The Making of a Socialist T.C
The Making of a Socialist T.C. Douglas, Premier of Saskatchewan, 1944. The Making of a Socialist The Recollections of T.C. Douglas Edited by Lewis H. Thomas The University of Alberta Press First published by The University of Alberta Press Edmonton, Alberta, Canada ISBN 0-88864-082-X Copyright © The University of Alberta Press 1982 First paperback edition 1984 Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data Douglas, T.C. (Thomas Clement), 1904- The making of a socialist Includes index. ISBN 0-88864-082-X 1. Douglas, T.C. (Thomas Clement), 1904- 2. Statesmen-Canada-Biography. 3. Saskatchewan-Politics and government. I. Thomas, Lewis H., 1917- II. Title. FC3525.1.D68A3 971.24'009'94 C81-091230-9 F1072.D68A3 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be produced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission of the copyright owner. Typesetting by The Typeworks Mayne Island, British Columbia Printed by John Deyell Company Willowdale, Ontario, Canada To Gertrude S. Telford 1887-1978 This page intentionally left blank Contents Foreword ix 1 Scottish immigrant 1 2 Baptist minister 40 3 C.C.F. politician 75 4 War years in Parliament 121 5 Provincial leader 139 6 First months of office 158 7 Saskatchewan government reforms 196 8 The 1948 election 246 9 At home and abroad 263 10 The third C.C.F. term in office 303 n Reflections on life and politics 334 12 Editor's conclusion 364 Notes 378 Index 395 This page intentionally left blank Foreword Thou of an independent mind, With soul resolv'd, with soul resign'd; Prepar'd Power's proudest frown to brave, Who wilt not be, nor have a slave; Virtue alone who dost revere, Thy own reproach alone dost fear.
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