The Daily Egyptian, December 14, 1987
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Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC December 1987 Daily Egyptian 1987 12-14-1987 The aiD ly Egyptian, December 14, 1987 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 74, Issue 75 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, December 14, 1987." (Dec 1987). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1987 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in December 1987 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian 80uthern Illinois University at Carbondale Monday, December 14, 1987, Vol. 74, No. 75, i6 Pages I P"·ofessor's hearing unfair, union claims By Toby Eckert Staff Writer myself that the colJ~ge grievance procedures filed followed the University's with the board. Colleges tha t The union repreoenting a grievance procedures. U don't have their own professor whose grievances However, Zucker said t.h .. procedures " must follow the against his department were committee violated the University's procedures rejected by a faculty com University's procedures in exactly," Appleby said. mittee is charging that tbreeways: "I let him (Shea) know that " s erious procedural -Ruder was not permitted there were no procedure!; in probleDlf,'1 kept the professor to challenge appointments theCCFA," he said. "But once from getting a fair bearing made to the committee; they've been notified they can before t.'le cJ!!lmittee. -Ruder was not allowed to do anything they want." The grievances were filed by cross-examine witnesses Appleby said he wasn't sure Kenneth Ruder, a professor of against him; whether the CCFA committee audiology in the Department of -Four of the seven mem violated the University's Communications Disorders bers of the committee were guidelines. U Ruder appeals and Sciences. They charge untenured. the committee' s deci..ion to the that Ruder wru; punished by " The basic issue here is board, a m!Cision on the the dean of the College of fairly simple," ZI!::ker said. validity of tbe hearing will be Communications and Fine "Dean San:lers may be able to made then, Ap>,leby said. Arts for his outspoken 0p argue that the CCF A doesn't. Although Ruder is con position to the University's 2- need its own grievance sidering asking for another percent plan. procedure because it follows hearing at the college level, he Rudel'tR grievances were the University's procedures. will file an appeal of the rejected last month by a CCFA But it isn't doing that." committee's decision with the faculty committee. However, Edward Shea , the chairman academic vice president's Charles Z... dc:e!"! 3 1': organizer of the faculty committee that office sometime this week, for the Illinois Education rejected Ruder's gri€·!ances, Zucker said. Association, said Sunday that declined to comment on Ruder's ,grievances charge Ruder might ask for another Zucker's charges. tha t Sanders retalia ted hearing because the com " \ don't think \ really want against him for his opposition b y AI.n H ••as mittee viola ted University to get involved in trying this to the 2-percent plan by gutting Th e explosion on t;ICI ninth floor of Neely Hall broke three grievance procedures. through the press," Shea said. the Communications Disor wlr>Jows. "Professor Ruder and I had "We're interested in following ders and Sciences audiology some problems after the the established grievance program, which Ruder hearing because we hadn't procedures to bring a fair headed; reaSSigning Ruder to seen the college's grievance conclusion 0 this case. " a smaller lab; removing him eely explosion procedure," ZuCker sald. "We Bruce Appleby, the chair as director of an $8;000 asked to see a copy of the man of the University's research grant; and college's procedures a nd Jqdicial Review Board, reassigning Ruder's graduate (CCFA Dean Keith) Sanders coofirmed tha t the CCF A assistants to other instructors busts 3 windows told Professor Ruder and doesn' t have approved in the department. By Mary Wis~ l _ski heard the explosion. Staff Writer Chiaramonte said he and As if students did not have Hails "shot down the stairs McLafferty, Reservoir roads Eliough to be jumpy about to see if we could catch" the the weekend before finals, person who had caused the an explosion occurred at 1 a.m. Friday in an end ex~ODte and Hails may get 45 mph speed limit lounge on the ninth floor of said they saw nobndy Neely Hall. leaving the scene. By Dana o.aa.umont _Writer Department ilion t recuJatinll traosieDt mer Chuck Foi, a sophomore Steve Kirk, assis~nt of the vebicles trava51 'GIl chants on pubJie)ll'Gllel'ty. in pre-business, said he was director of residence life, The Cit) Council will vote McLafferty Road a 93 Under the I'ropoaed or typing a paper when he and Leonard Jones, coor tonivJ;t of "hether or not to percent of tbe vebicles dinance, an applicatiCJD with a heard "what sounded like a dinator of residence life, ""ise the speed limits on traveling on Re8ervoir Road ~ fee of ~OO m.. t he gun go ofr' a few doors said they were not informell McLafferty and Reservoir were exceeding the 35 mph tiled in tbiClert's Off'1ce or tbe down from b;s room. " I of the explosi< ~ which blew roads at its meeting at 7 p.m. speed limit, according to a police departlDe-tt 48 hours jumped about 10 feet in the out the windows at 1 a .m. in the City Council Chamben. memorandum frem Ed prior to tbe time of the air." Friday before being c0n McLafferty Road runs in Reeder, direelor ol public prIIpCIeed sale. The explosion blew out tacted by the · Daily front of Evergreen Terrace worD, to City Maaqer BiD three windows and could be Egyptian Sunday afternoon. 8Dd Reservoir Road runs by Dixon. Gus Bode heard as far away as Later Sunday alternoon, the SJU Press and Dairy At the Dec. 7 City ConnciI Schneider Hall, according Kirk, Head Resident Norm Center. meetinJ Dixon said the speed to a Daily Egyptian Hall, and Jones, who had The current speed limit of 35 limit 1JIC1'e8lIe was recom photographer Alan Hawes. been sick in bed, were in the mph couId he ::-.creased to 45 mended by PubJie Worb 8Dd No injuries were reported. lounge checking out the mph on McLafferty Road tbe Carbonda:e Pnlice Joe Chiaramonte, a damage. betw""" Chautauqua Street to freshman with an un Hall said University Reservoir Rood and on ~sbouIdn'taffect declared major, said he was Police had investigated the Reservoir Road from U.S. biCYclists becallle eacb road playing cards with resident incident Friday, but that Roote 51 to McLafferty Road. has 8-foot shoulders for t.SSistant Rob Hails, a junior A survey of 200 vehicles bicyclists to ride on, he added. in physiology, when they SMNEElY, P_S traveling on the roads Nov. 11 'Jbe City Council alIIo will Gua ..,. " JOU C8II't .... by the Carbondale Police discuss 8n ordinance '_,)eM"'... This Morning Gulf quiet; Khomeini thought to be ill Reagan almost MANAMA, Bahrain (UPI) - attack Saturday was brought Tehran, reached by telepboae GI'ftk Captain Alexander The Persian Gulf was quiet under control a day alter U.S. from Nicosia,. called' the Koolotliorgoa nursed the cancelled summit SUIIdloy as war foes Iran and Npvy and civilian helicopters reports "utter lies" 8Dd said, tanker to an a ......borage off the Iraq refrained from their helped rescue the vessel's "by God's grace the imam's port of DubaI on the United -PageS attacks on shipping amid crew from the inferno, ship health is better than ever." Arab Emirates coast. specuIation - denied by of pin-ll officials said. Kbomeini signed " revised Mar.i:!e salvage inspectara Men cagers beat ficials in Tehran - that aging In Tehran, Iranian officials version of his will last week. began calcuIating the extent of Iranian spiritual leader denied reports by Arab I!! t:Ie gulf, fG8JJHqUirting dRmaIIe, incJuding a gaping SW Missouri State AyatoJJah RuholJah Kbomeini sources at the Organization of flJ'ebnats .'JII8Iled Sunday tbi! hole IiI the aide aJlll8l"l!Dtly had been rusbed to a hospital. Petroleum Exporting C0un blue aboard the Cypriot caused bv a rocket grenade. - sports 16 The perilous waterway was tries meeting in Vienna that flagged 109,700-ton -Pivot The <ded miaaile destroyer peaceful for the 'irst day in Kbomeini, 87, was weakening carrying a cargo of Saudi USS ~ndler NSponded to the R.ln,mIcl40 •. weeks. A fU'e aboard an oil and in a Tehran hospital. Arabian crude oil, the offictals tanker triggered b)' an Iranian A Khomeini spokesman in said. _OULF,P_S Sports Men's 77-74 victory comes gift-wrapped By Da .. Mlller StalfWrtter Nurnberger said. "We didn't The win kept the Salu:Cis want them to. get into th.,ir above the .500 mark at 5-3. In the true spirit of the game." SMSU, who reached the s •.cond holiday season, the men's In the second half, the Bears round of the NCAA tourn'Jment baskethaU team gav~ coach came back to threaten the last season, dropped to ~-3 . Rich Herrin everything it had Salukis. SMSU coach Charlie "This was a very iJrJportant in a 77-74 victory over Spoonhour was whistled for a game to us. tI Herrin said. Southwest Missouri State technical foul after forward The Salukis' 32-30 rebound Saturday at the Arena.