The Daily Egyptian. June 24, 1992
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Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC June 1992 Daily Egyptian 1992 6-24-1992 The aiD ly Egyptian. June 24, 1992 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 77, Issue 166 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian. June 24, 1992." (Jun 1992). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1992 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in June 1992 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. yealSOf Daily Egyptian Z5, publication Southern Illinoi, Universit y at Carbondale Wednesday, June 24, 1992, Vol. 77. No. 166. ,..-16 Pages ~ Railway strike . ·t.t11 threatens U.S. Negotiations BUSh looks being sOllght WASHINGTON (UP I) - '.for support Amtrak reached cOl ~ tr acl WASHIli ~TON (UPI) - agreements with two unions Presidenl l!usb called 'on a Tuesda) . bul remained al odds with relucll\lll r-.nnl Hill Tuesday four others that threatened to begin to ~ ~ I.!gjsIa!ioo a n ation"'! : :l~ rai l strike al 12:01 10 a~ a aippIioc nationwide a.m. EDT Wcd:}psday. rail strike IlOIlO ~ 81 12:01 " We ' rr.: still talking with the a.m..EI)T Wedaesday. others and hope we can reach Saying a w.urotrr would further agreements." said Sue .,!l!l.6ermine • the nation's Martin. a spokeswoman for the ec:o~n:ic ~~, Bush I government-owned passenger contncturged COD~" ___t9_ impose.ended scIVice. " But we 're also preparing fOI'!he possibilily of a s.ike.' · .by ~LP"'~ board last President Bush. urgeu Congress monm on !he rait"Unes and to swiftly pass legis lation that WOIbrs. would impose conr:ract senJements "What is best for tbe on management and labor, and thus American people is to avoid a avert walkouts against Amtrak as strike," B_lOld~ well as the nalion's major freight SI1IIIII1O!Ied 10 die Oval Office. lme.. "c.qp.;a L"'JJIIl obIigaIicn to TIle Senate p3Ssed a non-binding move quietlY G proleet the resolution urging Congress to act American people." immediatC'" J' to impose a settlement 'I'wice bet.. Congress bas or eXlend a 30·day "cooling off' passed such Ji!IisWion to end period" (hat was to exp ire at rail strikes_ :But many midnighl. legislalors ~ 10 00 The Senate Labor Committee so again, prefItitiis to-Jet the schedu~!."d a mcetil'\g later in the day uniOIlS and railroad. to to consider what course to lake, but it"out. Us ROUse~ companion .commiUef:... put off any action until al least Wednesday. Amtrak announced it had reached contract agreements with Lhe Intem,tional Bro!herhood of Electrical Workers, and the American Train Dispatchers Associations. II remained locked in lalks with the International Association cf Machinists, !he Bro!herhoood of Locomotive Engineers. the Brotherhood of Maintenance of St'llff Photo by Daniel KtHT\ Way Employees, and the 10int Council of Carmen. Water baby At the S:lme lime, the Hillary Patton, age 2, plays by a fountain at Lenus Turley Park In the last remaining International Association of hours of sunlight before an afternoon rain. Hillary's mother Vicki watched her child Machinists were in contract talks Tuesday afternoon. _ UNIONS, page 5 .Impose stricter sanctions Task force proposes upon Yugoslavia Baker education redistricting WASHINGTON <U PI) broaden the administration's barbaric ami it is inhuman. 1lle By Jeremy Finley chairman of Ihe Illinois Board of SLCrelaTy of Slale James Baker. ('ffons 10 suspel"d Vugoslavia lime has come for us to do Administration Writer Higher Educalion An Quem. was ci ting continuing from rnational more" appoinled bu Gov. Jim Edgar 10 " humanitarian ni ghtmares" in organiza tions. Whi:e House spokesman An early proposal LO str'..amline streamline higher education in the slale on May 5, 199210 aid with !he. Bosni a-Hercegovina. said he . 'The humanii9rian Marlill Fitzwate;- said T ~esday higher education in Illinois would would advise President George nightmares are c(;mtinuing:' that Bush has not "made a tinal eombine SlUe, SlUE, Illinois Slale ailing budge!. After weeks of reviewing reports. Bush 10 un ila te rally impose Bakc-r said before delivering judgment," but lhe " matter is University and Northern lIIinois stiffer sanctions on Yugoslavia. testi" to the Ser.ale Foreir,n under discussilln. ,. Universily uoder !he same board of testimonies and recommendations, directors. !he lask force rev<'lIed !heir repon Ba ke r said he will Relations Committee (.'0 The proposed U.S. a~ijon :; recommend that Bush expel the ratification nr a nuclear treaty .ilif"':HJnced t-y Baker follow The lask force, co·chaired by Yugoslav ambassador. close with the former Soviet Union. lieutenant gov:.mor Bob Kustra and l ee EDUCATION, page 5 the consui clc in Chicago and " Ii is an absolute outrage ... .It is see SAl :Cl10NS, page 5 .. :x ,~ Carbondale police Pafade, gospel sing Opinion St. Louis reggae SIUC sailing club r- -See page 4 enforce summer celebrates freedom Classified band to perform at offers students fun, curfew violations of former slaves -See pag& iZ Sunset Concerts r,ew experiences Sports -see page 16 Sunny - -Story on page 3 -Story on page 7 Mid 80s -Story on page 9 -Story on page16 I I ~ Page 16 June 24. 1992 Sports 1),111, J ~'pll.UI • '. • ..... 'tluthcrn IlIi l.... ,' III\l, .. ,I, .11 ( ,lrhlllUL't. IAAFwaives ruie - in Reynolds' case LONDON (UPI) - Track and fi eld's suspension period expires:' the IAAf \vorld body Tuc"'day dropped its threat to statement said. suspend any nwners who compete against The 'IAAF polled its 25-member council 400-meter wnrld rCl:o rd -holder Butch before announcing its decision. The world Reynolds at t/>c U.S. Olympic trials in New body urged the United States to establish Orl""",. laws barring legal interference by American The International Amateur Athletic couns in international amateur spans. Fedcr3ti on said in a statement from its " If such legislation is not achieved, the headquarters 1i": 1J. t il was waiving its Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996 and other . 'contamination" rule only for this meet. major amateur spons events in the United BU,t even if Reynolds were to finish States will risk grave damage to their among the top three in his event and qualify programs and to the athletes' panicipation," for the U.S. Olympic team. he would stiU be the IAAF said. - banned from the Barcelona Games because Throughout this dispute the IAA F has his two-year drug suspension expires the contended U.S. couns do not have authority week after the Olympics. over the world body. However, the lAAF 1be threat of an IAAF suspension - and agreed to a compromise in this instance. Olympic ineligibility - prompted 30 of the saying it wanted to " protect the best 32 runners entered in the 400 meters to interests of its athletes and their possibility to refuse to take pan. Only Reynolds and his qualify for the Games'. brother JefT planned to. run. 1be IAAF and 1be Athletic Congress. the " Regardless of the athlete Reynolds' ruling track and fi eld body in th e United eventual placing in the U.S. Olympic trials. States. were placed in a difficult position. he will in no way. be eligible to compete in TAC is an arm of the IAAF and must abide the Olympic Games in Barcelona inastnuch by its decisi·on. However. TAC is dl so as this event tal>res place before his bound to obey. U.S. law. Orlando Magic set sights on No. 1 draft pick O'Neal PORl LAND. Ore. (UPI) - N B'<' " and over the decade there has cnly been a Commissioner David Stem will be the first handful of pl ayer. of that kind of talent. to shake ShaquiIIe O'Nears hand. M.ybe (Larry) Bird, Magic (John,on). Michael Mickey Mouse °hould be second (Jordan), (Patrick) Ewing. ; . .Iius Erving and When O 'NaW joins Stem on the podium (Kareem) Abdul Jabbar - not very many," at the NBA dIUfi Wednesday night, smiles at · O ' Neal. who left Louisia na State the television camera and says. " I'm going following his junior year. visited Orlando to Disney World," he'll mean it. with his family last week and was said to be Since winning the NBA lottery in May, impressed with the city. Now, all the Magic the Orlando Magic have made it abundantly will have to do is sign O'Neal. whose clear they will make O 'Neal the ftrst pick. contracl demands may break new ground. Orlando, home to The Magic Kingdom Quality talent will also come by way of and Epcot Center, will officiaUy welcome its . AU-American guards Jim Jackson of Ohio newe51 attraction - the 7-foot-1 O 'Ne':. State and H ...""ld Miner of Southern Cal. Goofy will have to move to forward. Both decided to sk.ip their senior seasons. Grant Hicks, a SIUC SaIlIng Club instructor, takes one of the club' s This year's d raft, consisting of two " It' s a very deep draft." said Ernie sailboats out on Crab Orchand Lake, rounds. w ill be held at the Portland Grunfeld, the New Y3rk Knicks vice Memorial Coliseum, beginning at 7:30 p.m. president of player personnel. " I'm sure EDT. It marks the ftrst time the event has there might have been deeper ones. but I Student skippers been held outside New Yorl<. can'l remember when. ,. uter this week, Portland will also play The Charlotte Hornets own the second Saling Club offers fun, lessons, membership host to the Tournament of the Americas, a pick and are set to Jake Georgetown center 10-team Olympic qualifying tournament Alonzo Mourning.