystiani’s book (Fundraising Committee of The Hellenic 14 May, Vivaldi The Four Seasons - Oxford by G. Webster (The Hellenic Centre and the Night Music (The Hellenic Centre, The Michael Byzantium by Professor A. Laiou (The Hellenic Gogol (Theatre group Nea Skini) documentary, a Circle Films production, Marks Charitable Trust and Bank of Cyprus UK) discussed by E. Yannakaki (The Hellenic Centre) Centre)) Centre and the Centre for Hellenic Studies, Philomusica at the Hellenic Centre (The Centre for Hellenic Studies, King’s College) initiated by A. Kyriakides (The Hellenic Centre) Excursion to Holly Land (The Hellenic Centre) 25 May, Hippocratic Medicine and Classical 28 February, Vasilopita (Ionian Society) Kings College, London) Hellenic Centre) 26 March, School Review and Greek National 20 September, Young Greek Masters Series, An 21 October, Blue Horizons, to commemorate Homeopathy by Dr T. Vartholomeos 18 May, Hellenic Concert Series, The BT Celebration (St Sophia Greek School) Evening of Music for Voice and Piano (The 21 June, Annual Bon Voyage event (Lykion ton 10 November, The Sea in Greek Poetry by the 25th anniversary from the death of the (Association of General Practitioners of Nature Scottish Ensemble (The Hellenic Centre, The Hellenic Centre and Bank of Cyprus UK) Hellinidon) G. A. Lemos (The London Hellenic Society) 2000 3 April, Launching of the Marathon Swim for poet N. Kavadias Medicine) Michael Marks Charitable Trust and Bank of the Marbles by Dr Ch. Stockdale (The British 25 October, Young Greek Masters Series Piano 5 November, Welcome coffee (Lykion ton 12 November, Papanicolaou Research Exhibitions 23 December, Millennium Draw of The 7 June, Γιάντες: A. Mihalopoulou’s book Cyprus UK) Committee for the Restitution of the recital with M. Papamichael (The Hellenic Hellinidon) Competition, Annual research competition for 7-12 February, Apeiron Exhibition of Interactive Hellenic Centre Lottery (The Hellenic Centre) Centre and Bank of Cyprus UK) discussed by E. Yannakaki (The Hellenic Centre) medical/paramedical/ biological scientists 14 October, Concert given by Pavlos Carvalho, Parthenon Marbles) 4 December Christmas Annual Bazaar (Lykion Installations by Greek artists specialising in 21 June, Ζιγκ-Ζαγκ στις νερατζιές: Ε. (Hellenic Medical Society) cello and Andrew Quartemain, piano (The 17 April, The Venerable Lady, the Sea.An 3-4 November, Unplugged by the Greek singer ton Hellinidon) new media arts, specially commissioned to Sotiropoulou’s book discussed by E. Yannakaki Hellenic Centre) evening of poetry by C. Angelides and an 2001 Dionysis Savvopoulos (The Hellenic Centre) 1 December, Greek Island Embroideries by celebrate the notion of ‘being Greek’ in the (The Hellenic Centre) 10 December, Christmas Lunch (Fundraising Roderick Taylor with slides followed by tea new millennium (The Hellenic Centre and 16 October, Young Greek Masters Series: Duo exhibition of paintings by T. Angelides (The Exhibitions 22 November, Oxford Philomusica at the Committee of The Hellenic Centre)) 5 October, Criticos Prize Award Ceremony (Anglo-Hellenic League) ‘Digital Greeks’) Evening: K. Mina (soprano) and I. Saricosta Hellenic Centre) Hellenic Centre (The Hellenic Centre) (piano) (The Hellenic Centre and Bank of 2-27 February, A Friends Room Exhibition, (London Hellenic Society) Other Events 6 December, Lecture in English followed by 11-3 February, A Spring Promenade in Winter 10 May, Cyprus: Transition from the Ottoman to Echoes by E. Yannas (The Hellenic Centre) Lectures Cyprus UK) 9 October, Alexandros Papadiamantis by Dr 28 January, Macedonian Dance Workshop dinner (The Hellenic Foundation) Exhibition of watercolours and drawings of the British Rule-Return of Cyprus to the Western 27 February – 20 April, A Friends Room Series of Seminars on Byzantium by J. C.N. Hadjipateras. Readings by Kostas with Y. Konstantinou (Lykion ton Hellinidon) plants and flowers of the Cyprus flora by V. 19 October, A Celebration of Music and Poetry World by A. Pavlides (Cypriot Estia of London) Social Events Exhibition, UL-Urban Landscape by C. Nikoleri Chrysostomides and J. Harris (The Hellenic Kastanas. Launching of the book Erotas sta Hadjiphani Lorenzetti (The Hellenic Centre) with pianist Christodoulos Georgiadis and 11 May, Ο Λογοτέχνης σε αναζήτηση της Ιθάκης 19-22 March, A Small Great Land – A (The Hellenic Centre) Centre) Chania illustrated by D. Moraros and 22 January, Vasilopita (Lykion ton Hellinidon) Leandros Taliotis. Poetry by Criton by D. Papadopoulos and opening of τηε presentation of environmental and heritage 3 March, Paint with Us. An exhibition of paintings 25 April – 25 May, A Friends Room Exhibition, 25 January, Marina – A Princess in a Foreign exhibition (Eteria Ellinon Epistimonon) films written and directed by L. Carras and 24 January, Vasilopita (Macedonian Society Tomazos and Maria Vigar (Theatre for exhibition by D. Moraros (The Ionian Society by Members and Friends of the Centre Ταξιδεύουν στο Αιγαίο τα όνειρά μας by R. Salti- Land (The London Hellenic Society) produced by ET1 (The Hellenic Centre and the of GB) Mankind) and Eteria Ellinon Epistimonon) 17 October, The Real Crete, An Illustrated Lecture 6-31 March, A Friends Room Exhibition Sea, Michael (The Hellenic Centre) 27 February, Athens 2004 Olympic Games: Fair about the British photographer John Donnat. Centre for Hellenic Studies, King’s College, Lectures 17 May, George Seferis Centenary 25 January, Vasilopita ( The Ionian Society) Land and Light by N. Papas – Photographs of Play: An Ancient Principle, A New Approach by Presentation of the book John Donnat, London) 27 January, From Canning to Churchill: Greece Celebrations marking the hundredth 1-2 June, Cyprus Book Exhibition (Cypriot Estia 29 January, Vasilopita and Dinner Symposium Sunsets by P. Kee (The Hellenic Centre) K. Panagopoulou (Greece in Britain) Photographs of Crete 1960 (The Hellenic and British Politicians, by Sir Michael Llewellyn anniversary of his birth (Greece in Britain and of London and the Cultural Services of the 11 November, Greek Dance Workshop (Lykion (The London Hellenic Society) Foundation of Culture and the Anglo-Hellenic 5-22 May, Exhibition of Nicholas Georgiadis Smith (The Hellenic Centre and The Anglo- The Hellenic Foundation for Culture) Ministry of Education of Cyprus) 7 March, Ritual versus Performance: The Future of ton Hellinidon) League) 2 February, Vasilopita (SEFL) (The Hellenic Foundation for Culture and Hellenic League) Classical Music by C. Hatzis (Greece in Britain) Greece in Britain) 22 May, New Discoveries from the Recent 11 February, Tsiknopempti Lunch (Lykion ton 31 January, The Three Hierarchs: A Byzantine Excavations in Athens by Dr L. Parlama (Greek Hellinidon) 8-18 June, A Friends Room Exhibition by Vision of Wisdom by Prof. A.M.Bryer Archaeological Committee UK) George Kyriacou, Sculpture (The Hellenic 20 February, Cabaret Evening with live music (Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain) Centre) 13 June, The Runciman Award 2000 and dance. Celebrate Carnival with songs 2 February, Presentation of the A.G. Leventis Presentation (Anglo-Hellenic League) from the 30’s to the 90’s, from Greece and 1 October, Special preview of paintings New Publications, Excavating at Salamis in 3 July, Book Launch and Presentation of the other parts of Europe (The Hellenic Centre exhibition by L. Kalogeropoulos and V. Cyprus, 1952-1974 and The Art of Ancient Cyprus new translation edited by P. Mackridge, of The and Theatre Lab) Zenetzis (The Hellenic Centre) in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge by Prof. Free Besieged and Other Poems by D. Solomos 7 June, Bon Voyage (Lykion ton Hellinidon) 1 November-17 December, Cyprus, the Holy V. Karageorghis and Dr E. Vassilika (The (The Hellenic Centre, Greece in Britain and The Island – Icons through the Centuries (The Hellenic Centre) 16 October, Party Night for teenagers, 14-18 Hellenic Foundation for Culture) Hellenic Centre) years old (The Hellenic Centre)

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2002 Concerts 17 October, Modern Literary Epiphany in 10 December, Christmas Lunch (Fundraising 11 February, Magic Sounds in Pursuit of Twentieth-Century Greek Poetry by N. Klappaki Committee of the Hellenic Centre) Exhibitions Excellence, Keshet Elion Mastercourse 2002 (The Hellenic Centre) Other Events 4-30 January, A Friends Room exhibition of (Annual Benefit Concert) 23 October, The Contribution of the Greek 3 March, Dance Workshop, (Lykion ton paintings by D. Karampatsou (The Hellenic 28 February, Ιχνηλάτες της Παράδοσης, shipping Fraternity in the Social, Cultural and Hellinidon) Centre) Traditional folk songs from Greece and Cyprus National Fields by S. Battis (London Hellenic Society) 25 April, Attract and Repel – Workshops on 1 February – 1 March, A Friends Room (Greek School of London with the support of how to use your personal electromagnetic exhibition of sculpture Genesis by A. Varrias the Education Office of the Embassy of Greece 25 October, The Archive of Penelope S Delta: energy for communication, self-and other- and paintings by B. Cooper (The Hellenic and the Hellenic Tourism Organisation) A Testimony of Modern Greek History by healing, protection and success by S Centre) 10 May, The Book of Memories, a Reflection A. Zannas, editor of Delta’s archive (The Xanthakou, Health Psychologist and Hellenic Centre) 4-29 March, A Friends Room exhibition with through Music into 20th Century Greek History Bioenergetics Specialist contemporary watercolours with a classic (Hellenic College of London) 31 October, Andreas Embirikos: Surrealist 17 June, Runciman Award 2002, Presentation 6-27 June, A Friends Room Exhibition of 11 March, Excavating Ancient Palaikastro by L. 13 November, Religious Paintings in Byzantine 24 October, A Greek evening with moosootoo theme by S. Kokkineli (The Hellenic Centre) 17 May, Mediterranean Crossroads at the Geography and Cosmopolitan Literature by of the Runciman Award 2002 (Anglo-Hellenic paintings Painting the Gods by C. Pickles (The Hugh Sackett and Dr J A MacGillivray (The and Post Byzantine Cyprus by Dr C. G. (The Hellenic Centre) Queens Elisabeth Hall with Alkinoos Ioannides M. Margaroni (The Hellenic Centre) League) Hellenic Centre) Hellenic Centre and British School at Athens) Chotzakoglou (The Hellenic Centre and 29 October, Welcome Back Coffee (Lykion ton 7-25 March, Treasured Offerings – The Legacy of the Hellenic Institute, Royal Holloway) the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of Saint Sophia, and Miltiades Papastamou (The Hellenic 7 November, Sikelianos – Seferis: Aspects of a 19 June, Log Books, George Seferis – Film 6-27 June, A Friends Room Exhibition of 8 May, Thrace: A Geographical and Historical Hellinidon) London. A commemorative celebration for the Centre) Relationship by A. Psoni (The Hellenic Centre) directed by S. Haralambopoulos (The Hellenic watercolours and screen prints Summers in Survey. Hellenic Presence in Eastern and Northern 17 November, The “Vorres Museum”, A lifetime 3 December, Annual Christmas Bazaar (Lykion Adventure by Mr I. Vorres (The Hellenic Centre) 125th anniversary of the Greek Cathedral of Lectures 14 November, Marginalisation, Characterisation Centre) Greece by S. Rust (The Hellenic Centre) Thrace, Natural and Historical Environment of ton Hellinidon) Western Thrace: A seminar by various speakers 19 November, Cavafy’s Poetry Annual Memorial Saint Sophia (1877) (The Council of the Greek 20 February, Your Aura: The Importance of your and Language in the Novels of Yiannis Psycharis 24 November, Dance Workshop (Lykion ton 17-30 September, A Friends Room Exhibition Other Events (The Hellenic Centre and the Cultural and Lecture for C.N. Hadjipateras by Prof. P. Cathedral of Saint Sophia in co-operation with Energy Fields in Physical, Emotional and Mental by G. Pateridou (The Hellenic Centre) Hellinidon) of Photographs Aegean Sensations by N. Developmental Centre of Thrace) Mackridge (Eteria Ellinon Epistimonon) 26 March, Film Night: The Time Moment was Byzantine Museum, Athens) Health by S. Xanthakou, Psychoanalytic Health 14 November, Travelogue in the Byzantine Panagakou (The Hellenic Centre) 12 May, Researching Rebetiko by E. Emery (The Suspended, directed by Th. Lambropoulos 4-26 April, A Friends Room exhibition of icons Consultant Constantinople by Ms C. Prokou, Historian of 9-31 October, A Friends Room Exhibition of 20 November, Saint Neophytos the Recluse: and S. Haralampopoulos (The Hellenic Centre) by L. Miller Baker (The Hellenic Centre) the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople 2003 paintings Λόλα, Πάρτα Όλα by E. Theofylaktou Hellenic Centre, the Institute of Rebetology Byzantine Hagiography in Twelfth Century 25 February, Investigations by Prof. K. London and moosootoo.com) 11 May, Dance Workshop – Dances from 17 April – 17 May, A Friends Room Exhibition Nicolaides (Eteria Ellinon Epistimonon) (London Hellenic Society) Exhibitions (The Hellenic Centre) Cyprus by Dr G. Christodoulou (The Hellenic Centre and the Hellenic Institute, Royal Romylia (Lykion ton Hellinidon) of photographs Athens and Grecian Antiquities, 28 November, The first Andrew David Biennial 5 November, A Friends Room Exhibition of 29 May, A Commemoration of the 550th 21 March, Colonel William Leake on the Ionian 16-31 January, A Friends Room Exhibition of Holloway) 1853-1854 by J. Robertson Memorial Lecture The Challenge of Managing lightboxes of the World’s Major Contemporary Anniversary of the Fall of Constantinople, 1453. 21 May, Paint With Us – An exhibition and Islands by Prof. Wagstaff (Ionian Society) paintings Colour Variations by G. (The Hellenic Centre, Byzantine Festival of auction of paintings by Members and Friends 29 April – 31 May, A retrospective exhibition of Diversity in Democratic Governance by H.E. Demetracopoulos (The Hellenic Centre) Museums, White Cube by A. Potamianou (The 27 November, Religion in Frankish Cyprus by 11 April, Byzantine Peloponnese by Dr P. Chief Emeka Anyaoku, former Secretary Hellenic Centre) London and the Centre for Hellenic Studies, Prof. Ch. Schabel (The Hellenic Centre and (Fundraising Committee of The Hellenic paintings by the Cypriot artist G. Vasiliou (The Hetherington (Peloponnesian Association 4-28 February, A Friends Room Exhibition King’s College London) Centre)) Hellenic Centre) General of the Commonwealth (Hellenic 15 – 29 November, Realism and Humour in the Hellenic Institute, Royal Holloway) of Great Britain) Community Trust) of paintings Explosion of Cyprus by L. 30 May, Αλλεργική Ρινίτιδα: Ορισμός, Διάγνωση, 9 June, Runciman Award Ceremony (Anglo- 23-26 May, Enamelling Art and Contemporary Papanagiotou Contemporary Greek Painting – Exhibition from 28 November, The Uknown Splendours of 18 April, Transfiguring Old Concepts by Prof. 3 December, Maria Callas by S. Galatopoulos Vorres Museum of Contemporary Greek Art Θεραπεία by Dr A. Rachmanidou (Eteria Ellinon Butrint (Albania) – Ten Years of Excavations by Hellenic League) Jewellery. Exhibition by two Cypriot artists in A. Delivorrias, Director of the Benaki Museum 5-28 February, Works on Paper by A. Fassianos Epistimonon) gold, silver and enamel (Cypriot Estia of (The Hellenic Centre) and Folk Art Butrint Foundation by Prof. R. Hodges (Europa 1 July, Film Night: Crossing the Line directed (The Hellenic Centre) (The Hellenic Centre) Nostra) London) Social Events 3-22 December, A Friends Room Exhibition 17 June, Nicholas Hammond and Greece by by S. Heaven (The Hellenic Centre) 20 April, Loukis Akritas, Diaspora and Metropolis 6 – 28 March, A Friends Room Exhibition of Prof. R. Fowler (London Hellenic Society and 4 December, Leonardo Dona: Memorie per le 6-28 June, A Friends Room Exhibition of 24 February, Vasilopita (Macedonian Society of Focus on Fabric by four new textile designers, 17 September, Book Club Meeting by M. Honeyball, MEP and Dr M. Roussou paintings Hellenic Scenes and Images by the University of Bristol) Cose di Cipro, Από την Πόλη των Τεναγών στη watercolours and paintings of Greek Great Britain) A. Halil, E. Morchos, Ph. Papas and R. Zenonos (The Hellenic Centre) (Diaspora Centre) R. Lavithis and K. Kotsiofides (The Hellenic (The Hellenic Centre) 2 October, The Balkan Wars Through News Reels Χερσόνησο της Καρπασίας by N. Patapiou landscapes by D. Shutt (The Hellenic Centre) 22 September, Cypriot Poetry Evening. Poems 18 March, Kathara Deftera – A guided tour of Centre) by F. Lambrinos (The Hellenic Centre) (The Hellenic Centre and the Hellenic Institute, 21-22 May, Grecian Holiday – In celebration of Concerts of Dimitris Libertis in the Cypriot dialect 10-27 September, A Friends Room Exhibition the Golden Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth II the Saint Sophia exhibition by the Rt. Revd. 4 April – 2 May, A Friends Room Exhibition of Royal Holloway) of paintings Drawing from the Arhaic by C. Theodoritos, Bishop of Nazianzou, followed by 3 April, Piano and Cello Recital by Eugenia 13 October, The second Andrew David (The Hellenic Centre) by Hugo Vickers (The Hellenic Centre) paintings and mixed media Where the Eyes Biennial Memorial Lecture Corporate 11 December, Reflections on the Psychological Marquand (The Hellenic Centre) ‘nistisima’ (Fundraising Committee of The Papadimas and Asterios Pouftis. The Hellenic 3 November, Criticos Prize Award Ceremony 27 May, Palaeopolis of : The Silent Present Can / Cannot See by C. Tomazos (The Hellenic Governance in the 21st Century by D. R. Keough Implications of Recent Political Events in Cyprus 3-25 October, A Friends Room Exhibition of Hellenic Centre) Centre) Centre Spring Draw 2003 (The Hellenic (London Hellenic Society) and the Vibrant Past by Prof. L. Palaiokrasas Centre) of Allen & Company Inc. (Hellenic Community by Dr C. Galatariotou (The Hellenic Centre and paintings Traces of Time by G. Politis (The (Greek Archaeological Committee UK) 28 May, Summer Excursion to Canterbury 8 – 30 May, A Friends Room Exhibition of Trust) the Hellenic Institute, Royal Holloway) 22 November, Papanikolaou Prize – Annual Hellenic Centre) (Lykion ton Hellinidon) 13 December, Greek Orthodox Ecclesiastical Biomedical Competition (Hellenic Medical 30 May, The Flame of Freedom: the Greek War of paintings Colour Obsession by G. Printezis 16 October, Through the Looking-Glass: Social Events 5-29 November, A Friends Room Exhibition of 31 May, A Greek Evening with music (The Hellenic Centre) Music – A Recital with Kalofonades, Byzantine Society) Independence by D. K. Brewer (Anglo-Hellenic Reflections on the Image of Cypriots by Prof. 23 Januar paintings From the Stuff that Dreams are made (Fundraising Committee of The Hellenic Choir from Athens (The Hellenic Centre) y, Vasilopita (London Hellenic League) 6 – 27 June, A Friends Room Exhibition of A. Tsakmakis (The Hellenic Centre and the Society) off by M. Apostolidis (The Hellenic Centre) Centre) Lectures Hellenic Institute, Royal Holloway) 13 June, In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great paintings Painting the Gods by C. Pickle (The 2004 3-20 December, A Friends Room Exhibition of 6 November, Welcome-back Coffee (Lykion Hellenic Centre) 31 January, Greek Antiquites in the Second World 24 January, Vasilopita (Lykion ton Hellinidon) and the Kallas Villages of Pakistan by M. Wood 16 October, An Underwater Photography Exhibitions sculptures Stou Kyklou ta Girismata by V. (Macedonian Society of Great Britain) ton Hellinidon) 12 March – 4 April, Ancient Palaikastro: Crete War (The Hellenic Centre) Adventure by C. Petrinos (Eteria Ellinon 25 January, Vasilopita (Macedonian Society) Maryeti-Cawson (The Hellenic Centre) Epistimonon) 8-30 January, A Friends Room Exhibition 3 October, The Dove Fights Back: Assertive 22 November, A Greek Evening with music (The Hellenic Centre and British School at 1 February, ATHENS 2004 - A presentation in 7 February, Vasilopita (SEFL) 3-20 December, A Friends Room Exhibition of (Fundraising Committee of The Hellenic Athens) (The Hellenic Centre) Greek by the Department of Greeks Abroad, of paintings Zoe’s World – Zoe’s People by Women in Greek Folk Songs by M. Coulton 18 October, Nikos Kazantzakis by G. 8 February, Carnival – Αποκριάτικο Γλέντι Zoe Kakolyris (The Hellenic Centre) icons Following a Sacred Tradition by A. (The Hellenic Centre) Centre) 8 – 30 May, A Friends Room Exhibition Colour Organising Committee for the Olympic Games Stassinakis, with video presentation followed with moosootoo (The Hellenic Centre) Economou-Vlachou (The Hellenic Centre) ATHENS 2004 (The Hellenic Centre) by readings (Cretan Association of Great 23-25 January, Painting Competition 4 to 18s 17 October, Σχέσεις Κύπρου και Επτανήσου 2 December, A music Evening (London Obsession by G. Printezis (The Hellenic Centre) 27 February, Tsiknopempti Lunch (Lykion ton 5-20 December, Portraits – Exhibition of Hellenic Society) 6 February, Nature in Greece: Myths and Realities Britain) Olympic Games – Athens 2004 Exhibition of γύρω στο 1800 by N. Patapiou (Eteria Ellinon 8 – 30 May, A Friends Room Exhibition of Hellinidon) paintings by students of Greek Schools in photographs by Reno Wideson (The Hellenic by M. Apergis (London Hellenic Society) 23 October, Greeks, Phoenicians and Epistimonon, the Ionian Society and the 4 December, Christmas Bazaar (Lykion ton photographs Colours of Greece by C. Gautier 10 March, Kathara Deftera Lunch (Fundraising London accompanied by a series of activities Centre) Eteocypriots Ethnic Identity in the Cypriot Cypriot Estia of London) Hellinidon) (The Hellenic Centre) 12 February, Managing Anxiety, Gaining Peace Committee of The Hellenic Centre)) for children: Karagiozis performance, Disco, of Mind by V. Kleanthous (Lykion ton Kingdoms by Prof. M. Iakovou (The Hellenic Magicians Face Painting, Circus skills (The 4 June, Annual Excursion (Lykion ton Hellinidon) Centre and the Hellenic Institute, Royal Hellenic Centre) Holloway) Hellinidon) 20 February, Αποχαιρετώντας τη Δραχμή ... 4 March – 8 April, A Friends Room exhibition 16 September, Wine Testing for Members and Λόγος περί Αρχαίων Νομισμάτων by M. Krikou 28 October, Κωνσταντινου Πόλις by Mr of paintings Four Touches by A. Eftsathiou Friends (The Hellenic Centre) Galani (Eteria Ellinon Epistimonon) A. Pavlides (Cypriot Estia of London) (The Hellenic Centre) 1 October, Exploring the Borough of Southwark, 25 February, Cypriot Ethnography Collections in 6 November, Languages and Scripts in Ancient 29 March – 30 April, A Friends Room its Byways and Secrets. Guided walk British Museums by Dr E. Papademetriou (The Cyprus by Prof. A. Panayotou- exhibition of ceramics, collages, mixed (Fundraising Committee of the Hellenic Hellenic Centre and Ministry of Education and Triantafyllopoulou (The Hellenic Centre materials and constructed reliefs by Centre) Culture, Cyprus) and the Hellenic Institute, Royal Holloway) A. Zacharia (The Hellenic Centre)

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14-30 November, A Friends Room Exhibition of 11 May, In Search of Myths and Heroes by 10 April, Dances from Macedonia - A dance The Hellenic Centre Drama Club Workshops icons The Road Less Travelled by M. Galovic (The M. Wood (Macedonian Society of Great Britain) workshop with Ch. Papacostas (Lykion ton The Hellenic Centre monthly Book Club Hellenic Centre) 12 May, Alexander Fleming, Penicillin and Greece Hellinidon) Meetings Concerts by K. Brown (Eteria Ellinon Epistimonon and 7 June, Bon Voyage Coffee (Lykion ton 19 February, Η Μάντρα του Αττίκ - An event of Hellenic Medical Society) Hellinidon) 2006 words and music dedicated to Attik of the 19 May, Greek Migrations: Phanariot, Chian and 16 June, Summer Excursion (Lykion ton 30s and 40s with D. Nahmia (piano), other Families and the Secrets of their Success by Hellinidon) Exhibitions M. Kannelopoulou (soprano), V. Tselepidis Ch. Long (London Hellenic Society) 1 October, Greek Music and screening of 10-27 January, A Friends Room Exhibition of (baritone) (The Hellenic Centre) 7 October, The International Space Station by An Underground World by E. Petropoulos paintings by Paschalis (The Hellenic Centre) 23 February, Violin, Cello and Piano Recital Dr V. Polychronopoulos (Eteria Ellinon (The Hellenic Centre) 1-24 February, A Friends Room Exhibition of 4-30 May, Colours of Medieval Cyprus – Aspects Lectures 30 January, Vasilopita (Macedonian Society 7 February – 3 March, A Friends Room with Atlas Trio (T. Hankey - violin, S. Dubost- Epistimonon) 2 October, Day trip to Longleat House and lithographs and paintings Peristeriones – of Daily Life 1191-1571. An exhibition of of GB) exhibition of paintings New Work from Cyprus Hautefeuille – cello, E. Nalimova – piano) 14 October, Charity Lunch and Lecture by Safari Park (Macedonian Society of Great Dovecotes of the Cyclades Islands by T. Bennett 29 January, The Kouros of the Sacred Gate: New (The Hellenic Centre) medieval glazed pottery, jewellery, rare maps, Finds of Archaic Marble Sculpture in the 31 January, Vasilolpita (SEFL) by N. Malone (The Hellenic Centre) Prof. K. Nicolaides in support of children with Britain) (The Hellenic Centre) books and other objects to celebrate the Kerameikos, Athens by Prof. W. Niemeir 7-8 February, Visualising the Historical 6 May, Singing Recital with E. Dimitrakopoulou leukaemia and other diseases (The Hellenic 15 October, Afternoon Tea at the Hellenic 1-31 March, A Friends Room Exhibition of accession of Cyprus in the EU (The Cyprus 1 February, Black and White Masked Party (soprano) and L. Karpodini (piano) (The Centre) (Greek Archaeological Committee UK) (Fundraising Committee of the Hellenic Landscape Through Archaeology - The Centre (The Hellenic Centre) paintings Colours of Cyprus by Ch. Georgiou Ministry of Education and The Hellenic Centre) Hellenic Centre) (The Hellenic Centre) 3 February, Feast of Memories by E.M. Centre) excavations of the British School at Athens in 3 November, Deciphering the Icons: The 29 October, Annual Cheese and Wine Party for 7-28 May, A Friends Room exhibition of Laconia (The Hellenic Centre and British 15 May, Archilochos’ Fragments - An evening of Symbolic Nature and Technique of Byzantine Kulukundis (London Hellenic Society) 11 February, Tsiknopempti Lunch (Lykion ton St. Demetrius’ Day, Patron Saint of Thessaloniki 4 April, A Friends Room Exhibition Collages paintings Epestrefe by S. Constantinou – School at Athens) contemporary Greek music inspired by ancient Religious Images by A. Valsamaki (Macedonian Society of Great Britain) by M. Xyda (The Hellenic Centre) Gonios (The Hellenic Centre) 25 February, Women in Byzantium - An Evening Hellinidon) 7-31 March, A Friends Room exhibition of Greece and its culture (The Hellenic Centre 10 November, An Illustrated Lecture in Greek of Words and Music (Greece in Britain) 23 February, Kathara Deftera Lunch and the Centre for Hellenic Studies, King’s 10 November, Guided Tour around Legal 3 May-2June, A Friends Room Exhibition 3-22 June, A Friends Room exhibition of paintings Prosopa by C. Plessas (The Hellenic with readings of Aristotelis Valaoritis poetry London (Fundraising Committee of The Peloponnesian Perspectives – Paintings from Life photographs Shorelines by D. Pote (The 10 March, Kassiani and Byzantine Hymnody by (Fundraising Committee The Hellenic Centre) Centre) College London and Sponsored by Stavros (Ionian Society and Peloponnesian Association Prof. R. Stichel (Greece in Britain and Byzantine S. Niarchos Foundation) Hellenic Centre) and Imagination by A. Williams (The Hellenic Hellenic Centre) 5 June, A Greek evening with moosootoo of Great Britain) Centre) Festival in London) 4-27 April, A Friends Room Exhibition of 4 December, Christmas Lunch (Fundraising 29 June – 31 July, Periplous, An exhibition of (The Hellenic Centre) fretwork with pyrography, pastels, airbrush, 13 July, The Music of South America - An event 11 November, Sparta and its Surrounding 17 March, 1204: The Sacking of Byzantium - An dedicated to Astor Piazzolla and the Committee of The Hellenic Centre) 6-30 June, A Friends Room Exhibition of photographs through the lens of eight 14 October, An evening with Ionian Kantades acrylic and mixed media Landscapes and Settlements: A Century of Reassessment by drawings, photographs and digital media Evening of Words and Music (Greece in Britain Tango (The Hellenic Centre) 8 December, Annual Christmas Bazaar (Lykion Magnum photographers (Hellenic and dinner (Ionian Society) Churches of Cyprus by D. J. Coe (The Hellenic Prof. G. Shipley, University of Leicester (The Dislocations by N. Charogianni and E. Mikelides Foundation, Greece in Britain) and Byzantine Festival and King’s College) Centre) ton Hellinidon) 20 November, A Greek evening with Plastic 16 September, Heliconian Muses – A music Hellenic Centre and British School at Athens) (The Hellenic Centre) 18 March, The Duchesse de Plaisance in Fact performance of works composed by A. The Hellenic Centre monthly Bar late openings 1-15 September, A Friends Room exhibition of Chairs(The Hellenic Centre) 3-5 May, A Friends Room Exhibition Foto- 27 November, Iannis Xenakis – A Celebration of 3-28 July, A Friends Room Exhibition Visions of photographs The Olympic Effect (The Hellenic and Fiction by Dr G. Vassiadis (London Hellenic Empnefsi curated by S. Konstantopoulou Stereopoulou (The Hellenic Centre) 7 December, 10th Anniversary Celebrations the life and work of the Greek Composer and Other Events Ithaca by J. Cochrane and A. Kazantzis (The Centre) Society) (Union of Greek Students in London (SEFL)) 12 November, Recital for the 80 years from the Architect by N. Matrosian of the Hellenic Centre 9 February, Eat, Drink and Get Married Launch Hellenic Centre) 16 September – 26 October, A Friends Room 23 March, Theatre in Ancient Greece, 6-19 May, Circles A Friends Room Exhibition Birth of Mikis Theodorakis with A. Mavroudakis The Hellenic Centre monthly Bar late 5 December, Archilochos’ Fragments by of E. Makis’ book (The Hellenic Centre and 5-28 September, A Friends Room Exhibition exhibition of drawings Theogonies by M. A Colloquium (The Hellenic Centre and of mixed material by S. Petropoulou (piano), R. Porter (cello), N. Tsoukalas (), openings Prof. Ch. Carey (The Hellenic Centre) Transworld Publishers) of paintings Aegean Light and Shade by Hodson (The Hellenic Centre) University College London) (The Hellenic Centre) V. Pakitzis (piano) (The Hellenic Centre) Social Events 24 February, Byzantine Festival in London – C. Allaz-Vourou (The Hellenic Centre) 24 May, Nicolas Georgiadis – Paintings, State Other Events Lectures 25-27 September, Exhibition of Sculptures by 1 June – 1 July, A Friends Room Exhibition A series of events (The Byzantine Festival in 21-24 September, Greek Artists – An Design 1955-2001 by E. Georgiadis (Lykion ton 24-27 June, 2004 Hellas Olympics: A series of 14 January, Vasilopitta (Hellenic Medical G. Kyriakou (The Hellenic Centre and Gallery K) of paintings by M. G. Grogoras (The Hellenic 3 February, Artists and Patrons in Venetian London) exhibition of paintings by Gallerie Lefakis Hellinidon) events to celebrate the return of Olympic Society of Great Britain) 29 October – 26 November, A Friends Room Centre) Dominated Crete, 1400-1700 AD by Dr A. of Athens Games to their homeland. The events include 16 January, Vasilopitta (Eteria Ellinon 2 June, Runciman Award Prize Ceremony exhibition of photographs Moments in Greece 2 June, Runciman Award Prize Ceremony 4–29 July, A Friends Room exhibition of Lymberopoulou (London Hellenic Society) an exhibition The Olympic Effect, a Epistimonon) (Anglo-Hellenic League) 3-28 October, A Friends Room Exhibition of by Y. Kordakis (The Hellenic Centre) (Anglo Hellenic League) photographs The Secret Life of Fruits and 7 February, Sparta and its Surrounding documentary In search of Greece, book fair, 21 June, Workshop: How a Book is Made – An photographs Land of Icarus by E. Webb (The 23 September, Conserving the Cultural Heritage Vegetables by Ch. Chatziioannou (The Hellenic Settlements: A Century of Reassessment by 21 January , Vasilopitta (Lykion ton Hellinidon) 29 November – 17 December, A Friends Room lectures, performance of Greek folk dances educational activity for primary school children Hellenic Centre) and Monuments of Poland: The Challenge for Centre) Prof. G. Shipley (The Hellenic Centre and British 22 January, Vasilopitta (Macedonian Society exhibition of paintings and jewellery Stones (The Hellenic Centre) with Aliki 13 October – 16 November, Greek Embroidery and Colours by K. Dracoulis, D. Krinos and the Future by Prof. J. Purchla (Europa Nostra) 14 -27 September, A Friends Room exhibition School at Athens) of Great Britain) 20 June, Celebration of the Olympic Games 17th to 19th Century from collections of the M. Kulukundis (The Hellenic Centre) of paintings The Light of Memory: 2 July, A Greek Evening with Plastic Chairs 20 October, ActionAid Hellas – Guest speaker (Greek School of London) 10 February, George Seferis: The Voice of Humanity 27 January, Vasilopitta (London Hellenic Victoria & Albert Museum and the Benaki Concerts A. Mitsotakis-Gourdain and E. Thompson Constantinople by M. Dessylla (The Hellenic in the 20th Century - The third C. N. Hadjipateras Society) 12 November, Greek and other ethnic Music Museum (The Hellenic Centre and Lykion ton 8 July, Evoking Evia, Launch of J. Mole’s It’s Centre) Annual Memorial Lecture delivered by Prof. R. Workshop for Primary and Secondary School 28 October, Hippocratic Oration 2004 28 January, Vasilopitta (Union of Greek Hellinidon) 23 January, Violin Recital by A. Chaniotis all Greek to me (Nicolas Brealey Publishing) Beaton (Eteria Ellinon Epistimonon) pupils (The Hellenic Centre) (The Hellenic Centre) (Hellenic Medical Society) 28 September – 21 October, Somatopia: students in London (SEFL)) 1-23 November, A Friends Room Exhibition of 25-27 September, Theogonies – Seven solo Mapping Sites, Siting Bodies – Contemporary 17 February, The Naturalist in Chios by M. Taylor 19 November, 20th Anniversary Celebratory 16 November, Discover Greece and Cyprus, 6 February, Sunday Lunch and Family Quiz silver print and colour print Land of Desire by 1 March, Cello and Piano Recital by A. Pouftis dances by M. Hodson, representing iconic art from Cyprus (Cultural Services of the (The Hellenic Centre and Lykion ton Conference – A one-day conference in An Evening in Mani by Dr P. Greenhalgh, (Fundraising Committee of the Hellenic M. Lyberi (The Hellenic Centre) and L. Kapodini (The Hellenic Centre) women from history and mythology inspired Ministry of Education and Culture, Cyprus) Hellinidon) celebration of the 20 years of the Hellenic Prof. E. Eliopoulos and Prof. R. Beaton by the sculptures of G. Kyriakou (The Hellenic Centre) Concerts 13 March, The Pontic Lyra – From Tradition to 29 September – 12 October, A Friends Room Medical Society (Hellenic Medical Society) (The Hellenic Centre) Centre and Gallery K) 10 March, Alexander the Great: Hero of Stage Invention, Talk and recital by M. and K. 27 February, Dance Workshop (Lykion ton 20 November, Dance Workshop ((Lykion ton 10 – 11 March, Myths and Music from the 25 November, 25 Years of the A G Leventis exhibition of paintings A Walk Through Plaka and Screen? by Prof. P. Cartledge (Macedonian Tsahourides (The Hellenic Centre) 7 October, Criticos Prize Award Ceremony Hellinidon) Hellinidon) Cypriot Poetry of 11th and 16th century by Foundation, Activities and Services to Hellenism by P. McColl (The Hellenic Centre) Society of Great Britain) (London Hellenic Society) 14 March, Kathara Deftera Lunch (The Hellenic M. Christodoulides (Cyprus High Commission) 23 March, England: A Travel Journey by E. by A.P. Leventis (Cypriot Estia of London) 14 October – 10 November, A Friends Room 17 March, The European Profile of Byzantine 25 November, Papanikolaou Prize. The Annual Papadimas (International Society of Friends 9 December, Annual Christmas Bazaar (Lykion Centre) Research Competition (Hellenic Medical 25 March, Renee Reznek, Piano Recital in 30 November, Literature and Performance in exhibition of paintings Work Rest Play by Cyprus by Prof. E. Chrysos (The Hellenic Centre of Nikos Kazantzakis) ton Hellinidon) 19 March, Career Day (Union of Greek Students Society) memory of Susan Bradshow Ancient Greece – A Colloquium (The Hellenic M. MacDonald (The Hellenic Centre) and The Hellenic Institute, Royal Holloway, in London (SEFL)) 16 October, Cello and Piano recital by Ch. Centre and the University College London) The Hellenic Centre Monthly Book Club 25 October, An exhibition on the history, University of London) Grimpas and V. Yannoula and educational Meetings culture and nature of Cyprus as seen through workshop (The Hellenic Centre) 9 December, The Artistrty of Erotokritos by Dr D. Holton (Eteria Ellinon Epistimonon) the eyes of the children (Cultural Services and 19 October, Greek Folk Music Educational 2005 the Education Department, Ministry of Workshop for pupils by Plastic Chairs (The Social Events Education and Culture, Cyprus in association Hellenic Centre) 16 January, Vasilopita (Lykion ton Hellinidon) Exhibitions with the Cyprus Educational Mission) 24 November, Cello and Piano recital by 17-18 January, Αιώνες μακριά από την Αλάσκα 10 January – 3 February, A Friends Room 12 November – 14 November, Visualising the P. Cavalho and A. Quartermain (The Hellenic (Theatre Lab Company) exhibition of paintings and pastels Andros, Historical Landscape through Archaeology: An Exhibition on the Excavations of the British Centre) 27 January, Vasilopita (London Hellenic Island of Natural Springs by C. White (The School at Athens in Laconia (The Hellenic 1 December, A thousand years of Christmas with Society) Hellenic Centre) Centre and British School at Athens) soprano Sally Bradshaw (The Hellenic Centre)

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31 March-1 April, Ταξίδια στον Κόσμο για την 13 October, Ελληνική Κεντητικη by T. Ioannou- 3 December, Murder Mystery Christmas Lunch 3 July, Film Night – Kalabush directed by Τεχνη και τον Πολιτισμό by M. Plessas (Cyprus Yiannara (The Hellenic Centre) (Fundraising Committee of The Hellenic A. Florides (Cyprus High Commission) High Commission) 1 November, An Introduction to Greek Island Centre) 7 July, Films Night - The Magic of Cyprus 6 May, Piano Recital with L. Karpodini (The Embroidery for the Non-Specialist by J. Wearden 7 December, Annual Christmas Bazaar (Lykion directed by A. Roditis and By The Hand Hellenic Centre) (The Hellenic Centre) ton Hellinidon) directed by P. Papapetrou (Cyprus High 18 May, With the Star’s Lamp. An evening of 30 November, The third Andrew David 10 December, Family Christmas Lunch (Lykion Commission) music and poetry in Greek dedicated to the Biennial Memorial Lecture Diplomacy and ton Hellinidon) 2 August, Children’s Fun Day – An event for Nobelist Odysseus Elytis (London Hellenic Negotiation post 9/11 by Ambassador The Hellenic Centre monthly Bar late children of all ages (The Hellenic Centre) Society) S. W. Bosworth (Hellenic Community Trust) openings 22 September, Film Night – Bar directed by 25 September, Concert with the Parisian Social Events Other Events A. Danezi-Knudsen (Cyprus High Commission) ensemble Pyxis – World premiere of work by 15 January, Vasilopita Lunch (Cypriot Estia of 16 October, Films Night – Eleni’s Olives directed composer C. Stylianou (Ministry of Education 16 February, Performing Prometheus – The 29 October-16 November, A Friends Room 28 February, Mediterranean Monk Seal, The 27 November, Guest Dinner with Mr Takis Other Events London) Dramatic Interpreter. A new media project by by Y. Americanou and The Other Artemis by and Culture, Cyprus) Exhibition of Jewellery by M. Kulukundis (The Symbol Of The Mediterranean Sea (MoM, Arapoglou, Chairman and CEO of the National 30 May, Γλώσσα από Μάρμαρο – Presentation 18 January, Vasilopita and Bar late opening C. Prossylis featuring a talk by Prof E. Spinelli K. Tofarides (Cyprus High Commission) Hellenic Centre) The Hellenic Society for the Study and Bank of Greece (The Hellenic Centre and the of Iphigenia Theodorou’s book (The Hellenic 15 November, Mozart and Shostakovich with (The Hellenic Centre) (The Hellenic Centre) 4 November, The Island of No Cats – A story Protection of the Mediterranean Monk Seal) Hellenic Bankers Association) Centre) Tettix Ensemble (The Hellenic Centre) telling puppet show for children up to 12 7-10 November An exhibition of paintings 19 January, 40th Anniversary, Celebration and 4 March, Pegasus and Mendios, A story telling Myths and Nature by M. Plant, R. Lavithis and 15 March, The Population Exchange of 1922 - 5 December, Από το Άσυλο στην Κοινότητα: Η 27-28 November, Me Dichos Aniktari by years old, adapted by Sandis Productions from 7 June, Runciman Award Ceremony (Anglo- Vasilopita evening (Eteria Ellinon Epistimonon) puppet workshop with music for children up I. Lembesis (EPISTEME) Did Venizelos Have a Choice? by B. Clark Eμπειρία της μη Kερδοσκοπικής Εταιρείας I. Koulouras and P. Constantopoulou (Cyprus Eugene Trivizas book (The Hellenic Centre) Hellenic League) 20 January, Vasilopita (Lykion ton Hellinidon) to 12 (The Hellenic Centre) (The London Hellenic Society) Kαλειδοσκόπιο by M. Fafalios-Dragonas; the High Commission) Concerts 12 June, Film Night – Ecstasy by Ch. Prossylis 12 March, Dance Workshop (Lykion ton 6 November, Films Night – Espresso by fourth in a series of events on voluntary/aid 20 January, Vasilopita (Hellenic Medical 10 May, The Callas Legacy by H. Mathiopoulos (The Hellenic Centre) Lectures Hellinidon) A. Florides and No Man’s Land directed by 2 February, Oxford Philomusica (The Hellenic work by Hellenic Centre Members and Friends Society) Centre and the Cyprus High Commission) (The Hellenic Centre) 26 January, Thoughts on the Writings by the Kyriakos Tofarides (Cyprus High Commission) (The Hellenic Centre) 16 June, Kyttaro Visual Art by S. Panagiotakis 18 February, A Greek Evening with music, 21 March, An evening of Modern Greek 16 May, Dionysios Solomos, National Poet or Hierarchs and the Greek Language by 26 November, Boxes, Books and Fabrics – A 22 February, Song recital by Juliet Demetriades 10 December, Konstantinos Karamanlis – 100 (The Hellenic Centre) Greek Food and Rebetika, Folk and Popular Poetry, organised by The Hellenic Centre and International Bet? by P. Mackridge (The Dr N. Panayiotou (Cypriot Estia of London) theatre workshop with A. Revi, Theatre Lab on and Andrew Law (The Hellenic Centre) Years from his Birth - An event with prominent 17 June, Marylebone Summer Fayre songs (The Hellenic Centre) the Greek Literary Magazine Delear, with Hellenic Centre) 9 February, New Perspectives on Macedonian A. Chasandra and Y. Antiochou on the the creation of a performance through 13-14 March, De-Liberation – Concert of speakers, video presentation and 17 May, An Audience with Galen. A symposium 8 July, Tango Argentino – A workshop with Painting by Prof. Olga Palagia (Greek 23 February, Tsiknopempti Dinner (Lykion ton occasion of International Day of Poetry (The objects and a showcase (The Hellenic Centre) modern music featuring works of Award photographic exhibition (The Hellenic Centre chaired by Prof. P. Cartledge, University of K. Tommasi (The Hellenic Centre) Archaeological Committee) Hellinidon) Hellenic Centre) The Hellenic Centre monthly Book Club winning composer Evis Sammoutis (Cyprus and the Konstantinos G. Karamanlis Cambridge (Hellenic Medical Society) 23 September, Curious Carla and the Problem 6 March, Kathara Deftera Lunch. A traditional Meetings High Commission) Foundation) 22 February, C.N. Hadjipateras Annual 24 March, Kathryn Hunter’s Workshop for of Knowledge - A show followed by workshop lunch to celebrate the beginning of Lent with 22 May, Holding Hands by M. Kanaroglou on Memorial Lecture: G. Theotokas, Europe and aspiring actors and directors (The Hellenic 23 April, Recital of Laika, Rembetika and Social Events using original puppets, music and audience the Generation of the Thirties by Prof. D. Tziovas Greek music (The Hellenic Centre) Centre) Smyrneika songs, performed by students of children in the Lavrion Refugee Reception 2007 Centre. The first in a series of events on 12 January, Vasilopita (The Hellenic Medical participation to introduce children to (Eteria Ellinon Epistimonon) 10 April, Dinner by Hellenic Bankers St. George’s Lyceum, Larnaca, Cyprus (The 28 March, Atopos at Works: An Interesting voluntary aid work by The Hellenic Centre’s Society) philosophical questions, produced by Sandis Association. Guest speaker Mr. Petros Doukas, Exhibitions Hellenic Centre) 27 February, Greek Antiquities at the Louvre by Crossover in Past and Future, Art and Fashion Members and Friends (The Hellenic Centre) 16 January, Vasilopita and Hellenic Centre Bar Productions (The Hellenic Centre) Greek Deputy Minister of Finance and Dr A. Kaufman-Samara, Department of Greek, by V. Zidianakis (The Hellenic Centre) 16 January – 8 February, A Friends Room 1 June, Diaspora and the Mass Media, late opening 23 September, Tangos by Astor Piazzolla Economy (Hellenic Bankers Association) Exhibition of paintings Shadows by M. 1 June, Diaspora and the Mass Media, Etruscan and Roman Antiquities, Louvre 10 May, The British and the Hellenes, Struggles Transnational Cypriot Communities – A song performed by Fugata (The Hellenic Centre) Veriopoulos (The Hellenic Centre) Transnational Cypriot Communities by 19 January, Vasilopita (Lykion ton Hellinidon) Museum (The Hellenic Centre) 4 May, Easter Celebration at the Hellenic for Mastery in the Eastern Mediterranean 1850- recital by E. Georgiou, University of Leeds (Cyprus High Commission) Dr M. Georgiou, University of Leeds (Cyprus 24 January, Vasilopita (Union of Greek 20-22 October, An Evening with Iacovos 8 March, The Christian Heritage of Turkey by Centre Bar late opening 1960. Launch of a book by Prof. R. Holland and 12 February – 2 March, A Friends Room High Commission) Students in London) Kampanelis by ETHOL (The Hellenic Centre Dr E. Hunter (Cypriot Estia of London) 20 May, Eurovision Song Contest Screening Dr D. Markides. (Cyprus High Commission) Exhibition of paintings and drawings 22 June, A Glimpse of Japan - A musical and the London Hellenic Theatre) Reflections by K. Hadjiilias (The Hellenic Centre) journey presented by the PANDORA 7 June, UGANDA - Making a Real Difference by 7 February, Tsiknopempti Dinner (Lykion ton 16 March, Relations Between Turkey and Greece (The Hellenic Centre) 25 May, Sweet Land... Launch of the volume of Ensemble, featuring works inspired by J. Caroussis; the second in a series of events on Hellinidon) 26 October, St Demetrius Day Celebration – by Prof. T. Veremis (London Hellenic Society) 24 May, Summer Excursion (Lykion ton lectures on the History and Culture of Cyprus, 2 March, De-Liberation: Modern Art – Exhibition voluntary/aid work by Hellenic Centre Patron Saint of Thessaloniki (Macedonian by A. Constantinou (Cyprus High Commission) Japanese art and tradition (Eteria Ellinon 17 February, Greek Carnival Party with DJ 23 May, The Runciman Award (The Anglo Hellinidon) which took place at the Hellenic Centre in Members and Friends (The Hellenic Centre) Society of Great Britain) Autumn 2003. Address by The Cyprus High Epistimonon) Tsoulfas (The Hellenic Centre) Hellenic League) 12 June, Guided Tour to Greenwich 2-12 April, A Friends Room Exhibition of 1 October, War of the Worlds by M. Wood on 7 November, Book Presentation – A Lifetime in Commissioner, Mr. Petros Eftychiou (The paintings by A. Kazantzis and J. Cochrane 10 October, From National School to Modernity 19 February, Kathara Deftera Lunch – A 6 July, Cinema in Post War Thessaloniki, The Tale (Fundraising Committee of The Hellenic his journey into northern Iraq to locate for the Cypriot Archaeology, The Memoirs of Vassos Hellenic Centre and The Hellenic Institute (The Hellenic Centre) - A Homage to Nikos Skalkottas and his Legacy A traditional vegetarian lunch to celebrate the of a City by Dr Z. Chatzistavrou, Macedonian Centre) first time the site of Gaugamela (Macedonian Karageorgis by Prof. V. Karageorgis and Kypris: Royal Holloway, University of London) contemporary music concert for piano solo by beginning of Lent (The Hellenic Centre) Museum of Contemporary Art, followed by 24 June, Greek Jazz evening with Greek 1-31 May, A Friends Room Exhibition of Society of Great Britain) The Aphrodite of Cyprus by J. Karageorgis 2 June, UK Launch of Dance Cyprus Dr E. Mantzourani (The Hellenic Centre) the film projection by Christos Nikoleris (The saxophonist D. Vassilakis and his ensemble paintings Sunny Landscapes by A. Gregora 26 March, Celebration (Peloponnesian (Cyprus High Commission) 17 November, Nena Venetsanou in Μουσών 4 October, The Heart Doctors by E. Sotiriou and Hellenic Centre and The Macedonian Society (The Hellenic Centre) 16 June, Film Night – Under the Stars directed (The Hellenic Centre) Association of Great Britain) Δώρα: Πανόραμα Ελληνικού Τραγουδιού από G. Lyra; the third in a series of events on 16 November, Papanikolaou Research Prize of Great Britain) by Ch. Georgiou (Cyprus High Commission) 23 September, A Greek Evening with music, 5-28 June, Exhibition of paintings by C. την Αρχαιότητα μέχρι Σήμερα - accompanied voluntary/aid work by Hellenic Centre 12 April, Easter Celebration at the Hellenic 2007 (Hellenic Medical Society) 15 September, Kazantzakis and Poetry by Greek food and rebetika, folk and popular 23 June, The unique Characters of Greek Tragedy Kerestetzis (Marfin Laiki Bank) by S. Agianniotis, classical guitar and V. Gheka, Members and Friends (The Hellenic Centre) Centre Bar late opening The Hellenic Centre monthly Book Club G. Stassinakis, President of the International songs (The Hellenic Centre) – A theatre and music workshop for children 10-26 July, A Friends Room Exhibition of mandolin (The Hellenic Centre, Cypriot Estia of 16 October, Emmanuel Roidis – His Life and 7 June, Guided Tour to Hampton Court Meetings Society of Friends of Nikos Kazantzakis with E. Michailou – Vassilakis and D. Vassilakis 18 October, Coffee Morning (Lykion ton paintings and photographs by E. Nicolla London, Eteria Ellinon Epistimonon, Hellenic his Works by C. Kitromilides. Readings by (Fundraising Committee of The Hellenic (International Society of Friends of Nikos (The Hellenic Centre) Hellinidon) and by R. Casado (The Hellenic Centre) Foundation and Macedonian Society of Great C. Kavadas (Ionian Society and the Academy Centre) Kazantzakis) 28 June, Film Night – The Last Kerchief Maker of Britain, supported by the General Secretariat Social Club) 2008 27 October, Annual cheese and wine party for 1-26 October, A Friends Room Exhibition of 9 June, A Greek Evening with Plastic Chairs 27 September, Tsertsetis, Solicitor to Cyprus and the Roots of Cyprus Wine directed of Greeks Abroad) St Demetrius’s Day, Patron Saint of Thessaloniki paintings Chromoscopia by Pindaros 19 October, Hippocratic Oration Lecture by (The Hellenic Centre) Exhibitions Kolokotronis by K. Kavadas (Ionian Society) by Paschalis Papapetrou (Cyprus High (Macedonian Society of Great Britain) Michaelides (The Hellenic Centre and Eteria Lectures Prof. F. Kafatos (Hellenic Medical Society) 17 January, Exhibition of Paintings depicting Commission) 21 June, Morning Coffee (Lykion ton Ellinon Epistimonon) 17 February, Research in Translation Studies: 23 October, Nikos Kazantzakis (Ionian Society Hellinidon) Peloponnese and donated by artist J. C. Barton Greek Perspectives (Hellenic Association of and ETHOL)) (Peloponnesian Society of Great Britain) 10 October, Get Together (Lykion ton Translators and Interpreters and the University 5 November, Η Ιστορία της Χαρτογραφίας με Hellinidon) 21 January – 8 February, A Friends Room of Surrey) Ορίζοντα τον Χερσαίο και Νησιωτικό Ελληνικό Exhibition of works Black and White by E. 25 November, The Hellenic Centre Annual 23 February, Cavafy and English Poetry, What He Χώρο by A. Scutari, curator of Sylvia Ioannou Yannoulas (The Hellenic Centre) Family Lunch with karaoke (Fundraising Took And What He Gave Back – The fifth Collection of Maps (The Hellenic Centre) Committee of the Hellenic Centre) 11-27 February, A Friends Room Exhibition Dr C.N. Hadjipateras Annual Memorial Lecture 22 November, Lafcadios Hearn, The Greek Poet of works King Mino’s Lilies by S. Alexakis (The 12 December, Christmas Bazaar (Lykion ton delivered by Dr D. Ricks (Eteria Ellinon of Japan by N. Sofianos (London Hellenic Hellenic Centre) Epistimonon) Hellinidon) Society) 3 March – 4 April, A Friends Room Exhibition The Hellenic Centre monthly Bar late 27 February, Helen of Troy by B. Hughes of works Evidence, by D. Katsiaficas (The openings (The Hellenic Centre) Hellenic Centre)

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8-24 April, A Friends Room Exhibition of Lectures 27 November, The Fourth Andrew David composer N. Spiliotopoulos (The Hellenic paintings In Theseus’ Footsteps: An Englishman’s 15 January, The Contribution of St John Biennial Memorial Lecture, War and Society: The Centre and the theatre-dance group Pnoes) Odyssey by A. Bartlett (1918-2004) (The Chrysostomos in the Formation of the Divine Experience of War and Civil War in the Middle East 10 April, Holly Blue Launch of Yiannoulla Hellenic Centre) Worship in the Orthodox Church by the Very by Dr L. Fawaz (The Hellenic Community Trust) Nicola’s book (The Hellenic Centre and HandE 7-30 May, A Friends Room Exhibition Exhibition Reverend Ephraim Lass (Archdiocese of 28 November, A Talk on Icons by M. Andipa Publishing) of Five Colourists by Ch. Georgiou, L. Cohen, E. Thyateira and Great Britain) (Ionian Society) 22 May, An Evening in Homage to Cecil Thomas Fine, D. Glanfield and H. Spearman (The 18 February, The Byzantine Research Fund: Social Events and his Connection to Greece by Dr H. Livas- Hellenic Centre) Encounter of British Arts and Crafts Architects in 11 January, Vasilopitta (Hellenic Medical Dawes and members of Cosmoschaos (The 13-15 May, A photographic exhibition Changing Byzantium by Prof. R. Cormack and Exhibition of Society) Hellenic Centre) China: in the Year of the Cultural Exchange reproductions of architectural drawings and 18 January, Vasilopitta (Lykion ton Hellinidon) 6-7 June, Apology of Socrates - A theatrical solo between Greece and China by S. Gripari photographs of Byzantine Monuments in performance by Y. Simonides (The Hellenic 2-27 June, A Friends Room Exhibition of Greece (The Hellenic Centre and The British 22 January, Vasilopitta and Bar Late Opening Centre) School at Athens) (The Hellenic Centre) paintings Exhibition of Six Artists by V. Conrich, 27 September, Greek evening with Plastic R. Crowley, J. Furst, E. Peters, J. Sheldon, 20 February, Minoan Zakros: A Gem of Aegean 23 February, Carnival Youth Disco Party (The Chairs (The Hellenic Centre) S. Starr (The Hellenic Centre) Civilisation by Dr L. Platon, lecturer in Pre- Hellenic Centre) Historic Archaeology, University of Athens 12 October, Traditional Greek Dance Workshop 7-25 July, A Friends Room Exhibition of 28 February, Tsiknopempti (Lykion ton (Greek Archaeological Committee UK) (The Hellenic Centre and Lykion ton paintings Coastlines by V. Pafilis (The Hellenic Hellinidon) Hellinidon) Centre) 22 February, Archaeology and Art of Chios in 9 March, Fancy Dress Party for children up to Classical Antiquity the first millennium BC by 14 October, Morning Coffee (Lykion ton 9-26 September, A Friends Room Exhibition 12 years old (The Hellenic Centre and Lykion Dr A. A. Lemos (The Hellenic Centre) Hellinidon) of paintings Colours and Hues by G. ton Hellinidon) Demetracopoulos (The Hellenic Centre) 27 February, Oscar Wilde Meets Greece: His 16 October, Presentation of O. Papadoukas’ 10 March, Kathara Deftera Lunch – A Response and its Consequences in the Poetry books by M. Fafalios Dragonas (The Hellenic 6-31 October, A Friends Room Exhibition of traditional vegetarian lunch to celebrate the of Cavafy and Others by A. Hirst. The sixth Dr Centre) original prints Antiquity and Myth by P. beginning of Lent with live Greek music Costas N Hadjipateras Annual Memorial Lecture Hillstead, K. Hunter and N. Minogue (The (The Hellenic Centre) 28 October, Book Launch of Written on the Knee Hellenic Centre) (Eteria Ellinon Epistimonon) by H. Electrie Lindsay (The Hellenic Centre, 7 May, Hellenic Centre Easter Celebration 4 March, Dinner-Talk Unesco and Cyprus by HE Scarletta Press and Perseus Books UK) 5-27 November, A Friends Room Exhibition of at the Bar late opening paintings Inner Thoughts by Zanna (The Mrs Edmee Leventis, Ambassador, Permanent 13-16 November, London Greek Film Festival 8 June, Trip to Eltham Palace (Fundraising Hellenic Centre) Delegate of Cyprus to UNESCO (Women’s 08 (The Hellenic Centre and Cosmo Cinema) Committee of the Cypriot Estia of London) Committee of the Hellenic Centre) Concerts The Hellenic Centre monthly Book Club 18 April, Dinners and Wines of Ancient Greece by 15 June, The Marylebone Summer Fayre Meetings 1-2 February, Greek Cypriot Traditional and Dr S. Retsas (Macedonian Society of Great 18 June, Morning Coffee (Lykion ton Contemporary Music by G. Kalogirou, P. Britain) Hellinidon) Thomas and their orchestra (Cyprus High Many thanks to Maria Margaronis, Commission) 2 May, Το Οικουμενικόν Πατριαρχείον - 25 October, St Demetrius Day-Patron Saint Jane Ronge, Sarah Hyndman and all office Οθωμανική Αυτοκρατορία - Συνθήκη της of Thessaloniki (Macedonian Society of staff and volunteers for their assistance in 11 April, Tango Night A recital of music by Astor Λωζάνης by Prof. K. Svolopoulos (The Great Britain) the preparation of this publication. Piazzolla and others (including Mikis Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain) Theodorakis). Performed and organised by 30 November, Annual Family Lunch (The Tangissimo 15 May, Aphrodite and the Ancient Coinage of Fundraising Committee of The Hellenic Centre) Cyprus by Dr A. Burnett, Deputy Director of the The main photographs in this book are 19 April, An Evening of Classical Music British Museum (Cyprus High Commission) The Hellenic Centre monthly Bar Late by Steve Lancefield dedicated to Constantinos Leventis: 70 Years Openings 29 May, Runciman Award Ceremony in honour from his Birth with Oxford Philomusica (The Other Events The supporting photographs are by: Hellenic Centre and Oxford Philomusica) of the late Sir Steven Runciman (Anglo-Hellenic Michael Eleftheriades League) 29 February, Book Presentation The Cat of John Faraclas 28 April, Cello and Piano Recital including Portovecchio by M. Strani-Potts and Corfu Blues works by Brahms, Franck and Chopin with 14 October, An evening with Panos Karnezis Katerina Kalogeraki (The Hellenic Centre) by J. Potts followed by Ionian Cantades (The A. Pouftis (cello) and T. Athaniti (piano) (The Hellenic Centre and the Ionian Society) Dimitrios Panagos Hellenic Centre) 24 October, Reforming the Greek University by Doros Partasides 14 March, The Diary of a Madman - One-act 7 June, Crossroads: Songs from Greece, Brazil, Prof. Ch. Moutsopoulos (The Hellenic Medical Charlotte Woods Society) play by Nicolai Gogol, translated in the Cypriot Argentine, Portugal, Italy and Cyprus with V. idiom by G. Tsiakkas and S. Charalambous and and from members and friends Stavrou, M. Takoushis (piano) and L. Moumtzis 27 October, The Middle East’s Disappearing performed by M. Ioannou (Cyprus High (double bass, guitar) (The Hellenic Centre) Hellenes by I. Athanasiadis (The Hellenic Centre) Commission) 18 June, Psyche and Soma A concert of folk 24 November, Exhibiting Byzantium at the Royal 25 March, 25 March 1821 Celebration music from Pontos and Epirus by K. and Academy of Arts by Prof. M. Vassilaki, curator of (Peloponnesian Society of Great Britain) Thanks to our sponsors for their help M. Tsahourides (The Hellenic Centre) the exhibition Byzantium 330-1453 at the RAA with our Anniversary Celebrations (The Hellenic Centre) 4 April, For You… A theatre-dance 6 October, A Night at the Opera with K. Mina, performance based on ’s Coca-Cola HBC SA A. Legge and J. Edward Monogramma. Choreographer I. Briasoulis, Impulse Events Ltd

The Hellenic Centre Celebrating 15 years We took great care in producing this publication but inevitably there will be some mistakes or omissions, for which we apologise. Design: Cantate With Relish Print: HC001_cov_M_AW:Layout 1 2/2/09 15:16 Page 2

The Hellenic Centre 16-18 Paddington Street, Marylebone, London, W1U 5AS Tel: 020 7487 5060 Hellenic Community Trust, a Company limited by guarantee Charity Reg. No. 1010360 Registered Office: Caprini House, 163/173 Praed Street, London W2 1RH HC001_cov_M_AW:Layout 1 2/2/09 15:16 Page 1

The Hellenic Centre 1994-2009 Celebrating 15 years