The BG News April 23, 1985

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The BG News April 23, 1985 Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 4-23-1985 The BG News April 23, 1985 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News April 23, 1985" (1985). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4389. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Falcons drop four page 9 ^.;i:^.:.;.;.;.;.;.:.-.-.v.-.-.7r mmmmmmmmw\ Tuesday, AprU 23,1985THE BQ_ NEWS Vol. 67 Issue 114 Ms. Bronze crowned Seniors meet by Caroline Longer class challenge staff reporter A Senior Challenge phone-a- The newly crowned Ma. Class of 1985 thon held April 10 and 11 gener- Bronze won the pageant in ated about $13,000 in telephone honor of her father. pledges $58,000 pledges. "I wanted to win this contest for project "The pbone-a-thon boosted for my father, Herman Warren morale and kept pledges coming Sr., who died last Tuesday," in," Blake said. said Tara Warren, junior by April McdeUan But the campaign is not over RTVF major. She had worn reporter yet. Blake said a couple hundred her father's wedding band be- seniors, who were unable to be hind her ring during the con- The University's 1985 senior reached by phone, will be sent test for good luck. class has created a real chal- follow-up letters to encourage lenge for upcoming senior them to make pledges. "If you keep believing in classes. yourself and God, all things are Through the 1985 Senior Chal- Also, the executive committee possible," Warren said about lenge campaign drive called set up the 500 Club to recognize her winning of the pageant. "Challenge Beyond Tradition," volunteers who raised $500 or She dedicated her talent this year's senior class has more during the campaign. number, the song "Insepara- pledged a little over $58,000, the These volunteers will be given a ble," to the memory of her highest amount of funds ever certificate for membership into father. She had to sing the song raised by a senior class during the club. a second time because of trou- the campaign's 16-year history. Blake said the 500 Club ble with the microphone. This campaign theme was worked as an incentive for the chosen because initially the vol- volunteers. Much time and effort was unteers hoped to raise a record given to make the 12th Annual amount of 650,000 during the "We have over 31 people in the Ms. Bronze Pageant an eve- drive. 500 Club right now,'f Blake said. ning of entertainment in the Senior Challenge is an annual Seniors who pledged money finest order, said Jonathen campaign designed to raise will make their first payment a Turner, president of Phi Beta funds for the University through year from now, with payments Sigma fraternity, the contest's monetary pledges from graduat- continuing over a three-year pe- sponsor. ing seniors. riod. "The Ms. Bronze pageant is During the campaign, grad- Blake said a 70 percent return one of the most exciting mi- uating seniors were motivated rate is expected from the nority events to occur on any to pledge money by a group of pledges that were made. This college campus." Turner said. student volunteers from the amount varies from year to Turner said the contest does graduating class. year, but the anticipated return not stress the media standards rate is up from previous years of beauty. Instead, it is a show- ONE REASON that the drive due to the increase in pledges case of talent expression and raised a record amount this year this year, she said. poise which emphasizes the may be attributed to an enthu- The senior class will donate positive attributes and inner siastic executive committee who two-thirds of these funds to build qualities of the minority incorporated many innovative a gazebo on campus and the women of today. techniques, said MariAnn remaining funds will be used Blake, graduate assistant in the toward an area chosen by the "I DO not feel that there is Office of Alumni Affairs. class. The gazebo will be a small anything sexist about this par- The 18-member committee, building with benches inside ticular pageant," Turner com- who began to coordinate the which can be used as a meeting mented. project in November, offered a place for students, Blake said. Warren had some tough com- lot of creative ideas and sugges- petition. The first runner-up tions. Before deciding on the gazebo, was Michelle Graham, junior "(The) executive committee the executive committee gath- interpersonal and public com- BG News/Susan Cross was a dynamic group," Blake ered information in December munication (IPCO) major. Ms. Bronze crowned said. from seniors, faculty members Second runner-up was Kelly A teary-eyed Tara Warren, junior radio/television/film major, accepted the title of Ms. Bronze 1985 and the administration as to the McCoy, junior political science Saturday night. Ms. Warren was crowned by the 1984 Ms. Bronze Sandra Stevens following the four-hour Some of the new ideas used, best gift that the class could major, and the third runner-up competition held In the Grand Ballroom. along with past techniques, con- donate to the University. was Jamie Suggs, sophomore to Martin Luther King Jr. The commitment to helping elimi- and life in general," Turner tributed to the success of the "The money generated from international business major. act received a standing nate the mass famine in Ethio- said. campaign drive. the pledges will cover the cost of Stephanie Thompson, senior ovation. pia, part of the proceeds of the The other contestants were: "All seniors were initially con- building the gazebo and land- architectural technologies ma- pagent will go to the Ethiopia Nekole McFerren, freshman tacted by letters and bro- scaping," Blake said. jor, was voted by the other The theme for Ms. Bronze Relief Fund, said Garrett Hud- IPCO major; Andrea Gerider, chures," Blake said. contestants as Ms. Conge- 1965 was "We are the World, son, co-chairman of the con- freshman computer science A group of about 400 graduat- A graphic design model of the niality for being the most help- We are the Children" and the test. major; Lolita Collins, sopho- ing seniors volunteered to work gazebo is on display in the lobby ful to them during preparation audience was asked to sing the more business major; and for the campaign. During Senior of the alumni center. for the pageant. song of the same title for those To qualify for the competi- sophomore Julie Brown. Giving Week, April 1-5, each of The location of the gazebo starving in Ethiopia. The audi- tion, a person must have been a these volunteers contacted five cannot be officially decided until Graham was named the con- ence joined hands, sang, and female minority University The contest was judged by of the 3600 graduating seniors after all of the funds are col- testant with the Best Talent then asked for an encore and student with at least a 2.0 University Administration offi- either in person or over the lected four years from now. But Expression for her presenta- sang it again. Eade point average, must cials, while entertainment was telephone. the Union Oval and the area by tion of Dianna Ross' hit "Miss- ve a financial sponsor, and provided by the Toledo-based "(Through) personal contact,1 the Student Recreation Center ing You." which she dedicated TO SHOW the fraternity's "a positive outlook on herself band Mixed Company. the best success is achieved,' pond are two possible locations, Blake said. Blake said. Senators, Nicaraguan president confer WASHINGTON (AP) -Two Demo- cease efforts to export the Sandinista if the United States agreed to resume "window of opportunity" that gives the to continue military aid to the anti- cratic senators said Sunday that Nica- revolution to neighboring nations. bilateral negotiations and end its sup- United States the chance to resolve its Sandinista rebels. raguan President Daniel Ortega is The freshmen senators who met with port for the guerrillas, known as Con- own concerns about peace and stability Kerry said Ortega wants to open willing to restore civil liberties and Ortega in the Nicaraguan capital of in the region. talks with the Reagan administration negotiate with the United States to Managua presented the offer to mem- Ortega also said Nicaragua would be "The real question," Kerry said, "to and wants a team of congressional achieve peace in Central America. bers of the Senate Democratic lead- willing to work with international relief does this administration want to pursue observers to be present. Senators Tom Harkin of Iowa and ership at a Sunday meeting in the agencies to resettle or relocate Con- negotiations or to it committed to "THEY ARE WILLING to have rigid John Kerry of Massachusetts said Or- Capitol. tras. force." verification" of both relocation efforts tega expressed a willingness to nego- The senators said Ortega also told AT A CAPITOL HILL news confer- The latest Nicaraguan peace plan and of the cessation of attempts to tiate an end to the presence of Soviet them he would restore civil liberties ence, Harkin and Kerry said the Sandi- came as Congress prepares this week support guerilla efforts in other coun- military personnel in the region and to and end press censorship in Nicaragua nista government is offering a to vote on President Reagan's request tries, he said.
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