Nemesis Legal Notice The license included with this product is a single user license for an installation on a single computer. Please contact our support team if you need additional licenses.This product is copy protected and uses audio watermarks. Please note that Tone2 will deactivate licenses of users who share our software without permission. Violators will be excluded from customer resources, services and updates. Under the DMCA, copying and sharing copyrighted materials without a license is illegal, violations to copyright law may carry heavy civil and criminal penalties. Contact If you have any difficulties installing or using Nemesis, please contact us by visiting our website and clicking the Support button. Tone2 website Tone2 forum Support
[email protected] Credits Development: Markus Krause, Bastiaan van Noord Programming & Graphics: Markus Krause Manual: Bastiaan van Noord, Markus Krause, Chris McKoy Sound design: Markus Krause (MF), Bastiaan van Noord (BN), Troels Nygaard (STS), Ed Ten Eyck (EDT), Massimo Bosco (MxS), George Zondagh (GZ), Akira Complex (AC), Rob Mitchell (RM), Mac of BIOnighT (Mac), Martin Wilkinson (MW), Xavier Pfaff (XPF), Zach Archer (ZA), Reinhard Reschner (RR), Torben Hansen (TH), Mikko Nielikainen (MN), Ingo Weidner (IW), Rob Fabrie (RF), Colin Cameron Allrich (CC), Johan Landquist (JLA), Satya Choudhury (sT), Don Vittorio (DV), Lukas Jankowski (TTS), Rainer Sauer (rWs), Carl Lofgren (PH), Stephen Krajewski (SK), Allen Somerlot (BB), SupremeJA (SJA), Bryan Lee (XS), Bram van Riel (BvR), Carl Butler (BC) Thanks go to: Anna Krause, family and friends, all sounddesigners & testers, and of course to all Tone2 customers for their continued support.