Londonderry Times 10/29/2020
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HOMETOWN NEWS DELIVERED TO EVERY HOME IN TOWN FREE October 29, 2020 N Volume 21 – Issue 44 A FREE Weekly Publication Planning Board Discusses Change to Elderly Housing KELSEY DERHAK the ordinance coming who is in favor of elimi- LONDONDERRY TIMES ————–––––————–N before the Planning Board nating the elderly hous- he Londonderry is due to the unintended ing ordinance. Verani in Planning Board met effects of the ordinance, agreement with the fact Ton Wednesday, Oct. which is mainly the afford- that ordinance did not 14, and discussed elimi- ability aspect of said hous- benefit the town as they nating the elderly hous- ing. Due to the incentives had hoped is also in ing ordinance. for developers to create favor of getting more The ordinance put in such housing, the prices creative to supply af- place a number of years for such housing have sur- fordable housing for the back, gave developers passed ordinary housing employees of the grow- incentives to build 55 prices. The changes to ing industrial communi- and older housing. The the ordinance would take ty in town. Verani’s con- town put in place the away the incentive of a cern is that the encour- ordinance as a means to density bonus and units agement of industrial help relieve the pressure per acre. This would give growth without supply- of school age children the developer a standard ing enough housing will and give the 55 and older 1 acre with 150 ft. of negatively impact Lon- community an affordable frontage. The developer donderry. “It is hypo- option for housing. Now may choose to put an age critical of us to say bring the Planning Board is restriction but will not all your industry and pushing for the amend- receive any incentives for growth and tax revenue ment to the zoning ordi- doing so. and let surrounding nance for the elimination Weighing in heavily towns deal with supply- of the elederly housing. on the matter was mem- ing our housing needs.” This amendment to ber Giovanni Verani, continued on page 9 N N Londonderry’s Steve Dente was named was named Citizen of the Voters Head to Polls Nov. 3 for Year by the Greater Derry Londonderry Chamber of Commerce last week and was presented the traditional top hat. Photo by Chris Paul General Election at High School CHRIS PAUL or older on Election Day; lot. LONDONDERRY TIMES Londonderry Resident Named ————–––––————–N a United States citizen; President he New Hampshire and domiciled in the Donald Trump and General Election town or ward where the Michael Pence (Rep) Chamber’s Citizen of the Year Twill be held on person seeks to vote. Joe Biden and Karmala CHRIS PAUL the spaces around the parking lot LONDONDERRY TIMES Tuesday, Nov. 3 at the To register, you will Harris (Dem) ————–––––————–N and enjoyed a box dinner and Londonderry High need to provide docu- Jo Jorganso and Jeremy he Greater Derry Londonder- drinks were served via a drink School Gymnasium and ments that proves your Cohen (Lib) ry Chamber of Commerce cart that was traveling around the will certainly be a very identity, age, and citizen- Governor Theld its annual Dinner and lot throughout the evening. busy day for workers at ship. A driver’s license Chris Sununu (Rep) Awards Ceremony in a different Derry Business owner and the polls. or non-driver ID from continued on page 9 venue this year due to the COVID-19 Londonderry resident Stephen The General Election any state satisfies proof Pandemic restrictions still in place. Dente, was named Citizen of the ballot will be two sided, of identity and age. A PRESORTED STANDARD The event was held on Thursday Year. Dente founded Simpson’s so remember to fill out birth certificate, U.S. US POSTAGE PAID night, Oct. 22, in the Tupelo Music Painting with Kenny Simpson 45 both sides. Passport/Passcard or LONDONDERRY, NH 03053 Hall’s Parking area and took on a years ago. Dente spent decades Polls open at 6 a.m. naturalization document Permit #57 ECRWSS Drive-In theme to award this year’s giving back to the community. An and close at 8 p.m. satisfies proof of citizen- Citizen of the Year, Business of the ex-teacher, Stephen and Kenny To be eligible to reg- ship. Year and Non-Profit of the Year. started their business after a ister and vote in New The following is a list POSTAL PATRON Attendees sat in their cars or in continued on page 3 Hampshire a person of the names that will be LONDONDERRY, NH 03053 must be: 18 years of age on the Londonderry bal- N PAGE 2LONDONDERRY T IMES N OCTOBER 29, 2020 Scouts Enjoys Annual Derby Tradition with COVID Modifications CHRIS PAUL LONDONDERRY TIMES ————–––––————–N espite the compli- cations attributed Dwith holding events through the COVID-19 Pandemic, Londonderry Pack 901 scouts and their leaders were able to carry on the annual tradition of the Pinewood Derby. This year’s Pinewood Derby was held just out- side the town line at Camp Carpenter, in Man- Pack 901 Scouts pose after the Pinewood Derby at Camp Carpenter. chester, where scouts AOLs. There were also trophy went to Liam ners were: Best Design - and their families were trophies given out for Craigie, Liam Hocking’s Neil Carroll; Best Paint - able to maintain social Best Design; Best Paint car got second and Gun- Aiden Hocking; Scout distancing requirements and for Scout Spirit. nar Scofield came in Spirit - Cooper Lee. given by the scouting For the Wolves and third. Anyone interested to council and the state. Bears, first place went to The Webelos and learn more about Cub The event feature 19 Amber Lee, Aiden Hock- AOLs group was won by Scout or Pack 901 can competitors and 19 ing took second, and Jackson Brizuela, Coop- get in touch scoutmaster heats of racing down a third-place was won by er Lee was a very close Geremy Ayers through straight track. Neil Carroll. second and Isaac Labell email: gma737@hot- Racers were divided For the Lions and received third place. into three groups, Lions Amber Lee and her brother Cooper Lee display Tigers, the first-place Other trophy win- their Pinewood Derby trophies after the races and Tigers; Wolves and and presentation. Photos by Chris Paul Bears; and Webelos and VoteMARTHA SMITH FOR State Representative A Fresh New Voice in Concord Assisted Living And Memory Care We Put the Emphasis on Living! A community in the truest sense of the word, our building is a neighborhood with friendly people and accessible services_offering assisted living units and a Rose Lane program for the memory impaired. From impec- cable cleanliness and 24-hour security to onsite personal care staff and registered nurses, our residents get the care and support they need. N L ONDONDERRY T IMES N OCTOBER 29, 2020 PAGE 3 Londonderry Town welcoming environment Chamber Councilor Deb Paul; to children during an Continued from page 1 Derry Historian, T.J. Cul- especially stressful time. teacher’s strike and linane, and Warren The YMCA continu- grew it to 60 employees. Daigle of Daigle Plumb- ously expands its part- Stephen supports ing introduced Dente at nerships with other non- numerous nonprofits, the ceremony. profits, including its schools and other com- Dante thanked his pasta program focusing munity cause with nec- wife Carol for her sup- on grandparents raising essary painting and port over the years; his grandchildren and repairs. As a longtime mother for teaching him expanding their mental member of the Derry Vil- the value of helping oth- health services as well. lage Rotary Club, he ers; and also thanked his When schools needed to chairs the annual Holi- fellow Derry Village implement remote learn- day Parade and is a lead Rotary members. ing, the YMCA expanded volunteer for the Ameri- Cullinane presented their school-age pro- can Cancer Society Dente with the tradition- grams to support pro- Relay for Life. al Top Hat to end the grams for multiple At the event on evening’s festivities. school districts. In addi- Described as a silent The Non Profit of the tion they continue to leader, Stephen epito- Year award went to the offer their Pre-K and Chamber of Commerce Citizen of Non-Profit of the Year went to the mizes the team commu- Granite State YMCA of Kindergarten programs. the Year Steve Dente poses with his YMCA. Michele Shepard, Lisa nity member. Always Londonderry YMCA Executive wife Carol after receiving his Bernard and Stacey Neville attended willing to lend a helping The Granite State Director Lisa Bernard award and the ceremonial top hat. the event on behalf of the YMCA. hand, Stephen offers his YMCA of Londonderry, accepted the award on ness of the Year. with existing and new also sponsored numer- services as well as mak- which serves residents behalf of the organiza- This spring, Enter- customers. Multiple ous community and cor- ing connections to oth- of all ages in the greater tion and spoke on the prise Bank’s team took area business name the porate events. They lend ers who can contribute. Derry area. They were challenges that the non- on a leadership role for bank’s support as a lead- a hand whenever possi- The Greater Derry Lon- recognized for success- profit has gone through the region. Staff ing reason they have ble and protectively donderry area is fortu- fully running summer over the past year. researched all available stayed open these last seek out ways to make nate to have Stephen as camps this year without Derry’s Enterprise recourses and quickly few months.