
Timeline -of United Methodist History 1703·1996

General Commission on Archives and History P.O. Box 127 Madison, NJ 07940 Timeline of United Methodist History ------Acronyms

CME Colored (later Christian) Methodist Episcopal EA EC Evangelical Church EUB Evangelical United Brethren MC The Methodist Church MEC Methodist Episcopal Church MECS Methodist Episcopal Church, South MP Methodist Protestant Church UB United Brethren in UMC The WFMS Woman's Foreign Society

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1703 is born (June 17). " (full-time itinerant lay ).

1707 is born (December 18). 1742 Wesley organizes the Methodist society in into classes and issues quarterly tickets to members. 1725 is born (November 30). Wesley holds his first watch-nigbt service, at John Wesley is ordained as a in the Church of Kingswood on the outskirts of Bristol. . 1743 Wesley publishes The Nature, Design. and General 1726 is born (June 3). Rules of the United Societies.

1729 Charles Wesley fonns the "" at 1744 Wesley calls the first Methodist Confereuce, at the . FOUDdery,.

1735 Jo1mand Charles Wesley embark for (October 1745 is born (August 20 or 21). 1~. 1747 is born (September 28). 1736 John and Charles Wesley land at Cockspur Island on February 6. John Wesley holds his first service on 1752 Pbilip William Otterbein comes to America as March 7 in Savannah. of a German Reformed congregation in Lancaster, . Wesley forms fellowship societies in Georgia. 1758 John Wesley baptizes a black man for the first time. Charles Wesley departs for England in July. 1759 Jacob AIbrigbt is born ( 1). 1737 Wesley JXlblishesA Colleaion of and in Charleston, . 1760 Philip and Margaret Embury and Paul and Barbara Heck arrive in New from County Limerick, 1738 sails for Georgia. Ireland.

Wesley returns to England from Georgia. About this year, Robert and Elizabeth Strawbridge emigrate from Ireland and settle on Sam's Creek, Wesley and Peter BOhler form the Fetter Lane religious Frederick County, . society. c1763 Robert Strawbridge organizes a Methodist class. Charles Wesley's transforming experience (21 May). 1764 The Strawbridge Log Meetinghouse is built near New John Wesley's experience (24 May). Wmsor, Maryland; possibly the first Methodist chapel in America. Wesley visits Moravians in Germany. 1766 BaIbara Heck is instrumental in organizing a Methodist 1739 Wesley begins field preaching in Bristol. congregation in City, which includes Bettye, a black woman. It is the beginning of what is now the Wesley holds the first service in the Foundery, London. John Street United Methodist Church.

1741 Wesley accepts Thomas Maxfield as his first "son in the In Leesburg, , land is deeded to a Methodist

1 layman for "no other use but for a church or meeting to ordain others. house and grave yard." This is the earliest known American Methodist church property. Coke and Asbury meet for the first time at Barratt's Chapel. 1767 Captain Thomas Webb consolidates in New York and . Methodist Episcopal Church is organized at the " Conference," , Maryland. Francis About this YeM, Philip William Otterbein hears Martin Asbury is ordained by Coke, Otterbein, and probably Boebm preach at Isaac Long's barn in Lancaster Whatcoat and Vasey. Asbury and Coke are named County, Pennsylvania. Otterbein greets Boebm with superintendents of the new church. "Wir sind bruder" (yo/e are brothers), and they soon begin working together. Wesley provides the new MEC with The SlIIIIioyService of the Methodists in North America, wun other 1768 Wesley Chapel (John Street Church), New York, is occasional services, his revision of The Book of dedicated. Common of the .

1769 Richard Boardman and Joseph Pilmore arrive in At the , Freeborn Garrettson and America, the first two appointed by Wesley James O. Cromwell are named to Nova for the colonies. Scotia, making them the first foreign missionaries of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The Methodist Society in Philadelphia purchases St. George's Church from a Dutch Reformed congregation. ml are licensed to preach Here, Joseph Pilmore makes the first public statement by St. George's Church, Philadelphia. They are the in America of Methodist principles. He also holds the first granted MEC preaching first Methodist in America in St. licenses. George's . 1785 The first meeting of an MEC annual conference is held c1770 Mary Evans Thorne is appointed class leader by Joseph at the home of Major Green Hill in Louisburg, North Pilmore in Philadelphia, probably the first woman in Carolina. America to be so appointed. 1786 prepares the first Discipline of the 1770 George Whitefield dies at Newburyport, Methodist Episcopal Church. 00 his seventh visit to America. Coke and Asbury issue A Pocket Book for the Joseph Pilmore introduces the watch-night service to newMEC. America, at St. George's Church in Philadelphia. About this year, Francis Asbury begins a Sunday 1771 Francis Asbury and Richard Wright sail for America. in Virginia.

Upon arrival, Asbury ~hes his first American A two-year old Methodist society in Union, (West) at St. George's h, Philadelphia, October Virginia builds Rehoboth Church, the oldest extant 27. Protestant church building west of the Alleghenies.

1773 George Shadford and Thomas Rankin sail for America. Timothy Acuff builds a Methodist chapel on his land near Blountville, . It is the first to be built The first conference of American Methodist preachers west of the Appalachian mountains. is convened by Thomas Rankin at St. George's Church, Philadelphia. 1787 opens at Abingdon, Maryland. It is destroyed by fire in 1795. William Watters becomes the first native-born American Methodist . The is formed in Philadelphia, the beginnings of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. 1774 Lovely Lane Chapel is built in Baltimore. 1788 Charles Wesley dies (March 29). Pbilip William Otterbein becomes of the German Evangelical Reformed Church in Baltimore (today Old Stepben Keywood (or Cawood) hosts the first Methodist Otterbein United Methodist Church). conference held west of the Blue Ridge Mountains, in Glade Spring, Virginia. 1776 ; all of Wesley's missionaries except for Francis Asbury and James Dempster return Francis Asbury ordains John Smith a deacon in to England. Dempster becomes a Presbyterian. Rehoboth Clmrch, the first Methodist west of the Alleghenies. 1780 Wesley publishes A Collection of Hymns for the Use of the People called Methodists. 1789 Philip William Otterbein organizes the first annual conference of his followers. Phillip Barratt, member of the Methodist Society near Frederica, , donates a plot of land so the The Methodist' Book Concern is begun in Philadelphia Society can build a meeting house. It is named Barratt's under John Dickins Chapel, ml is the oldest house of still extant in the built by and for Methodists. 1790 The first successful American is established in Philadelphia and the MEC officially 1784 Wesley ordains Richard Whatcoat and Thomas Vasey as recognizes the Sunday school as an institution of the preachers for America and commissions Thomas Coke church.

2 American Methodists take over British work in . who is then elected and becomes the premier organizer of the United . Henry Evans, a Virginia freeman and licensed Methodist preacher, organizes a church in Fayetteville, Philip William Otterbein dies (November 17). . 1814 Thomas Coke dies (May 2) and is buried in the Indian 1791 John Wesley dies (March 2). Ocean. Boehm's Chapel is built in Lancaster County, Jolm Dreisbach is elected the first presiding in the Pennsylvania, for Methodist use on land deeded to the Evangelical Association. Methodists by Martin Boehm, who will become a founder of the United Brethren in Christ. 1815 First General Conference of United Brethren in Christ held and first Discipline approved, under the leadership 1792 First quadrennial General Conference of American of Bishop . Methodism is held in Baltimore. First of the DB is held The office of Presiding Elder is established (after 1908 at Rocky Springs, Franklin County, Pennsylvania. called District Superintendent). 1816 The African Methodist Episcopal Clmrch is formed and James O'Kelly leads the first major in American Richard Allen is chosen bishop. Methodism, fonning the Republican Methodist Church, later the Christian Church . The first General Conference of the Evangelical Association convenes. 1794 Beginnings of the camp meeting movement at Rehoboth, North Carolina. Francis Asbury dies (March 31).

1796 A gJOOIl_ of African Americans withdraws from the John John Stewart, an African American, begins a Street Cburcb, fonning the nacleus of what will become among the Wyandotts of . MEC response to his the African Methodist Episcopal Church, Zion in 1820. work results in the formation of a denominational missionary society in 1819. begins preaching with a Methodist Episcopal exhorter's license 1817 The first clmch and first publishing house of the EA are built at New , Pennsylvania. African Zoar Clmrch (now Zoar United Methodist Church) is dedicated in Philadelphia, the oldest black The Evangelical Association publishes its first , congregation in the United Methodist tradition with a Das Geistliche Saitenspiel. contmuous existence, 1818 American Methodist Magazine begins publication Formation of the six original ammal conferences in America (, Philadelphia, Baltimore, 1819 The Missionary and Society of the Methodist Virginia, South Carolina, and Western). Before 1796, Episcopal Clmrch is founded. The New Yolk Female there was one conference with six districts. Missionary Society is organized as an auxiliary to it. A Missionary Society is also founded in Philadelphia. 1800 Jacob Albright forms three classes among the Germans in Pennsylvania. McKendree Chapel is erected near Jackson, , probably the oldest Protestant clmrch building still Philip William Otterbein and Martin Boehm found the standing west of the . United Brethren in Christ. 1820 becomes editor and general book The MEC General Conference officially grants of the Methodist Book Concern ordination to African Americans. Bishop Asbury ordains Richard Allen a deacon. First United Brethren Sunday School held at Croydon, . 1803 The first conference of Albright's followers is held. The African Methodist Episcopal CImrch, Zion, is 1808 Jacob Albright dies (May 18). organized in New Yolk.

1809 First Discipline and of Albright's followers The Wesleyan Repository, later The Mutual Rights and areprinted, Methodist Protestant, begins publication.

1810 First EA (and first German language) camp meeting is Bishop McKemree calls for a new effort to "spread the held on the farm of MaIZe in New Berlin, Gospel among the Indians" in his episcopal address at Pennsylvania. the MEC General Conference.

1812 Martin Boehm dies (March 23): Medlodists in Tuscaloosa, create a missionary society to work with the Chickasaws and . The MEC holds its first General Conference with elected delegates. 1822 William Capers (MEC), "missionary in South Carolina and to the Indians,· opens the Asbury Manual Labor is founded as Williamsport Academy School and Mission near Fort Mitchell, Alabama for by the MEC in Pennsylvania. Creek children.

1813 Philip William Otterbein ordains Christian Newcomer, organizes a Methodist society for freed

3 slaves en route to . 1834 Sophronia Farrington, the first unmarried Methodist woman missionary, arrives in Liberia. 1823 Zion's Herald begins publication, the first Methodist weekly newspaper. The United Brethren Publishing House is formed.

1824 The American Sunday School Union is organized. Religious TelescopeCUB)begins publication.

Peter Cartwright (MEC) moves from to The MEC begins a mission in the Oregon Territory, lllinois, where he will become one of the most famous headed by Jason Lee. of the frontier preachers. The first MP General Conference is held in Mission is established by the Mississippi Georgetown, District of Columbia. Conference. David Ayers (MEC) distributes in Spanish in Feeling the abolition of impossible, the MEC South . turns its attention to regulating the treannent of slaves by its members. 1835 Wilhelm Nast is appointed MEC missionary to German immigrants in Ohio. He becomes the founder of the 1826 The Christian Advocate (Methodist Episcopal German Methodist movement. newspaper) begins publication. Nathan Bangs is the editor. The Charitable Society of the EA is formed to assist destitute . The MEC Council of holds its first meeting, in Philadelphia. Albion Female Collegiate Institute and Wesleyan ~ (now Albion College) is founded by 1827 The Methodist Sunday School Union is founded with Methodists. Nathan Bangs as its corresponding secretary. 1836 Der ChristIicheBotschofter,the first EA denominational 1828 Nicholas Snethen, Asa Shinn, and others organize the newspaper, begins publication. Associated Methodist Churches, forerunner of the Methodist Protestant Church. Justin Spaulding sails to as an MEC missionary, the first appomted for ~rmanent service in South Preachers and laymen meet at Whitaker's Chapel, near America. The mission will close in 1841. Enfield, North Carolina, to organize the first amwal conference of what will soon become the Methodist Sarah Lankford establishes the Tuesday Meetings for Protestant Church. the Promotion of Holiness in her home in . Her sister, , soon assumes McKendree College (MEC) is founded in Lebanon, leadership of the Meetings and rapidly becomes the Dlinois, the oldest college in lllinois. most famous proponent of the in the United States. 1829 Primitive Methodists in England begin a mission to the United States. opens MEC work in the . The Oneida Mission (MEC) is established in New York by Daniel Barnes. Emory College (now University) is chartered. The next year, 330 acres are aside for the college town and 1830 The Methodist Protestant Church is organized. named Oxford, Georgia.

Rmlolph-Macon College (MEC) is founded in Virginia. is founded in Macon, Georgia, the first college to grant regular COllegiate degrees to 1831 Four Flathead and Nez Perce Indians from the Oregon women. The school opens in 1837 and graduates its country walk to St. Louis searching for someone who first class in 1840. will explain "the white Men's " to their people. This prompts the formation of an MEC Oregon , Emory, Virginia, is Mission. established by the Holston Conference (MEC) as a manual labor school. 1832 The first EA Sunday school is organized, in Lebanon, Pennsylvania. 1837 Ann Wilkins (MEC) goes to Liberia with the SlWPOrt of the New York Female Missionary Society, . She retires 1833 Melville Cox (MEC) begins the first American in 1856 as the senior missionary on the field. Methodist overseas mission, to Liberia. (MEC) is chartered in Greencastle. AUe~ College (Meadville, Pennsylvania), chartered Indiana as Indiana . in 1817 Under Presbyterian auspices, becomes related to the MEC this year. 1838 McMahan Chapel (MEC) is constructed in San Augustine, the oldest Protestant church with a Ownership of Dickinson College, Carlisle, continuous history in Texas. Pennsylvania, founded in 1773, transfers from Presbyterian control to the Baltimore Conference is chartered as Greensboro Female (MEC). College (MEC) in North Carolina.

John Clark (MEC) establishes a mission for the Chippewa near Detroit.

4 1839 is elected the first EA bishop. The Indian Mission Conference is formed and placed under the jurisdiction of southern Methodism. Guide to begins publication. 1845 The Methodist E:J>iscopalChurch, South, is formally The EA organizes a denominational missionary society. organized in Louisville, Kentucky.

The first local EA woman's missionary society is Olaf Gustaf Hedstrom opens a mission to Scandinavian organized at Immanuel Evangelical Church in immigrants and sailors in the ship "John Wesley" (also Philadelphia. known as "Bethel Ship") in New York harbor

Union Institute (MEC) is founded in Randolph County, Baldwin Institute (MEC) is founded in Berea, Ohio. North Carolina. It is the forerunner of Duke The German department becomes a , University, Durham. German Wallace College, in 1864. The two merge to form Baldwin-Wallace College in 1913. The MEC seeds out its largest group of missionaries to date. They sail for Oregon. 1846 The first quadrennial General Conference of the Methodist ~is~al Church, South is held in Newbury Biblical Institute () is founded, the Petersburg, Virginia. first American Methodist seminary, forerunner of University School of (MEC). MacMurray College, Jacksonville, , is chartered as the Illinois Conference Female Academy (MEC). The Mississippi Conference (MEC) founds Centenary College at Clinton, in honor of the l00th anniversary of Mwnt (MEC) is established in Alliance, Methodism. The school moves to Shreveport in 1908. Ohio, one of the first coeducational in the country. 1840 An American conference of the Primitive Methodist Church is organized. Baltimore Colored Mission Conference (MP) is organized. is established by Methodists, the first Protestant college in Texas. (Its present-day 1847 The MEC begins mission work in with Judson successor is in Georgetown.) Dwight Collins and Moses and Jane Atwater White. It is named for the missionary Martin Ruter and located in Rutersville, a town established just five weeks after AUnited Brethren quarterly conference gives Ruter's death in 1838. The Texas Ammal Conference Opheral a preacher's license. is also organized in 1840 in Rutersville. The MEC South American mission reopens, with 1841 The Ladies' Repository, the first Methodist periodical E. Lore appointed to Buenos Aires. for women, begins publication. Otterbein College, the first UB college, opens in By this year, the MEC has established missions among Westerville, Ohio. It is the first coeducational some 35 Native American tribes in 16 states and American school to enroll women on the college level territories. on equal standing with men, and the second to admit African Americans. Members of ore of Jacob Albright's classes emigrate to Ohio, where they found the town of Flat Rock as an EA 1848 The MECS begins mission work in China, appointing community. Charles Taylor and Benjamin Jenkins.

1842 Ohio (MEC) is founded in 1849 The MEC begins mission work in Germany, headed by Delaware, Ohio. Ludwig S. Jacoby.

Willamette University is founded by Jason Lee and 1850 The New York Ladies' Home Missionary Society, other Methodist missionaries in Salem, Oregon. It is under the leadership of Phoebe Pahner, begins a mission the oldest university in the American West. in Five Points, the worst section of New York City.

Iowa Wesleyan College, Mwnt Pleasant, is chartered as Albright Memorial Chapel is erected in Kleinfeltersville, a Literary Institute (MEC). Penmylvania on the 50th anniversary of the Evangelical Association. 1843 Orange Scott and others, favoring the abolition of slavery, wttlmaw from the MEC to form the Wesleyan Illinois Wesleyan University is founded by the Illinois Methodist Connection. Conference of the MEC~

The EA General Conference of this year determines to Ole Peter Petersen (MEC) is appointed as a local work more energetically among English speakers, while preacher to Norwegians in Upper . not abandoning its German ministry. 1851 Lydia Sexton is voted "recommendation" as a wpulpit is established as the Memphis speaker" by the United Brethren General Conference. Conference Female Institute (MEC) in Jackson, Tennessee. The first EA foreign missionary, John C. Link, arrives in , Germany. 1844 The Methodist Episcopal Church is divided, north and south, by the Plan of Separation. The issue of slavery Methodist missionaries in found California also divides the Presbytenan and Baptist denominations. Wesleyan College (now University of the Pacific) in Stockton, California.

5 1852 A of Colored Local Preachers and Laymen 1858 The Methodist Protestant Church divides over the issue convenes at Zoar Church in Philadelphia, the first of slavery. gathering of its kind in the United Methodist tradition. The group meets ammally until 1863, and in 1864 Benjamin Titus Roberts is expelled from the Genesee organizes the Delaware Annual Conference (MEC). Conference of the MEC for his outspoken criticism of the church. 1853 Antoinette Brown Blackwell is ordained by the Congregat!onal Church. Luther Lee, Wesleyan Christian WiUerup (MEC) arrives in Denmark to begin Methodist leader, preaches the ordination sermon. a mission.

An MEC mission to is opened by Ole Peter , African American missionary to Liberia, Petersen. is elected bishop by the liberia Conference, making him the first black bishop and the first of Benigno Cardenas preaches the first Methodist sermon the MEC. in Spanish in Santa Fe, . Mrs. M.L. Kelley organizes a missionary society on the A party of UB settlers moves to the Willamette Valley Lebanon Circuit, Bethlehem, Tennessee to support Mrs. of Oregon. l.W. Lambuth's school in China. This IS the first known organized effort by MECS women in support of (MEC) is founded in , missions. Iowa as Iowa Conference Seminary. (MEC) is founded in Baldwin City, The MECS founds Columbia Female College in , just four years after the opening of the Kansas Columbia, South Carolina (today Columbia College). Territory.

1854 The MEC Missionary Society supports a missionary, 1859 The EA organizes a denominational Sunday School and John Peter Larsson, to Sweden. Society.

Hamline University (MEC) is founded in St. Paul, the in Michigan is chartered. The first college in . descendant of a Wesleyan Methodist school founded in 1845, it is transferred to the MP Church in 1868. Moores Hill Male and Female Collegiate Institute (now the ) is founded in a Methodist 1860 The breaks away from the MEC cburch in Moores Hill, Indiana. and organizes in Pekin, New York under the leadership of B. T. Roberts. Yadkin College (now High Point College) is founded by the MP in North Carolina. Yoong J. Allen and his wife arrive in China to establish an MECS mission. (MECS) opens in Spartanburg, South Carolina. is established as Indianola (Iowa) Male and Female Seminary (MEC). 1855 Garrett Biblical Institute (MEC) opens in Evanston, Illinois. It is named for its benefactor, Eliza Garrett. It 1861 The Civil begins. is the forerunner of Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. The EA founds Plainfield College in Plainfield, Dlinois (now in Naperville). The first missionaries of the VB are sent to : W. J. Shuey, D. C. Kumler, and D. K. 1862 Amanda Hanby Billheimer, daughter of VB Bishop Flickinger. William Hanby, sails for Sierra Leone with her husband. She is the first woman foreign missionary of 1856 William and C1ementina Rowe Butler arrive as the first the VB Church. missionaries of the MEC in . 1864 Methodist work begins in Germany. The MEC begins mission work in , appointing Ernst Mann and H. zur lacobsnmhlen. The Delaware Annual Conference is organized, the first of what are eventually 25 "Negro " The EA opens its first school, Union Seminary, in New in the MEC. Berlin, Pennsylvania, (.right College in Reading, Pennsylvama IS Umon Seminary's successor.) The is founded as Colorado Seminary (MEC) by the Territory of Colorado. The MEC General Conference gives presiding elders authority to employ African American . The MEC forms a Church Extension Society (later Board of Church Extension), to assist congregations in laGrange Female Academy (now laGrange College), the erection of churches. founded in 1831, is purchased by the MECS North Georgia Conference. The Northwestern, Southwestern, and Central German Conferences (MEC) are organized. 1857 The MEC appoints Wesley Prettyman and Albert L. Long to establish a mission. Frank B. Smith becomes the first African American to be admitted to an MEC annual conference (New Tennessee Wesleyan College is founded in Athens as England). Athens Female College (MECS), 1866 The MEC forms the Freedmen's Aid Society to

6 establish for former slaves in the South. Rust Protestant school in New Mexico Territory. College is founded in Mississippi the same year. 1870 The Colored Methodist Episcopal Church is organized Helenor M. Davison is ordained a deacon by the Indiana out of the MECS. (The is changed in 1956 to Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church, Christian Methodist Episcopal Church.) probably making her the first ordained woman in the Methodist tradition, is founded by the MEC in Syracuse, New York. The MECS adopts lay representation in General and Annual Conferences. 1871 Union Biblical Seminary (UB) opens in Dayton, Ohio. It is later called Bonebrake Theological Seminary, and (UB) is founded in Annville, today is known as United Theological Seminary. Pennsylvania. Alejo Hern3IxJezbecomes the first Mexican ordained by Centenary College for Women (MEC) is founded in a Methodist body (the MECS). Hackettstown, New to commemorate the centennial of American Methodism. The MECS begins mission work in Mexico, appointing Sosthenes Juarez, a Mexican. Drew Theological Seminary (MEC) is founded in Madison, . The MEC appoints Leroy M. Vernon to found a mission in . KeDnlckyWesleyan College (MECS) opens for classes at Millersburg (now located in Owensboro). The North Carolina Colored Mission Conference (MP) is organized. The MECS General Conference approves the formation of a separate denomination for bl3ck Methodists in the 1872 laymen are received no the General Conference of the South. MEC.

Eastern German Conference (MEC) organized Mary Q. Potter, WFMS (MEC) missionary, opens women's work in North China. Dr. and Mrs. (MEC) are appointed to work among Chinese laborers in Sacramento The Alabama Conference (MECS) purchases Tuskegee Female College and renames it A1abama Conference 1867 The National camp Meeting Association for the Female College (today , Promotion of Holiness is founded. Momgomery).

A mission is established in Brazil by the MECS. The German Conference (MEC) is organized.

Classes are begun at Central Methodist College, Cookman Institute is founded by the Freedmen's Aid Fayette, Missouri (MECS). Society in Jacksonville, .

1869 Maggie Newton Van Cott, preacher and evangelist, is 1873 The MEC begins a mission to Mexico, beaded by granted a local preacher's license by the Methodist William and Clememina Rowe Butler. Episcopal CIwrch. The MEC seods Robert and Henrietta Sperry Maclay to Lydia Sexton (United Brethren) is inted chaplain of open a mission to . die Kansas State Prison at die age orro: the first woman in the United States to hold such a position. is fwnded by the MEC Freedmen's Aid Society in Greensboro, NC. Originally coeducational, The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the it becomes a woman's college in 1926. Methodist Episcopal Church is formed in Boston at the instigation of missionary wives Clementina Butler and The Wilmington Annual Conference (MEC) establishes Lois Parker. Isabella Thoburn and Clara Swain leave Wilmington Conference Academy (now Wesley College for India as the Society's first missionaries. in Dover, Delaware). MEC preaching, !?y a convened seaman, Gustaf Lervik, The Freedmen's Aid Society founds in is first heard in . Marshall, Texas, the oldest accredited Black college west of the Mississippi. The United Brethren open a mission in Germany. Christian Bischoff is the first missionary. 1874 Dora E. Schoonmaker is sem to Japan as the WFMS of the MEC begins mission work in that country. Claflin College is founded in South Carolina by the Freedmen's Aid Society (MEC) for freed slaves. The Movement begins with a Sunday school teacher's assembly at Chautauqua, New York. The Freedmen's Aid Society founds Clark University (later Colle~) iJ.1 Georgia. In 1988, Clark ~rges. with The Woman's Christian Temperance Union is formed Umverstty to form , by a group of women at Chautauqua following a lecture by Jennie Fowler Willing (MEC), who presides over its is foomtcd as first meeting. Annie Wittenmyer (MEC) is the first University by the Freedmen's Aid Society (MEC). president (1874-79). Frances Willan1 (MEC) becomes Its corresponding secretary. Two years later Willard Thomas Harwood reopens New Mexico mission for openly espouses woman's . MEC. Emily Duncan Harwood opens the first

7 The WFMS of the MEC opens the Clara Swain in London. Hospital, the first hospital for women in Asia (BareilJy, India). The Colorado Texas Colored Mission Conference (MP) is organized. The German Mission Conference (MECS) is organized. 1879 becomes the second president of the The West Texas Conference (MEC) is organized. It W.C.T.U. She serves until her death m 1898. includes a Mexican Border District. The women of the Methodist Protestant Clwrch organize 1875 UB women organize the Woman's Missionary their Woman's Foreign Missionary Society in Association. Pittsburgh.

The Cape May Commission declares that the Methodist Bishop James M. Thoburn (MEC) begins Methodist Episcopal Clwrch and Methodist Epis~al Clwrch, Episcopal work in Burma South, are coeval branches of the Methodist Episcopal Clwrch founded in 1784. The West and St. Louis German Conferences (MEC) are organized. A local preacher in Brazil, ] .E. Newman, is recognized as the first missionary of the MECS in that country. The Alabama Mississippi Conference (MP) is organized. Clark University, Atlanta, Georgia opens a theological department. In 1883, it becomes Gammon Theological 1880 The Woman's Home Missionary Society of the Seminary. Methodist Episcopal CIwrch is organized and Lucy is elected president. 1876 Anna Oliver is the first woman to receive the Bachelor of Divinity degree from an American theological Anna Oliver and Anna Howard Shaw are denied seminary ( School of Theology); two ordination by the MEC General Conference. Shaw is years later, Anna Howard Shaw earns the same degree. then ordained by the Methodist Protestant CIwrch.

Union Biblical Institute opens, the first EA seminary. The WFMS of the MP sends out its first missionary, Lizzie Guthrie. She dies on her way to Japan and is The first EA missionaries to Japan begin their work: replaced by Harriet G. Brittan, who founds the MP Frederick: Klecker, Rachael Hudson, and A. mission in Yokohama. HalmlDlber. The Army is established in the United States. is founded by the Freedmen's Aid Society as the medical department of Central The MEC Northwest Norwegian Conference is Teonessee College in Nashville. organized.

The MEC General Conference votes to allow annual Antonio Dfaz (MEC) begins work in Los Angeles. CODfereucesto divide along racial lines. 1881 The Christian Endeavor movement is begun by Francis 1877 ~ Beekin is sent to Sierra Leone as the first E. Clark. misSionary of the United Brethren's Woman's Missionary Association. First Methodist Ecumenical Conference, London

The Mctbodist Protestant Clwrch, divided in 1858 over The first American Methodist hospital is chartered, in the issue of slavery, formally reunites. , New York. It opens in 1887.

Bishop (MEC) introduces Methodism Santiago Tafolla (MEC) is appointed the first Mexican into and Peru American presiding elder ( District, Texas).

Kanichi Miyama is converted in . He 1882 Westminster Theological Seminary (MP) opens in goes OIl to foond the first Japanese Methodist Clwrch in Wesuninster, Maryland. In 1958 it moves to America. Washington, DC and is renamed Wesley Theological Seminary. The UB General Conference votes to allow lay persons to be members of annual conferences. is founded in Augusta, Georgia by the MECS and the CME. PbilmIer Smith College is foonded in 1877 by the MEC Freedmen's Aid Society as Walden Seminary. A Board of Clwrch Extension is formed in the MECS, to assist congregations in the constIUction of clwrches. The MEC organizes the Northwest Swedish Conference. 1883 Women of the Evangelical Association organize the Woman's Missionary Society. The first Methodist clwrch building for Hispanic Americans is built in Key West, Florida. Dakota Wesleyan College (MEC) is chartered in Mitchell, . 1878 Women in the MECS organize a WFMS and are given General Coofereoce recognition. Loehie Rankin goes to 1884 The Methodist Protestant General Conference rules China as their first missionary. Anna Howard Shaw's ordination out of order.

Catherine and form sails to China as an MECS

8 missionary, where she will serve until her death in her death in 1932. 1900. Wesleyan University (MEC) is founded in Central Collegiate Institute, Altus, , comes Lincoln. under Methodist control. Later it moves to Conway and is renamed in honor of an MECS Shenandoah Seminary (founded in 1875) in Winchester, bishop. Virginia is acquired by the UB. Today it is Shenandoah Umversity. The Norwegian & Danish Conference (MEC) is organized. The MP organizes an Indian Mission Conference.

The SprirJ.gCreek Colored Mission Conference (MP) is 1888 Frances E. Willard, Mary Clarke Niod, Amanda C. organized in Tennessee. Rippey, Angie F. Newman, and Elizabeth D. Van Kirk are elected delegates to the MEC General Conference, 1885 Bishop William Taylor (MEC) begins missions in but are denied seating. and the Congo. The General Conference recognizes deaconess work as James M. Thobum and William Oldham begin missions an official instinJtion of the Methodist Episcopal in Singapore and . Church. Between 1888 and 1908, deaconess work is established in all the predecessors of The United Lucy Rider Meyer (MEC) opens the Training School Methodist Church. for City and Home Missions (later the Chicago Training School). The Centenary Conference on Protestant Missions is held in Loudon. The first MEC missionaries arrive in : William and Louise Arms Scranton, Henry and Ella Dodge California German, North Pacific German. and North App<:nzeller, and Mary F. Scranton (the last a WFMS West Norwe~Danish Missions (MEC) are mtSSionary and mother of William Scranton). establisbed. Within a few years they become Mission Conferences. The Spanish Mission Conference of New Mexico (MEC) and the Mexican Frontier Conference (MECS) The Charleston Colored Mission Confereuce (MP) is organize. organized.

Maclay College of Theology opens in San Francisco, Primitivo Rodrfguez be' traDSlatiDg and editing forenmner of the School of Theology at Claremont. resources in Spanish for ~ MEC.

Florida Conference College (MECS) is founded in Bishop William Taylor takes over the work of the Leesbury (today in Congrept!onal Church in Mozambique for the Lakeland). Methodist Episcopal Cburch.

Southwest Kansas Conference College (now The University of Puget Sound (MEC) is fouoded in Southwestern College) is founded by the MEC in Tacoma, Washington. Winfield, Kansas. 1889 Ella Niswonger becomes the first woman ordained in 1886 Alma Howanl Shaw is the only woman in the graduating the United Brethren Cburch. class of the Boston University medical school. The is fouoded (MEC). It is The interdenominational Student Volunteer Movement established in the MECS the following year. is formed. For over 60 years it is the channel for the overseas missionary concerns of thousands of American Eugenia St. Jobo is ordained an elder by the Kansas college students. Anwal CoofercDce of the Medlodist Protestant Cburch.

Ewha Woman's University, , Korea begins as a The UB opens a mission in China, appointing George class in the home ofWFMS (MEC) missionary Mary F. Sickafoose, M~, Austia Petterson, and Lillian Scramon. It will evemually become the largest college Shaffner to the area. for women in the world. Tbe Church of United Brethren in Christ (Old The MECS opens a mission in Japan, appointing Dr. Constitution) splits from its parent body. and Mrs. J.W. Lambuth, Dr. and Mrs. W.R. Lambuth, and Rev. and Mrs. O.A. Duke. The Lambuths have Tbe MEC opens a mission in St. Petersburg, Russia, already served many years in China. sending Ben81 A. Carlsson, Presiding Elder of the Finnish Distnct. Kansas Wesleyan University (MEC) opens in Salina, Kansas. Enri~ Someill4n becomes. the first Cuban Methodist pastor m Key West, Florida. The KeDtuckyCoofereoce of the MEC purchases Union College, BaIbourville, Kenmcky. 1890 Tbe Woman's Home Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Cburch. South, under the 1887 Isabella Thobuni founds the first Christian woman's leadership of Lucinda B. Helm, is recognized by the college in Asia (Lucknow, India). cburch's General Confereuce.

Nannie B. Gaines arrives in Japan as an MECS Scarritt Bible and Training Scbool (MECS) is founded missionary. She remains in Japan for 45 years, until in Kansas City, largely through the efforts of Belle

9 Harris Bennett. (In 1924 it moves to Nashville.) Conferences (MEC) are organized.

Texas Wesleyan University (MECS). is founded in Fort 1895 The MECS opens a mission field in Korea. Worth as Polytechnic College. Phineas Bresee and J.P. Widney found the Church of The MEC founds Wesleyan College in the Nazarene. Buckhannon as West Virginia Conference Seminary. United Brethren begin mission in Japan with George Iris (MECS) opens in Jackson, and U. Yoniyama. Mississippi. Mrs. Hartman from Oregon is the first female member 1891 Second Ecumenical Methodist Conference, in of an Evangelical Association annual conference. Washington, DC. 1896 The New England Deaconess Hospital is established in The Deaconess Home Training Boston. School (MEC), Washington, DC is dedicated. The Chickasaw Mission Conference (MP) is organized. The EA General Conference approves a Young People's Alliance. The Dallas Colored Mission Conference (MP) is organized. Randolph-Macon Woman's College (MECS) is chartered in Lynchburg, Virginia. The West Norwegian-Danish Conference (MEC) is organized. The New Mexico Spanish Mission Conference (MEC) is organized. 1897 British and American missions in Germany merge

1892 Four women delegates are seated at the General The DB General Conference officially approves Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church: deaconess service. laywomen Melissa M. Bormett, Mrs. M.J. Morgan, and Mrs. A.E. Mwphy; and clergywoman Eugenia St. John. 1898 Seven missionaries of the United Brethren Woman's Eugenia St. Jolm is thus the first woman clergy delegate Missionary Association are massacred in Sierra Leone. to any General Conference in the United Methodist tradition. The MEC opens a mission in Southern Rbodesia.

Re~ina Bigler, M.D., arrives at the DB mission in The Central Ohio Conference (MEC) purchases China, begmning a 32 year career. Northeastern Ohio Nonnal (established in 1871) in Ada, Ohio. Today the school is named Ohio Northern The West Norwegian-Danish Mission (MEC) is University. established. Chicago German Mission Conference (MP) is Diff School of Theology is established in Denver, organized. Colorado. 1899 Bishop James M. Thobum begins mission work in the Scarritt Bible and Training School (MECS) is Philippines. established in Kansas City, Missouri, to train workers for foreign mission fields. The UB sends the Rev. and Mrs. H. H. Huffman as its first missionaries to . 1893 The Woman's Home Missionary Society of the Methodist Protestant Church is organized. Methodism is established in Cuba by the MECS.

The World's Columbian Exposition is held in Chicago. 1900 A Lay Conference is established, parallel to the Annual The World's Parliament of is held at the same Conference of clergy, in the MEC; it grants women time. "equal rights."

The first women delegates are seated at the General An Evangelical mission is begun in China. Conference of the Umted Brethren in Christ (Mattie Brewer and Mrs. S.J. Staves). Susan Bauernfeind arrives in Tokyo, the first missionary sent by the Woman's Missionary Society of the Laura Askew Haygood (MECS) opens the McTyeire Evangelical Association. School for Girls in , China. The Japanese Mission Conference (MEC) is established. is chartered as an MEC-related institution in Washington, DC. The WFMS of the MP sends Annette Lawrence and Grace Hill to Shanghai to begin a Chinese mission. The Central Swedish Conference (MEC) is organized. C.W. Drees arrives in Puerto Rico to establish MEC 1894 The United Evangelical Church breaks away from the work on the island. Evangelical Association. 1901 The Woman's Home Missionary Society of the MECS Morningside College (MEC) is founded in Sioux City, begins work at Paine Institute (founded 1883) in Iowa. Augusta, Georgia, its first work with blacks.

The Western, Central, and Northern Swedish Mission Ella Niswonger is elected the first woman clergy

10 delegate to a United Brethren General Conference. The Federal Council of in America is founded. Third Ecumenical Methodist Conference, London The title "presiding elder" is replaced by "district The UB Women's Missionary Association sends the superintendent" in the MEC. first UB missionaries to the Philippines. The is founded. 1902 Indiana Central University (MEC) is founded in . It becomes the University of Indianapolis The Pacific Swedish Mission Conference (MEC) is in 1986. organized.

Rev. Edgar James Helms begins the outreach program Mary J. Platt School for Spanish girls (MECS) opens in now known as Goodwill Industries in Boston's South Tucson, . End. cl909 The Brotherhood, a UB men's fellowship group, is Juan Vasquez is the first Puerto Rican to be licensed as organized. a local preacher (MEC). 1909 The MP begins mission work in China. 1903 Laymen are voted membership in the EA General Conference, but denied membership in annual 1910 The Woman's Societies of the MECS :;j.0ined under conferences. one Woman's Missionary Council and e part of the general missionary organization of the church. Belle The EA General Conference creates a Deaconess Harris Bennett is president of the Council until 1922. Society. The MECS General Conference denies women laity (MECS) is founded in rights. Columbia, Kentucky. The Workl MissionaIy Conference is held in Edinburgh, Emily Pruden deeds her school to the Woman's Home . Missionary Society of the MECS, which opens Ebenezer Mitchell Industrial School and Home, now The MEC introduces graded SUnday scboollessons. Pfeiffer College in Misenheimer, North Carolina. The first MP deaconess, Fmma Ray, is consecrated. 1904 Women are given laity rights and admitted to the MEC General Conference as delegates. Mellie Perkins begins work as a UB missionary in Velarde, New MeXICO. Ladies Aid Societies, as old as American Methodism, are officially recognized in the 1904 MEC Book of 1911 The MEC opens mission work in Congo with Jolm and Discipline, although there is never an official Helen Springer. denominational agency. Fourth Ecumenical Methodist Conference, . Mary McLeod Bethune founds the Daytona Normal and Industrial School for Negro Girls in Daytona Beach, 1913 Puerto Rico Mission Conference (MEC) is organized, Florida. After merger in 1923 with Cookman Institute, superseding the Puerto Rico Mission. the school becomes Bethune-Cookman College. Ferrum Junior College (now ) is The EA begins mission work in China. founded in Ferrum, Vir~ by the Woman's Missionary Society of the Vrrginia AmmaI Conference City University is founded as Epworth (MECS). University by the MEC and MECS. The Lake Junaluska Assembly grounds open as a 1906 The MP begins mission work in India. "Cbautauqua-type" assembly for southern Methodism.

1907 E. Stanley Jones (MEC) begins mission work in India. The first Wesley FouOOationis organized for ministry to college students at the University of Dlinois. The Methodist Federation for Social Service (later Social Action) is founded. 1914 begins.

The UB purchases property at Velarde, New Mexico for The MECS Congo mission is formally organized, with a school. Eventually, the church will support five missionaries Dr. and Mrs. D. L. Mumpower, Rev. and schools in four communities, including Edith McCurdy Mrs. C.C. Bush, and Mrs. and Mrs. J.A. Stockwell. High School in Santa Cruz. Candler School of Theology is founded by the MECS. Laymen are admitted to EA annual conferences as It affiliates with Emory Umversity,in 1915. members. 1915 Southern and its theological school 1908 The Methodist Federation for Social Service prepares a (now Perkins School of Theology) open in Dallas. Social , which is adopted by the MEC General Conference. Similar statements are adopted by the 1917 The U.S. enters the war. other predecessors of The United Methodist Church. 1918 Armistice is signed November II, ending the war. A mission to Manchuria is begun by the MECS. The MECS opens a mission in Cuba

11 Binniogbam-Southern College (MECS) in , 1926 's School of (now Divinity Alabama is formed from the merger of Southern School) opens. University (founded 1856) and Birmingham College (founded 1898). 1926 The California Oriental Mission (MECS) is established.

The MEC am MECS launch The Missionary Centenary 1928 The Evangelical Congregational Cburch is legally Fund to celebrate the l00th anniversary of the Methodist established, made up of a mmonty of the Umted Missionary Society. The two-year program earns Evangelical Church that did not reunite with the millions, which are used to strengthen home and foreign Evangelical Association in 1922. missions of both churches. 1930 Korean Methodist Church is formed from the missions 1919 Prohibition amendment (the 18th) is ratified on January of the Methodist Episcopal Church and the Methodist 16. Episcopal Church, South. The oorthern am southern Methodist churches celebrate Methodist Church of Brazil becomes autonomous. the centennial of American Methodist missions and launch the Centenary Movement, a financial campaign Methodist Church in Mexico becomes autonomous. in support of worldwide missions. Mrs. B. W. Lipscomb is sent by the Woman's The MECS begins mission work in Belgium. Missionary Cooncil (MECS) to organize the women of the Texas-Mexico and Western Mexico Conferences. 1920 The 19th Amendment gives women the vote. 1931 Sixth Ecumenical Methodist Conference, Atlanta, The local preacher's license, first step to ordained Georgia. ministry, is officially extended to women in the MEC Book of Discipline. The Association of Southern Women for the Prevention of Lynching, led by Jessie Daniel Ames (MECS), is The MEC begins work in the Dominican Republic founded.

The MECS begins work in Poland and Czechoslovakia. 1933 The 21st Amendment repeaIs ProhIbition.

Robert E. Jones and Matthew W. Clair become the first 1934 KeOOaIlCollege opens as Evanston (Dlinois) Collegiate African American bishops (MEC) elected to serve in the Institute (MEC). United States. 1935 ~ McLeod Betlnme is named director of the Negro The Latin American Mission (MEC) is established. Division of the National Youth Administration, a position she holds uotill943. In 1935 she also becomes 1921 The Baltic and Slavic Mission is formed from work the first president of the National Council of Negro begun by the MEC in Lithuania (1904), Latvia (1912), Women. and (1921). The MEC, MECS, and MP issue a joint hymnal. Fifth Ecumenical Methodist Conference, London The Upper Room, a devotional magazine, begins The MECS launches a mission in Siberia. publicatIon.

The Evangelical Church opens a mission on Red Bird 1939 War begins in . Creek, Beverly, Kentucky. The Methodist Episcopal Church, the Methodist 1922 The MECS begins missions in Belgium, Episcopal Church, South, and the Methodist Protestant Czechoslovakia, and Poland-Danzig. Church reunite to form The Methodist Church.

The first women are seated as delegates at a General Mary McLeod Betlnme and others oppose the formation Conference of the MECS (18 lay delegates). of the Central Jurisdiction in the Methodist Plan of Union because it reinforces segregation. The United Evangelical Church and the Evangelical Association reunite to formThe Evangelical Church. The various women's home and foreign missionary societies and other women's groups of the three uniting The Woman's Missionary Society of The Evangelical churches are joined am become the Woman's Society of Church is organized. Christian Service. The Wesleyan Service Guild remains a separate organization. The WFMS of the MP begins mission work in India. , active MEC leader and local elder, 1923 The first Cokesbury Hymnal is published. becomes professor of applied theology at Garrett Biblical Institute, the first WODIanto hold such a position Asbury Theological Seminary opens in Wilmore, at a major seminary. Kentucky. becomes president of Ewha Woman's McMurry University (MECS) is founded in Abilene, College (later University), a position she will hold until Texas. her retirement in 1961.

1924 Methodist Episcopal women are given limited clergy Homer Rodeheaver's Christian Service Songs is rights nocaI- ordination). published.

12 1940 First meeting of the Central Jurisdiction (MC); W. A. elected founding presidents. C. Hughes and Lorenzo King are elected its first two bishops. The MC launches Advance for Christ and His Church. 1948-1952, to some degree a continuation of The The Women's Society of Christian Service, Central Crusade for Christ. Jurisdiction, is formed. The Southwest Mexican Conference becomes the Rio Asociacion de Damas Evangelica de Pueno Rico is Grande Conference (MC). founded. 1949 Dorothy Rogers Tilly, Methodist laywoman and The Pacific Japanese Provisional Conference (MC) is member of President Truman's Commission on Civil organized, superseding the Pacific Japanese Mission. Rights, founds the Fellowship of the Conference, an interracial ~ dedicated to seeking courtroom justice 1941 The U.S. enters World War n. for blacks m the South.

The Provisional Annual Conference of Puerto Rico 1950 The National Council of the Churches of Christ in the (MC) is organized. USA is organized.

The Latin American Provisional Conference (MC) is The Oriental Provisional Conference (MC) is organized. organized. 1951 The Eighth EaJInenical Methodist Conference, Oxford, 1942 The UB begins Hispanic work in Tampa, Florida. organizes standing committees and officially adopts the name "." 1944 The Methodist Church launches the Crusade for Christ, a four year post-war reconstIUCtion and missionary The Intetpreter's Bible is published by program. (MC). The MC adopts its first Book of Worship, prepared by 1952 The Revised Standard Version of the Bible is published. the Commission on Worship of The Methodist Church, 1940-1944. Huston-Tillotson College is formed by the merger of Tillotson College (fOUDded1877 for freed slaves by the The MC Council of Bishops launches the Crusade for a ) and Samuel Huston College New World Order to suppon international peace efforts. (founded by the MEC West Texas Conference in 1900 for African Americans). 1945 V-E and V-J days signal the end of World War n. 1954 The World Council ofClwrches convenes in Evanston, The California Orieual Provisional Conference (MC) is Dlinois. organized, superseding the California Oriental Mission. One of the lawyers who argues the landmark case 1946 The Evangelical United Brethren Clwrch (EUB) is Brown vs. the Board of is Charles S. Scott, formed frmn the merger of The Evangelical Church and a Methodist layman. the United Brethren in Christ. 1955 First Hymnario Metodista is published. The first women delegates attend the General Conference of the Evangelical Church, then the joint 1956 Women in The Methodist CImch win full clergy rights; EUB General Conference iuunediately following (Irene Maud Keister Jensen is the first woman to be granted Haumersen and Mrs. Edward Stukenberg). such rights.

Women are denied ordination in the newly organized Ninth World Methodist Conference, Lake Junaluska, EUB Clwrch. North Carolina

With the formation of the EUB Clwrch, the women's The World Federation of Methodist Women is formed. organizations merge to become the Women's Society of World Service. The Christian Service Guild remains a The MC General Conference authorizes the formation separate entity until 1958. of the Methodist Theological School in Ohio, located north of Columbus. John R. Mott, Methodist ecumenist, is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. North Carolina Wesleyan College (MC) is chartered in Rocky Mount. Luis P. Tirre is the first latino district superintendent in California. The MC General Conference adopts Amendment IX, which provides a framework for the elimination of the 1947 Seventh EaJmenical Methodist Conference, Springfield, Central Jurisdiction. Massachusetts . The Latin American Provisional Conference in , supported by the MC, California (MC) is dissolved. Presbyterians, and the Church of Christ IS formed in Billings, Montana from three predecessor schools. Its 1958 Paul School of Theology, Kansas City, Missouri, Methodist ancestor is Montana Wesleyan, founded in is chartered as the National Methodist Theological 1923. Seminary (MC). 1948 The World Council of Churches is organized John R. 1959 Methodist University (now Alaska Pacific Mott and Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam (both MC) are University) opens in Anchorage.

13 1960 Methodist College (MC) opens in Fayetteville,North The Methodist Church of the Canbbean and the Carolina. Americas becomes autonomous. The Central Jurisdiction forms a Committee of Five to 1969 The Methodist Church of Cuba becomes autonomous. swdy ways of eIiminating the jurisdiction. The Methodist Church of Malaysia-Singapore becomes 1961 Tenth World Methodist Conference, , Norway autonomous. Virginia Wesleyan College (MC) is founded in Norfolk. The Methodist becomes autonomous. The United States breaks relations with Cuba. Missionaries are recalled and Cuban pastors follow. The Methodist Church of Chile becomes autonomous.

1962 The Methodist CImrch of Nigeria becomes autonomous. The Methodist Church of Argentina becomes autonomous. The Evangelical Methodist Church of Italy becomes autonomous. The Belgian Annual Conference becomes part of the Protestant Church of Belgium. 1963 The Methodist becomes autonomous. Twelfth World Methodist Conference, Denver, 1964 The Methodist Church of Upper Burma becomes Colorado. autonomous. CIEMAL, the Council of Bvangelical Methodist The Methodist Church of becomes Churches in Latin America, is organized. autonomous. 1971 Women's organizations in The United Methodist Church 1965 The Methodist Church of Lower Burma becomes merge to form United Methodist Women. autonomous. "The MovementW becomes a much-publicized The Methodist Omch in unites with two others element of religion in America. to form the United Church of Zambia. MARCHA, the Hispanic caucus, is formed. The Rio Grmle Conference (MC) begins administering its own funds. 1971 By joining the staff of the Board of Global Ministries, Homer Noley becomes the first Native American to 1966 Eleventh World Methodist Conference, London, serve on the staff of a general board or agency. England. 1972 General Conference ratifies the formation of United The MC Book of Worship is revised in anticipation of Methodist Women. The General Commission on the the coming MC I EUB merger. Status and Role of Women is also established and ftmded. Good News is organized as an unofficial conservative caucus within the MC. The Native American caucus is formed (now the Native American International Caucus). 1967 The Methodist Church of Sierra Leone becomes autonomous. Wilbur Wong Yan Choy becomes the first Asian- American bishop. Margaret Henrichsen ( Methodist Annual Conference) is the first American woman district General Conference passes legislation, the Enabling superintendent. Act, authorizing prospective autonomy for the church in Pueno Rico. opens near Honolulu, a joint venture of the Methodist, Presbyterian, and Episcopal The Oklahoma Indian Mission becomes the Oklahoma denominations. Indian Missionary Conference.

The last session of the Central Jurisdiction is held in 1974 The National Federation of Asian American United Nashville. Methodists is formed.

The Pueno Rico Annual Conference (MC) is organized. 1976 Ten women are elected as the first women clergy delegates to the United Methodist General Conference. 1968 The Methodist Church and the Evangelical United Brethren merge to form The United Methodist Church. Thineenth World Methodist Conference, , Ireland. Roy C. Nichols becomes the first African American to be elected bishop by a regional jurisdictional conference Mai Gray becomes the first African-American president in the new UMC. of the Women's Division of the Board of Global Ministries. Black Methodists for Church Renewal is organized. The General Commission on Religion and Race is The Oklahoma Indian Mission Conference granted formed. voting privileges at General Conference

The Methodist Church of Kenya becomes autonomous. 1980 Marjorie Matthews is the first woman to be elected bishop of The United Methodist Church.

14 1981 Fourteenth World Methodist Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii. 1983 Marjorie Suchoki (an Episcopalian) is selected as the first woman of a United Methodist seminary (Wesley Theological Seminary).

1984 Leontine T. C. Kelly becomes the first African American woman to be elected bishop.

FJfas G. Galvan becomes the first Hispanic to be elected bishop.

1986 Fifteenth World Methodist Conference, , Kenya.

1989 The United Methodist Hymnal is published.

1990 Fifty women serve The United Methodist Church as district superintendems.

1991 Sixteenth World Methodist Conference, Singapore

1992 The UMC Book of Worship is published.

Africa University in opens for classes. Sponsored by the UMC, it is the first private university in sub-Saharan Africa.

1996 Seventeenth World Methodist Conference, , Brazil.

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General Commission on Archives and History The United Methodist Churcn P.O. Box 127, Madison, NJ 07940 C>1996