Caswell County Methodist Historical Material Located within Archives and Special Collections at Perkins Library, Duke University. This document contains notes and excerpts of some of the files related to Caswell County that give a sample of the available material. Much good research could be done here! Transcribed by M. Park Hunter (
[email protected]), pastor of New Hope and Purley United Methodist Churches, fall 2008. Minutes, 1806-1808 United Methodist Church Records, 1784-1974 and undated Virginia, 1806-1910, bulk 1817-1872 Box NNC1 Handwritten minutes of 1806 Virginia conference attended by Asbury. Additions made for 1807 and 1808 conferences. Photocopies made. Ministers serving districts and circuits (MEC), 1815 United Methodist Church Records, 1784-1974 and undated Virginia, 1806-1910, bulk 1817-1872 Box NNC1 Two-sided handwritten sheet listing pastors assigned to charges. Someone has marked one side pre-1815 and the other 1815. Photocopies made. Account of the Work of God in North Carolina, Revivals in 1821 See hand-written transcript of revivals occurring near Hillsboro in 1821 reprinted in the Methodist Magazine 1822. Hatchett Family Papers 1767-1965 (17-E) Hatchett Family Miscellany folder W.W. Hatchett Sunday School speech at Prospect Aug 24th 1894 Wm. W. Womack, Yanceyville, funeral sermon for himself? Consitution of Prospect Sunday School (photocopied) Hatchet Family Papers Correspondence 1823-1907, etc. Misc. Hatchett Family Miscellany folder Small notebook from 1870s includes some lists of Sunday School classes Manuscript sheet of bible verses, 1800s Manuscript copy of sermon several pages long, 1800s Quarterly Conference Minutes of the Caswell Circuit 1844-1854, and of the Yanceyville Circuit, 1855-1877 (These circuits belonged to the following districts: Danville District, 1844-1858; Greensboro District, 1858-1872; Hillboro District, 1872-1877) United Methodist Church Records, 1784-1974 and undated N.C.