Patelliconus Horný, 1961 and Mytoconula Gen. N. (Mollusca,Tergomya) from the Ordovician of Perunica
SBORNÍK NÁRODNÍHO MUZEA V PRAZE ACTA MUSEI NATIONALIS PRAGAE Řada B – Přírodní vědy • sv. 65 • 2009 • čís. 1–2 • s. 25–36 Series B – Historia Naturalis • vol. 65 • 2009 • no. 1–2 • pp. 25–36 PATELLICONUS HORNÝ, 1961 AND MYTOCONULA GEN. N. (MOLLUSCA,TERGOMYA) FROM THE ORDOVICIAN OF PERUNICA RADVAN J. HORNÝ Department of Palaeontology, National Museum, Prague, Czech Republic; Horný, R. J. (2009): Patelliconus HORNÝ, 1961 and Mytoconula gen. n. (Mollusca, Tergomya) from the Ordovician of Perunica. – Acta Mus. Nat., Pragae, Ser.B, Hist. Nat., 65(1-2): 25-36, Praha. ISSN 0036-5343. Abstract. Patelliconus HORNÝ, 1961, is a small thin-walled Ordovician tergomyan mollusc with a low cone-like patelliform shell and subcentral, narrowly projecting apex. Pedal muscle attachment is a narrow, continuous, concentric band-like scar, periodically migrating to the apertural margin. The type species, P. primulus (BARRANDE in PERNER, 1903) occurs in the Šárka Formation (lower Darriwilian). A new, related genus Mytoconula with anteriorly shifted apex is described, based on a new species, M. vonkai sp. n., occurring in the Dobrotivá Formation (upper Darriwilian). It has delicate internal shell sculpture which can be interpreted as radial musculature running from the apex towards the apertural margin. Both Bohemian genera are classified as representatives of cyrtonellid tergomyans, family Protoconchoididae. The relationship with the middle Cambrian Protoconchoides SHAW, 1962 is discussed. n Mollusca, Tergomya, Cyrtonellida, Patelliconus, Mytoconula, patelliform shell, muscle scars, Ordovician, Bohemia. Received December 20, 2008 Issued July 2009 Introduction Considering Patelliconus primulus, four specimens exist in the collections of the Department of Palaeontology, Small cone-like, cap-shaped patelliform shells are abun- National Museum, Prague, all from localities near Roky- dant and characteristic elements of the Middle Ordovician cany; two come from the Barrande collection (the holotypes molluscan fauna of Perunica (Barrandian Area, Prague Basin).
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