The Daily Egyptian, August 24, 1992
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Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC August 1992 Daily Egyptian 1992 8-24-1992 The aiD ly Egyptian, August 24, 1992 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 78, Issue 1 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1992 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in August 1992 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. AUgusl24, 1992 Sports I llIh l _1plll" /' I • ""Hlrjhrnlfllll"l~tlll\\I'll\ 114 ill,quid, Salukis prepare for season opener . Gridders practice defensive moves The Saluki coaches are in the process of introducing different offensive schemes to Ill!' defensive players in preparation for the upcoming season. Head Coach Bob Smith·s Saluki gridders continue practicing as the 1992 football season nears kickoff. SlUC will open the 1992 season against non-<:<>nference rival Troy State University of Alabama, a Division II school who defeated the Dawgs 30-13 last season. "Basically we are recognizing our ball fonnations," said defensive coordinator Ralph Young. "It is an education to get the players prepared for an opponenL It is our job as coaches to get the kids prepamd for anything they may see." The opponents that the Dawgs will be focusing on tbis year in the Gateway Conference are preseason favorite Northern Iowa, second place Southwest Missouri and lhinI place Western ntinois. Head coach Bob Smith said that although be does IlOl put a lot of stock into preseason predictions, Northern Iowa is clearly the team t' J beat "The Northern Iowa defense and the number of kids they have retuining may make them the best team in I-AA," Smith said. "'They run a powerful offense with a lot of drop back passing." The Salu1cis which defeate<' Nonhero Iowa -20-last year at McAndrew Stailium, en route to a 7-4 recDrd and a second place finish in the conference. will face the Panther.; 0cL 1781 McAndrew ~tadiwn. Senior Saluki quarterback Scott Gabbert Senior llnebed;ar Ed Sentar of R. WaYne. IndIma n-.. a p.... ctclng Friday afternoon preperlng for the _eon bone-crushlng tackle. The S:llukl football teem were opel*' egeInat Troy SlIde Sept. 5. _ FOOT8ALl., ..... 2'! Saluki runners reconstruct with young 1992'squad iJy .....jay Seth for us. but we are going in optimistic," said start in the Spring. us to do anything, so anything we do will Sports Writer Cornell. Three returning lettermen, senior Nick be a bonus." said Schwartz. "Using the Cornell S8Jd last season would be a hard Schwanz. sophomore Neil Lisk, and MVC championships as our goal, we are Inexpe;-ie'lced runners on the slue year to top with the triple feat of being sophomore Garth Akal, are expected to going to use the ftrst th!.., or four mtets to men 's 1992 cross country team will have MVC cb::mpions for cross COUDII)' as well contribute greatly, Cornell said. build towards the conference, thereby thei r work cu t O u( for them to repeat as as indoor and outdoor track champions. Sophomore Robert Foster. senior Bernard giving exposure to the newer members who Missouri Valley Conference champions. Comdl also received Coach of the Year Henry. junior Todd Schmidt and have never a.c.'ually raced (collegi8lely)." Many athletes, like the team's top runner awards in the same three categories, from sophomore John Taylor also will be A prese3SOil poll by coacbes in the MVC last year. Mark Stewart, were lost to the coaches in the MVC. familiar faces on the team from last year. h~ve Illinois State University as top graduation and a cast of unknown faces are "We are starting from rode bottom in In addition. the team has added five new contender for the championships. followed moving their way inte. the team thi s year some respects, as we bave sorne raw high walkons. Cornell said he expects Daniel by Wichita State in second and SlUC in coach Bili Cornell said. school ta1en~" Cornell said. Mallon. a transfer froRl the University of third. Cornell remains undaunted however and Two potential recruits from .England Houston, to be an immediate contributor. Cornell said Wichita Stale, who ha. e all terms the Sal uki learn as th e 'Under were anticipated ~o join the team, but Schwartz saia though the team is a young their men returning from the tearr. th ai Dawgs·. fu rther requirements needed to be squad, it did not mean the team was not one finished second last year, will be a tough "We are going inlo the cross-country completed before they could join th e to contend with. season knowing we have CUI work cut out Salukis. Cornell said they are eXpeeled to "Beiug undenIogs, no one is looking at _ RUNNERS, page 22 Baseball card company Vincent still refuses to.step down, bankruptcy only warning sends tough letter to club owners Newsday among us." the highest court of this land tells The Hartford Courant hockey cards, cited debts of Vincent's response was me otherwise. I have concluded S50 million to creditors and Recognizing the commissioner significant because it was directed that any action to tenninate is Houses of card s are licensors in it s bankru ptcy will no: ' re sign. even under at the owners-his em ployers- unlawful and I will oppose with beginning to tumble. but the petition. pressure, a faction of baseball club and was his most powerful and extraordinary zeal any effort to. failure of one company is only Two. weeks ago, turnaround owners last week esca1atco their pointed reaction to date. And the harm the office of the a warning- not a death expert Robert J. McLaughlin ongoing conflict with Fay Vincent fact that he retai ned attorn ey commissioner:' knell-for the sports-<:olIecting replaced founder Lud Denny by L-ying to stage a meeting to Brendan Sullivan. who He also pledged " to resist ... indusll)'. as Pro Set's CEO a nd "cause his ~ismissa1." represented Oliver North in the all)' effon by those who seek to Pro Set Inc. fi led for chapter an nounced the cumpany was In response. ~ incen t faxed wbat Iran·-Contra bearings. is indicative weaken !he ofnce of the II bank ruptcy protection negotiating for additional was termed "a very tough letter" of how cri l k:;,~ ite considers the commissioner ... by ignQrin g Thursday. Several o ther funding. In June , Pro Set to all club owners, reiterating his situation. written contracts or trad iti ons cardmakers may drop OUi in e liminated 53 jobs and resoive nO! to resign "ever." He "Even if there is a meeting and which have ser ted baseball well." the coming months. but if that dropped its New Yo r k told t.hem he would use every a vote to remove me from office Vincent, contacted on Cape happens it should be viewed as public (t' l ations firm . legal channc::1 available to retain Or an attempl to limit my powers, Cod, declined to comment. and nOlhing more than lite natural But at the same time, public his position and th at he had all in contravention of the Major three club owners contacted said supply-and-demand selecti on companies such as Topps, reached outside baseball for an League Agreement and my the situation was " too sen~ itiye " process at ·.. orlc . Fl eer an d Score Board haw: ~ uomey to protect him and the employment ~...gre:emenl, I wiU not or "too delicate" to discuss Pro Sot Inc .• a leadin g best interests of the game against leave." Vincent 'rote . "I will publicly. manufacturer of football and ...... CARDS, page 22 what one owner Saturday calleo continue to carry out my J .. ~... ...... ~....... "* .............. >-+_ ......+'o'>+''H .,. ' "';·... ·•.. ·• ... ·· u· ........... _ ...... __•.:. .. ,. : .....t t~ •••:· ~c: . ? u.t !~~~/:.~~~ ~ .4a:!~ ~C'.~ i ~!~ . ~. ~.~·,t~~. ~~?! .~.~~.~ 4. ~ . ~I.~~~ ~ 22 ~ '.:.:.:.:.:.:: J --- -------------------------------------------- Daily Egyptian ,Southern Illinois University at Carbonrlale Monday, Augu st 24, 1992 Vol. 78, No. I, 24 Pages Proposal may cut slue classes, jobs By Ten Lynn cartock faculty and s.aff. Special Assignmen1 Writer Shepherd developed a budgetary proposal Dean blames state for funding woes for academic deans and directors to consider A budge. plan released lIlis moolll suggeslS in the midst of.m: Univers ity ~ s battle to meet John Jackson said. " II i3 !he failure of !he SIUC classes IhaIlack Sludcn. inlCreSl should By Ten Lynn carlock !he state budge. wi,hou, har.;hl y decreasing state and students must assist us. be and adminislIative positions could be Special Assignment Wraer its educational selVices. cu. "We (SlUt) are no wor.;e off or bener lrimmed to part-time in an effon '0mee. !he Bu. Bill Hall. vice president o f .he The dean of !he College of Liberal ArIS off than the other universities in the Gradu? e and Professional S.uden. Council. stale budgel. state-.hey're going through .he same Benjamin Shepherd. vice president of says the. slale is to blame for pOGe said Shepherd refuscri .0 provide a copy of educational fundmg in Illinois, and the thing," he said. "We're having an academic affairs and research, released .he his document '0GPSe. resuilS arc Slruggling colleges and a need increasingly hard time producing proper second installme.n. of !he .wo-part budgetary "GPSC is d isappoin.ed '0l earn lila. Vice for SlUden. help. education for SludenlS because the slate is proposal on Aug. 19. Presiden. Shepherd has released !he report '0 "Anyone wbo .ells you !he SI3Ie is doing In his report.