ollowing the earthquake tragedy that struck South , ADRA-UK has launched an appeal to raise funds to bring immediate relief to the victims. ADRA-UK is 95% of the buildings in Bagh were co-ordinating its efforts with demolished by the quake Fother donor offices and ADRA- Trans-Europe to respond to this major disaster. The ADRA network is focusing efforts on Pakistan, which has been most affected by the disaster. ADRA has had a long-term presence in Pakistan, providing development proj- ects in the affected regions since 1984. The ADRA-Pakistan office has already commenced relief activities with the provision of food, medical supplies and shelter. The ADRA network was mobilised into action within hours of the earthquake, which occurred at 8:50 on Saturday 8 October, and measured 7.6 on the Richter Scale. The writer was in contact with ADRA-International and Trans- Europe (which covers Pakistan as one of its field territories) by > 16 It takes a great man to deal with failure and time to make sure I had not Christmas shoebox defeat. It takes a very, very great man to deal with misread something. No. There success and victory. David was not that great. it was. I read as far as verse I Victorious over the Syrians, military genius 15 where it says that Nathan David felt so confident about capturing Rabbah ‘went home’, and I thought, appeal (Amman) that he sent Joab to do it while he stayed ‘Right, that’s it’; and I lost Is God All boxes need to be received by 1 December in home. The Bathsheba Affair ensued. Remember? patience and closed the by Karen Plaatjes order to reach their destination by Christmas. Boxes can be delivered to ADRA, Stanborough A glamorous woman was exploited. Her Bible, planning never to open For the last few years ADRA-UK has been sending Park, Watford, WD25 9JZ, during business hours husband was deliberately sent on a suicide it again. Christmas packages to children around the world. (Mon-Thurs 9-5, and Friday 9-noon). There will be mission. David took advantage of Uriah’s ‘The Lord has taken away This year the shoeboxes will be sent to Romania. a pick-up in parts of the NEC, and details will be unquestioning loyalty to get him killed. Joab your sin.’ That really stuck in It’s an exciting way to help children experience the sent in late October. Please note that the NEC was made a party to the slaughter made neces- my craw. I was scandalised outrageous? joy of Christmas, and for most of them it will be office is not able to store or deliver boxes this sary by the adultery; and, therefore, acquired a and disgusted – with God! the only present they receive this year. year. cynicism about his psalm-singing king that would Was he fresh out of ‘fire from Shoeboxes can be filled with toys, clothes, A poster and flyer can be downloaded from influence his future loyalties. heaven’? ‘the Lord has taken sweets, toiletry items, school supplies, etc. and Victorious over Philistines and Syrians, about I took the issue to the only Bible authority on away your sin’ – as should be nicely wrapped and clearly labelled with We’d like to have a record number of shoe- to be victorious over the Ammonites, David was hand, my mother. She told me that her father, my opposed to David’s the appropriate age and sex. Please do not include boxes, so please help us by getting involved. defeated by his own libido. Twelve months after grandfather, had given up on the Bible – when verdict on himself – breakable items, food products (aside from More information can be obtained from ADRA-UK the slaughter required by the cover-up made nec- he’d read that King Solomon had a thousand wives ‘the man must die’ – sweets), toys that need batteries, medicines, or on 01923-681723 or by emailing essary by the adultery, David had still not come and concubines. He’d made it further than I had! was Calvary. Whether war-related items. [email protected]. clean. He thought only Joab knew that the carnage But at least he hadn’t been disgusted with God. David knew it or not, at Amman and the king’s subsequent marriage to She said that all would come clear if I read he was saved through Bathsheba were connected. Psalm 51. the death of the sin- He was wrong. I did. It didn’t help, at first. It was, I read, a less One who would Pick up your free copy of Adventist World ‘Surely the royal courtiers were careful not to psalm of confession and repentance written by be born in his line. mention the unfortunate cuckold or name the real David following his encounter with Nathan. The What made that by John Surridge with father of the child within the earshot of King David sanctimonious tick that I was found the tone about transaction possible David Marshall his week two editions of the brand new international Seventh-day Conference president Pastor says, ‘We think it is critical to the and his new queen, but it is just as certain that right at first. In verse 4, however, I found some- was David’s heartfelt the whole scandalous affair was the subject of hot thing else to be outraged about. David said to God, repentance, and explicit Adventist Church magazine, Adventist World, will be distributed to all Church, to the Church’s witness, to the unity of the Church that we have a 1 TAdventist churches in the UK and Ireland. Around the world more than voice that can speak to the whole world Church, with the same message to gossip throughout the palace and beyond.’ ‘Against you, you only, have I sinned and done in it the realisation that, one million copies of each edition are printed in English, with additional all.’ ‘David’s sin toward Bathsheba became known, what is evil in your sight.’ even more than he had sinned against Bathsheba, and suspicion was excited that he had planned the So what about Bathsheba? Hadn’t the Uriah, Joab and the nation of Israel, he had sinned copies being printed in Spanish and French. Altogether it is estimated that Among the international writers contributing to the October issue of the 2 six million or more people will have access to the magazine. The cost of the magazine is Karen Holford, Associate director of the South England death of Uriah.’ debauched king aged 50 sinned against the young against God (Psalm 51:4). Five of God’s Big Ten monthly magazine is estimated at less than 2.5 million US dollars a year, Conference Family Ministries department. Her article, entitled, ‘Praying a But even had there not been suspicion and hot woman whose body he had exploited? Hadn’t he had been broken. And as David belatedly stood which represents excellent value for money on a per-member basis. New Prayer’, comes under the heading of Adventist Life. Other sections gossip, David’s squalid secret was known: ‘The sinned, too, against her husband, his military penitent before God, the thing that loomed large According to Adventist World editor William Johnsson, the new magazine include: Devotional, Focus, Feature, Fundamental Beliefs, Spirit of Prophecy, thing David had done displeased the Lord.’ (2 champion Uriah? I thought of Uriah returning to the was not the vulnerability of Bathsheba or the represents a strategic move for the Church and is part of an effort ‘to foster and Adventist Service. Samuel 11:27.) David had behaved like an atheist front carrying the sealed orders that contained his innocence of Uriah, but the judgement of the God the unity of the world Adventist family’. It comes with several elements in Producing a world magazine presents some technical challenges and but, no matter how many people do that, God own death warrant. Hadn’t the whole sordid busi- whose wishes and existence he had ignored. David mind. All articles will be one or two pages in length, except for the cover without the use of modern communication techniques this project would not doesn’t go anywhere. He saw it all and was dis- ness been an outrage by a king against his people understood that when the secondary charges had story, which will run for four pages. It will focus on informing members have been possible. The editorial responsibilities fall on the Adventist pleased by what he saw. David probably thought – all of his people? Shouldn’t justice come into it been dealt with it was the all-righteous God about the world Church, while articles on Adventist heritage, Bible questions Review team in Silver Spring, , with two additional editors in Seoul, he had been subtle and shrewd. God thought he’d somewhere? against whom he had sinned. and a simple Bible study will also be featured. Republic of , adding strategic planning for the new magazine. The final been bad and base, vicious and very blameworthy. There were two verdicts. The first, David’s own: The same all-righteous God would, in the An effort is also being made to find writers from all over the world, in an publishing process involves sending electronic files of the magazine to four And God acted on his judgement. ‘The man must pay and the man must die!’ The fullness of time, provide his Son who ‘emptied effort to enhance the international perspective of the magazine. General different printing presses, located in the , Korea and . You recall Nathan’s visit to the palace and the second, Nathan’s: ‘God forgives your sin. You will himself . . .’ and ‘humbled himself and became story about the rich man who stole a poor man’s not die for it.’ obedient to the point of death – even death on a only lamb? And then David’s judgement on the rich I favoured the first! cross’ (Philippians 2:7, 8, NRSV). with Richard J. B. Willis, BUC Health Ministries director man? ‘The man must pay and the man must die.’ God’s persistent disappointment with the As a 13-year-old, I didn’t understand that. All Then the dramatic pause before Nathan’s: ‘You are failings of humankind is perhaps the single most did become clear when I read and understood Wolf Bite the condition but now rarely seen) Lupus diagnosis eventually. Although during this that man!’ The king had pronounced the death consistent theme of the Bible. Psalm 51. God’s Not Guilty verdict following resembling a wolf’s bite. the condition is not curable it is Lupus sentence upon himself! I was feeling an outrage that was a pathetic David’s repentance was made possible by the If you are suffering five or more of Lupus can be triggered at puber- treatable with medication over the Awareness I first encountered this story when, as a boy of reflection of what God feels when we fail him and blood of God’s Son shed where God’s justice and the following: chronic fatigue, ty, after childbirth, through sunlight, long term. Steroids, anti-inflamma- Month that there 13, I was reading the Bible through for the first other people. God is keeping score. He holds both God’s mercy met. muscle and joint pain, hair loss, during the menopause following a tories or ‘antimalarials’ are usually are Lupus suf- time. I so enjoyed Nathan’s triumph. I enjoyed leaders and led to account. God’s judgement is ‘Many have murmured at what they called oral or nasal ulcers, chest pain, viral infection, through trauma, or as prescribed, with the medication ferers in the even more the prophet’s warning that, because of what makes sense of history. God’s injustice in sparing David. . . . Whoever kidney problems, feverishness, a result of a prolonged course of being adjusted from time to time as Adventist Church and that some what David had done, the sword would never But God’s unswerving commitment to justice under the reproof of God will humble the soul with stress, depression, anaemia, or medication, and is particularly the condition allows. People with have died as a result of Lupus depart from his house. The heart of that earliteen meets at the cross with that other major facet of confession and repentance, as did David, . . . will was also warmed by David’s repentance: ‘I have his character. Grace. find pardon. The Lord will never cast away one headaches, you may be set to join prevalent in Afro-Caribbean, Asian Lupus require rest, an understanding complications. 3 the 50,000 Lupus sufferers in the and Eastern races. The disease, of their condition and the support of Long-standing symptoms of sinned against the Lord.’ God expresses hatred for the damage sin does truly penitent soul.’ UK. which is neither contagious nor their family and friends. any kind should be investigated. But I was totally unprepared for what followed: and is unable, as with David, to interrupt the There. It’s official. Women of child-bearing age are infectious, is incurable and results There is an Adventist Lupus These might be masking Lupus. ‘Nathan replied, “The Lord has taken away your cause and effect sequence to which it gives rise. God IS outrageous! at risk (1 in 750 women have from a compromised immune sys- Prayer Network (ALPN) which will Prompt attention to the symptoms sin. You are not going to die.” ’ (2 Samuel 12:13.) But God’s justice encounters God’s grace at the Believe it. Lupus and 90% of Lupus sufferers tem affected by the things listed help to provide individual support, may help to make the worst NO! NO! cross: his undying longing to forgive, his insatiable are women), but men (10%) and above. Lupus may be treated the organisers of which also conduct extremes of the ‘wolf bite’ less That couldn’t possibly be right! appetite to redeem penitent sinners. young children can be affected. symptomatically by GPs. workshops on Lupus. You may call likely to occur and hopefully, in the David had passed sentence on himself: ‘The David’s great psalm of repentance (51) The name Lupus – proper name As the symptoms persist, the ALPN on the following numbers: future, the disease will be as rare man must pay and the man must die!’ I wanted anticipated Calvary: ‘Cleanse me with hyssop.’ References: Nathan or God or both – or anyone! – to carry out Hyssop branches were used to sprinkle the lambs’ 1 Lupus vulgaris – describes the rheumatologists, dermatologists or 0208 491 7168, 0796 103 1967, or as the presence of wolves in the Jonathan Kirsch, King David: The Real Life of the Man who Ruled 2 that sentence. My youthful feelings were outraged. blood on the doors and the lintels on the night of Israel (Ballentine, New York, 2000), page 192. Patriarchs and facial rash (once associated with renal specialists may make the 0794 129 8154. It is worth noting UK. 3 I went back to 2 Samuel chapter 12 one last judgement. What made possible God’s verdict – Prophets, page 720. Patriarchs and Prophets, page 726.

2 Messenger Messenger 3 What would make a heaven on * Pat Grant pastors the Cedar Home earth? What is an upright church in district in the Washington Questions for an upside-down world supposed to Conference. This article first appeared in 18 August issue reflection or for use A Countdown look like? It might look like the of and is countdown of grace I witnessed that republished by gracious day in the ballroom. permission of Pat. in your small group 1. On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 the of Grace highest), how accepting of ‘sinners’ is your congregation? Give one example by Pat Grant* of someone whose life was changed Is your congregation a safe place for God’s grace? by your congregation’s acceptance of him or her. 2. What makes it so hard to be accepting assigned six tables in the middle of grace. ‘Thirty-eight years, 37 . . . and affirming of people who struggle of the ballroom. I had a great time 25, 24 . . .’ With each announce- with addiction of many kinds? getting to know some of the guests. ment people stood while everyone 3. How do Adventist traditions make it It was a room brimming with else in the ballroom applauded. either easier or harder to accept those authenticity. I stopped serving and just stood who struggle? The speaker came forward to against the wall, revelling in the 4. How do you, as an individual, welcome the crowd. She appeared to experience. The power in the room make sure people who struggle are be in her late 50s. Her skin was was palpable. Fifteen hundred peo- welcomed to your church and its tanned; deep wrinkles danced when ple were together in a room where services? she smiled. She possessed an affa- nobody judged anyone, everyone ble personality and used it to com- recognised how far each had come, mand the attention of her audience. and there was acceptance and Her lavender blouse was tucked unconditional love. neatly into a crisp black linen suit. What I witnessed next showed Her ring finger sparkled, her left me forever what heaven on earth wrist glistened, and the delicate is like. IMPORTANT NOTICE pearl brooch pinned to her lapel New date for Men’s Weekend Retreat harmonised it all. Her appearance Just getting started 18-20 November 2005 and demeanour were immaculate, ‘Anyone been a year or more sober?’ The Robinson Centre, Wyboston Lakes, Bedfordshire £90 per person/two sharing room which made all the more impact on Mary asked. A few people stood. The £120 per person/single room me when she spoke. audience applauded. For details and application form contact: ‘Hi, my name is Mary,’ she Mary counted down from six Watch . . . Pastor Cyril Sweeney on 0115 9606312 began. months to one month with no one used to think that God worked in of events, but I cherish one in par- ‘Hi, Mary,’ the audience replied. standing. She continued. strange ways. Then I discovered ticular; one that took me from being ‘I’m an alcoholic,’ she ‘Thirty-one days sober?’ No one difficult decisions in the future. If a desirable-looking trap. When Paul he’s not the strange one – I am. upside-down to right side up in one announced. ‘And I haven’t touched a stood. ‘Thirty?’ ‘Eighteen?’ ‘Ten?’ till you drop friend of theirs slides into cocaine, and Timothy wrote, ‘Whatever is true IMy world is completely upside- stunning moment of glory and grace. drink for eleven years.’ Nobody stood. by Pastor Cyril Sweeney* shoplifting, pornography, sleeping . . . noble . . . right . . . pure . . . down and backwards; he lives right The Convention of Alcoholics The audience applauded. ‘If you’ve been sober for two around, they will go along if they lovely . . . admirable . . . excellent or side up and forward. God, in his Anonymous displayed all kinds of ‘Eleven years ago I was home- days, please stand.’ Nobody. have never objected to anything praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8), they mercy, gave me a vision of the world people. There were professionally less,’ Mary stated. ‘I lost my chil- ‘If you’ve been sober since last ore and more families are taining actually, in real life, leads to before. It becomes too hard to stop weren’t just sounding off a bunch of the way it’s supposed to be. I found dressed businessmen wearing pin- dren and my self-respect. Now, by night, please stand.’ developing the ‘square eyes’ despair and pain, to physical and later. We should train our young ideal virtues. They were telling us myself on my feet looking correctly stripe suits, pressed cotton shirts, the power of God and Alcoholics Mary then remained silent. She Msyndrome. TV is, for many, a eternal death. TV and films stop people to become strong in making the signs to watch for. Programmes through the eyes of heaven. Those and high-gloss leather shoes. Anonymous, I’ve turned my life waited; all of us looked around the matter of life or death. Woe betide short of God’s solutions. They rarely moral decisions. TV and films are and films that don’t measure up are moments were snapshots, flashes Standing next to them were heavily around. room. Johnnie if he forgets to programme show God’s ways to a happy life – easy ones to start on. better left ignored. of insight sent straight to my bearded bikers, with thick black ‘This convention is one where we ‘I’ve been where you are,’ she the video for recording tonight’s forever. mind, pictures that hang like a boots, striped tattoos, and pressed are brought together with a common said. ‘There will never be a better episode of Eastenders. Families are 4. The devil packages evil to look * Pastor Cyril Sweeney is the Family Michelangelo painting in my memory. denim jackets worn over leather purpose. We all admit that one time place to get help than here among not appreciative of the fact that the 2. It will change you like it’s the ‘in thing’ Ministries and Community Services director of While I was studying for my vests. I watched young people con- in our life we were powerless, but people who understand.’ TV has more influence on them than At a time in young people’s lives There’s no doubt the evil one wants the North England Conference of Seventh-day Bachelor of Arts degree at the versing with the old white-collar now through the strength in gather- Mary paused again, and all of us they think. Individuals have come when they want to be left alone to us in his corner. He’s created a Adventists. University of Washington, I also worker, laughing with those who ing together and calling on a higher hung on the silence. up to me and said, ‘Yes, I am a make their choices, it is good to worked as a waiter at a Sheraton wore blue collars; Democrats and power we will overcome.’ In the back of the ballroom a Christian and I see nothing wrong remember that media can wield a Hotel. I dressed like one of those Republicans. All those congregated The audience applauded. teenager stood up. He was dishev- with what’s on the box. After all, you strong influence over them, and for a ‘Connect One Million’ Success can find the same thing in the Bible.’ long time. What they expose them- banquet guys with the penguin suits in the room had one common pur- ‘Before we begin tonight, I’d like elled, haggard, and worn. His head Since one million VOP cards were sent in packs of fifty to every member True, we can find sex and selves to now will stay with them for minus the goofy gait. I loved that pose: they had won the victory over to acknowledge all of you,’ she said. was down, his hair mangled. It within the territory of the BUC, the Adventist Discovery Centre has violence in the Bible, along with the rest of their lives. Their minds job. It was one of those gainful a demon, and they had come to ‘So if you’ve been clean and sober wasn’t hard to imagine how his received a massive number of applications for the Bible courses. almost every evil that devil-inspired will replay images of graphic employments where I got to move encourage and be encouraged. for 40 years or longer, please stand.’ life matched his appearance. The door-to-door distribution of VOP cards began at the end of people could think up. So why worry violence or perversion when they among the debonair and elite. I Two older couples in the front As soon as he stood up and September. By Thursday 13 October the Adventist Discovery Centre had about what we see on TV and at the least want them to. flashed a bow tie, just as they did. I Commence Countdown row stood to their feet. The audience everyone saw him, 1,500 people received upwards of 1,400 applications. cinema? used to pretend I wore a tuxedo and I was working the opening meeting. applauded. stood up and roared their applause. ADC director Pastor Dalbert Elias is urging members to distribute any 3. You have tougher choices was a VIP instead of an employee. The ballroom was packed. Every ‘If you’ve been clean and sober The kid fell to his knees and wept. cards remaining in their homes and cars. ‘The success of the campaign 1. The vast majority of coming later I worked all kinds of functions: seat was taken, with a massive for 39 years or more, I’d like you to ‘Somebody tell that kid he’s so far should convince all Adventists of the effectiveness of the traditional programmes and films leave For our young people, the act of twelve-course dinners, auctions for number of people standing on the stand.’ Ten people stood up, and the going to make it,’ Mary said. The VOP card method of making contacts,’ he said. out the Bible’s punchline deciding against watching a pro- the wealthy, little $100,000 birthday periphery of the room. I served soft audience applauded. programme stopped as people JOHN SURRIDGE parties, normal stuff. I’ve seen a lot drinks and water, and had been Mary then began the countdown surged to gather around him. All the evil we watch and find enter- gramme or film will help them make

4 Messenger Messenger 5 speaker/director of the Bible Truth Ghana churches: rapid growth Foundation TV broadcast, Accra, 2,000 at Area 5 Day Welwyn: Celebration and Ghana, was the main speaker, with Dr Samuel Kofi Acquah as the health lecturer. About 300 people attended Commitment this year each night to hear the Word of God of Fellowship proclaimed. The Kendrick School Hall Sabbath 1 October was a day of celebration, commitment and change for the he Reading Ghana church plant School Hall because of the limited Reading Ghana church plant. It was was packed every night and a video Area 5 day of fellowship on 24 people could be heard saying, ‘He church plant at Welwyn Garden City in Hertfordshire. Taking part in this spe- was organised by the Slough capacity of Bridge Hall which was conducted from Friday 26 August to link was connected to one of the September got off to a good start at says it as it is!’ By all accounts the cial worship service were Pastor David Neal, president of the Irish Mission, Ghana church, which was itself about 50. Saturday 17 September, with the classrooms for the overflow. In all, the Globe Centre, Reading. The service was a great success and the Pastor Victor Hulbert, Executive secretary South England Conference, and T Pastor Jon Gendle. Pastor Gendle was welcomed as he takes over as our new organised on 8 December 2001. On theme, ‘New Goal! New Life!’ Dr about one hundred non-Adventists morning was sunny and bright, full organisers, Nana Bonnie and Aline 26 March 2005, the Slough Ghana The campaign Andrews Lawrence Ewoo, the then attended the meetings and many of of optimism, like a blessing rolled Hudson, deserve a big thank you. minister. church organised a day of fellowship The Reading campaign was a joint Ministerial secretary and Family them gave their lives to Jesus. out from heaven. These blessings After a picnic-style lunch where It is just two years since our small group from St Albans Church, blessed and a musical concert in Reading to programme of mother and daughter, Ministries director of the West- Two baptisms were held. Twenty- continued throughout the day as a most people ate and socialised in by the Holy Spirit and under the leadership of Pastor David Neal, held our first launch the Reading Ghana church the Slough Ghana church and the Central Division, but now the four were baptised on 10 September lively song service hosted by High the youth hall, the afternoon pro- worship service in the lovely old Quaker Hall in Welwyn Garden City. Within planting programme. The occasion at the South Reading leisure centre Wycombe church starting the pro- gramme got off to a good start. It three months we had outgrown that hall and we were blessed when a large was attended by about three hun- swimming pool, and a further ceedings. This was followed by a was in the form of a mini concert school nearby happily agreed to rent their large hall, with use of some other dred people, including the South twenty-two on 17 September, a total fitting Sabbath school which was showcasing talent from the vast rooms and a kitchen each Sabbath. East London Ghana Church Choir of forty-six. Another baptism has interspersed with drama from Slough majority of churches within Area 5. Week by week our congregation grew, so much so that by our second and Melodies (a singing group from been planned for the middle of Ghana church, also special music The audience was not disappointed birthday the time was right to organise into a company. So on Sabbath 1 SW London Ghana church) and a November for the remaining fourteen from 3D. as a broad array of styles and con- October Welwyn Garden City Adventist Community church celebrated. A very large number of non-Adventist candidates being prepared in the Pastor David Spearing, the main tent of performances was enjoyed. special service was arranged for the occasion. There was a lively and joyful Ghanaians and non-Ghanaians in follow-up programme led by Pastor organiser for the day, gave a very The highlight of this mini praise time, solo items and a very special item by the children. Throughout Reading. Stephen Oduro-Bimpeh. warm welcome, along with Pastor concert was when the pastors, Don the service many of the members were asked what the Church meant to That day, four individuals, Festus ‘To God be the glory! Great things Everett Picart to start divine service, McFarlane, Patrick Johnson, Vlado them. The sentiments most often repeated were: ‘I feel at home here’, ‘I Appiah (elder), Jacob Okyere, Vera he hath done!’ which then handed over to the guest Godina and George Dadey, formed a feel loved here’, ‘I like the friendly atmosphere’, ‘I love the Sabbath School discussions’, ‘I come for the hugs’, ‘I like the way people notice if I am not Boateng and Kojo Bossman, were PASTOR GEORGE DADEY speaker in the main auditorium. last-minute quartet and sang the dedicated by the late Pastor William Pastor Don McFarlane picked up on final song of the programme to rap- there’, ‘I always go away feeling uplifted’, ‘I love to see the children taking Ackah as the core members of the Women’s Ministries the day’s theme ‘righteousness turous applause. Items were provid- part’. There were also messages of support from friends as far away as Reading Ghana church plant charged through faith’ in his very stirring and ed by Newbold Drama Group, High Canada and Australia. with the task of establishing the at Wood Green thought provoking address titled ‘A Wycombe, Slough, Reading, V4X, Although David Neal has already moved to Ireland to take up his duties as church and preparing the grounds matter of holiness’. Practical advice Russian Fellowship group, Oxford, president there, we were all delighted that he returned to be with us on this Women’s Ministries is alive and well special occasion. Pastor Hulbert gave a short but very inspiring address in for the autumn campaign through at Wood Green under the leadership was given on daily routines which Guildford, Reading community intensive visitation. The following could lead one to a more fulfilled Sabbath school group, Wokingham which he challenged us to look in more depth at the diversity of characters of Edwina McFarquhar and her and professions of the team of workers chosen by Jesus and how they were Sabbath, 2 April, about forty people team. A Women’s Forum began in and faithful life in Jesus. and Area 5 Youth Federation choir. surprisingly turned up at the Bridge This day broke new ground for The number of people attending changed through knowing him. The Charter Commission was read by Pastor January and is held on the fourth Neal and Pastor Gendle lead the congregation in prayer. This day of celebra- Hall for worship and since then the Sunday of each month, during which local events by offering a separate was said to be more than 2,000, average attendance has varied youth service which ran parallel to which is an increase on last year tions for WGCACC was rounded off with a wonderful fellowship lunch. we have discovered a tremendous TRUDY YOUNG between 50 and 70, sometimes amount of talent. Women are the main service. Music was provid- and is testament to the recent increasing to about 200 on special encouraged to invite their non- ed by the praise team, 3D, Nikki & church growth within Area 5. To worshipped and praised God for the nally from Zimbabwe, gave her life occasions. Consequently, the group Adventist friends too. Co from High Wycombe Sands and summarise, this event was well dedication of all five candidates – in to Christ. She told how she went to was forced to move to Kendrick Birthday parties were held in the Youth Federation Choir. Youth organised and God’s presence could English, Russian and Romanian. church as a child with her grand- which women who celebrated their speaker Pastor Patrick Johnson certainly be felt throughout the Pastor Douglas McCormac gave a mother who wanted her to be birthday in each quarter were pre- addressed the congregation with a whole day. rousing sermon on the importance of baptised when she was old enough sented with a gift. There were other sermon titled ‘Building a powerful ALAN HUDSON baptism and commitment, as well to understand. Thembi’s journey social events such as a boat trip church’, in which he explained to the as a frank confession in regard to took almost forty years, but she is along the River Thames. youth, in very literal terms, how a his life before Christ. The church grateful to God for his patience The idea of having a ‘Secret church becomes powerful, not Dublin baptism was blessed when the candidates with her. Friend’ was put into action when simply through the minister’s loud On Sabbath afternoon 10 September, told their stories and testimonies. Warren McGregor recommitted each woman picked a name from a address on a Sabbath morning or Dublin church was packed to cele- Makcim Chikanchi told of his his life to Christ after moving far box and was encouraged to be the deeds we do, but through per- brate the baptism of five people. ten-year search to find Christ and from him. He was joined on the day friendly to that person in a not too sonal devotion and developing a All were blessed as the church the joy he felt as he entered the by his sister and brother-in-law from obvious way. After months of keep- true, deep and meaningful relation- waters of London, who read a letter of joy from ing their friends secret, all was ship with God. His address was baptism with Warren’s family in Cape Town, wel- revealed on yet another enjoyable very warmly received as young his mother coming him back into God’s family. occasion. Galina. It was The baptism was conducted The year culminated with a wonderful to under the careful watch of the chil- Women’s Ministries day, the theme PowerPoint presentation by one of see two gen- dren who gathered close around to of which was ‘Fearfully and our men. erations com- see, and the smiling eyes of the Wonderfully Made’. There were por- Women were reminded of their mit to Christ church. With lots of flowers, hugs trayals of Hannah, Dorcas, Miriam, importance to God by the following together. and even some tears all five were Rebecca and the poor widow. The words: Created by God a creature of Eugene warmly welcomed into the church virtuous woman (Proverbs 31:10- beauty, grace, intelligence and Chasovski family and we look forward to seeing 31) was the subject for discussion strength, you are an individual of was baptised them work in the most wonderful by a panel of men! Dress phenomenal worth; you are God’s as well, and service in the world, fulfilling the Deportment was the topic for the woman. Thembinkosi gospel commission together. afternoon, which included a COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT Ndloyu, origi- STEPHEN WILSON

6 Messenger Messenger 7 New president: new vision After the bombing: Books BOOKS astor Humphrey Walters, out that he has no intention of booksBOOKS elected president of South doing away with the tradition- Holloway’s August campaign Books PEngland Conference in August, al approach to church. He BOOKS has shared his vision for the work of maintains that many people by Roy Smith, Personal Ministries leader God in this field. Pastor Walters was groups remain open and BOOKS The Holloway and Muswell Hill out- health. The community benefited to BOOKS the driving force behind the strategic responsive to this method. reach programme came to a glorious a large extent, not only from the plan that was voted by the delega- However, we need to find sup- climax with thirty-two new converts checks on their health but from tion at the SEC Session in 1993: plementary forms of outreach being joined to Christ and his bride listening to the presentations on ‘The Whole Church Taking the Whole in order to reach the wider – the Church. Most of the new relationships. Observing the nurses Gospel to the Whole Community’, community. members will be attending the and health workers labour under the and it is evident that he wants this Assisting Pastor Walters to Holloway church while others will be leadership of Andrea Philip, the to become a reality. cast the vision in October were members of Muswell Hill, Stoke health leader of Holloway church, Pastor Walters believes that one Bill and Jan Levin. Bill Levin is Newington, Chingford and Haringey and Elsie Staple, the South England of the ways the Church can become the Church Growth director churches. Conference Health Ministries direc- more mission-driven is for the min- for the Georgia- The evangelistic thrust had been tor, it was inspiring to see the folk, istry and the laity to work together Atlanta in its embryonic state for several young and old, heading to the small more effectively. He has stated sev- Drug awareness training for Youth months when Pastor Emmanuel Osei tent that was set up as a drop-in eral times over the past weeks that first informed the church board of clinic, and to watch the compassion- ‘everyone is a minister’, and he is leaders his desire to evangelise for the ate, yet efficient and professional passionate and excited that we are Conference. He and his wife Jan ber, then with the departmental n Wednesday 21 September Martin Perry, Deputy director of Hope UK, came to the month of September. way in which the ‘patients’ were ‘workers together with Christ’. The have planted many successful directors on Tuesday 27 September. BUC office in Watford to bring his fourteen years of knowledge and skills in drug Although the board agreed with- treated. method of outreach that is a key churches over the past few years. The vision was presented to the education to the Church’s Youth directors and sponsors. out any hesitation, the Lord initiated Added to this ministry was the part of his vision is church planting, Their presentations were passionate, ministerial workers at their quarterly O This training in drug awareness is part of the ongoing strategy of the BUC Youth a turn of events that dictated that eloquent style of the evangelist, psy- in particular the house church informative and challenging. Bill meeting on Sunday 2 October at the department to help keep the knowledge of the youth team up to date, and their skills the month of evangelism would be chologist, pastor, US Navy chaplain, Everyone model. According to Pastor Walters, Levin makes no bones about the fact Stanborough Centre and throughout sharp and focused. August. The Lord further placed it in lecturer, teacher and consultant, Dr this model of ministry has not yet that, as Adventists, we should ‘be the following week at various area loves a story! Issues addressed ranged from the reasons why young people take drugs, to being the heart of the Personal Ministries Philip Willis, who held his audience had ‘significant expression within desperate to see souls saved’. He gatherings. Got a friend, relative or able to identify some of the various substances that young people are using out on the leadership to hold the campaign at spellbound for three weeks with our territory’. A key benefit of this illustrated this beautifully, with two The ‘Church Comes Home’ road- neighbour you want to win? street, as well as identifying signs of usage and abuse. For obvious reasons synthetic Finsbury Park under a marquee, the Spirit-filled presentations that approach is that the ‘house church clips from the film Schindler’s List. show ended with special seminars Give them a book! samples, rather than the real thing, were brought along for the training. from 6 to 27 August when the local accentuated each topic every night model assumes an empowering Jan believes that the only way you at the High Leigh Conference Centre, Books make perfect gifts. The BUC, in partnership with Hope UK, has organised further training for members community would be invited to and Sabbath days. The 1,000- approach which entrusts the planter can be desperate to see souls saved Hoddesdon, for lay members who Early Bird Reflections by wishing to become drug educators. This will commence in November and will run on attend. capacity marquee was nearly full with the freedom to develop cultural- is to ‘make yourself available to have expressed an interest in church Tony Spearing is beautifully Sabbath evening and all day Sunday once a month for four months. For further details, I can testify to the many obsta- each night, full on Sabbaths, ly appropriate forms of ministry that Jesus Christ’. planting. In addition to Bill and Jan illustrated and contains wise please contact Pastor Des Boldeau on [email protected]. Phone 01923 cles we faced before and during the although many stood by the flanges accord with the requirements for his Pastor Walters shared his Levin, speakers were Miroslav Pujic, stories and humour of a 672251. programme, aimed at preventing the to peep in or to listen. The messages or her local context’. passion first with the Executive Aris Vontzalidis and Paul Haworth. soul-winning kind. JOHN SURRIDGE meetings from taking place. were just what London needed. Our Pastor Walters is quick to point Committee on Tuesday 20 Septem- CATHERINE BOLDEAU Home from the Sea by However, with nearly a third of the wounds were not agitated by the Bob Smart tells the exciting Yvonne performs on Queen Mary 2 church membership engaging in frankness of Dr Willis’s talks, inas- story of how he was twice tor- Golden Wedding on QE2 prayer and fasting, the Lord caused much as he was able to convince pedoed in WWII but lived to Fifteen-year-old Yvonne Bauwens, ing in the painting of ships, and he us to surmount every obstacle. This the menfolk that ‘generally men do minister the Gospel in Britain. on and Dorothy Logan were given a wonderful surprise who attends the Crieff church, had received a commission to paint included the Sabbath of 14 August not marry their wives for love in the This book is also extensively Golden Wedding anniversary present by their four chil- R recently had the honour of playing the four large pictures for the boat’s when the Lord stopped the rain, first place’; that ‘men read their illustrated. dren, who paid for them to go for a cruise on the Queen grand piano on the Queen Mary 2. maiden voyage. He was able to sign allowing the Pathfinders and mem- newspaper or watch TV to avoid Both of these hardback Elizabeth 2 to the Norwegian Fjords. It is a requirement to Yvonne was prints of his painting and also bers to march around the park. listening to their wives so as to books are truly inspiring, yet dress formally for dinner on the ship, and Ron looked very with her parents received another commission. The fact that this was a cam- avoid hearing too much unnecessary moderately priced at £7.95, resplendent in his kilt, which attracted some admiring and brother as Yvonne has also used her talents paign to build and restore good information’. Dr Willis explained and and can be ordered via the glances, especially from the female passengers! The they crossed the as a composer and performer to relationships made it especially demonstrated how to detect when ABC Sales line: couple were married on 15 August 1955, the same year Atlantic on the produce a CD of some of her com- appropriate so soon after the bomb- men are telling lies to their women- 01476 539900, Mon-Thurs. in which they both graduated from Newbold College. ship. Yvonne, positions and arrangements of well- ings which had been carried out in folk and vice versa. Also, to know Have your credit card Since then they have served the church in many ways. who is a talented known Scottish music. She sold over London. It was not by chance that and to understand what body lang- details handy! After graduating, Ron was a Bible teacher at the VOP, musician, £1,000 worth of the CDs and was the area of London chosen for the uage is saying in relationships. and also sang in the famous King’s Heralds Quartet for entered an able to sponsor her brother David campaign was Finsbury Park, which As the campaign drew to its a number of years. Dorothy taught at the Leeds and onboard talent who went on the Project Romania. was reputed to be significant for close, it was sad to see the frank- Stanborough Park church schools. They then returned to contest and was She was allowed to advertise the hosting many of the instigators of speaking psychologist, psychiatrist, Glasgow and served the church there for many years, then invited to CDs at a school concert and on the the terrorists’ activities. It was evangelist and pineapple-drinking Dr until 1996 when they moved to Crieff and again have play the piano in Adventist church website. She sold hoped that the teaching throughout F. Willis deliver his last message on been invaluable members of the Crieff church. Ron has the ship’s Grand £300 worth at the concert. Project the campaign would make the differ- Friday night. It was a solemn mes- been the treasurer and deacon, and Dorothy has held Lobby. The voy- Romania was organised by the ence in calming fears in the minds sage – the final one as he prayed for numerous offices. age was a very Scottish Mission to help rebuild two of some of the people. those who took their stand for Jesus They have been joined in Crieff by three of their special treat for houses almost destroyed in the April The ‘health checking’ and ‘stop- and to be prayed for at the end of four children and their families, so they have their four the Bauwens floods. Twenty-six young people smoking’ activities, which were pro- the Sabbath service, the morning of grandchildren living near them. Dorothy has also pursued family. Yvonne’s went, each one having to raise moted in the neighbourhood, found 27 August. It was then that Pastor her hobby of painting and has sold a number in various father Gordon is £650 for their travel and building many people participating and oth- Osei baptised the last twenty-three exhibitions and Ron still plays a competitive game of golf a professional materials. ers being referred to their GPs and or so candidates; fruits for the with the writer, or at least Ron says so! BOB RODD artist specialis- BOB RODD hospitals for closer scrutiny of their Kingdom of God.

8 Messenger Veronica Down, soprano, and the church’s first bride when she mar- Adventist meeting in Ballinasloe Stokey’s ‘From Conversion to Shrewsbury’s 40th ried John Down in 1967, provided Around ninety people who came one prayer that Jesus asked us to special music. from twenty different countries in pray was, Your kingdom come.’ Discipleship’ Week of Revival An enjoyable programme put the world gathered on Sabbath 16 There is a new Adventist church Anniversary Pastor Paul Lockham. His return together by David Parker, followed July at Haydens Hotel in Ballinasloe in Ballinasloe, which meets every brought back happy memories of his a lunch break, with no fish and in a meeting organised by Pastor Sabbath. Most of the members of As is customary in Stoke Newington, different ways for us to fulfil our role in worship, prayer and reading the marriage to Helen Chambers who chips. Pastors of yesteryear, Ian Ashley Kongari, the district pastor of this church are Brazilian and they every year we have a week of of being disciples of Christ. He Bible. Much focus was given to It is forty years since Shrewsbury also attended the anniversary. Cheeseman, Michael Walker, the Adventist church in the west of are delighted to be able to meet for revival. This year was no exception, acknowledged that so many of us spending time with God’s Word. church members had to contend The divine service saw Pastor Leonard Lane, Paul Clee, Peter Ireland. The principal speaker was worship in the west of Ireland. Many so from 17-24 September we were may be baptised (converted) but do Dr Diop encouraged us to read, with the smell of battered cod and Richard Vine, Shrewsbury’s minister Sayers, Eric Lowe and Roy Burgess, Pastor David Cox, head of Personal Brazilians attended the meeting in blessed and privileged to have Dr not necessarily live the life we have read and re-read, dissecting the freshly cooked chips wafting through between 1988 and 1995, serve up a all sent letters which brought back Ministries at the BUC. He spoke of Haydens Hotel and they brought Ganoune Diop, professor of Biblical been baptised into. One thing that passage that we are reading till we sermons on Sabbath mornings. Last delicious shaggy dog story for many memories for many. The memories the importance of house churches special Brazilian food for the meal Languages, Exegesis and Theology at was made clear each night was that understand what it means. ‘Once we month the congregation celebrated visiting children before using the were interspersed with a guitar solo and showed a video about Andressa, after the morning service. There was Oakwood College, spend the week we must spend time with God daily do this it will help us to understand their move, in 1965, from a meeting book of Isaiah to illustrate from Lisalife’s Daniel Vine. a young Brazilian girl who has start- also spiritual music at the meeting with us. Dr Diop began by asking the fully what God is saying to us,’ place above a chip shop to a beauti- the Bible’s case for Creation. Shrewsbury has had a hand in ed up an Adventist church herself with the Divine Inspiration Choir question, ‘What is discipleship?’ he said. ful, purpose-built church. But mem- Shrewsbury is the birthplace of raising scores of children, and it was and works to help poor people in from Dublin church, led by Edith Over the course of the week he pro- The whole week was a teaching bers still remember the tantalising Charles Darwin, but the sermon illu- a pleasure to see the church filled Brazil. Fourteen young people have Samambwa, and a Ghanaian choir ceeded to tell us exactly what disci- session, not just for us to sit and aromas that once wafted through the minated God’s mastery over his own with a whole new generation of tod- been baptised so far in Andressa’s who sang gospel songs, some in pleship is and how we can achieve it hear someone talk, but interactive, services before the establishment of creation as set out in the book of dlers as young families returned to church. The video was in Portu- their native language. in our daily lives. ‘Discipleship is with opportunity for all to ask the new church. Isaiah. Pastor Vine went on to show show their children the church guese, but it was ably translated The meeting lasted from simple,’ he began. ‘Discipleship is to questions. Dr Diop would also ask They had a chance to share how it was an act of creation to where they had grown up. into English by 13-year-old Endrew 10.30am to 4pm and greatly encour- focus on Jesus Christ. How do we do questions. You could see that God their memories as pastors, families, build a house of God in the town VERONICA DOWN and Santos da Silva, a Brazilian member aged the worshippers who came this? By being like Christ. Talk like has given him the gift of teaching. regulars and old friends marked a where Darwin was born and lived. DOROTHY HEATH of the Ballinasloe church. Endrew from Adventist churches in Christ, walk like Christ.’ He was able to explain things so that near half-century of service on 17 and his parents Francisco and Ballinasloe, Galway, Longford, Every night Dr Diop presented all who attended understood what he September. WEST IRELAND NEWS Gilmarlinda and sister Franciara are Newmarket-on-Fergus, Limerick, was talking about from the youngest Beautiful flower arrangements by founder members of Ballinasloe. Ballinacrow and Dublin. Pastor Soya Pau member to the oldest. Veronica Hill adorned the church Green Flag for Grianach Pastor Cox spoke also about the Kongari hopes to organise a similar At the end of the week a baptism from sanctuary to youth hall. Sister Kingdom of God. He said to those meeting in Longford later in the year. was held and five individuals were Hill used two new flower stands The final day of the school year took environment. Grianach House School assembled, 15-20% of OLIVER MARTYN baptised and received into fellow- donated by the Thompson family place before the summer holidays at has an extensive environmental con- whom were non- ship (l to r) Mark Fredericks, Tamarie from Erdington, who gave them to Grianach House School, Galway. It servation programme which involves Adventist, ‘Our Douglas, Maxine Ford, and Matthew the church as a gift to celebrate was also the day for two important among other things: growing plants message should be Joseph. On the right of the picture is their 60th wedding anniversary this events, the graduation of ten stu- from seed, looking after the garden the same as Jesus Pastor Richard De Lisser. Soya Pau year. dents from sixth class and the pres- in the grounds of the school, having preached – the (pictured in the pool) was deter- ‘Service’ seemed an appropriate entation of the second Green Flag to a worm farm and separating waste. Kingdom of God is mined to be baptised although she Sabbath School theme that morning, the school. The ten students, who Outgoing school principal Esther near.’ He added, ‘The was in hospital and had to return to and it was even more appropriate are going on to secondary school Robartson said of the Green Flag hospital once she was baptised. Also that the lesson should be taken by next year, were given a certificate by programme, ‘The whole idea is the received into fellowship was Maxine Mr Richard Maguire, Environmental training of children to look after the Ines. Officer for Galway City Council. Four environment.’ Energy conservation Left to right: Pastor Left to right: Mark Fredericks, Tamarie Douglas, Maxine Ford, Mathhew Joseph, Paster deLisser DONNA DOUGLAS students were also given awards for involves the replacement of the light David Cox Pastor Ashley Kongari and not missing a day at school over the bulbs in the school by long-life, low- Tony O’Rourke from previous year; these were Sarah wattage bulbs. Ballinasloe Bristol Trench, Joshua Fapohunda, Gloria Presentations were made to Miss baptism Fapohunda and Dillon O’Malley. Robartson who returned to Australia Mr Maguire presented the second in July after many years working at Baptisms are very special Green Flag to the school in recogni- Grianach House School. Her replace- occasions, so the members of Meeting at the Haydens Hotel, Ballinasloe, Pastor David Cox with the tion of its work in conserving water ment is fellow Australian Bob Flynn Brazilian group Bristol Lodge Causeway and and power. The Green Flag is an who started teaching in the school Bath churches came together international award which recognis- last spring. Also in attendance was with family and friends to es schools’ work in conserving the the outgoing president of the Irish conjunction with the church in where the Spirit can continue to witness the baptism of Tim Mission, Pastor Curtis Murphy and Ballinacrow and with support from work on hearts and minds. Douglas and young Frederick his wife Vickie. They gave gifts Dublin church. The first show this year was in Masuku. Outside it was an Dr Daniel Vine on the guitar and a bouquet of flowers to Miss The stall contained a large vari- Athlone, Co. Westmeath, where 45 overcast Sabbath afternoon, Robartson in recognition of her work ety of Adventist literature, many on packs were given to the public. Then but this was a time for rejoicing and inside the church it was warm and in the school as teacher and princi- practical issues such as the family, there was the Tullamore Show, in Co. friendly with an air of expectancy. Peter Bayliss relating memories pal over the past number of years. bereavement and books for children. Offaly, which attracts about 30,000 Pastor Brian Martin introduced each candidate, who chose his favourite Pastor Murphy closed the proceed- Once a person showed interest in a people, where 165 packs and over hymn, and a musical item was presented from both churches. ings with prayer. OLIVER MARTYN book they were given a pack con- 500 books/magazines were taken to Before immersing the candidates Pastor Martin reminded us of the sym- taining an ADRA-Ireland pen and people’s homes. Then we visited bolism and importance of baptism, and emboldened us to continue to help brochure, a magazine about Tinahely in Co. Wicklow with 85 and encourage one another, and to remember the immense challenges that Irish Country Shows Adventists, a VOP card, and a packs and Pilltown, Co. Kilkenny face young people like Frederick today. This year, in four country shows in magazine. with a further 65 packs. In total 360 Tim was welcomed into the Bristol Lodge Causeway church by the pastor, rural Ireland, the Adventist Church The shows were a success again packs were given to interested elders, and Des Mills who has also been studying with Tim. has had a free bookstall. Evelyn this year, leading to many conversa- people and over 1,000 books The pastor, elder and Frederick’s very proud Mum, Precious, received him Wilson, a member at Ballinacrow, tions and leaving something practi- distributed. into Bath fellowship. S. A. HATCHER Pastors Lockham, Vine and Neal again organised the witness in cal and useful in people’s homes STEPHEN WILSON

10 Messenger Messenger 11 Busy year for Oxford Street Wolverhampton Images of Praise – The last two years have been busy for Oxford Street, Wolverhampton with many comings and goings. If you have ever visited us, you will have noticed two things. The first is the friendly greeting you get as you enter, and the second is we always have visitors, whether family, friends or people curious. Life Changing TV As a result of this fire, we have held three baptisms of such friends and family. On both occasions the already expanded church was filled to capacity by Paul Weekes as the first baptism saw eight souls won for the Lord, the second saw eleven souls and the third twelve. n May, Milton Keynes church doors so the film crew could record but also enrich If you want to know why such growth in Wolverhampton, why not come launched out in faith and pro- the programme in Morrisons your quality of life. and visit? duced a brand new evangelistic Supermarket and Bourton Mill I found food for the COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT Itelevision campaign, Images Leisure Centre. Many members of soul in the encour- Spread your wings – of Praise. The programme was the public asked questions about the aging words and designed to introduce the non- project: When would it be aired? realised the joy of churched to Jesus Christ in a new Could they receive copies of the religion through and fly and relevant way. The programme series to send relatives? Could they song with the featured sermons from special guest take part in the filming? To see the music from the ‘You raise me up like an eagle’ was habits of a chicken and believed he speakers Pastors Dalbert Elias, Holy Spirit move on the hearts of the theme for the Preston Youth Day, was a chicken. A visitor enquired Stephen McKenzie, Don McFarlane, people was truly amazing. Sabbath 9 July, at the Plungington from the farmer why he was treating Stefan Burton-Schnull, and Colin The presenter of the programme, Community Centre, Preston. Part of an eagle like a chicken and advised Stewart. The programme was also Maxine Bremner, made this com- the Sabbath School presentation him to release it into the wild. blessed with music from the wealth ment; was in the form of a sketch which Several attempts were made to of talent within Milton Keynes and ‘While working on Images of outlined certain issues that young release the eagle but when the guest singers including Paul Lee and Praise I discovered a lot about the people face in today’s society farmer scattered chicken seed for Ullanda Alexander. filming process, a lot about my (partying, drinking, peer pressure). It his birds, the eagle swooped back One of the aims of the pro- strengths, my weaknesses and highlighted the importance of making down to the ground and started gramme was to give the viewers myself. I also had the privilege to the right decisions in life and tied in scratching the earth once again like answers to some of the most com- be involved in what the team were well with the lesson study, ‘Lord of a chicken. The visitor never gave up mon questions about delivering and found the series our Priorities’. on trying to free the eagle. It took with the vox pop ‘A Question of enlightening in terms of the things I In his presentation, Pastor Alan some time, but eventually the eagle Faith’. In addition, Images of Praise did not know about the Bible, inter- Hush, NEC Youth director, narrated spotted another eagle and spread its introduced the health message esting to hear the views of people of Left to right: Maxine Bremner, Maxine Dennis, Tabuda Ziyambi, Paul Weekes, Joy Hudson, the story of a farmer who found wings and flew off into the sunset. with Christianne Best in Health all ages, colour and religions on the Neville Bennett an eagle’s egg and took it back to He reminded us that God has a Matters. most common issues or questions his chicken farm to look after it. plan for us to ascend on eagles’ The most remarkable thing was raised when talking about religion. young and talented singers. There project possible. Few had any Eventually the eagle hatched and wings. Sin keeps us from God just as the way God warmed the hearts of ‘I also learnt about food and how are so many ways religion can be experience working in television but the farmer treated it like one of his gravity keeps us from flying. To over- the general public and opened the it can not only satisfy your hunger expressed and enjoyed and I found they were willing to allow the Lord chickens. The eagle adopted the come gravity we need lift, move- ment, thrust. God has high expec- that Images of Praise encapsulated to use them to create a wonderful TEACHER NEEDED at tations of us. He has given us the all of these. I hope you take the series that will change people’s STANBOROUGH PRIMARY ability to fly high spiritually, mentally same pleasure from it as I did.’ lives. SCHOOL Golden Wedding and socially. Pastor Hush asked On Sabbath 1 October The film crew volunteered their Historic Day for Long Eaton the question, ‘What do you see? (Independent Church School – 120 pupils) Bournemouth church cele- time and talents with the full sup- The programme began transmis- A historic day dawned on Sabbath 23 July for the Long Eaton church. For the Horizontally, you see peer pressure, Year 3 Class teacher required, to start brated with Daphne and port of the Milton Keynes church and sion on Saturday 3 September at first time ever, the church held its own baptism locally. This was due to the drugs, crime, sickness, death. January 2006. Charles Richards their 50th Pastor Colin Stewart to make this 8pm on Sky Channel 676. Must be suitably qualified, with kind permission granted to us by the Station Road Baptist Church, when they Vertically, look high, point to Jesus.’ Wedding Anniversary. During He continued, ‘Satan wants to experience in delivering National allowed us to use their beautiful church and its facilities. Curriculum and willing to take the service, which empha- Generation of Praise Our baptismal candidate trap you and get you into a lifestyle responsibility for a curriculum area. sised the God-given bless- Generation of Praise was the theme of Hackney’s music day on 28 May. was Sue Waterall, a friend of that prevents flying. Always seek Ideal candidate will be a practis- ings of family and marriage, Male voice group Finity from the Stoke Newington church performed, and the John Kirk, one of our members. your direction from God. Time is ing Christian, responsible and reliable, Charles and Daphne were Hackney praise team – who had participated in a music seminar in North She has been attending church short. Spread your wings. Dis- a team player, creative and flexible, and committed to the values of the presented with flowers and a America – led out. Special speaker for the day was Pastor Steve McKenzie for the past two years. It was tinguish between the wholesome and School. card marking the occasion. who said, ‘God desires the whole life of his people to be a life of praise.’ during our Bible worker Novey the unwholesome. Make God Lord of Please send cv with two Following the service DARELL PHILIP Medley’s evangelistic series your life. Without him you can do references to: their daughter Deirdre and held in November 2004 that nothing, without him you will strug- Head Teacher, Stanborough Primary School, family surprised Charles Sue made her decision to be gle. We are not eagles, but in Exodus Appletree Walk, and Daphne with a lovely baptised. So it was with great 19:4 God says, “You have seen what Watford, WD25 0DQ. anniversary cake, which was joy that Dr Patrick Herbert bap- I did to the Egyptians, and how I Tel: 01923 673291. Closing date: 30 November. enjoyed by all present, along tised her as her family and bore you on eagles’ wings.” The Lord with drinks and a finger buf- church brothers and sisters is the eagle! In God’s strength we fly. fet. The actual anniversary looked on. We pray by God’s God wants men, women, boys and The Principal of the Adventist date was 2 October, when the happy couple left for a holiday. Discovery Centre grace it will not be too long girls who do not fear to call sin by acknowledges with Daphne and Charles continue to be very active members of the church, before we have another its name and who will stand for the sincere thanks a donation of £300 received in September from the and we appreciate their bell-ringing performances at events throughout baptism in Long Eaton. right.’ JUDITH CASSIDY Left to right: Novey Medley with Sue Waterall Manchester area. the year. GWEN SPEAK JENNY JEFFERS

12 Messenger Messenger 13 EVELYN-EASTMAN. On Sunday 10 July the of her son, Colin Eastman. She was attended DORIS ROPER (1934-2005) d. 29 church choir. He was instrumental in the es- Christian and church member, having served spiritual nature, she became her mother’s Cardiff church was the setting for the wed- by chief bridesmaid and long-time friend March. The Leeds church was saddened by tablishment of Soubise church in Grenada in several offices over the years including main help in the care of her three brothers ding of Reginald Evelyn and Hilda Eastman. Ivalyn Richards, with bridesmaids Tyra Jeffers, the sudden death of Doris, a lifelong and Whitley church here in Reading. He wit- head deaconess. She had a sharp mind and a and sister. When she was 16 and already a Reg began attending the Cardiff church early Dayna Jeffers and Leah Bertram (three of Adventist, who was born in Jamaica and came nessed to many people here and abroad, and very gentle way. Even in her declining years, committed Adventist, she decided to take up in 2003. Not long after, he requested Bible Reg’s granddaughters). Reg’s son Anthony to England in 1957 to join her husband, Ben. readily made himself available to his ex- her graciousness was still a very evident part nursing and entered the London Jewish studies. It was during these studies with the Evelyn was the best man, and Luke Allen, After spending seven years in Sheffield, the tended family and friends. Before leaving for of who she was. Her faith was strong and we Hospital where she would not have problems writer that Hilda and Reg announced that Reuel Bertram (Hilda’s grandson) and Ropers moved to Leeds where Doris became England on 25 July 1965 he married Mary know that she was looking forward to that with the Sabbath. She completed her prelimi- they were planning to get married. Following Sanchez Eastman (Hilda’s grandson) were es- an active member of the church, singing in Rose David. This union produced Matthew, bright new dawn when age and infirmity will nary induction and was accepted for proper further Bible studies Reg was baptised in corts. Tyrone Evelyn was the ring bearer. the choir, where she was known for her fine who sadly did not survive to become an adult, be gone and she will be with her Lord to training. She was then given a vaccination for November 2004. Reg is a widower and origi- Dijon Moore, Josh Barber, Anthony Bertram alto voice. She was a lay preacher and for a and four daughters, Martha, Marion, Esther whom she was so faithful. smallpox which unfortunately was defective nally comes from Barbados, and Hilda, whose and Neil Johnson acted as ushers. The bridal number of years the Personal Ministries secre- and Deborah, who produced six grandchil- VICTOR McCORMAC and Frances and another nursing trainee be- divorced husband had passed away, is from procession was greeted by Pastors Richard tary. As well as being known for her style and dren, Alicia, Keisha, Danielle, Shakila, Karlela came very seriously ill. She survived but was Jamaica. They are both retired but in the au- Vine (Ystrad Mynach) and Clyde Moore elegance, she was a caring mother who al- and Natasha. Emmanuel lived a good life and DONALD PEARSON (1922-2005) d. 9 left so weak that she was not able to continue tumn years of their lives love blossomed again (Barry and Cardiff), and the congregation was ways encouraged the young people in the was loved by all who knew him. People were August. Born on 21 January 1922 Don died her training. By this time she was already a to the delight of their families and church blessed with a solo from Hermine Hanniford church. The funeral service was conducted by motivated by the way he deported himself. after a short illness in Luton Dunstable hospi- proficient shorthand typist and was able to members alike. Hilda, who is serving as head and a selection of musical items from Cardiff’s Pastor Ian Sweeney, assisted by Pastors Left to mourn are his widow, Roselyn, his four tal. He lived a full and fruitful life and is become secretary to Pastor W. L. Emmerson, deaconess at present, entered a sanctuary resident choir, Charis. The marriage service Gugleta, Mapp, Morgan, Rafferty, C. Sweeney, daughters and six grandchildren, his sisters, missed by his family and friends. Born in the the editor at the Stanborough Press. She was which was packed to the rafters with family, was conducted by Pastor Vine. Pastor Moore, Scire and Brother R. Smith. Dr Herbert was Miriam, Meline, Pearlin, Hermilin, Joanna and village of Ampthill, Bedfordshire, he was a baptised in 1936 at Stanborough Park church. friends, neighbours and church members to in his address to the couple, answered the also present, and musical items were rendered Janice, many nieces and nephews, other rela- lifelong lover of the countryside. He served in She went to work for Granose, the health food strains of Wagner’s Bridal March, on the arm question, ‘What’s Love Gotta Do With It?’ The by Doris’s children, Jean, Dorothy, Paul and tives and friends. World War II in Italy and experienced the factory, where she met a young man who newly-married couple left the sanctuary to Faith, the church choir and the Joybells. Doris GEORGE DE SOUZA siege of Monte Casino and, after re-entry to shared her commitment to the church, and Long Eaton Golden Couple the strains of Mendlessohn’s Wedding March, was laid to rest at Lawnswood cemetery, civilian life, worked as an engineer in George they were married on 10 September 1939. Life Preston’s Festival of and the reception was held at the Coal alongside three of her sons who had previ- META WEST (1910-2005) d. 1 July. Meta Kents of Luton. It was there he came in con- for the newly-weds became difficult as both ictor and Gwen Speak celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on Exchange, Butetown, Cardiff. Reg and Hilda ously passed away. She is survived by her hus- West (née Ellis) was born into a Presbyterian tact with Harold Hamlet and Tony Beardsall earned very little since Hubert, a conscien- 18 June. They were married at the parish church in Stapleford, after Faith are an integral part of the fellowship of the band, children, grandchildren and one great family. She became an Adventist in 1945, at and under their influence he joined the tious objector to the war, was sent to work on which they settled in Sawley, Long Eaton. They have been dedicated Cardiff church and we wish them God’s rich- grandchild. We await the Lord’s return. which time she was employed as a secretary Adventist church in Luton and was baptised the land to support the war effort. In 1961 V As part of their festival of faith, the est blessings and guidance as they continue to J. ROPER and was so good at her job that, rather than by Pastor Watson Southcott on 11 May 1963. they came to Southampton. Frances was the members of the Adventist church since attending Pastor Amos Cooper’s United Reformed Church, Leyland, serve the Lord together. lose her, her boss was happy to give her Don was a man of deep and sincere faith. head deaconess, a position she had already campaign in the People’s Hall, Long Eaton. They were baptised on Preston, invited the Zion Singers PASTOR CLYDE R. MOORE EMMANUEL LEWIS (1937-2005). On 2 Sabbaths off. Shortly after WWII, Meta bought After retirement he drove an ambulance for held in Stanborough Park church. They were 27 March 1965 in the North Sherwood Street church, Nottingham, April 1937, a sunny day in the beautiful isle of a house in Sydenham Avenue in Belfast, the NHS and also kept busy with meals on the epitome of a Christian family. Hubert was from Preston church to present a WHITTINGHAM-HERON. Sunday 2 October spice, Grenada, a bouncing baby boy named where she lived with her sister Madge. Meta wheels for the WRVS. In this activity he was a smart intellectual with a vast knowledge of by Pastor K. A. Elias, who was then president of the North England Gospel concert on Tuesday 7 June. was a memorable day for the North Emmanuel James Lewis was born to Elenora was the breadwinner while Madge stayed at joined by Dora Olney, another Luton member. the Scriptures, and Frances was a lovely lady Conference. Since then this golden couple have been a part of the The choir master, Albert St Louis, Manchester church, for in its nearly thirty Helen Grace, deceased, and Joshua Lewis. home and looked after their invalided mother. After his wife died, he found friendship with and equally knowledgeable. She knew and years’ history this was the first wedding ever Second of eleven children – five boys and six Some time before 1954 she married Alec West Gwen Olney a lifelong friend. He joined the could recite the significant passages of the church family and indeed a blessing to the church family. On 23 July decided to extend the invitation to they were presented with flowers and best wishes as their church to be held in the church. The groom, Peter girls – this young man grew up to be a tower who was a widower at the time with a young Stanborough Park church in the early 90s. His Bible. Frances had a further dimension to her the whole church so that a varied Whittingham, ably supported by his best man of strength and support to his siblings, rela- teenage son, David, who became an Adventist funeral service was taken by Pastor Ian talents. She was a natural carer of the flock. family celebrated this achievement. We trust God will continue to bless programme could be presented. The Aeon Lattie, arrived early at the church and tives and other associates. He was a protector, minister, at present in Ipswich. Alec died in Sleeman, the minister of Stanborough Park, She visited regularly the elderly members of them. witnessing programme included looked approvingly down the aisle as his supporter, encourager and leader. He was a 1995 in the Belfast church, where he was an and the writer at the Vale crematorium, the church and anyone in need or ill. The MILLIE RICHARDS bride Sylvia Heron, escorted by her father very strict, disciplined person, but enjoyed a elder; he had just sat down after taking the Luton. Don’s serenity and his faith in Jesus as church minister in those days, Pastor Peter songs by the Zion Singers, various Herbert walked in to the music of Johann sense of humour to the point that, at times, it Sabbath School lesson that morning when he he faced death was an expression of true Stearman and his wife Vera, would often say youth groups and the children using Pachelbel. The bride was supported by six was hard to tell if he was serious or not. He had a heart attack that ended his life. After Christianity. He is mourned by his son David that their ministry would have been difficult the medium of mime and instru- bridesmaids, including her own sister Dawn loved playing cricket among other sports. Alec’s death, Meta lived downstairs in her and family, his stepdaughter Susan and her were it not for Frances’s visiting ministry. as the chief bridesmaid, together with a page Almost every weekend he and his family house, watched television regularly and took daughters and Gwen. Like all true believers he Sometimes Hubert would take her visiting, mentals. ‘Proud Man’s Progress’ boy and flower girl. The wedding ceremony would visit with other family members. As a an interest in what was happening in the waits for the return of the Lord he loved and but more often she would go alone on the was the sketch that was performed. was conducted by the writer, a former pastor close unit, we spent many a night camping in world around her, including the latest cricket served so faithfully. bus. She collected pensions for those unable Although comical in parts, it con- of the church. We wish Peter and Sylvia every each other’s homes, which the children thor- scores! Just before Christmas (1999) Meta’s PATRICK J. BOYLE to do so. She did the shopping. She would do happiness as they set up their home in oughly enjoyed. Emmanuel loved his church neighbour, Mrs Dewhurst, who kept an eye on house chores for those too old or ill. That veyed a special message. Stretford, Manchester. and worked to help plant new churches both her, found her at home having suffered a FRANCES BROOKES (1915-2005) d. 11 was Frances, God’s ambassador to the poor, The atmosphere was one of joy PASTOR BARRY STOKES in Grenada and here in Reading. He was an stroke. In time Meta made a good recovery but August. Frances Naomi Powell was born on 9 the old, the infirm and the needy. We shall as churches of different denomina- active member, holding the offices of deacon, was unable to live alone and so moved into August 1915 in Hereford and passed away on meet Frances on that glorious morning of tions joined together in a rousing Ingathering agent and Community Services Redburn Nursing Home where she continued 11 August, two days after her 90th birthday. resurrection. NEC STAFF VACANCIES leader, as well as being a member of the to reside until her death. Meta was a faithful Being the older girl and having a serious, very DAVID BRADLEY song service praising the name of The North England Conference has two Jesus. vacancies at its Campsite at Aberdaron, North Wales. On this occasion we were not Site Manager – responsible for carrying just spiritually fed but physically fed out the plans of NEC for, and management of, the campsite and its operation. as the members of the United Assistant to the Site Manager – responsi- Reformed Church treated everyone ble for the day-to-day domestic issues of to refreshments which included the campsite under the supervision of the manager. Contact Pastor Paul Lockham, For mass distribution in your some delicious homemade cakes. North England Conference of Seventh-day Thank you to all those who made Adventists, 22 Zulla Road, Nottingham, this witnessing programme a huge NG3 5DB. Email: plockham@necadven community between now and Closing date: 30 November. success. JENNY JEFFERS New Year

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14 Messenger Messenger 15 < 1 Due to the nature and location Has your church ADRA-UK South Asia Earthquake of the South Asia earthquake dis- Appeal continued aster, ADRA-UK will not be sending received a FREE Ldi the same evening to commence the containers filled with aid supplies process of responding to the emer- to the region. The supplies that are needed are available locally and it is DVD pack? by Alan Hodges, Ldi co-ordinator gency. ADRA is working on a network- far more cost effective to send funds What plans and strategy does ‘Evidence’ – a series of ten one- wide strategy to respond to this dis- and then request the local ADRA YOUR church have for reaching the hour programmes you can invite your aster, with funds already donated by offices to purchase these items. This unchurched? Are YOU making the friends to watch, with presenters a number of countries. In Pakistan procedure will save money and, maximum use of the maga- Dwight Nelson and Gillian Joseph. ADRA is co-ordinating with the more importantly, will enable the zine? Have YOU developed friend- The programmes deal with the fol- Commissioner for Rehabilitation for victims to receive aid as quickly as ships among the unchurched in your lowing issues: Love, Relationships, Kashmir to focus aid on the areas possible. community? Do YOU know what the Forgiveness, Hope, Suffering, that require the most immediate ADRA supporters are therefore concept is? Are Meaning, Rest, Peace, Death, Justice. attention, and has been granted being requested not to collect any YOU serious about playing your part ‘Mind the Gap’ – a series of ten authorisation to work in the Bagh aid items or send them to the in hastening the coming of Jesus? one-hour programmes hosted by District, where they have already ADRA-UK office or warehouse in Dwight Nelson, where a panel of established a field office, and are Watford. Why not give people from all walks of life accumulating emergency supplies. your serious consideration? It is discuss the following themes: The situation in Bagh is dire, with Donations one way of introducing the Christian Faith, Bible, Prayer, Jesus, Death initial estimates indicating that 95% For those unable to use the web lifestyle and beliefs to your non- and Resurrection, Second Coming, of the buildings in the area have donation system on the ADRA-UK Christian friends. This concept is Holy Spirit, Human Nature, Healing, been destroyed by the earthquake. website, cheques based on Friendship, Process and Community. In addition, the Karachi Adventist for the Asia Earthquake Appeal can Nurture. Connect with people through ‘Mind the Gap Study Guide’ – a Hospital has agreed to dispatch two be sent to: ADRA-UK, Stanborough friendship. Accept the fact that con- 261-page study guide for you to use medical teams to Kashmir, consist- Park, Watford, Herts, WD25 9JZ. verting a critical thinker takes time. in connection with the ‘Mind the Gap’ ing of doctors, nurses, assistants Make your cheques payable to If you believe conversion takes time DVDs so that the discussion can and paramedical staff, to aid with ‘ADRA-UK’ and if possible Gift Aid and is ultimately God’s work, you continue. the distribution of medical supplies your donation by including a signed can be less anxious and hurried. Resources for Level 4 – and attend to the health concerns of note saying, ‘Please Gift Aid this those injured in the earthquake, in donation.’ Alternatively, you can co-operation with ADRA. send your gift through the regular Church channels. In all cases, please indicate that the gift is for the complimentary DVD pack, call the ‘ADRA-UK South Asia Earthquake Office, Appeal’. Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, WD25 9JZ on 01923 672251 or email ABC BOOK SALES [email protected] October If you wish to order your own 30 West Midlands 10am-2pm personal pack for just £30 (inclusive NEC Women’s Ministries Staverton Park of postage and packing) then contact November the number above or order on line 6 John Loughborough 10am-2pm 20 Peckham 10am-2pm at 27 Manchester South 10am-1pm Messenger Has your church received this free pack? (Please note, only one magazine supplied) Volume 110 • 24 – 4 November 2005 EDITOR: D. N. MARSHALL COPY FOR No. 26 – 9 November 2005 Faith-builders must start right at the ‘Experiencing the Joy’ – Copy should be sent to the Editor, MESSENGER, The Stanborough Press Limited, Alma Park, Grantham, bottom, and that takes time, to bring will be available by the Lincolnshire, NG31 9SL. Tel: (01476) 591700. the unchurched to the place where autumn of 2006. Fax No: (01476) 577144. Email: [email protected] they can receive and accept the If your church has ABC Sales line: (01476) 539900 fundamentals of our faith. not as yet received a Mon-Thurs only, 7.30 - 6pm. The Editor may alter, clarify, précis or expand Make sure you and your church articles sent to him if he thinks it necessary. have the resources for levels 1-3 of Job Vacancy – ABC Sales Manager Published fortnightly on Fridays by the British Union the concept. Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. THE STANBOROUGH PRESS LIMITED, based in Grantham, Lincolnshire, is seeking to appoint Printed in Denmark. The following are available from the an Adventist Book Centre Sales Manager at its Grantham-based offices. Key responsibilities Visit the BUC website at: office, Stan- include the marketing of its UK sales portfolio which includes the oversight and hands-on ISSN 0309-3654 management of new and existing products, its ABC outlets and its regular weekend book borough Park, Watford, WD25 9JZ. sales. 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16 Messenger