Age Profile

0-4 5.7% 5-17 14.7% 18-64 34,074 59.3% 89.5% White British. population 65-84 17.9% 92.4% of residents were born in the UK 85+ 2.4%

2.5% Average li fe expec tancy increase in population since 2011

Home ownership levels are lower (68.3%) than the county (70.0%) 81.4 86.0 76.0 81.7

The recorded prevalence of The 5- year a verage ra te of The crude rate per 10,000 depression is population for emergency 7,921 per 100,000 admissions for injury (0-4 15.7% at Avonside population for year olds) is Health Centre, and eme rgency hospital admissions (all ages) is 136.7 12.3% at Chase higher than the Meadow Health county average of higher than the county average Centre, significantly 7,878 per 100,000 higher than the of 129.2 population England rate of 9.9%

The prevalence of Atrial Estimated smoking prevalence is better than the England Fibrillation is average at all five surgeries 3.1% at across the JSNA area Surgery and The prevalence of (England 16.7%) hypertension is 2.7% at Priory Medical Centre, 15.4% higher than the at Priory Medical Centre, England rate (2.0%) significantly higher than the England rate (14.0%)

The prevalence of cancer is Adult obesity rates vary from Persons screened for significantly higher cervical cancer within at Lapworth the target period is 4.8% than the England rate at Surgery to Avonside Health Centre, Priory significantly higher Medical Centre and Lapworth than the England rate at all 14.1% Surgery surgeries except Avonside Health at Avonside Health Centre Centre (England 10.1%)

Icons sourced from www.flaticon.com All children 52.7% within the JSNA are attending schools rated as "Good" or of Key Stage 4 pupils achieved "Outstanding" by OFSTED the expected standard in 70.8% Reading, Writing and Maths of Key Stage 2 pupils (county average 49.5%) achieved the expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths (county average 65.4%)

The rate of There were Priority Families is 1.8% 8.0 359 of adults referrals to the are social care per 1,000 population, service users in the MASH per 10,000 lower than the JSNA area population, below the rate (9.3) (Warwickshire 2.1%) county average of 405

There were Acco rding to Experian ’s socio-demographic 7 402 households classification tool, of the 21 LSOAs are in the claiming Universal Credit in Mosaic, least deprived 20% of LSOAs in May 2019, one of the lowest England. One is in the least of all JSNA areas 13.9% deprived 20-30% of households are classed as "Domestic Success" and 13.7% as "Prestige Positions"

In the LSOA of Packmores 7.9% West & The Cape, of pupils a re eligible for and claiming a 24.6% Free School Meal, much 42.2% lower than the county of children under 16 live in of residents have level 4 average (9.6%) low income families (county qualifications or above average 11.9%) (Warwickshire 28.8%)

In June 2019, mean house prices The ASB rate for Town ranged from Centre and Racecourse is £197,400 51.4 per 1,000 population in Wedgenock & Woodloes (Warwickshire 22.8) Mean concentration levels of West to Nitrogen Dioxide exceeded EU air quality standard £1,085,313 objectives at 2 sites in 2018 in Lapworth South, Bushwood, (12 sites in 2017) Lowsonford &

Icons sourced from www.flaticon.com