:- l ' S A . . V Apr 12 3 13 P M *68 in iirri.v n trrm o : M A O April 10, 1968

TO Manager, Apollo Spacecraft Program Code PA Manned Spacecraft Center Houston, Texas 77058

FROM : MA/Dircctor, , Office of Manned Space Flight

SUBJECT: Apollo On-Board TV

The purpose of this letter is to confirm our discussions concerning tho requirement for on-board TV in Apollo command modules. It has been determined that a TV camera will he carried in command module 101 on the first Apollo manned flight.

Incorporation and use of the TV camera in CM 101 should conform with the following ground rules:

a. Installation of tho TV camera and associated hardware will be accomplished at KSC with no impact on launch schedule.

b. The camera will be stowed during the launch phase.

c. A mounting bracket for the camera will be provided in the CM to permit simultaneous viewing of all three crew couch assemblies, for use in monitoring pre-launch hazardous tests, and in-flight.

d. The camera will be capable of being hand-held for viewing outside tho CM during flight.

c. Use of (lie camera will not be specified on the astronaut's flight planning timeline of essential activities but will be incorporated in the mission as time and opportunity permit.

When your plans for employment of the TV camera on this mission arc sufficiently firm, 1 would like to review them witji you. In the meantime., Capt. Holcomb, of my staff, will be available for coordination of any program level involvement in detail planning. It should be noted that TV coverage on this flight is expected to provide information which will assist in evaluation of the potential usefulness of TV on future missions.

Samuel C. Phillips^ Major General, USAF cc: KSC/Middleton -2- cc: HO/f'itcvenson M-M/AJ. ibrando MO/IVaJ \ MAn/Wajjncr MAP/Kktujys, Roth MAT/I)ay T/Truszynski HSC/Slayton (CA) MSC/Kraft (FA) (/MSC/Maynonl (I’D) MSC/Hanoy (AR) MSC/Fa(;ct (FA) KSC/Boddingfiold (AP-SCO) ornnriM roiiM no. to *4*V **MVi*SV (at A^tc) IiOMI* UNITED STATES GOV. .NMENT Memorandum ^ ' A-y A /tC/r / ^ ' to :FA/Director of Flight Operations ('■tbKYV.\ MAY 8 1868

FROM : AP/Public Affairs Officer ^

subject : Apollo Onboard TV for AS-205/CM10/^^^

With regard to our several discussions and Henry Earl Leech's memo on the subject, this office recommends that we prepare for at least one "live1* or active TV stateside pass per day. We would also recommend, using the options outlined by Leech, Option 2, that is to send one of the MSC con verters, whichever seems technically advisable, to the Corpus station for real-time conversion of the signal received.

Corpus and the Cape would give us on an ideal pass something on the order of perhaps 10 to 12 minutes of signal, as you have pointed out.

I understand from the Manager of the Apollo Spacecraft Program that the Flight Crew Operations Directorate has been asked to plan the use of the TV camera. If we are all agreed On the proposed Corpus/Cape lash-up with Houston release, it should facilitate FCOD planning inasmuch as fairly well known light conditions will be identifiable, as well as crew activi ties. It is my recollection that that Directorate had done considerable planning toward the use of a TV camera for the 20h crew and we feel much of that planning would be applicable to this mission.

Please advise us of your decision in this matter as soon as possible.

cc: CA/Mr. Slayton PA/Mr. Low / AP3/Mr. Gibbons

AP:PHaney:cm 5/8/68

DATE RECEIVED.. sJ~/3~d rf s o

I • • v - r F i . jt h - a • j ^ — - ACTION...... ! ■ i INFORMATION__ I______.. i_. r z l ATTENTION: <33^* <■'A-' si ispt nr.r. S) Sr t ? RCSPON5E:______Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION manned spacecraft center Houston, T exas 77058


vUN 8 1383

TO Goddard Space Flight Center Attention: Tecwyn N« Roberts, 810

FROM : Chief, Flight Support Division

SUBJECT: Apollo Onboard TV Support

In compliance with a letter received from the Director, Apollo Program, Office of Manned Space Flight, MSC is preparing plans to provide real time TV support for the AS-205/CM 101 flight. The PAO requirements have been outlined in a letter from the Public Affairs Officer, subject: Apollo Onboard TV for AS-205/CM 101, dated May 8, 1968,

This is to confirm the use of the MSFN Texas site at Corpus Christi for support of the AS-205/CM 101 onboard TV. A scan converter will be provided on loan from the MSC Engineering and Development Directorate for this purpose. Mr. Lee Scamp, 713-4-83-2301, is designated as the Flight Support Division point of contact for additional information concerning the move ment and interface of the scan converter.

In order to provide the required real time TV coverage from KSC it will be necessary to develop a workable interface between MILA and the MS0B or to move the KSC scan converter to the MILA USB site. Please coordinate with KSC on this matter and notify FSD of the proposed action.

cc: KSC/R. Snith, AP-SCO-1 Mr. Carl Knox, Head June 5, 1953 Requirements Section Read, Digital Systems Section

PSRD Addition

Request necessary action be taken to add the following items to the respective PSRD:

1. Apollo Saturn V PSRD a. Pago 2730.27 - show one (1) simplex TV circuit from the Manned Spacecraft Operations Building (MSOB) to MIL station, with reference to page 2750.7. Under remarks add: Bridge of scan converted picture at CDSC to MIL for recording and monitoring. b. Page 2760.7 - add item described above as appropriate with necessary remark.

2. Apollo Saturn IB PSRD a. Page 2030.12 - show one (1) simplex TV circuit from MSOB to MIL station, with reference to page 2040.16. Under remarks add: Bridge of scan converted picture at CDSC to MIL for recording and monitoring.

b. Page 2040.16 - add item described abobe as appropriate with necessary remark.

3. Attached Is a diagram depicting the added circuit for information purposes and as an aid in making the PSRD change.

Earl N. Dunn



TO :Carl B. Knox, Head DATE: June 13, 1968 Requirements Section Manned Flight Operations Division FROM :Head, Timing and Display Section Digital Data Systems Branch Manned Flight Engineering Division SUBJECT:Apollo Slow Scan Television Interface Test

Please include the attached test information in the form of an LSR

and also include this information as a PSRD for future missions beginning

with AS-205.



cc: D. Dalton, Code 812

Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan 9010- 10* Slow Scan Television Interface Test


This test is designed to demonstrate the capability of the present slow scan television link between GMIL/USB and KSC/MSOB. The quality and capability of the A2A communication line to be used will be determined.

All GMIL/USB equipment associated with slow scan television will be used.

Two A2A lines will be used. One line for slow scan television transmission to KSC/MSOB from GMIL/USB and a separate line for converted television (commercial rates) transmission back to GMIL/USB. The A2A line for slow scan television from GMIL/USB to KSC/MSOB should be the same line to be used during missions.

The slow scan converter and associated equipment will be utilized at KSC/MSOB.

This test is an end to end check out of television at the GMIL-KSC complex. Signals will be monitored and recorded at both locations.


This test will be scheduled for each mission using slow scan television and associated communication lines. It will run for approximately three days. This test will be run at approximately T-70 days. ROUTE SHEET


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GSFC 11-20 (10/641 TO: Manned Spacecraft Center Attention: 1) Office of the Director - Dr. Robert R. Gilruth - AA 2) Flight Support Division - Lynwood C. Dunseith - FS

FROM: Manned Flight Support Directorate Manned Flight Engineering Division

Subject: Apollo Onboard Television (TV) Support

Reference: Memorandum of June 3, 1968, Lynwood C. Dunseith, Manned Spacecraft Center, to Tecwyn Roberts, Goddard Space Flight Center, same subject

Please be advised that real-time TV coverage from the John F. Kennedy Space Center (KSC) will be accomplished by interfacing Merritt Island Launch Area/Unified S-Band (MIL/USB) and KSC/Manned Support Operations Branch (MSOB) with an A2A communication line. A separate return line will also be provided to MIL/USB for monitoring the converted (commercial rate) TV signal.

We feel that it is imperative that a Manned Spacecraft Center (MSC) man be with the Houston Scan Converter vriienever it is in operation at the Manned Space Flight Network (MSFN), Corpus Chrlsti, Texas site.

Mr. Richard Nafzger and Mr. Raymond Hibbs, of Manned Flight Engineering Division (MFED), Code 812, phone 301-982-7393, are designated as the MFED points of contact for additional information concerning this matter. Original Signed b\ Tecwyn Koberts Tecwyn Roberts Chief

812/RLN:amh/6-18-68 cc: Dr. Naugle - NASA Hq. (S) William B. Easter - GSF-L MANNED SPACECRAFT CENTER JUL s 1953 Houst on, T exas 77058


TO NASA Headquarters Attention: Lt. General Samuel C, Phillips, MA

FROM : Director of Flight Operations

SUBJECT: Apollo Onboard TV

Reference is made to your letter of April 12, 1968, and to a letter from the Flight Support Division of this Directorate to Mr. Tecwyn Roberts of GSFC, dated June 3, 1968, both on the subject of Apollo Onboard TV. Our planning for the support and use of the onboard TV is as follows:

An analog scan converter, obtained on loan from the Engineering and Development Directorate (E&D), MSC, will be moved to the Texas USB site at Corpus Christi. This, and a similar unit already in the MSOB at KSC, will provide real time scan conversion of the TV signal prior to trans mission over standard telephone company video lines to MSC. In addition, the TV signal will be recorded during passes over these and other MSFN sites for later playback and scan conversion at MSC, using a second E&D converter (the digital unit developed by ISD).

Approximately four to six weeks will be required for limited refurbish ing of the scan converters and provisioning of some critical spares. GSFC plans to send one man from the Texas site to MSC during this period for on-the-job training. It is understood that E&D plans, if possible, to furnish one technically qualified individual to accompany the scan converter to the Texas site to assist in establishing the interface and in the actual mission operations. Arrangements have already been made with the telephone company for a microwave link between the Texas site and Corpus Christi. At KSC a landline or microwave link will be installed between the scan converter location in the MSOB and the MILA USB site.

The Public Affairs Office at MSC will coordinate directly with the Flight Crew Operations Directorate in planning the use of the onboard 2

TV, as to the timing and subject matter. Mr. Paul Haney will correspond with you at a later date concerning the details of the flight plan and the editing activities.

Original signal} by CHBISTOBiSS C. JR. Christopher C0 Kraft, Jr. cc: KSC/R. 0. Middleton, AP GSFC/Oe M. Covington, 800 Television System Test Plan

For AS-205

1. S c o p e

This document is a proposed test plan to be utilized as a general guideline in the preparation of a more detailed set of test procedures for the qualification of the television system for use in ground support of the AS-205 mission. Since the complete system requires the operational integration of equipment over which GSFC, KSC, and MSC maintain cognizance,

NASA and supporting contractor engineering personnel from these centers will be required to coordinate the preparation and conduct of the tests.

2. Purpose

Since a significant proportion of the equipment to be used in the television system is of a prototype nature it is mandatory to conduct a complete system ring-out prior to the actual use of the system in support of a manned flight. In addition, the tests will give PAO personnel an opportunity to observe the quality of video which can be expected from orbital altitudes and will provide operating personnel with valuable training in the procedures and coordination required during the actual mission.

3. Test Conditions

a. Thu television system to be tested consists of subsystems located at the Corpus Christi, Texas, and Merritt Island, Florida^ remote sites of the MSFN, the KSC Mission Support Operations Building (MSOB), and the Mission Control Center (MCC) at Houston, Texas. The system 2

also includes the leased lines from KSC and the Texas site to MSC.

Test equipment will include oscilloscopes, waveform monitors, and video monitors, with cameras, in the various areas.

b. The primary test conductors will be as follows:


Richard Nafzger GSFC/Manned Flight Engineering Div. 301-982-2646

Lee C. Scamp MSC/Flight Support Division 712-4.83-2301

T M' P&v< HTop KSC/ *!Yj * «. i y -

c. The test will be conducted in four separate phases, as outlined

in subsequent paragraphs. This is necessitated by the amount of

coordination involved and the cost of calling up the leased lines prior

to the normal pre-mission check-out period. Since there is a certain

degree of overlap between the phases, a simultaneous exercise of all

the subsystems is not required, and the complete system will thus be

checked out prior to its mission use. Phases 3 and 4 may be combined

if the situation permits.

d. The four test phases are tentatively scheduled within the time

frames shown below/j It must be emphasized that, since the tests depend

upon so many interrelated contingencies, the actual time of testing must

remain flexible, and the time frames them3elve are subject to change.


1 TEX August 15-17

2 mil/ ksc

3 tex/ msc October 1-2

4 mil/ ksc/msc October 3-4- 3

e. The test will be considered successful if the signal at the output of the scan converter, as viewed on a waveform monitor, maintains the required video and sync relationships for the duration of the run and the video, as viewed on a standard monitor, is of acceptable quality.

This monitoring will be accomplished at MSC in Phases 3 and A. All tapes which are produced will be retained for use in later test phases or for review at a later date.

The test results will be published for the benefit of all parties concerned as soon after the completion of the entire test as possible.

Since a rather lengthy time frame is involved, the preliminary results of each phase will be distributed in draft form upon completion of that phase.

U, Test Description

a. Phase I-Texas Site Checkout

The purpose of this phase of the test is to verify the integrated operation of all equipment in the television subsystem at the/remote site. The equipment configuration is shown in Figure 1. The subsystem » includes equipment normally associated with data handling, as opposed to video, and the prototype scan converter on loan from the Instrumentation and Electronics Division of MSC. In addition, the microwave link between the site and Corpus Christi will be checked out, if it is available for

/i nominal cost at the time of the te 3t.

A NASA aircraft, flying along a nominal spacecraft ground track, will be utilized as a TV transmitter base for the Block I camera. The signal u which is received by the USB antenna/receiver will be demodulated, filtered, simultaneously recorded and converted to EIA format, and possibly transmitted via microwave link to Corpus Christi.

b. Phase 2-MILA/KSC Interface Test

The purpose of this phase of the test is to verify a proposed FM carrier interface between MILA and the MSOB and to checkout the operation of the KSC scan converter in conjunction with the MILA USB equipment.

The configuration shall be as shown in Figure 2. In addition to the equipment outlined in the Phase 1 test, a voltage controlled oscillator and discriminator will be utilized to provide a carrier frequency for transmitting the unconverted signal from MILA to the MSOB. The procedure will bo essentially the same as that outlined for the Texas site, except that the TV camera will not be carried in an aircraft. The camera output will be introduced directly into the parametric amplifier.

c. Phase 3-Texas/MSC Transmission Test

The purpose of this test is to checl^out the transmission link between the Texas site and the MCC and to verify the MSC video distribution ? procedures and equipment. A slow scan tape will be replayed at the site, converted and transmitted by microwave link to the commercial TV facilities in Corpus Christi. From there the signal will be relayed along the standard telephone company lines to MCC, where it will be taped and distributed, as planned for real time operationa. 5

d. Phase 4—MILA/KSC/MSC Transmission Test

The purpose of this test is to check out the transmission link between KSC and MSC and also to provide additional verification of the MILA/KSC interface and the MSC video distribution subsystem and procedures. If possible, the camera and transmitter in the spacecraft will be used to provide the required video input to the

MILA USB system. If this proves unfeasible, a slow scan tape will be played back at the site. In either case, the signal will be transmitted to the MSGB, where the scan conversion is accomplished, and the resultant standard format TV signal will then be fed into the commercial channels for transmission to MSC. OPTIONAL. FORM NO. 10 MAY 10*2 EDITION CSA FPM R (41 CFR) 101-11.E UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum

TO : Ray Hibbs, Code 812.2 date: September 12, 1968

from : Office of Public Affairs

subject : Apollo Slow Scan TV Monitor to be Located at the MILA Site - Request For

Per attachments, find justification for locating slow scan Apollo spacecraft TV monitor at earliest possible date.

MSA Headquarters requirement for still pictures from the subject monitor via 70mm camera mounted on monitor will be source of required pictures.

Still pictures will be processed ASAP at the Cape Kennedy photo labs and released to the press by M S A Headquarters Audio-Visual Coordinator, Les Gaver. Mr. Coletto, GSFC, will assist in acquiring pictures at MILA site.

Attachments: (1) Page #9 Apollo 7 Public Information Plan (2) Page #21 Apollo 7 Public Information Plan (3) Prior telecons with John Dowling, Station Director, MILA MSFN Unified S-Band Site

.f t

Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan 0 ;c\ look FLkn — A Public Affairs quick look film, 16mm color sound, will ils produced on the Apollo 7 mission by MSC for Headquarters. Immediate prelaunch ar.d launch footage should be delivered by KSC to the MSC filn courier at T plus 2H-3S hours and the quick look filn should be completed and delivered to FAO/CMSF by recovery plus 72-120 hours.

Camera Positions

Except for astronaut preparation. Complex 3^- and Mission Control Center- Houston activities which will be covered by NASA photographers, all other photography at KSC and MSC will be open at predesignated sites.

Positions available to all news photographers for launch at KSC are:

1. Press Site $2 Op£*d ~2T Roof of USAF Vertical Integration Building [ijj "fv/ O C >oS « t »»*»•> 3. Roof of Central Control Conrolex 36 —- A/fV "5 ©*» S AfcT*/ H'pfl'V

Roadblock on Impact Prediction Road

There will also be open shooting of astronaut departure from the Manned Spacecraft Operations Building and arrival of astronauts at the Skid Strip following recovery.

Photograpny aboard the prime recovery ship will be pooled and processed by i.ASA at KSC except for AP and UPI which will process and distribute their photography to their own clients.

Special remote cameras will be installed by NASA at the request of the photographic media wherever possible with the film to be processed by NASA and distributed to all photographic news media.


The television-networks plan to cover the Apollo 7 xaission in depth including live coverage of liftoff, significant mission events, onboard television and, possibly, recovery.

At KSC, NASA will provide to the television pool a 12 by one svitched feed from operational television cameras at Complex 3^, a continuous feed from the Complex 3^ white room, a feed from the IGOR tracking camera and a feed from the NASA color unit to be located on top of the USAF Vertical Integration Building. The networks will locate cameras at MSOB, Bioastronautics Operational Support Unit, Auditorium and News Center end USAF Television Operations Center.

At MSC, NASA will provide a scan converted signal from the onboard television camera. A 227 TV line signal scanned at 10 frames a second will ^received at the MIIA and Texas sites, scap converted to commercial TV format, fed by hardline to MCC-H for realtime transmission to the television >;slter Ee-ving (KQ) Still photo editor

1/illinm Taub (HQ) * Prime photographer

Ed Heirisen KSC audio visual coordinator

' George Coletto (GSFC) USB site still photos; assist audio visual J coordinators ---- ^

G&tha F. Cottee Communicators coordinator

Col* Jones Smith (AFETR) & DOD Manned Space Public Affairs Officer

Lt. Ron Peck (AFETR) ^ AFETR communications coordinator

/ DOD representative C-eiceR. DOD recovery force representatives Henry D. Morrow VT,

Sandy Smith (EQ) Audio visual secretary

Diana Boles News Center secretary

Dsrleen Hunt Accreditation Dottie Ellingson (APETR)

Rosemary Rowland Secretarial support Sharon Warner Linda Williams Candace Singletary


News Center

Howard Gibbons News Center manager (first shift)

John McLeaish News Center manager (second shift)

Hilton Rein Information specialists Terry White Douglas Ward Robert Gordon Robert Workman

Curtis Hunt (MSFC) launch vehicle information

Carl R. Hart Audio visual coordinator

*Wiil depart KSC for prime recovery ship after launch.